GE Paterson Let Him Speak In The Midst of Your Storm

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for the power [Music] the same [Music] so here you only [Music] I believe that but after the week that have passed and some of you probably had problems that when you left work Friday if you had to go back Monday without having a Sunday in between you really wouldn't be able to make it but you'll go back tomorrow [Applause] [Music] father [Applause] [Applause] tell somebody so [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] open your Bibles with me to mark chapter 4 and chapter 6 I wanted to deliver another message one that I felt very strongly in my spirit even on yesterday but we shared these verses with the congregation this morning and I feel impressed to return mark chapter 4 and if you look with me the verse 35 and we'll read verse 35 through 41 then we're gonna jump over the chapter six we have mark chapter four see man read with me beginning with verse 35 and the same day when the even was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side and when they had set away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship ships and there arose a great storm of wind so that it was now full and he was in behind the part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they wake him and said that we carry and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and that was a great calm and he said unto them why are you so fearful how is it no faith all right let's turn backwards now to chapter 4 but one thing I do want you to know this before we turn back look again at verse 35 here 1 now in chapter 4 yeah we go forward to chapter 6 but before we go there look at verse 35 again and the same day when the even was come he said unto them let us pass over unto the other side so we understand that in this instance Jesus got on the ship with his disciples now turn to chapter 6 and verse 45 you have that all right let's read verses 45 through 52 come on and straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side unto the theatre while he sent away the people see the difference here here does not say us he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and for them to go to the other side unto the theater while he remained behind and son away the people read and when he had sent them away he departed into a mountain to pray and when even was come the ship was in the midst of the sea and he and he saw them toiling in rowing for the wind was contrary unto them and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh on walking upon the sea but when they saw him walking upon the sea they supposed it had been a theory and pride for they all saw him and with trouble and immediately he talked with them and saith unto them be a good cheer it is I be not afraid and he went up unto them into the ship and the wind ceased and they saw amazed in them sail beyond me anyone well they considered not the miracle of the loaves for their heart was hard all right we'll stop here after reading these two instances in verse rather chapter 4 where Jesus sent rather got on board the ships and I say with his disciples and a great storm arose and then in chapter 6 he sent them into the storm and both instances while he was with them he had to wake up and speak out and when he came to them he spoke words that healed they're hurting and troubled hearts I don't want to say to you today let him speak in the midst of your stone let him speak in the midst of your storm and I don't think that there's anybody here that can honestly say that there's not a saw a storm of some sort going on in your life for this great comparison that I noticed many years ago in reading the scripture is expressive of the fact that we are all sailing upon life's sea and it is the nature of the sea to produce storms and that whether or not Jesus is on board your ship you will have storms if you are sinner and you're sailing life's sea without Jesus Christ you are going to have stones but even if Christ is in your life alive and well I told the people this morning that when I was a young preacher started at 17 and a lot of things that come on to with experience I can remember making invitations as a teenage preacher and maybe in my early twenties telling people that you know you may be having trouble in your life and all you've got to do is come to Jesus because once you come to Jesus it's gonna soon be over but I found out that not only will those storms not automatically end when you come to Jesus coming to him brings a whole new range of storms some storms that you would not have had had you not come to Jesus so you're not gone to escape storms in your life regardless of whether Jesus is on board but the beautiful thing is that once he enters the ship of your life you have an experienced navigator you not only have an experienced navigator but you have someone who has control over the sea and he can bring your storm under control I don't know whoever came up with that bumper sticker that God is my co-pilot [Music] I don't know what I'm doing he's got to be the one that is totally in control of driving this car flying this plane or whatever it is he's not my co-pilot he's the pilot I just thank him that he lets me ride in the front seat now notice here let's first of all look at chapter 4 and the same day when the even was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side now we find that as they launched out and as they began to go forward that that arose verse 37 says a great storm of wind everybody in here is not going through the same kind of stone somebody's going through storms and your finances I don't care what you called it but when you've got more bills then you have money and when the bill collectors are calling you and now they've even put it on computer where they can just call and it's just timed it was so often to call you and they gonna keep calling until they get you and they called you so much until the next thing you scared when the phone answers when it rings rather you scared the answer because you're wondering which one of those bill collectors is it called in me it may be your best friend but you're kind of nervous because you wondered which one of your creditors is it you can call it whatever you want to but it is a financial storm that eventually puts you into an emotional a mental stone and you get all upset because you get kind of scared of the phone I know you all don't know about that I thank God that after preaching 42 years and being married 31 years that the Lord blesses Patterson and I we don't have any children so we don't have anybody to make deals for us but ourselves so we got it under control now but I can remember the day not y'all don't know anything about that but I can remember the day I can remember the day when we were staying over on shouter lawn when we had to look at the amount of money and the amount of bills and I was at that time copass that Holy Temple and that what many folks there you know and we weren't making a whole lot of money and we had to look and see it came down to if I accept my pay and pay our utility then it's about five days before Sunday and the church's utility will be cut off so what we had to do was opted to pay the church's utility and stay over there on shouter line in the dark the members didn't know it my parents and her parents didn't know it but we hadn't been married that long so we just enjoy it happen to be in the house in the dock [Applause] but that was a financial storm anybody here know anything about those kind of storm I know I look at y'all now you got all your bills paid you got all that money stacked up in the bank more than you need but somebody knows about financial stones then there's somebody else that's that preach I can tell you more about storms that are of a health nature here you are with one family member and you're trying to nurse that person back to hell and just about time you think they are getting better here comes somebody else suddenly down with an illness and in my years of pastoring I have known health care givers taking care of a family member and we thought the family member would soon succumb to that disease but instead that family member that was sick kept hanging on and the one that started off healthy they ended up dying because of what taking care of that sick relative drained out of them I don't know who I'm talking to the day but somebody's in a financial storm and somebody else is in a physical storm a storm of yield hell and then somebody worse still is that a spiritual storm it's kind of how shall I say that it's kind of really disconcerting when you get into a spiritual storm many people do not understand really the base of salvation and I know coming up in the sanctified church will say because you know the way we prove that I don't this and I don't do that and I don't do the other but what you don't do it's not the barometer of your salvation Paul writing to the church at Corinth in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 he starts off you know more of a brother than I would not have you to be ignorant he said I want you to know that this gospel that I preached unto you that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried according to the scriptures and that he arose according to the scriptures and that he was seen by the eleven and that he was seen by above five hundred brethren at once and last of all he was seen by me as one born out of due season he said this is the gospel that I preached and it is the gospel that you received and it is by this gospel that you are saved if you keep in memory the things that I have said unto you and keeping the faith means keeping the proper view of Jesus Christ when you get to that point where you heard so much about so many different religions I don't care what you don't do and what you do if in your mind you have raised other so-called deities to the level of Jesus Christ and because of things going on what you've learned and what's in your mind and what others have told you you got a wrong view of Jesus I don't care how you come to church how you shop and dance as long as you see Jesus on the same level as Confucius and Muhammad and Buddha and they oldest and everybody else Harry Krishna Krishna and Sonia moon baby I don't care what you don't do you've lost your salvation because you got to keep Jesus Christ as Lord and when you have him as Lord he's at an elevated point where nobody else can reach and when you come in here saying when I go to church but now I don't really know whether there's any difference in Jesus and this one in that one and it doesn't matter what you believe so long as you're sincere you are in a spiritual storm oh I think I missed you that one I think that one went right by you it's terrible when in your mind you're confused on who God is and who has he really sent to be your Savior I am thoroughly convinced and I don't care what anybody called me a fanatic a radical crazy Jesus is Lord of all else he is not Lord at all and that's the storm I'm not going to ever let the devil get me caught up in [Applause] but people are in spiritual storms and mental storms and all kinds of storms but I want you to know that as you sail on the sea of life if you're saying touch somebody and tell me if you say Jesus is in the ship with you Oh hallelujah how the wind blows doesn't matter how lightning slash doesn't matter how Lyle the Thunder roll as long as I know Jesus is in the ship [Applause] one thing that I noticed here is that verse 36 says when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and that will also with them other little ships I touched somebody didn't tell me you don't hear what happened to those little ships even though the Bible doesn't tell you what happened to the little ships your own imagination can tell you what happened to the little ships because he evidently was on a much larger ship and as we read about the velocity of the wind here and how that the waters were dashing in the boat to the extent that the ship he was on was just about full water the little ship did not fare better than the big ship the little ships that didn't have him on board I'm afraid right now they're somewhere at the bottom of the sea when the storm comes either you need Jesus on board all you need to invite him so that he can get on board is your ship is going down to a watery grave [Music] there were little ships that's all the writer says when they started out that was Jesus he was on the big ship with his disciples and that was other little ships and then he never tells us anymore about the other little ships ashes to ashes dust to dust I just want you to think about that one a minute you still have your Bible open and Rose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into this ship so that was now full I told the people this morning that when my father first stopped taking me fishing where when he first started taking me he himself didn't go on the boat we all would just you know we'd go and sit on the bank and later on he got interested in wanting to get involved and going on the boat we didn't have a boat of our own and didn't have an outboard motor so we would most of the time have to rent a boat there at the boat dock and sometimes we have to get in some boats that weren't too sturdy but it didn't matter when we got in it my dad made sure not only did he have the pole and have the bait and have the tackle box but he always said now Gilbert make sure you get a can now find a can and we have to find a can and you know what the can was fun it was to dip water because we knew the boat was gonna leave and it's alright as long as the water comes in just a little drop at a time and then you can reach down and get that little puddle and you know throw it out but when you get into a storm like they were in that says that the ship was about full some of us are going through some storms and I ship that's when you get to that point where I've had all I can stand and I can't take no more you know this is the last strong if she do that to me one more time if he said that to me one more time and if they act that way with me on the job one more time I'm gonna tell them what they can do with that job you listening to somebody whose ship is full you know I mean I've been in the storm and I've taken so much but now I've gotten to the point where I'm full and these man thought they were about to drown but what happened to Jesus he's on the same ship but where is he the Bible said he's in the kinda part and there he is doing what he is asleep now you can say what you want to when you are saved and Jesus comes into your life there are times when you are not as conscious of his presence as other times because when you take it in the divine sense of the word the psalmist says in Psalm 121 I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help coming from the Lord that made the heaven and earth lo behold he that keepeth thee will do what neither slumber nor sleep Jesus never goes to sleep in the true sense of the word but when he is not actively working in your life when his power is dormant it is the equivalent of him being asleep and there's no need for you to be in the ship and let him be in your life asleep when you have the power to wake him up in other words he's dormant in your life but you can call him back to activity in your life there are a lot of folk today I don't know there may be some people here today that haven't been to church in a while you came because your niece or your nephew were being dedicated and you decided you'd be nice and be with the rest of the family for change but that doesn't mean that Christ has never been really operative in your life at some point earlier in your life you didn't have to have an excuse to go to church you were just like David I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord but since that power has been dormant in your life now you gotta have an excuse you gotta have a reason to go to church I want you to know that your life may be it's been so long that you don't even remember how it felt to help Jesus active in your life but you can call him to a stage of activity all you've got to do the call him back his first of all invite him you got to invite him through prayer and if you find that like the prophet of old that couldn't find him sometimes you got to do is such until you find it hallelujah one man said I went forward and I couldn't find the man and when I backed up thought I'd back up on him he wasn't behind me hallelujah I looked on the right he wasn't bad then I looked on the left and I couldn't find him back job said I tried to find him everywhere I decided since I can't find him I'll let him find me so the Lord knows the way I take will have been tried he's gonna bring before sometimes when you try through prayer and through fasting and look like you can't find him all you got to do is let him know Lord I've changed my attitude I want to find that I need to find it I declare he'll wake up he'll move and let you know I'm still here when that ship was full because of the storm one of the disciples said I'm gonna wake up Jesus I can't seem to roll this ship ashore I'm gonna wake him up and he went and woke up Jesus and don't you know when he woke jesus jesus rebuked the storm and it didn't take him a long time all he had to do was speak three words in the midst of the storm all you don't see that and all Jesus had to do was wake up wipe the sleep from his eyes and set three words peace be still and the storm was over I want you to know that thing that you're going through and you think that like Paul this your your Rockler them you may think like the people on the Gulf Coast or a couple of weeks ago may think it's your George I don't care what the name of your storm is Jesus doesn't need to do anything but speak three words in the middle of your storm and I declare it'll be over this still something will happen now God may do it in a way you don't like he may deliver him from the drugs by taking him by way of the hospital he may deliver him by taking them the way of the prep pebble farm I don't care what the storm is if you let him sleep in your stone tell somebody quit trying to fix it and let God speak in your song people have anything to do but set peace be still and the wind will stop blowing he said peace be still the waters will stop dashing when he said peace be still everything all of the hell that's raging on yo job will change the attitude [Applause] that's one of the men when the songwriter said master tipis of region billows are tossing high overshadowed with blackness no shelter our hope is 9 charis tile not that we perish 10 bow-wow sleep when it seemed that it moment is threatening a grave in the angry team get up Jesus see quickly that your will all you got to do is see that one thing that I've learned about him Bo he's not gonna settle it why are you trying to do it [Applause] the Lord shall fight for you you shall do what look at somebody and ask them where is your stone at home in school the job in the neighborhood Tommies [Applause] Jesus [Applause] [Music] poor Word of God let me go and get finished with this turn the chapter six again I'm gonna be food [Music] [Applause] chapter 6 Jesus doesn't get in the ship he just finished feeding the hungry multitude 5000 and he says to them in verse 45 he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and said to them go to the other side before you under Bethsaida while he sent away the people said I'll stay here and disperse the multitude y'all get in the ship go to the other side oh let me show you a picture here I've seen many of you claim your blessing oh oh what the Lord I got a random word today and the Lord says he's gonna fix it and the Lord said he's gonna bless me I'm gonna get that house I'm gonna get that car I'm gonna get that raise I'm gonna have my family deliver but tell somebody all of those blessings on the other side now what you got to understand is when the law pointed you to your blessing he wanted you to the other side of the seat Wow you are sailing toward your blessing in the sea between the point where you were promised the blessing and the point where the blessing becomes yours there is a lodge to Mistress C and why are you crossing from promise to fulfill me you don't meet some stars go into the storm and see [Music] [Applause] but you gotta understand that the devil he plays happy with our mind we started from promise on our way to fulfillment and while we are in the middle you gonna see I'm gonna sink your ship I'm gonna see to it that you don't reach why are you trying to go who you gonna believe what's that song we used to sing whose report do you believe we will believe what Jesus said you're going to the other side the devil say I'm gonna sink in the middle of the sea as somebody whose report that you believe [Applause] but I'm not gonna sing the wind may be blowing and the lightning may be flashing and the devil may be trying to destroy me jesus said go [Music] [Music] if I don't do anything today but encourage somebody so don't fear sinking at mid sea the Lord spoke and gave you a promise o one side of the sea fulfilment is on the other side and I'm not in the storm [Music] [Applause] at Mitzi [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think I got it but explanation people all right I'm talking to you that decided one day that I didn't make full proof of my life I'm gonna go back to school I'm gonna take some classes I'm gonna get my degree and when you've made up your mind how good you felt but when you got in school and the classes were a little rough for an aging man and when they never said no no you waited too late did you listen to the enemy and become early dropout did you decide it may be rough but I'm gonna make it in it let me back up again what about you that just found the love of your life and you've been married about five or six months and the honeymoons over and now the devil is trying to say to you you didn't get your husband you didn't get your wife honey let me tell you whether the other person most ideal is suited to you and not if you made a promise before God to live with this person till death do you part that's your mate that's your husband that's your wife and even though you've run into a storm it doesn't mean your marriage is over it just means you got a sail through some rough season you got some bumpy waves [Applause] but you got to tell the devil devil your lie I'm going to the other side [Applause] now let me finish this he sent over to the other side Wow a storm a road this time they couldn't go and wake Jesus up because Jesus wasn't on board and this is the interesting thing about this story it takes you through four watches of the night what did Jesus do told him go to the other side and you file it in the scripture and then what did he do he went into the mountain to pray now what a lot of times we are not touches of is that why we're in our storm we forget about God's over view Jesus went up in the mountain not only to pray but because the mountain gave him the vantage point he needed that while they're out there in the sea he's up in the mountain look if there's anything that devil wants to do to you he wants to make you think that you're sailing life's torment see and nobody is watching and nobody is concerned but I want you to know the master is in the mountain where he can see what's going on he sees that remove that's being me [Applause] and he knows when the storm has become so severe that the only way you're going to have help is for him to come down always saying he may not come when you want anybody's own time heard somebody say God is never late touch somebody said but he seldom airily he's never late and he seldom early you read this you'll find out that they went out into the midst of the storm is see and the first watch of the night came from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 know Jesus and I see you now praying Lord did you care and he doesn't show up second watch of the night from 9:00 until midnight no Jesus battling the waves and he hadn't shown of the night between midnight and 3:00 a.m. and he still didn't show up but in the fourth watch when I was growing up they told me the darkest hour was just before dawn and I found out that too one day I was driving from Buffalo New York and this was back in the 60s headed for New York City and I tell you it got so black out there on that Turnpike I couldn't see hardly anything weren't any lights in that section and I turned the corner and as I went around that corner there it was the eastern sky starting to light up and that thing popped in my mind the darkest hour really is just before thing but when the dark I will come that's usually when we think that we don't have any hope but the Lord has a way of waiting until your situation gets helpless I could bring you some New Testament examples you remember the man who had a son that was a lunatic and when Jesus cast the devil out of him what did the Bible say that when he commanded the spirit to come out of him immediately the boy had a spell he fell down wallowing and foaming Jesus just told the devil to come out because the enemy before he comes out he's gonna do his worst and many times when God speaks things get worse instead of better he waited until the fourth watch of the night and in the fourth watch of the night here he comes walking you got to understand these men had just got through serving five thousand men not counting the women all the children they were time that nerves on edge they had been battling the elements from 6:00 in the evening until 3:00 in the morning no breakthrough and right when they were at the end of themselves here comes Jesus striding across the water Peter you see that James you don't see what I see oh yeah but I thought y'all say that what no such thing is disembodied spirits talk about no ghosts will you see we too far from land and the way that that's anything human walking out there when he made another step John say hey Peter you know who that is I can tell by that walk that's Jesus so many times he show up and you don't even know him you don't even recognize him the Lord sometimes when he's acting to deliver you from your problem you don't even know that it's Jesus Peter well alright Peter since I gotta prove it to you come spread his word out like a cop it on the seat and Peter stepped out of the boat long as he kept his eyes on Jesus and his feet on the word for you to know that he's in your situation but I want you to know he'll give you a sign he'll let you know I'm in control of this they told me to shut the plant down I just got hot less than a year ago the Lord said let me handle this let him speak that's a problem we always so busy running our mouth but when we let him speak in the middle of our storm and when he spoke this time he just simply said be of good cheer I'm talking to somebody the day that's ready to push the panic button but the Lord is saying be of good cheer you don't have to get upset things that are going all around you when howling funneling itself just like a tornado we're storming you've ever seen in your life but the Lord is saying don't get upset be of good cheer in the middle of the wind I'm here in the middle of the Punda I'm here in the middle of your storm he's saying I'm yeah and as long as he's here don't fool yourself you can make it yes you can turn to somebody and tell them if he is in your stone you gonna make it no matter what's going on you will make it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let ended up here no end it right here sometimes we wait fellas for the sound and further tuned and for the launch out but the Lord is saying he's speaking now in your stone and you people that are so blessed that you don't have a storm be patient with us but those that's going through a storm and you need to hear a word from God I want you to get up on your feet thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] that's God's Word to you it don't matter tell somebody you can make it come on [Music] come on and say it you can make it [Music] [Applause] this trial you're going through it's gonna show you [Music] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on and turn to somebody and tell you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I want you to turn to somebody want somebody near you catch them by both of their hands [Music] and you gonna pray with them about that stone you might want to whisper and tell them that I've got a storm in the finance I've got a storm in my domestic life I've got a storm in my health hallelujah you don't have to be in detail [Music] the Bible says confess your faults one to another three one for another that you may be healed and while this individual is praying for your stone [Music] you're gonna pray with them about that storm hallelujah hey thank you Jesus God my sister blessed my brother it's going through a storm in their life they gotta have a word from you because the word from you will steal the storm a word from you [Applause] do it Jesus this metal storm this emotional storm this spiritual stone individuals speak peace speak peace the doctors may not have given up much hope of speak peace in the name of Jesus [Music] this live situation if you speak everything is gonna be alright [Applause] peace be steeped in the name of Jesus [Applause] claim your healing [Applause] financial situation [Music] [Applause] in this religious situation we speak your piece [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because your tells us that we're gonna make it to the other side [Applause] to die a strong you didn't send us out here to sing at midsi but you told us we're going to the other side and we're determined to make it thank you for strength to make it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now while everybody is standing I'm gonna make the invitation if you entered this building lost in your sins and you're ready to give your life to Jesus in just a few moments everybody else will be seated but if you know you need to give your life to Jesus don't you dare sit if you're in a backslidden condition and you know that once you have sweet communion with the Lord but somehow you allow that relationship to be broken yes you're born into the family but you've broken the relationship between you and your heavenly Father when everybody else sit I don't want you to sit I want you to remain standing and then those of you that want to make this your church home how to do you good word about promises that you made to your dead grandfather and dead grandmother and you never intend to be in a sanctified Church have you noticed that everybody now is starting to preach what we've been preaching all the time even in the churches where they didn't allow them to speak with tongues now they're praying in tongues in fact they have more into the tongues and we are if you want to make this your church home don't you dare sit the Lord has been sending you in this direction and you never go in the house and your spiritual life what God wants you to have until you're willing to obey Him your church membership is your business you don't owe it to your friends you got your own soul to save and when others are seated I don't want you that know you need to be saved don't you sit backsliders don't you sit and you that know you need to come and make this your church home today don't put it off another Sunday but you remain standing everyone else may be seated if you need to be saved backslider need to come back you want to make this your church keep on standing skip to the nearest aisle and come here right now come on in the name of Jesus the door open that's right come on come on hallelujah [Music] [Applause] leave making it [Applause] reason [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are the coming let them get a spot preachers missionaries that's right we've got new ones still coming let them let them have a spot here and they keep on coming coming from the balcony coming from the basement the end the balcony go to the elevator push them on come on down downstairs let somebody point you to the nearest that way [Applause] missionaries and preachers y'all gotta be more watchful I've got new folks still coming that I'm have a spot before you close in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] lest my brother come on hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now what you're all to listen to me I'm going to send all of these who have come up I'm going to send them but without they and all to service here I'm going to send them down with superintendents singers and I know that there will be helpers I want to shake hands with each one of you and any one of you that have not been explained the plan of salvation his designee will explain the plan of salvation lead you to Jesus and you that want to make this your church home there'll be someone to sign you up god bless every one of your bless you young lady [Music] god bless you all right I want you all to follow food to the figures god bless [Music] Misha domination praise the Lord thank you Jesus Oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on and give the law to handle phrase now we're gonna dismiss your shot there trust no one else we'll leave sister Ruby Nelson sister Hannah Nelson where are you all right we're swinging all right I know they're usually downstairs we need you to go downstairs to the circular desk there's a message that concerns the two of you we need to go immediately I'm going to ask at this time Deacon's make available envelopes for our building fund the Lord impressed me several months ago to do this but I did not but as of last Sunday
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 257,779
Rating: 4.743669 out of 5
Keywords: TD jakes, TD Jakes 2019
Id: k87BbsLLHsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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