Lord Save Me

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[Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] not for your goodness and your mercy toward us we worship you we praise you we give you glory we thank you Lord that when we were yet and I sin you gave your life on Calvary's rugged tree and even if you hadn't done anything else that's enough for us to praise you florida cheetah hallelujah praise your name the Lord the day we ask that you would again just the knowing these lips of clay allow us to speak as an Oracle of Christ hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood allowing no flesh to glory in your sight and whatever you do Lord will take no credit but we give you all the honor the glory and the praise through Jesus Christ our Lord a man and a man give the Lord a handle freeze and you may be seated [Music] I want you to open your Bibles with me again those who are with us this morning at 7:45 communion then I say open it again if you are not with us then just open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 14 in mind there is a passage of scripture that we want to share with you today Jesus is my is my everywhere I go everywhere I be I know Oh everywhere I go everywhere oh gee oh yeah a man I don't I don't want to go into another thing in ministry but as I as I said here at temple of deliverance we appreciate modern-day gospel music but we don't ever want to lose the flavor of the old church amen [Music] because that's what brought us alone [Music] back in the day when I was the youngster growing up I don't want our young people to grow up without knowing it a man yeah all right without your Bible [Music] alright Matthew chapter 14 I want to begin reading with verse 22 and we'll read verses 22 through verse 33 and I want to again share with you from the Word of God if you have a say man Matthew chapter 14 beginning with verse 22 shall we read it aloud together and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not for it and Peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying Lord that saved me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto Him o thou of little faith wherefore did it thou doubt and when they were come into the ship the wind ceased then they that were in the ship came and worshiped him saying of a truth thou are the son of God and may the Lord add a blessing to the readers and hearers of his glorious word I certainly want you again to focus your attention upon verse 30 but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me lord save me and these three words are the words that we wish to pitch mental tents around today Lord that save me now recognize that there are many persons in the building that automatically would reject that phrase because you say that you made that cry many years ago when you were living in sin and you cried out for the Lord for salvation and he saved you and now you no longer have to have those three words in your vocabulary but the fact is that we are constantly involved in situations in which we need the salvation which is the deliverance of the Lord and no one but he can save us out of some situations that we find ourselves in somebody that's listening to me now you involved in a situation that involves your health and the doctors have already said that they've done all that they can do and now if healing or deliverance is to come if salvation is to come it must come from a power that is higher than those in the medical profession somebody is in the midst of a an economic situation and you don't understand yourself how it happened the word beginning to think seems to indicate that Peter did not just all of a sudden drop out of sight from a top of water to under the water but it was a gradual going down and somebody that's looking at me now you can remember when you had all of your bills paid and you able to buy some things a few luxuries still had money left over but now you're finding it just a little bit of a struggle to make ends meet and you are crying lord save me tried working harder try to even adding on a second job but it still is not saving you economically and somebody which they would preacher why would you even offer Jesus as the source of salvation from economic disaster simply because the Bible tells me that all things it doesn't matter what I need we used to sing it all that I need is in Jesus he satisfies joy he supplies life would be worthless without him what all things in Jesus fine even Paul says that in Philippians 4:19 a man you all know that one by heart don't you he tells us that my God shall supply and that little three-letter word a ll includes everything and excludes nothing my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory and I don't fully understand that either because I know when we talk about heaven we talk about a spiritual realm but yet we talk about a city a holy city of the New Jerusalem and even though we may be in alluding to a spiritual realm they tell me that that's some physical wealth that that the walls are made out of jasper and that the gates of made out of pearl and that the streets are paved with gold and so all of the riches of glory are at our disposal but the way that we tap into heaven's riches is through Christ Jesus and he told us in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things speaking of material things shall be added unto you so whether it be for the salvation of the soul salvation from an adverse situation we can cry out to him lord save me and you may have been saved 35 or 40 years but I'm sure you've seen some situations where you had to call again and tell them Lord that save me this is one of the beautiful stories in the Bible which speaks of the disciples of the Lord being caught in a storm I've often taken cognizance of the fact that Jesus's disciples were caught in a storm on the two separate circumstances in this particular circumstance he sent them to the other side he said I'm going to stay behind and send the multitude away but I want you to go to the other side now Matthew 8 and 25 and the mark 4 and 38 in Luke 8 and 24 they talked about the other storm where Jesus got in the boat with them but in both instances a storm arose that says something to mean that in the ship where Jesus was not a storm arose in the ship where Jesus was a storm arose this says to me that it does not matter whether you are a human being that has Jesus on board or human being that does not have Jesus on board you are going to encounter storms storms cannot be averted you just can't escape you cannot live life without getting caught in the storm preacher what is strong well the storm is literally a disturbance in the atmosphere the one thing that I've noticed being somewhat of a student of the weather is that you usually have your best weather when you are in a situation dominated by high pressure and the thing about high pressure is that the wind blows in a clockwise pattern around high pressure high pressure represents normal times you know everything is moving clockwise but look out when the Weber cabin is being dominated by low pressure that's when you get your storms because the wind rotates around low pressure in a counter clockwise manner and when your life runs into a storm it simply means instead of things doing normal now they're in reverse or you don't know what I'm saying and somebody that I'm looking at right now you are caught in a storm things seems like they're they're reversing on our than Luo Yin health have gone bad finance family relationship hallelujah situation on the job is in Reverse winds are blowing lightning is flashing fundus is rumbling hallelujah not only is it just rain falling and rain is always somewhat of a symbol of trouble but instead of rain you got hail stones falling trouble look like it in your life and you don't know what you're going to do you are caught in a storm and you thought the ship that you owned was pretty solid but now you take an old water Oh bless the name of Jesus and you got to have the same wisdom that visa had beginning to sing what I like about Peter you didn't wait until he went under but when he first saw the signs of deterioration had set in before it went too far he knew how to say Lord I need some help Oh bless the name of Jesus let me let me let me take just a few moments and go back to this story I talked to you last Sunday about Jesus feeding the hungry multitude with the two fish in the five barley loaves I think we basically took it from Mark but if you read the same story from Matthew it was immediately following the feeding of the 5,000 men not counting the women other children that Jesus said to his disciples I want you to get into the ship go to the other side I'll be on later but as they got into the ship and committed themselves to go to the other side Jesus went up into the mountain by himself to pray and that's one thing that you've got to understand that even our Lord and Savior though he himself was God incarnate in human flesh he kept in touch with the Father through prayer and they used to see him when I was a little boy if Jesus had to pray what about you and what about me you're not going to be able to make it through this life without having a time of Prayer Jesus went up into the mountain to pray and here they were going across to the other side but immediately after getting into the ship and committing to go to the other side they went into a stone a storm arose and don't think for a moment that even though the Lord has spoken prophetically through his word into your life it doesn't mean that you are not going to encounter contrary winds but you got to understand this if Jesus said that you are going to the other side the contrary winds can give you trouble but they can't stop you from your ultimate destiny if Jesus said that the end of your trip will be the other side let the wind blow let them howl like a jackal my god let the thunders roll let the rains beat against your ship of state but if Jesus said that God to the other side he knows that you're going to make it to the other side I sent somebody that's caught in the storm but you might need to tell the person on your right and left don't worry about the storm you're going to make it to the other side hallelujah you're gonna make it you got to make it because jesus said it and if the wind could stop you then the wind would be stronger than his word but I him said a heavens in the eye shall pass away but my word shall not pass away he said my word is told out and it will not return unto me void but it will do what it will accomplish the purpose way on to I helps in it and if the law told you you're gonna make it to the other side I don't know what the other side is for you but whatever the fulfillment of God's prophetic word concerning your life you go make it hallelujah you may feel ship really you may feel it rocking but your destination is the other side oh my god I don't want to get hung up here but but I just want you to tell somebody my destination is the other side hallelujah understand wind blew waters became tempestuous Jesus is in the mountain heaven a private prayer meeting and then here they are in the storm storm evidently started about sundown because it went through the first watch of the night and the first watch in the night was from 6 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. storm arose and here they are trying to make it no signs of Jesus anyway the first watch gave way to the second watch the second watch of the night was from 9 p.m. until midnight don't they'll try to tune me up ain't ready to go there yet from nine hallelujah until midnight the second watch and Jesus still didn't show up sometime look like when you get in your trouble and you think it's not gonna laugh but a few minutes but if that thing starts to stretch out you start wondering way is God why haven't you come to see about me my god then they come into the third watch of the night and the third watch of the night is from midnight until 3 a.m. the storm is yet wearing them out and no signs of Jesus anywhere where is Jesus he's up in the mountain and when I read this from all of the Gospels I get the impression that although he is in the mountain he is in a particular vantage point where he is able to look out over the sea and he understands that they are in a storm he's looking at him he's in the mountain they're in the storm and he's watching he haven't come to do anything but you can be assured that if he's watching it's not going to get so bad because he's got his eye on it I want you to know you may be in a storm and you wonder the way of God I wish you tell somebody he's in the mountain watching you yes he's watching your situation he's watching what's going on in your life but sign of is the third watch of the night gave away to the fourth and final watch the fourth watch was from 3:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. I used to his old folks ever blackest hour is just before dawn and sometimes you're trouble look like gets worse just before the Lord brings you out of it he seems the how about a pattern of bringing you out of that thing when it's at his worst point I look in the Bible and and so many times I see how he showed up to bless his people somebody said he's never late but I want you to know he seldom early as I stand before you today I'm talking to you the first Sunday in February and here you are pushing the panic button over something this don't happen the last Sunday in June let me tell you something no need looking for him in February if your crisis isn't until June because one thing about it he will wings until midnight Oh Saturday night when Yeol's zero hour is all that Sunday morning and before you know it all of a sudden he'll sweep through I know you you read and you watch all of these movies on television where the hero always arrives at the last minute well with man that's nothing but mythology but with God is true that right before the enemy is getting ready to wipe you out that's when the Lord steps in and lets say anything no you thought you were going to do this but I'm here to tell you this is my job and you can't do any more than I let you do hmm if somebody stopped putting the panic stop pushing the panic button the Lord is watching and he'll be there right at the moment when you need him let me scroll down just a minute sit down young in the fourth watch of the night when the waters were jumping in the ship they were worn out they had battled the elements all night but finally here comes you and the way came he didn't get another boat he didn't come up in another ship but he came up in a way that they did not expect here they are they felt when they've been fighting the way every once in a while they've been looking at the zig zag out of the lightning across the ethereal sky they've heard the moaning and the sudden crash of the Thunder and hear them they're afraid and what do they see our own the sea do you see what I'm looking at they thought it was a disembodied spirit they saw man [Applause] and they got scared you can see what you want you you already nervous and here you see something that does not happen what looks like a human figure walking on the wall and so many times when the Lord says is help they help that e-sens you instead of you rejoice and sometimes it scares you because you can't believe that your deliverance is coming the way that it comes how the new God can send somebody to help you and you scare them God can turn things around but because it doesn't come the way you expect you get nervous that upset but I want you to know that win it's your time to be delivered God's got away that you may not understand that's why you said just believe it while they are trying to determine what is the spirit I hear the Lord said be of good cheer don't be a prayer is nobody with me that sounds like Jesus looks like Jesus but Peter said I'm gonna try to stay out lots if it's really you I know you got all kind of power and if you got the power the water hold water you got the power to let me do it so if it's really you let me come to you on the walk and Jesus did something blessed be the name of the Lord he took his word and like a magic carpet he spread his word on the water and he simply said huh he just has to say a whole lot he didn't have to speak with one word I'm here to tell you if the waters of life seemed like a bath Oh overflow your ship of state the Lord doesn't have to slam on one word and he spoke the word and said come and with Peter step out of the ship he steps not all the way but he stepped on the word the word that's dead [Applause] and within word what is seeplanet all the word and his eyes half analgesic there was no way from a wave to swallow him up I'm here to tell you that we'll storm in your life but if you plant your feet on the world and picture on the way take are you guys I get somebody in here now people want to know how to make it you want making enough money to even do a down payment but God is sustaining you're in your house how did you make it when the man walked away and you had to raise the children by affair how did you make it when you didn't even finish I've seen but you've got a job that requires somebody with a college degree how did you make it fellas situation in your life and you should offense day at five years how did you make ah [Applause] you [Applause] I'll have to put this but tell somebody don't worry about Bhangra way if you put your feet on the wire go but something happened the Bible says when Peter saw the wind boisterous I don't know a 30 or 35 mile-per-hour wind will kick up the sea pretty good but he must have heard a 50 mile per hour gust that whistle dies in and he looked trying to see whether wind came from but when he looked at the wind he took his eye off Jesus the wind that usually mess us up is the wind of unbelieving talk that comes out of the critics mountain when listening after win of criticism he died on Jesus people may not understand what God is doing in your life but I dare you to check out Jesus trying to logically explain how you got way off and where you're going to the place you're on your way you I won't G when he saw the wind he took a vow of Jesus and I believe his foot slid off the word he couldn't concentrate on the word come when it took his house Jesus and the next thing you know he began to sing he didn't go on - all of a sudden but he knew that if this trend continue I'll be over my head and walk but when he felt the water moving above his ankle up toward him knee he said I'm not gonna wait to see the end result of this I don't like what I feel I don't like what I'm experiencing and as he began to sing he's been a long famous so how I messed up I'm walking but somehow I messed up come on in here you need to lift up your hand and just tell him long say me now what did Jesus do the Bible said immediately he reached out his hand he caught Peter he lifted him up he double going down but Jesus reached down lifted him up somebody in here you're going down but I see Jesus stretching in hand he want to lift you up and you need to lift your hand and their father I stretch my hand Aziz no other help I know I tried everything nothing else works look into you baby rescue me deliver me when economy they both stepped in the ship together and the Lord looked at see them you were walking all right what did you down do you know what doubt and unbelief will do to you you're living in a world that is designed to make you doubt you living in the world now when the superhighway brings everything right into your living room you're living in a world when radical Islamic fundamentalism has gone out of control hmm and men are blowing themselves up just to kill anybody that embraces some of the values we embrace hmm and the question is asked is there really a god if that were God why does he let this happen why do we let that happen your problem is you haven't read this book because everything that happened he already told us it would come to pass but I heard him said don't get upset for all of this in the beginning of sorrow keep on preaching for windless gospel of the kingdom shall have been preached in all the world when it's been preached on the thought continent of Africa when the witchdoctor shall have her about Jesus when everybody regardless of who they are and where they come from when they get through hearing about me I hear him say the end is coming and the same Jesus that went away that same Jesus is coming back again don't care what nobody said I'm waiting for the same Jesus that walked in Galilee Sanji let's hop inside with me where the fancy glory he's back and when he pops right in the sky he was barking and with the dead shall rise his name Oh Oh [Applause] yeah [Applause] I won't ever cylinders filled of you I want you to come from where we are come here now every simmer in this building you need to come down the nearest I'll tell them Spain me Lord haha [Applause] merci me Sheila come on and tell them Oh ah I need you mr. Hansen telling long me Oh yeah yeah yes yeah Oh see the papadum job they even say say they Lord say from the water the sand bay from throw the diction say from alcoholism they from gang banging and a life of crime say from distorted value homosexuality lesbianism say say say from crack say from meth and tyranny say from everything the devil has tried to drown your people with cholera sanim our museum if the name of C the flame is comedy Christina stocks receiveth you receiveth time right [Applause] hallelujah yes come on Frankenstein that's why I'll give it slide come on German spy here's why [Music] hallelujah [Music] Laurie listen you came to the altar you came telling them save men I want you to know that the Lord is saying now your sins are forgiven you washed in his blood began to give him thanks with everything it doesn't thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus my god by Jesus how many of y'all know that you had an encounter with the Lord how many of you know that he's touched to the day I mean you know it in your spirit later they try to make you doubt it but remember Jesus that don't doubt hallelujah thank you Jesus listen listen I want every one of you Elda Macklin I want you and pastor moody go down to the end and begin to shake hands with each one of them and I want every one of you especially you who are not a member of this church I want you to follow those elders they're going to give you some information and they're going to give you the opportunity to become a member of this church if you so desire if that's not your desire nobody's don't try to force you but you need to be in the church well the Word of God is being preached uncompromising hallelujah so I want you to begin to go and shake hands with elder Macklin evoluted and follow that direction hallelujah thank the Bible says beverage awesome in heaven over one sinner beverage and now with all of these those you offer beef salad you will be waving if you are and want to make this your church you can come down to your already fame but you want to join this church is praise God for the operative spirit for his word for the manifestation of his spirit thank God for our leader for the strength the Lord has given to him thank God for saving us thank you Jesus thank the Lord for what he's done here today thank you Lord thank you Jesus the call has been made you come to become a part of this church and we're about ready to go home I just simply want to give those of you who came in after Elder plumber had maybe appeal for the offering I want to give you an opportunity we've already asked the Lord to save us we've come to join the fellowship we've been enlightened by the word we've been delivered by the word and we're going forth with new anticipation we're not going to doubt we're not going to fear we're going on to the other side and we thank the Lord for his word Thank You season those of you who came after the offering elevate your hand so that the officers can serve you we must after we finish praising the Lord to be fervent in business amen the first of March we will be celebrating our church anniversary and of course we're placing our emphasis on that day but until then somebody say but until then our hearts will keep right on singing and until then with joy we're going to carry on and March the first Sunday in March we'll celebrate the 30 years of this ministry those of you who need the envelope to begin to pay on that three hundred dollars because you cannot do it at one time we encourage you to do it any time we're making an appeal for the offering because we want a hundred percent if possible amen and we know God can do anything you can make a way for us out of no way if we have the mind to give we're so excited now to the second mile given until I think that I would be remiss if I don't give you an opportunity to sow that seed many of you just keep it separate because you know at the end of the service you're going to be blessed do the second mile given we gave the third mile last week and God blessed anybody in here receive a blessing other than me I mean a financial blessing we sold you
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 122,078
Rating: 4.6726804 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: KM3Bg5ZxYww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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