GE Patterson Put God 1st

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oh yes [Music] some trust in horses and chariots but our help is in the name of the law hallelujah now God we want to thank you for the realization of knowing that all of our help is in the now who have been helped in ages past I hope for years to come shelter from life's stormy blasts and our eternal home we pray that you would just annoyed these lips of clay that your people might be helped through your word and we'll take no credit for anything that you do but we give you praise and we give you glory through Christ our Lord a man and a man give the law to hand the praise and your ladies [Music] [Applause] just before I go into the scriptures on today I want to say for the benefit of you who worshiping here with us as well as those persons who will later hear this message on our telecasts that we are greatly humbled and honored to have in our midst today here at temple of deliverance Church of God in Christ the Honorable Don Sundquist governor of the great state of Tennessee god bless you governor and also mrs. Sundquist and Lou Lieutenant Governor John Wilder god bless you and all who have accompanied you on today let us look at the Old Testament book of Haggai I want to read just a few verses from Chapter one from this prophet who has been categorized as one of the minor prophets we say minor prophets simply because that is the designation that modern day Christianity has given to this Old Testament recognizing that we observe a five-fold division of the Old Testament books of history poetry major prophets minor prophets and in front of all of that is the books of the law so we observe a five-fold division the ancient Hebrews on there recognized a three-fold division which they call the Torah the NEM and the Capitol bill the Torah being the law the nebia being the prophets and that included all the prophets and the cattle being being the writings hence when Jesus was present on the earth he said what was written of me in the law the prophets and the Psalms the NEM the kept album followed by a beginning with the Torah the Nebu manned the kettlebell so they did not even categorize these twelve minor prophets as twelve separate books they just called it the book of twelve prophets but modern day divisions of Christianity refer to this as a separate and distinct book but it is called minor only because of the brevity of his message but brief messages can be just as important as long ones if you don't believe it you watch mine the day Haggai chapter one read with me beginning with verse one in the second year of the rise the king and the six month in the first day of the month came the word of the law by haggai the prophet to zerubbabel the son of shealtiel the governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priests saying thus speaketh the lord of hosts seen this people say the time has not come the time that the lord's house should be built then came the word of the Lord to haggai the prophet saying is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house live waste now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your ways he has so much and bring in little he but ye have not enough you dream but he are not filled with drink you clothed you but there was none more and he that earned its wages earnest wages to put it into a bag with holes thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your ways go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the house and I would take pleasure in it and I will be glorified safe the law he looks so much and lower a little and when he brought it home I didn't blow up on him twice if the Lord of hosts because of mine house that is waste and you run every man unto his own house we'll stop right there I'm only saying to you today put God first can you look at somebody and give them a big bright smile and tell them learn to put God first if there is any message that is loud and clear throughout the pages of Holy Writ it is that message which admonishes us to put God first the Lord even has referred to that portion that we call tights when you look into the book of Proverbs he says bring the first fruits a lot of people do not find themselves able to tithe because they don't understand the only way to do it is to put God first how many times have I heard people say preacher you don't understand that after I pay the car note and the house note and the telephone bill and the furniture bill and do this and do that and do the other I don't have ten percent left there is a kind of mathematics that you do not learn in school [Applause] when you put everything else on the top and try to bring God's 10% from the bottom it will not fit but somehow God has said when you give my portion first put my 10% out first then I'll take your 90% and stretch it I know that when you when you add you're supposed to get the same figure when you add from the bottom number to the top from the top down to the bottom that works in regular arithmetic but when it comes to doing God's Word God says put me first and everything works out better well a lot of people will go so far as to say you know this is Sunday this is the Lord's Day at of the first day of the week and so I'm gonna give God the first day but that's something special about that when you give him the first day and I don't want to get in trouble with this I know that there are those who still want to insist that the Covenant that God made with Israel which involved the Sabbath day which was the seventh day of the week that we as Christians are still under that particular covenant but when I look at the scripture Jesus did not rise from the dead on the seventh day of the week the seventh day of the week was given by God as a rest day for man after having worked the earlier part of the week the seventh day was a day of rest but when Jesus died upon the cross and they buried him in Joseph's new tomb when he got up early that morning before day all of the Gospel writers are clear when they say it was in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week that Jesus came out of the grave and when you read John chapter 20 later on that same being the first day of the week his disciples were hiding behind closed doors for fear when suddenly Jesus appeared in their myths and they started meeting on the first day of the week calling it the Lord's Day because it was the day that he was resurrected when you go Father in the Acts chapter 2 it says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come so those of us who are tongue speakers we believe in glossolalia speaking with other tongues they regard our church as being Pentecostal but the word Pentecost only means sifting and the significance is that in Leviticus 23 and 15 when the Lord said you shall number from that Saturday of the Passover seven Sabbath's so seven weeks seven times seven is forty-nine he said but on the morrow after the seventh Sabbath day fifty that will be a holy convocation and when the Holy Ghost descended in the upper room in Acts chapter two it was not on day 49 it was on day 15 it was the first day of the week oh you don't hear what I'm saying so when you put God in front on the first day of the week oh I don't know it may have been cope that said things go better with coca-cola but I tell you your week go better when you put God on the first day of the week your week will not slow if you use the first day of the week as your golf day it will not flow if you use it as your fishing day it won't slow if you use it as your family day but I declare that if you start your week by putting God first your whole week will go better a man somebody so the whole lesson of the scripture is put God first wise King Solomon who spake three thousand proverbs and did sing a thousand and five songs this man in writing to his son and leaving it on record for us said in that third chapter of Proverbs trust in the Lord with all thine heart lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways not some but in all of thy ways acknowledge him he shall direct thy path we need to put God first even when you're young person and even an older person that's seeking a lifetime mate you don't need to judge them by where they work how much money they make how much education they have what kind of car they drive when that person seeks to be your lifetime partner you need to hold that person up beside the Word of God and put that person in your heart for prayer and ask God whether this is my lifetime partner a lot of people wouldn't be stuck where they are if they had acknowledged God first in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path I said earlier I'm happy to have our governor and other representatives from the state political officials and I know that we have some god-fearing people in government but our United States government both on the federal state and local levels have lost sight on God first when I was a youngster coming up in the public school here in Memphis lived over 1567 south or Lynn Street right in front of Lincoln school and I could lie in bed until professor Washburn start walking the campus ringing the bail and then I jump up and going across the street to school but the first thing that we would do would go into that auditorium and we would put God first the day started off with reading from the scripture and prayer yes we were mischievious yes we would pull the girl's pigtails yes we would make spitballs and throw them yes we did a whole lot of little mischievous things but we were conscious of God even in the school that what was preached and taught and the church was reinforced in the home and was also reinforced at school but somewhere along the line somebody got the bright idea that freedom of religion also meant freedom from religion and before we knew it prayer and Bible reading was taken out of our school and when pray and Bible reading were taken out that's when the knives and the guns and dope Winnie and and and now it has become so crucial in our country that we seem to be programmed for disaster yeah I've looked at many of those movies where you know someone locked in the missile a guided missile with a nuclear warhead and was not able to retrieve it it's as though we have come up with a program in our nation now we're programmed for disaster because what was happening it started in the african-american community the drive-by shootings the young people out of control and we don't know what to expect next do murders one thing after another but the latter part of last year it jumped into the white community and now you're seeing across this nation in the white community you're seeing young teenagers and preteens with automatic weapons and shooting down their parents and and and their fellow students and teachers it's as though the devil is saying that I've got demons that will mess up the minds of young blacks and young whites and he is turning our nation into a genocide of society and while all of these guns are blazing across America I looked on television and heard mr. Charleston Heston as he takes over as the head of the National Rifle Association yet are during far the right to bear arms we ought to learn something from England even the police don't carry guns except for a few chosen officers but the do not have even in a year the murder rate that we have every day in the United States of America until we can go back to putting God first when I was a youngster coming up not only was the Bible the book for the church and the Bible was the book for school it was the book for home and it said that you were to raise them up and it also said that you were to put something on that backside and when I came up I didn't like the feel of that machine band called that my momma would lay on me every once in a while but I didn't turn out too bad now they are telling the parents you are responsible for the actions of your children if your children get into a drug situation and if your child commits a crime you're responsible and at the same time tying the arms of the parents telling them you can't spank them we are programmed for disaster the only thing that's going to help us we're going to have to get back in this book and we're gonna have to put God first hallelujah we don't have to say to the federal government glory to God fools pioneers that founded this country they were basically Christians looking for freedom to exercise that religious rights everybody else might have come on later with their other religions but this was a god-sent nation and I'm here to tell you that the wicked shall be turned in the hail nations that forget God if we want to be blessed turn to somebody and said we got to put God first let me let me get finish with this [Applause] Haggai along with Zakaria were post-exilic prophets these were men that the Lord raised up to prophesy to the southern kingdom of Judah following their return from captivity in Babylon it was Nebuchadnezzar the first emperor of the Babylonian Empire that marched against Jerusalem and on his first trip deported the choice young men training them for positions in government he only stole the holy vessels of gold from the temple but for the most part left Jerusalem untouched eleven years later King Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar and he came to Jerusalem the second time this time every citizen that did not somehow run and hide in the dens and caves of the mountains they would deport it down to Babylon Psalm 137 said it was by the rivers of Babylon that we sat down and we wept when we remembered Zion now they were down in Babylonia there without a song of praise in their heart but after while Nebuchadnezzar lost his authority and God split the Babylonian Empire divided it between the Medes and the Persians and the marry a Persian Kingdom became the second world Empire King Darius or Darius if you please release the inhabitants of Jerusalem they went back home Nehemiah started working to rebuild the walls of the city but that was saruba bull the son of shealtiel who was the governor of Judah working with him was joshua the son of josedech the high priest they had the job of rebuilding the temple but the people started immediately to try and lay the foundation but they quickly got discouraged and when they got discouraged the Prophet Haggai accompanied by Zechariah had to encourage the people Zachariah let him know that the job that has to be done it won't be done by human night this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts that was the way Zachariah approached it but then Haggai said I want you to take a look at yourself here you started building your palatial homes out in the suburb and you just let in my house Louise he said you've planted a whole lot but you get just a little crop what's happening you are drinking but you're not full you are heating and you don't have enough and then you put your money in the bags and when you look for it the bag had a hole in it and all you got is a empty bag and God said and some of you even sacked up your money but when you got through stacking it up God said I [Applause] I blew all this and it's scattered to the wind and all the reason that you're not being blessed is because you put yourself first instead of putting me first preaching this today every Butte to anybody because I thank God for the cooperation we are getting as we build our new Worship Center but I got to tell somebody that feels like preacher I'm just not able because my money keeps coming up short I don't have enough to pay my bills but I hear the Lord said if you learn to put me first if you put me first you'll be surprised I'll bless everything you put your hand to if you put me first jesus said in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness these things shall be added unto you I don't know what you need God to do for you but I wanna tell you that you can turn your whole life around if you just learn put in wham learn how to put him first what a difference he'll make in your life I know that some testimonies in here I got people in here that used to talk about money away on liquor used to throw that money away on drugs used to throw that money away thinking they will happen a good time and when they first came in the door they said preacher I don't understand this thing about tithing but since you started putting God first [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna sit down everybody get on your feet and just tell three people like to put God put him first [Music] the morning you got another hand Dupree [Applause] while you remain standing for just a moment I want to make the invitation that as we usually say open the door of the church if there's anybody in here who entered this building without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you've heard about him you've read about him but you don't know him his personal Savior you don't need to put it off another day in just a few moments I'm going to give everybody the signal to sit but right now I want everybody's standing but when everybody else sits if you know you need to give your life to Jesus don't you sit remain standing I want to also say that those that know Jesus in the pardoning of your sins but somehow the Lord has been leading you in this direction letting you know that this is the church where he wants you to be the other church on the has your name but your heart and your spirit is here then when others sit I don't want you to sit I want you to remain standing we want to include you as a part of our fellowship as of today now if you are yet in sin and want to give your life to Jesus don't sit down if you're saved and want to make this your church home don't sit down but I want you to remain standing while everybody else is seated the door of the church is open everyone else may be seated hallelujah if you're present even in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down anyone else wherever you are step into the nearest aisle and come here now the door of the church is open hallelujah I'll give God the praise today Florida Jesus hallelujah come on that's lifter come on my brother the Lord is yet speaking someone else come now we praise your name [Music] Durrell [Music] message of my brother [Music] coming from the balcony [Applause] come on the Lord is speaking to your heart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] exam not open hallelujah [Music] thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just going to shake hands with you and I want you my brother god bless you go with superintendents signals he's gonna give you further instruction bless you I want you also to go with superintendent singers god bless you [Music] I want you also to go with secret ending Sega's come on and give God [Music] the saints of God listen I trusted everyone will certainly remain at this point some very important things that we want to do here first of all Bishop Reed is going to comment he's gonna have brief words and then we'll go from there say man for Bishop AEE Thank You Bishop Patterson good evening the Lord's children I'm delighted today to see us be blessed to make history the first time that two powers political powers meeting together in worship service and the minister of the church tell us all put God first now how many of you all here ready to put God first I'm so delighted to have these fine personalities governor done son Chris I'll met him and then I've read his record and he forgot that he was a Republican and he was serving the people and not the party this time I want all of you to be comfortable and receive words from and we are delighted to have this young man sitting next to Ms Reid this young man sitting next to miss Reed Lieutenant Governor John Wow there [Music] and just beyond mrs. Reid is attorney fuller Trula he's a very fine young middle-aged man and we are very thankful to have dr. on it Montague a friend and he's the president of the voters Council and we are delighted to have he and mrs. Montague and that does a the lead and mrs. Lee and various ones as here today but did now pastor preach [Music] and at this time we are bringing him back for him to make the presentation [Applause] first of all we want to hear words of expression from the man who really serves as a heartbeat away from the chief executive of our state and he is a gentleman that is well known throughout our community with long-standing history has been there in Nashville for what the better part of 30 years maybe a little better lieutenant governor John Wilder mr. Wilder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You Bishop house let's just say it's a it's an honor and privilege to be here it's a blessing to be here it's a blessing to be in the house of the Lord it's a blessing to be among people who know the truth and the way and the life I'm honored to be here my colleague Senator John Ford is here he is chairman of the general welfare committee he is on the Finance Committee he's the only person in the Senators chairman and on the Finance Committee to [Music] [Applause] [Music] he knows more about state finance and healthcare and anybody in that I know he serves you will he's a man of his word his word is his bond and I'm proud of him I'm proud of our state our state is recognized by all the persons in the know as being the best in the United States it is the best I'm proud of our governor he's also the best [Music] how do I know that I've seen Moe better than any other man in state of Tennessee up close he he is my friend he's close to me he's been good to me there are some Republicans that don't like that I'm his friend I'm close to him there's some Democrats don't like that but they don't know what we know nor do they know what Senator John forward knows yeah I've said enough let me tell you though I know about your church reading I know about your church I live it long time don't know don't know dr. montegue this man dr. montegue is a product of Fayette County two with a PhD degree and a daughter that's an MD got some OEM DS and O PhDs from Fayette County but I am from Long town and that's just a little ways away from there's others Chapel Church of God and Christ I've been to that church many times when I was a little boy Bishop Mason came to that church in a long black car and I thought that was a pretty car but I know your church and I know the difference you made William Tucker was the pastor of that church when I was a little boy his son was the pastor of that church his grandson is the pastor of that church today in a day as homecoming there god bless you I'm glad to be with you I care about you [Applause] [Music] saints of God members of temple of deliverance brothers and sisters I wanted this time to stand and receive the Honorable Don Son quiz governor of the great state of Tennessee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much mr. Patterson thank you for allowing Martha and me to worship with the Saints in this congregation this morning bishop breed my friend thank you very much John Wilder has served longer as lieutenant governor of the state of Tennessee than any lieutenant governor in the whole United States of America [Music] there's a reason for that he has the respect and love of Democrats and Republicans like because he tries to do the very best and he does a lot of good for a lot of people and he's my friend and we've been through thick and thin together I'm getting thicker and he's getting thinner dr. mana cue and brotherly and Braille friloux Bill Watkins is my accountant also bishop and Senator John for everything governor Wilder said about John Ford is absolutely true [Music] he knows what he's talking about he's not afraid to make a decision he's not afraid to lead I depend on John for now that may make some people in both communities a little uneasy but I'm at peace with the Lord I love John forward and I love John Wilder [Music] Bishop I'm going to follow the example of Haggai and the instructions of my wife Martha Martha is not a book in the Bible but it's my wife of 38 years and I'm gonna try to be brief but I did want to thank you Bishop for making a difference in this community for the lives you've touched through your ministry [Music] for the many acts of quiet acts of friendship that you perform for others every single day and Bishop Reid we thank you for your life God has led you across this country and you have touched so many lies probably more than we could count to mrs. Reid and mrs. Patterson we know how tough your jobs are as well martha has a tough job as well I might add last year I had the opportunity to attend general colin powell's volunteer summit in philadelphia pennsylvania I joined a panel of church leaders from around the country in a discussion of what communities of faith can do to make a difference you know houses of Congress and houses of state representatives and Senate are critical to this country but they're not nearly as important as houses of the Lord I found a great willingness of from churches to participate with government in helping people in need a great many churches here in Memphis including yours has helped us reach families in need so we can enroll uninsured children in TennCare this is something that we worked on together tenncare was started by my predecessor if there's a child in your family or a child in your neighborhood who has no health care insurance you have to let us know because no child in the state of Tennessee should be without medical care [Music] Governor Wilder talked about Tennessee being a great state and it is I think it's the best in the country as well no other state has offered health insurance to kids who can't get it otherwise no other state has worked as closely with churches to make sure that children who need that protection get it and I thank you for that Bishop I we told our student our children's teachers as they won through school that it's okay to give them a tap occasionally to explain the program I think the ruler is important both the ruler and the physical ruler as well I know the historic and important role of the church in the african-american community and I know when it was not possible for people to gather freely for political purposes they met and organized within churches that was important and I know when someone needs a helping hand they turned to their pastor and they still do in many of our communities black and white our churches remain the center of strength and purpose and example as well they should I want to work in partnership with our churches to strengthen families it's important it can be a one parent family or a two-parent family it's still a family we want to work with our churches to foster responsibility we want to work with our churches to instill a sense of purpose and hope in our young and for our young it's written in the Psalms unless the Lord builds the house it's builders labor in vain I'd like to see us use the power and influence of the Lord's houses to help us build this house we call Tennessee into a place of opportunity for all our citizens were there no barriers there are no ceilings on what someone can accomplish other than those set by the limits of one's own ability and willingness to work relying on God's guidance and also on one another I pray we may work together to make the dream come through by putting God first [Music] I now have the privilege of giving out two certificates they're beautiful certificates by virtue of the authority vested in me I hear poor hereby confer upon Bishop Gilbert E Paterson the certificate of appreciation and recognition of outstanding service in the best interest and in the highest traditions of the state of Tennessee I do this on [Music] I'm Bishop Reed [Applause] [Music] on behalf of Governor Wilder and senator forward and all members of the General Assembly and all the people of Tennessee I give you this certificate of appreciation as well thank you amen [Music] [Applause] god bless our governor a man with the tremendous honor to have had governor and mrs. Wilder an incoming miz's sunt with and Lieutenant Governor Wilder mr. fuller and all the view senator Ford to come and to honor us today a man when Bishop Reid said to me that the governor and the lieutenant governor were coming I said what fun he's really want to hear you preach so I I hope that something will say that will be a blessing all right bless you doctor all right we have come to the close of this service and we are going to dismiss you did not speak to the governor's security I know many times the president vice-president moves out before we dismiss I don't know what you're all doing but whatever you need to do is find all right they don't stay right there all right so is dad [Music] [Music] of land [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I just wanted to say and let you know that one of Governor lieutenant governor's advisors and he's my foster son and he is behind both of these fine leaders and he made it possible for this happen and then Bishop Patterson received it I knew he worked because he's the greatest leader that we have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now Lord we want to thank you for this glorious day we want to thank you for all that ideas have heard what eyes have seen and what our hearts have felt I want to thank you Lord said in your word that we should pray for those who are in authority we want to thank you for father tenant governor praise old God that you would on the dirt them with the vision necessary to lead this great state and the way that you would have it to go wisdom knowledge and understanding and strength to perfect that which has been envisioned let your blessings be upon them in a special way now as we go from this place you go with us and she'll this value power duped the hand of the enemy the mugger the murder of the rapist the thief the assassin the accidents in the streets and in the Airways that angel of protection forever be around us the grace of God the sweet communion of the Holy Ghost rest and abide with us until we meet again and all the Lord's people said [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 50,343
Rating: 4.7818823 out of 5
Keywords: TD jakes, TD Jakes 2019
Id: z5kWYQkzm7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 15sec (3315 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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