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let's go dazzlers welcome back to daz games and another daz watches i told you daz watches wasn't going away i told you i'm just trying to work out with youtube and things the way i can do reactions without getting pun out you know without getting messed up because you know copyright and [ __ ] people are harsh man but don't worry it's all getting taken care of and hopefully daz watches can make a weekly return to the channel but let's get on with today's video kinks fetishes we all have our different wants needs and desires some are a little bit more extreme or weirder than others hence the title of today's video is called my girlfriend acts like a dog and i like it apparently this uh young girl is um acting like a dog for her partner i don't really know much more about it than that so let's dive in shall we and see um why she's choosing to behave like a dog let's watch a video is lorenzo he fell in love with jenna i think my favorite thing about jenna is her ability just to embrace who she is as a puppy as a what in the [ __ ] so not even like a dog like just a puppy not an adult dog oh she's even got her own little name collar look there you go i wonder if he gets her chipped so if she gets lost he can just scan her [Music] puppy play is extremely important in my relationship that's where a lot of like my my lovely what she's got a cell that's better than my dog's bed look at that got a little pull rope there as well christ our dentist bills must be off the charts like what how far does this go like what happens if she goes to sit on the sofa is he like ah go make me a sandwich which is why despite living a puppy dream this canine couple have had to deal with some harsh judgment well yeah no [ __ ] look at that first of all like um her knees oh that's a that's a knife that's like a marble or stone floor [ __ ] on all fours that's gonna that's gonna hurt but you know i guess you know what people do in their own home is their business it doesn't it's not like you know it affects anyone else i definitely do get a lot of hate this person is just absolutely no no don't take her out i always speak too soon like what people do in their own home fine don't bring your fetishes out into the street and expect everyone to just look at it imagine going next door to your neighbors and having to apologize for your wife [ __ ] on your lawn please tell me that's not as far as it goes tell me he's not got little bags to pick up i can't i can't deal with it when we're in public making that that dog he was like look this this is my people all right you're disrespecting my people is my culture a joke to you if you just take my culture all right i'm going walkies you walk me [ __ ] be a little bit embarrassing at times [Music] oh she does get off of all fours there to make tea like normal people that's good because if she's like a full-time puppy i just have her put down like that would that would annoy me i met jenna at a photo shoot last year we sort of clicked almost right away on set was the photo shoot at crufts after they met there was one thing that jenna had to make sure lorenzo was on board with so i started are they watching dogs on the tv spend all that money on a tv bed let me i have a tv bed okay it's best thing i've ever bought okay you just lie there with netflix in your face perfect don't use it to watch dogs i have a hard time watching it without my dog in the way the smelly [ __ ] he always does it he always does it i put the tv on he goes it just sits down at the end he never goes to the end of the bed when i want him to go to the end of the bed so he's not on me on my face when i'm sleeping he won't do it as soon as i put that tv on he's down there in front of it like oh what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing you trying to watch tv huh oh no oh no [ __ ] first pretending that i was a puppy when i was really really little imagine like you you go to bed for the first time and she hasn't told you anything and then she just starts dry humping your leg i would ask my mom to play with the dogs with me so i would just be one of the dogs and my parents always asked when i was gonna grow out of it here's here's the thing right i think in some cases it is okay to beat children i'm i'm just saying like you know there are some girls that they grow up all right and they've been told you're a princess you're a princess you're a princess you're a princess santa's real sir there's so at some point okay you have to cut that [ __ ] down all right don't convince them they're princesses for too long there's a certain age where you have to go well you know what it's a nickname you're not really a princess you're just gonna have a nine-to-five by the rest of us all right grow up like it's don't don't encourage or let things like this go on for too long okay because otherwise your child's gonna marry someone and they're gonna get a divorce because she won't stop biting the mailman but um i never did jenna lives a puppy lifestyle and had to make sure lorenzo would be the right owner [ __ ] i don't care if you're human or if you're acting like a dog the rules are the same get your own sandwich don't look at me like that the [ __ ] that don't you're not having it that's my foot long all right i ordered the footlong because it's big and i want it that's going to be taken out of context all her puppy needs when i first told him about this he didn't shy away at all he just was like okay cool okay cool okay cool you're a labrador yay okay cool i could not be with someone where i'd have to chain her up outside before i go in the store [ __ ] what do i need to do so wait wait hold on service dog why has she got that collar is he pretending to be blind as well oh i actually do not scrap the surface dog one what is that what is that that's what you keep prisoners in in the medieval times there's some [ __ ] going on in this house oh damn i've never personally have have had but uh you know it's something that i feel that i personally love embracing puppy plays him i don't know man like you know like i say if if he is walking her up and down the street expect to be judged you know but i don't know that's just annoying if my if my if i had a girlfriend who just walked in on all fours and brought a lead to me i'd just be like just stand up come on i'll take a break let's be human for five minutes extremely important in my relationship that's where a lot of like my my love languages lie you love language your love language language it's important to get a lot of praise a lot of you know good job you're doing great you know good girls jesus tap dancing christ a good girl for what dragging your ass along the carpet and yeah like the day-to-day like mannerisms of a dog that they have you know i like to be very carefree i like no no no no imagine imagine looking next door and she's doing this like to be very carefree i like not see dogs actually do that to bury things you're just doing it to do it it's confusing having you know a choice because it makes life so much easier i'd be like well you better get up and be a human and get a broom because i'm not sweeping up after that [ __ ] you wanna dig up mud like a [ __ ] that did that's up to you i see like they got the little wireless hoover i can see why now first time i saw the cage i was um i was sort of uh shocked and it was it was a lot bigger than i thought well yeah because she's a very unique breed she's a human like you know it's not a little chihuahua but once it was set up and i saw just how happy she was wait is that a leg thing i'm seeing a lot of like hidden sexual things but is that alleging to her to put her legs up like this is what i mean like whenever i like touch base with this community which is not often i don't really think i'm touching base with all different communities like we've done lots on this channel i have to understand i have so many different communities reaching out to me on the daily like oh hey daz i like to dress up as a giraffe and [ __ ] my wife who's a koala we watched your video i wish i'm making that up i'm not i'm not and they're like and they could get in touch with me oh dog play this play that play all these people playing all right no clearly no one's going to work that's right that's why the benefits benefit system is shot to hell because everyone's pretending to be a coconut or a [ __ ] what's wrong with just being human it's not that bad is it it's not that bad i don't even know where my original point was going i've lost track with rage uncomfortable she she really looks getting happy and i i think it makes a great addition to the room what in the pokemon is that it's like a half sheep half armadillo where'd you even buy something like that and why is it in the cage locked away i don't know i don't know you know apparently i malfunction no like i've always said and i will continue to say as long as you're happy it's fine but you know when you start walking your wife down the street like a labradoodle um i don't know just don't get everyone it's like when people on the subway they make out in front of you and i'm not talking about like you know you know kissing i'm talking about eating each other's faces don't do it don't do it i don't do it at home hold on pringles right pringles okay when i'm at home i like to get like a stack of them put them in my mouth and finger it into my mouth you know what i'm saying right but when i'm outside one at a time one at a time people don't want to see people don't want to see that [ __ ] just just stop walking your life down the street that's all you gotta do showing their puppy love on social media has led to people questioning their roles in the relationship subtle oh my god look at that we're in a pandemic love there's everyone like trying to wipe their ass and get toilet roll that [ __ ] is in the cupboard eating it watch out for the only flan only what only flans only flans flan wait that's a type that's a that's a that's a pie isn't it or something that's a type of food flan oh they go look only plans i'm gonna start an only fans channel for flans i'm going to make flans and i'm going to call it only flans do you know what i'm going to do it i'm going to make only flans it's genius who doesn't want to look at flans who is this i'm actually going to call you because this is like i was literally like i guess i'm having a phone call all right continue a lot of people have said like you know are you being held against your will well when they see a woman in the cage um often or not you think well you know uh you look like you've been put there so i i kind of understand that in a way i know myself that i'm not hurting anybody um barefoot on the new york street oh that's brave right there a lot of people think it's brave that you're able to walk your woman down the street with a chain but it's brave walking beth i swear to god i swear to god i'm too popular today i'm not in trouble i all pets on a leash huh and it's the way he's holding her hair as well that if you if you weren't convinced this is purely a sexual kink i mean i mean just look at his mask i ass he's definitely not vegan is he i'm just kind of living my life out on the internet and with that comes a lot of judgment i try to comfort her and let her know that by giving her a treat or playing fetch does she play fetch that's all i want to know there may be a minority of people that feel a certain negative way i mean it must be hard though i mean like our friends first of all they all have blurry faces that's hard for anyone joking but like i mean imagine if these guys are actually cool guys but there's just this you know everyone's got that friend where you're like oh they're great but you know i feel like these are the friends they just want to go out by the lake and chill and she can't do that without cocking her leg like that must be hard usual shots of you walking on a leash take some video some photos but what if we wait hold on hold on his hair okay look at his hair right look look it's like it's the noodles right he's made he's giving himself some singapore noodle hair that's what he's done do i get a treat only if you catch it are you ready to go yes please don't don't do this don't throw a frisbee at your girlfriend for her to catch one let's ignore the public um humiliation but this is dogs have very long mouths they are almost designed in a way to catch frisbees um this is not gonna go well all right i'm ready to go sit sit technically she's on her knees it's not sitting why am i getting involved why you want to go to the party [ __ ] one lamppost you ever seen hereditary spoiler alert if you've seen that movie you know exactly what i'm talking about so going to the dog park is obviously one of my favorite things get one of those tennis balls on a stick and eat that [ __ ] i would pay to see her run after that on all fours i pay i pay for it when we're in public i can see how it can be a little bit embarrassing at times there's i can see how personal hygiene is to [ __ ] oh god i don't wanna i don't be of a dusty [ __ ] look rolling around in the dirt what's going on well as humans we're supposed to evolve forward in recent years it's like we're regressing it's like we just got bored with progression and decided you know what let's go backwards well um two things they seem happy that's fine and number two i guess i guess we know what her favorite position is [Laughter] well i like to think over the years we've seen it all and uh these videos that crop up uh prove otherwise we've not seen it all um we have that's just that's not like puppy play she's living like a dog i just um i just i don't know i don't know how to feel i feel like if you are gonna bring that outside uh people are they are gonna judge they are gonna look at you like you're throwing a frisbee at your wife and telling her to sit and you've got a chain round her neck if i saw that i probably would call someone you know guys let me know what you think in the description below like love crest my channel and i will see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,031,566
Rating: 4.9772897 out of 5
Id: q0dC6BsUulo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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