Daz Watches Amazing Ways People Quit Their Jobs

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let's go does what does games and love does watches Valentine's Day tis the day of love but sometimes love is just not in the air tonight sometimes people aren't feeling the love anymore the love for their jobs a place of work and they decide that they want to quit but other people get a little bit more creative than that and we've got a compilation here of extreme ways people quit their jobs compilations just to you by you guys and as it's Valentine's Day I love I love you I love you I said it I was the first to say it I took the first step Dazzlers okay a little bit disappointed that you didn't get me a card you know but I mean I think we can talk I think we can work this out you know if it moved forward it's just that it's our first Valentine's Day it's not like it's a big [ __ ] deal is it you know screw you guys not all seriousness I hope you guys have a wonderful Valentine's Day and I'm now going to sing a romantic song to you before the video this day is out of June why I could never be that douchey guy on the guitar I'm out of tune all right well at least I hope you've been serenaded enough I hope that um gave you the will to let let's just get into it shall we let's watch the video [Music] the effort had a whole marching band in place to quit his job and you know he looks happy the dude looks happy man I wish I coulda quit my job like that [Music] and he spent like his last few paychecks hiring that patent unless he knows them personally man I remember I worked in a window factory and it was this guy like my boss well he was like the floor manager cuz I was different areas at the factory he all he had it in for me he just didn't like me just didn't like me I wasn't a bad employee at all and every time I talked to someone or did something that I supposedly shouldn't like he would just be on my ass he just wanted me out he wanted me out in the end I snapped and cuz he came up to me and he tapped me on the back of the head and said back to work hey and I turned around I was like go [ __ ] yourself I got dragged into the office and yeah I was I was fired for that I was fired he just wound me up so much it was it was months of abuse from this guy and yeah four months later the company went under so it looks like no one can make windows like those black by the way if you're watching this now Steve little bit cringy I'm gonna lie [Music] oh my god is he alive I mean there's quitting and then there's just quitting life Jesus Christ was he aiming for the tip for the toilet rolls I think he missed says Matt on aisle 2 dead man to be cleaned up on aisle 2 oh my god there is also an Asian man wearing an unfashionably large backpack on aisle 3 everything you heard is why I the actual owner of the Alaska cannabis club will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska did I support that I've never been to Alaska but what I've seen of it on documentary channels is fast amounts of nothing so if they can't smoke a bit of weed out there in the snowy parts of the world what else are they gonna do huh watch polar bears are there polar bears in Alaska I don't know that I have a choice Pike [ __ ] it I quit all right we apologize for that pissed man the power the empowerment you must feel to just have the company by the balls you're just the employee and just say I quit and it actually matters you know did he just say Walmart chefs what will you quit huh [Music] Telly's manager picks up the one at the end of the store uh hello Steve I just wanna let you know I was gonna fire you anyway and good luck getting a recommendation I quit just cuz you're a horrible employer oh you're a good person I appreciate everything you ever done for me but I quit gee this place [ __ ] sucks straight to it right I like it you know no dramatics just in and out I [ __ ] quit [ __ ] this place [ __ ] Utah alright maybe not so subtle I [ __ ] quit [ __ ] you away how does the customer she's just seen a car like you wanting a burger and she got told to [ __ ] yourself oh man man this guy's angry make sure you cool [ __ ] his place is playful feel that Rachel is cool you know I feel like she would be cool motorcycle in Aisle five [Laughter] is this an I quit clip or someone just driving in a supermarket with a body oh wait people are joy What did he say oh wait people are enjoying white people are a joy that's racist alright it's a heritage to quit our job by riding a kawasaki ninja motorcycle through a supermarket okay it's in a heritage [Music] Walmart man is he wearing cowboy boots and why is he so aggressive to the carts not quit benefits know what [Music] she can't even undress and I recommend staying away from a job I quit but I see man people in this video seem to be leaving poor Martha are they really bad to work for big companies man picking on the little guy kind of truck here I ain't got [ __ ] they only give us 30 minutes to open up I was promised arrays never gotten that and now I got a tickets piling up when we just [ __ ] open and nothing is [ __ ] present everything is made from scratch so lost man here's another thing I'm quitting and when I come back up to get my check it better [ __ ] all be there because I've been keeping track of my hours this time [ __ ] me on my hours dead I swear to [ __ ] god you [ __ ] with me you already bought my hours in half I got three kids a [ __ ] dog miss the dog was optional I mean it is isn't it I mean I'm just pointing out that it was optional if things are tough don't don't get a dog but I'm with him 100% I am with him I understand words what you need to do behind the camera that's just a guy there with an empty plate like I'm not gonna get my burger so all this stuff didn't you sit you know finish getting done you got a prep with some mile long I suggest you hurry up and get the [ __ ] here because I'm leaving [ __ ] with me is that his camera though unless he sends the boss the footage he was just talking to himself hey I'm George it's my first day here wearing a slice of cabbage on his head is that cabbage is that cabbage my name is joy oh just my first day here by George I'm just like I don't know I'm supposed to be in produce I'm kind of just [ __ ] around now yeah that was more about you're fired it was random guys that was people leaving their jobs you know when I left my last job it was when vine was happening and I just left I had no money it was really stupid actually and there were hard times ahead and I just focused on fine because I knew what it meant I knew what it could mean once I started getting a following so I pursued it I'm still pursuing it to this day if you're unhappy in your job I suggest leaving when you're financially stable but take risks math maybe don't spend all your money on a marching band or put lettuce on your head but get out go chase your dreams live it live life perfect example lend up she left her previous job I can't get into what a previous job was it was something in government I don't know she won't talk about it to me so she took care of problems and she always does that problems pretty sure Linda was an assassin not just a big gray area there for the past four years before she worked for me but other than that now she's happy she's happy you happy Linda she never answers guys like love caressed my channel and as it's Valentine's Day why not in the comments give me your best roses are red violets are blue poems and the winner will receive a doughnut emoji is there a doughnut emoji it might be a cake if not I'll I'll put an emoji next to my favorite one and I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 7,899,068
Rating: 4.9654675 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz watches, daz games, video, vlog, funny, comedy, laugh, react, reaction, Amazing Ways People Quit Their Jobs, challenge
Id: MAHxo99gDYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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