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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and another daz watches phones digging in my leg what's up how you been you been good been doing well keeping well having fun good teenagers personally i think most teenagers nowadays suck i'm joking i remember being a teenager what a time it was i also remember once uh getting my first job in kfc i was 15 they hired me illegally and they also dismissed me illegally and i ended up winning a case against him and i got a grand tell a lie it was it was 1200 pounds so 1 200 pounds 15 years old with over a grand you can imagine how long that lasted i i went out and just bought every playstation game for that that week i was the [ __ ] i was the man and a lot of people these days think that today's youth are all born rich and it's just not true and today's video is gonna prove that today on dad's watches we are watching seven high schoolers decide who wins 1 000 pounds and seven high skill children and they're getting them to basically fight over money i don't know who invented this game but they're sick the jigsaw of our generation ladies and gentlemen anyways i thought the title looked interesting other youtubers have reacted to this and you guys of course asked me to do the same let's just uh dive in and hope they don't kill each other i think we should describe everyone's situation for example i just don't want anybody to leave with their feelings hurt or feeling like my problems aren't big enough and i feel ashamed for talking about what i don't know she's she's the one i would headbutt first i'd headbutt her first she sounds like the ceo for twitter okay no no no no don't say anything or do anything or blink in case someone's feelings might get hurt i'm gonna tell something to this generation right now newsflash feelings get hurt get on with it move on people at like their feelings getting hurt it like leaves them disabled or something ah my feelings got hurt i'm ah shut up only one can win jesus christ it's like the hunger games except no one here is malnourished what's high school like right now oh my god i honest to god i wish they went to my school i'm seeing so many different things on these children in my school they'd get stabbed with a pencil the game is thousand to one you decide who leaves with a thousand dollars i'm gonna say something right now that's gonna make me sound really old and know that i also have pairs of jeans with holes in them i think they look great but the jeans nowadays the holes right the holes they're getting so big there's just no point in having any trousers on that i i felt old when i said that if somebody says something super personal that they wish they hadn't said because they didn't end up getting the money and it didn't help them you know that could feel like really bad or people could feel like ashamed about their problems or like my i i'd i'd pay someone half the thousand pounds to assassinate her when i won problems are as big as somebody else's problems i just don't want anybody to be like oh man my life sucks but i didn't get the money because it's true like i would make up a massive fake story but ah damn like all of all nine of my grandparents died all nine of them oh then my cat you know because one of one of my grandparents they died on top of my cat killing my cat it died as well with with them i'd make up some [ __ ] i'd win i'd win that should just like have someone like say why they need the 1 000 in the end we can just all collectively who doesn't need a thousand dollars who that's a stupid question everyone right there that go through high school they all need and can do with a thousand pounds okay what's your thoughts what i would do in one thousand dollars is help start uh online clothing business no you wouldn't yeah your own one you go and buy your own clothes oh my god kind of clothing will you be selling just like t-shirts you are the least fashionable there my friend look at you i have no fashion sense at all except when i wear a suit when i wear a suit looking good and more like streetwear oriented i don't know like music artists something to do with like pop culture i yeah okay i don't believe you want the one thousand dollars for my education i'm in full ib so for each test that you take you have to pay a certain amount fair enough you know yeah put it into your education i'd believe that he's got my vote so far well obviously be cool like take my girl out or get a gucci belt or something but an honest answer ah my man whoever his girlfriend is she's a lucky lady actually i i'm taking like a couple classes in my high school that has college credits towards it and it's like a good six hundred dollars i need it's amazing isn't it like lit the cost of living nowadays i don't know what it's like anywhere else but here in the uk it's so expensive right you go to london they charge you just to breathe okay kids that like they're trying to plan their future and they have to leave university and college with debt like not just debt enormous sums of debt i failed miserably in school i went to the worst school in the world beating the [ __ ] out of every single day and i'm lucky that i'm just big enough a [ __ ] that people want to watch me online because god knows what else i would do i was in the building trade before this but it it life is hard enough but you know having to leave and you know the cost of just getting an education like something needs to be done like paying my car insurance and my like school fees and then on top of that i got invited to a wedding in florida whatever i had left over i'd try to get a good plane ticket no i you know you've hurt my feelings now with that with that answer i want to be a marine biologist when i grow up of course you do the ocean i love animals it's just where i get my happiness from really there's this trip to on the bahamas which is very very expensive the bahamas look his face says it oh he's like calculating in his head he's like bahamas one thousand patchy that'll take you a quarter of the way to the bahamas would help me go to that i feel like it'd be super cool experience is it like a trip so she just wants to go on holiday really all right wait hey you can see dolphins online for free experience is it like a trip through your school or like no yeah holiday so just a personal interest thing yeah okay and she just lost she's just lost and if we keep going the way that we're going uh there won't be a need for a marine biologist because there'll be no fish left to study i love to fund myself basically and it really sucks because the school that i go to um they don't supply buses to my house area so i have to take ubers like everywhere and it's like that's expensive yes it's like a lot of stress on me and it's like i'm sorry wait no don't cry please don't don't throw in that i am getting emotional it's like i'm being forced to grow up so fast and i'm only 16. someone wants that 1000 pounds they're willing to also get an academy award for it like no one's dying no one's you know what i had to walk for two hours to my school two hours because i couldn't afford to take the bus she's crying because she has to take an uber what's wrong with this generation [ __ ] me are you the one that said we shouldn't do what we just did yes why i don't know i think it can make people feel like their reasons aren't good enough or automatically make people feel like well we should give her the money or give him the money for this reason or that reason i do get it i do understand like you know um it is gonna cause friction the shit's about to kick off i can tell these these kids really want this who came up with this show it's so mean but brilliant and not to say that that isn't valid but everybody else is also valid oh [ __ ] off just shut up i can't stand this idea that no one can be hurt all right it's part of life it's how you learn you don't know that the hob will burn your hand unless you get burnt all right we learn from her why do you think i'm not dating anyone all right i've learned that they're all [ __ ] crazy i just stopped i stopped learning all right i got her and i wouldn't change it for the world and you know what i'm more happier now because i got hurt all this twitter [ __ ] oh you can't say that yes i can shut up so i think if we decided through like a random competition that's a way that nobody could feel attacked or feel hurt by specific people she's not winning there's no way she if she wins i'll pull my eyes out with a spoon i feel the opposite personally because i feel like we should give it to the person who needs it and who deserves it because if she's working really hard and if she's trying to just i see the tears have already worked their magic there she's very she's very clever i'd be whispering in people's ears going hey hey i only need that 900 you want 100 100 i'll give it to you you vote for me stay on team dads and i'd say that to everyone and then when i left i'd be like i wouldn't act no i wouldn't i wouldn't do that i'm joking school that's a bigger reason than like buying a plane ticket or going on a trip or something like that i don't want it to seem like i'm coming off like oh i'm using that as a pity no no no that's not that's like yeah you are you already have that love that's that's the problem you have a minute and 10 seconds okay they've given them a minute and 10 seconds to decide this and if they don't decide then no one gets it who wrote that me i don't know how to spell as an a i'm sorry someone subsidized a few hundred to get him an english tutor one for colleen obviously what what was that obviously gosh people don't know they're on camera sometimes do they yeah how do you guys want to do it vote again or do you want them to decide just vote just vote someone's not going to go and see the nemos why because i don't know everyone has something against me so are you all about no one said [ __ ] the only thing i've said about wait now i have something against you what are those are you wearing beach sandals that's why i said to her yeah of course you're a marine biologist cause your jeans are made out of recycled plastic that are dissolving and you're wearing beach shoes and there's not a beach in sight i don't think it's anything else this is what i didn't want to happen if somebody gets hurt by what's happening you're saying like everybody has something against me so if we just know what who's no one said [ __ ] about her no one's no one has said anything about anyone why is she getting butthurt khalid three for khalid and one for jordan sorry college no it's three to two i'm sorry how's everybody doing oh he's off and on to a better looking sofa it was a it was a lie that was emotional that was she's like a little psycho isn't she this one before she was like everyone hates me i'm gonna get voted off ready to kill someone and now she's still there now she's happy again like ooh like ugh do you know what john voted for my man over here i can't remember what his name is i want him to get his girl a gucci necklace or belt buckle whatever it is first one out so i have nothing against any of you you guys ready yeah and a year later he's gonna come back and shoot you i'm just saying random stuff maybe who can stay on level just one foot the longest 20. should we do that one leg is saying he got the first one falling out well she's she's gonna go out straight away and she with those shoes you can't balance in beach shoes they're meant to walk up the beach which is hard oh oh i'm buddhist everybody sorry it's like ten times a day like of course you are she's also a buddhist how about you stop since i don't know if you guys are busy i'm out are you out how do you feel do you think that was fair during the no why why was it not fair everyone did the same thing you say no no it's not fair i don't think anybody had like an upper hand on that don't be hella mean i'm be so mean see i mean there's a hangar in this woman these activists you know vegan teacher like they're all the same i'm sorry they're all the same they're just [ __ ] angry for no reason you're lost deal with it go see a fish get a tesco so you have cans of tuna there whoa okay drama let's make it interesting so we're not going to listen to the couch right guys don't don't anger her up she'll write a sign and protest outside your house i feel like it's the three of us nina you're not gonna lie oh my god are you seeing her face she's not even blinking the marine biologist has become a shark nina nina nina what are you an ambulance 99 i'm here all week yeah i heard it very well yeah oh my god she's such a [ __ ] yeah i heard it very well don't want to hurt anyone's feelings you put a laugh on the end of it cuts through the sarcasm it's great well i think that i think you're saying that because in the very beginning i was like let's do challenges no i'm not saying that because of that you keep influencing everyone how yeah how am i influencing i think i think she's just trying to make everything worse is it cool if we stop getting input from the couch for a little bit because this is between inclusion oh god this this this this woman she's gonna kill someone that's five do people agree that's a fair bit i agree okay are we starting oh my gosh she's crying now jesus [ __ ] whoever made this show basta give them a basta so can we think of anything else we can do that's like i think someone else read like oh my god this girl needs to be tranquil like that blow that done throw someone out i agree like green light red light what can we do ej yeah we can do like a quiz on ocean facts oh god of course you would jesus christ if you had a stereotype she's on that couch i want a whole reality show on her oh my god nj nj oh that's easy oh that's ej sorry oh that's confusing yeah it's not one starts with an n other starts with an e it's different dj oh man all right you're really nice to be fair um she was right his girlfriend should have come on the show if she needed the money um and it could be a lie we don't know but i wanted him to get the money he just seemed to stay out everything did make a fuss didn't cry he was just honest all right let's have a drawing contest then sure and then are we voting or who's voting let's have the couch no because they have their preferences yeah she's clocked it already she's like no that [ __ ] that marine [ __ ] that whale loving [ __ ] she's gonna count they do not like each other i'm living for this wait okay what are we gonna drop we'll let them decide draw like an octopus yeah of course it's an octopus what else would it be you guys want to play like rock paper scissors together i'm chilling aj no no [ __ ] i'm i'm chilling where did they find her the beach probably drawn so how's your girlfriend oh come on dog is that actual sea water you're drinking you know it's all right actually the eyes are kind of on point though because they do kind of come out no one cares love oh god damn it it's really important it really is important what's going on in the oceans and stuff like we need to save the [ __ ] fish because they're running out we're running out right i love salmon as much as the next [ __ ] right but we are running out we get it this is not a program to talk about how many goldfish there are left in the world just shut up so the one that we picked i already it where the loser is the scary one okay i'm out oh damn i thought he'd win she was so hoping it would be her she was so hoping i was you know what in the beginning i wanted her to lose now i wanted to win just so marine girl could get pissed off i liked it but i also didn't like it what i liked it but i also didn't like it that's not an answer start this final round you have to decide who's the one person that leaves with the money all right i'm gonna say i feel like we should for this last run we should like you know obviously state our opinions do you guys want honor opinions or no shut up is my opinion everyone else on that couch is out chilling she still thinks she's in it just as she shush shush let's pretend we're fish under the water because you can't speak under the ocean i'm going to give it to heather if you are pretty cool with that yeah i'm totally fine oh she's done it she's nailed it the tea has worked this is not that's not a pity thing this is obviously a really big need so yeah yeah we're set [Applause] i don't know why i'm i don't know why i'm clapping i don't know who to trust this game has blown my mind it it really does go to show that like money can change people or bring out if not change bring out the worst in people i like to think um you know i'm very wealthy now thanks thanks to you guys and i'd like to think it hasn't changed me one bit i remember growing up and uh my pocket money i'd get like five pound a week if i did all my chores and i would use it um to help my dad and to put milk in his fridge and stuff like i've never really cared about money it's never really been something that's changed or altered my um wants or needs you know it also um yes it makes life easier but it doesn't make you 100 happy you know all in all a very unique experiment uh slightly mean and sadistic but you know damn entertaining as hell guys i hope you enjoyed today's video thank you so much for suggesting it to me like love crest my channel and i will see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,885,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT CHOOSE WHO GETS $1000, REACT, REACTING, REACTS
Id: YW1uVOrd83Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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