Daz Watches Dr Phil High School Drop Out

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Oscar does loose but does games and never does watches you guys have been asking me for like weeks or men now to basically react to some dr. feel requests so I was like okay who do you want me to watch and they were like this gal not sure what her name is but you guys have been linking me this video and you want me to react to her and there's a bunch of other side videos here of her so I guess we can watch multiple ones but she said known in the title as teen high school dropouts who has a bright future so she dropped out of high school we don't know why let's delve into this shall we tell me about your bright future what describe it for me and how it's gonna unfold have a bright future she's dropped out of high school I sense sarcasm dr. Phil I'm going to school so I can get my GED and it counts just as much as a high school diploma and how are you gonna get that if you dropped out you kind of need to keep going that's the point what the [ __ ] is my hair doing what's that then I thought you said high school was stupid it is but you do have to get some sort of education or else you're nothing you won't ever get a job you can't do anything high school is stupid it's so stupid but you kind of kind of need it cuz otherwise you can't get a job you're nothing Maps is also important like van Gogh hire me if I can't count [ __ ] like you know high school is stupid I've never seen so much contradiction in such a short space of time in my life high school is stupid but I kind of need it kind of helps you out in your whole life so it's not really that stupid and it's it and I'm planning on going to college for cosmetology and crime scene investigation she's dropping out of high school and she's gonna go into crime scene investigation can you um how my god I I I have to make a sketch on this girl can you imagine if this girl without any sort of educational discard job in crime scene investigation Jonathan where we got we got one dead body multiple gun wounds male possibilities late 40s oh my god he looked hideous did he die taking a selfie what no but that's Alberto that's a crime scene camera guy hello he's not the dead body I think but wait wait wait what are you doing oh I don't know Jonathan stopping criminal scum I'm not a criminal then you want to tell me what you're doing in an active crime scene because I'm a crime scene investigator Your Story checks out lucky for you I'm not on my period oh wait you can't take that it's a crime scene profits probably got evidence on it yeah I can why because [ __ ] you that's why okay now if you excuse me I'm going outside to my car and I'm having a cigarette that's the broom closet holy [ __ ] yeah that's that's I think pretty accurate news but we don't get to know that cuz we're not in her bubble it's not funny like that's a professional thing to do does that mean they're know if you can't count to five then you can't count the bullet holes in the victims ass love okay you need to go to school what is what Oh My gods are in your bubble they're not a part of my life they're not gonna be a part of my future and my dad is that one over there is not why is that because she's a psychopath and I honestly wish she would be locked away throw away the key never come back ever again well someone's grounded figures if you look at her she just you know she she could be just a lovely normal girl I wonder what made her so angry I sent something it's bad in the past is very angry and defensive maybe I don't know such more what is the psychopath um she's ruined my life for the better you define cycle okay is she's constantly probably heard this what you said she doesn't know dr. Phil she dropped out of high school stick she can't tell me what psychopath is she don't know our ABCs you mentally cannot think straight you mentally do not think your age and you have like you just don't think right you don't think like a normal human would you don't have a thought process so you're a psychopath oh man please someone someone help this girl please Oh My gods I don't really watch talk shows much because you know I just can't stand the fact that people pay tickets to watch people's life fall apart yes like Jerry Springer or Jeremy Kyle and you wanted to just sitting there going boo and it's like these are real people were some of them are real a lot of them are fake but like if these these these are real stories real people's lives falling apart this this kid here people might make fun of everything oh man what a [ __ ] there's something that's made her like this you know what I mean hmm what was that [ __ ] was that did someone just tickle the back of her brain what was that hmm that's the face I I make I can't make that joke well that's not what psychopath means at all I think what you're saying is you two don't connect you don't have a relationship with her she doesn't understand you I don't want to have a relationship I want nothing to do with her you do but last night you wanted me to come over and rub on your legs and do things yeah good why why is no one talking about that I'm sorry I know their mother and daughter I'm not saying any funny going on I'm just under saying that well that's the weird thing to text your mum I don't know mum mum please help me what is it fee I don't know I just really need you to come over and rub my legs right now no to to do things for me you see that go in the audience she's like only girls can do that if you I've never really seen a guy go doctor it's just it's a female thing so you say you've skipped every day when repeating the ninth grade oh yeah I skipped school all the time school is irrelevant for me besides like as soon as I get my GED no irrelevant medicine because you need something out of it it's contradicting you can't say that school is stupid in and skip it all and everything and then get no one's gonna hire you if you don't go to school they're not gonna ask you to confirm a dead body in a crime scene if you don't even know what crime scene is start my life because I'm already an adult I've been in an adult since I was little you've been an adult since you were little how's that work what I don't even saw that [ __ ] makes sense yeah you don't do anything would any Impala do stuff for me they'd have bought me everything you didn't even buy me a car oh [ __ ] damn I'm the parents are to blame here clearly okay you they didn't buy her a car ah it's so so much abuse in the world you know I don't to have this car anyways and because you oh my god I'll take a bus I'll walk I don't care I don't need a car well you angry then you're just moaning I'm because I didn't buy you a car than you I don't need one I they shouldn't rename her miss contradiction because she says one thing and does another like I don't know I don't know I have no respect for my mom I called my mom by her name Kimber because I don't see her as a mom my dad is everything but I honestly that's got eyebrow game I'll give him that did you see that [ __ ] um my dad is everything but he's like hit me up dr. Phil I don't know maybe she blames the mum for like the separation I don't know I'm trying to guess what's wrong here in this situation she seems very kind of deluded in a way since I'm not in high school right now I normally go to the skate park this is at this gate pros vlogging really you have some sort of energy when you're vlogging nowadays you can't just be chill no you have to you have to be like like you're on ecstasy you know you can't just be like hey guys I'm at the skate park what's up yeah you need to be like you need to be off your face on something all right if you're gonna be a vlogger it either screams shell ask your following to just completely annihilate and destruct that the like button I she's missing out on so many vlogging techniques in weed or smoking cigarettes I was 14 what does she get the money for the weed someone's given her money don't give her any money like come home when I started smoking marijuana my parents found out and they said as long as I don't hurt anyone or myself by it they don't care how's that go then that's that's it isn't it they don't care I mean that you know that there's a there's a complete lack of guard just slap her an iPad in your kid's hand and say there that keeps them quiet now I can go drink my wine downstairs with my new husband like you got to pay attention you know you got a constantly be a parent it's a full-time job all right once they're 18 it doesn't stop you just keep going as a parent forever t dead that's it that's when your job ends okay even then as a ghost you got to come back into their room and spook the [ __ ] out of them you gotta be like everyday if my parents claim they don't know that I smoke weed that's a total lie if I'm not at the skate park then I'm normally at home watching YouTube video on the iPad watching YouTube probably don't know what she watches who she idolizes then pay attention god damn it yes my dream is definitely to become a YouTube star my dream is to find out why the [ __ ] your scarfs are moving in the background I dream is definitely to become a YouTube star why is it moving in the background like that what's going on ghosts I think so do have free youtube channels almost my older videos are me doing May tutorial makeup tutorial such you poking yourself in the [ __ ] eye I don't think so Ella got to where she wants by going all right guys it's day I'm gonna blind date so that's what it looks like I also have some videos up on my youtube channel called dare Mondays in one episode I was dared to eat baby powder there's a serious serious lack of care that goes into like I just called all of this stop texting me I just called all of this a minute ago like I really think that the Internet is such a powerful tool like there are so many kids that get lost so lost in the internet and idols and ideas and thoughts and there's so much information in front of them they'll that they they flush out the information in their own heads so some kids can't even find a [ __ ] identity let alone parents that can talk to them I think the kids learnt so much or taken so much from the internet and their iPods and their computers that they stopped taking in things that they should be when I was a kid if my friend came up to me and said does eat a tight pod or eat some baby powder I'd say no you [ __ ] idiot no yeah why would I do that nowadays they're idols and everything are you know doing crazy [ __ ] and setting themselves on fire and doing terrorist pranks and there's so much [ __ ] that goes on but it's just it's constantly going in and out of their heads and by a lot of these kids I don't know faint even in the right mind's eye I don't know most views I've gotten on my youtube channel was 85 Wow I feel like my parents are just blowing everything out of proportion they just need to stop worrying I feel like I have a bright future ahead of me I just think that Kimber needs to step out of my life people don't realize about talk shows and stuff is these kind of shots let me find it like where she's up against the tree staring into the distance here ahead of me I just she's been told to do that like she's been directed to do that to be lost in for that this is this is the problem with talk shows even one such as dr. Phil like all drama is good for them and this kid if this is all real doesn't need to be treated like a movie star and salted or that and even her mother like there's a shot with our mom that I know is all right man if you could just look down at the floor like you've lost all hope and we'll circle around to get the Michael Bay's shot it's this type of [ __ ] as a filmmaker that I I notice and these tactics same sort of thing where like Logan Paul is like playing piano over an apology an apology like it's all dramatic effect it's all to pull on your heartstrings and it's all false they're basically acting to dramatize the situation which is already bad enough like all you got to do is sit there kid down tell a story and that's it you don't need dramatic music camera starts acting that's why I don't like talk show say they take leave a fake everything which shows that kids can be bad and get famous uh or they are they over dramatize the situation it's already very dramatic and people just need help you know I mean I don't like talk shows I never have you know I could go around in circles but the basic principle is is that there's a lot going on here and it's such a young age well you don't really understand mental health you don't really understand anything other than the fact that your parents are acting crazy or embarrassing and even though they don't they can't control it you know I feel actually kind of hates her mum for being born as her daughter because she's crazy but when she grows up and she really matures and hopefully stay sane and gets her ass back into school hopefully um I grew up to realize it wasn't my mom's for it's just you know but it was hard on me and I imagine it's so hard on her as well and the whole family I don't know really who they are I just got to watch this by you guys but it is it is a point to point out that most people behave the way they do usually not because they're just being an [ __ ] but it's because there's something there you don't understand when you see a massively obese person a lot of people might go My gods why would you keep eating you have no idea why that person got to that state you can't judge them based on appearance don't judge a book by it's cover it's really the story here guys thank you so much for requesting me this video I never really watched dr. Phil before now I can say I have my glove crest my channel and I will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 8,449,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, dr phil, high school drop out, daz games, daz black, funny, comedy, vlog, daz watches, reaction, react, girl, talk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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