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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and another daz watches first of all the reason i haven't uploaded for nearly a week is because as you can tell i've had a very bad throat i've had tonsillitis and a bit of antibiotics and i completely lost my voice so unless you wanted the next daz watches to be me miming everything i had to take some time out to heal my voice and wait for it to come back as you can hear it i haven't i'm having to have my bathroom redone i hired a terrible builder yep that's gonna be a running theme isn't it also i wanted to say thank you um i want to say thank you for yesterday for all your birthday wishes it was my birthday yesterday and if you forgot [ __ ] you i'm joking i'm joking thank you so much it's all really really sweet of you guys we're just going to ignore that we're going to ignore it and let's get on with today's video love we find it in the strangest places sometimes that love can be in your own uterus you'll get it in a sec trust me you'll get it in a sec today we're on the part of the internet that we often find ourselves in and we ask ourselves how the hell did we get here today we'll be watching a video called the mother who fell in love with her son yep sweet home alabama my voice is you know i got a bad throat so don't judge all right wait i can do that i can do that deep song what's it how does it go baby lock them doors and turn them lights down low oh oh [ __ ] all the ladies watching this just left their husbands that's what happened with that but at least their husbands are not related or they didn't birth them so this is uh this could be an interesting one i think i saw a clip of this on tick tock and immediately thought daz watches who better than daz right without further ado let's dive in let's watch the video well i told him it was um at first i told carlos that um i'm i'm sorry i know how you react to this i'm your mom and you're my son she's not going to give good news is she and i am falling in love with him god oh god you know i always try and understand everything even if it's really extreme a very open-minded person well i mean let's at least look at the sun i don't know are you really i said yes i am he said you know what i was scared let you know too i am too he was too yeah yeah okay this is a side brand this has nothing to do with the story i know but they've clearly gone for that shot in the shows where they're sort of leaning out and looking out over a bridge you know thinking about life choices and the one they love which just happens to be his mother but this is the only bridge they can find and it's it's [ __ ] it's so bad and it's so small and he's so tall as their children would be because they'd be seven foot giants with three tongues god what does the dad think of this is he still in the picture he can't be can he he can't be people falling in love with me with his mom and i was falling in love with my son and then uh we ended up talking and we took off to the park as as you do when you're in an ancestral relationship you take it straight to the playground where there are other children like jesus and we end up asking will you ever date your mom and he said well you date your son i said honest truth yes i would prison prison prison prison god i don't know how to say anything i mean i'm sick right now i'm sick but this is sick sick this is sick i'm sick your circle they were a baby god damn it it's a shame they didn't fall in love earlier and have babies earlier because they could have entered their son into the olympics because you know that kid's gonna have webbed feet and will out swim anyone 19 years you're the best thing that ever happened to me and i really want to be with you rest of my life 19 years is also the sentence you'll serve for this i really want to be with them it's kind of hard right now but i don't care what people say because we we're going through a lot right now i might imagine it all right let's let's let's just let's just you know clear the air here she's probably at some point when she you know was barfing him like i mean at what age did she start falling for her son you have to really think about how messed up this is we try to keep his cigar a secret but we couldn't do it no more because you know my other kids found out oh we have other children and they found out their mum is sleeping with their brother probably probably should have kept it secret to be honest the world the world's not ready for this and never will be at first they didn't like it then they started liking it they were they're accepting it doesn't sound like they're accepting it you sound very stressed and my mom my dad my brothers oh my my family's accepting it now this your family's weird what's all this [ __ ] that they're shooting by the lake looking out at their long lost lover with a rose on the bench this is incest all right when romeo climbed up the trellis all right it wasn't to his sister's room okay gods this girl found out she was crosstreat for me and there was a big old uh big old fight started and she came she called me she told my son joseph something and let me know across the street and she told me i ever watched my back because that's i'm being incest yeah it's pretty much the reaction you're gonna get from this i can't wait what the wedding looks like christ can you imagine i'm not being incest and she was outside cussing me out so i'm not being incest proceeds to sleep with her own son i'm not being incest you are like that you know i can sit here till the cows come home and say i'm not chubby i'm not chubby i'm not chubby but guess what my belly gets out of bed in the morning before i do okay all right can't lie to each other it is incest i wouldn't go get everybody on my house and she got her family we got stabbed beaten up jumped wow stabbed i mean i mean i i don't agree with this at all i think this is um this is awful this is just um you know interferes with the dangly thing at the back of my throat from where i gag a little bit too much but i don't think they deserve to be stabbed they just you know someone should call child line what would it what would happen if they had a kid together other than the fact that it would look like a bag of play-doh the kid's brother is also his father and his own mother will also be his grandmother what in the jeremy kyle is going on ambulance showed up it was me carlos and the kid's uncle got stabbed because the incest because she made it put the flower back in the ground you don't that rose grew that rose's entire life cycle has been ruined they grow to look beautiful to be trimmed to be given to someone as an act of romance that rose is the only rose in the world that grew to be given to their ancestral son imagine how that rose feels big deal out of all this so we went to the hospital we got stitches we got stitches you know counted our losses went home [ __ ] my son back home and on that side her family didn't get arrested at all probably saw it as a public service really um and uh after that we came home took a shower and stuff together i'm just asking i'm asking like i don't know i don't know what stage their relationship they're in oh god oh genuine shivers christ sit back and when i broke down crying i told carlos what we're gonna do is going to hit all over all over the world go on national television and tell everyone about it we just got stabbed the police didn't even do anything to the stabby so what do we do next hmm do we end this madness do we have a realization that our kids will look like a bag of pasta no we ring up the daily mail and say hey we got a story for you guys let's tell everyone i said during the way i could leave you and he said don't worry i'ma still be with you don't matter too thick and thin and that's what are you doing what is this that rose has been through enough why have they set this up like this why as a director okay for this little mini interview documentary thing has done this oh this would be a good idea let's make it look like they're lovers who are struggling let's make it picture that you know oh it's so hard for them let's feel sorry for them no i feel sorry for them i feel sorry for the other kids i thought sorry for the child that they're gonna have which will have more heads than garlic jesus that's what we're going through right now through the dick and there i must still be with him i have to you're going to jail okay and you have other kids to think about i i i'm going to have to because there ain't no if if i get a prison and if he gets if he don't get sentenced if i get in prison i'm sorry was that rap god what was that i get a prison and if he gets if he don't get sentence if i get in prison i don't know i know what that was um anyway if i get out i will move out of clovis and i will get a state that will accept us in it the fact that there's a state that sat down and wrote a law saying that incest is fine that's what's wrong with the world there are only two states that allow incest legally between people over the age of um between people over the age of 16 new jersey and rhode island i believe are the only places in america that allow incest and as a result i will not go there i i feel that people who make laws like that the people who passed these laws surely they've done that for their own benefit but they're in an ancestral relationship as well they want to sleep with one of their siblings god damn it new jersey it's it's we have been going through a lot of dick your sons down the streets in the public why are you why are you on here then why are you doing a news interview gonna get stabbed again and it's kind of hard because uh it's public record here in clovis they can find out where i live and stuff and enter oh are you recording yes what what am i looking at instagram instagram oh there i thought it was oh did you do that oh my god sarah that is incredible wow can i show the camera this my daughter drew this for my birthday it's all my characters from the daz black channel look at that i don't know if you can see that that is amazing sarah oh yep that's what i thought when i saw it too thank you darling that's honestly that's amazing thank you my daughter's eye is next level i swear to god i'm so proud i'm this is going through a lot and i really can't go the store i can't go probably i can't see my other kids i can't see him no one cares i look i i can't understand how you can have a a sexual physical attraction i have i i'm struggling to say this to your own child i don't get it and it's not something that i feel like the world is behind the times and we need to accept this is just something that should never happen it's immoral and there are health risks from this for for any child you may bear do you know what even if you somehow fell in love with your son the implications of this especially if you have other children it's just something that can't ever happen we've all been there we've all like fell in love with someone that we can't have it's painful but you get over it you move on you realize there's better [ __ ] out there for you and they didn't come out of you fat as well they just the other moms don't understand they're not going through what i'm going through is be different no they're not they really aren't like like he's my man and he does you know i mean i come sometimes i call him hinojito as that means son in english no no no no no no no no no no no no you do not call him son when you're doing things i don't even like daddy all right listen listen ladies ladies i don't know who you're sleeping with all right when you're sleeping with me right if you ask her the word daddy boom get out gone leave the house i'm not your father oh why'd you want me to be imagine if i whispered in your ear mummy oh no no no i don't get it it's weird it's not a fetish it's just weird why would you want to say dad at any point during sex why a lot of side rants in this video i apologize in english and he sometimes wants to know why he calls me mom you know i mean leaves a bit of taste in your mouth doesn't it i think it's sick i think it's actually sick yep that's the soup i had yesterday we know we it don't get to him or get to me actually i feel like more than his lover because it got so deep yep ah linda get me some pepto bismol now get over me now linda jesus [ __ ] my eyes are watering and everything yep never ever go on national tv and use the words my son and in too deep at the same time ever and it feels kind of at first at first kind of felt weird but now it don't feel weird at all to me because i love him so much what oh there's part two we're gonna hear from the sun's point of view now who who made the first approach was actually me um what happened was we were we were hanging out how do you go to your mum and start that conversation how hey mum can you um can you make me like a cheese toasty also i i want to make love to you and you know just talking you know just laughing and i looked at her and she looked at me and i just i kissed her i guess that's how i guess that's how you approach that conversation it was i had feelings behind it i i i had a spark in that ever since then it just you know just stayed honestly no that wasn't the spark that was one of the faulty chromosomes that you're creating i really didn't think we would we were both consenting adults if if it comes down to it you know it's just like the gays they're you know just like the gays did he really just say that cannot compare this wrongfulness to people who are homosexual it is not in the same group category or stratosphere because one there is zero things wrong with being gay because when they come together and make love there is not the possibility of creating a mini frankenstein incest is just nasty it's nasty it's just like the gays come on as long as they're over 18 everything's fine you know what i mean so i thought oh yeah anything's fine everything is fine as long as you're over 18 you can murder someone it's fine it is never natural to give birth to your husband there you go there's a quote you can put that on a t-shirt it is not okay to birth your husband you don't plan stuff like this it happens i can't plan who i fall in love with i can't i can i can tell a girl on the street i want to fall in love with you it won't happen because it's not it should probably give it a try at least once you know you're young yeah there's plenty more fish in the sea that aren't your mum does that work i think it works whilst searching for this video and doing my research i came across a video um and apparently this ends badly apparently they did go to prison because they couldn't stay away from each other and um the state they were in rightfully so um sent them to jail guys thank you so much for watching today's video thank you for the birthday which is witches witches no one sent me a witch a birthday witch why not wishes like life crest my channel as long as you're not related to it and i will see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,224,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, MUM WHO FELL FOR HER SON, daily mail, REACT, REACTING, REACTS
Id: vdbtrLYWqJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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