Upgrading an OVERPOWERED SHARK in Super Auto Pets!

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hello my name is matt and i'm addicted to super auto pets yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to super auto pets we're having another go at this game where last time we maxed out a rhino and it was it was very impressive but we didn't quite get the 10 wins can we get it this time right i think i'm going to start with an ant and then we're going to roll oh look another ant perhaps i'll grab another ant and then a beaver and then we've spent all our money we can go end our turn but first we need to pick our names we're going to be the obese hipsters i've never actually seen an obese hipster alright who are we going to be facing first we are facing the delicious fanboys so there mosquito did some damage to our beaver but look he got double buffed by both my aunts however this was a draw so we don't gain any trophies although we don't lose any hearts so not not all bad all right next up i might buy another beaver my aim here is to get three of the same so we can level someone up to level two which will give us someone from the next tier but i don't want to do that yet i want to do that next time because next time we go up to tier 2 anyway so i think we'll just roll oh god we'll roll again there you go we got a beaver we've got a beaver then we can roll one more time and there's nothing there we want for the future so we'll just end our turn there beavers and ants fighting together side by side against beavers otters and mosquitoes uh i don't know who's gonna win this i feel like i should but you never no that's a draw it's another draw okay but now we've reached turn two the tier two animals are unlocked and we now lose two lives per loss oh man whenever i see the hedgehog i'm always tempted hedgehog builds can be hilarious i'll tell you what let's level up these beavers and see what our next tier animal we get is oh it's a kangaroo i feel like that doesn't really work with the hedgehog so what i might do i might do a swan and kangaroo sort of thing kangaroo we can shove you behind anyone let's roll and then i'll tell you what i might double up my ants and then just shove an elephant out the back i don't usually like the elephant but he's got five health so he can take a bit of a beating i do want to get that first win before we get too far into the game so hopefully we might do okay okay envy otter we killed him oh no but now they've got a spider although look our kangaroo is pretty hench lovely we didn't even use our last two so we got our first trophy oh and look at this look at this i'm literally just gonna put the swans on so we level up oh we get a rabbit and the rabbits can be okay they're not my favorite though i might freeze and roll twice more honestly i'm not really feeling any of that i might just let's unfreeze the rabbit i'm going to grab the meat bone and put it on the swan i think and the meat bone just does an attack for five damage more so we'll be doing 10 damage each attack i tell you what i might even freeze the sleeping pill i'm overthinking i'm overthinking let's just then turn and see who we're up against i'll tell you what i should have moved my kangaroo behind the swan as well all right they got a mosquito so someone will take some damage it was our aunt he's buffed the kangaroo every time the beaver attacks our kangaroo gets stronger look at seven seven elephant saves the day right now at the good point tier three animals are unlocked so we can put a kangaroo on the kangaroo then if we roll i really want another kangaroo basically or an ant i just want to be able to level up once more oh it's not going to happen is it keep rolling keep rolling roll and roll and roll and roll yes we got an ant okay so we'll put the ants on there oh we've unlocked a dolphin so i'll tell you what i think i'm going to sell my elephant for one gold and replace him with a dolphin and now the dolphin at the start of the battle does five damage to the lowest health enemy very very useful particularly this early in the game so let's end our turn we'll see who we're up against oh god they've got lava background that means they're good and they're wearing hats i say you know someone's good anyway we're sort of doing okay i think oh no we might not be or we might be i think it could be a draw no they won because bloody cricket has an extra life at the end we lost so we lose three hearts thankfully as we didn't lose any early on it means we've still got three lives remaining because we don't lose any more than three hearts from now on uh let's put the kangaroo behind the swan don't know what to do i don't know whether to go to summoning build or what to do i feel like perhaps we freeze the spider we've got so many coins we've got 12 coins let's roll okay we've got two spiders now could definitely be an option oh the sheep i think the sheep's better than the spider so on freezer spider and we'll freeze the sheep i'm gonna roll once more i know this is this is getting a bit silly oh god okay look we got a snail as well so the snail if you lost the last battle which we did it gives all friends two on one so let's sell the beaver he's gonna give two random friends two health nice i'm glad they went to the swan and the kangaroo i think we're gonna be sticking with them for a while then we buy the snail and then everyone gets leveled up lovely then we sell the snow and then we buy a sheep and then we think about what we're gonna do next i think we're just gonna roll once more ah yes look so now we've got a sleeping pill and you'll notice if we kill this ant it gives a random friend four and two and i'm sort of happy with my team i feel like we should go fairly far with these so let's give the ant a sleeping pill and he gave it to the dolphin nice and we've now got three coins so we can buy perhaps another sheep if we put him there and the other one there i think that should cause some issues for people because if i put these at the front because it summons two 220 rams it means only one would be there because there wouldn't be room so you have to move them at least second in line so okay let's end our turn and see how we get on the obese hipsters are facing the hot hikers oh no they've got a deer they've got a deer thankfully yes our dolphin destroyed the deer although this guy could cause us some issues looking okay right now we will see the hedgehog the power of the hedgehog it's pretty scary but it's a draw and now we've reached turn seven tier four animals are unlocked yes i'm not really feeling any of those let's roll oh we got the deer we finally got the deer okay i don't think our kangaroo is the best if i'm honest so we might sell the kangaroo although we're going very summoning if we do that i'd love another kangaroo to pop up so i can upgrade him before we do anything so maybe i'll just freeze the dirt we'll buy the dolphin and then we'll roll again nothing good roll again oh dear right five coins remaining i think i can do it once more i really need a kangaroo damn it okay so oh however we now have a dolphin which we can buy him to level up although that does mean we can't then buy the deer but i think that's worth doing oh we've got a shark that could be pretty decent as well i was hoping we'd get the rooster but a shark is really good with a summoning build because every time a friend faints it gains two and one so if you have them right at the back because these two are like summoning two each like if you do the maths this guy levels up quite a bit so i think we'll freeze him we'll freeze the canned food and then we'll roll once more and yeah nothing nothing really worth doing that so let's end our turn we'll hope we do okay this could be the last time we see our kangaroo in battle so swan are nice so our dolphin destroyed the first one swan is gonna rip through the team hopefully and look at our kangaroo he's getting buffed right we absolutely smashed that round they're up to three wins all right so now we buy the canned food and then the people down here are a lot stronger do we get rid of the kangaroo do we get the shark i'm not sure adulthood now does 10 damage to the lowe's health enemy at the start of battle now we leveled him up by the way uh or perhaps we should just make the sheep merge say what i'm gonna roll oh there's nothing too much there's nothing too much i wasted quite a bit now let's get rid of the kangaroo this could be a mistake swap it with a deer do i go with this one i think i'm gonna get rid of this one soon so i think we'll just roll oh a pair right i think if i merge these two and then shove the shark out the back he should get pretty strong throughout so let's end our turn or do i freeze the pair i might freeze the pair and see how he gets on so swan are you still strong oh looks like he is although look i think our sharks dead yet because they've got a crocodile they deal damage to your last enemy if i'd kept the dolphin there it would have survived uh we're in a bit of trouble now unless our dolphin can smash through all of these which it can't we have lost we've lost oh dear but now we've unlocked tier five animals we've got a hell of a lot more chance of getting what we need oh look chocolates let's freeze the chocolate maybe we'll unfreeze the pear chocolate is way more valuable because it gives you like that experience so i could level up my sheep really i just need the rooster where are you rooster once more okay parrots are really good i might even buy one possibly get rid of our shark or maybe the swan do i need this much money now let's freeze the parrot well think about getting the scorpion basically the scorpion does one hit kills but it's got very little amount of health maybe we'll freeze him and replace with the swan i feel like we should roll a few more times as we have so much money oh another deer right this is gonna be super risky but i'm actually going to get rid of this one for two gold i'm then gonna put another deer in i'm not gonna touch those two for now i don't think although i could level up the dirt yeah maybe i'll do that so if i do that and then use the chocolate you've just gained a mammoth and when he faints all friends gained two and two i'll tell you what that could be worth having at the start particularly if we can get a mushroom give him an extra life that is an opie tactic i think we might do that maybe we'll lose a scorpion i don't really rate the scorpion if i'm honest it's a bit cheesy so let's end our turn and see how we get on oh no we're against background people oh they got a big fish so our mammoth is dead but look everyone gains two and two and our bus now does splash damage and ten attack every time uh didn't last long though we're getting a little bit annihilated although we should win this because look at our shark he's a big boy right fourth win nice so i think we'll give us the sushi that gives three random pets one and one nice i wanna buff up the mammoth if possible i think we'll just do the sushi again you know do we roll or do we use the salad bowl oh look the rhino's back all right i think we'll freeze the pear to give to either the mammoth or the shark i might get rid of the parrot you know i'm not sure i'm gonna use them anymore in this build do i add to the dolphin do i do canned food i just don't know let's just keep rolling oh look another shark if we get a level two shark that could be very good let's freeze him and we'll keep rolling another deer oh dear i could actually get rid of the sheep or another deer i'm gonna freeze the deer and we're gonna end our turn and see how we get on so we are facing the subtle glasses so look our thing oh yes yes that's why the dolphin's so good because he does damage the lowest enemy often it's that little scorpion because he would have one hit killed anyone so our mammoth would have been gone instantly but the dolphins saved the day uh that is a henchworm late although nothing our underwater crew cannot deal oh no it's a draw a little bee killed a shark all right turn 11 tier 6 animals are unlocked it's just got serious i think we do that to the shark then we can roll once more oh look chocolate okay i think we level up the shark don't we i think we do the shark let's get a really hench shark nice so when someone faints now he gains four and two he is going to be a big boy we could also give a melon armor as well just to try and let him last a little bit longer maybe i'll freeze that let's end our turn and look who we're up against these are quite easy team i think although saying that i'll probably lose now our mammoth is actually doing some damage and now he's buffed everyone up the 1010 bus doing some splash damage now that is quite a hench kangaroo though it's only got one health left nice oh look how dense that shark is 4126 nice and that's our fifth win so now i'm going to give melanoma to the shark yeah and then gonna roll don't think i want to change my team i'm quite happy with this do i do a meat bone to anyone no i think i'll keep rolling oh look we can level up our sheep shall we do it i think we should do it so our sheep now summoned two four four rams so even better now we got two more coins so we can roll twice more i might freeze the melon i think i'll freeze the melon let's roll oh look the mushroom there it is there it is we'll freeze the mushroom and i think we'll just roll once more like that nothing we want there right let's end the turn i'm feeling quite good about this i'm feeling confident so they've got a hench spider so our mammoth is dead although look we just killed their spider which is quite useful oh god what is going on they've got a snake he does five random damage every time ow right thankfully he's gone now it's time for our rams to kill that we're gonna get killed and they've got a b we've lost we've lost damn it all right we got we got one heart remaining uh however look we can give a mushroom to this guy so now he'll come back and then he'll give all of our friends two and two again now i then might give melanoma to our sheep just because i feel like because he's got the lowest health if anyone has a dolphin he'll get hit but the melon armor should stop him from fainting because the melanoma basically takes 20 damage less but only once and then got four coins so we'll do that oh and look more melanoma we could just be an absolute knob and melon up everything i could shove it on the dolphin i think i will and then i'm gonna freeze the chocolate and we could potentially get our deer to level three if we get lucky next time with a deer but that's assuming we even make it next time so let's end turn let's see how we get so i'm a little bit scared not gonna lie oh no they've got a hedgehog that's gonna wipe all of our melanoma oh but look they had oh look he's gone no the snake is a bit of a bastard if i'm honest but look we've buffed up twice so everyone's really hench now and we won that one easily nice got six wins one life remaining oh there's the turkey finally all right question do i sacrifice my team at the moment get rid of the dolphin for a turkey and then try and level it up it's an option i don't know if it's the right option maybe i freeze the turkey and give it one roll and see what we get we got another dolphin all right let's think about this yes this guy does eight more damage than the turkey and has seven more health and he has melanoma but the turkey will give this three and three so it will become a 13 13 bus and then two of those four and four which become seven and seven so that's going to give us an extra nine attack and defense so i think the math sort of works out i'm so i'm doing it i'm selling i'm doing that we've then sort of got two more rolls i really want a turkey or another chocolate bar we didn't get it although we do the mammoth and then the chocolate on the mammoth he now gives all friends four and four nice okay let's end our turn i don't think there's any point trying to level up the mammoth again dear probably worthwhile so we'll leave him frozen oh this is our last life they could go either way oh look at that fish that is a henchfish thankfully four and four he gets three and three they get we'll get four and four again oh man there's come on turkey oh no oh no oh we've still got the fish to go i think we've lost although it's a draw no we've won we actually won i thought we're going to lose that we've got seven we only need three more wins come on we can do this so let's give our pet some pizza they get two and two nice turkey getting that that's fine roll oh nothing good there we're gonna roll oh another heart another mushroom tell you what it might be worth giving the deer a mushroom because then we get two deers let's roll again and then roll again oh look chocolate i think we'll freeze the chocolate in the hope that we can level up the turkey in the future so let's end our turn this is assuming we survived this round but you'll see the deer with the extra life means another deer will come back which means we get another bus as well and they all get buffed by the turkey which is quite nice although that is a 50 50 elephant quite terrifying oh god and it's buffing the camel and the peacock behind they're pretty strong right now i don't think we're gonna win this one i've never seen someone use this technique it's pretty good we can take him out this is gonna kill us though damn it so yes game over on turn 15. i feel like we did all right though we were getting there and like all addictions i want to have another go so i'm going to go do that meanwhile peace love and really buff sharks and i'll catch you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 412,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super auto pets, super auto pets gameplay, super auto pets blitz, blitz super auto pets, super auto pets game, super auto pets strategy, super auto pets ep 1, super auto pets win, super auto pets tier list, rce, real civil engineer, sap, super auto pets best build, super auto pets update, super auto pets rhino
Id: 0gRpWFv734A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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