Bishop G. E. & Louise Patterson Compilation

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somebody has a specific need a specific reason why you want that second touch you don't have to worry about what other folk are doing if you feel the need of that power from the second touch i want you from wherever you are hallelujah ladies if there's not somebody responsible back there watching your purse just bring it on up with you but i want you to come and tell him touch me lord jesus by hand of mercy thy my will forever oh farah give me one more time oh divine me take just a moment now when you tell him you tell him what you want him to do child of the south oh god you know what it is you know what i need i need a touch that'll take me back to the place where i first received it i need a touch that'll set me aflame i need a touch that'll give me that hunger that i once had for the house of god i need a touch where i won't sit up even in the church like i don't know what's going on hallelujah i'm not trying to please friends but you told me i was a lively stone i want you to touch me and reignite my spiritual life oh god touch me so i'll quit feeling sorry for myself things that happened in the past let me bury it in the past and let me have renewed strength and renewed energy to fast the life that's ahead of me touch me now touch me with your own hand if you touch me i'll be healed if you touch me i'll be delivered if you touch me i'll be filled if you touch me i'll be set free touch me forever glory to jesus glory to jesus glory to jesus god you touch me like the heart painted after the water broke saw planet my soul after the oh god my spirit is thirsty my spirit is hungry i've got to have another touch do it now lord do it now do it now do it now thank you jesus thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah oh glory bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name who set me on fire again touch me right now yes yes hallelujah come on and thank you jesus thank you jesus if about two of my elders could somehow squeeze your way to that platform hallelujah i don't want anybody to go to your seat until one of these elders touch you and it doesn't matter which one touch you they stand in the position of the lord it's his touch and when they touch you then you can go to your seat but go back praising god go back giving him the glory my god my god i need a touch from you now i need a touch from you now you've got to believe it that when the preacher touch you he's standing in the position that god is touching you and your sickness is going to disappear and your illness is gonna disappear and your gift is gonna be restored and your joy is gonna return touch me lord touch me touch me touch me hallelujah hallelujah oh receive his touch receive his touch receive his touch received receive cash let's see here oh so hallelujah received hallelujah oh oh all that is within me i need two of you elders to maybe go around that way and a picture of the balcony hallelujah come on oh so mama i'm hallelujah oh glory well come on and give him a hand of praise give him a hand of praise take a seat if you can now i just believe that out of the hundreds who are in here at least about 300 that really know he's touched you and i don't want nobody but those 300 that know he touched you to just leap to your feet and shout he touched me hallelujah oh my god hallelujah hallelujah oh whoa hallelujah lord praise the lord glory to god thank you lord all the joy i know god bless you take your seat if you can the door of the church is open does anybody here that doesn't know jesus as savior and you're ready to give him your life i want you to come now there's someone here that's already saved and you want to make this your church home the door is open this is your opportunity hallelujah i'm not going to beg just give you an opportunity if you want to be saved come if you want to make this your church home step into the nearest island come now thank you jesus glory to god god bless you young ladies hallelujah somebody else the door is open this is your opportunity if you're in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down he touched me and what joy that floods my soul oh something something happened and he touched me if there's still another one that needs to be saved backslider that want to be reclaimed come now god bless you young man hallelujah thank you jesus you're already saved and want to make this your church home get up and come now all the joy god bless you young lady that floods in my soul whoa something something wonderful happened and now i know he he touched me he made me you lord thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god god bless you young lady come on the door's open come on come on if you want to be saved come on backslider that want to be reclaimed come on you that want to make this your church home god bless you young man hallelujah let's feel my soul something something wonderful happened he made are those others coming the logit speaking if you're in the balcony get up go to the elevator push one come on down thank you hallelujah all the joy something wonderful happened and he then me hallelujah glory to jesus oh thank you jesus something hallelujah something wonderful happened praise god thank you listen i'm just going to shake hands with each one of you and you're going to follow superintendent singers god bless you young man i want you to just turn and go there the superintendent singers god bless you god bless you god all right god bless you praise god don't believe in god hallelujah come on and give god a hand to pray hallelujah just before i dismiss you i want everybody in this building to consecrate to the lord the small song somebody need to be delivered today i'm going to leave it right there three judges in chapter three open the hell ehud sham god they didn't have much but when they got in trouble spirit of the lord came on them and i want you to know i don't know what you're going through your enemy may not be the philistines your enemy may not be the moabites your enemy may not be the kingdom of mesopotamia but all i want you to know whatever your enemy is let the spirit of god come on you somebody said preacher i'm saved and i know i'm saved but there's a habit that keeps trying to come back let the spirit of the lord come on you and that habit will be destroyed forevermore don't you remember when paul was on a certain coast and a viper latched onto his hand what did paul do but shake it off in the fire i'm trying to tell you that the snakes the vipers the scorpions the devil's habits all of the devil's imps may be trying to latch onto you but i got news for you whatever it is you can shake it off in the fire let the holy ghost come on you shake it off in the fire shake up your habits shake off your diseases shake off your oppression the flames of the holy ghost are burning bright flames are leaping to the very top of this building whatever you need shake it off in the fire god is your deliverer god is your way out of no way god is your help in the time of trouble i dare you to praise him and shake it off in the fire hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm gonna quit i'm gonna leave it right there but i dare you to praise him for a minute when these judges got in trouble the bible said what happened the spirit of the lord came mightily upon them don't you want the spirit of the lord to come on you well i dare you to start praising him if you praise him the spirit will come down when the praises go up the glory comes down the blessings come down the anointing comes down hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know i'm trying to quit but you know i read in the bible one day in the third chapter of the acts of the apostles how they when peter and john went up together into the temple after our prayer being the ninth hour there was a man sitting there at the gate called beautiful the man couldn't walk he hadn't been able to walk but when peter looked at him told the man look on us look at me and my buddy john we don't have no money silver and gold have i none but i got something for you such as i have give i under thee in the name of jesus rise up and walk he extended his right hand and lifted him up and the bible said immediately when the man leaped up he received strength in his legs and in his ankle bones and the man that they'd been leaving outside the temple when he got delivered they saw him in the temple they said he wasn't doing but three things he was walking he was leaping and he was praising god i dare you to just turn to your right and take about three steps and then leap for the lord and shout glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah wait turn around take another three steps to the left walk leap and give god the praise hallelujah glory hallelujah wow lauren hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus oh thank you hallelujah hallelujah for it to jesus take your seat if you can thank you thank you thank you hallelujah i want every sinner in this building you lost in your sins and you know it but you want to give your life to jesus i want you to get up come down the nearest i'll come here right now condo before hallelujah god will save you if you're in the balcony get up go to the elevator push one come on down here now lost in your sins and you want to be saved get up step down the nearest eye hallelujah backsliders that have known the lord and you straight away come on back to jesus today hallelujah thank you son of man son of woman come the lord is calling you backslide of the lord is calling you oh thank you i'm waiting on you helen is waiting on you come on come on the lord is calling you somebody else that needs to be saved backslider come on god's been good to you he could have cut you down while you're out there in your sins he could have cut you down before you had an opportunity to come back to jesus hallelujah but god's been good to you why don't you come home to jesus now god bless you my brother hallelujah those in the balcony in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down the lord is calling you if you want to be saved come on backslider come on come on now another shot god break these shackles here god break the shackles and men and women why don't you wake up today hallelujah i'm gonna also ask those of you that's already saved and you know you're saved but you also know you're not in the church where god wants you to be the door of the church is open this is your opportunity to come and be a part of this fellowship here at temple of deliverance church of god in christ come on the lord is speaking to you if you're in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down if you want to be safe come back slide up come want to make this your church home come i'm waiting on three more people god bless you young lady i'm waiting on two more you know who you are hallelujah god bless you hallelujah somebody ought to praise it oh up god bless you my sister keep sending your praises up god will keep on sending the blessing down and the blessings and the blessings and the blessings hallelujah glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm just going to shake hands with each one of you and you're going to follow the worship coordinators god bless you my sister god bless you god bless you i want you all this all right beautiful just follow them right on god bless your heart follow me god bless you hallelujah glory to jesus god bless you hallelujah somebody ought to say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory do you feel this presence today thank you jesus thank you jesus here to say hosanna the king has come and all one by one the woman from the village of name was there with her boy that he had raised from the dead and the man who was demon possessed in the synagogue he was there and the one that they had broke the roof off and let him down on the bed he was there with his four friends and all over there were people crowding hosanna hosanna my king that comes in the name of the lord and here was a crowd already in jerusalem that didn't know who he was and they said who is this let me tell you that's what the world is asking who is this y'all always talking about this jesus here you get up before day to get to a 7 45 service and then they have the nerve to go back at 12 o'clock and come back on sunday night and come back on tuesday night and fast all day and i hear you talking in some kind of time who is this jesus the world doesn't know who he is but we ought to be able to tell him who he is hallelujah while they are looking for god while they are worshiping other so-called deities we know the real word of god jesus the word of god that was in creation that spoke planets into existence that word was made flesh and deposited into the womb of mary and hallelujah when it came out he began to just search the scripture and as a 12 year old boy he was growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man but all when he got 30 he went down and had john to baptize him from the baptism he went into the wilderness and was 40 days tempted of the devil but the bible said after the 40 days he returned in the power of the spirit into galilee and then the miracles began hallelujah the world want to know who is it but you and i ought to be able to tell him that he's the one that can make a new creature out of somebody who wasn't worth a dime he's the partner that can take a broken vessel and put it back together again he's the one that if you're hung up on crack and on cocaine he can drive out of your system and make somebody worthwhile out of you you don't know who he is let me tell y'all hallelujah when he climbed down off of the back of that donkey he went into the temple and ran out the folk that had their schemes and the blind and the lame came in and he conducted a healing revival my god they were getting ready to kill him but he said i still got time to heal these lost sheep of the house of israel mine y'all all worried about this temple talking about 40 some years that it was in building this was herod's temple and before that one that was the temple built during the time of zerubbabel and before that there was the temple built by solomon but jesus said you never saw anything like this happening in those temples and i'm not concerned about your brick and mortar temple what i'm concerned about is the temple of your body oh because your body is the temple of god that lives on the inside of you and i want you to know that i don't want that temple defile i don't want that temple diseased i don't want that temple unable to function you don't hear what i'm saying that's why jesus ended his life the way he had lived his life you never find one sick person that he didn't have time to heal you never find anybody that he said i could heal you but i choose to let you suffer but he healed everything that ever came down his street if they came blind he opened blinded eyes if they came deaf he opened up their ears if they came dumb and unable to speak he opened up their mouth if they came to god from on high paralyzed and called good god from on high somebody's sick with the paws there he limbered up their legs and told them take up your bed and walk it didn't matter what it was if they came one by one he healed them if they came in groups like the two blind men or the ten lepers he healed them if they brought the whole city like they did in caponium the sun was setting in the evening and they brought all the sick sickened town to his door and he healed everybody that came and he just wanted them to know before he left here that i've been healing ever since i came out of the wilderness and even though i'm going to the cross i'm not gonna stop healing in fact i want you to know that now don't zero in on herod's temple but zero in on the temple of my body i say to you that if you destroy this temple in three days i'll raise it up again and good god from on high he had already said in prophecy back in isaiah 53 that that temple of his body would be broken for you and for me surely he's born our grief carried our sorrow yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgression for our iniquity chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are what heal i'm here to tell you that you don't serve a god who doesn't want to heal you you don't serve a god that you got to beg him and beg him and make him change his mind because he said the thief came to steal he came to kill he came to destroy but i am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly anything that diminishes your life jesus said it came from the devil i don't want your wife diminished but i want your life in hands oh whatever your disease may be whatever your trouble may be i know a man anybody in here knowing i know a man i know a man that can heal our soul and body i know man that can heal all manner of disease if your body suffers pain your health you can't regain and if your soul is sinking in despair jesus knows the pains you feel he can save i know he can heal take them to the lord and leave them there i feel the healing in him now i hid in my spirit somebody said preacher i'm sick i need you to lay hands on me i need you to anoint me with all that i need you to come and minister to me and and i hear the lord saying to you like he said to the man sick of the palsy in that second chapter ma i don't care what it is it doesn't matter what you got as i've told you from time to time the lord said if you can have it i can heal it you can't have anything that he can't heal you ought to him in your spirit saying rise and be healed in the name of jesus let faith arise in your soul rise and be healed in the name of jesus he will make you every don't nobody have to touch you cold or not sat down by his sights can i hear somebody said by his stripes there's some sick folk in here i don't care i don't care how dishonest you get if you feel it happening in you go find you seven people and tell them i'm here you may still have the pain but tell the devil's in hell i'm healed whatever the doctor said hallelujah give him some praise give him some glory hallelujah oh oh hallelujah hallelujah what the man jesus started something when he healed him in the temple after he went on back to heaven peter and john they went to the temple in the third chapter of acts at the ninth hour three o'clock in the evening and the man at the beautiful gate he knew had no healing been going on in the temple so he stayed on the outside with a cup waiting for a handout but when peter and john walked up and saw him they said silver and gold i don't have none but i got something for you well what do you have i got a name that's above every name i got a name that makes devil's tremble i got a name that causes diseases to triumph by the rook i've got a name that cleanses the center and transformed him into a saint i got a name that holds all of the power in heaven that name is jesus in the name of jesus rise and praising god so receive it and thank him receive it and thank him receive it and thank him we're not gonna let that devil back in now let's make sure that we shut the spiritual door and don't let that devil back in he says if any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything join both hands with if there's a somebody party valve take that third one in hallelujah now lord we're closing up the cracks and we're not gonna let that devil back in we receive our healing for this day you have visited this temple pulled under the hood and you brought healing into our bodies into our minds and into our spirit and i'm just agreeing with my brother i agree with my sister that healing is our mistake and the devil will not get back in for we are here we are delivered and we are set free and we thank you for it now come on so so i am here by the wounds in in myself i am i am my savior's side i am healed i want to extend the invitation and open the door of the church take your seat if you can every sin in this building who doesn't know jesus and the pardoning of your sins i want you to step into the nearest isle and come here now if you're in the balcony go to the elevator push one and come on down god bless you my sister hallelujah if you're in the west wing get up step into the nearest hour how that is and come right on the lord's speaking to you thank you jesus god bless you my sister in my savior's side bless you my sister i am here bless you young lady every sin in this building you've never confessed jesus as your lord you need to come bless your sister let's use hallelujah if she's coming here let us step to the nearest aisle yes hallelujah somebody that's already given your life to jesus but you went back into your sins the lord's not angry with you you left him he didn't leave you all you got to do is return to him and he'll return to you then those that's already saved and want to make this your church home praise god god bless you young man the door of the church is open those who want to be saved come those of you who are already saved and want to make this your church come glory to god hallelujah oh thank you jesus come on the lord is speaking i'm healed by the world bless you young lady come on in in his i am that's right young man come on there are no less than four more of you that the lord speaking to why don't you obey him hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah that's right come on bless you my brother god bless you my sister thank you jesus heaven is waiting on you again i say if you're in the balcony get up go to the elevator push one come on down hallelujah i am my same inside thank the lord thank you lord thank you jesus i'm gonna wait another 20 seconds for four more people that god is dealing with and you know who you are all you got to do is get up and come now the anointing of god is upon you now the power of conviction is on you now and i'm talking to you procrastinators who always let the devil convince you to put it off to a more convenient time with the anointing of the holy ghost that's in this room now i'm going to tell you something the devil doesn't want you to know if you don't break a loose from him now you'll never break a loose right now god has given you the power to break a loose that's right young man come on there are three more of you that's right young lady come on that two more adults that he's talking to that's right my brother come on thank you that's right come on come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to jesus glory to jesus hallelujah hallelujah one of your missionary sisters step behind each one of these young ladies and put your hand on them one of you ministers one of you elders or ministers i want you to stand with one each one of these brothers and just lay your hand on them you're entering into a fellowship and the hands of these is god's way of telling you that you've come into the fellowship of holy brothers and sisters and every evil that is in your life we bind it by the power of the jesus christ and cast the power of the devil out by the power of the holy ghost oh glory to god be delivered be set free now receive now the precious gift of god forgiveness of sin the indwelling of god's word and the baptism in the holy ghost receive receive receive and begin to thank him now satan you got to turn them a loose they belong to jesus now hallelujah hallelujah the hallelujah don't like what's happening down here the devil don't like what's happened down here and none of my musicians may not even know this and and and most of the choir members forgot it but back in the years when sister myrna summers was with us that was a song they used to sing that said free indeed he whom the son set free is free indeed and that court said free indeed no longer bound by the chains of sin free indeed satan doesn't like it he wants you bound by alcohol he wants you bound by crack he wants you bound hallelujah by homosexuality he wants you just plain bound by sin he wants you bound by disease but can you wave your hand and said no longer bound by the chains of sin i'm free indeed so of his own tricks i i told you all i believe it was last sunday in the early service that in the 12th chapter of genesis and verse 3 when the lord promised abraham a threefold blessing a sevenfold blessing one of those blessing number six after in blessing number five he said i'll bless them that bless you and i'll curse him that curse you and i told y'all don't worry about forecasting me i don't worry about it i don't even try to fix my mouth because i let god do my cursing for me and let me tell you can't nobody curse like god i know we're saying if god say you're blessed you're blessed but if god say you're cursed you're cursed if god lifts you up you're up but if god puts you down you're down absalon ended up dying because he was really trying to kill his father and the next thing i know i run in the shimmy again and the same man that was kicking dust the same man who was throwing rocks when it was over when there was no more battle to fight when he recognized that absalon whom he thought was going to put down his father david that in reality it ended up that absalon had been put down himself that same shimmy eye he didn't have no more rocks he didn't have no more dust he didn't have no more ah my god didn't have no more dust to kick but then he's begging for his life king i'm sorry you got to understand that sometimes they'll throw dust at you sometimes they'll throw rocks at you but when the dusts settle whatever god said that's what it's going to be i don't know who i'm talking to this afternoon but somebody's had some rocks thrown at them somebody have been cursed on their job somebody's been cussed in their neighborhood somebody has been cursed by who seemed to have been their best friend and when they got through throwing rocks and when they got through cooking kicking dust after a while the rock is gonna settle on the ground after a while the cursed words are gonna disappear in the air after a while the dust will go into oblivion and when the dust settles everything that god said concerning you is going to come to pass i wish you tell somebody don't worry about the dust blowing don't worry about the rocks being thrown when the dust settles you gonna be where god said you'd be when the dust settled this passage popped in my spirit and i just got to read it and it may not even sound related but but i think i just got to read it to you anyway in romans chapter 16. i'm starting at verse 17. now i beseech you brethren mock them which cause division and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple for your obedience has come abroad unto all men i'm glad therefore on your behalf but yet i would have you wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil and the god of peace i'm in verse 20 and the god of peace shall bruise satan under your feet shortly i wish you tell somebody it won't be long what do you mean when i was a little boy i was always fascinated when i saw whirlwinds i i'd look and see my dad and i might be riding down the highway going fishing and driving down through wherever cotton fields were and you get to a dry dusty place and you see that dust bowl spinning and i'm wondering what in the world is going on it's the same power that makes the dust spin that in a larger form brings about the tornado and in a larger form brings about the hurricane a low pressure center where the wind is turning counterclockwise and the next thing the dust begins to spin i want you to know the same devil that's got the dust blowing in your life that same devil if you stop him you'll stop the dust and this is why paul said it won't be long that the one that's causing the dust you're going to brew them under your feet and when you crush him he won't be able to blow any more dust in your direction tell somebody don't worry about the dust but put the devil down where he belongs put him under your feet and the dust will soon settle i feel the dust settling now i see a fresh wind blowing there's some moisture in the air and the rain is going to settle the dust when the rain is over can i hear it'll settle it'll settle satan's send the rain send a fresh wind all the way from heaven i don't i don't want everybody to come but somebody got a dust storm in your life i got to tell you what the holy ghost said about three sundays ago this storm is just about over i don't know what storm it is but i got word from heaven's weather bureau and i heard him set this stone it's just about over does anybody believe it the storm is passing over you know a hurricane uh shall i reverse and say a tornado it's only called the tornado when it touches down as long as it stays outbourne it's only a funnel cloud some of y'all weren't about funnel clouds it helped me even touch down i got to tell you something it will not touch down i hear somebody else that will preacher no no no you're too late it touched down it tore up my house it messed up my job well let me tell you even when it touches down it's still got the you should lift somebody there's a listing going on come on give him praise oh preachers i need you all to help me hallelujah hallelujah huh oh yes oh come on oh praise him for the lifting thank him for the lifting thank you for the lifting thank you for the lifting thank you for the lifting the storm is passing over thank you thank you go back to your seats praise the lord go back to your seats praise of the lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's time to thank him it's time to thank him it's time to thank him thank him for undoing the lord thank him thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm being delivered now thank the lord thank you for my deliverance thank you for my deliverance thank you for my deliverance you're setting me free thank you thank you thank you who has heard the word today who is it today who is it today that you need to accept the lord as your savior and make a public declaration that i receive jesus today who is it today who will come and make a public declaration that i accept the lord is my savior today come now if you want to become a member of this church come now he's here he's here he's here he's here the lord is here the anointing is here the glory of god is in the room the glory of god is in the room the presence of the lord is here the ability of god is here open your mouth zion and just thank the lord open your mouth and thank the lord open your mouth and thank the lord thank the lord thank god for our leader thank the lord thank the lord thank the lord keep on thanking the lord while i'm thanking him he's healing me i've been sick all weekend but he's hearing me thank the lord the lord i feel the strength of god thank you thank you and the tech of the devil all weekend but i feel my strength coming i feel my voice coming back and i thank the lord i thank the lord he's still a healer he's still a deliverer and i thank the lord i i thank the lord we thank you all for all of these men that are coming you said that you're gonna send them in you told us you're gonna send them in and you're bringing them in and we thank the lord thank god for my sister but i thank god i thank god i thank god i thank god i thank god because the word says the word says that they'll follow him a band of men whose hearts the lord had touched god is calling me and her to step up to the plate in this church god is calling me and forth to come forth and hold our arms up of our leader you just gonna stand up and raise his hand and we're going to have his arms lifted up and the glory of the god's going to be moving in this house but it's got to come in through the manner and we thank the lord somebody help me thank him thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we women stepping up to the plate huh just holding it to you me and come to your rightful place we just stepping up to the plate huh just gotta use anybody that's a willing vessel but god's calling for the head of god's calling for the head of god's calling for the head they'll follow him abandon men a band of men whose heart the lord had touched him and we thank you for these men that have come this morning thank you you've come to join the church thank you you've come to join the church thank you you come to join the church thank you it's a moment in here want to join don't be intimidated by your wife if you know the lord's telling you to come over here get up now and come on down here come on down here don't let your wife keep you back if god has called you to come here get up and come my god i thank you get some more men visiting here today god calling you on the day shabbat i know what hey glory thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you if she wanna come bring her with you but if she doesn't want to come leave in the seat and come on here huh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord somebody give god glory somebody get god glory thank you thank you my god thank you bishop we're going to send out a macklin immaculate you coming our pastors coming to give you the right hand of fellowship somebody else want to come come on thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus you shall live and not die just repeat that last line oh yes tell somebody you should live and um one more time you shall live and not die hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah before you sit down just tell three people live live live lord of god glory glory glory lord of god hallelujah mama oh hallelujah what does paul said in romans 8 there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of life god has done what the law of life in christ jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death that that's they're the spirit of life in here and since and since there's a spirit of life i wish you tell somebody in the name of jesus i command you to be healed be delivered and be set free oh if you can so to jesus hallelujah so oh oh so so and they brought all the sick folk in town brought him to his door and that day he healed in mass you got to understand it doesn't matter whether you come one by one two by two ten at a time a whole multitude when his presence is in the room you can receive whatever you need he delights in healing his people he's not glorified in your death the psalmist said precious in the sight of god of the death of his saint now that word precious means it's something very valuable it's something god doesn't take light it doesn't mean it's something that god is wanting to happen hallelujah so it's a precious moment that even heaven angels tear up but when people of god are delivered this is what god is looking for this is what he's glorified in satan comes he's the great thief steal killed destroyed but jesus said when i show up i come that you might have life that you might have him more permanently and i'm still saying that he doesn't want you to die i don't care what it is it can be high blood pressure low blood pressure heart murmur tumors on the brain it can be a female condition a male condition it does not matter cancer in the last stage whatever it is if you can believe you can see the glory of god if you can believe you can experience a miracle right here right now if you can believe satan will have to take his jump right back to the pit of hell where it came from if you can believe what does he want you to believe isaiah 53 said he was wounded for our transgression so he did die for our sins but he was bruised for our iniquities but the chastisement of our peace when they whipped him it was really you and me that should have been getting a whipping christian of our peace was upon him and with his stripes with his strikes what are you talking about with his stripes the night before they crucified him they beat his back somebody said if he was beaten after the method of the jews 39 lashes were put on his back but if he was beaten according to the custom of the romans he was just whipped with a catalan tails with little pieces of metal that when they hit his back and pulled it away that those little humps of metal would pull flesh from his bone but he was beaten his back was beaten in order to heal your backache you don't hear what i'm saying they took a crown of thorns somebody said that was 72. thorns that were planted and a crown was put on his head anything that's happening in your head my god it may be your trouble it may be our trouble it may be nose trouble it may be a tumor on the brain but they put a crown on his head to heal your headaches you don't hear what i'm saying they nailed his hand that whatever is happening from the torso to the tips of your finger may be healed they nailed his feet your swelling ankles bunions all kind of stuff in the feet all up to the knees down to the ankle all the way up to the torso whatever is going on he was nailed to the cross in order that you may be healed they took a spear and put it in his side and drove it up to his heart that anything that's happening in the torso it does not matter if it's stomach condition kidney complaint never complain anything that's happening in your body he was for our transgression bruised for our iniquity and by his strife i wish you'd set by his stripes burn his stripes i am here oh glory hallelujah my hallelujah is healed mind is healed my spirit is healed my emotions are healed i wish you tell somebody i'm here through and through i dare you to start praising him for your healing i dare you to start praising him for your healing maybe you need to just get out of where you are and walk around and tell a few people i'm healed and god wants it so with you take it take it god's giving it to you take it so forward hallelujah we'll sit down if you can so so so wow jesus lifted me and if he lifted you let us know it jesus lifted me i'm so glad jesus lifted me singing glory hallelujah jesus lifted me oh satan had me bound but jesus lifted jesus lifted me sing in glory hallelujah jesus lifted me hallelujah hallelujah glory to god we need you he lifts you high above your circumstances high above any hindrance because he's our god and he undergirds us with his mercy and with his help we can call on him he's a very present help hallelujah in the time of trouble and i heard him say to me lou i am with you always hallelujah even until the ends of the earth now i made that person up to me now you can call your name but to me that scripture says lou louise i am with you always even until the ends of the earth god promised us that he said i'd be with you in your six and in your seventh trial i knew what you were gonna go through for you got that about you out before you knew you were delivered hallelujah glory be to god and i love him now and i praise him he's been mighty good to me save me when i was on my way to hell in style amen i wasn't ragged wasn't down and out but there was an emptiness in my heart something was missing glory to god god built this house and he left a room for himself i didn't know about that room until i walked in to hold the temple church of god in christ and found out what would fill my house hallelujah and the spirit of god filled my house taught me how to live hallelujah in this present world taught me how to walk right taught me how to talk right hands that stole if they stole don't steal no more put a do-right spirit down in me you don't have to watch me i'm saved everywhere i go hallelujah praise the name of jesus every time you see me i'm saved glory to come and i praise god i couldn't keep myself amen thought i was cute other folk thought so too amen but it doesn't matter what you have you don't have nothing if you don't have jesus glory to god you don't have nothing if you don't have jesus he's my everything i trust him for everything i love him with my heart bless the name of god glory to god not just feel like praising god but y'all help me praise him hallelujah for your mercy but your goodness for your great love sean for your word for this place for your people glory to god i praise you for being god all by yourself praise god you're lifting me up hi amen and i thank you for every blessing for every pain for every ear words folks hallelujah i thank you lord that's the name of jesus now you all might be seated that might be the best thing y'all gonna give it a show didn't make me feel good hallelujah hallelujah i feel good saying glory to god but you know it's not enough for me to be saved when i know there are some people in the house that are not saved and it is my prayer today that i will say something that would bring somebody to this altar crying what must i do to be saved that's what it's all about we get good preaching here all the time i think my husband my dad and my love are my pastor hey my lord my boyfriend amen i think he's the greatest preacher in the whole wide world bishop g patterson praise god praise god i love him because he's real real good to me amen he goes beyond being good amen and i love him for it he's always been like that even when my allowance was 50 a week he was good a lot more than that now so he's real real good the scripture tells us to train them up in the way that they should go but we don't train our children and that's evident when they come here and their actions portray the fact that they have not been trained amen it's left up to you women we have a great part in the work of the lord a very great part to play man we have something to say women the men have something to say we are living in a time when the enemy has put that split between men and women because the women are so heady they don't want to hear and the women are so independent that they don't want to hear but that was not the way god planned it he planned for us to work together as a unit and when the enemy comes in and split us up then he's the one that's victor i did not write the book where it says wives submit yourselves i didn't write that but what's wrong with submission it just means you just giving from your will from some of the things that you want to do what's wrong with that if that promotes peace and harmony in your house what is wrong with that if god says submit then we submit that's why your children are unruly they see households with two heads a two-headed household is not a household that has is its reign jesus christ i have a problem with saints having to divorce if you have nothing in common and both of you call yourself saints you have jesus christ in common you should be able to come to grips with whatever your differences are because brokenness trickles down when your unit is broken then the children are broken and then their children are broken it's a syndrome that god is not pleased with it's a syndrome that god is not pleased with and the thing that i love about the word of god if you get into his book he has situations that you can identify with most women the greatest thing that they could give their husband is a baby most women but we have examples in scripture of women who found themselves grievous in spirit because they had not given children to their husband being a woman myself with no children i know how that feels you feels like you've shortchanged your partner it's not anything that he may say i do but it's some way or other that you feel like you've let him down but in scripture god gives us to know that children are heritage they come from god he gives life and in the scripture there are so many women one that i'm really reminded of that i think touched the heart of many women and that was the shunamite woman who simply just was good to the prophet not like the samaritan woman but i was unclean many of you might not be like the samaritan woman but unless you have accepted christ and his way of life you are unclean you're not ready you're not prepared you might not lie you might not steal or do any other things but if you have not accepted christ as your savior you won't be there amen you will not be there what did this woman do she was so excited just like you were when you first got saved you know how you were you went to tell everybody what had happened to me i know i went to work i worked in an office and i went and i told him i said guess what i'm saved and you know i was a great witness because the office where i worked in i was the life of that office i'd go in every monday morning and tell them what a good time i'd had all the week hey man i tell them what kind of dress i had or whatever without just sassy just says but when i got saved they thought it was just going to last one day because hey when i got saved i got real saved amen i used to i would go to work walk to work and i mean every car on that street would stop because i'd be looking good i'd be looking good after i got saved honey you talk about cleaning up i took off everything i was going i was wondering you know why i guess my posture was different because i wasn't getting that same response but that's how it's supposed to be amen if any man be in christ he's a new creature all things are passed away and the whole all things are become new and i just like to feel like that holiness was just beaming out and i went to the office bill and we were talking about the holy ghost i said well i'll tell you about it if i don't get it it ain't nothing to it that wasn't that foolish wasn't that foolish and i had everybody in the office waiting for me to get the holy ghost bishop had a 30-day revival i was there every night seeking for the holy ghost i didn't know much about the holy ghost coming from a methodist church but i knew how i wanted to get it i wanted to have on if i had on a red skirt i'd have to have on a red slip because they always got in the floor and i wanted my stuff to be looking good amen had long fingernails and i went to the church and bishop has always been a man full of wisdom he said you go get somebody whose spirit is kindred to yours to pray with you i feel bad because we're not trying to get the holy ghost for children and back then if you didn't get the holy ghost an adult they said you were saying it that was the reason you didn't get it but i tell you i prayed and i tear it and i tear it but god knows you sister god knows you brother he knew what it would take for me at the end of a 30-day revival the very last night i still hadn't received him the devil didn't want to let me go because he knew once i got the holy ghost i would have that power that would keep me that power to talk about god never will forget it as long as i live bishop looked like he had preached so hard and he sat in his seat sister sitting behind me the lord was healing her and she was simply saying thank you jesus thank you jesus your seed pardon is contagious saint when she said thank you jesus i said thank you jesus thank you jesus and the more i began to thank him my hands went up thank you jesus thank you jesus and it was as if there was a a stained glass window in holy temple's window it was if that when i lifted my arms all the way up that's why we tell you to surrender that the lord himself hallelujah hallelujah the lord himself just reached down and before you know it i spoke in tongues everybody in the church knew i spoke in tongues the lord took me to a place i've never experienced it before but it was like i went somewhere i didn't know where i was i could see what was going on i knew the people were around me but i was not mindful of them and when i got up on i had the holy ghost bishop came over and said sister daddy what happened to you i let him know i had the holy ghost now this this is going to help somebody bishop and i we were going to lunch at that time everyday and ever since i've known bishop he has been a man of god but i had got so deep bishop said i wasn't talking to him what he just died or something wrong i was just in the deepness you know if you don't watch yourself you'll get you'll get carried off into something crazy you know what i'm saying i had got it and i was just so holy until it wasn't real so whole i couldn't help nobody else amen but guess what happened after i received the holy ghost i didn't know that bishop had said to mother wall motherboard raise your hand told mother wall right there that he had me in mind to marry but he wanted me to be saved on his ministry i had gotten saved on his men i didn't know all this now and that he wanted me to be baptized on his ministry i didn't know that either and to receive the holy ghost before he asked me to marry him now don't you know the devil would have used me had i known that out of blah blah blah blah long before i didn't let it rip but i went back what am i saying to you ladies ouch first i'ma say ouch said if you can't say any man say ouch so i say ouch before i say this this woman cooked up some good meals and i believe that that's where we kind of got this same way to a man's heart is to his stomach and i say to you women there is still power in the pot there is still power in the pot amen you can be ever so amorous and so whatever so loving and whatever with your husband and after you've been amorous if you had a good meal he'll say honey where's that chicken wear them chitlins wear them greens he's not going to be so concerned with anything other than that good meal that you fixed i'm saying something to you some of the always that we've forsaken is the reason that we don't have our homes intact i know it doesn't sound good because i eat out every day myself but my husband likes a whole lot of different kinds of foods so we in a whole lot of different places well you just got to know your own man that's the way that go but i'm saying if you want to make home home you need to have it where you sit down to gather and eat dinner you shouldn't have to eat in ships amen you sit down with your family and let them see that family environment glory to glory to your name your name is your name is touch me jesus touch me jesus let him touch you touch me glory glory glory hallelujah loves you god loves you bless the name of jesus oh bless you flesh your name lord bless your name bless your name that's he's waiting for you we have the time jesus is calling senator please don't let this harvest pass glory to jesus don't let this harvest pass come to jesus now come to jesus now i know you're here and i know some of you might be ashamed but then when the day comes and you have to stand before the lord you got to stand for yourself so you're just going to have to be bold ask the lord to give you holy voters and come now come now in the name of jesus come to jesus come to jesus christ not the lord but to break the sky and come right now are you ready can you say i'm ready can you say i got my house and ordered my things are fixed are you ready for his coming you don't know the minute or the hour when he comes so it behooves you to be ready amen there's there's no place for little saints in hell it's just hell whether you're young or old you have to make your decision on today whom you will serve won't you serve god he'll do you good he'll be your everything he'll take you through your every trouble and trial young folk i know it's hard but with god you can make it he's there to help you praise the name of jesus won't you come my brother bless the name of jesus won't you come glory to god saints help me praise jesus help me lift jesus glory to god we thank you lord we thank you for these souls glory to god we thank you now for these souls hallelujah heaven is happy now bless the name of jesus won't you come is there another one won't you come this time we're going to have our pastor come give you the right hand of fellowship and then you may go with the worship coordinator thank you jesus let me say while these are standing here we've heard a very powerful message today and i praise god for these souls who have come and yet i sense in my spirit that there are at least 12 more persons whom the lord has touched it's a different day it's women's day it's not the general routine and somehow the enemy is trying to cloud your mind and say i'll wait till next sunday or for a more convenient time but all that you have is right now next sunday is really not guaranteed to you and while you're right now under conviction for the salvation of your soul in your backslidden condition knowing that you need to return to the lord and even you who are saved and you know this is where god wants you to be i want the other 12 of you to get up right now don't don't wait get up now have the courage to get up now and make your way down the nearest aisle the lord is speaking to you and you know who you are come on hallelujah that's right my sister come on come give him praise hallelujah come on don't don't wait on anybody else get up get up bless you my sister hallelujah and yet there are ten more come on my sister bless you bless you nine more of you come on hallelujah here eight more seven more six more five more three two one and here they are somebody ought to give dogs hallelujah we bless your name jesus we bless your name oh we bless your name we bless your name come on and give him praise come on and give him glory hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah somebody ought to give god breathe in here now thank you lord hallelujah yes thank you hallelujah oh my soul magnifier bless the name of jesus even now you who are here on the altar i'm gonna send you with the superintendent singers but as i see the tears flowing lift your hands in surrenderance to god and just tell the lord yes lord i'm ready to surrender my life i put myself on the altar before you i'm surrendering to you right now come on open your mouth and tell him lord i'm surrendering to you right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's right go ahead on it praise him he's giving you power against every sin you've committed right now a new life is beginning in you right now glory to jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah delight in your jesus bless your name bless your name all saints come on and praise it catch a hope to the praise come on and lift them up lift up those praises lift them up he'll touch you while you're praising him hallelujah he'll break your shackles while you're praising him he'll heal you while you're praising him he'll deliver you while you're praising him yes thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to jesus oh my soul delight in you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord yeah yeah yeah i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you lord thank you lord yes yes yes yes yes i thank you lord come on and bring it out yes thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you for your word thank you for your touch thank you for mine the little fire thank you hey hey hey he'll see you while you're thinking he'll baptize you in the holy ghost while you're giving him praise thank you he'll heal your body while you're thinking he'll deliver you while you're pranking him bless your name your name bless your name bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord thank you now hallelujah i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you for right now you've delivered the habit is rebuked in the name of jesus the sin is rebuked and they are new creatures in christ right now where they stand thank you listen soul i guess pained by people who cannot forgive themselves god has forgiven you and the enemy will continue to have you with a snare around your neck remembering the things that you used to do remember them for a moment just long enough to give god glory for pulling you out of remember them just that briefly and from then on allow your steps to be ordered by the lord and he can do just that now i will admit many of us have made mistakes since we've been in here but the one thing about mistakes when you go to god say god i'm sorry you got to know where your help is and when you know where your help is go to that place and bow homily before god with a repenting spirit and he will lift you up god is the lifter of our head it's not his way of us to be loaded by he wants us to show forth his praises i'm concerned about the church people about saints the scripture said in the last day to be a great fallen away and that's what's happening people who've been saved a long time because folk that they looked at and thought had it didn't have it and they have fallen away but god wants you to stand firm on your most holy faith he wants you to know what you have and exercise the power that comes through nothing but the holy ghost marriages breaking up in the church marriage is 20 and 30 years people have been together can't stay if you don't pray you can't stay what in the world are you going to do you've been married to somebody for 30 years where in the world are you going with your old self tell me she's too old you know we've sacrificed and now you know all the time we go to seminars and they always telling women how to treat men i think it's high time to men that we women let the men know how we want to be treated and you know brothers we listen attentively because we want to please you we want to do it right but we want we want our propers too do you know why we expect so much from you we expect so much from you men because you are made in the image of god he created you in his image and then took from you and made me that's why you all love me i come from you when you hurt me you hurt you so many women have made sacrifices stay it at home and raise your babies dead without while you go to school and then you come out and all of a sudden you've outgrown me i beg to differ with you i just waited on you praise god i beg to differ with you i expect so much from you because god gave you mandates for me brother he told you to take care of me he told me to submit myself and i will submit i will submit i will stay at home if you get a job i do not want to work i don't want to work i love you i'm boned with your bone and flesh of your flesh amen you want to go somewhere else and leave me by myself amen your bell ain't on the bell ringing my bell is ringing too i just choose dr acid i want you to consider your ways men i should not have a problem if i got a sanctified husband amen i came over here to get a sanctified man a clean man one who would love his own wife now true there's some bad women but women don't hardly do cut up as bad as me and i don't know how wide it is i don't know but it's something that seems to be just this happens but what i'm saying is brother whatever it is we are willing to reconcile don't push us to the side when i come in at night after you come here and i try to fix myself up you know just try a little tenderness i might have some little here and a little bit you know i might be a has been but i sure ain't i never was but me and i went before the lord and i said to him i had been stricken so severely with rheumatoid arthritis and had been told that i would not walk after five years and i went before the lord and i tell you god is as real to you as you will let him be i will i cannot forget it and and you all can go back and play the tape over and over i shall tell it the same way because i never forget how it happened but i had uh manicures to come over and the night prior to that i'd been singing a song god put a rainbow in the sky when it looked like the sun wasn't gonna shine anymore god put a rainbow in the sky seemed like that song ministered to me when i was so very sick the very next day when the manicures got to my house on my cabinets there was a rainbow and she said to me she said looks a slew there's a rainbow god has a way of letting you know that he is with you no matter what goes on that rainbow gave me the kind of hope to hold on to the altar to hold on to my faith to hold on to what the word of god had said and from that moment on my strength was renewed i got on my knees and prayed and while i was praying the lord spoke to me and said this to me and i say this to encourage some of you who may be going through some things the lord said to me he let me know that he was listening all the time he says but it's just like when you're on the phone talking the phone rings and you put the other person on hold but when god has you on hold don't hang up i will never forget that as long as i live because the enemy as cunning as he is allowed my sickness to befall me to nullify the ministry that comes from this place you've got to know the works of the enemy my husband taught faith now how would i have looked like walking in here on a cane that would have given the enemy too much glory god got glory out of the sickness because i can stand before you and tell you that god is a healer god can do anything but fail you have to know who god is i don't care what it is and i don't care how long you had it if the devil said you got to die with it you look him in the face and said devil you are a liar and the father of lies the word of god says that i am the lord thy god that healeth thee he said it then he meant it then and he mean it now he says that no good thing no good thing will i withhold from you saints we've got to think on the promises and the things that god has promised for us if we don't we're going to fall it's those things that make us stand steadfast steadfast in the hope that's in christ jesus it doesn't matter how long you've been in here amen a skinny tree a stand sometime longer than a fat tree i learned that some years ago we were living right over there in the process and the storm came and this gray big tree plunked fell down soon as the big wind came through little skinny tree stood up and it reeled and it rocked and it went and it stood and it stood so it doesn't matter how long you've been in here the promises are just as much mine if i just got in here yesterday as it is yours and you've been here for 20 or 30 years you've got to know what you have in christ say amen men a lot of your churches i heard that the women preached out so we have played a great part in the body of christ amen we are challenged with things that god gives us to do we will go to school if we say that we are called to preach we'll learn how to preach and i'll do some of the men preaching and then when i come to church you tell me i can't preach it's the truth i can't teach women tend to excel in whatever they do women are builders we make things grow we build character we are teachers the first prayer that you heard now i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord my soul to keep if i should die before i wake i pray the lord my soul to take some woman taught you that prayer preacher we were money managers way before soos and allman we were homemakers and chefs way before emeril and martha stewart we've always been dr mom's you take it to mom she'll kiss it and make it better we have in some cases been asked to do the impossible you remember when the shunamite woman's son died out there in the field with his daddy what did daddy do take that boy to mama take him to mama take him to mama praise god and what did mama do mama's got a plan my dear always has a plan my dear got on her animal and it seemed like she was determined when she left her words were positive it is well it shall be well and somewhere between where she started off and where she was going she must have had a little talk with jesus because when she got to the prophet elijah medgar hazel he want to know how is everything going mama said it is well amen she counted it all done before it was done that's a woman full of faith full of courage and full of power she had a plan and a plan worked as a result her son's life was saved now sister i'm going to talk to you a little while pastor's wives my sisters my dear sisters and men of god some of us feel like job's wives all we know about job is they say she was a foolish woman job told her she talked like a foolish woman but what i don't understand about that whole scenario you don't hear nothing she doesn't even have a name bishop just job's wife job's children jobs this and jobs that but i've come to tell you tonight women you have a name you have a name women you are virtuous the virtuous women of god and god have placed you strategically where you are to do what you do they don't have to give you no title they don't have to give you no title call your administrative assistant don't have to call me co-pastor but i've been co-passing long as he been pastored yes i have yes amen i've been co-passing long as he been past him amen anything go wrong if you can't get to him let me get to sister blake let me get to sister owens let me get the sister white we've been cold pastors all the time y'all just didn't know what to tell us you go into our churches and we run into situations just as those are in the world woman lived with a man 32 years 40 years 50 years and he tells you he's outgrown you he's outgrown you and you helped him when when he didn't have get no money when he got where he went we are known for following when the destination is not clear you said the lord sent you there but when we got there the covers were there now that you are fruitful you have the gall to tell me i'm too old for you and i'm too fat for you i bore your children amen help you build and i so often say you think you got the only bell that's ringing and i just love to say this you don't have the only bell that's ringing my bell is ringing too i just choose not to answer yes yes praise god praise god praise god praise god a lot of things going on in the church and the members are looking the other way acting like they don't see what's going on yes you are to respect your leader and follow leadership but when that leader stops following god you need to get you another leader we have men marrying younger women in the church and tossing us aside and the members sit back and do nothing shame on you sanctified woman holy ghost field deacon it's all right to have camaraderie with your sex men and men and women and women sticking together but let every man be a liar and god's word be true two women and men of god put closure to brokenness we've got to cut our losses yes it hurt it hurt but i'm over it we cannot allow the thorns of life to make us barren and unfruitful where we are impotent clouds without water salt is not salty you cannot walk in victory and talk defeat if you did it admit it i did it it's over god forgave me i've forgiven myself and that i will not let my yesterdays destroy my tomorrows i will not let my yesterdays destroy my tomorrows told you all that i had it what kind of surprise a fantastic surprise for you i'm not going to read the entire letter but the letter comes from the smithsonian institute national museum of american african-american history and culture if you visit the smithsonian institute you will find the bishop g e patterson now praise god praise god praise god as the bishop g e patterson does the benediction oh thank you jesus that talks my standing on your feet and grace my fears relieved oh thank you jesus i pray just the hour i first believed hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord god as we go from this place you go with us rebuke the accidents the mug of the murderer of the rapist the thief the assassin the forces of evil on every side thank you lord lord thank you lord you said in your word the angel of the lord encountered round about them that feareth the lord and as the mountains around about jerusalem so the lord is round about them that fear him rebuke death tonight rebuke death rebuke the hand of death bind the enemy on every side and let your people have peace and let your people have victory yeah lord don't let us find our good spoiled by fire no our premise is entered by any intruder but all night let your angel watch over us while we sleep lord yeah stay by our side don't leave us alone yeah lord we want to keep on praising you we want to keep on giving you the glory we want to keep on shouting hallelujah go in peace
Channel: Jamar A. Boyd II
Views: 1,219,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop (Religious Leadership Title), Religion (TV Genre), Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson, Louise Patterson, COGIC, Bountiful Blessings (TV Program), Gilbert E. Patterson (Musical Artist), Temple Of Deliverance Church Of God In Christ (Structure), Gospel, Memphis (City/Town/Village)
Id: 1Xt3SM_Gt3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 6sec (10266 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2015
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