Bishop G.E. Patterson "Contending for the Faith" AIM 2003

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our fathers saw some great days but the lord is doing some things in this time that are unprecedented and we just thank god for the foundation that they have laid for us and we have the wonderful privilege of building upon it and enjoying it and being blessed by it so let's just clap our hands and praise god for all of those who have gone before we give her honor high respect to our presiding bishop to our mother rivers to the members of the general board the second assistant bishop chained newell haines and the other members of the general board here present to all the leaders of this convention we want to commend you and praise god for you for the excellent job that you're doing just reading in my bible the verse in the 119th psalm verse 92 where the bible says unless your law had been my delight i would then have perished in my affliction there is nothing that is more important than the preaching of the word of god there is nothing that is more powerful than god's word and there are hundreds of people in this auditorium on tonight who would not be alive except it had been for the word of god so anybody here who can say the word of god has changed your life come on and praise god for his word [Applause] in our presiding bishop we have one of the greatest preachers of the gospel on the face of the earth [Applause] sometimes the wrong man will show up at the right time and in the right place and then sometimes the right man will show up at the wrong time in the right place and again the right man they show up at the right time in the wrong place but every once in a while the right man shows up at the right time in the right place for the right people and i believe with all my heart that god has called our presiding bishop for this time and for this church of god in christ and i believe that he has the right word for us to hear on tonight after the choir has sung we're going to stand and receive the right man at the right time at the right place who's going to speak the right word and our lives are going to be transformed by the word of god after the choir has sung let's stand and greet our presiding bishop with a rousing applause [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and give him the praise without me telling you what to say i've learned early even as i receive the gift of the holy ghost [Music] that god gives all of us a praise there is a praise that when you get on that one something starts to turn with somebody that praises thank you jesus with somebody that praises hallelujah with somebody else your praise is yes lord or it may be wonderful jesus but without me telling you what to say lift up your hands and let it pour forth from out of your innermost being begin to give him praise [Applause] glory glory glory glory hallelujah [Applause] oh hallelujah wonderful in god bless your name bless your holy name oh we bless your name we bless your name thank you lord give him a hand to praise and you may take your seats with all praise and glory and honor to god our heavenly father blessed lord and savior jesus christ and with recognition of those who you have elected to share in the leadership of this the greatest church in the world today we appreciate our first assistant presiding bishop bishop charles e blake second assistant presiding bishop j newell haynes general board member phillip aquila brooks and general board member samuel l green and our board member emeritus bishop o.t jones jr to the chairman of our board of bishops bishop leto walker and to his vice chairman bishop john h sheard bishop the other vice chairman bishop ayla dale thomas he left to be with bishop leroy anderson bishop anderson sister past and bishop thomas went to be with him and to the entire college of bishops god bless all of you to the chairman of aim a man that uh god is using in such a wonderful way bishop jerry l macklin jerry w macklin that is and the vice chairman of the aim department the young man that electrified our hearts on last night with the word of god the one and only that dr jay drew sheared [Applause] to these department heads uh in the order in which they are seated bishop richard mr clean white and of course sister george rogers she did she did a thing tonight where she was acknowledging the young ladies that would be you know leaders and she kind of slipped and said with all them being laters our pastors and all that but our mother made a little slip tonight unless i did something i don't know i did she referred to um president uh porter as bishop porter but but he ain't there yet so our great president of the missions department bishop carlos moody and to the sunday school superintendent kat lennon god bless him then to the female counterparts well first of all to the president of the music department [Applause] [Music] [Applause] macklin low evangelist george rogers evangelist maria gardner thomas and to all of the officials of aim and we certainly do give recognition to the woman whose department is so large that it can't fit in aim it has to be a convention by itself the president of the women's convention mother may rip [Applause] the family of aim wanted to recognize bishop macklin tonight and i'm gonna ask him stan you know get that yeah we're gonna surprise you tonight this plaque simply says and the general board is standing with me presented to bishop jerry macklin in recognition and honor of 30 years of dedicated convention planning service to the church of god in christ bishop gilbert lee patterson presiding bishop mother willie may rivers general supervisor aim executive team superintendent jay drew sheer bishop r dixon mrs v daniels carter l w payton mrs lavonya whitley elder isaac patrick superintendent a edwards elder m hartnett uh dr valver slack elder edie elder l williams elder g reed uh miss t macklin l j taylor and r atkins elder a kemper and then it has all of these department heads that we have already mentioned and we just wanted you to know that your 30 years of labor and helping to plan major conventions in the church of god in christ have not gone unnoticed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen all right [Applause] y'all may not remember this one i leaving all to follow jesus i am turning from this world away [Music] i [Music] and all i have is his today oh yes i'm leaving to follow jesus i am turning from this world away [Music] i stand [Music] [Applause] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll take jesus [Music] [Applause] he's a mighty good lawyer i'll see [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] when i get all those songs i kind of go from one to the other [Music] your bible's with me to the next to the last book in the bible right in front of the revelation in fact the little book of jews is so small only has one chapter that if you've got a new bible with thin leaves you may miss it for the last several months my messages have been centering on the need for believers to be filled with the holy ghost and in fact um during my most recent trip to california i think for four consecutive nights we spoke on the holy ghost and saw hundreds come to the altar and many were filled even as in our last national convention the women's convention in tampa my secretary was telling me about the young lady who gave her praise report that just as i had stated many times when we start talking about the holy ghost in the church of god and christ people just they just kind of tune you out and get sleepy or whatever and there was a young lady who is a daughter of a district superintendent that said she took that attitude at first but as the message went on and we began to enumerate from the scriptures the things that the holy ghost does in the life of a believer her attention was raised and when i made the invitation at the end for persons to come with their hands up praising god as soon as she got in the aisle and started down front she started speaking with tongues so god is sending a new wave of holy ghost awareness throughout the church of god in christ i certainly don't want to omit the fact that we are appreciative for those persons who from other reformations have supported this meeting i got a uh call yesterday from the television preacher who lives in the a and b church frank reed and bishop show el is with us again tonight and has been with us consistently bishop dennis was on the cruise with us on wednesday and we just want to thank god for all of these great leaders in the baltimore washington area who though members of the body of christ are not members of our denomination but we do praise god for each and every one of them i want to share with you message tonight and the theme of my message tonight is also the theme of our forthcoming 96th annual holy convocation so if you have the book of jude we want to read the first three verses and it simply says jude the servant of jesus christ and brother of james to them that are sanctified by god the father and preserved in jesus christ and called mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints and i want to talk to you tonight from the theme contending for the faith contending for the faith i feel that at this point in our life and history it is necessary more than ever that we as the saints of the most high god and members of the church of god in christ that more than anything else we need to contend for the faith that's true that's a lot of contending going on but it is mostly contending for recognition contending for positions uh contending that i not be ignored and when we look at the teachings of jesus christ he said that well actually the first step to being a believer and a follower of jesus christ is that a man must first of all deny himself but in this day when self-awareness has become the order of the day we're contending for a lot of things and that for which we should be contending is just slipping beyond our reach this text was written more than 2 000 years ago but was never more up to date than it is at this present moment this author saw that in his day when christianity was less than a hundred years old already there was a lack of enthusiasm zeal and devotion to the doctrines of jesus christ jude was not the only one who saw a defection of the church from the doctrines of jesus christ paul's epistle of hebrews was written to converted jews who were now threatening to leave christianity and return to judaism you need to keep that in mind whenever you read the book of hebrews because here were converted jews that had embraced the gospel of jesus christ upon the promises that jesus was soon to come because the early christians believed that he would come back in their day that while they were yet alive they were going to see him coming with clouds and upon the clouds of heavens with the angels with him but after some time many of the promises that they felt should have been fulfilled were not fulfilled so as they contemplated leaving christianity a letter came which we know as the epistle of hebrews the letter was anonymous and uh for that reason many bible scholars even argue the fact as to whether or not paul was really the author because in all of his other books he signs his name and he defends his apostleship but in the book of hebrews we do not see the name of paul although it is written from a pauline point of view i was meditating on that one day and i believe that the lord gave me some insight as to why paul refused to sign his name uh being of the stop of benjamin the pharisee of pharisees a jew in every sense of the word but he was raised up to be the apostle to the gentiles and consequently him preaching a gospel of saved by grace and not really trying to hold up the jewish traditions of circumcision and meat that they could and could not eat meeting on the first day of the week rather than the sabbath day paul became one that the jewish believers did not really care for and he knew that were he to write that valuable letter and sign his name that many people would probably discard it without even reading it so he sent this great letter letting them know that while you are contemplating defecting from christianity i do not want to ignore the beautiful things of judaism but i do want to contrast them with the better things of christ so rather than talking about leaving from christianity what i want you to do is draw nine with a true heart having had the courage to enter into the holiest by a new and living way now let's draw near in full assurance so he writes that letter because he recognizes that even in this early time there was somewhat of a weariness among those who had embraced the doctrines of christianity paul further affirmed that the defection from the faith the falling away the profession of faith without the power thereof would grow increasingly worse as time continued so in second timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 5 he says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors headed high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such he says turn away i think that the prophets and the apostles of old they saw the day and the time in which we live america is right now on a collision course with destiny you go back and you look at the history and many times prophetic words were not written so much because of a mystical revelation but they were written through scientific observation there were those who saw the greek empires and kingdoms of the past and they saw the rule that they traveled and having seen what happened to ancient egypt having seen what happened even earlier to the mesopotamian kings having seen what happened to mighty assyria and to the babylonian empire and the media persians and the grecians and the romans it was automatic that the word of god would save the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget god and america is on a collision course with destiny the very things that are going on now as belgium and as canada and one or two other countries have already become how shall i say it open to the judgment of god by redefining what marriage is as a union between two people rather than a union between a man and a woman and now in a day when our nation is on a collision course uh with those of the middle east the islamic nations that are fanatically religious our supreme court would have the audacity to strike down laws against sodomy talking about the right of privacy but when you go contrary to nature and contrary to the word of god you have no right of privacy i once heard a preacher say that god is going to have to deal with this thing of homosexuality bestality bisexuality he's going to have to deal with it in america ielts he's going to have to dig up sodom and gomorrah because he owes them an apology [Applause] if god rained down fire and brimstone on the cities of sodom and gomorrah and if in romans chapter 1 when it says because they knew god but they worshiped him not as god and became vain in that imagination burning in their lust men with men and women with women god gave them up and it doesn't matter who gets on television saying that it is all right god says that when you follow that course it is an abomination and there is a date with destiny for everybody who follows that type of a course you're not gonna shout tonight but it don't matter [Applause] the apostle peter in second peter chapter 3 verses 3 and 4 he says knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation so with all of the foregoing in mind we get this word from jude jude lets us know that it is a time when we must earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints let's take just a few moments and see who this author is he simply refers to himself as jude the servant of jesus christ and brother of james well he is not the brother of james the son of zebedee because his brother's name was john he is not the brother of james the son of alpheus he is in reality jude the brother of our lord and savior jesus christ who is called judah in mark six and three i know that there are those who reject the idea that our blessed lord and savior jesus christ had natural brothers but when you look in the gospel of mark chapter 6 it talks about him going or coming home to nazareth where he was brought up and he could do that none of his mighty works because they did not believe in him and they began to ask the question is not this the carpenter the son of joseph and mary and he goes on to name his brothers and also says are not his sisters here with us also so the thing that we understand is that mary was a virgin when she conceived of the holy ghost our lord and savior jesus christ but after jesus was born mary and joseph lived like any other couple and they had additional children now these brothers of jesus they were unbelievers you can find that in john chapter 7 because there was a feast of the jews and his brothers asked why he would not go up to the feast for it adds these words at the end of verse 5 in chapter 7 for neither did his brothers believe in him oh but after the resurrection at least two of his brothers namely james and jude appear in the upper room according to acts 1 13 and 14 where they received the holy ghost and became new testament apostles and authors of the epistles of james and jews well to whom does this author write his letter we are not sure of what the geographical community of christians he is writing to because there is no geographical designation such as colossae thessalonica rome or galatia he does not mention pontus cappadocia or asia he does however make it clear that his message is not to sinners but he simply says to them that are sanctified by god the father and we need to remember when we're reading the word of god that the word of god is addressed to us it is not addressed so much to the center in the street but it is addressed to those of us who are of the household of faith his letter is not only addressed to those who are sanctified by god the father but preserved in jesus christ oh i want you to know that it does not matter what is going on in the world around us we have a god that through the power of his word and the power of the holy ghost he will preserve you or he will keep you from the evil that goes on around you you do not have to get caught up in what is going on around you and if there ever was a day that we need to know that that is preservative power in jesus christ that day is now for when we look around we find that there is so much corruption in the world and there is corruption in the body of christ i addressed the board of bishops in milwaukee during the men's week and i said to them i said i was aware of the fact that there is a certain amount of unrighteousness that goes on within the body of christ but i didn't know how widespread it was until i came into this office and that i could to look at the things that hinder us and sum it up in three words selfishness greed and dishonesty but it doesn't matter how much of that goes on around you i praise god that we can be preserved through jesus christ i just wish you tell three people he will keep you if you want to be kept oh hallelujah he addresses his letter to them who are sanctified by god the father preserved in jesus christ and called dr shear talked about that a lot last night being called and i want you to know you're not here by happenstance you're not here simply because of the fact that though you be a third a fourth generation member of the church of god in christ because there are a whole lot of second third and fourth generation church of god in christ children that did not embrace the religion of their fathers some got caught up in drugs and in crime and in all other kinds of life and they are in early graves but you are here because you're called somebody ought to say thank god that i was called oh i think you only said that because i told you to say it but with a little enthusiasm tell somebody next to you i appreciate the fact that i was called hallelujah [Applause] as we go further what is the message of jew jude declares that he had an urgent message to get over to the body of christ concerning the common salvation do you know what he said that love when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation which is just in reality the faith which we all share in common if there is any trick that the devil will use in order to draw people away it is the idea of trying to give you something that is different something that is greater than anybody else something at the end of the end uh not too long ago well i say not too long ago but during my lifetime this thing of evangelists that you know would walk the floor and call people out tell them their name and tell them their address and that doctor's name and all of these kind of things and then you find yourself i want that gift baby let me tell you when you read in the bible and find the gift of suit saying fortune telling when paul was on his first missionary journey and when he well no not his first but the second missionary journey because he and silas they were traveling and did not know where to go they were forbidden of the holy ghost to go where they wanted to and in the night vision they appeared a man of macedonia that said come over into macedonia and help us and when paul responded and came to philippi the chief city of that portion of macedonia and there i can believe he was looking trying to find the face of the man whom he had seen in the night vision but he didn't find a man at all he only found a group of women who gathered daily by a certain body of water to study the word of god and as paul opened the scripture god opened the heart of a woman by the name of lydia and when god opened her heart she opened her home and as they walked dearly from lydia's house to the prayer meeting there was a young girl a damsel that had the spirit of divination fortune telling and with that her pimps they weren't using her body they were using her mind it brought them much gain but one day when paul was trouble and he recognized that these were not words of praise but they were the taunting words of a demon-possessed girl he commanded the devil to come out of that girl and when the devil came out of her she was not able to tell fortunes anymore and i want you to know that the best thing that you can be is saved sanctified filled with the holy ghost and normal don't worry about calling folk out only thing you worry about is keeping the devil out of you and be saved and sanctified and filled with the holy ghost and normal or just tell somebody i want the common salvation i want the same salvation that the rest of god's people have jude saw a drifting away from the original teachings and he said that this drifting away was being orchestrated by false teachers listen to what he says for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of all ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness and denying the only lord god and our lord jesus christ so what is he saying he described the teachers as men who slipped into the church unnoticed but were ordained for condemnation oh i want you to know that what he does here he's so pointedly shows us that these men had a doctrine that was damning the church what was that doctrine it was an extreme edge of eternal security i'll take a deep breath and say it again they were teaching an extreme edge of the doctrine of eternal security listen to what he says he says turning the grace of our god into lasciviousness there are other versions of the bible that does not use the word lasciviousness but use the word licentiousness a license to do evil but he says the thing that i want you to be reminded of that while somebody is teaching you that once you trick god into saving you it doesn't matter what you do you can't be lost he said i want to remind you of something verse 5 i will therefore put you in remembrance though ye once knew this how that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt afterwards destroyed them that believe not [Applause] he said i want to give you three examples of the fact that once saved doesn't mean you're always saved god saved them out of egypt but afterwards he destroyed those that believe not have you ever watched that the lord brought them out of egypt some says two of us said three million strong that night when the deaf angel passed over the land of egypt but when those same people began to mummer and to complain and god told moses get out of the way i'm going to destroy them and raise up another nation unto you and moses pleaded with god don't do it and the only thing that moses succeeded in doing he stopped god from killing all of them at one time but he still says everyone from 20 up except for joshua and caleb will not enter into the promised land and for 40 years they went around in circles until all of them dropped dead he says i want to give you another example and the angels which kept not thy first estate but left their own habitation he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day and you certainly would think angels could not be lost but he said i want you to know that they too can be lost even as solomon gemara and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over the fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire jude says this doctrine has corrupted the church and i came up in that time that even the little children in the sunshine every sunday evening when we had sunshine band we had to testify before we even got saved and we'd have to tell the sunshine mother whether we had been shining that week and when the saints backslid and committed sin they had to come back and repent before the church but now we have folk testifying that i'm saved and sanctified baptized and filled with the holy ghost and a mighty burning fire and they're raising the devil all over their community and yet the main song leader on sunday morning and i'm almost finished wrong as he tells them about the things that are happening how there is in the church and drifting now see i'm not a golfer most of my brothers they play golf uh i told them in a meeting in jackson mississippi several years ago committed that bishop owens had sent to hawaii and they came back talking about you know playing golf i won't name them and when they got through talking about it i said to the brothers down in jackson we were in bishop mason's birthday celebration i said i thank god that i'm saved and sanctified and filled with the holy ghost i don't smoke i don't drink i don't shoot the bathroom i don't golf but but i do fish and i fish in a boat and many times in the process on a day that seems to be calm i might drop the hook by a certain bush and catch a fish turn around to take him off the hook and rebate the hook and turn back around and see that without me even knowing the boat was moving i had drifted too far to even reach that bush and the devil is so subtle that it is hard for him to get a real saint to just backslide outright but we drift [Applause] [Music] we fast a little less and then we don't fast at all and before we know it that temper that we had under control begins to flare up and before you know the enemy has caused you to drift out of safe territory in danger of being lost and you'd recognize what was happening in his day so he simply says to them i just want to admonish you that it is time to look back at the original faith and tell god that i've got to have it i'm not contented with just being one that's a member with my name on the road but i want to earnestly contend for the faith we and i know i'll get in trouble here but we contend sometimes for our traditions more than we contend for the faith there's so much in our background that we don't need to lose but there's some things there's no need in thinking about going back to [Applause] you're not going back to the day when the women will cotton stockings and dresses sweeping the floor it doesn't matter who tries to get you you're not going back there because even in that day the brothers see you go back in the early days when the men didn't even wear ties i don't think anybody can produce a picture where bishop mason had a time they usually just wore those banded collar shirts and later on he did stop wearing a little small bow tie and the thing about it while the men were getting shot wearing exclusive suits and loud ties they were yet saying to the women you know you can't dress up like that that don't become holiness [Applause] when you try to contend for traditions you can turn your tradition into something that it wasn't intended to be the message that i was preparing for the women's day uh women's convention and got to the pulpit and the lord directed me to go another way but in that message i was dealing with a page out of israel's history and in that particular page out of israel's history one of the kings when he came to power and the people were yet uh worshiping in the groves and the high places and even that that that serpent a brass that when the people complained and god sent firing serpents in and they began to bite the people and people died and the lord told moses the way to get rid of this make a brazen serpent of grass and set him up on a pole and everybody that looked at that brazen serpent that they would be healed and that poison in that system would be neutralized after god used that brazen serpent they kept that thing through the centuries and start burning incense to it they start worshiping it and finally god elevated this particular king and he destroyed that brazen serpent and he called it neheshtan and i looked up the word in his stand and you know what it meant just another piece of brass that you all been worshiping this thing that had a place in israel's history but now it's just another piece of brass i'm trying to tell you it's not for us to contend for tradition but we've got to contend for the faith what is the faith let me just briefly lay it out for you in about five points first of all the faith of those of us as believers in jesus christ is that every man that is born into this world is born in sin and he needs a savior that this is one of the first components of the faith it does not matter that the person is an entertainer a sports figure who can contribute tens of thousands of dollars to the church they've got to know when they come in the door we appreciate the fact that you've been attracted to this ministry but the fact that you're making money as a singer as an entertainer as a sports enthusiast or sports participant you still are a sinner and you need to be born again and the next component of the faith is that since you can't save yourself you need a savior and neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under the heavens given among men whereby we must be saved other than the name of jesus it's our right to become ecumenical i don't have any problems mixing with the baptist and the methodists and the apostolics and the charismatics and any other denomination that holds jesus as lord but when you try to make me get in a march behind mr farrakhan to the washington monument i can't follow him because he believes in muhammad and i believe in jesus christ [Applause] when you start taking watches and all other kind of gifts from mr sanyon moon who thinks that he is some kind of a savior within himself that he came to complete what jesus failed in i'm sorry mr moon can keep his watch he can keep his free trip to korea because jesus is lord of my life and i don't care how many folks call me a square pig trying to fit into a round hole this is one of the cornerstones of my faith that jesus is lord and when i pray i can't pray in the name of uh all of these other folks in the name of allah and in the name buddha and in the name of this one and in the name of that one because i found out there ain't salvation in nobody else peter made that mistake on the mountain of transfiguration now jesus had left nine of his disciples at the base of the mountain carrying nobody with peter james and john to the summit and i know i'm a little long-winded tonight [Applause] peter and john and james went to sleep jesus had two visitors the last thing i heard from moses he was buried in a secret grave nobody was thou but god himself as the eulogies angels were the pall barrels and the gravediggers and the devil showed up and said the body of moses belongs to me yet michael the archangel did not make a railing accusation he simply said satan the lord rebuked thee and the devil had to leave the funeral but moses evidently got out of that secret grave and appeared on the mountain with jesus another visitor was elijah the last thing i heard from him he was on a chariot drawn by horses of fire the wheels spinning fire horses chewing on bits of fire yeah the rider sitting in the cockpit holding reigns of fire and i don't know whether elijah took that chariot or another but he appeared on the mountain with jesus peter woke up and said master it's good for us to be here tell you what let's build three tabernacles one for moses one for elijah and one for you and a cloud overshadowed and the voice of the heavenly father more or less said shut up peter you don't know what you're talking about this is my beloved son hear ye him and when the cloud had rolled away moses was gone and elijah was gone nobody remained on the sunlit summit of the mountain peak except jesus only and i want you to know that when the cloud of time rolls away muhammad will be gone buddha will be gone leotis will be gone harry kristen sun yun moon will be gone david koresh is already gone and there won't be nobody left but jesus and jesus only and a strong point of our faith is salvation through jesus christ and i don't care what nobody else do i'm gonna hold on to that then there was another component that once you receive jesus you have a directive sanctify yourself and the very god of peace will sanctify you w-h-o-l-l-y when you get through doing all you can do then he will do the rest this is not only a pentecostal tongue speaking church i know we like to sing a holy church there's a little hand clapping tongue talking foot stomping church of god in christ but it's also a sanctified church of god in christ that when you are saved if any man be in christ yes he's a new creature all things are passed away and behold all things are become new if any man be in christ he is he's a new creature hallelujah you've got a new way of walking you got a new way of talking you got a new way of living you got a new way of giving things i used to do i don't do no more i heard somebody say there's a great change can i hear you say great change turn around and tell somebody there's a great change since i've been born i got to close but another component of the faith is that you need to be filled with the holy ghost we got too many church members i know i've got them in temple of deliverance they're in all of our churches people have embraced gospel music as an art form they want to go to church to hear the choir they want to go to church to as they say get that praise on but i've got to tell you something it's not about getting your praise on it's about getting the holy ghost because when you get your praise on all you've got to do is do what the praise and worship leader tell you to do but when you get the holy ghost something way down inside of you out of your belly shall slow rivers of living water don't nobody has to take you to the tongue room and teach you how to talk in tongues but ah when you get the holy ghost wow a wheel will begin to turn praises will begin to go forth and you know you are not speaking like you were taught in the tongue room but you're speaking as the spirit gives a trunks i don't care which way the rest of christianity go i came to tell you church of god in christ content for the faith that was once delivered to the saints now when he said once delivered he simply said others may look for it and they don't know what they got when they get it but you know what it is because you used to be there you used to live there god gave it to you more than a hundred years ago it's all right to sing the songs that the rest of christianity is saying but don't forget the songs that he gave you it's all right to make a confession of faith but don't stop tearing all night it's all right to have a nice devotional craft but every once in a while you need a shut-in shut out and shut in shut out everything that's not like god and shed in with god [Music] i don't know about you but there's a hunger in my heart there's a thirst in my spirit i hear what jude is trying to say saints earnestly contend father faith that was once delivered to the saints hold on to it the stock rocket may go up and down you may lose your investments but don't lose the states you may lose some loved ones you may lose some friends but hold on to the faith hold through the storm and the rain oh don't let anything separate you neither heighten our depths neither things present not things to come don't let nothing separate you i made up in my mind that i'm going earnestly i'm going to sincerely on to the favor that was once delivered to the saints bishop mason expects it mother coffee expects it riley williams expects it em paige expects it william roberts expects it o.t jones senior expects it all of those who have gone before us expects it but not only that jesus is leaning over the balcony of heaven saying i'm counting on you to hold up my name i'm counting on you to live the life i'm counting on you to let your light shine [Music] anybody in here decide you're going to contend for i don't know every once in a while something comes over me and i get a hunger y'all remember i don't even remember who it was and wasn't a major recording artist but the song was built on the fact that the little boy went to a concert and he heard him singing and something got stirred in his spirit and when he got home he told his momma said i'm hungry she said well why aren't you going in the kitchen and fix you a peanut butter jelly sandwich and he had to say i don't want no butter and jelly but i want my soul to be saved i don't know how long it'll be it won't be long andre crouch wrote soon we'll be leaving here it won't be long we'll be going home count the years as much count the months of weeks count the weeks and days any day now we'll be going home but oh when he comes he's not gonna ask the secretary show me the record book he's not going to look to see whether you have evangelist credentials but all he wants to know is did you hold on to the faith that was once delivered to the saints [Applause] if you're holding on to it tell three people i'm contending i'm contending and contending for the faith hallelujah hallelujah [Music] everybody standing on your feet oh i shot up a hole my soul that light in your jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] why are you standing and i don't want anybody to move i don't want you to leave out of here somebody right now i know i didn't preach extensively on the holy ghost but somebody in here tonight you feel like you got to do a rededication to the lord somebody tonight you've been in the church holding jobs sunday school teaching auxiliary leader but you know you don't have the holy ghost hold on my shot video we've got deacons now counting the money that don't have the holy ghost but if there's something stern in your spirit and you know this is your night i want you to run down here with your hands lifted speaking praises to god shalom now hallelujah saints all over the building come give god some praise [Applause] come and give him praise [Music] come giving him praise because while you're praising him he's gonna heal your body while you're praising him [Music] he's gonna meet a need in your life [Music] thank you lord [Music] holy spirit by one way come in this place holy spirit thou art well come in this place all near impotent father of mercy and grace thou art will come into this workers bring them a little closer that others coming that's still another 350 let's get ready to walk in this direction i don't want nobody to walk out that door the holy ghost is getting ready to fall in this place like rain come now you that need that rededication these young folks look at these young men come come come come come the lord is calling you don't worry about what others are doing [Music] holy spirit [Music] this place holy spirit now i will come in this place [Music] father mercy and grace by what went coming into this and let the church say yes [Applause] bring it out yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] yes lord yes tell them yes all over the building yes [Music] yes lord [Music] [Music] my soul says yes [Music] my soul says yes you better ring it my soul says yes [Music] my soul said yes [Music] my soul yes lord yes [Music] yes lord yes lord [Applause] yes [Music] god our souls say yes yes to your will yes to your way yes we've heard your voice and yes we will comply we are earnestly contended for the faith that was once delivered to the saints save in the room tonight sanctify according to your word baptize and seal with the holy ghost break the yoke break the rod of the oppressor's room in the name of jesus satan take your hands off we're not asking you we're commanding you to take your hands off loose the bound loose this woman loose this man rebuke the devil in every one of his forms tonight jesus jesus your word your word prevails your word makes whole your word sanctifies your work delivers your word destroys the yoke by the anointing of the holy ghost touch him here touch right now touch on the altar save the unsaved reclaim the backslider fill with the holy ghost whom in these eyes heal the sick among us drive out the enemy your touch is in the room touch touch touch touch in the name of jesus heal heal heal by the glory of your brothers yeah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord because i command you to receive tonight receive the mountain receive his touch receive his healing receive the holy ghost receive deliverance receive it pendulum condo glory [Music] our hearts are hungry our spirits are thirsty like the heart patted after the water broke so balance my soul after the old god my soul is hungry my spirit is thirsty bread of heaven bread of heaven [Applause] let's kill we want no more feed us tonight what [Music] set the rain set the rain rain on us tonight rain rain rain the wonder of your glory rain in our mix these shadows in the name of jesus yes [Music] [Music] hallelujah all over this building don't stop praising him while god is filling with the holy ghost down on the altar he'll heal you out there if you praise him he'll put your broken home back together while you praise him he'll straighten out your finances while you praise him he'll deliver that child from drugs while you praise him praise him praise is thank you thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you [Music] glory glory glory glory look on these young people oh god when our young men are on their way to prisons god turned these around yeah yeah yeah let them receive your fullness yeah give them a heart to serve you give them a mind to live fire in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now all over this building you know i got to say it hey look over somebody tell them jesus is in the room and i command you to be healed be delivered and be set free [Music] now you may have to move around a little bit but i want you to find seven people and tell them jesus is in the room and i command you to be healed be the limits and be set free [Music] three [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on and praise her come on and give him the fruit of your lips come on and give him praise hallelujah now turn to somebody tell him the bishop said contend for it and i'm going to contend because i got to have it i got to have it [Music] [Music] yes the evil days are here but evil days are yet coming bishop mason used to say the worst is yet to be we don't know what the future holds but it doesn't matter what comes my way i'm gonna hold on to the faith that was once delivered to the saints [Music] the wind won't separate the light they won't separate the earthquakes won't separate deceitful friends won't separate me i'm gonna hold it for when nothing else could help i was sinking in sin going down for the third time but the lord out his hands and lifted me up and i'm gonna hold on to my face trouble will come but i'm gonna hold it [Music] just tell three people contend for a content part contemporary [Music] find your way back to your seat if you can but don't nobody leave hold to his hand god's unchanging hand oh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh trust in him that will not leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] is [Applause] hallelujah come on and give the lord a hand to praise and take your seat for a moment [Music] for the power of the lord is still the same [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh come on let me say it again for the power [Music] so just tell somebody [Applause] jesus hallelujah oh bless the name of jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah bless your name jesus bless your name sometimes it's just beautiful to sit and bask in the glory of his presence [Music] [Music] yes [Music] rise [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i'll feel this [Music] when i feel disappointing sometimes i i want to stretch out before him and at the same time i want to run the aisles and that i want to just throw my head back and scream he shall [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kyoung83
Views: 27,595
Rating: 4.7119999 out of 5
Keywords: bishop ge patterson, presiding bishop ge patterson, ge patterson, bishop patterson, Cogic aim, aim convention, aim 2003, aim convention 2003, Bishop Charles Blake, 1st assistant presiding bishop, Cogic, Cogic praise break, praise break, contending for the faith, Jude, Cogic general board, Cogic presiding bishop, altar call, prayer, Holy Ghost, holy spirit, auxiliaries in ministry, bishop j drew Sheard, Bishop Jerry Macklin, aim chairman, holiness preaching, Jesus, worship, GOD
Id: nq2uWdGqssw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 35sec (5855 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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