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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and we're back with uh a classic you guys have been screaming at me yelling at me for the longest time to return to cooking simulator undoubtedly one of the biggest most popular um series on this channel i decided to leave it after i successfully made a meal but i hear you i've been hearing you and recently they released cooking simulator v aha i am not gonna let you wait any longer let's dive in oh how i have not missed this music but now i've got hands oh yes hi there first time in the kitchen nope last time i blew it up twice oh [ __ ] this is a whole different level now i ain't got that weird mouse combination i've got hands about to cook me a storm right i have hands this is what i was what is that i didn't have that before what's oh wait hold on are these gloves oh i put gloves on wait no i want to be like those guys on tick tock that rub steak sexually there we go look at that yes look at my kitchen oh oh it's been a hot minute it's been a hot minute i can do things look at this look at it i can actually control it better oh yeah ain't nothing going wrong in this [ __ ] can i just open the oven look at it look at it slam that [ __ ] yes oh can i just do the controls with my hand now phil look at look at that look at that and i can turn it on oh look at that the oil is already on i can get this oh the chips the chips we're having chips tonight i don't know if i should leave that i'm gonna leave it on because i've got a pre-heater right i got a grill look at the heat look at that i can warm my hands on that [ __ ] ready to serve quiche all right like oh the pantry do you remember the pantry guys wait let me get a knife because there are look at that look at it i could just like gordon ramsay look at that cut the onion i need an onion to cut i need to test this [ __ ] give me my fridge oh succulent heaven of meat hey fridge oh if it's not a sausage what am i doing in this kitchen oh my finger on it i got oh wow you can really get personal with food in this game okay let me get let me get that can i hold it and cut it wait let me let me see if i can well that isn't logical is it all right here we go look at this look look at this look look at it oh my god look at the precision look at that look at that look at it there's nothing stopping me now boys are you telling me i can mop my own floor ed look at that look at it this kitchen is going to be clean oh damn i should really close the fridge all right let me put that back i don't care i don't need a mop who needs a mop i need to cook what am i cooking it doesn't break it doesn't matter all right yeah it does it does matter all right i need this pan give it to me oh look at it look at it look at it i can wear it as a hat do i want i'm bringing this to the oven because today oh we're cooking some [ __ ] baked cod why not all right this is what we need this is what we need see i'm already doing good and nothing has been on fire all right let's get all the ingredients where's my chopping board there it is i need to get rid of the sausage because it's not um how do restaurants dispose of food that they don't want there we go look at it oh oh it wobbles look at that it wobbles look it just it's like it's still swimming in the city i can't use that i'm gonna get this cod and put it on there lastly all right let's get some parsley in this [ __ ] what is this do you know what i'm not even gonna listen to that recipe because i think it's wrong yep what what's what i need to know what's what let's just get some cooking on the go let me get some oil in this [ __ ] oil is that sunflower oil yes it is give me that well you're not working like last time are you oh wait yes that's what we need that's what we need um where do i put it hold on kobe yeah that didn't work oh crap wait i wonder if oh god what am i doing i need to no go in the bin go in the thank you the best card in the industry guys all right can i uh no let me get that um one this one there we are right where's my [ __ ] oil oh no i s i put it over my shoulder i tipped it damn it i need more oil hold on [ __ ] no ah i thought having hands would be easier wait hold on kobe goddammit isn't it it's not going to work i'm coming i will pour you into the i'm going to get more because i keep dropping it lightly oil the pan that's all you need i'm going to put that there just because i need it again i'm going to put it in the hole okay and then i'm going to season it look at that look at it look it's cooking we're cooking tonight all right i need salt where's salt oh yeah that's right i need to flip it where's my where's my where's my uda with look at that look at that that's beautiful it's beautiful it's all coming together oh [ __ ] what's this you know tomatoes always go well with fish let's have a tomato i think fish always goes well with tomato oh my god it's so satisfying it's so satisfying everything's going well how how how why why is my what stuff what happens i turned my back for one sec why is my fish over on the floor something blew up again i thought i was doing [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oven door not that that actually does anything but there we go oh no did i i think i put the oil on here ah bollocks now my oven is destroyed look at it look look at it oh because i left a bit of oil that's that's all yeah oh there's my card look at it look okay let's see that'll wash all the destruction off how is this possible look at my fridge it looks like the fridge out of indiana jones after we blew it up with a nuke i guess i get a plate or what's left of a plate there you go look at that see perfect [ __ ] fine i'll do it again steak and french fries you can't get more simple than steak and i in real life make a good steak i ain't even lying hold the front door give me a potato now i need a potato is that potato [ __ ] it it looks like one all right let's go it's a savior mother teresa's nipples that is cut up potato the steak has got to be cooked on here this bad boy and the chips have got to go in there this is going to be the easiest cook i've ever done this this is where the chips are going to go for the steak all right the steak is gonna be cooked on here preheat that boom yes toasty chef's kiss mwah right give me some [ __ ] give it to me no don't hang it back up again give it to me no don't drop it and then i'm going to cut the steak and take it over to my marvellous kitchen which is immaculate in every single way what's this if that if something exploded it's why look at it i think everything's still working it's just damaged what popped what exploded tell me tell me god tell me yeah yeah [Music] [ __ ] off i ain't turning my back to nothing right i ain't putting you on yet no no we're cutting the steak first it's like a little heart i've got a thick skin and an elastic heart okay look at that look oh [ __ ] look at that steak give me that knife i'm going to cut it up into small pieces yeah all right so steak is there and now i need to bring it over there so i can season my steak move that out of the way no no no no put it there it's a bad steak well the things we're gonna need a little bit of oil okay it's now another salt and pepper for me i know how to cook steak you best believe can't see any butter up there what there's no fire why are you going off when there's no fire you ah did i knock it how does it go off [ __ ] sake come here no no you're not screwing my chances not today go over here where you can't cause harm thank you i actually went in the bin a barrel of light beer hold the [ __ ] on the stake can wait oh heavenly father come to me come to daddy yes we're getting lit tonight i feel like i'm just oh yes i'm breaking seven laws ah all right put you there all right i've had a drink i fill up to the task i'm gonna take a couple of potatoes um you know because we're gonna need a quite a few chips all right here we go ah just pop that in like that ah oh it's so beautiful yeah roasties dictators yes we are a master chef now put them in there oh that's so satisfying i love this machine all right now time for the steak uh i need some oil let's take some of this put it in the pan don't want to deep fry it all right i'm gonna get the steak [ __ ] get some salt seasoning you know don't be afraid to put too much seasoning on your steak season it you know go that's what we need get the steak lay it away from you in the pan that's how we do it all right those chips all right they're looking beautiful after that we put the steak in the oven and all will be well oh yeah look at that look at it look at how they roll give up do you know what it wasn't necessary it wasn't necessary i don't need it i don't need the oven screw it it's damaged one of my fryers but screw it serving the best steak ever made coming through all right put it down put it no no no give me that [ __ ] chick put it up there look at me i'm like a toddler right give me that steak they they won't know it's the five second rule even though technically this has been a minute wait where's the order gone oh i didn't do the order wait let me do the order come on no i did it i made it restaurant didn't even smash when i wanted it to smash it just smashes when i don't want it to i don't know what to do i think i might need to change the scenery this kitchen is bringing me back trauma i might need to do a new kitchen right yeah that makes sense that makes perfect sense that's a sign i gotta go what the [ __ ] is this now this is a kitchen i can get along with look at the views look at it look at the cityscape huh somewhere out there is spider-man i know i think the black gloves uh you know all right i've got one black and one right i'm like a [ __ ] mime artist now all right oh wow look at the fridge look at the fridge look at the veg look at everything yes yes hamburger i can't i can't go wrong it's a classic it's what we do oh there's the burger patties come to dada no no no i'm not washing the kitchen floor with the burger get up it's a simple burger it's a very plain simple burger if i mess this up god knows look at that it works and i am a professional so give me the knife let's make ourselves a nice burger bun here we go all right these two bits of bread yeah they're gonna be my little bun that can go away they go little burger bun done professional what all right yep it it does work in game as well um you don't need the microwave on with nothing in it all right we've learnt our lesson all right bugs could you mate i do need something to flip it with uh do i have a stiffer fish slice or have a little anything anything here this is the kitchen that i can use i'm gonna try and flip it hold on i've gotta reach there we go no stay in the pan ah oh you son of a bit this is this defeats the purpose i'm gonna try and flip it okay where though it's there no get [Music] get in oh son of a [ __ ] what no just [ __ ] oh i got it it's in the pan i need it the other way around though wait hold on that's how it's done yes no no oh wait maybe i can flip it in the pan huh that's on my [ __ ] face come on ow [ __ ] broke my finger just no no get no oh sweat i'm not giving up never give stupid no do you know what [ __ ] it done stupid ass that's cooking weirdly unsafely i know um my bread i need to get my bread where's where in zeus's art is my burger let's see what's no no i didn't do anything i just left it for two seconds get in there you know what screw that get back in there why does anything do anything right that'll toast the bun as well make it nice and sizzly um i need a plate that's where i was going for [ __ ] sake it's coming out of my paycheck i'm doing this bare hand because i can't do it properly i wouldn't even serve that burger in prison but you know there we go i'm gonna get the bread bye bye taste i got a one star though that's the win in my book oh oh it's dabun here oh yeah let me look at it i did that there is nothing i cannot do and i did it in this modern kitchen of beautiful wonder [ __ ] give up i i do you know what i actually have had enough this game is either broken or it's got schizophrenia look at that is smashed up do you know what it doesn't actually matter i don't even see this [ __ ] off i don't even need it i don't even need it i don't need this new grill fixed because i cooked a burger and i got one star so up yours to everyone in this [ __ ] i'm gonna take this crust of bread i'm gonna wait how is that cooked is it cooked i don't know if i get the bullseye it means i do another cooking simulator video i didn't even know that was physically possible i don't want to do it again i don't want to do it i didn't know i didn't know you could do that [ __ ] guys i've had enough you want another cooking simulator vr all right you're gonna i'm gonna you're gonna have to like show me that you want it if if this video gets a hundred k likes i never do this all right it's the first time i'm ever doing this i will make a part two of vr cooking simulator for you okay that's it the stress this game brings me y'all y'all gotta give me something back guys i hope you enjoyed today's video let me know if you want to see a part two of this vr version like lovecrest my channel and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,416,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, cooking simulator vr, COOKING SIMULATOR, VR, VR COOKING SIMULATOR, LETSPLAY, GAMEPLAY, DAZZLERS
Id: zY78IKFkz1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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