GE Patterson Mother Concerning her Children

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God we thank you for another opportunity that you have granted us to say yes so many times our understanding is not fruitful concerning what you have commanded our spirits to say yes to but we thank you that whatever your will is in our lives we want to take this moment to say yes yes Lord with uplifted hands we we say yes Lord oh come on from the depths of your spirit just tell him right now yes lon you will your way haha whatever you have defined the order in our life today we say yes hallelujah Oh God the day we asks that you will anoint these lips of Claim give us the speaker word then that will lift heavy burdens Oh God we know what the enemy does he takes advantage of days like this in order to make some people fall back into a state of grief because of puzzles and loved ones who are departed but all God break the shackle break the chain lift the cloud and let you lower it be revealed in this place and we say yes hallelujah thank you Jesus number service is totally released into your hand whatever the Spirit has designed we know you will bring it to pass and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you come on and give him a hand the fries measures you may be seated [Music] yes Lord yes Lord [Music] [Applause] yes long yes long yes yes one yes long yes [Music] yes my soul says yes my soul says yes my son muscle my soul now leather [Applause] this law keeps ringing in my soul oh yes Lord rain yes MA yes [Applause] Charles bringing in my hallelujah yes Lord my soul yeah yes yeah yes thank you all [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shop on this side thank you Jesus aha thank you lord I want to share with you passage of Scripture that is often shared with the people of God on Mother's Day and although I sought to go in other directions I kept being turned back to the book of 1st Samuel I want you to look with me to chapter 1 I want to just read verses 20 through 22 and let me say even before getting to the message I know that this is a busy day and I know that there are many who have dinner engagements and various things that are planned but I trust that everyone will do your best to honor God and not disrespect his house please ask these five and one says keep that foot when thou goest into the house of the Lord and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do evil even in that day the wise man Solomon recognized that people who go to worship the Lord at the temple and they can't have proper decorum that they were dishonouring God would that you would stay for the benediction yes we have think about a hundred and fifty dozen roses and I want every mother in the house to take home one of these roses on today they will not be given out until the end of the service for Samuel chapter 1 verse 20 if you have that say men come on let's read verses 20 through 22 wherefore it came to pass when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived that she bare a son and called his name Samuel saying because I have asked him of the Lord and the man Elkanah and all his house went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice and his vow but Hannah went nada for she said unto her husband I will not go up until the child be weaned and then I will bring him that he may appear before Lord and there abide forever I want to talk about the mother who knew what to do concerning her child the mother who knew what to do concerning her child god bless you issues and I hope that each of you will allow your Bibles to remain open to this first chapter of the first book of Samuel I believe that even though this book is somewhat ancient that it does have much to say to us as the Word of God in its totality if the guide that is given to us for our daily living in this day and time many mistakes are made because we constantly try to find some other way I believe one prophet mentioned the fact that God's people have forsaken God the fountain of living water and has hewn I have dug out for themselves cisterns that can hold no water and by now we all realized that the world's artificial method of trying to regulate and make things right in this world of just like broken cisterns that can hold no water if we're going to really have the water of life that makes our lives what God would happen to be we've got to return and stay with the Word of God the prophet Samuel whom we know to be the writer of the greater portion of this book first samuel and the one that follows 2nd samuel here is a man that god used during the transitional period of his people israel as they first of all started out as a family and the family of Jacob whose name is turn changed shall I say to Israel that goes down into Egypt at the invitation of Joseph and they continued to grow and they grew until they became a nation God used Moses to bring them out of the land of Egypt and here they were a theocratic name the theocracy a nation governed by God but they continue to transistor they continue to change they remain the theocracy on the Moses they remain the theocracy under Joshua who led them in and they remained a theocracy even under the judges but Samuel is the one who ends up being the last judge in Israel and he presided over the transition of Israel as they ceased to be a theocracy and became a monarchy Samuel had no desire to crown them a king but the people rebelled and God told him go ahead on and do what the people want for they have not rejected you they have rejected me that I should be king over them no longer but this man who played such a tremendous role in the history of ancient Israel was one of those children who almost was never born when we first meet his mother this woman who is a shining example of the power of prayer she is one of the two wives of L canal hello go back to the beginning of the chapter verse 1 I hope you still have your Bibles open now that was a certain man of ram ma femme zoltan of mount ephraim and his name was Elkanah the son of Jerome the son of Elihu the son of Tohu the son of Zeus and II for height verse 2 says and he had two wives I can't just stumble over that I gotta take just a moment because we are living in a day and I think that if you have done in a late night television news viewing you know right now that there was a man who is on the FBI number ten top ten wanted list he is attempting to hold the old tradition of the Mormon religion what is called the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints they more than a hundred years ago and their official documents renounced polygamy but such had been the teaching of that organization for so long until that had gotten into the spirit of the people and you can teach anything long enough that people who believe it it gets into that spirit and they teach it to that children and this man is continuing the old tradition of polygamy in fact they're saying that man can not reach a certain height in the kingdom of God unless he has at least three wives now you got a lot of folk who rather than read the simple text out of the New Testament concerning what it takes to live a dedicated life to Jesus Christ they'd rather go back in the Old Testament and find some things that happened even though those things were not ordered not blessed by God but they wanted what about this and I wouldn't doubt that I'm looking at some folk here now whose run into some fellow that's tried to psyche you in the living as one of his wives and now the thing that has happened is they don't even now care to use have the benefit of any papers to make it legal we live in a day now when people just want to live together check it out and see if I like this and I used to hear the old preachers say you know a woman ought to at least make a man respect her as much as he respects his doll because he's got a license for his doll and why you gonna let him psyche you into living with him without even a license oh yeah I know I know something else' now if this is whether you don't talk about I'm gonna get out of here but I'm gonna tell you something the sad thing that is happening to us today is that everybody is talking about getting your praise on and if they're not talking about getting your praise on they're preaching the message of prosperity but it's not many people that's taking the time to try to teach folk practically how to live life and then when you take the time to try to teach for the practicality of living the life of a Christian the life of a believer we wonder is that you know is there some way else I can go but they're plenty places you can go but whenever you come back through these doors we're gonna still be telling you what thus saith the law yes it was a practice in this day and this man Elkanah was not unique in the fact that he had two wives one of them was named Hannah I'm in verse 2 chapter 1 the others name was pnina now notice what is said about pnina she had children but hannah had no children this man went up out of his City yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh I don't want to spend a lot of time there but these were during the days before the Lord instituted Jerusalem as the capital city for his people Jerusalem became the political capital while it was also the spiritual capital of the nation of Israel but prior to God instituting Jerusalem Shiloh was the place that the law was fulfilled when the Lord said at least three times a year all of the males in Israel shall appear before the Lord now the thing was it was like calling the whole nation together because when the me went usually the whole family accompany them and when they went up to Shiloh here is Elkanah with his two wives Hannah and pnina and as he went the shiloh it also throws in here at the latter end of verse three the two sons of Eli hophni and Phinehas the priests of the Lord were them now when we first meet Hoffman Phineas that's all we hear they were the priests of the law but but it's gets a little eerie the father you read and find out what kind of priests they were you got a whole lot of preachers [Applause] but you have to make up your mind when you find out the difference in what kind of priests we have something here that has disappeared from most churches especially those on television I have a upfront ministerial staff right here when I'm preaching in the background you can see them if you notice most television ministry is what you see now is a bank of flowers plants and the preacher who is the main speaker don't have nobody in the background and as I looked at the years and we've been on international television now for about 15 by 16 years and as I look at those years and I saw my god beautiful message but I sure wish someone so well known that later on my show which that one went on that because we live in a day when people now not only will do damnable things but they have the nerve to be arrogant [Applause] yeah I mean they have the nerve yeah you know I didn't do that anybody say I did they lied and sometimes the folk in the street know I'm better than the folk in the church and then you look at a flashback and there they are now I'm not talking about nobody sitting up here I'm talking my history Hoffman Phineas were priests when you think about the kind of priests they were now it says when the time was that elk and the Offutt and look at this verse for from the time for Elkanah to offer his offerings he gave pnina his wife and to all her sons and her daughters portions in other words you can't say you don't have anything to give he took her Nana gave her portion gave her sons gave her daughters all that family a portion of goods to present before the Lord verse 5 says but under Hanna he gave a worthy potion and some of your other biblical translation uses the word double portion he gave pnina and her children what was a good portion but he gave Hanna a double portion why he is trying to console her he is trying to encourage her he's trying to keep her from getting down in the dumps why the Lord had shut up her womb in that day and time that was really nothing else for women to do but to be wives and mothers it was not a day when you could interview group of women and many of them would say well you know I have my career I'm not really that concerned about getting married or having children I've got my career ahead of me their career was to be a housewife that career was to raise children if they did not have the blessing of a husband and the blessing of children then it was a thing that made them feel that lives were not really worth living and then that insult to injury verse six opens up and her adversary now I know that if you've watched the news that I referred to earlier it talks about all of these women living together in this compound where the man has multiple wives and how well they get along but I think if they would tell you the truth they'd have to go back to verse 6 of chapter one her adversary husbands of a wife now you remember this isn't the first time they tried that a Abraham God had promised to bless Abraham and his wife Sarah but after the Lord spoke it time passed eleven years later still wasn't no child Sarah got spiritual told Abraham I got a beautiful maid over here black girl over here named Hannah take her she'll buy you a child but as soon as Hagar realized she was pregnant she got attitude and soon as the child was born Sarah got added to things [Applause] because there are some things that maybe but they were not meant to be and and the sad thing is out of that kind of history when polygamy was practiced the woman was subservient she recognized her role in life was to be subservient and now what has happened even in our nation now they will tell you that it is basically in the African American community the women who are going back to get their degrees and to get as knowledgeable and it's polished as they can because they recognize they're living in a world where the woman is not like back in the days of my mother when they waited to get married and they knew that the man was going to take care of them women today pretty well know they got to take care of themselves and and the sad thing is the men know that the women are so desperate until they said well while she taking care of herself she may as well take him me too and in our community and I may have to get security to get me out of here but but what is happening in our community now it is so sad how many lazy self-conceited black men there I don't know of anything that this just me anymore than seeing a man 35 40 45 years old having never been married doesn't have the Morrow background they even make a commitment don't see knows all he's got to do is find what the Bible calls silly one silly woman [Applause] I had several months ago a minister told me I'm getting ready to marry and I'm a marathon zone so but pastor I want you to buy my license I wrote him a note back and I said I tell the women that if a man can't afford to buy license she stupid the merrier I just wouldn't help believe that I have women sitting under my ministry that's that's stupid that will marry somebody who didn't even have enough money to buy marriage license it's sick women got to wake up and realize who you are God intended for you to think more yourself than men and I might have just lost a few members but I'm just gonna tell you if it's housecleaning time sweep [Applause] Elkanah had two wives and they didn't take care of him he took care of them Hanna didn't have any children but because he loved her he gave her a double portion but tonight I knew what was going on she was the adversary and provoked her to make her fret hmm because the Lord had shut up a womb in other words pnina knew that a husband Elkanah really loves Hanna better than he loved her so she decided I'm not gonna let Hanna enjoy this I'm gonna make life so miserable for her until I take her mind off of how much the husband loves her and see that was spiritual picture that Satan knows how much God loves you he knows how God is always somehow giving you blessing yes he blessed the whole world but there's something special about the love he half of those who love Him who will live for him who get into his word y'all don't hear what I'm saying and the enemy doesn't like the love that the father have for you so he'll do everything he can to keep coming up with a pen to burst your bubble in order to make you not realize the love that God is focusing upon you hallelujah you ought to tell somebody Mina it doesn't matter what I don't have I know God loves me adversary provoked up and as he did so year by year she went up to the house of the Lord so she provoked her therefore she wept and did not he now he has a woman a husband really loves up but she's round weeping and crying and won't eat that's the enemy I keep telling you he wants to keep you weeping and crying rubble and enjoying what you've got going for you know may not have four or five million dollars in the bank may not have this may not have that but you got a life you got help you've got a knowledge of God you know why you put you here you got joy said once before you got joy even when you don't have happiness happiness is based on what's happening but let me tell you doesn't matter what's happening glory to God things can be in a mess so you're not happy because things are not happening but although you may not be happy you can still help Joey pull it a car God and the joy of the Lord that's my strength but let me let me hurry up and get through this but listen to what my husband says in verse eight y'all forgive me I'm pretending this is Tuesday night then said L cannot her husband to her why we but that what are you crying about why the tears why you won't eat why is your heart grieved am i intense sons no you don't have a child but I'm better than you then if you had ten so Hannah recognized I gotta do something I don't have a child and then look like my state of grief is turning in the depression for the watch it I I'm gonna end up not having a husband and she realized she had to seek an alternative let me tell you comes a time in life when you got to seek an alternative you got to realize that who I am and what I'm doing this is not fulfilling that's got to be a better way one of the secular singers a few years ago say I got a new attitude you got to get a new attitude hello somebody so what does she do first nonsense so Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh and after they had drunk now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by post of the Temple of the Lord now you you get this word temple but this predates the building of the temple it's called temple it's really a tabernacle it is a temporary place it is a place where the Ark of the Covenant is placed the presence of God is there and it is the place where when people wanted to come before God they would come but the temple has not been built and will not be built until several centuries later I just want you to know when you read that word temple back here at this point it's not talking about the great temple that was eventually built now it talks about Eli sitting by a post he was sitting there as the priest so he could watch and see what was going on and he sees this woman coming in the Bible says she was in bitterness of soul and praying under the Lord and wept soul she was in anguish and and she wept greatly she's that we've been and let me tell you that comes a time when you got to learn how to do your weeping before God and God only you know the enemy want to see you cry anyway and if he find out which button that if he push will make you cry he'll keep on pushing that button [Applause] no I think I need to say that again once the enemy finds out what button he has to push in order to make you cry don't think he's going to be sympathetic he's gonna keep pushing that cry button I feel some eyes on me this day sometimes you got to do like Hezekiah did when the prophet Isaiah told him such a house in order you got to die you can't live he cried but before he cried he turned his face to the wall and we even let the prophet see me crying turned his face to the wall and we'll the prayer went up the wall and kept on until it got into the throne room and God got the pray out of the tear and stopped the prophet Isaiah before he could get out of the outlet court said cool bang tell him I've seen his tears I've heard his prayer and I'm gonna give him 15 more years she was in bitterness of soul and prayed to the Lord and wept and she bowed a bow and said O Lord of Hosts if I will indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid and remember me and not forget thine handmaid but will give unto thine handmaid a man-child then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life there should no razor come upon his head in other words he's gonna be a Nazarite he's gonna have that same vow that Samson had no razors gonna come on his head no no look at what happened she's that praying no I once heard of a famous preacher say that if you don't say anything you know you can't pray unless you open your mouth and say something but if you fall this it says it came to pass that she continually praised us as she continued praying before the Lord that Eli marked her mouth and I noticed what he said here now Hannah she spake in her heart only her lips move but her voice was not heard therefore heal I just saw a woman down there working the lips and what nothing coming out and he thought she was drunk you know sometimes people misunderstand they don't understand why you coming from this woman was praying a powerful prayer but no audible voice was coming see say what you want to the lip moving you never seen a lip reader like the Lord I tell folk all the time when people are mouths and stuff trying to you know my wife knows that I don't care who it is you can do say I can't read lips I never could if you want me to know what you're saying you got to say it I'll write a note but let me tell you the God that I serve he can read lips he can read minds y'all singing glory to God he can even read tears lips were moving no word was coming out and for that reason Eli jumped to the conclusion that the woman was drunk how many times of the enemy look at you and one thing is happening and he think it's something else that times when tears can be flowing and and the enemy thinks that you were crying because you're broken hallelujah I remember one day not too long after I had just experienced this disease season my body and I was at home and I was just saying you know thank you Lord and and tears were flowing and my wife fast be safe let me what's wrong are you in pain I said no said no I'm not saying how I was just thinking God thanking him for all that he has been to me an end me and what he's allowed me to experience through the ministry and I'm up there thanking him and tears were flowing and they were not tears of sadness but tears of joy and sometimes the enemy can miss read your tears sometimes he can miss read what's going on in you hallelujah when you know what's going on down on the inside but this woman knew she knew that if unit thing was gone to save her marriage she knew that if anything was going to help bring out of that stick that that high adversary had put her in there could only be one that could help her and that was the Lord so so she's working her lips and when the priest misunderstood she first of all had to tell him I'm just a woman of sorrowful heart I poured out my complaint under God told him the story of how I don't have a child but I was just making God a vow making God a promise and the same priest who first misunderstood the Spirit of God came on him and he was able to tell a listen go in peace and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition every once in a while you've got to hear that word from the Lord many times the Lord will give you a word and and if you're not careful even after you give you the word you'll shout one day and go back in the depression but when he said the hug go in peace and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition the Bible said she was no more sad from that day forward she went home and when she got back home it says they'll come the new his wife in other words they did what couples are supposed to do in order to get children and she conceived hello somebody and she didn't have a sad moment from the time she heard the word of prophecy until the time that the child was born oh my god let me tell you everybody in him if you listen there's something God is trying to birth in you I read it just yesterday I believe in in Galatians chapter 4 somewhere around verse 19 the Apostle Paul was talking to that church throughout the regions of Galatia and he was upset over the fact that these people who had believed the simple gospel of salvation by faith through grace by grace through faith salvation by grace through faith was the thing that was going to get them through and yet those Judaizers had convinced them that it was not by grace alone but that it was works of the law and Paul had to let him know that well I got a problem and I'm going to be in pain I'm gonna be in lay low until such thing as Christ be formed in you in other words he said you wouldn't be so quick to turn around and turn aside to all of this erroneous teaching if Christ had really been formed in you you may have heard the word and you might have gone up and shook the preachers hand but but something wasn't really birthed in you if Christ had really been birthed in you you'd be more steadfast hallelujah and I want you to know God is trying to birth something in every one of you he's trying to birth if you're not saying he wants Christ to be formed in you if you're saved he wants the Holy Ghost because the Bible says out of your belly will flow rivers of living water he wants healing to be birthed in somebody somebody in here God is trying to bring you soil into a prophetic ministry but it's not going to happen until it can be formed in you as somebody what is it God's trying to birth in youth nor the God he that wants you to be balanced but he wants you to bring forth that thing which has been conceived he wants it to come forth he wants it to be formed and then he wants you to give birth to it y'all don't hear what I'm saying God give 1/4 now crying you're going forth in pain you're going forth in agony don't even know what end is up they tell me women go through all this when they get pregnant but all when that moment comes and when the water briefs and when the child is born you talking about sorrow turning in the joy Oh tell somebody don't worry about the Till's now he's about to burst something in you and once it is birthed shock will be the result [Applause] Hannah wasn't sad anymore after the word of prophecy came mmm you got to learn that when the word of prophecy come don't just get happy then and then go back into depression but stay excited keep looking for whatever God that has promised Hannah wasn't sad anymore and when the time came that child that was prophesied by Eli letting her know that I guess got to tell you that mmm go in peace and the God of Israel grant by petition when the child was born and when it was time for Elkanah and his family to go back to Shiloh I hear Hannah singing husband go ahead take Spadina and her children with you I'm gonna stay here I gotta spend just a little time with my newborn baby until I can wean him I gotta talk to him a little bit [Music] got to instill a few things with him because I'm a gone a promise I told God if he blessed me with a man-child but I'm only going to take him as a gift to give back to God and when I take him to the temple that's going to be the last time that I will be exercising my maternal authority over him I'm gonna leave him in the hand of the Lord some of you mothers that I'm looking at now you've got all kind of problems because you are trying to carry the child and carry all of the child's problems he heals forty-five years old and you still talking about my baby it's time for you to put your baby in the head it's time for you to make up your mind and say Lord I've done my part and now I'm putting him in your hand she left him in the hands of the priest Eli now you can see what you want - God Himself put his arms around Samuel because you see the kind of daddy Eli was he had a boy named Hoffner and one named Phineas and he ordained them to the ministry but at the same time people didn't even want to go to church because before the folks at all full of that sacrifice hophni and Phineas was trying to take the priests portion and gods portion - saw the women that looked sad and they were lying with the women right there in the temple they were priests but they will not were the priests and don't you know that if Eli did not have enough sternness about him to raise his own son and hophni and Phineas being the kind of hypocrites they were that influence over Samuel could have turned him around but Samuel took the position that it doesn't matter what kind of daddy he'll is it doesn't matter about my Big Brother's hophni and Phineas my mother did it ated me to the law wanna see to it that I fulfilled my purpose for being here mothers you may as well make it up in your mind you can make them little right no leading you trying to walk around and a guilt trip when you bring them into the world when you bring them to the house of the Lord and when you teach them God's Word Marinette it's saying you can do you can make them do right you can make them take right you can make them act right for when you put them in my hands we'll take right as in the spirit they right got to do is put them in the hands of Jesus [Applause] that in my family we were not talks on the WEA patterson side of the family we were not taught that we were royalty we were not taught that we were important but from my brother w a Patterson jr. my sister mother Mary Hopkins my little sister supervisor mother Leigh Ellis Smith my system Detroit Barbara Patterson Davis and yours truly we were taught by parents that you got the little the same gospel that your daddy preached and if you don't live it you can't bring no meth into my house they put the seed down on us my god and none of us have ever been the jail none of us have ever been chemical abusers none of us have been involved in homosexual activity if you put it in I want you to know that God will bring you out my hands of Jesus ah somebody next to you if you put that child [Applause] that should go my god we might stay for a minute but he'll never be able to the park you take the part from what you put in it put it one day I'll stop working on his heart my turn [Music] I'm so glad that I have a bloodless mother the father they told me about that Jesus I get in trouble I can go back to that same Bible go back to that same Jesus Jesus alone night by day everybody standing thank you Lord didn't intend the Golda's lawns but when I get into the Word of God I get joy [Applause] anybody in here that doesn't know Jesus as Lord and Savior come here right now lost in sin come hallelujah give your life to Jesus [Applause] let me also say that the door of the church is opening maybe you're already saved hallelujah bless you my sister you wanna make this your home [Music] [Applause] or somebody else needs to join this young lady coming to give your life to Jesus I'm coming to make this your church home I want you to have the courage I want you to have the boldness [Music] you know it takes courage it takes courage to come to Jesus the enemy the enemy will cow with you down it doesn't take any coverage the run with a pack but it takes courage to stand alone and the do what you know is right bless you my sister bless you my sister come on the Lord is speaking bless your muscles reflection of others [Applause] [Music] others that want to give your life to Jesus are you already saved and want to make this your church home come on now Oh in it beautiful to see these Souls turn to the law keep on giving God praise [Applause] look at God look at all look at the water park today halleluyah halleluyah come to Jesus [Applause] [Music] no one is waiting on you bless you my brother angels are about to leave them to see what you'll do with this moment Lester my brother Thank You Lorne [Music] [Applause] oh yes he will save you I'm gonna take just another 90 seconds and again I'm saying that if you have never given your life to Jesus to be your Lord to be your savior there's no better time than right now for you to come and to give him your life maybe you're already saved but you know down in your own spirit that you are not in a place where the Word of God is sufficient in order to teach you those things that you need to know concerning his word and you always find yourself turning your television to see what's happening at bountiful blessings you're always speaking to somebody about getting me a tape get me a CD get me a DVD get me a VHS I want to hear that message again if the law keeps focusing your eyes and your ears in this direction hallelujah it seems clear to me that the lord is saying this is where he wants to plant you and people I have been saying it over the years you are not going to grow anywhere other than where God plants you you can you can go to Florida California other places of tropical planet climate rather and you can see those beautiful palm trees and I don't care how well you envision seeing one of those palm trees plant it in your front yard in Memphis bring it to Memphis it's not going to grow because the climate isn't right Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying we're living in a day now when the devil is tricking so many folk God plants you in a ministry like this and somebody else get mad and when they get mad and decide well I'm through I'm going some way if some will start this I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do the other and then you decide well I'm going to be careful about uprooting yourself from where God plants you you don't always know the motives behind other ministries you don't know what happened what made that preachers decide and everyday that's somebody opening up a new church but if that's not where God planted you then it doesn't mean that you're gonna grow but honey let me tell you if you're where God planted you let the storm cloud together let the winds blow and then the strong wind you may be like that tree you may rock and you make real and you may bend over but when the wind subsides you're gonna straighten right back up and let me just take it this before I shake hands with these and send them with LD Eddie Amos some of y'all going through some storms in your life but the Holy Ghost told me to tell you today this storm is just about over shame about how sick come on tell three people around it this stop that you're going through it's just [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the victory [Music] we go [Music] Oh people [Music] [Applause] the victory [Music] the longest [Music] because keep holding on holy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the longest day will soon be gone keep holding on keep holding on [Music] don't give up thank you [Applause] [Music] yeah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for spirit to persevere thank you but spirit to hold on thank you Jesus we've heard from the Lord this morning thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we've heard from the Lord this morning a mother who knows what to do for her children thank you Jesus I wish that hey come on oh I'm on a cake whoo but I just hear that keep holding on look at somebody said don't quit now the storm is about we need about two minutes to praise our Lord right [Music] people my man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well thank you Jesus some of you came after the offering we want you to prepare yourselves to give your tithes and your offering my god we can see the shore [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not gonna labor it I'm not gonna take any more time [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 442,193
Rating: 4.6502314 out of 5
Id: ccfcOcp4xxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 0sec (5460 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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