Daz Watches Wedding Proposals Gone Wrong

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um uh-hum will be bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee Husker does let's welcome back those games and another does watches marriage proposals engagement and I talking about engagement on my videos I'm talking about videos about engagements puzzles celebrations since the dawn of time where a man goes out and buys a ring for a pretty lady and says will you marry me keep the receipt that's all I'm saying but sometimes these romantic gestures do not go to plan sometimes she says no sometimes it hit by buses I don't know things go wrong today guys we're gonna be watching a video compilation of marriage proposal fail compilations we're gonna see all the weird in wonderful ways the proposals have been destroyed you better say yes future wife if you're watching this if you don't say yes I'm gonna be annoyed let's watch a video with all my heart and I'm gonna take this mommy oh he is not doing this on stage in front of thousands well you know we may so get married because you're always popping up oh my god dudes like I'm going home via the basement [Music] if you get a propose and you hire a camera person make sure they know how to point thing just filming the airport or wherever they are oh [ __ ] that baby said no baby fell out the pram that baby took one look at that dude was like that's my dad I'm and Allah I'm handling it now the baby said no for the mug there's a sign that you shouldn't marry someone it's when your kid starts doing gymnastics [ __ ] out the pram that's what you need to say no it's a sign she doesn't like being proposed to trampled oh [ __ ] well the man bought the boombox out as rolls or anything more modern-day Shakespearean than that flowers boombox he got a sign which clearly doesn't say what he wants it to say probably says [ __ ] why can't you wear blue and white like the rest of us Oh was that a good joke I think letting me do this uh when a guy right ladies listen up when a guy is doing this shoot of his neck when he's doing that that means he's really really uncomfortable when you have to rub and massage yourself shits going down like you know it's just this awkwardness you're like ah you know the babysitter that we hired yes why are you rubbing your neck yeah you might want to fire after I tell you what we did in our room last night go on it's just you know do you have arthritis in your spine what's wrong I've been dating this girl for a year now yeah [ __ ] you need to extend that don't you don't know someone after a year how much I love her so Rachel come on up here kind of given it away though it's kind of obvious she's gonna propose if I was her he was gonna say no I'd run now I'd predict that [ __ ] I'd hide in the bass drum [Applause] I just I just want to let you know how much she's gonna say no she's gonna whip out a guitar and sing it to him no been absolutely amazing and you've really changed me so she's about to change you son she's about to change your [ __ ] again [Applause] I hate my heart stopped kill imagine what the name of his next album is gonna be I've never tuned that guitar never ran off didn't even give him an answer know what though in fairness to women I think that guys that do this that do it in front of everyone in their head they think oh it's been a great year must mean marriage and then they do it in a situation like this where it's so hard for the woman to say no like that was in front of an audience they were all cheering everyone wanted it to happen but she just wasn't ready blesser why would you bring her out on stage it's not fair like you're gonna do it like just do it quietly you know don't even do it in a restaurant where other tables can see your [ __ ] do it in the basement black the windows out so now I can see it alright that was a the shortest marriage in history she's dead was the ring made of kryptonite I don't understand why she died though how did you propose I want to hear it well she opened the box and died why did she slap him that was a bit much wasn't it why should she slap him I know we'll serve ice you know when I'm in McDonald's and they offered me free ketchup I don't be like sir would you like barbecue sauce or extra ketchup with that don't ask people to marry you in public [ __ ] goes wrong you don't recover from that you ends up on YouTube I'm proposing on the moon that's it that's it no one will see that [ __ ] [Music] maybe this is a public execution or a proposal it just seems too official [Applause] [Applause] I've never seen a man run so fast I mean what do you do do you say no what comes after the know if you don't want to get married in that situation do you just have an awkward hug or do like your best friend handshake or some [ __ ] I guess you could just run because that way it's the easiest thing to do run like Forrest oh there's another Darrin in the world we finally met another Darrin before I was the only one this is amazing I'm learning something here run ha ha ha Scott don't come on must suck you know like loving someone so much more than they love you and being so sure of it being so in love that you think I've never before thought of spending my life for someone but it's gonna be her because that's how I'm feeling and just doing it and then realizing it's not what you thought like that must suck real hard like really hard no one cares they're just here to get that cost of coffee why'd you choose to get married in Costa [Applause] didn't even get down on one knee put his knee up what's he doing he's doing a knee up proposal make the effort get on the floor God he's doing a lunge he's doing a lunge he's working out was proposing she said yes the lunge worked my man is Savage aah oh no aah that poor love Oh No she slapped him as well he deserved it oh I hate April Fool's Day I hate it it's just for all the people in the world that like to [ __ ] wind you up they wake up in the morning you think this is my day hey yeah I don't go online and April falls down and go out and speak to anyone I just like you ain't having your joke's on me mm-hmm oh my senses asked you to marry him [Music] I just don't think it's fair to put to put the person you're asking on a pedestal there is every chance they might not be ready and it makes them look bad like you might they don't no one knows what's going on in that relationship so they a lot of people would look at that girl being our he's so sweet he put a lot of effort into that and she just said no in public like she shouldn't be able to make that choice that's every right to make that choice it's so sad for him but I just don't think it's a good idea when you're dealing with something that in summer like a decision like that should you really share that moment with a parking lot outside of church no do it in the basement where no one can hear you scream huh yeah no um that's it single for life that's it after much analysis over this video I'm I'm going to go all out and say but marriage is 100% [ __ ] now ah nice thank you so much for suggesting this video get you much Oh get you much like love caress my channel and don't propose to people in public stop it I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,277,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz watches, daz games, comedy, proposal, wedding, fail, compilation, react, reaction, funny, laugh, challenge, vlog, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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