Worship The Lord In The Beauty Of Holiness

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] open your Bibles with me to Psalm 29 if you have that same act read with me verses 1 and 2 from Psalm 29 come on give unto the Lord o ye mighty give unto the Lord glory and strength give under the Lord the glory due unto his name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness all right we'll stop right there notice the last eight words of that second verse worship the Lord how in the beauty of holiness I want to use those words as my theme subject text for the day and as I said earlier this will only be a lead-in to a series of messages because there are so many things that I know that the Lord would have me to share with his people both those who are present here in temple of deliverance at this particular time and those who listen to messages by delayed audio and video tape those who will listen in this area of our radio station and nationwide on the television networks that the Lord has placed upon I had not seriously even considered preaching a series of messages on holiness of somehow my wealth cousin elder Buford Terry when he was in the city visiting his mother isn't missionary Johnny Jeffers mother in the hospital he started talking about the effectiveness of our television ministry and he said you know Bishop I would love to hear you preach a message on Holden is not a message but a series of messages on holiness that you know it's something that our people need so greatly and I think God has given you the insight and ability to get it over so well thank you and I never even thought about it anymore and yet as I am brought face to face as a pastor with the many situations that develop among people who do not understand that as a Holiness Church as a body of Pentecostal believers we are not like many churches we are not designed to be a social club so many so called churches that's really all they are they are social clubs that have enough of the name Jesus are enough religiosity in its form that it can get by being called a church but God's people are not just as I said a social club or another group of people who customarily gather together on Sunday morning but we are a chosen generation we are a royal priesthood we are a peculiar people and God expects more out of his people than he expects out of the world recognizing that Jesus was talking to his own when he said you are the light of the world and compared them to a city set up on the hill that cannot be here he simply meant that as God's people you are totally open and on display and when you name the name of Christ more is expected out of you than is expected out of people who have no profession you're like a city set up on the hill that cannot be hid certainly the world is in darkness and when we allow ourselves to succumb to the ways of the world when we allow ourselves to just be like the world then we are not being what God has designed not intended that we should be he tells us point-blank the world is in darkness the people that walk in darkness the only light that they saw was when Jesus came and when Jesus came he was like the blazing sunlight that likes up that section of the globe that we call earth that side facing the Sun is totally lit up irradiated by the intensity of sunlight he doesn't tell us that we were sunlight but he says you are the light of the world now that was one jesus there are many of us so if he was sunlight we starlight starlight doesn't do very much in the way of lighting of the earth but the one thing about it while men are cursing the darkness that looks at least they can look up and see that there are stars twinkling we not may not be able to change the world but the world all be able to look at us and know that everybody is not in darkness oh I know some of y'all don't want to hear that but that's what it's all about and basically when I finish this series of messages I hope that you can understand that that as people of God as the light of the world as soul see and I mentioned the you all that's when I came along as a child my sister missionary Hawkins can remember that at one point over on Arlene street 1567 South Orleans when I was locked extended from Orleans back to Miller Street that's the back part of our life our parents had a couple of hogs and that was before we were able to afford anything like a deep freezer and when they carried those hogs off to be slaughtered and brought them back all cut up it was put into a big wooden chest and all down in that chest and layered across the top was salt and I didn't understand why they put all that salt on that knee to me it looked like they were ruining it but the salt was placed there that keeps the meat from spoiling because salt is a great preservative now there's no power on this earth that can stop mankind from spoiling other than those of us on the Lord has decreed to be the salt of the earth I mean it's an exercise in futility when you sit there watching the television and the president is discussing what can we do the brain piece what can we do to do this and do the other and you hear all of the professional people trying to talk about changing this world you know by to change this world as light can nobody preserve this world as salt but God's people and if we are God's people that means we've got to be like God and that brings me to my explanation of the word holiness hello somebody God's people must reflect that element that is in the deity that is called holiness and if we are not holy people we're wasting our time if we're not here striving to be holy people we're wasting our time now I know that some of y'all I know you waste your time because some of you don't come to church for anything other than to show off and then wait until I put this on and wear this sound that I'll I'm gonna knock them out I'm gonna I'm gonna kill them the day yeah everybody who's like you because you already did when we understand the God that we serve and understand that phrase worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness if it ever catches on it's going to make a difference in the way we act and the way we present ourselves before God in our conduct toward one another and our style of worship it's going to make a difference in everything about us if we ever catch ahold to what holiness is all about oh no I mean if y'all thought that I was going to you know undress you listen the woman's skirts and you know preach about the women in pants and the makeup and a lot of that I'm not going to come head-on on anything like that but the thing that I do want you to know is if you understand what God and holiness is all about it will affect the way you dress [Applause] it will affect the way you look preach and eyes are going to affect so much okay look at the word holding this and I'm not really bringing it to you from the standpoint of the theologian but you'll find these simple definitions in your Webster dictionary holiness is the quality or state of being holy let me just say that again say it with me holiness is the quality or state of being holy alright so the word holiness brings you right back to the word holy you can't define holiness without describing holy alright the word holy the number one definition in the Webster dictionary is dedicated to religious use and then you come to this explanation that longing to are coming from God in other words if anything is said to be holy it either comes from or it belongs to God hello now why don't you say that if you're holy it means you belong to or you come from God that's why the angels are called holded when people have had the experience of being ministered to by God's Holy Angels the angels come from the holy presence of a holy God huh now we did not come from him but we belong to him go holy means consecrated or sacred God don't have any holy folk that are not consecrated now let's let's look at this you cannot consecrate yourself you can only dedicate yourself but when you dedicate yourself to God God receives you and consecrate you to himself does that make sense well takes resident Hannah and the first chapter Samuel here was a woman that was barren she had no child a husband had another wife named pnina el gouna he loved Hannah but pnina was the one who bought children Hannah was barren she goes into the temple she prays and asked the Lord to give her a manchild and said if you'll give him to me I'll give him back to you all the days of his life and when that child was on she's weaned him so that year after his birth she didn't go back up to Shiloh and that year by the feast but she stayed away until she had weaned the child and then took that little child and presented him to Eli the priest and she changed the wording from give him to you to loan him but you said I've loaned him to you all the days of his life so she dedicated her little son Samuel to the Lord through the priest and while working now was in the temple God received that which was dedicated and consecrated him unto himself and after God had consecrated Samuel to himself then one night he comes in and calls him by his name and gives him a message concerning Eli and his house oh I know a lot of people say that it doesn't make sense you people that receive the Lord 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago and then a certain message is preached and you come down the aisle with tears lapping under your chin a lot of folks that does not make sense but honey when you know that even though you are saved but you have strayed from the path of righteousness there's nothing wrong with you coming back rededicating your life to God so that he may again consecrate you to himself and use you in his service because can't use you if you don't belong to him he can't use you for good let's go a little further with this definition that would just hold it consecrated sacred there's another definition that the dictionary uses for holy spiritual is perfect pure don't be so quick to just turn off the word perfection many times I tell you that you all get the word perfection confused with the word infallibility none of us are infallible in a human sense of the term you know it's difficult for you to get from the middle of this view all the way to the end without stepping on somebody's toe it's difficult for you to do a lot of things without messing up because you're not infallible but when you discount perfections you discount sanctification you discount holiness and when you get through discounting perfections sanctification holiness you've discounted your relationship with God it is your relationship with God that makes it possible for you to be holy to be spiritually perfected to be pure and that definition goes a little further untainted by evil or sin hello when I was a little boy growing up the Saints wanted everybody to know and that was what really equipped the world on Sunday morning we didn't have many people in the st. by church everybody went to there and you know I mentioned Baptist Methodist and don't get this in any condemned notorious method I'm not condemning anybody but in that time when I was a little boy growing up in Memphis just about all african-americans you know we were colors in but just about all black folks were Baptist or Methodist rather would you find a Catholic and then those of us who were identified as being a member of Church of God and prayed they'd never have even talked about our denomination they just said sanctify so everybody would come to the sanctified Church on Sunday night because they wanted to see the show they wanted to see us dance they want to hear talking tongues and if some sister you know would get knocked out under the power of the Lord that was before y'all introduced the term slain in the spirit even though they were wearing those long dresses somebody would take us code a pile of piece of cloth or something and put it over the sisters legs so that no brother who was unconsecrated would focus on the sister rather than God I mean I use now you think about it in spite of the fact that they will the long dresses and the cotton stockings and all of that the intent was that men and that the boys will be boys and men will be men but when coming to worship the Lord your eyes shouldn't be so much on the opposite sex you have some fellas that's all they go Church man is some time women down there let's do you desecrate the worship by your very intense because the house of God is not somewhere to come a man looking for a woman the woman looking for a man and now it's gotten so bad you got jealous come looking for fellow [Applause] [Music] God is a holy God so when you think about holiness in relationship to God he is perfect he's pure untainted by any kind of evil huh so our God is a holy this was what distinguished Israel's God from the gods of the nations round about now when you go back and study the worship of bale and Ashtaroth and many of these other idols that the people around the Israel worship and you'll find that certain gods were considered to be gods of fertility beow / god of fertility Ashtaroth the counterpart had to do with fertility so there was all kind of lewd sexual practices that were involved in their religion when you look at what happens at mount carmel when in liza had made the stunning pronouncement before 1/2 as i live said god that should not be doing the rain falling upon the ground by the corners of my word and he locks up heaven with an invisible key in for three years and six months it would not rain neither with the dew fall upon the ground and at the end of three years and six months he prayed again for God to give rain but before the rain he asked those 400 prophets of Bao's of 450 prophets of ale and another 400 of the Groves how long halt ye between two opinions if God be God serve him but if they all spend let surveil it's that all right let's have a contest how we going to determine which God is God Elijah said the Gaza dancers by 5 let him be God and he told them you can have the first part of the day and they started calling upon Vail and ass failed to send down 5 they all couldn't send anything because they couldn't have even gotten by had they not put him on a wagon he was the God that had no feet to carry many where he had Isaac as I see is that good night here a fruit mouth tongue that could not articulate speech and when they could not get failed to send down any fire Elijah began to mock them and said maybe he's going on a journey call him a little louder maybe he's asleep need to wake him up and they did everything and that power to try to get fales attention and the scripture says and they leaped on the old tub after thou mana and first time I read that as a young preacher coming up I thought it just meant that you know that was a big table a big altar and somebody on the ground just jumped up on top of the altar but when it says at least they leaped on the altar after that manner it meant they went through that dance through that ludus sexual dance and then they began sucking themselves with stones that were still after that manner and I've mentioned this two or three times before that back when the Shah of Iran failed and I told her her mania to over Iran and it became a republic above their religions Islamic Republic and you saw after they had taken over the American Embassy and they began to talk the Americans as Devils and they were chanting about God is great and you saw men walking down the streets of Teheran around with chains flagellation beating themselves and there are some gods mythological gods that supposedly is attracted by people inflicting harm on themselves there are some religions where that God supposedly accepts blood sacrifices of pure innocent children but when you read up on how dark and reduced himself to Israel he told them there shall not be any among you that uses divination he's in my holiness forbid fortune telling you psychic running fourth God said nah my foot will not use this a nation nor will that be one that called it his son or his daughter to walk through the fire understand God then mine Aegis is of such that I'm not moved by sexual and lewd and lascivious actions I'm not moved by you you trying to burn up innocent children I'm now a blood sucking God I'm not some kind of an animal I am a holy God I'm pure and perfect without being I'm not painted by anything and first when God gets over to his people the idea of his holiness then it come back and tell us beƶ it because I'm holding I'm not in all this messy sexual stuff and my fall can be in it [Applause] [Music] I'm not a god of a toll-free and fornication so my folk ain't be I'm so holy I don't lie so my father not to be lying lots of the kind of God that I am I freely give freely you receive freely give I let the Sun Shine on the just and the unjust send the rain on the just and the unjust every day I'm freely giving you breath to breathe I'm giving you life to enjoy and then when you come to church and you've got to get out and measure out and complain about what you give me I'm hold it and you reflect me oh my god this don't take me some time to break all this town touch somebody and tell them we worship and serve a holy God now the fact that we recognize he's the holy god but it's different in the way we approach it he's our God he's not our buddy he's not he's outlawed he's not the nameless the man upstairs [Applause] he's our God he's not the force be with you [Music] you better watch how you pick up on this jump the world does our God has to be reference listening what Jesus said he said when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name listen what did he said first of all recognize he's not your buddy he's not your service he's your father and there was no respect that is redeemed anybody that will be both father he's our Father and he dwells in a high exalted place which are in heaven he's got a throne that so far removed in a dedicated place how old does that means you revere you have respect you are awed by his name and when you get ready to approach him you got to approach him with respect with honors with reference we worship and serve a holy God he's not your buddy he's not the man of styles the force he's holy well when you talk of holiness holiness as a fundamental element in the distinctive nature of God in fact this element overshadows all others in the character of God when you think about the character of God sure he's a powerful God he's a knowledgeable God he's omnipotent he's got all power he's omniscient he knows everything you can't limit him you can't restrict him he's on not present he's everywhere but when you get through it all of the attributes and all of the elements and characteristics of God the Bible holds his holiness above everything else I heard a thumb not too long ago I don't hear much but it's a beautiful song it talks about you know Lord we worship you for all that you've done and dust down a whole lot of things but when they get to Tom I worship him for what he's done but most of all we worship you for who you are if he does not bless you with another check if you're dying with the disease and he's on healed you'll don't hear what I'm saying if he doesn't do anything else we got a right to come into his Trevor and to give everything with enough to worship Him because of who he is [Applause] holding this fundamental element in the distinctive nature of God this element overshadows all others in the character of God yes he's powerful knowledgeable but more than anything he's holy he's perfect he's not tainted by evil huh this is what was so mind-boggling to the minor prophets Rebecca when you look in that first chapter of the book of the mind of Prophet Habakkuk Rebecca is concerned because Israel is somehow people are just messing up they are failing to recognize the holiness of God and I'm just right now kind of paraphrasing the first chapter of her Becca and he says learner you know how long will I cry under thee even of violence and thou will not say it when I tell you about all the evil that's going on among your folks and you won't do that one about it and then the Lord quiet and subjective for a minute and says behold our work will work in your day that you will not believe though it were told you and then the Lord goes on to tell them he said now you've heard of the Chaldeans that horses are swifter than leopards and more fierce than the evening wolves that's a you wondered what I'm going to do about evil among my people I'm gonna send the Chaldeans and the child themes are gonna come in here they're gonna be like a rod of Correction in my hand and then when the Lord explains to her Becca what he's gonna do then Rebecca his mind is really blown then he's not wait a minute he said I thought from everlasting to everlasting my Lord God my Holy One it's a wish shall not die how are you going to hold your peace while your people are defiled us by the hands of a nation more wicked sensei in other words that you are holy God and here are your holy people and you don't use an evil nation like the Chaldeans but what I'm trying to tell you is that when God told his people began to act unfolded then God has the right to get on holiness to with you with it oh you didn't hear that I said when God's holy people begin to act on the holy then you have given God the right to use unholiness as a rod with you with and sometimes we wonder why such and such an happen in my home why is this Donald why is that going on when you start flirting with the devil you have given the devil the opening that he needs to bring his junk into your house I'm gonna be finished in a few minutes here you go back and read the history of Israel and you'll find out that whenever the children of Israel sinned and if sin was within the household of Israel Israelites scented with Israelites God reproved God rebuke God chaste hides those sentence but when Israel sinned with those who were outside then God ended up whipping the whole nation hello when there are those who don't believe in sanctification don't believe in the holiness ain't nothing to the jump in the way who just goes to church just to be nice and his sermon don't a home and do your own thing you know when you have that attitude about the Lord's ways you're not going to ever really get to know God that's the problem with so many churches you've got people who go and they warm pews and they're in every phase of the church from the pulpit to the doors every auxilary every ministry of the church you got some folks who have no relationship with God and because they have no relationship with him they don't understand him and it is not demonstrated in that life style but when you really form a relationship with him there are so many things you don't even have to ask anybody is it wrong can I do this can I do that that relationship you have with God becomes the dictating policy [Applause] look at it again Psalm 29 and to give unto the Lord all ye mighty given the Lord glory and strength given to the Lord the flow-rate do under his name worship the Lord he tells us what to do tell somebody worship the Lord now you know to worship is to adore huh - praise to give adoration worship the Lord touch somebody and tell them I don't know what a who you are worshiping but God wants you to worship Him well he tells us how to worship Him worship Him in the beauty of holiness now when you understand that it determines the kind of music that the choir sing it don't matter how this thing of gospel music as an art form is sweeping the nation and how you see these groups on television clown is acting a complete idiot gets stuck in the groove mama dawn left me mama gone and left me mama dog this thing about mama gone and left you this is about worshipping God this is the first time they made next time this mother today all over this country you're gonna have folks screaming and hollering and they don't have nothin to do with Jesus it's Mother's Day and [Music] I miss mine too but I thank God for what she told me and you'll never find me in church acting a fool if you got to do that do it at home when you come into the house of the Lord because you are worshiping a holy God he tells you that mama daddy husband wife everything is secondary to me so thought that when you get to the door of my house you leave all that over mess out there enter into my gates with Thanksgiving get into his gates with Thanksgiving until his caught out with pride in other words God said no matter what you've been through doesn't matter who put you through it when you get to the door of my sanctuary wife that pain and hurt off your heart off your face off your lips by me and you cometh before a holy God mommy and praising me come in with Thanksgiving come in with pride in other words that's an addition yes you was granted an audience with the mayor and you consider yourself just a common person who could never get into City Hall but you tried and they make an appointment now don't you know that if you just wanted to go in and talk to the mayor and in all probability the main problem you're not gonna even think about it you're gonna be so awed by the fact of who the mayor would let me come into this office and surround this big office in this big chair just me and him your honor type of presence will move it up higher suppose you were granted an audience with the governor well let's move without father suppose you were granted an audience with the president you're going to be awed by the fact that you can get going then firstly so God says alright you made an appointment with me 11 o'clock Monday morning now the fact that I'm allowing you to come into my private don't you come in here with no job if you coming into my presence you tell me and praising me all you know here when I'm sad and then you wonder why I didn't get nothing out of the service how did you go in [Applause] I'm gonna quit in a few minutes y'all but he tells us worship Him in holiness but look at what he said you don't have anything to be ashamed of you don't have to be ashamed to tell folks oh yeah I go down there template different church doctor you mean you go to that sanctify - yes ma'am yes sir you don't have to apologize for coming to a church where we talking some where we shout where we dance because this scripture not all this said that if you're going to worship God the worship him in holiness tell somebody he also says holiness is beautiful whoa he said this is a beautiful way to worship God huh in other words that which the world laughs at and despised it cuz you know everybody now they get it you'll sit down they trying to get if I was trying to get like somebody else ever lobar growing up I used to see God doesn't move in the midst of his people and some of our folks look one way some look another you know but we're always constantly trying to be who we are not when you come into the presence of a holy God he knows you so you need to come in before him being yourself don't come in here as a man and you know it and you got to put on high-heeled shoes earrings and stuff masquerade like a woman God know what you off on all that jump [Applause] so then that might even allude to some of y'all this that you know God is whatever your face looks like it's yours and you got put on 227 dollars worth of stuff to change the features of your faces come in looking like whoo you ain't God made you who you are but right now I like that which God has given you but try to look like who you're not he's a holdat he's a real God he wants you to be real people not clowns not access I remember we could just come in and praise God but then we watched and we see how the other folk the professionals and see whenever you see them on television everybody in the choir when they sing they puts on that best plastic smile and now you know ever since you ever met dog when he really starts blessing you you get ugly and if the Lord's left is you that when you singing and you get into the song and if they have a certain little wrinkle that coming and only you trying to go [Applause] tell somebody god no you he made you he wants you to be who you are let let me hush please Lord let me finish [Applause] guess what mama turn to Psalm 96 lure the car Oh bless his name look at verse 7 in Psalm 96 read it with me give unto the Lord all ye kindred of the people you'll have it heel unto the Lord read glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name bringing offering and come into his court that's a part of worship huh whisper to somebody and tell them you can't even be stingy and be holding bring an offering and come into his course read verse nine all worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth the world also shall be established that it shall be not be moved he shall judge the people righteously you know I have to fear anything from a holy God Moses extolled God's holiness in his song the song of Moses he his song of praise following the closing up of the Red Sea upon the Egyptians you just might want to look at that for a moment and I got one most ripped in with me finished well quit for the day so much I want to say on this subject I don't know how many sermons it'll take we just land a foundation today hallelujah look at look at it look at Exodus 15 now he's talking about how God brought Israel out and they went through the Red Sea and the enemy didn't have sense enough to know that the past that God had laid out for his people was not to be traveled by the ungodly look at verse 8 read and with the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered together the flood stood upright as in heat and the depth work until in the heart of the sea the enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil my lusts shall be satisfied upon them I will throw my food my hand shall destroy them therefore the enemy be saying you know he's got a plan for you and me hello but see if we make sure that we keep a line of distinction between God's folks and the devil's folks you don't have to worry come on read verse 10 thou did explode with I win the seat covers them they sank as led and mighty water who is like unto thee O Lord among the gods now your we answer that earlier there's no other God like it hello you people who are all upset to call for the way some Christians act and you think that as an ethnic community that those who have oppressed you and stood in your way and held you down and done so many damnable things you know they call themselves Christians so I'm gonna find me another religion don't be stupid that problem if so many of them have lived our religion like a lot of us real dollars that's nothing wrong with God there's nothing wrong with our religion there's nothing wrong with the profession that maybe something wrong with the way some of us act we got members in this church my god some of the stuff that they do when I hear about some of it like recently I heard something I just couldn't believe it I said you're not really failed as a pastor but then I thought about it that Jesus disciples they didn't even do what he taught them but when I see young folk that have never been under another ministry and will grow up under this kind of a ministry and then lose all sense of decency now public faith strip artists running with with folk withwith who are known to just being nasty joke tellers and then come to church and get excited and got to nur the dance oh I pray that God will not strike some of these folk down before you repent and get things right with God that's nothing wrong with God y'all don't hear what I'm saying as a whole lot wrong with the way some of us served off and you know the sad thing about it people who are supposed to know the Word of God and when I read in the Bible that phrase is like whosoever love it and make it a lot in other words see a lot of folks away you know I didn't do it I didn't do it but if you enjoyed it you just as thick as the focal did it there's no difference hello y'all boom like this I'm going some way of bye-bye been nice knowing you who is locked under the old law among the gods we got after that nobody huh who is like these glorious in what in holiness fearful and brave doing wonders see our God he's a holy God and when we worship Him in the right way you'll have to try to make nothing happen just let him be the God that he is and when time comes for wonders to be performed I never will forget those years that hold the temple Wilson Street I saw most folk and then we started the deliverance ministry you know mailing out and giving out the prayer cloth and giving out all and a lot of different things but I saw more people blessed we have the live broadcast on Sunday night from 9:00 under ten and maybe I finish the message about ten five ten after we praise God shouting dance for another 20 minutes then I when I was younger then then I come back with maybe 15 minutes that second message by time we get our church's level 34 to 12 but people were constantly coming up in while we were praising the Lord you know I have such and such a situation the Lord heals me such as such a thing how the Lord delivered me please you don't have to always have prayer lines you know always have to invite him divine healer but when you are God's holy people and praise him there's nobody like him hallelujah glorious in holiness fearful in praise and the end of that verse says what doing wonders how to do you whatever you need from him he can do it all you got to do is worship him right bless the name of the Lord as I close told the story so many times and you can read it that second chapter of the Book of Chronicles that you will find that he was here were three genes three nations the children of Ammon Moab masya three king three armies that had mobilized their forces against Jehoshaphat against the holy city of Jerusalem against the nation of Judah and when Jehoshaphat heard that the enemies without to destroy him and destroy the holy city he did what we do from time to time call the Lord's people together at a time of fasting and prayer while they were fasting while they were praying God didn't speak out through King Jehoshaphat but he spoke to Jehoshaphat from a Levite let me paint the picture here all of your priests should have come from the tribe of Levi but if one were a priest he was named the priest he was the one that could go in the holy place and minister if he was the high priest once a year he could go behind the veils into the holiest of Holies but the Levites was he assistants to the priests now if the priests were systems to the high priests then the Levites were the assistants to this system they didn't sit on the main platform they sent out here on the front row that if you need me for something Here I am while they were fasting and praying there was a Levite named jzo the hazel got up faster here she children of Judah and King Jehoshaphat I know that you are concerned about the forces against you more lemon and mouse said I know that you are concerned about this kept out by the thousand outside of the city but all I want you to know what the Lord sing you don't have to worry enemy is not going to take this city and I want to tell you folks is living for the law you don't have time to fear the devil may be bold and open but he won't take over my god we've got the record from the Word of God where Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it hallelujah this Paul took it up let me know that it may become some confusing times and you may see folks that's not living for God all the pulpit in the choir all the Usher board all the Deacon board all out through the churches looks like they're taking all out but I hear Paul that nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knows pastor don't know everything to do all thank God I don't but the Lord knows Florida God the demons don't know it and other folk don't know but God know he knows them better here you just know who remember the touch you just know who got their name over both but God know who name is written in heaven and the copies all [Applause] [Music] you don't have to worry about the devil running away with the trash so I hear Jesus that King don't be where it whoa I'm gonna tell you the route they're takin tomorrow they're coming up about around the clip of this but let me tell you something whoo Horrocks the battle is not y'all the battle belongs to the Lord and I hope you shall not need to fight in the battle you'll tell somebody it's not your battle hallelujah wrong and right of battling each other but it's not you'll Adam saints and sinners like we can't have our growing up together but it's not so bad a hypocrite like Judas of selling that Lord every day but it's not so bad a hypocrite I fell on the floor dancing when the sight the result of us it's not your back hallelujah bless the name of Jesus but God told me to tell you Joe Heiser goes on that if you want to wear this spatula all you got to do I know you got a trained eye man let the man with that glittering sword and that long spills let them line up if you wanna but the thing about it they're not going to bring the victory yes miss some singer [Applause] guess the Wanda's got beautiful memorial party but not all the beautiful melodious bosses but those that got a melody in their heart those that love the Lord with all of that whole appoint miss them singer who well pastor listen here you got the nerve to tell the king to get some singers well what must they say do you want them to get the latest off of the gospel hit parade no well now they sing a slew gospel fast Gospels contemporary gospel crossover gospel what do you want on the sing then not tell them to go back and get their old hymn books that got them holiness songs in it [Applause] and all I want to do here is sang and praise the beauty of holiness in other words while they are confronting the enemy tell the enemy how beautiful it is to be holy tell the enemy I'm glad to be saving thank you bye thanks I used to do I don't you know move I've been washed in the blood I gonna talk no more don't write no more go you don't know who I don't commit fornication and adultery no more all that he will self in behind me about the beauty of holiness and why they were praising the beauty of holiness God set up an ambush hiya don't you know take nobody else's you hit him in like the law [Music] got set up ambushment and the next thing you know children of Mount Seir start running in the ammonites ammonites stop running him who glories of God in the ball bite and while they were killing each other the people of God will march in the victory sing and praise the Lord for His mercy endureth forever why don't you say it praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever tell somebody if you live holy woke up right before a holy God you can praise the Lord for His mercy endureth forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell somebody worship the law and the beauty of holiness but you can't do that unless you are hold it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm no quitter I'm gonna stop right back glory to Jesus glory to Jesus glory to Jesus somebody need to be making that way down here right now it's time for you to rededicate yourself oh I know we got some new folks they never took the time to find out that we were holding this church but we got some old folk who knew what we are hallelujah and you know yourself you have strayed so far from the mark yes you still believe Jesus is the Son of God but you don't even appreciate your own self for how far you strayed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah doc calling you the day back to the old landmark back to holiness hallelujah Bora to God hallelujah hallelujah Lord Jesus I want to be perfect [Music] perfectly whole I want yeah [Music] to forever live in my my soul break down every little iPhone and Castile every four oh if you just watch me long I shall be wider why why [Applause] and then no I want to be whiter than snow Oh whiter then no if you just wash me long through and through make my life all brand new wash me long and I doesn't do Sara right now 125 persons standing in this audience faithful in church for the material one poverty does not destroy a negative you're constantly coming to church you're paying your tithes but you know the Word of God has found you and you're sitting there and standing there now wondering about what Pope will think but the Lord is saying that he wants to and so you back to that place in him where you used to be and you know from whence you follow the Holy Ghost commands you the step into the nearest aisle and come here now in a very in a hurry God says do it in a hurry come you now - Korra - unnie palutena here inaudible now you folks who don't care nothing about how you live you just be in church but you don't care get going on live like the book in the world you stay in your season stay there comfortably hallelujah and those of you that know that even though others have abandoned it you're struggling with everything in you the milk for God you all right back there but you keep on praying for these hallelujah so nice shiny palatable saya come on Atticus leader God rebuke you God people of loose they rap about you but take your hands off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on pour out your spirit to him I'll leave the page it wasn't that [Music] the car come on and crazy oh how the moon Oh God you know hallelujah you know where we got off the track where you tell it you tell it what you want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you I was I want you [Music] I want you Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] phrase aha come on all over this field and come on and breathe I don't have to tell you what the fat let the feet call to the deal let the lord present go down into the depths of your soul into the tips of your spirit pull out your heart pull out hallelujah and God people will stand sealed until we get back in touch hallelujah you got to let him have his way you got to let him come here hallelujah call it a car all things that you require and let's see the behind they are not worth having come on and give him four praise God and give us the glory [Applause] [Music] got you fish got you deliver God you set free hallelujah give it back rejoice give me thy mouth nor he gives it back that hunger give me back that purse give me back that determination knew how to do you that the law of God will be my supreme love hallelujah well missus if it is but God acted out that love for you will be my chief design helper now kappa now now give it that much spiritual appetite you says they've been hold up and thirst after righteousness shall be filled i want to be seeing fill with your glory meal with your honor there with your faith meal with your power bill miss jesus fill me fill me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's racist come on in thank you come on give him glory hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you though Thank You low thank you for your word vascular bachelor thank you both rededication thank you but sign up back your mind thank you bye hallelujah hallelujah go back praising it go back to you see praising it and you go low you'll see so to that stop praising him don't you now stop praising it don't you now stop praising it ah [Applause] Oh [Music] hallelu [Music] haha [Music] hallelujah come on Brandon given the glory Sookie laptop don't you now stop [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelu hallelujah [Music] hey hey hey deacon I want you all with some collection plates in the balcony over there and down front I don't know the Lord just spoke to me to do this hallelujah I just want you that scripture it kept coming up worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness you
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 121,766
Rating: 4.6676645 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: Q-YqK996pJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 59sec (5219 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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