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how's it going dazzlers welcome back that's games that another daz watches the dentist whether you have a fear or not of the dentist i don't think anyone enjoys going and if you do you're weird i actually am overdue for a dentist appointment so i should probably probably get on that for some people it's not even about being scared for going to the dentist you don't want to spend the money and let's face it some procedures at the dentist are quite costly especially for an extreme cheapskate that's right today we're going back to the world of extreme cheapskates and this lady does not want to go to the dentist and apparently instead of going to the dentist to see a professional she decides to carry out work at home this one is gonna be graphic let's watch the video thousands of dollars on not going to the doctor and you have thousands of cavities i imagine karen of course her name's karen of course i got a tea from starbucks before filming it's cold but recently i've encountered a really bad toothache well yeah no [ __ ] if you haven't gone for years you're lucky you've not got more than a two fake the reason i wouldn't go to my dentist true story side rant my dentist okay i was convinced growing up that she was a witch she you know just when you think of a witch you think of like long nose and long pointy fingers and fin with warts that's what she looked like she even sounded like a witch she'd come around the corner and be like i already no no i'm never ready for you i forget what her name was if it was barbara or something she had this really lazy eye and when i talk about lazy i'm talking i'm not talking about a little bit to the side i'm talking about lazy in the fact that it took the [ __ ] week off and it went off that way okay her eye was looking up that way and this side was looking down there she looked like my dog gizmo and i would go and my mum would be sat in the chair and while she was like checking my teeth and the whole time i was trying not to laugh because she'd get her like glasses on like the little magnifying glasses which makes her eyes more exaggerated so she's there like that like over me like like looking in my mouth going yeah see one fine see two fine and i'd be there with like a tube in my mouth just like trying not to laugh like at one point she literally put everything down she was like what's funny like whilst looking at the ceiling and the floor simultaneously i said nothing nothing's funny nothing at all and then she looked at what she didn't look at me she looked like around me and was just like i think she knew that i was i was like six seven what and yeah i never had a problem with going to the dentist i just didn't want to go because it was always i had to try not to laugh at this poor woman i've tried clove oil i've tried ice i've tried everything over the counter and nothing worked tried brushing your teeth and i finally gave up i just had to go look at that look it's like they're about to put her down there you go just look out the window just look out the window karen look at all the bright lights let's take a look and see what's going on okay they all say that don't they it's like a universal thing let's take a look inside there shall we yes that's why we're here i can't stand those little like bits of small talk you know when you go to like another side run you know when you go to like hairdressers and you sit down and like right shall we cut your hair yes that's why i'm here i didn't get up this morning book an appointment go draw cash out because you don't take the card sit down here just to make you wrap that thing around me to go do you know what i've changed my mind sorry but a bad mood today because my tea is cold [Music] all right karen well you definitely have an abscess on that tooth uh an abscess i have one of those growing up as well it was got growing up inside my skull and um it was so painful i still had to go to school and everything savage okay all right you've got to do something or it's going to keep bothering you what i recommend you do is do a root canal on this tooth you need to do a root canal on your hair cut look at it who cut your hair did you do that at home but what's it gonna cost well you're looking about eighteen hundred dollars whoa i mean that's a lot of money man just to have your tooth poked around when i know i've got to spend money i cringe why are we sorry why are we interviewing this woman in a clinic with an artificial leg on the shelf i mean i can see all different types of medication here but the artificial leg where's that come from a cheaper option is to pull the tooth but once we pull it it's gone how much is that gonna cost me uh about 185 tie it to a car get your mate to drive off with a bit of string i saw that in jackass once i'm knowledgeable i'm college educated so if there's a medical procedure to be done it is researched to great lengths this is an elevator that is hell oh god is that what they use what did what's that for that's what we put down into the gums and twisted against the bone and it actually pushes the tooth out of the socket no thanks just kick me in the face jesus i'm gonna brush my teeth three times a day now screw two twice a day three times four why not five sticking that in my mouth so i can grab it with this forceps mother of [ __ ] it gets worse the man's jigsaw is not a dentist imagine all the lights go out suddenly and he's like kevin you spent your entire life avoiding paying things now you must choose that actually wiggles the tooth out till it gets loose and then we pull it out well that just looks like a pair of pliers well well it it is i know i can sense exactly what she said by that she's going that's just a pair of pliers why can't i just do that at home use a pair of pliers it's just going to break the tooth off well can i take the tools home with me after i'm done it's his you silly [ __ ] you don't get like a guy to come around and fix your plumbing and then be like oh by the way um when you're done can i have all your tools they're my instruments that's what i use on everybody we have to sterilize them each time can i think on it yeah once the abscess grows into your brain you take your time but the longer you wait probably the more it's going to start hurting what is that is that a keyboard why is the ugliest keyboard i've ever seen is that like for people that can't really see like people who need reading glasses why has you got to be a luminous [Music] there are videos on how to remove your own teeth no come on how to remove your own teeth oh my god there are just videos countless videos on people removing their own teeth really wow [Music] grant honey are you busy i need you to remove my mouth what you this is how to take your own tooth out and divorced [Music] i think i want you to take my tooth out i think i want you to move out is what i would say to that what he just said yes he just grabbed a hoover pipe he's gonna suck out our red what did you what he just said yes that's love that's some love karen hearn and her husband have performed various medical procedures at their home before no shut up what have they done but now for the first time they're attempting a tooth extraction with the aid of some online videos i can't even you can't even see what he's doing in the online videos just hands in the way like that yes i did that all right man the amount of screenshots now i can i can already can already see them you guys are [ __ ] i'm just saying i beforehand i know what you like i don't like the id what is that she stole it from the tin man look at here it's rusty where'd you get it from yeah of pulling my wife's teeth out what if i pull the wrong one or something you know yeah it's he didn't say that with like any humor in his voice i think he's just had enough of this [ __ ] and he's like what if what if i just pull the wrong one she will never ask again yeah there we go look at this look still better than the nhs my wife threatened to take her own tooth out so this needs to be taken care of benzocaine is a numbing here's what's numbing my brain right he she spent all this money on this cheap rusty [ __ ] that's probably gonna give her an infection and all she had to do was go spend like a hundred and something dollars just to have it pulled probably spent almost that much buying and prepping all this [ __ ] it blows my mind i'm gonna use benzocaine to numb up my gum so that when my husband pulls my tooth benzocaine you're you're you're having benzocaine this is where america blows my mind benzocaine in some places in america is an over-the-counter anesthesia i think they use it to like treat like mouth ulcers and sores and stuff to numb the area she's just gonna use this this can only go well the extraction will actually take place using this barber's tool barber keyword barber if i went to the hairdresser to have a trim okay and he touched my mouth with any of his fingers bye hard sail are you sure you found it at a yard sale or did you find it in someone's backyard used back in the early 1920s and 1930s for when people used to go to the barber perfect that that'll do [Laughter] rather than a dentist to have their teeth pulled i'm building a um a vac oh what when how a [ __ ] what what is that vacuum for her mouth i'm using a regular vacuum cleaner that's oh i tell you what you better not put it in reverse just get like months of house [ __ ] blown back into our mouth imagine the owner of dyson like when they had the meeting like we're gonna make the world's best vacuum cleaners which they're not they're terrible and this is what people use them for i'm gonna stick it in part enough and we can suck out the blood and whatever kind of straw i feel a judge would see that as a weapon after this which makes a good seal well put it this way at least no turtle can swallow that straw this um this regular cola regular regular what sorry what was that is that what is is that coke phosphorous acid in the cola dissolves a rust in the metal oh so you're clearing the rust away as all dentists have to do scrape it off with aluminum foil rubbing alcohol will complete the sterilization of these instruments let me tell you something nothing sterilizing that bit of metal nothing i'm ready as i will ever be uh you're missing a massive education first of all years of training okay and a natural knack being good at operations but other than that you're great to go even though you look like you work for just eight you can do it [ __ ] she even spent extra money on the surgical gown that's not even necessary yeah at this rate you may as well just go to the dentist woman [ __ ] me [Music] carrick is it laid back on your a4 paper but because she already had most of the supplies on hand the procedure will only cost ten dollars yeah it looks like it in fact i would have bet five nervous a little but i know i'm in good hands how's that ice pack feel it feels pretty good jesus christ our aliens are watching this extraterrestrials that could probably help us in many ways and they're watching these [ __ ] and this is why they won't come down they won't come down and help us and give us this technology because of [ __ ] like this these people are holding back the human race what that's my dad i called him later [Music] comfortable yeah that's that's the definition of comfort you look up in the oxford dictionary that image is is under the word comfortable how's your mouth it's now mother of [ __ ] [Music] i would actually tell anyone listening to this that i was just watching porn it makes more sense oh yeah can't wait to stick that perfectly sterile piece of metal in the mouth which was used oh christ [Music] okay nothing about this is okay [Music] [ __ ] god damn it i think i got it this is the weirdest only fans i've ever been subscribed [Music] pain only lasts a short time yeah but you look like that that that's the new look it's the new bedtime look well um that has made me uncomfortable and uh i think i think we'll uh we'll leave it there guys i hope somehow you enjoyed today's video like i've crossed my channel and please go brush your teeth otherwise if you don't have a weird husband to do it for you that's the result and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,108,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, extreme cheapskates, Dentist, REACT, REACTING TO EXTREME CHEAPSKATES, DAZ WATCHES WOMAN PULLS OWN TOOTH TO SAVE MONEY
Id: EUX7_ZYCj0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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