Daz Watches Crazy Mums Caught On Twitch

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man i have been doing so much traveling recently haven't i i just got back from northern ireland uh doing some uh work uh for hbo uh for game of thrones new sketches coming out new content new vlogs and all stuff you get to see what i was up to uh very shortly but uh i'm done with traveling now um i'm back home and i'm just planning on focusing on uh making loads of youtube videos for you guys starting with a fresh daz watches and i've got a video up here which took my interest called top 13 craziest mums caught on twitch tv now i assume that this is um a compilation of clips where mums have invaded uh their sons or daughters twitch stream uh you know sort of real life sort of takes place uh in a twitch stream mums can have no chill you know they they pretty much run the house and if they want to come into your room doesn't matter what you're doing doesn't matter if you're live streaming so i assume that's what this compilation is uh let's let's watch i have to turn off my stuff because you're freaking out i have stuff i want to do i want to go holy [ __ ] mom mom this you're actually overreacting really hard here you're no yes you are you are overreacting extremely hard call david before you freak out here i thought i thought that you were gonna do this because you thought i was like doing porn or something and i'd have to explain this to you but you're actually coming down here off of something really strange it sounds like pawn it sounds like porn but it's not porn people tell you you put your dick in the gospel no it's literally just like 12 year old kids laughing over the internet being like [Laughter] so his mum has literally been listening to what he's been saying or what's been coming through uh the speakers and she reckons it sounds like he's just watching porn in what looks like a living room rather than the bedroom and she's clearly freaking out but it's true though like i play a lot of player unknown battlegrounds i love that game but i have to wear these because of like my daughter like if it coming through the tv everyone on there is racist uh the the [ __ ] that comes out of like little kids mouths the stuff 12 year olds have said they want to do to my mum like i don't know why they want to do this to my mom okay not for you but you don't have to watch my stream you don't have to watch my stream mom you have to move out are you kidding me i can't do i'm like i don't have the finances to do that right now that's that's way too harsh like even if he was watching porn like he's a young teenage boy and i i very much doubt there's a young teenage boy in existence that doesn't watch porn but he wasn't watching porn that's the point and she's saying you have to get out man man you should never like force your kids to move out that's way harsh that's way harsh this is [ __ ] i'm streaming what the [ __ ] no don't do it don't do it okay okay wow so i think he was making too much noise and swearing and she sort of just threw something at his face i don't know what it was but you saw his reaction there and something hit his face like what a [ __ ] like if my daughter is being like way too loud and it's like too late and i'm thinking about neighbors and stuff like that i could never go into her room and just throw something at her head like i just say to her like a bit you know it's a bit it's a bit late you know just explain and talk to her like throwing something at their head man like still i just don't agree with this capital punishment mums that just come in with a belt or a slipper just off the bat like without even knowing what's going on just you know special forces mum that's i changed it when i did the change the amount no you didn't that's when i changed it you didn't because i got the email telling me you changed the amount no that i got the that that email was sent before i changed the email that's why i changed the email you're not to change the email it's my account when you start paying the whole goddamn bill then you may have the email so say goodbye to whoever you're playing with because you're not playing in my house anymore got it yes you're done how much do i owe are you gonna pay the 424 dollars change it okay because i'm done with you thinking you can continue to [ __ ] me over that's all you do is [ __ ] me over so get off this [ __ ] i would recommend you pack it up you understand mum like literally telling you to leave home i mean granted we don't know the story like he could be causing her all sorts of trouble but i don't know i just don't i don't i don't think that you know there's anything a kid can do other than probably murder someone or like doing hardcore drugs or like something really serious i just don't really think that changing an email password like justifies kicking your kid out of the house i i'm laughing because i'm shocked this is shocking and why don't they mute their mics or buy a mic that you commute you know i've just realized guys my mic was all the way over here through this whole recording [Laughter] i apologize if i was a bit distant for the first half of the video is it even recording it is recording okay here's me com complaining about people not sorting their microphones out and mine's across the room i've been away for a few days all right i'm rusty shut up get out of my house sure that he was at her house right i mean like i say moms have no chill doesn't matter if you move away from home you know they're still gonna come to your house and like start cleaning and [ __ ] and start moving stuff around he was vaping all right it's it's not even really like that harmful to you i i believe so anyway i just take it away when she came to his house and took it away i seriously doubt that don't hit your kids on the head do you know moms do that thing where they i don't know how they do it it's like a form of like kung fu that just no one learns unless you're a mum but they do that thing where they sort of clip you around the back of here they don't really sort of hit you but they just clip you with enough like bottom of their hand or side of their fingers or something and they hit a certain spot every time on the back of your head and they're just like like and it [ __ ] my gods it hurts more than being like punched in the head i don't know how they do it it's a form of mum kung fu yeah and they do it because that's the way they get away with actually beating you without actually causing damage or actually saying i didn't really hit him i just tapped him you know but that tap it it really hurts and like i say it's usually at the back of the head i think they know of a nerve or something that most doctors aren't aware of and they just manage to target it like the [ __ ] terminator and they like clean your room and you're like jesus christ and you sort of lose consciousness for like two seconds when she hits it and then and then then she's like why aren't you paying attention and you literally you've just been like nerve struck by master wushi over here but that kid i assume he peed all over the toilet seat he didn't lift the toilet seat up and i agree like if there are ladies in the house men should lift the toilet seat up but what is stopping a woman from putting the toilet seat up for us because there's men in the house you know we've got to think of each other here's 2017 yo mom what what what what do you have to say come in come in come on what do you have to say you want to take all you earn your money to buy those freaked out costumes why did you save your money and find yourself an apartment because when you continue doing this you will not belong with us anymore oh really really why is that why is that why is that because i can't control it the neighbors want to hear me i've talked to the neighbors they don't close the window i love you neighbors they love me i sing for them they come to the window and i sing for them what was he wearing like what what was the get up there like i i understand like his mum being sort of confused there because i i'm like confused like i thought that was a strange one i wonder what he was actually streaming like let me know if you guys know that twitch streamer and what he actually does i'm really intrigued oh i don't agree with hitting like kids i don't feel it gets anywhere you know if you go up to a kid and like don't do that again like they're not even remembering what they've done wrong they're just thinking wow i can't do that again because i'm going to get hit it's like scaring them into to not doing something i remember i had a habit of always treading on the back of my mum's shoes you know like when you go to give someone like a flat tire you do like the flat tire prank where you step on the back of their shoe and their foot comes out of the shoe and you're like huh flat tire like i i uh would do that not on purpose but because you know i'm much taller than my mom and my footing is is a lot more wider space when i'm walking if i ever walks behind her i would take bigger steps and eventually i would end up treading on a shoe i did it for like ages and i remember one day um i did it again by accident and i said sorry i don't know how old i was i was quite young and she's turned around just smacked me like right across the head and i i was so annoyed at that like no one wants to be like battered across the head and i think that was the moment where i sort of said when i have kids i'm never gonna hit them like this is deeply unpleasant if anything i wanted to just tread on the back of her [ __ ] feet forever after that it didn't it didn't make me not want to do it you know and it was an accident but like that last one there i don't know what she was being told off for but like someone was clearly like trying to strike at her face like parents don't have [ __ ] kids if you're gonna like beat them and slap them like i hate seeing that [ __ ] blaine why do you always check on me like this i'm streaming too so it doesn't matter [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] can you go i don't want you on this game right now what are you talking about you've been on kill em up games all day and all yesterday such a mum thing to say kill them up do not shoot them up saw first person shooters none of the lingo just uh you'd be playing those kill em up games it's my new favorite game i don't like it you know i'm sorry about it you always you used to buy me call of duty but you didn't play it much yes i did i played it all the time oh come on mum now if you're gonna buy your son call of duty which um he's clearly too young for then you can't really complain that he's into these games in the first place you know you gotta check the [ __ ] out before you buy your kid call of duty let's just why don't you play ipad or come watch a movie with me well get off that i can't i'm in another long game can you go so i can play it you're not doing anything i can play you can do it right now why do you want to hide from me i'm not hiding i'm playing the game but you won't leave me alone get out i'm streaming what does that mean let's go away what yes you do okay so this kid like blatantly does deserve to have it turned off and and spoken to like she's being so sweet she's like you've been on this all day like come come watch a movie with me or something you know she loves her boy he like loads he just wants to hang out with him and he's actually like kind of being rude about it so this is the this is a moment where it justifies like turning it off for a while man you know you gotta you can't talk to your parents like that i remember once when i uh the only time i i ever did it like my mom were i i was like playing on my drum set and stuff which she would never let me play at all i had to put like magazines on it so i could tap it and i remember like she just came in and started yelling at me for something like i hadn't done anything all day or whatnot and um she turned her back and i remember just going like that like and she turned round as i did that and i was sort of sat there like like oh [ __ ] and she sort of did that she does you know that mum look that mums do where they don't they don't quite drop everything they're doing but they just sort of change their entire physical appearance with a look they're just sort of like and you know and you know when you get that look like you you're [ __ ] that that mum looked like you you and i was just and i just i just like sorry sorry mum she's like yeah yeah you better be and that was it like jesus christ i was lucky i didn't get the hoover shoved up my ass that's really interesting uh it's um it's it's kind of a two-sided coin some of the kids were disrespectful some of the mums and dads of phil take it a bit too far but on the whole it's wonderful when these things are caught on live stream i wish i was actually in a live stream and caught something like this like it'd be so much fun guys thank you so much for recommending this video to me like love crest my channel it's good to be back and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling [Music] you
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 9,189,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz watches, reaction, reacts, daz black, twitch mums, live, caught, funny, scary, comedy
Id: Bo7YB52dJWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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