Dead but still deadly | The Power of Partnerships | Keion Henderson (2)

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more intimately who you are in Jesus name we pray if you love the Lord come on and say a man and you may be seated in the presence of the Lord let's give our music ministry at hand god bless you all thank you so much so we're gonna we're going to continue our conversations I'm going to do it from a slightly different angle than we did on last week and if I were going to call this something if you just need a title I wanna I want to talk on this stock dead but still debt me dead but still deadly because I want you to know that there are some things in your life that you killed but they are still dangerous and that sometimes you can think that because you're out of something that you're over something and you just got that just because you're out of something does it mean you're over it you can be out of it and spend the next three months still being in it still still struggling from the consequences of that choice still wondering should you turn back and and turn around so I want to talk about dead but deadly and I want to start off with the story I read a few days ago about a man who every summer he would take his kids to to the woods and and go camping and they would sleep outside I immediately knew when I read the story what color the people were because one thing I know for sure it ain't too many of y'all that's gonna be camping that's number one and if you do it ain't gonna be nobody's outside I know that you're gonna have a whole tent that zip up with a whole sleeping bag and the skullcap anybody know what so I already know what this was but I'm gonna give you the story anyway they they go out camping every summer and I didn't know this because I don't fool with snakes but I do know that they don't like lying so what he would do is he would he would spread lying all around the campsite where he and his family were and it would keep the snakes away aren't supposed to but every once in a while you'll get a bold snake that will cross your boundaries okay so so he had boundaries but I want you to know that there are some snakes that don't respect boundaries did I say enough already for you to get there there are there are some things that depression doesn't respect your boundaries and every time I say snake I know it's hard not to but don't automatically think of a person because if you think that the enemy only comes and in the personification of a person then you will miss all of the other ways that he attacks you he does not always attack you with people who don't agree with you he doesn't always attack you through people who date you and leave you sometimes he attacks read through your spending habits that's a snake sometimes he attacks you through your own mindset into self-inflicted wounds that you put on yourself because you can't get over the snake of rejection and insecurities so the enemy has all kinds of ways that he can attack you and and they don't all respect your boundaries so he would put he would put the lime out and every once in a while one of the snakes will climb over it now the next thing he would do for these snakes kind of sounds like something I would do what he would do is he would take a bed out just this mow my speed and he would he would beat the snake until it was dead but then this is the way he would finish him off he would take the back and take the barrel of the bat and smash the snake's head in the ground and then have his son that come and pull the snake so hard that it would detach from the snake's head now now you would think that that when you detach the head that it was dead but he says that when you do this the snake is still moving because there are some snakes that don't stop moving when you kill them and some of y'all this is the season you're in in your life you killed it but it's still wiggling you killed it but it's still calling come on help me you killed it but somehow it keeps showing up at the same place at the same time as you you killed it and sometimes it's not moving sometimes you're moving on its behalf so there's some things that you kill in your life but you can't stop checking they Facebook I wish I could play the drums didn't y'all first of all if I'm talking anybody in here make some noise there are there are some snakes that keep moving and that movement and that activity makes you think they still have life and here you are paying attention to something that has no head paying attention to something that couldn't bite you if it tried that's why the Bible says the devil is a roaring lion his head has been detached but yet we pay attention to him because of the noise because of the movement because of his systems and so they would smash the snake into the ground and I told you I want to teach this today because I got only two points and I'm gonna let you go he smashes the snake's head in the ground son comes and pulls the snake's head away from the body and and they walked away and he said they did this year after year they did a year after year now watch this until one year they detached the snake's head from the body took the body threw it away like they would normally do left the snake's head on the ground well this year son gets up in the middle of the morning and goes and uses the restroom steps on the snake's head by accident and ends up having to go to the hospital because they recognize that even when you detach the head from the snake there is still enough poison left in the fangs so he ends up having to go to the hospital because he stepped on a dead thing it's dead but it's still deadly and he steps on the snake's head and the venom goes into his foot and it swells up and he almost loses his foot the snake is not alive the state the snake did not bite him he stepped on it the snake was not bothering him he stepped on it the snake was not lurking after him he stepped on it the snake wasn't coming after him the snake had no life it had no blood it had nothing but he stepped on it and then I found out that the enemy has tricked us into thinking that because he's defeated he's not dangerous and I came to tell you that if the snake cannot bite you he will poison your steps lord help me in this place today if the snake cannot bite you he will poison your steps and I wonder is there anybody in the room who recognized that you did all that you could to kill that thing you starved it you you didn't call it you didn't answer the phone for it but somehow it has left its residual fangs inside of you and even though that thing is not alive it is dead but it is still deadly and that's why the Bible says that we have to be shored up with the gospel the shoes of the gospel y'all not here with me today God says the only way that you can survive a snake's head that you step on is to have the word if I've says the good news but it's actually the the Word of God John says and the word became flesh and tabernacled among us the only way you can survive of the snake you stepped on is by by being surrounded by the Word of God and and what has happened in this dispensation of Christianity is that the only word we get is the word we receive Oh God now I'm telling you I know what I'm talking about the only word we get is the word we receive so for some of you the only word you will get is this word that I'm giving you now you we'll do nothing for the next six days to make sure that if you snap if you step on a snake's head on Wednesday and the word that I'm giving you right now by the time Wednesday comes you're gonna be - forgot 95 percent of it if you haven't hidden a word in your heart if you don't study to show yourself approved if you don't have a relationship with God and his word then no wonder you get defeated when you get to a job where you know the person who works next to you is negative the reason why that negative person keeps draining your energy every day is because you think that because it's dead is not deadly and that you have not put the shoes of the gospel on your feet that's why the songwriter says order my steps in your word leave me and guide me somebody say I need the word neither word you don't need excitement you need the word you don't need a song where you know all the words - you need a word you don't need your favorite preacher you need a word the word is so important that if it comes from a preacher you don't like you should be able to accept it and let me tell you one of the keys to success one of the keys to success is being able to learn from people you don't respect and what happens to most of us is that we can only learn from people we like and you don't even like to have many people which is why you're not learning much you have to learn from people you don't agree with you have to learn from people you don't like and let me give you another caveat you got to also learn from people who don't like you I can learn from Muslims I can learn from Buddha matter of fact one of my favorite quotes came from the dalai lama and the problem is is most of us only learn from christians and we don't know that much we don't even know our own faith there are other religions that know more about our book than we know about our book I'm preaching already you ain't got to say nothing such ill neighbors say it is dead but it's deadly if the devil came bites you he will poison your steps he will make sure that he has snake's hands all over dead bodies in your life and every time you try to step into another sea there's another snakehead and you try to figure out why in the world am i sick why am I on fire why am i depressed why am i hurting I didn't argue with anybody no it wasn't a live snake it was a dead thing that you forgot about it was a dead thing that you didn't bury it was a dead thing that you didn't repent for it was another thing that you didn't totally extricate an extract from your life and you stepped on it and thought because it was dead that it didn't matter but a rusty nail will leave you sick somebody shot is dead but it's deadly that's why the Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord so if you don't let God order your steps you end up stepping on dead snake heads so so he he takes his family there and what they learned after that is that every year that would do it from that point on they always made sure that they buried the head there are some things in your life that you need to go ahead and bury but let me tell you why most of us don't bury it because you ain't ready to pronounce it dead you you want it just in case nothing talking about nobody I'm just hot how that's your boy I listen I I ain't messing with you and I ain't judging you either this is tea by the way sips tea you don't really want it all the way dead you want it dormant you want it dead until you want it alive oh god help me in this place today I'm gonna give you some scriptures so don't be don't think that I'll get Genesis 3 in 15 I'm gonna be in yeah I'm coming y'all just wait on I'm just just wait here I am Genesis 3 and 15 Genesis 3 and 15 this is the first scripture that I want you to put in your notes okay this is this is what some theologians were called the first gospel this is really the first gospel Proclamation what we would call a proxy Evangelion is what it's called in theological terms this is really the first expression of the gospel approach Evangelion where where the Bible lets us know that sometimes you will read a thing literally but what's actually supposed to be happening is you're opposed to understand you're supposed to understand that what you're reading is a type of shadow and a picture of a bigger plot which is that of the personality of Jesus Christ the death burial and resurrection all right are y'all with me so far if you let me say you with me all right so so this is essential this is the first gospel Proclamation so for those of us who think that the gospel doesn't come until we get to the New Testament not so I'm getting ready to show you right now that the gospel was in the beginning that's why john 1 and 1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in other words what John is letting us know is that when Yahweh Jehovah created the heavens and the earth the word was there in the Jesus was there in Genesis y'all here with me today Jesus was there in the Genesis and and when we look at this this is what he says now we're talking about dead snake heads and now remember the Bible says in Genesis 3 that I will put enmity between you and him and watch this he says he says to Adam and Eve he says when he's talking to the snake he says now you will be able to bruise their heel but they will be able to crush your head are you with me so far how many of y'all ever read that in Genesis 3 he says I'm gonna put em natee listen I'm gonna put enmity I'm going to put distance I'm going to make them hate you I'm going to make sure that they despise you raise your hand in this place if you don't want nothing to do with snakes looks like God did this good job see someone I'm going to make sure that they don't like you and I'm gonna make sure that you don't like them and I'm gonna put enmity between you and them and watch this the only thing you will be able to do is bruise their heel but they'll be able to crush your head they'll be able to detach your head from your body look at how how how how we get bruised not fatal that what the enemy can do to us tens what the enemy can do to us can cause temporary paralysis but it can not kill but what we get to crush come on talk to me the Serpent's head we get to annihilate them so on one end all he can do is cause us fear on the other thing we can get on the other end we can give him a fatal blow and he says I will give them the ability to crush your head now there was a conflict everybody said conflict the conflict is between the seed and the snake because Adam and Eve already know what he's about so the only thing he can do is show up again with Cain and Abel so what you need to understand is that the real danger is not that you will step on the snake's head remember the story it was his son that got up in the middle of the night and was walking to the restroom and stepped on the snake's head the reason why you gotta bury that snake's head is because your child doesn't know they venom in the fangs your child doesn't know how dangerous the devil is that's why you got to bury your habits because your children to step on them that's why you got to stop talking so bad in the house cuz your children will repeat the language that's why you can't smoke in front of your kids because they know y'all don't want to say man but I'm trying to tell you I wonder how many snakes have you let loose in the house I'm not telling you to be growing I'm just telling you don't be growing in front of kids who don't understand that there's still poison in the teeth [Applause] whatever you listen to you listen to when you in the car by yourself but when those babies getting the car change the radio station and stop looking in the backseat I'm mad I'm grown get out of my mouth close your mouth until grown people are they saying it's ain't gonna be see see y'all ain't y'all ain't came to church today I can talk a tale from the beginning but but this is about your children somebody say that your children that's why watch this he says that you can bruise their heel did I tell you it's a picture of a bigger thing Isaiah 53 and 5 he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was placed upon him and by His stripes we are healed look at that bruise the hill Jesus was bruised it's a picture so now when you read this text you gotta broaden your mind that when he says that you will bruise his heel he's not talking about Adam and Eve he's talking about humanity your child's heels are at stake good God Almighty so so when Jesus was resurrected then the surface head was crushed because when he died for our sin Satan no longer could bite he's a roaring lion now when Jesus died for our sins I want you to know something Jesus did not die for our sins Jesus did not die for fornication Jesus did not die for jealousy Jesus died for unbelief when you read the Word of God it says that he died for our sins singular and the only sin that that the death covered was the sin of unbelief the rest is Grace the death of Jesus Christ doesn't have anything to do with you lying the only thing that was sending you to hell is not believing romans 10 and 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised his son from the dead thou shalt be saved so the only thing that can separate me from the love of God is not loving him once I love him then my sins with an S he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was placed on him and by his wounds we are healed that is taken care of at the cross some reason why your heels are not bruised is because he was he was wounded so you don't have to be he was rude so you don't have to be and if you ever wonder why some of us shout in church every week we just think about the wounds we should have we think about the bruises we could have had we think about the times we could have lost our mind we think about the things that we would have did in our anger if God didn't get ahold of our temper is that anybody hit us just want to spend 19 seconds thanking God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see see Genesis 3 and 15 is a preview of Christ it's a preview of Christ and the reason why I'm talking you like this is because I want to elevate your conversation I want to elevate the way you see God I want to call you up to a thinking Christian and not just a shouting Christian so when you read Genesis 3 or 15 now you got to have a bigger mindset it's a preview of Christ because he says that there would be there would be enmity between the seed now if we're talking about a bigger picture then when we understand that that Jesus is the seed of David so so the snake wasn't after the seed but he was after the seed not the seed of humanity but the seed of redemption because if he could get to the hill of Christ then you and I would not be heirs to the somebody said bigger picture so the expression the seed of the woman implies humanity the the Virgin will conceive a son who would be the seed of David John tells us the word became flesh the sea became flesh and tabernacled amongst us when the Bible says it tabernacled against amongst us then now that is a reference to the Old Testament because remember what Moses and the children of Israel used to carry around they used to carry around a tent what was that tent called the tabernacle and what was in the tabernacle the Ark of the Covenant and what was behind the veil the Ark of the Covenant and what does the Ark of the Covenant represent the presence of God now we no longer need the tabernacle because we have become the tabernacle and now the presence of God indwells in us that's why we move and live in him are y'all with me how much is this too much we are can I go deeper class so so now I want you to know that the enemy he is defeated but he is dangerous so that means you can't just go out here walk it anywhere you just can't go out here doing whatever you want to do you can't be out here talking about what God died for they're gonna keep the party going cuz why are you out here not protecting the grace of God you're gonna step on a snake's head he did not come to abolish the law he came to fulfill it that does now that means that we don't get to ignore it that's called a snake's head and there is still venom in the fangs and one thing I learned about the church is anytime you rebuke it it gets silent I can't beat y'all shouting when I'm promising you a blessing but when I tell you to watch out where you step this and come here follow that today I just want to know if God's gonna make a way out of no way let me give you a couple of scriptures so you can put in your pipe and smoke it on your way home first Peter chapter 5 verse 8 says be sober and alert your enemy the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour the one thing I know about people who are not sober they don't watch their steps have you ever had a day where you were not sober I said well you're acting like I'm talking about somebody else I didn't say them I said you have you ever had a day well you had a little too much you didn't intend to but they was pressuring you talking about oh you you babysitting you know how to get you and then you got a nobody [Applause] or maybe you went to the restaurant and recognized you pay too much for the drink to leave it behind and everybody ready to go to our hotel [Applause] [Applause] come on ain't no future in your front I just want you to holla at me if I'm talking to you make some noise don't pay no $9.99 to leave I paid $10 for what I'm gonna see the bottom of the cup I'm gonna suck the ice and spit it back in there get off all the residuals off of it [Applause] [Music] too much so you you have to resist the devil James 4:7 resist the devil and he will flee he only comes where there's no resistance there's no resistance you resist him he'll flee any attention he'll come back answer the phone one time that's it you cannot answer it 5,000 rings in the road but that one time you know what you own that's all I needed I'm in there now you at least cared enough thanks oh don't shower act like you ain't never done that be looking at nope nope no no oh what you own you what are you doing just checking on you in a few all right making sure you sing sound like y'all hurt that won't be folk don't want nothing bad to happen to you I promised your mama you know submit yourselves to God resist the devil and he will flee when the Bible says resist the devil the Greek word means keep your distance proximity gives people hope ain't no we just friends that's proximity that devil angle never leave you as long as this there are some snake heads in your life now that you need to create some you need to be able to say I'm not strong enough to come around you right now and keep my promise to myself some of y'all need to stay away from that mall cuz you ain't strong enough yet oh come on Church you ain't strong enough to walk through that Galleria and come out of there with your rent money you gonna leave it in and then go to the alternate God to take care of the rest tell me I'm just gonna go test-drive nah man by the time you go test drive and they get to telling you all these deals and tell you how you can give them that other car and it won't be no upside-down equity they will fool you and you walking that time out girl I just got a good deal my condo only $80 more than it used to be but you couldn't pay it when it was a $2.00 less when you can't pay the current one $80 is too much you [Applause] ain't strong enough to go by the snake's head and be sober you're not strong enough to be around that snake's head and resist so until you have the strength to go to an old environment and make a new decision what am I talking to God feel like I'm talking to myself slap your neighbors say resist resist and it's gonna be hard if you vowed a life of celibacy celibacy and it's some stuff you can't watch on TV just watch seeing then that's about all you can watch as you start watching that other stuff the devil gonna get you give you on the diet you can't watch TVs because let me tell you right now you watch it you on a diet and you watching TV late at night and that Taco Bell commercial come on talking about some hot stuff on nachos and fries and all later you sitting there like Lord Jesus it be calling me man it be called here you all would show flip flops and rollers and house shoes in your car at midnight in the line at Taco Bell with 75 cars in front you time and I'ma wait on the Lord I'm gonna get am i helping y'all who feels like this is right where you are in your life right now feel like you got hit like this I'm just snakeheads everywhere old thought patterns everywhere stop acting like you so holy and so strong like a nutter gets you you could get got okay how much you go to church you can get got I don't care how faithful you are you can get got and stop thinking that because you've been good this far you're too arrogant you starting to think that you got this thing under control and you better humble yourself under the mighty hand of God the devil is after you lord I need you to order my steps in your word I need you to keep my mind sober God don't let anybody in my circle because I might not know their snake God can you help me when you're not sober you make different decisions I would I want you to think of the things that you've done when you're not sober and by the way liquor is not the only way you can be drunk so if you thinking I'm talking about tipsy off a liquor you you're missing the sermon he says be sober minded there are other things that you can be intoxicated on one being yourself number two you can worship other people number three you can be drunk on an idea number four you can be drunk on your own opinion because there are some people that's so sure they're right that they made their mind up about what they think even before they get new information and that's drunk touch too people say it's dead but it still deadly look at your other name say don't don't you step on another snakehead in your life you've got to bury that thing you better bury that thing because your children are innocent do you know what Jesus told that man who was on their bed for 38 years Jesus told him to get up and what get up and walk but guess what he said after see when we read that we don't always quote the scripture the way it actually goes Jesus did not tell him to get up and walk the first thing he told him was pick up your bed and walk and the reason why you need to pick up your bed because if you are not careful somebody will come over here and trip on it pick the matter and yourself and I want you to carry the mat so that the people coming behind you don't trip over it some of you have gotten off of your bed and you have gotten off of your mat but you left it on the ground and if you don't pick it up somebody else is gonna trip on it said pick up your bed and then walk I don't want you to walk away from it because if you walk away from it what if you got to come back this way again you'll forget where you left it you'll forget where it laid and you'll step on it again pick the bed up and carry with you so that way you always know where it is you got children coming behind you got other people who gonna be walking this way you don't want other people to lay on your mat it's like it's like getting up in the morning and and making your bed scientists will tell you for those of y'all who hit snooze five and six times and get back in the bed after you brush your teeth you know you get up taking something like I got three Momentis and you get back under there if you make the bed you won't get back in it I bet you if I go to your house right now they're just everywhere every just every whichaway how many our bear made up right now bless you with your Holy Ghost sir my mind is made pillows propped up in everything you go to my house and look like a showroom I don't leave my bed on me because I'm not getting back in it some of y'all leave him like I'm just gonna get anything later on anyways they know since I haven't unmake it are you out of your mind you don't know who coming to the house you don't know what presentation you need to have you don't want nobody to walk in your house and you can't show them you hold on let me let me go to the room first I'll be right back you ain't ready let me finish this up give you all another scripture so you know I'm saved First Samuel chapter 17 verse 50 Bible says that David triumph over the Philistines with the sling and a stone he wanted without a sword but when he killed Goliath what did he do he wouldn't got a sword and he wouldn't cut the head off now maybe your imagination is so beautiful that you imagined that he cut Goliath's head off and because the blade was so sharp that it went all the way through like butter on a man who's 9 feet tall no I think that boy had to hack his hey I mean I I anybody who 9 feet tall got a thick neck well you have to debate a whole the kind of armor and how heavy it was his helmet was probably 30 pounds so he had to be he got to be thick nected and so I think I think that he probably had to like cuz the hair don't come off easy [Music] just because you ready for the dye don't mean is ready to die some stuff you're gonna have to kill recoil and then kill Andry kill can you see it live just just dead just yeah and David just it's a picture Joe never heard this before I've never heard it it's a picture it's the first time I ever saw it in the scripture I'll notice now that everything that came after a seed in the scripture lost his head the first snake came after the first Adam God gave him the ability to crush his head the next time we see something coming up against the seed it's David who is the bloodline because I told you last week Boaz begat obed Obed begat jesse jesse begat david david through his line baguettes Jesus so the enemy says if I can stop it with the first I can prevent the arrival of the second Adam now he meets David with Goliath Goliath comes after the seed loses his head Saul he was doing good because he hired David to come into the house he starts trying to kill David because he's jealous of him and if you go to first chronicles chapter 10 the Bible says Saul fell on his own sword every enemy that came up against the seed lost his head can I give you a word God told me to tell you that anything that comes after your seed [Applause] it's gonna lose his head anything that comes after your money which is a seed anything that comes after your child which is a seed anything that you intend to plant God told me to tell you that every weapon that is formed against your seed is gonna lose his head I need you to lose your mind right now because every weapon that has been formed against you and your children and your children's children God sent me here to tell you the same thing that happened in the garden and the same thing that happened at the cross is getting ready to happen in your life and that is the enemy is about to be defeated now everybody in here who has a lot of Devil's trying to take you out and has a lot of things trying to end your life I dare you give God about 15 seconds of praise thanking him that no weapon formed against you shall prosper snap somebody say it came after my seed but it didn't work it came out to my children but it didn't work it couldn't get my son it can't get my daughter it can't get my husband it can't get my wife somebody shot is defeated [Applause] when Jesus got out of the grave he took the sting out of death death lost his head everything that comes after you is going to lose his head you don't have to run you just have to be careful where you step it's not going to chase you because goodness and mercy back there making sure that it doesn't but goodness and mercy cannot determine where you go it'll just follow you you miss what I just said goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life but it will not guide you all the days of your life you got to determine where you're going to step and the steps of a good man Psalms 37 are ordered by the Lord you got to say God order my steps I'm tired of stepping on landmines I'm tired of stepping in the muck and the mire of clay I'm tired God I need you to help me with my decisions because I step out of one thing and I step into something just like it anybody in here guilty of bad steps I came to just tell you it's dead but it's still deadly that if you will ask God to guard your steps you can't imagine where you're gonna end up because what you think is a bite is actually a step and I know it feels the same because it punctures the skin but if you were to stepped over it you if you just wouldn't have stepped in it and some of us are sensitive enough in the spirit to know when you stepping in something you like something ain't right about this water something ain't right about this relationship but I hate being lonely so much that I'll stay in it this friendship seems to be more take than it is give but because I've been knowing them so long I just let them get away with it on this mindset this depression this rejection this insecurity it's it's it's the snake's head and and every time you try to get over it you step right into it some of you you are one decision away from changing the rest of your life but there is just this particular snake head that you keep stepping on because you don't have the courage to step over it and you know it doesn't take much poison it might not kill you but it can't paralyze you sometimes you can be so still you think you are dead have you ever woke up in the morning and said and what am I doing with my life oh what's coming next God what are you gonna do God says you got to tell it you you you have to tell it you've put in the work you are actually good enough to do this enough people love you that if you didn't have it they would help you it's just not about who you are this is about where you step this is about not watching who you walk with because what happens when you're following somebody who doesn't watch where they're walking what happens when your parents have raised you to do the right things but you're not an independent thinker so you do what everybody else does like you at home and you resting and you get ready for destiny and you're getting ready to go to the next level but the the person who doesn't care because they're young they talk call you tell me let's step out and you abandon your dreams and you abandon your rest and you get up out of your bed and put on clothes to go be bored in somebody's club or somebody who ain't caring about where they going in life and here you are sitting up there being company y'all are some of y'all have missed your moment because you always somebody's company they not brave enough to go by themselves and then they always call you out of your sleep and yo slumber and they not going to work tomorrow but you go in there dragon because you did not order your steps and they don't mean no harm they don't mean no harm but you have to know what's right for you one of my best friends his birthday was the other day we took him out to eat for his birthday now we didn't get I know we old knock us while we eating there but I'm not gonna work tomorrow how many I remember being younger like when you young it don't matter what you got to do tomorrow this is what you're doing you young you just like all I need to go home and brush my teeth and then I'm gonna walk right out the door and I can sleep once I get home for the rest of the day when you get old you'd be like I got to get up in six hours lord have mercy I got to go that's all everybody was talking about what time we had to get up tomorrow that's called responsibility that's called responsibility you get to a certain level where you recognize that you cannot give tomorrow yesterday's strength tomorrow deserves a new you tomorrow deserves a fresh you tomorrow deserves every bit of you as yesterday got out of you stop giving your tomorrow half of you because you left half of it and some in yesterday that's a deadly snakes head to think that you can wake up and seize a day with no rest I don't know what you step on but I know everybody in here got something if you're in this place in this message for you I just want you to stand on your feet i'ma pray for you I just want to pray for you I just want to pray for you I want to pray for you I remember one day been in the hotel room and I had a glass you know the one that you they give you to rinse your mouth out with I don't drink out of those cups I go get the coffee cup hey that's just me but I will sit like a toothbrush or something like that in it and I remember reaching out to grab the cup and I knocked it off the counter and I'm barefoot and the glass splash all over the floor and I'm like oh my god can see my mama raised me better than that number one we don't walk around the house barefoot cuz you're gonna get a coal in your foot you know she ain't safe foot but y'all know exactly what my mama said cuz ya'll mama know my mama she taught us you walk around barefoot you're gonna get sick so but nothing else we walk around with house shoes I know better but I'm walking around barefoot and that glasses everywhere and so I look in I assess the situation first thing I'll make sure I do when I'm walking is that I drag my feet because if I drag my feet then whatever in front of it will be moved out of the way but if I pick it up and take a step and I step down on it I'm gonna be injured and let me tell you what the devil has done in your life he has he has he has filled your surroundings with sharp objects and the reason why you not making no progress is you're just dragging your feet dragging your feet in the destiny dragging your feet on filling out that application dragging your feet on going back to school and getting your associates degree dragging your feet and you got all these excuses I can't because I still got young kids I'm I'm dragging my feet I'm I'm too old to go back I don't want to be the oldest one in the class and the devil got you dragging your feet because you're too scared to take a step when you escape that room I want you to go back and clean up everything that could cut you sweep it five times if you got to until you don't see nothing and the reason why we do that if I would ever break glass in the house I would I would sweep vacuum and sweep again not cuz of me but I got a seven year old who no matter how much I yell at her she's going to take her shoes off my daughter hates shoes she got in trouble at school because she gets there and gets barefoot she hates them I wonder if she even has them on right now wherever she isn't as good as she may be barefoot she absolutely hates shoes I was telling Angela this is one of our spiritual daughter says she hates shoes I saw her one day after car wash vacuuming her car barefoot I said daughter wear your shoes she says I hate them I said yeah but but but it's all kind of stuff out here you know she said I don't I don't wear shoes she hates them she drives with no shoes me on the other hand I always got a moan I wear my shoes from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed at night I always got something on my feet never know when you got to go somewhere I've been raised that way then snakeheads that caused you to waste time my mother always taught us whenever you wash clothes fold them up put them in the drawer some of y'all who stepped on the snake head of being late all the time you haven't set your life up to be on time everything you got to find it in you don't know where nothing at you got 12 outfits on the flow in the closet right now somehow somebody stole my shirt no it's dirty it's on the ground ain't nobody stole your shirt it's underneath the other 11 that you ain't washed you don't whupped everybody in the house with something you can't find that you didn't put back in this place that's the snake's head y'all let ya do you understand how many tricks the enemy do you know how many things you've missed out on because you don't show up on time nowhere how many times you were not picked because they picked who showed up first that's the snake's head tardiness and late waiting to the last minute to get ready for everything got your husband sitting downstairs 20 minutes waiting on you and he got home five hours after you you've been home all day yeah I said it look at me don't get quiet not and don't be putting him time how you better now Satan under devil gonna get on you if you do let me prophesy on this please [Music] complaining about where you got to sit at church if you two got up early ain't no parking spots it is for the people who got healed time snakes head a temper is a snake's head jealousy it's a snake's head not being able to celebrate what God is doing to somebody else's life it's a snake's head anger it's a snake's head insecurities not being able to enjoy the moment depression not being able to accept the way God made you it's the snake saying you are fine just the way you are just touch you'll never say you might not like it but I do I'm not gonna step on the snake's head or comparison trying to always be for somebody else what they won't even be for me God helped me help somebody god help me help somebody god help me help some back because I feel like breakthrough is in the room lord give me the words to say that somebody will walk out of this place and say Lord order my steps in your heart I don't want to step on the same landmines I want to step in the same potholes I don't want to step on the same snakes head I want to walk into the newness of life God I come on behalf of my sons and daughters asking that you would give me the authority to identify their snake heads so they can walk over them and walk around them and not have the hills to be bruised over a perpetual problem God cleared the way and make it straight let no weapon formed against them prosper let no friend posing as a friend come into their life and don't give them a job that will depress some God and don't let them connect with people who will use them and don't let anything rob their confidence and rob their heart and robbed their creativity God some of them have been so depressed over the last three months they can't even think straight they've lost their creativity they've been trying to read books to get better they can't get past the first page because they got so much cloudiness in their mind some of them are still under the thumb of suppression and oppression and God deliver us from the kind of life that needs to always be activity driven some of us are not happy unless were at a party and leaving a party headed to a party and leaving the party and headed to an event and leave an event headed to help us to be still [Music] send us to our closets and show us how to pray [Applause] help us to be okay in the house by ourselves instead of getting in the car looking for trouble deliver God deliver God deliver let us be happy in silos and not always in psychos please do it today God in the mighty name of Jesus we pray everybody who loves them just lift your hands and begin to say something to him come on you got two minutes to worship Him come on worship Him worship Him come on come on worship Him come on worship Him worship Him worship Oh Oh if your this place today if you're in this place today if you won't got to order your steps he can do it from where you are from the place where you stand god I don't want to step on another head I don't want to be in danger another day in my life I'm not perfect but I'll have you order my steps if you're coming come on praise God for this one who's already come here this place come on come on come on come on come on if you this place competition come on lighthouse making a big deal Oh Oh the world ever I want to people anybody knows he remains the same come on say it again and I will do but in curves somebody say he remains the same [Music] God dismisses from this place never from your presence and for every head that's in between this parking lot in our car and from the road home and from home to the job we ask God that you would make their crooked way straight that you will remove every trap of the enemy in Jesus name we pray somebody shot a man hook somebody on your way out and tell them everything's gonna be all right
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 18,202
Rating: 4.8724833 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, The Lighthouse Church, Houston Texas, Dead but still deadly, The Power of Partnerships, Pastor Keion Henderson, dead but still deadly sermon, The Dignity, perpetual blessings, Lighthouse Church Worship Experience, bishop, lighthouse church live, lighthouse church of houston, lighthouse church live stream, jesus, God, sermon, prayer, amen, how to pary to god, christian sermons, house call, please accept my prayer, god you are awesome, pastor
Id: 1QMtUKYpr2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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