Daz Watches Worst Anti Drug Video

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how's it go dustless does games and another does watches I apologize my hair is a little bit wet I just stepped out of the shower then I realized the time but I thought my god I should make a video today guys I have been getting a lot of requests over the past few months actually I keep seeing this pop up on my Twitter video called comebacks drugs is a PSA video made by I believe school students similar to the bullying videos have reacted to I judging by what you guys are saying it's a it's pretty weak okay when I typed it in I could see a bunch of other reaction channels have already beat me to the punch I guessing that's where you guys probably saw it and now you want to see me react to it so yeah I haven't seen it watch the video nothing like a bit of heavy metal when you're playing pull hey how are you boys yeah oh I don't know [ __ ] swimming is a stupid question they're standing next to a pool table holding pool cues oh yeah I'd like to take a hit of your [ __ ] garlic where's that it looks like garlic doesn't it I think it's a bag of something only joking anyway so let me get this straight you went out onto the streets the mean streets you went up to your drug dealer you bought hardcore drugs that's powder in that bag you came back just to wherever the [ __ ] this is an office school whatever this is you offer your friends some highly illegal white powder and it was just a joke anyway you weren't actually gonna give it to them come on I don't believe you and one of your friends said yes so now your joke is backfired now you no wonder your friends is on the powder it's not your choice you know if you're a bit tired that's fine but if you want to go to a party you can ask your mum kids are like one they're doing drugs playing pool damn it they're so cool it will give you a buzz make you feel better what I'm gonna [ __ ] come baby you love it no I'm going yeah sweating spewing stressing out after all I need that it's not worth it babe yeah whatever I have to look after you so don't worry about it hmm where the [ __ ] of a living what what is this place where are they what is that in the background is that a [ __ ] alarm what's that they're way too young to have this whole relationship and live on their own oh well I shook him three times and he didn't get up he's dead let's just let's just leave it that let's just leave it there you know do they not see that is that first aid for you is that how they teach first aid in school I don't think so Oh your hair looks good today rehearse yes all right we'll be an actor don't sound [ __ ] happy about it the way come out is like I think not to snow deed well and they're still [ __ ] sitting there do something drink some more [ __ ] beer move call someone stop eating your salty natural crisps is that guy too into that can is he making out with it or drinking it why is he put the whole can in his mouth [ __ ] will do [ __ ] all Oh what is that girl smiling by the way look look at this [ __ ] look someone's dying alright someone they know is dying and this is how she looks I put it in the recovery position come on I swear man I need to be acting into these children lucky these guys know their door yeah if you think someone's overdosed put him in the recovery position and called triple zero fantastic advice see this girl knows what she's [ __ ] talking about all right someone rented the [ __ ] video from the ring shits what is wrong with her why is everyone laughing look at him she's having a psychotic breakdown and everyone's like dude what the [ __ ] wrong with Sascha I swear to God I have not watched this video they literally just did it oh dude what the [ __ ] go we live in a generation okay all right we're if two people are [ __ ] murdering each other we don't try and intervene we don't call the police we film it and scream weld star right this this okay is what's wrong with youth helper throw [ __ ] holy water do something [ __ ] mean like they're the savages this world doesn't need and the Oscar goes to the ring girl's cousin oh [ __ ] where the hell did he come from where has he been this whole time he just woke up I just barged in like I'm gonna call the police can't keep us safe and it's not safe to be around here it's over what are you doing what it's too much trouble well now Laura is coming across the playground to decapitate your nuts you don't break up with a girl by text you can't do that [ __ ] she'll go off on you she'll find you should go liam neeson on you oh my god I really did stuff up last weekend can't tell if that was like sarcasm I the acting was so bad there was just like no emotion it was like oh no Sadek dumped me anyway I didn't do I think that bad was I come back I'm not even sure if that was a comeback that was just a girl it's life falling apart because she smoked a bit of the weed no thanks sure yes you know mom's picking me up from the party I don't think you'd be a very good look she I know she will especially if you're 12 and you take your first hits you're gonna come out that party like a [ __ ] zombie mums gonna notice man they owned her ass now she's got a pocket full of grass she had to change her shoes what the [ __ ] where if I paused it look look at this guy on the edge of the frame he's just creeped in he's like she had to change or smell like Justin Bieber that is that even Justin Bieber's cologne isn't that Mariah Carey's Cologne I'd rather smell like Justin Beiber but his Mariah Carey no man kiss the smoker wants to taste like an ashtray sugar our drug dealer Scott Owens buy those totes woman this is a nice car you're not you're barely taller than the [ __ ] car is he thinking they're driving it he's won a try some awesome stuff yeah you know the amount of times I've walked into a car dealership and someone just comes up and goes hey that's a nice car but you want to get high well where are they by their accent I'm judging it they're Australian come on I've been to Australia nothing this has never happened to me okay saying no to drugs will save you money time and problems down the track and you can buy a ridiculous BMW if you do that what [ __ ] car dealership is this did a good example for your friends and your family and live the life you want like Rodney here he realizes that drugs could get in the way of his future and in the way though if you saw that but the drug dealer didn't leave after he offered he's still there look he's in the background takes the keys thanks for my new car oh yeah great I'll Drive it what the [ __ ] there he is he's still there and there's no I'm gonna kick him out who is this guy like he should kick out the drug dealer right let's make this realistic and in the way of his dream car I bought a voxel and so can you I get from Wade man I don't need that stuff I played with you again to escape my reality Wow I got [ __ ] dark real quick I mean I I play video games for fun really what was all this escaping reality business geez that just sounds dark sorry right if you've ever seen a drug dealer they're not that chill people all right you know they come up to you and be like hey you wanna buy some [ __ ] and you're like no I play video games sir he's gonna come he's not gonna go oh cool kit can I can i play he's gonna pull out a [ __ ] 9 and sneak take it the [ __ ] off my block right I really think that these comebacks might actually get someone killed that's what I'm thinking what the [ __ ] is going on here this doesn't even look like a situation where a drug deal might go down he's walking a [ __ ] cow who walks a cow just leave him out in the field nice cast thanks mate joint so I'm wait nice cows what some weed I'm sorry that that's the best light ever that is the best slide ever see that hard up for money this dealer he's trying to sell weed to the [ __ ] cows old farmer Charles over there comes out the next morning one of these cows is in the field like paranoid as [ __ ] all these fences dude oh that cow impression that he [ __ ] killed me oh [ __ ] they're on a different kind of weed cows shouldn't be on weed someone kawar SPCA now think of your great friends bites parents brothers sisters or until if you get tied up in the drug trade it's going to be bad news for them and probably you you can make a choice well I won't walk away from my friends or my family but I will walk away from drugs like that last bit sketchy army I thought they were walking away and I was done and then they were like [ __ ] register your party with the police kind of lame-ass party would that be [ __ ] me can you actually do that anyway Bravo Bravo so all jokes aside like these kids you know they're just trying to do like a good thing I guess like but brother these kids for trying to send out positive message you know drugs do suck ass you know think we should try and find more of these you know there's so many out there like if you guys know any more like really bad like PSA videos like send them to me send them to me we'll watch simple like love Chris my channel all right say no to drugs all right no I'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 9,516,871
Rating: 4.9646335 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz watches, react, reaction, vlog, funny, watch, comedy, daz games, daz black
Id: Kr1Io2jMNw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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