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that's good dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and another daz watches dating i can tell you a little bit about dating but we'll be here a while it's all about making an impression you know all about getting inside our head and saying he is the one and how'd you do that take to a nice place dress to impress impress in general and if all that fails you just move on to the next one but if you're not willing to put your hand in your pocket that can usually lead you to lack of effort today guys we're gonna be watching another cheapskate video from the uh extreme cheapskate series and it's called the world's cheapest date this cheapskate is about to take a woman on a date and i'm assuming it's not low disk space it's good it's okay linda this problem should be fixed a year ago a year ago so this cheapskate is going to take this woman out on a date and we're going to assess and review him taking her out on a date pretty much let's watch the video it looks like logan paul got a new job [Music] look looks happy now nowadays doesn't he having a good old juggle my name is greg insco i'm 29 years old i've lived in cincinnati ohio all my life and what the [ __ ] is that is is he wearing a tutu and jumping around in front of young woman i'm a zumba dance instructor no you're not no no this is not zumba i'm a zumba dance instructor that's not zumba that's some made-up [ __ ] he's not he's not you're telling me that all these women right they got up in the morning they went to work nine till five probably working a second job as well you know things are expensive nowadays and they decided to invest their spare money in his zumba class wearing a t-shirt saying sexy and i know it okay all right i'll drive in a car like that i don't think you are what's the catch do a clinical study anytime i can because those pay really good money i really wanted to buy this low rider and i had to get 3 500 somehow 3 500 to make your car bounce and he's a cheapskate really really lucky the clinical study that i found online was paying the same amount i had to put uh ointment my butt what sorry you did you did what now i had to put uh ointment my butt um all right wait wait i'm here every day editing and all i gotta do is put some cream up my ass and i can get a car the bounces i i do i do feel i'm in the wrong game sometimes linda book me an appointment to have cream put up my ass oh thank god thank god i don't have an assistant i got a car out of it so it was well worth it i'll do anything to make a buck clearly from thumbs-up ass to everything just use the window squeegees and you can really wash your whole car with it no you can't you can't because it'll just smear it and you see me doing that that [ __ ] that's because he's rubbing that rubber all over the car and it's gonna squeak ah i don't know who would spend money on a car wash when you can wash it yourself right here you probably literally just dipped it in like a bucket of water it's not really washing your car you're just adding more dirt to it hi welcome to my condo i got pretty lucky one of the ladies from zumba said hey my grandpa just passed away oh you're so lucky aren't you i got real lucky someone died and i moved in you wanna live in our condo for free in return i'm supposed to mow her lawn but you know you can't beat free rent no i'm sorry i'm not buying it so someone someone one of their relatives died the condo's empty in america they have a chance to make a living right i'm not just mowing her lawn are you no no there's some weird [ __ ] going on some kinky [ __ ] going on there i'll let you live in my condo if you mow my lawn [Laughter] he's doing more than that to live there rent free uh this is all from when the guy passed away he left it all here are you just living with his old stuff weird man again he's not going to buy furniture is he because he doesn't want to spend money i didn't have any furniture it worked out nice these are my roommates we got raj and kevin here they look so happy they really look so happy why is there a why is there a bag in the background with yellow tape wraps around it no no one notices these things no okay just me it's painful bringing women back to the apartment you're not bringing women back it's just so hard all these [ __ ] wanted to come home with me and i just can't bring them back apartment because furniture is everything it's embarrassing this place definitely smells like old people what's wrong with his car the buck cream job clearly has not fixed your front axle look at that his car is kneeling down i don't know how much greg pays for the apartment but i do know that kevin and i pay a pretty fair amount it's all oh my god he's living there rent free and charging them rent what three bedroom condos so i knew i'd be able to take my roommates with me and uh charge them rent even though i'm living for free they're not gonna be your friends for long pal when they find out they probably already know and they're stupidly paying you this is the kitchen um from 1972 oh god it's awful it's so old there's no point in paying for anything that you should get for free in life i never spend money on condiments anytime you go to a restaurant just take extra when you're there and dip what appears to be dog [ __ ] in it is that a pretzel one of those salty sticks what is that where'd you find it i would never pay for paper plates or no instead you'd have six year old birthday plates oh my god you can't even really wash them how much is a plate how much what 20p 20 a dime how much supply it's not it's worth nothing just buy some plates your friends are paying you rent you live there rent free it's a medical problem this to save money on cups um i'm sorry what that's a that's a yogurt pot but it's open and it's upside down and he's drinking out of it i'm not mental am i i'm we're seeing this aren't we you're seeing the same [ __ ] i'm seeing look that's that is a yogurt pot and that's the entrance and he's drinking out the the bottom of it why it's not not possible he's just sucking on a yogurt pot i actually reuse yogurt cups i got this from my grandma but if we get a guest i actually give them the big cup so it makes them feel special oh i feel so special thank you so much for letting me sip out of your noodle pot i i feel so honored to be your guest i don't put them in the dishwasher because the dishwasher wastes way too much money electric and water so i just hand wash so you just finger them and put them back in the cupboard yeah that's what we're doing okay there's no point in having a bulb inside a refrigerator yes there is so when you come down at night you can see you can see what you're taking out i got to make a cheese sandwich because why the hell not i don't want to be spreading lard on it do i i took the bulb out of the refrigerator it saves me almost 40 a year in electric 40 a year what's that like two pence a day or something uh this is my closet when i go shopping i always leave the tags on the shirt where do you go shopping under a bridge and you just return them later i paid for them it's not stealing if you pay for it i'm living yeah but if you've worn them and sweated in them and done zumba in them you're not really supposed to return them are you in the dream as soon as i'm done living the dream i just return it biggest money saver in the whole condo is right here in the bathroom he takes showers with his clothes on his showers with his clothes on how does he get clean by washing my clothes in the shower with me uh i'm saving at least 15 a month because i don't have to use a washer a dryer oh no but that that soap isn't getting through to your skin properly it's not cleaning yourself well that's like me taking my car to the car wash and just stepping back a few feet and just spitting on it to clean it it's not there we go that'll do for a month take a shower i keep a bucket in there and it catches all the excess water from me at the end of the week when i'm ready to flush the toilet at the end of the week when i'm ready to flush the toilet look at it oh my god had some toast earlier might be making an appearance in a minute flush the toilet you dirty [ __ ] oh my god and at least if you're not gonna get [ __ ] you turn me into a morphs code machine if you're not gonna flush it at least clean it look at that lord of the rings in there [ __ ] take that water and pour it directly into the toilet and that's what causes the toilet to flush that way i'm not wasting any water no we're gonna contract the plague from sitting on that toilet i like going on free internet dating sites by far the best part about online dating is you don't have to spend money on dinner and drinks and you do unless you want a right munter or a serial killer here's one she likes shopping and wine tasting that's way too expensive i'm sorry maybe you should just check the section under [ __ ] who don't want to leave the apartment and won't wash their [ __ ] away i'm sure there's a section where you can find those type of women going home body good cook oh she likes camping oh well yeah because when that house is no longer his you're gonna need a tent to live in she likes long walks long walks are free i like this one hi is brandy there what is he calling her on what is that is that a phone or a sat nav yeah i'm assuming and hoping that she is a cheapskate as well nope nope you're not even a cheapskate you're just insane i'm taking brandy to a barbecue restaurant because oh [ __ ] a barbecue restaurant take me i'll date you now i'll change my opinion of you completely take me to a barbecue place now but i'm hoping that she ate earlier so she's not as hungry nah nah you see if you're gonna date me all right you gotta eat all right none of this [ __ ] like um i'll have a grain of rice just cut it in half throw the other half away and i'll just eat i'll just eat a grain of rice followed by some lawn trimmings just get me some leaves i'll just lick them i won't even eat them and that'll that'll be for me no hell no you're gonna come out and you're gonna eat gonna eat some [ __ ] not actually eat you know chip we're gonna eat all right steaks footlongs all right that's what i want in a woman all right go eat uh you must be brandy yes i'm greg greg nice to meet you oh god i hope you like eating what he scraped out from underneath the table because that's what you're eating today what do you think of the place i like it pretty cool yeah she doesn't like it she doesn't like it i can tell i can i can see she's not even making eye contact with him she's just yeah i like it first first [ __ ] date in a shed that's wow i'm telling you i love it they let you like keep the utensils and everything now she knows he's a serial killer no one gets excited about keeping the utensils she's just found out that she's having a first date with her potential future husband in a barn and now his the excitement in his life is keeping the utensils that's that's the face look that's the face it's that fake laugh yeah yeah when i first met greg he seemed like a nice guy sweet typically i wouldn't be asked to go on my first date at a barbecue place boom see do i not know woman do i not know them she's not happy i'd be happy barbecue joint hmm put a brisket in me okay i'm done how about something to drink can i have a sweet tea sweet tea is sweet tea free refill somewhere oh god damn it lord i did not just ask that you can't make her feel like she's doing something wrong by ordering food it's not it's not the time it's not the time to be a cheapskate my man yes yeah okay cool we refill some tea so see that look there that's the look of all right fine i guess i won't order uh i'm not starving or not oh so like you want to like share a meal maybe yeah we can't do that okay did you see the kids menu no because there's not a kid in sight there's no children there's no children just two adults that should be eating a meal all right let's see we could get a veggie plate that's only 5.50 or you oh my god this is your future love see that face that there that's that's when she starts tucking her tongue here right that's when you know they're pissed off they've had enough she's now envisioning her future within the five first five seconds of meeting him and realize that her wedding dress is gonna be a bin liner get the uh sweet and sour hot sauce for only 295. let her pick you psychopath she's a woman full grown woman she can pick her own [ __ ] i've learned that greg doesn't like to spend lots of money there's nothing wrong with it just it's different oh man she's so not calling him back have you all made the choice yes um we'll just get a pair of scissors and she'll be eating my armpit hair [Laughter] i'm just gonna take the pulled pork sandwich all right that's pretty popular for you here right it's very good oh is that pretty good size the pulled pork sandwich it's a nice portion uh like big enough for two probably just no no no no she had a heart you can see it in her eyes she had a heart on having her own sandwich and split that [ __ ] it's usually the other way around it's usually you go out on a date and then you you're like do you want anything you want no i thought i i just i just have know i have a little salad i just have a little salad i've eaten okay and then you go and you order your fries and your onion rings and and then it starts it starts oh those onion rings look really nice can i have one can i have two can i have [ __ ] lot like a man and then she's eating your whole [ __ ] it's like i offered you i offered you now he's doing the same he's doing the same thing no get your own sandwich all right i don't want a wedge i want a sand witch i want both this man this man okay you like uh araka ribs no just like one rib did you ask for just one rib is is this is this adam and eve show off and so it's just it was different to see him really not care it was a little weird yeah yeah i think at this point she'd rather date a nonce mac and cheese that looks good and here's your one rib all right thank you oh my god wow some poor farm animal died for that so he could have a rib did you want to try some of us oh man that does look good though [ __ ] grandma wants some ribs more than one as well so what else do you do besides save cups and utensils what else ah my dear i will take you out you're funny i like you oh and my condo like to save money on water we only flush once a week i save that's exactly what she wanted to hear it's like the best foreplay i've ever heard you know um i shouldn't piss all week and i only flush it once you could have all this right now ah that's not a line that you lead with what woman is gonna go oh stop hold the presses girlfriend my mans has a dirty ass come on the whole week and you don't flush that's pretty disgusting i'll tell him sister sister tell him for me and definitely he's a really sweet guy so i would definitely go out with greg again no you won't look at that bye that's a bye bye bye bye bye that you ain't coming back she's not coming back she's not coming back you know i should do as i am clearly the master of dating advice um i should do a thing where we i do like a speed dating thing and like i just have people come in and hit me they got 30 seconds to impress me just 30 seconds now we'll do a minute we'll do it 60 seconds we'll do a minute okay and then if i'm not interested then whoop swipe a [ __ ] i should do that that'll be funny guys thank you so much for suggesting this video i know you guys love these like love caress my channel and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 8,082,545
Rating: 4.9617305 out of 5
Id: peYF8UsLalw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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