GE Patterson You Can depend On God

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through the Word of God in the book of 2nd chronicles to actually cover this entire story we would need to start in chapter 13 that I say chapter 13 second chronicles we really would need to start this at verse 1 and read all the way down through 18 verses I'm not going to do that we're going to read from verse 10 through verse 18 and second chronicles chapter 13 if you have that same man let's read it aloud together beginning with verse 10 and we'll read down through verse 18 but as for the Lord and we have not the second and the priests which minister unto the Lord of the sons of Aaron and the Levites weak their business and they've learned to the law every morning and every evening burnt sacrifices and sweet incense and sugary had also upset they in horror upon the pure table and the candlestick the pole with the lamp fairer to burn every evening for we keep the charge of the Lord our God but he had forsaken him and God Himself is with us for our captain and his priests with sounding trumpets to cry along against you old children of Israel fight me not against the Lord God of your father's ye shall not prosper but Jeroboam caused an ambush to come about behind them so they were before Judah and the ambushment was behind them and when Judah looked back behold the battle was before and behind and they cried unto the Lord and the priest sounded with the trumpets then the man you gave a shout and as the men of Judah showered it came to pass that God smoked Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah and the children of Israel fled before Judah and God delivered them into their hand and Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter so they fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time and the children of Judah prevailed because they rely upon the Lord God of their father look at that last phrase all of this great victory came to Judah because they rely upon the Lord God of their fathers I want you to just look at somebody and tell them you can depend on God that seems to be a message that has been lost in this do-it-yourself date and don't misunderstand me I'm not saying that God wants us to sit somewhere in the corner expecting him to take our fight and do everything that we ourselves could and should be doing but there are some things we can do and there are some things that only he can do if you can do it pray and ask God to bless it and go ahead on and do it but as I said on album when your back is against the wall and you see you you about to fall you know what you are just right for miracle and we are not serving a God who has somehow lost his power he has not gone off somewhere like Rip Van Winkle and gone to sleep he's wide awake I believe the psalmist said there in Psalm 121 that God neither slumbers not sleep you don't ever have to worry even when you don't think that he is there he was there all the time that poem that has become quite popular especially in some funeral settings and other settings where it talks about the man that looked over his life in terms of footsteps in the sand and he got all upset and was telling God now God did you told me that you were gonna be with me but when I look back over my life and I see the two sets of footsteps and then at those tragic moments those difficult times there's only one set of tracks why would you forsake me when times got tough and the Lord said I promise you I'd never leave you and when you see the one set of footsteps it was then that I carried you in other words those aren't your steps walking alone but God said they are my steps you couldn't step so I had to carry you and you can rest assure that when you get into that situation that you can't handle if your confidence is in God you don't have to worry about whether he will forsake you I want you to know you can depend on God now the story here in the thirteenth chapter of second chronicles is one of those sad stories really in that we find that the children of God were at war against themselves this is a civil war I hope you yet have your Bibles open look back at the beginning of the chapter verse 1 now in the 18th year of king jeroboam began Abijah to reign over judah Jeroboam was king over the northern ten tribes of Israel understand that God have allowed the kingdom to split in fact the Bible said that he split it he divided it because of the sins of Solomon God actually split the kingdom on Solomon's son Rehoboam and gave ten tribes to Jeroboam the son of Nebat and can you imagine with twelve tribes and here is a man that takes ten of the twelve only leaving two with the southern kingdom but Jeroboam made a tremendous mistake in that although God allowed the kingdom to be split and for him to help ten tribes he did not remain faithful to the religion of therefore parents he did not want to go down to Jerusalem and didn't want his people going there even to worship so consequently he erected his own God's his own images and he set up his own religious system and it's a dangerous thing to forsake God the true and living God of heaven I was up early this morning I suppose after getting three and a half hours of sleep last night I was just wide awake 3 something this morning and so by 5 o'clock I had gotten dressed and going to the office at the White Haven Church and before getting over there wouldn't what little I can do with a computer to make my notes for the eight o'clock message I turned on the television and looked and saw all of the different brands of religion and that was one that came on that was really new to me and I haven't been able yet to pronounce the words of whoever they was saying that the Messiah that he's here and living among us and and I said to myself it is so sad how many people who have been brought up in a christ-centered church are gonna fall for that kind of mess everything that comes along somebody falls for it but when you go as God said in the language of the Old Testament whoring after other gods then you can expect whatever fate goes along with worshiping these dumb idols that how lies that can't see and is that came here and throats that cannot articulate speech and feet and legs that won't walk and hands that won't reach out and this is a day when you've got people going back to worshipping images of silver and gold and all kinds of things but in the final analysis those who will come out victorious of those who will understand that no matter what I'm going through I can depend on the one true Living God of heaven whether you want to call him Yahweh whether you want to call them Jehovah whether you want to call them all I don't care what you call the Heavenly Father out of the many names that he have is translated into so many different languages but the only thing that he says is that the door to the Heavenly Father is Jesus Christ and I simply say that if your God can be approached through any other name other than Jesus Christ you are serving the wrong God now I'm not gonna go to war with anybody over that but the fact is just don't even try to attract me to any other religion because I believe neither is that salvation in any other no other name under the heavens given among men whereby we must be saved other than the name of Jesus now Jeroboam set up his own religious system and here you've got a kingdom recently divided Jeroboam had the big side the ten tribes and when a Basha became king in the state of his father real bomb he had the small side he didn't anything but the tribes of Judah and Benjamin now look at verse qu it's talking about a badger who reigned over Judah he reigned three years in Jerusalem his mother's name also was NIC Alya Micaiah whatever I don't know what it is the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah and that was war between a badger and Jeroboam now look at this the two kings are named but when you say wall between Abijah and Jeroboam you're really saying war between Judah and Israel and a badger set the battle in array with an army of valiant men of war even four hundred thousand chosen men now when you read that pod you think that a badger had a big army until you read the rest of the story a badger had 400,000 but Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men being mighty men of valor now you're talking about your back against the wall when here's somebody would an army twice as big this is the situation that a badger was in because the opposing army had twice as many soldiers as he had but the fact is as we read the final chapter first we read and we already know that Abaza came out victorious we're at the end of the story first but the question comes to mind how did he win the battle he did not have enough soldiers and many times life will thrust us in the situations where we do how the strongest position but as people of God we've got to learn not to trust in our own might if you trust in your own ability trust in your own power you are gonna lose every time and don't fool yourself life is full of battles and get it out of your mind that somehow I'm gonna go through here and I'm not gonna have to fight yes you are I've said it many times that's one of the problems with the body of Christ in modern days and don't get me wrong I know that we do a lot of messages we preach messages that are intended to put healing salve on wounds everybody's talking about the body of Christ and the healing that everybody need healing of the hurting but I'd like to take you back and remind you that that is a message that have on this spring forth have only sprung forth within the last 30 years or so from the time of Christ right up til about 35 or 40 years ago the first nineteen hundred and some-odd years the church trained followers of Christ to be soldiers to understand that this is not a journey that you're going to make on flowering beds of ease and anybody who choose to go to a church because you think the message of that church tells you how to escape conflict how to escape battles how to stay out of trouble and just always have a life that is always just smooth sailing I Got News for you that is not the doctrine of Christ you're going to have to prepare for battle that's why Paul told us in the sixth chapter of Ephesians that we got to put on the whole armor of God because we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers the rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places you are going to have to fight and when you get out of one battle you may have time to take a deep breath and get ready for another one a man and the church the body of Christ in earlier years they expressed it in their songs they asked the question and my soldier of the cross and a follower of the Lamb and and the question went all no no no no must I be carried to the sky on flowery beds of ease while other sight for others to gain the prize and sail through bloody seas no I must fight if I would rain that's why they just said increase my courage Lord you you're gonna have to fight and this man recognized that there was a battle and the battle was against what seemed to be insurmountable odds but we know from the end of the story that he won the battle but how did he win it first of all I would suggest that he won by reminding both himself and his opponent of who he was you still have your Bible open look at verse 4 come on let's read and a by just stood up upon mountain zimmern which is in mount ephraim and said here mean without Jeroboam and all Israel ought not to know that the Lord God of the Israel gave the kingdom over israel to david Firebug even to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt now first thing i want you to know you back there with twice as many soldiers as i have but i want to remind you that God gave this whole kingdom to David and to his sons so what is he saying he's reminding Jeroboam that I am royalty now you you sitting on throne but I'm royalty and you got to remind the devil when the devil come against you with all kinds of propositions you got to look into the Word of God and remember who you are when I was coming along are we saying a lot of songs that we get from different places but you know we used to have our own repertoire of songs and that was a song they used to sing when when I was a little boy where they reminded the Saints and in those days the prosperity message wasn't going so strong cause most of the saints were poor anyhow but even though they were poor they start saying I'm a roach I adopted in the Ross family I'm a roach I kept by the pounds gone you only never heard that [Applause] but look at somebody and tell them if you are a believer in Christ if you are a saint you are royalty hallelujah don't ever let the devil make you think that you are any less look at him he reminded him of who he was so God gave this kingdom to david by covenant of salt yeah come on verse 6 yet Jeroboam the son of me back the servant of Solomon not now remember Solomon was the barges grandfather Abijah was the son a real bone and real bomb was the son of Solomon so Abadi is reminding Jeroboam son let me let me remind you now Jeroboam Jesus under knee back knee back was my dad that's my granddaddy serving you you have to remind Satan every once in a while you see my birth came through Jesus Christ and all you demons and all the children of Lucifer Lucifer was one of God's servants before he rebelled and got kicked out of heaven but I'm up the offspring of the Sun oh come on you got to know who you are the demons of Hell the demons they are descendants of Satan he had a good place before he lost it but my descendants that comes through from Jesus so I can talk to demons with authority and let them know I'm royalty you think sitting around here with low self-esteem and no self esteem always feeling inferior always being whipped so I'm not the devil you know he's always doing so and sold to you and you always crying but what the devil is doing break up your pity pot remember who you are tell the demons of Hell [Applause] your daddy got side he was one of my dad his servants and he got fine [Applause] at the devil no I'm the wrong one in this whole situation here you may have most soldiers but royalty is on my side come on let's read just a little bit further and there are Gaza unto him he still this is still a badger talking to Jeroboam he said now here's another reason why you're not gonna be able to win because number one you know you're on the faulty foundation you got the wrong company what does it say here and there are gathered under him vain man children of Belial and have strengthen themselves against real bum the son of Solomon when real bomb was young and tend to hard it and could not withstand them see Jeroboam you you you took over when my father real bomb was weak he was just getting in office and you didn't give him a chance he's making his excuse for why you got the ten tribes in the first place read on and now you think to withstand the kingdom of the Lord in the hands of the sons of David he let him know now Judah may be smaller than his room but this is still the Lord's Kingdom oh you got to remember you'll now represent yourself you go out there in your own strength you gonna lose every time but this man had the intelligence and the spiritual understanding to know that because I am serving as king of Judah that you are not fighting me you're fighting the kingdom of the Lord and here you gonna try to whip the kingdom of the Lord with these ruffians with these veins fellas you got a lot of them but y'all don't have the right weapon you know you don't have God on your side and and I would say that God usually takes a side and the side that God takes is his own side he doesn't take your side and on my side but what we have to do is see what side God is on and get on that one because if you line up with the side God is on you can't lose but the only way you're gonna know what side God is on you got to know the record of history you got to know the Word of God too many folks try to determine where God is by your momentary emotion where God stand is not determined by your momentary emotion God is a historical God he was here he started everything he took his position and he said I'm with you long as you are with me and God said I have moved now you've done a lot of moving but God said I have mood in fact it's like the story I mentioned the maybe two or three years ago about the man and his wife that riding down the street in the car and he's sitting there and she's over there about to push the dough out and enough space really for two people to sit between them and so they get to talking and the woman start talking about I don't know why things aren't like they were when we first got married so when we first got married and we were so close together that even when we rolled down the street people look at the car they couldn't tell if it was one person or two and he reminded her he said well who moved so the steering wheel is yet way it's always been and I'm sitting the way I've always sat ooh if that's a gap between you and your relationship with God god help him gone anyway he said and now I'm in verse eight you're looking with me and now you think that will stand the kingdom of the Lord and in the hands of the sons of David and you be a great multitude and they are with you golden calves which Jeroboam me you for God's you know got these calves now remember Israel when Moses led them through the Red Sea and got on the other side and went up into the mountain to get a message from God which was delivered to him in the form of Ten Commandments written by the finger of God in tables of stone he was gone forty days but when he got back they had made a golden calf and were worshiping a calf saying this is what brought us out of Egypt and sometimes when I see the body of Christ today and when I see where so many even in the sanctified church do not have that commitment to God that everything is about money we fill up the church if the preacher is preaching on prosperity everywhere you turn it's about money I was talking yesterday to our leadership group and we were talking about the amount that we have to pay every 1st and 15th because even in church now you had to have people that's willing to volunteer everything is about money but I want you to know money I can't deliver you from seeing money can't heal you when you get sick you can have the best doctors in the world I'll never forget that Mayor Richard Daley the senior who was the mayor of Chicago for so many years had a massive heart attack and died right in his doctor's office most powerful Democratic politician alive at that time but I want you to know that when you really get in trouble it doesn't matter how much you have in stocks and bonds how much you have in CDs how much you have invested how much you have in the bank how much you got stuffed in the mattress how much you got under the board in the floor honey when you get in trouble you need God hallelujah you need God advisor said here you are trusting golden calves and when I look at your religious system here you don't even have the authorized priests anymore you don't have any of the sons of Aaron you don't have any of the Levites you set up your own religious system and he let him know that because of this and become the wearer I was reading earlier but as for us the Lord is our God you allowed your prosperity to turn you in another direction and you got a whole lot of most folk than we have you've got the ten tribes and we got the two you got eight hundred thousand I don't have but four but I - no I've got something that gives the balance of power to my side the Lord is our God and and Wow I'm gonna hurry up and finish with this verse 12 and behold God Himself is with us and he is our captain and we're not worried his priests with sounding trumpets to cry long against you that's what we've got old children of Israel psyche not against the law of God of your father's so you won't prosper and while the Bahji was given his address since Jeroboam had twice as many soldiers one flank went behind them and the others in front and they ambushed them and in the middle of the ambush the Bible says what the man of Judah gave a shout what do we do when the devil ambushed us that's when we have our pity party but pastor you don't know what I'm going through I mean these children they just they just driving me up a wall and and this person on my job trying to get me fired when I came to church last Sunday one of them security folks they wouldn't let me park wasn't but one space left they wouldn't let me have it I got in church and the usher had let somebody take my seat and everybody knows I sit in that seat and I look like the devil it's just giving me off everywhere I turn the devil this and the devil that we all get ambushed some time but when they got ambushed the men of Judah what did they do they shout when do we shout we shout when we feel good we shout when everything's going our way but God is trying to say to you it doesn't matter what the enemy is doing to you he's hit you on your blindside he's got you surrounded you can't see ahead tomorrow you don't know what's happening behind you trouble is all around you what do you don't do gods are gonna shower anybody in here feel like the enemy has ambushed you know and a lot of time we mistaken to talk about shopping then we go to dancing well you know we shout and dance you dance with your feet but you shout with your mouth hallelujah and when the enemy is out to destroy you and look like he's gonna whip you because he's got more look like against you than you have on your side God said in the midst of all of this just go on and shout [Applause] ah job is in jeopardy bills stacked up in a cape am dr. Toma need to come back for some more tests children all hi Laura I don't even know what's happening get to touchin some of my used to be friends they treat me like an enemy my everything is falling through I've been ambushed on every side so what am I gonna do God said don't stop shop [Applause] [Music] so the devil thank you crazy he think you have lost your mind but see he when you act like he wants you to act he knows how to handle you long as you and your pity party he know how to deal with you long as you feeling sorry for yourself and trying to get other full to feel sorry for you the devil know how to handle you and the thing about it while you enter pity party even God it's not gonna come to your rescue because the Bible said he inhabits that means he lives and the praise of his people you're going through [Applause] Laura glory glory I'm gonna hurry up and get through with this but but just take about 30 minutes and give him a Shabbat and just give him some crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Laurie I'll have your seat [Applause] I'm still reading this verse 15 then the men of Judah gave a shout and as the men of Judah shouted not after hello somebody and God didn't wait until after it was over and then do something later that night or something the next day but the Bible said as the mean in other words while they were still shouting it came to pass that God spoke Jeroboam see that's how we get him in messing with us the devil jump on us and with the enemy of taxes then the first thing he does is try to get you to use the weapons of your own warfare your own carnal weapon I most show her I haven't forgot all them words I used to say so I got saved so I'm gonna put this on the shelf for a minute and I'm gonna tell her thing or two but see long as you trying to fight your own battle God's not going to help you but I hear what he said to Moses and Israel say the Lord shall fight for you you shall hold yo peace don't you talk as far as the situation you let that alone if you want to do some talking open your mouth and give me praise open your mouth and give me glory but as far as trying to fight your battle you be still [Applause] come on touch somebody tell them God said be stealing shut up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow they were shouting came the past that God smoked Jeroboam and all Israel before Abaza and Judah God did it right in front of them while they were still looking at it I want you to know that if you line up with God not only will God take care of your enemy but God will let you see it if you victory and let you see it he'll let you see it happen [Applause] now when you read a little it says I'm in verse 16 and the children of Israel fled before Judah here they had twice as many soldiers and eight hundred thousand start running from four hundred thousand and God delivered them into their hands and a badge and his people slew them was a great slaughter so that fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men they started out with twice as many when God got through they had a hundred thousand less it started off four hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand when it was over it was four hundred thousand to three hundred thousand five hundred thousand of the eight hundred thousand had been slain and then we come to these great words bless the name of Jesus thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time they were the biggest before now they had the most soak before nine but when the battle was over God reduced them in number high and the children of Judah prevail why because they relied all the Lord that fathers and I want you to know you don't have to try to find a new way to find victory you can still depend on God if you rely on him I don't know what you're going through but if you put your trust in him if you put your confidence in him if you can tell everybody maybe I look like an idiot but I'm gonna trust God me say honey you've lost your mind but I'm gonna trust him into how they make all your religious fanatic but I'm gonna trust him in it how can depend on him [Music] victory those who trust in him and he he he didn't he didn't three kings and three armies against him [Applause] he did not say he won't sell me [Music] [Applause] I got the clothes but you can't you can't depend on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know what you gonna do but I'm gonna trust it I found out I can depend on it I found out I can trust him I can trust him to be my doctor I can trust him to be my lawyer I can trust him to be my provider I can trust him to be my way baby [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've no clubs sit down y'all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelu [Applause] [Music] in a river [Music] [Applause] that you think a run crossable [Music] have you in mountains that you cannot tunnel through [Music] god [Applause] insane [Music] let's see him possible [Applause] and if you trust him he'll do wouldn't know all the power nothing but Holy Ghost power can do [Music] [Applause] [Music] having an affliction [Applause] let's see [Music] to be incurable in spite of the doctors [Music] they've done all that they can do [Music] remember [Music] special [Music] in cure and curing afflictions and if you trust him he'll do [Music] what no other power nothing but a Holy Ghost doctor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha I gotta go to my seat but I feel something moving in here right now [Applause] to leave the church just say I pray too many prayers and I didn't get an answer what is this thing about God anyhow but that's some things you got to learn about him he won't failure [Music] but you've got to know some things about him first of all he's not gonna answer you [Music] when you don't know how to call him by the right name you've been listening all the other folk and you bump your praying father God mother God great eternal spirits but Jesus said in John 14 down around verse 12 and 13 that when you get rid of the ask my father for anything first of all you don't know him John chapter 4 told you he's a spirit John 5 and 39 let you know you said such the scripture because of them you think you have eternal life and they obey that testify of me and you won't come to me that you might have life you have never seen his face you haven't seen his shape and the only way you can get to my father you got to use my name and too many foger trying to go around Jesus if you want God answers you have not because you ask not and then you ask and you don't ask right he said I'll do anything you say but you got to check out John 15 and seven [Applause] [Music] and when you get the Word of God we now [Music] [Applause] you can ask him for what you want and I want you to know you can ask him and look forward to happen it's not an accident when it happens it's not luck when it happens you can depend on him I hurt the David say in the psalm he said you know I've been young but I'm an old man now and I'll tell you I've never seen the righteous forsaken now see this seed begging bread when I go in the courtroom he's my hat look kid he's my attorney he's my life and he never lost a case but I want you to tell somebody whatever you need depends on him trust him with all your heart Japan [Applause] everybody why are you standing glory to Jesus glory to Jesus glory to Jesus thank you while we're standing here the day I don't know what your need is but I want you to know my God will supply all of your need my Bible says confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed I want you to do as we do so many times I want you to take one somebody next to you about both of their hands hallelujah you about the third party near you hallelujah then bring that third party into your circle I don't want you to ask God to do nothing for you don't ask him to do a thing for you [Music] you can depend on him [Music] I want you to pray for the person whose hand you're holding I want you to let God give you what to pray about hallelujah pray for their health if there's a known sickness illness of disease in that body pray that God will heal them if they don't even know it's there pray that God will move it anyhow thank you Lord pray for their home [Music] pray for their finances hey thank you hallelujah shock horror behind another huh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord God rebuked the devil from their home [Music] less those children rebuked that crack addiction that's in that Chapel of memoir in the name of Jesus fliction the people give them a restoration of your spirit in Jesus name give him another filling one baptism of many refilling give them another touch in Jesus name okay thank you thank you now Lord I receive it by faith [Music] come on and begin to pay Campari [Music] you were praying for them they were praying for you know what you need [Music] we before [Music] your gesture you guess right [Applause] [Music] is against the [Music] [Applause] listen why are you standing somebody that entered this building without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ my brother my sister be a real man be a real woman don't you worry about what other folks are doing in a few moments I'm going to tell the rest of the people to be seated but when they said I don't want you to sit I don't care whether you're downstairs and the Lord level whether you're in the balcony and the wing wherever you are when everybody else sits and I don't want them to do that yet but I want every Center to remain standing I want every backslider that helps straight away from the Lord remember the stirring wheel is in the same place God didn't move you moved he didn't leave you you left him and I won't every backslide in this house when the other folks said I want you to remain standing and then there's some of you here that's already saved and the Lord has been directing you to a temple of deliverance for a long time you don't need to put it off another day don't wait til we go in the new building this is your day this is as good a day as in it for you to obey God and make this your church home now if you need to be saved keep on standing if you're backslider keep on standing if you want to make this your church home keep on standing everyone else might be seated but those of you that fit into one of those categories keep on standing and why you standing step into the nearest aisle and come here right now [Applause] come on come on you in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down from the wing come on from downstairs in the basement next somebody the richer to the nearest family come on hallelujah [Applause] I want you to know that God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's saying yesterday [Music] today [Music] you can see it look forward reach out and touch it [Music] it's coming away hallelujah [Music] hallelujah when you can't see reach out [Music] [Applause] it's coming your way hallelujah now each of you who responded to the invitation today I'm just going to shake hands with you you're gonna father worship coordinator Freeman and some of these trout waters are gonna go with him and someone to sign you up Oh God bless every one of you [Applause] [Music] follow him [Music] [Music] let me shake hands follow them home [Music] [Music] this [Music] when you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Charlie touch it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody here believe you can depend on you don't trust him I don't know what kind of battle you in but I sense it that toes back toes back the victory is yours you can depend on me [Applause] just turn to somebody tell them so since you got the victory column [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the name of Jesus listen take your seats for moment and we're going to get ready and let you go but I I feel [Music] [Applause] I feel the definite impression of the law today [Applause] thank you thank you thank you [Applause] raise you hallelujah thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of Jesus [Music] thank you thank you lord thank you lord I don't know if you all can go down that side aisle you may need to go down the center I think that's a little tight over there hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank the Lord hallelujah [Applause] we praise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] go at a god I feel the definite impression of the law today to ask everybody in this building and I know you've already given your tithes and I know you've given your offerings but I want to receive a special consecration I want today just seven people and I'm not gonna separate you from the other folk because your blessing is not going to be and you're being called out from the other fold but I want seven people today to consecrate to the Lord a gift of $100 I want 100 people to consecrate a gift of $20 and I want everybody else that has $7 on your person I want you to consecrate that gift to the Lord if you were one of those seven people to give $100 I want you to get it now if you're one of those 100 persons to give a gift of $20 I want you to get it in your hand now and I want everybody else in here that has $7 on your person I want you to get it in your hand right now hallelujah as far as envelopes for credit we're not gonna take the time to do that if you want the credit when you come around you can get an envelope and go back to your seat and fill it out hallelujah but I'm not going to take the time to give out envelopes but I want you whether you are one of those seven that's giving the seven dollars of the hundred dollars rather whether you're one of those 100 that's giving the twenty if you're one of the many that's given seven dollars I want you to get up and fill up this center aisle right now from where you are who need you to fill up the center aisle bless your name hallelujah [Music] we bless your name Jesus smell mint [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] now God I Heavenly Father we just want to thank you we want to thank you for this day thank you Lord for the reuniting of your people after many months when we have had two services to replace this one and we know that our facility presently is not adequate to contain us all but we thank you Lord because you have already brought about the work that is going on and we're coming now just to set thank you for your love for us because we know you love us you've healed up bodies you solved our problems you've met our needs you've saved our souls you've filled us with the Holy Ghost and even now you're working on the complaints that we have before you now hey thank you and we are claiming victory in Jesus name now Lord as you people come to consecrate this special gift that you're serving Abass receive us accept our gifts make them adequate to meet the needs of the ministry and then multiply every gift a hundredfold and give back to the give up that the need will be met in our life and will thank you come and bring those gifts to the Lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] those who are downstairs even you who can come up we would be grateful I was that you would go back to your seats and let us have an orderly benediction I know you're used to giving and walking out the door but unless you've got an emergency of sort go back to your seat and let's have a benediction prayer
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 231,509
Rating: 4.6913319 out of 5
Keywords: TD Jakes 2019, TD jakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 30sec (4350 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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