Daz Watches Ultimate Cringe

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huh Scott does let's dust games and enough does watches today guys we're gonna be doing a another challenge on here you guys love it when I do challenges and after the last video all right we need some light heartedness on this channel I would never do that again but today we're going to just have a try not to cringe day it's one of those videos again where we watch some of the most cringe is content from around the globe but before we get to today's video guys we have been hit with a sponsor yay the game is on the App Store now it's called Lost Island blast adventure I've actually been playing the game and I got to say it's actually really really fun here's some footage of me playing the game alright so here we are in game which is port an island what else am I gonna do all that YouTube money let's do it through the leaves we go whoa alright I love it okay alright so you got five blocks you get a rocket that's easy to understand boom yeah we did it look at them go that's so helpful you're very bold - the last note had to spit many years ago he lost his mind there's a deep story here if it reports believe the islands haunted boom we have to collect as many powerful and rad as possible right which we did we did it explode it all yes yes oh it's so satisfying what it does this destroy everything all the colors did it look good ah look at that pink I don't know I'm gonna go with the wood maybe the points unicorn win Oh where's that what in the world was that ah my friend that was one of many strange phenomena you'll see here it's headed for the beach come on down let's follow it no child stop up it's a ghost completed and we're gonna find out now what is that ghost that's haunting the grounds so yeah that was the game and I loved that it was different from other like block smashing games I liked it there's like a story behind it and you have the islands to like build up and decorate and there's this whole haunted Miss missing-person mystery behind it it actually got quite good the story I found myself playing it at least like for two hours in a row not only does it have like hundreds of these and levels that are like really addictive it get more challenging as they go a lot but like I say you upgrade your islands and you also uncover the mysteries and like if you want to know what the ghost part the video was you'll have to play more you download Lost Island now for free with the links in the description below using those links in the description below will give you seven lives which is going to help you beat the more harder levels and battles that you will face and 700 coins which of course not only make you richer in the game and you can use that to upgrade and get different boosters within the game I wish you best on all your adventures let's get over today's video guys so try it not to cringe let's let's do this [Music] this guy is me what is that it's like someone brought a lamb on to the tube it's a yes from me and not only is it a yes for me man on the tube you're getting the golden buzzer [Applause] [Applause] what a voice voice of a generation Kanye step aside in the match what do you tell yourself differently cuz I know if I don't win this game I'm done so I just yeah I'm good from behind all right love not gonna go there come here come back here you still young someone's gonna get a lot phone numbers tonight I'm good from behind that's great I hate these Sports interviews they after all before the man slice especially with football like you hear them trying to over answer the question and the questions so simple there be like does hear from some sports station that I don't know cuz I don't what sports what do you what is your what is your main goal tonight put the ball in the net and win and get a new [ __ ] computer except oh you just want to get the ball in that or the ball over there or some just win you see when you go like that right you have a cross two sticks right and that's how I felt when I was in Waterloo because when I walked in Waterloo and smiled at people they treated me like a vampire they this love didn't fully they'll just walk and smile in London yeah but if you're British you gotta be miserable use the cross and they went like this by not smiling at me in Toronto hey I guys you know me Steve Spiros easygoing Steve Steve Spiros how I thought I recognized you huh is that new shot Steve huh you gotta be now although she's interviewing you okay keep plugging Steve those who know me I'm a nobody you understand and you can't kill a person with no body so why am I afraid I'm not afraid I'm afraid of the boogeyman who's the boogey man you figure it out huh I love this guy I love this guy I'm getting out of here I'm going back to Waterloo with a vampire's hangout and I'm gonna wear my sunglasses at night you know why because it pissed this woman this woman she just knows I I'm just gonna hold the microphone here cuz the [ __ ] gold women show their tits have short skirts and then they feel violated when I look at them why because I have sunglasses on and I'm weird Humberside I'm sorry if I made a fool of Humberside but those people who called me a sleep Walker I woke up now I'm going back to sleep today to be committed in an isolation room because I'm going to go back to the ministry and I love them to perceive me as I am [Laughter] oh [ __ ] up oh god someone get that man March they were so there were so many lines in there you can stick on a t-shirt I have no idea oh god Steve ah someone find out who he is I need to collab with him now for you guys that comment on almost every single one of the videos and put Josh's awesome I want to shake his hand go skydive into a volcano hey you don't know what it's like to walk into class almost every day and be called Edward Scissorhands or be called kungfu panda oh god I'm a terrible person don't don't laugh for him if he's if he's being called names don't do it poor when you walk into class late and every one of your classmates is copping and you're like why are you clapping and learn and Josh goes everybody oh sure uh he looks like oh free he's our substitute teacher he's here to teach us about potions he's from Hogwarts hi what hi hi hey Josh man josh is getting vexed tonight his name's getting put in a saucepan and sound fire [Music] baseball [Music] are you Oh [Music] someone can't hit the note she ain't getting the gold buzzer don't think I'm giving you to go buzzer that was terrible terrible even Jesus is shocked look he's crying you know you need to leave the church when you make Jesus cry okay [Music] [ __ ] it's just that one dirty girl here why are you looking at the pianist it's not his fault you can't sing for [ __ ] every time she makes a mistake she's looking at him like why are you making me do this [Music] whoever that person is whose phone is going off they just want to die if that was me I would just be biting my my hand or something I always make sure my phone's off light in the theater or something notes of people okay if you got to see a movie in the cinema alright you've chosen to do that with other people don't get out your phone stop breath on it alright cuz then I'm focusing on what you're texting okay and usually it's something sexual oh nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs playing the organ with their face that was really bad I feel sorry for the bridegroom they hired someone who's like yeah I play the organ they just can't play it that's so cringy that's funny that aint funny I think I cringed a little bit okay it's still happening where is he grabbing his breasts I think this might be the most awkward handshake of all time oh okay yep I thought they were gonna make out for a second there I thought they were soon as they get backstage they're like hey to Robert or whatever his name is utterly ah gods do you know what for a video labeled cringe that was funny right that was that was hilarious shout out to the sponsor Lost Island all the links in the description below to that game thank you for sponsoring this video match guys it will give you an update a March there's been a lot of changing around sorry if there's been a lot of stuff out of stock recently it's all coming back in stock now with two new items I'm gonna reveal very soon so get ready for that like off corrects my channel and I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 5,595,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz watches, daz games, daz black, comedy, funny, laugh, try not to, video, vlog, laughing, box, react, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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