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how's it going dazzlers what about des games and another dazz watches every time i say that now i can hear the comment oh my god who else does daz watches at the same time when dad says it so it's been a few days for the upload i feel like i'm apologizing a lot recently um i believe in quality over quantity okay i want to give you chef's kiss all right i'll give you chef's piss no in all honestly i've been away over the weekend and i didn't have time to record something that i feel that you deserve because i was at my friend dave's wedding that's right congratulations to dave dave and we play arc together we do an arc series together you all know dave and uh he got married and it was very moving ceremony so i'd like to raise my unhealthy drink to to dave so after that great news let's get on with today's video money we all need it we all crave it and they say that money doesn't bring happiness it [ __ ] does you could buy things with it like bread i remember not having enough money for bread now i do and some people are so protective over their money they decide to hoard it in their bank account i don't like spending money i drive a moped but some people are so protective of their money and they never quite get over it and know how to spend it so they hoard it and we know them as cheap skates we've reacted to a lot of cheapskates here on the channel but apparently this one's the worst you know the drill they're cheapskates and they're gross and most of the times they're usually really wealthy i've noticed they have the money but they won't spend it let's dive right in [Music] it was terrible actually i don't know was it good no it was it was it wasn't that there wasn't that good sorry ah christian rock bands let's take what was created by the devil and make it about god rock is an evil they're not really devil horns but they are they're devil horns although i do like creed that's a christian rock band they're very good band thanks y'all very very much for coming on today we're the goldilocks man goldilocks you you called your band goldilocks [ __ ] free birds i'm always looking for a way to stretch my dime i hate spending money on anything i don't have to except your hair it's got more bleach in it than under my sink hey ej can i grab two empty shot glasses from you thank you i said this was an unhealthy drink i was wrong i was wrong she is not tipping the syphilis filled alcohol out of that monkey mat into a glass and drinking it oh [ __ ] [Music] all right here we go and she's serving her friends with it oh if she did that to me oh i'd piss in her cup shots here [Music] goldie's i mean if you if you want to contract everything from round that pub and put it in your mouth go ahead but why would you do that to your friends yeah next round's on me next round's on me it's from the toilet floor but it's on me oh it's gross i mean she's just about the tightest person i've ever met with money every penny [Music] when we're done with the show i get paid and you're banned do they get paid [Music] and then i disperse it to my bandmates good show got your money here's yours and you still owe me for the mileage from last week when i was running around it's 12 11 cents so wow they should be charging you for having to listen to your terrible vocals i don't know man i mean i get it if you're tight for money and you owe money like but yeah it's twelve dollars let it go effectively they now also gotta go to the doctor and get their stomach pumped because of you sure that i deduct whatever monies are owed to me right off the top that's how it works and mark 10 bucks 53 cents what do you got goalie's ruthless she keeps track of every penny i'm not joking but you could look at that guy and go he ain't a bricklayer that man's a drummer we owe her this week she took almost everything i made here you go well there's two bucks you made two bucks i drive my band mates around a lot sometimes it's not for band duties sometimes it's just they need a ride i think it's only fair that i charge him 56 cents a mile you'd wow she she's like a cab christ i always make jokes and when i like pass my driving test this week wish me luck wish me luck that oh now everyone's gonna want to ride off me i wouldn't charge them they're my friends my friends are like my family that's the irs standard we're a pretty successful band but you wouldn't know it by the way she spends her money it's two bucks flat yeah all right she doesn't spend her money she doesn't no i don't think that man knows where he is clearly he thinks he's an alice in wonderland look at the top hat some people can rock a top hat he can't what do you got for me this week got some beauties there's always miss matt's socks left behind no no she does not go to the laundrettes lost and found and wear them please don't wear people's socks women spend two or three hundred dollars easily a year on feminine products easily that's a scam they're socks they're not feminine products they're socks what are you talking about [Music] what you doing in there what's she do what's she doing [Music] i've been known to use them for sanitary napkins she uses them for sanitary pads why why though i don't even think socks would be good it's a sanitary pad would they would they would they someone else's manky foot spinning and then you're like not more what is the matter with this woman [ __ ] that is gross next level gross i take your shot of chlamydia rather than that [Music] surely it won't i mean i take it'll absorb it but won't it just roll down the sides what am i talking about why am i why am i disputing whether or not it would actually make a good sanitary pad it's someone else's sock oh god damn it imagine if someone goes back to the laundrette hi jeff a pair of black socks i'm such a i'm such a silly ghost i must have left them behind oh no my friend goldilocks who apparently lives in some sort of weird [ __ ] fairyland has used it to clog up her vagina very sorry please come back and use my laundry any time laugh when i say i i use socks as sanitary pads i didn't laugh i walked away from my computer and took a break that's never happened here before on daz games highway is way more cost effective how does one spell yeast infection [Music] i have known goldie for about a year i'm gonna just put those in there i guess it's not gonna hurt still having building work done so she skins everyone alive for every last dime but takes advantage of other people's money by chucking her clothes in their machine that's not cheap scare that's just damn right taking the piss she is always here asking me to throw her clothes in there at the same time no say uh-uh this is my money this is my clothes i don't really mind she's really sweet but it's just a little ghetto no she's not she's an [ __ ] her bandmates can't eat and she's probably stolen their socks to shove up her she's there taking your money that you've worked hard for for your clothes and filling up your drum no that's not cool a little weird you know i love you i appreciate you i have a washer and dryer but it's gonna cost three to five dollars in water and power to do the amount of laundry that i need to do then why buy them why'd you have a washer and dryer if you don't use them why 2500 square foot home in nashville costs around 300 000 but for goldie there had to be cheaper options i live let me guess she lives in a shed in an old hospital that i just renovated myself i knew what i wanted you live in a hospital that i wasn't expecting that something that i could get a really great price for it and he did gold you know that's actually quite a good idea it's very smart actually goldie spent 178 thousand dollars on a condemned clinic and spent nearly three years turning it into a livable space this used to be a hospital room but now it's my bedroom when i came in here for the first time there was iv stands cots medical supplies to be honest they should all still be there your bat [ __ ] crazy stains are gone what do you know i've got a closet okay this is my living room and this is where i do all my entertaining have my friends over every to be honest like it's it's really good how she's done this like this aspect of it is great but do our friends and bands mate band mates like have this i just if you want to save money that's fine but i don't think you should skip people and take advantage of people and she just seems like that's the way she's doing she doesn't care about anything else other than saving money as long as her bank account looks okay she's fine that just doesn't fly with me electricity alone when people start plugging in all of this stuff it's been crazy i'm not having the band practice at my house anymore so where is this rehearsal space oh my god she's got this beautiful space it's not you know attached to any other houses or anything she'll make as much noise as she wants and she's bringing it again she's bringing it everyone out of her way and not only that because she's now moving it out of her way she's also going to charge her band 76 a mile or something it's cheaper getting a cab it's a little ways but it's a good spot what's what's the band called rip you off oh no it's called goldilocks isn't it amply named as well because goldilocks also thought she can come into someone else's house and steal their [ __ ] and do what the [ __ ] she wants call it a day i don't see the need well you know i have a buddy that has a cheap rehearsal space you could just go and find an actual singer as well that that could help yeah well cheap is cheap it's not free can we at least turn the air on no no you know hey stop you know the rules it's hot out there they're wearing black they're gonna die let them have some bloody air con can we at least roll a window down nope you can't roll the window down brandon i told you about the windows why why can't you roll the windows down and would probably prefer to be cruising down the highway with the windows down and being cool but that creates drag and that makes the gas mileage even less they're paying for it so what do you care oh my god it's probably the worst one i've ever seen my butt off well you guys can handle it can i at least have a water yes yeah you can have water i brought you guys some water one for everybody don't drink it she scooped that out of a puddle on the way over here look at this look at this what is this this is awesome this is this doesn't cost anything what is that that's where you go to get murdered dead come on we got it let's go you're done yeah right it's a garage it is a garage and it's not gonna cost us a thing this is what i'm talking about you're gonna think this is considered a problem it's not where you go for band practice that's where you go for a surprise fingering i'm sorry it's funny because it's true this is free just get the gear why are they outside as well so now everyone has got to listen to her yell we're in music city usa and quality rehearsal spaces are anywhere from 100 to 200 an hour to practice [ __ ] you just do it at your house i'm as passionate about being cheap as i am music i look at it as a clearly not passionate about dance like a chicken on a farm with a gammy leg a lifestyle i can't even think of how many ways she's cheap because it's just everything [Music] the thing is the band actually seemed quite cool and they actually seem like very talented musicians and she's you know at best she's mediocre this is just more hassle and embarrassment than it's worth if you're a startup band and you think that you need to spend two to three hundred dollars on a space to practice no there's so many way i was in a band growing up there was just so many ways of places you could find in the every one of our my friend's dad's he owned a pub and he had a back room that he wasn't using let us use it for free failing that i knew a guy that had a garage wouldn't create much noise you know you don't need to perform on the set of resident evil it's just stupid i don't care what anybody thinks about my cheap penny pinching ways oh no you don't of course you don't because you're having a great life meanwhile your bandmates your family they're eating orange skins that they found behind the sofa because they've paid you every step they've taken with you and the thing is as well why did she drive so far i know why she drove so far because she knew she can get a little bit of money out of him at the end of the week but why drive to the middle of nowhere to perform outside an abandoned building you might just go to a field major just perform outside your house like just don't bother well guys that was another cheap uh cheap skates i um i grew up without money i was poor as [ __ ] i remember not having money for bread i remember literally um walking down the street just to get an extra 20p um so i could just go buy some like bread and milk and stuff some days i'd find it other days i wouldn't i know poor believe me and i don't i don't like spending money on myself either but i do i i try to enjoy it uh but every time i do it makes my stomach go a bit funny i get palpitations i've always said out of all of this um i'm so grateful and it's it's all because of you guys really um i i wouldn't be here without you guys but i am very protective of my money but i wouldn't make anyone else if it's for anyone else you can have it you can have the money i'll help you out but don't when it's for me i don't like it i don't like spending money guys i hope you enjo i hope you enjoyed today's video like i've crossed my channel and i'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,021,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, WOMAN WHO USES SOCKS AS SANITARY PADS, extreme cheapskates
Id: 0V5u5ukHy_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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