G.E. Patterson Hope In the Lord

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[Music] oh Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh jesus lord of gold o Lord alone I've gone do this hi and I've been through the flower I've been broken to me from above [Music] alakay [Music] [Applause] yeah oh cheese bacon cheese yeah back it seems yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] from above [Applause] [Music] but more [Music] [Music] kids walk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that uh for it do you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] because he brought me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] place [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another one again we want to thank you for the privilege standing before your people to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ we pray that you would have northey's lips of clay allow us to speak as an Oracle of Christ and not just as a man hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood and allow no flesh to glory in your sight let your people who have come today even as those who heard our Lord speak and they did eat of the fishes and the loaves and the testimony is they did all eat and were filled let your people be filled today we'll give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor in the matchless name of Jesus Christ we ask a man and a man give the Lord I had the pray that you may be seated on this morning at the eight o'clock hour [Music] shared the with the Lord's people from the Book of Lamentations and I would like for you to return to the Book of Lamentations with us we might share from the Lord's word lamentations is that book that seems to just be a footnote to the book of the Prophet Jeremiah and I want you to turn there and allow your Bibles to remain open so much of what we will say as I stand briefly before you today will be read directly out of the scriptures if you have the Book of Lamentations say man turn to chapter 3 I told you all that is something about it the Bible says out of the mouths of babes if thou perfected praise and it's something about it when you open the Bible the babies get ready I mean they just know something good it's coming and that's why you start to hear almost every time the preacher preaches you start hearing the babies crying it's like it's like they know oh my god I'm fixing to get something good out of God a man lamentations chapter three let's read from verses 21 through 25 let's read it together come on this I recall to my mind therefore have I hope now notice the word because of what I can recollect mentally I have hope read on it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his Compassion's fail not they are new every morning great is thy faithfulness the Lord is my portion say it's my soul therefore will I hope in him there again we've got that word hope and where is that hope in him breathe the Lord is good unto them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh him I want to talk to you today from the subject hope in the Lord hope in the Lord and of course that word hope whether you use it as noun or as a verb the meaning does not change it simply means to desire with expectation of fulfillment you're looking forward you're trusting that things are going to work out positively even as you desire well has it been documented that the 11th chapter of Hebrew speaks of faith and the faith is always in the now now faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen so when you speak of faith faith must be applied in a now situation but hope is what we expect on the tomorrow well let's let's let Paul speak to that in the 8th chapter of Romans and if you turn over there for just a moment and hear what Paul has to say as it relates to hope Romans chapter 8 and beginning around verse 24 and I hope that you can turn and find that quickly and if you can't you know what to do by the tape that's right thought we are saved by hope do you see that read but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man see it why does he yet hopeful but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it so you might understand that you don't really know what's going to happen tomorrow but if you are hoping you have hope that God will work out a certain situation and when that hope is steadfast and unmovable then you can with patience wait knowing that when I get to that bridge when I get to that bend in the road when I get to that problem when the deadline comes everything is going to work out all right because as the song says I don't know about tomorrow I don't know what its gonna bring but I have hope because I know who holds tomorrow praise God and if you know the one who holds tomorrow and that same one is holding your hand then you've got hope that everything is gonna work out alright I mentioned that this morning about the little boy of the story goals and I've heard many preachers telling years ago about the little boy that was running up and down the aisle of a train and he's on the coach just playing and having fun people getting nervous as the train was going around the curbs and darting through the tunnels and focus the telling the little boy you better sit out you don't know what this man is doing he'll speeding around these curbs and trainers out of control low bar Sonam she's not on control why are you so sure he said because my dad is the engineer he knows I'm back here and it doesn't matter how the train of life seemed like it's running out of control my daddy Abba Father he's the engineer he's the pilot he's in control and I don't see what's around the curb but I've got hope that everything is all right because I know who's guiding the Train oh you don't here now in this book of lamentations and really when you study out the history of it all the first word in the book is how how does the city sit solitary and it is said that at the beginning before the book eventually took on the name lamentation that they only name that they the Hebrews ancient Hebrews had for the book was the word how come so many things happen in our lives and we always want to ask God how why and we've always got a question but one thing that experience with God will teach you doesn't matter how many times you ask him to explain it why this why that how is this gonna be he didn't answer you just have to trust him and wait until he works it out the word lamentation that simply means a lamenting it's a time of grief it's a time when one is looking over something that calls his grief tears sorrow and the book is really written during the exile when the children of the southern kingdom of Israel which is more specifically called the kingdom of Judah they had been invaded by Nebuchadnezzar the king of khaldiya and the nation of the Chaldeans made up the nucleus of what is known in history as the Babylonian Empire Jeremiah in the book of lamentation he is expressing the grief that has gripped the remnants of the city of Jerusalem as well as those who have been carried away captive in to Babylon the first two chapters expresses their corporate greed that grief as a nation and when we finally get to chapter three that corporate grief has become personal turn with me to chapter one and I want you to just kind of follow along and I'm gonna read the first 16 verses of chapter 1 but I want to read it from the Living Bible and as you follow along you get a greater sense of what he is actually saying do you have it all right lamentations chapter 1 beginning with verse 1 Jerusalem streets once thronged with people a silent now and let me also say this as I began reading that this is poetry see many times when you are reading a writer who is writing poetry it is not all together giving you the step by step identity of what's going on but he is using poetic or descriptive language like when we studied the book of Judges and when Deborah had to go to strengthen the man who should have been the judge leading the battle and one chapter gives you the description of what happens and the next chapter retails it poetically and when you get to the poetic description of how God fought against those Assyrians one verse says the stars in their courses fought against Sisera so when you're reading poetic language from the Bible it may not just tell you step-by-step what happens but in lamentation Jeremiah throws in poetry then he gives you an actual descriptive line and then he reverts back to the poetry let me read it here from the Living Bible while you follow along in your King James Version Jerusalem streets once thronged with people a silent now like a widow broken with grief she sits alone in her mourning she wants she once Queen of Nations is now a slave she sobs through the night tears run down her cheeks among all her lover's there is none to help her all her friends are now her enemies why is Judah led away a slave because of all the wrong she did to others making them her slaves now she sits in exile far away there is no rest for those she persecuted have turned and conquered her the roads to Zion mourn no longer filled with joyous Thrones who come to celebrate the Temple feast the city gates are silent her priests groan her virgins have been dragged away bitterly she weeps her enemies prosper for the Lord has punished Jerusalem for all her many sins her young children are captured and taken far away as slaves all her beauty and her majesty of gold the princes are like starving deer that such for pasture helpless gain too weak to keep on running from their foes and now in the midst of all Jerusalem sadness she remembers happy bygone days she thinks of all the precious Joy's she had before her mocking in him is struck her down and there was no one to give her aid for Jerusalem's sin so horribly therefore she is tossed away like dirty rags all who honored her despised her now for they have seen her stripped naked and humiliated she groans and hides of face she indulged herself in immorality and refused to face the fact that punishment was sure to come now she lies in the gutter with no one left to lift her out Oh Lord she cries see my plight the enemy has triumphed her enemies have plundered her completely taking everything precious she owns she has seen foreign nations violate her sacred temple foreigners you had forbidden even to enter her people groan and cry for bread they have sold all they have for food to give a little strength look Oh Lord she prays and see how I am despised is it nothing to you all you who passed by look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow because of all the Lord has done to me in the day of his fierce wrath he has sent fire from heaven that burns within my bone he has placed a pitiful pitfall in my path and turned me back he has left me sick and desolate the whole day through he wove my skin in the ropes to hitch me to a yoke of slavery he sapped my strength and gave me to my enemies I am helpless in their hands the Lord is trampled all my mighty men a great army has come at his command to crush the noblest youth the Lord has trampled his beloved City as grapes in a wine press for all these things I weep tears flow down my cheek my comforter is far away he who alone could help me my children have no future we are a conquered land if you don't understand what he's saying here you don't understand the book it's a book of lamentation a book of weeping a book of grief but it is all that the enemy has done to the holy city and the Prophet is putting it on God but it is not God who has done it God has permitted the enemies to do it because they have not been who they said they were they have claimed to be a holy people but they are guilty of the sins of the nation around and God allows a reckoning time to come but when trouble hits our family what do we do why me Lord I know I'm living better than John Henry down the street I'd go to church every Sunday but it doesn't matter how long you seem to get away with that duplicity eventually it catches up hunt somebody and tell them wake up don't sleep now we live in that day now you know all that people want to preacher the preacher about is your blessing is coming honey you're gonna get that car you're gonna get that house you're gonna get this yeah yeah but honey you're gonna get a whipping too for some of the stuff you've been doing so in the first two chapters the Prophet speaks as the mouthpiece of the City of Jerusalem but after he gets through speaking as the mouthpiece of the people then he expresses to God how he feels now you can say what you want to we can ignore the plight of our people as a race as an ethnic community and we can talk about you know our community this our community that but eventually whatever is prevalent in the community is going to finally come to your door you can ignore it when crime is in the street and it's somebody else's house that's broken into somebody else's goods that was stolen somebody else's daughter that's in the hand of the pimp somebody else's son that's in the hands of the pusher but eventually whatever the whole community is suffering from one day it's gonna knock on your door and if it doesn't knock on your door it's just gonna crash through your door [Applause] when the profit gets through with two chapters of lamenting and weeping as it relates to the sins of the people when he gets into chapter three here the language changes look at verse one he starts off by saying I am the man who has seen the afflictions that come from the rod of God's wrath in other words I'm an individual but I have felt it I have seen what God is doing he brought me into the deepest darkness shelling out all light he's turned against me and when the enemy is sometimes look like just whipping you into a frazzle sometimes it's because of wrongs that are done sometimes it's just because it's what's being meted out at that time but the first thing the devil is gonna always make us feel like is that God has turned against you if you read these verses everything the Prophet is saying he's talking about God has done this to me verse 3 he has built forts against me and surrounded me who have anguish and distress he buried me in dark places like those long did everything that's going on Lord this city has been completely emptied out by Nebuchadnezzar the temple has been robbed and destroyed the the walls have been broken down the gates burned with fire and when he started feeling everything that happened he starts talking to God about God you've done this and you've done it to me and we always wanted a wire Lord would you do it to me but we ought to ask him sometimes why not mean you see up can't stand it when things are going wrong in their life other folk takes overdoses of sleeping pills put pistols to their heads they do all kind of things in their life but God looks at you and me and he expects us to be able to take it other folk can take it but you can take it because it doesn't matter what's going on in your life you understand that God is in control and what was that thing get just got through singing he won't put no more on his children than they can bear now you're all enjoyed when it's a song but you don't enjoy it when it's in actuality but even when the choir is not singing and when you are in that job situation and things are going all kind of ways and they are blaming you for stuff you are not responsible for then you don't push the panic button and get into the free and and all of the profanity and everything that's happening you understand if I couldn't bear it God wouldn't let it happen hallelujah Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13 he lets us know that let's just turn that for a minute so y'all gonna do some reading today don't always want me to - nothing see you need to be acquainted with what's in your book here so that when the problems come on you you know where to get it amen and then quiet let me say something to you all - you're gonna have to learn what your pastor teaches enough that you know how to change words and songs and you read about that demonic man when Jesus got through casting the devil out of him the Bible said he was what he was clothed and in his right mind you know okay how they sing on television that the Lord closed me and my right man y'all know you put on clothes you don't put on your mind you're not clothed - in your right mind this man couldn't keep on no clothes when he was a nut but when Jesus got through putting him together they knew something that happened to him because the man that usually was naked he was sitting at the feet of Jesus and he had on clothes and he wasn't spaced out no mo he was in his right man so when God gets through with you you are clothed and in your right mind now you you leaders of the choir y'all remember that and if you get one of those songs that's real good and you like it and you want to sing it when you get down to those kind of words your singing must Fleck what your pastor preaches this ain't shouting day this is teaching there amen first Corinthians chapter 10 look at verse 13 read it that has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man you quit thinking that yeah Lou I tell you what the Lord has put on me what what I'm going through ain't nobody never had to go through all what I'm going through baby let me tell you I don't care how tough it seems whether you're going through others are going through and many times the person that you're looking at down the street and they walk out the door and you see that young lady walk out and she's just smiling and and you getting mad at your husband I sure wish you was a nice to me as Susan's husband ears to her she's just so full of smiles and that man keeps her happy you don't know he just got through beating up but she not gonna let you know it you just got to learn that whatever is going on in life God has given you strength no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man the devil wants you to think that you going through something nobody else has gone through other folks going through what you're going through and worse no temptation has taken you but such as is what common to man huh hallelujah but God is faithful y'all to tell somebody folk may not be faithful but God is faithful hallelujah and his faithfulness dictates hallelujah he will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able if he lets it come on you it's because you got the strength to take it now tell somebody you stronger than you think you are never will forget that back in the days when this thing of what they call overdrive in cars was new some of them called it to hydra-matic and they called the different things but it was that reserved power that one those two-lane highways and here you are passing by an automobile and you're just going by at a normal rate but you look and you see another car coming over the hill on your side and somehow just instinctively accelerated that gas pedal all the way to the floor and before you knew it all of a sudden the thing jumped and all that extra burst of speed came in and you were quickly by the car and back over into your lane a lot of times God doesn't let you know what kind of reserved power you got until trouble comes but when that trouble comes Oh hallelujah and when you think this is far as I can go Here I am out here about to have a head-on collision but God gives you that extra burst of speed that power that's in reserve that you didn't know you had [Applause] and when trouble comes on you to the extent that you think you can't go any further God wouldn't let it come if he didn't know you had reserved power but you keep telling yourself I can take now that's I can't take no more it should say another word to me my mind don't snap it do it one more time [Applause] but telling yourself that you a weakling let the weak say I'm strong and I declare that if you sad if you make that kind of confession of faith and hope in God God gives you whatever you need to bring you through your trial no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow for you to be tempted above that which you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape and there's no period there I don't know how many folk I've heard put a period that no heart will make a way for you to escape no tell somebody that's not a period it's a comma he'll make a way of escape karma that you may be able to what to bow it hallelujah now when the Lord said I'm going to make a way of escape that you can bear it that simply means I'm going to let you escape in it not from it but in it [Applause] preacher that don't make sense oh yes it does the old stories that we've been reading and shouting about go back to Daniel in the lion's den Daniel did not escape from the lion's den until God first of all enable him to escape in the lion's den let me rephrase the den of lions he wasn't in the lion's den while the Lions were absent but he was in the den of lions the Lions were there the Lions were hungry and before he got in there good had God not enabled him to escape in it they would have devoured him for they divided the men that put him in but the first thing God did was he changed the appetite so they didn't have no appetite for Daniel [Applause] Daniel was just like a stick of wood or piece of iron standing up there they were hungry but God didn't let them have an appetite for Daniel and after he delivered them in it then he delivered them out of it why you talking about I can't take no more God's not going to deliver you're out of it until first he proved I can deliver you in it you can stay in it and it won't bother you no more have you ever had God to deliver you in some things I mean what the thing that used to just push your wrong buttons you know things that used to make your mouth fly when you said stuff you had no business things that made you act out of character but after while God delivered you so until the things that people used to could do and push that button and make you mad now they push the button and you laugh at them and watch he delivers in it then he'll deliver you out of it see because once he deliver you in it it don't make no difference in the mode you can still be mean as you want to do it be you can still be its act as crazy as you want to it don't bother me no more because I'm delivered in it God didn't deliver Shadrach Meshach and Abednego out of the fire unto first he delivered him in it the flame was one 7 times hotter than normal so hot that the men that threw me in they perished but God dreamed the fire and said Hananiah Azariah and Mishael who was given the name by belt caesar as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego God told the fire so this flesh you can't burn you can't even sense the half and God taught the flames and when they got in there hallelujah the fourth one was already there Jesus was already walking around in there he was hot for everybody else but he cooled it for them and then he delivered him out of it but first he delivered them in it I want you to know it doesn't matter what you're going through God will deliver you in it you in it but I'm still delivered hallelujah things that some of y'all I'll admit some in bad marriages but you can't do what folk with trainer will honey you having problems that mean you didn't get you husband you didn't get your wife it wasn't until you married him what makes the marriages not that you get the person most ideally suited for you what makes the marriages the fact that you two agree before God to live together are caught into his holy ordinance and whether that you and that person have anything in common if you make that agreement before God you are married that that's your wife and all of those things about them that you think you couldn't tolerate God can deliver you in it and the same thing that used to make you want to climb a wall you said okay that's the way it is all right pass the toes [Applause] amen oh my god I've gone off on when these tributaries here but whatever you're going through hallelujah and sometimes look like you can't see your way out let me go back to this text and I'm going in this thing you know he talked about how that the city had suffered so much and then he took it personally Oh God all of these things that that are going on and I just don't even know how I'm gonna deal with him but as he kept on looking at how the enemy was poking fun at him he said my own people down at verse 14 laugh at me all day long they sing their rival songs hmm he's filled me with bitterness given me a cup of deepest sorrow the dream he made me gravel and broken my teeth he's rolled me in ashes and dirt Oh Lord all peace and all prosperity have long since gone for you have taken them away I have forgotten what employment is all hope is gone my strength has turned the water for the Lord has left me I'm in verse 19 chapter 3 I'm still reading from the Living Bible all remember the bitterness and suffering you have dealt to me if I I can never forget these awful years always my soul will live in utter shame but verse 21 is the turning point yet that is one real hope his compassion never he Lorne at all that has happened and never could never have destroyed the city and here as a Jewish man Jeremiah said I just feel like I'm all done in but I see a ray of hope and that hope is that your compassion never in folk couldn't be kind to you I was mentioned in this morning how sometimes you get behind in your house know in your rent and at first they'll work with you tell you we'll give you a little time you pay this month's rent and we'll give you pay a little something on last month in the month before and they keep on and they keep trying to work with you but finally they get to a point where they say I want all of it are you going the Jeremiah said Lord one thing about your compassion you don't ever run out your mercy just keeps on working in my behalf I messed up and told you I wasn't only ever do with them again but I did it again and you still had mercy wouldn't we be in also shape if God would like us if his mercy and his compassion ran out but I am said they are new every morning every morning God gives me another chance every morning his mercy is renewed in my direction every morning he's compassionate in my behalf don't let nobody tell you honey you quit running up there and asking God to forgive you God said for you you just they don't know the heart of God hallelujah nobody knows the heart of God except Jesus and the spirit of the Holy Ghost and when people try to tell you how did God ain't gonna forgive you you just wasting your time they don't know the God that I serve jesus said no man have seen God at any time but the only begotten who is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him and when Jesus came on the scene he said I want to show your side that Moses didn't show you when Moses was here he showed you God's engines God's wrath hallelujah hologram open up and swallow Cora how they they are better by him when they offer strange signs how God destroyed them how would a chance told that Babylonian common and wedge of gold not only did they kill him but they kill the whole family but jesus said let me show you another side of my father like the father pities his children so the Lord pities them that fear him and my father is not vengeance and wrath but he's love and mercy David found it out hallelujah David said I found out that even in the mix of all of my life that God was like a shepherd he's my shepherd I tried to be a shepherd to the sheep but I needed a shepherd and the Lord is my shepherd so I don't have to be in want hallelujah he maketh me to lie down in green pastures leads me beside still waters restoreth my soul and even when I get into the midst of troublesome places every once in a while I'm walking through the valley and the shadow of death death is everywhere around me and somebody is saying you can't help but die you're down in Death Valley you're under death shadow but David said I didn't die because I had to expose one of them will name goodness the other one will name myself and every time Jeff got ready to reach for me goodness stopped him on one side Massa stopped him on the other [Applause] goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life and because I know the god I serve it doesn't matter what happens in my life no have got hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've got hope [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank God for new mercies I don't know about you I'm glad we have new mercies every day cuz I need them maybe you don't need them but I do thank God we have heard from heaven you know Bishop preached basically that same sermon at the eight o'clock but it just got better it just got better well I praise the Lord for his new mercies at this point into service before we go any further we do want to acknowledge that the door the church is open perhaps you're one that's in here today who has not received God's unspeakable gift his loving son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if you're here today we want to extend the invitation to you want to invite you to come in the name of Jesus Christ the one that gave His life and died for you that there could be new mercies every day for you if you're in here when I invite you to come now come now and receive receive the unspeakable gift of God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ oh I believe you here [Music] Oh bless His name bless His name bless His name bless His name do come now come down for tomorrow as promised to none of us the mercies are there but we may not be here because we're not promised tomorrow Oh bless His name bless His name bless His name won't you get up and come thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you Church company praise the Lord your smile your loved one out here to meet the Lord let's praise God yeah [Applause] thank you lord Branca oh thank you lord thank you [Music] you know it's saying that that wants you to get up in time but don't let him fool you he's going to hell and he has no way out you don't have to go you get up and come Oh bless your name Lord Jesus bless your name bless your name hey bless your name what's your name Lord is there another that would come now and give your life the Lord Jesus Christ is there another that would come bless his name perhaps you're a backslider that once knew the Lord and you've let go his hand but truly he hadn't let go your hand because he promised you and I when we got saved that he would never leave us alone nor forsake us so we know that he hadn't turned us a lose but we've turned him elusive we're back slidden if you're here once you get up and come once you get up and come if you're here the Lord is inviting you to come the Spirit of the Lord is moving on you right now and inviting you to come to the altar come back to the Lord come home you know you're wandering in a strange place and you feel no comfort but you know you don't feel comfortable with sinners anymore once you've been saved you ought to get up now and come on to the altar well The Devil's trying to make you shame doesn't want you to get up he wants you to join him in hell but you get up and come Oh bless your name Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the liar [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] perhaps you're one that's in here you're already saved and sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost you just want to come and join this ministry come and be a part of this church you've been sneaking down here and hearing the word and sneaking food off of our table and we don't mind that but you ought to come on down here and join and you know where you eat all the time it's where you have to live come on and live here with us and sit at the table and don't be an invited guest any longer but be a member a brother or a sister here as we serve good food here to the Lord service get food here Oh bless His name bless His name if you're here we invite you to come oh yes yay-hey [Applause] I have never been happier about people coming to the older than I am right now and I don't know why but I am thank you thank you thank you Oh bless his name he blesses named lessons they thank god bless you sister [Applause] [Music] yes yeah thank you thank you [Music] bless his name bless his name one last minute there's another in here whether you're coming to be safe for the first time a backslider returning to the Lord or just someone who's already saved sanctified - filled with the Holy Ghost and you want to come on and be a part of this family you've been visiting quite often we invite you to come oh come on don't wait what are you waiting on what are you waiting on well the Spirit of the Lord is calling you to come come on [Music] or we just thank the Lord for these that have come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well do we have any announcements everything we need to make I do want to remind you about the men's meeting in the West Wing immediately after the service all the men of temple of deliverance all the being of temple of her deliverance unless you have to leave the go to work we want to invite you to come and be with us gonna be a brief meeting not gonna last very long but it's very important crucial to what we have planned so we invite you to come is there anything else you want to remind you of Tuesday night you know if you think you got a good dinner a good meal today come on back Tuesday night feast again Oh bless the Lord bless the Lord any other announcements oh thank you thank you I almost forgot about that I want to remind you about tomorrow a Labor Day service beginning at 10 o'clock and bishops that will be over by 11:30 it will be at the Raines Road location from 10 to 11:30 we're gonna come and we're gonna share one day's wages gonna give that to the Lord and Bishop is gonna pray for those of us that have jobs and give God thanks for that pray for those of us that don't have jobs or just seeking jobs and pray for those of us that are having problems on our job we need God to step in for us and you do need to come out for that I mean you know Labor Day you know some people and I bellyache about my job sometimes I put myself first in this we talk about our job but you know there are a lot of people that would give anything to take our places and just have a job so if you have a job even if you having trouble on that job it's a blessing for you're employed and able to take care of your family so do come out tomorrow and come prepare to give one day's wages Bishop said the Lord put it upon his heart I believe bishop because i know him to be a man of God and I'm gonna give mine I just got to figure it out and I'm definitely gonna give it and I would suggest you do the same now sometimes an opportunity for blessing comes our way and we let the devil trick us and say all kinds of things to us and we don't do what we ought to do when we miss a blessing you know you don't always know when you miss the blessing but you know you stand around sometimes and you're jealous of others who are blessed and the reason for that is that they obey and they do what the Lord ask them to do so be obedient don't be disobedient because the Bible clearly tells us that when we obey a with obedience comes the blessing and with disobedience the curse we always talk about the blessing sometimes we don't talk about the curse but when you don't obey there is a curse that follows disobedience with that can we stand to our feet and be dismissed gonna ask elder Wiggins Alexander to come and dismiss us do you bow your heads with me please now father we give you praise we thank you thank you for the service today thank you for your word thank you for the anointing of your Holy Ghost as we leave this place and go to our homes and destinations we thank you for dispatching the angels to protect us and then bring us back together again at the appointed to him and we give you praise thanks and honor in Jesus name ever heart say thank God amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 84,948
Rating: 4.7128353 out of 5
Id: gEM5TfrefaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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