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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and another daz watches the art of speaking the art of dance some people think it's for sissies but until you've tried to stand on the ends of your toes you don't know it is not for the faint of heart and requires that years of dedication and what's worse than putting strain on your legs competitive mothers who just want their daughters to succeed and win every trophy there is like pageanting which we've reviewed on the channel many times these dance moms are probably worse i've never really watched dance moms before so forgive me for not knowing who and what the hell everything is you guys have wanted me to react to dance moms for a long time now i've got a compilation here of arguments and you know extreme moments from the series i don't know how i don't know how extreme dance competitions can get but we're gonna we're gonna find out together here today let's watch the video i do not raise brats you are a monstrosity of evil at least you're honest let her wear the costume you're done don't do it don't you dare try and make my child look like that police right okay that sounded like walking through the park and a flock of geese took off that was a turkey oh [ __ ] that's maddie zigler oh yeah that's where she started didn't she like leave get really famous for being friends with sia and then spoke badly about the show's leader or whatever her name is the big woman who like runs everything i think that's what happened i don't like to lose no there she is ah she's adorable isn't she i remember when i saw her in the seer video i was like jesus christ i'm exhausted just watching this incredibly talented little girl but i don't ever lose anyway i'm very confident we like that and our first place overall top scoring advanced mini soloist receiving a 75 check 75 that's the price do they split that between all of the girls get like a dollar each there's like 75 girls up there what are you gonna do with 75 in america that won't pay for a kidney transplant and the trophy is cry [Applause] okay so to my knowledge these are moms okay and this woman here is like she runs the dance school and she's i think she's the one that teaches them how to dance and does all the routines i'm not sure i might be wrong congratulations undefeated aren't you happy congratulations oh [ __ ] all right i'm going to call it right now this here is maddie's mum that is not [ __ ] i swear sometimes and i said it in the pageant videos that these moms try and live their their dreams through their kids so to this mom here it's it's not about maddie up there winning in her mind she won this is not fair chloe was learning it maddie just just walking off stage with all the gold she did did she melt all that down and give it to see her and say please let me be in your video that's what i would have done that was that the origin story of maddie ziegler i don't know nine year old to go on stage and like be flawless our kids were set up to fail are you really in that hallway or is that a green screen because if you're in that hallway you're just screaming kids could probably hear you love so excited for you because you got them we don't want to ruin the weighted victory i'm not ruining yeah abby we need to go in the way we're doing this in front of my daughter chris oh someone's been drinking we can all go in the hallway because i tried to talk to you and i try not to talk why would you all go in the hallway you're already in one room this is why i i don't do well in argumentative situations i just um i make things worse how many times does my daughter beat your daughter this year oh damn why have i missed this show rich woman arguing i'm here for it god look at this gal look jesus christ they're just making all these like i feel like these kids love dance and they just want to go they want to dance i don't think they really care about winning i didn't care about winning anything as a kid and these moms are just so like my kid beat your kid like it's so like grow up man like the kids seem like way more grown up than the adults in these tv shows against everybody this weekend because oh [ __ ] maddie's crying she's not gonna swing from any chandelier is she sorry oh bringing it out for this one [Music] cool down let's go either your kids feel bad but it doesn't matter that my daughter killed that your tyler is holding a national title and i will take it away in a minute wow her voice went from feminine to zeus in like all of 10 seconds mum's like you know she hasn't got her daughter but she's got the most important thing she's got all the trophies that's that's all that matters you know get the trophies out of there quick before they get hurt me you are uneducated mess we're drinking i'm not going on a bus it's right walk no one wants you on the bus by the looks of things how did i get stuck in this see that one was me why am i here who gives a [ __ ] i just let the girls dance and win trophies for christ's sake jill let me see her costume okay this is the white collar okay you did not lift that up last night oh i never said it whipped it up last night you didn't say go home and whip up i'm not becky homeki i don't whip up costume oh my god do these women just hate each other and where did that costume come from because it's obviously not pieces of something you pulled together you haven't seen her in it none of you have i hate that i hate when teachers i know she's not a school teacher but i hate it when like teachers of classes that your kids go to the kids come home with homework that the kids can't do all right and you have to do it okay you have to do it one time my daughter came here all right side rant my daughter came home from school once okay and she's like double apparently my daughter's elmo she's like daddy we have to make a volcano that erupts i'm like the [ __ ] what i'll just go dig up my garden shall i get down to the core of the earth now you know when you have to make those things and like [ __ ] spews out the top whatever so i was like all right don't worry i'm on it i went down to the shops bought some glue bought some cardboard some seller tape i bought some what was that what's baking soda and chicks so you know i watched a youtube video on how to make this by the way so it'll spray out the top i was like this volcano all right could be used as a miniature for the next king kong that's how good it's gonna look for my daughter we sat down at the table she's got scissors in her hand i'm like right let's go i start duct taping [ __ ] mixing green paint together i look to my side she's gone she's left me in 10 minutes my daughter has gone upstairs she ain't interested in [ __ ] and not only that she was like what four or something she can't do this work it has to be me so then i clocked it i was like okay all the other kids it's their dad's doing it as well i'm not just competing against other children here i'm not just trying to make my daughter look good i am competing against other dads now a song song i stayed up all night painting this [ __ ] putting details in oh i was like oh [ __ ] what else does this need what else does this need i went outside i got gravel i scraped moss off the wall i put like this thing look like you can step into it and you're you're on set you're on set it was a miniature set this volcano and it was amazing my daughter comes down in the morning she looks at it it's she goes off she goes off she's like oh my god oh it's amazing oh my god it looks odd everyone's gonna be so jealous we walked to school which is just down the road from where we used to live and i'm i'm holding it because she ain't holding it for [ __ ] i i've spent all night making this i'm delirious i haven't slept in years as we get to the school gates all right there's there's a teacher outside like greeting everyone good morning good morning sarah all right with no shame turns around grabs it off me runs up to the teacher thrusts it in front of her and the teacher's like oh sarah did you do this and the little [ __ ] she just looks at her t-shirt she's like i was like oh oh you did it did you took credit for the whole [ __ ] thing nothing nothing was rewarded to me i wanted a sticker all right and what's worse is my daughter looks at me and then look back at the teacher i was like yeah you did it okay being in your room playing minecraft all night was doing it i thought you know what it does don't say anything don't say anything just be just be able to be an adult now it's time to be an adult okay you've made it for your daughter that's the point let her walk into school win this thing and you can hold your head high i went to pick her up from school this is a true story i went to pick her up from school and they'd already made like a pedestal for the work that had won my work had won it was in the it was in the hallway it was number one it was on top there and it was like made made by sarah and that and then i don't know the teacher come up to me and she was like i bet you're proud and i couldn't help it i was like um of course she had a bit of you know help i did it and then teach you lots of we should like mr blackmore that is um that is very bad to take credit for your daughter's work like we're all here to celebrate i'm like let me check let me tell you something all right i haven't slept i'm covered in glue and baking soda i was like i did it me and uh yeah that was that was the first time i realized that i'm an immature father hey hey all right you gotta learn in life you can't just sponge off other people's work it's mine she won that's the point that's the side rant let's get back to dance moms i don't care if somebody else in the world what is it whatever and go home right now is that would that make you guys all really happy no that would not make me happy how much does she smoke is she meant to be a dance teacher that's a smoker's throat right there like a turkey on thanksgiving about to be slaughtered god damn it it's getting done it's gonna be your turn jill's throwing shoes and she's cursing and all i'm thinking is you are so hard to take seriously wearing that hat oh [ __ ] i was just thinking what's the hat it's not working man this is supposed to be just like a fun competition but why do these mums take it so seriously when they all hate each other so much i think the hardest thing for chloe is she asked maddie if she was doing the duet and maddie lied to her i don't expect anything less from melissa oh okay anyone who wants to know what a crazy driven mom looks like that's that's the face right there you know ow ow you're not doing that you went with my daughter okay okay you know what here's the thing you just keep your head up don't let all of that get to any of you see the mom knows what she's doing here everyone can see and hear her which i'm sure is what she wants and she's using the kids as if like yeah i'm just talking to my daughter but really you're rubbing everyone up the wrong way in the room like you know it's just called gaslighting you are her friend okay oh that's the response i would have given you did you just sit here and say that my daughter looks miserable so maybe we should put kalani in her place no i never said it yes you most certainly don't no i didn't ding that lesson dingbat i guess you gotta be creative around kids with swearing you can't really swear too much but dingbat i said brooke is your mother do you want to be my face girls out the room oh [ __ ] she's trying to bite a finger off see that's the mum i told you who's going to go off she's she's trying to did she mistaken that for a kitkat why was she trying to bite her i said piranha out here how did these mums go home at the end of the day and just act like they didn't behave like this i swear it means more to them than it does the girls she's crazy no i'm not crazy you're eating my face [Music] to be honest i'm kind of with her i'm not crazy you're eating my face i mean we all get hungry but you never you know you never go for the face she was eating her face she was attempting cannibalism in front of children like i would deem that more crazy than just yelling crazy mom call the voice right now you know the police have so much more to do than two moms trying to eat each other's fingers is there even a code for that on on the radio sorry i missed that could you say it again please [Music] siri when did you become a part of this hmm i don't have an answer for that is there something else i can help with no okay okay you can go now why is he getting involved i honestly i'd watch this show and i i don't care how prestigious it is my daughter would not dance with all this crap wait excuse me but who gets my mother is um black south african and let me tell you something okay when a black woman puts the hand on the hip and uses this hand to dictate [ __ ] that that's when you need to shut up all right that's what i know my mom's pissed i have backed nia up with those pathetic feet for years sound like the tasmanian devil anyway guys uh that was some compilation of dance mums i still have no clue what the hell is going on but i'm gonna give it a watch actually i'm gonna go back and try and watch this this actually looks like trash tv chef's kiss guys i hope you enjoyed today's video like love across my channel can't wait to read your comments about how wrong i am about everything and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,835,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, dance moms, REACT, REACTING, Compilation
Id: CPLaZ5o3wX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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