Daz Watches Our Plastic Children

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husker dustless which does games that another does watches when do we get you old to possess certain things things like Power Ranger dolls I know I'm too old to play with them but it doesn't stop me wanting to hence why when the guy at the funfair last time I went said I'm sorry no adults on the bouncy castle I was like ah that's a shame damn I really wanted oh I know I don't tell me what to do I'm gonna bounce just cuz I'm heavier and older but there are some things that can come across creepy if you still play with the dolls I'm not talking about any like action figure dolls like the ones you see behind me on my call are shelf is penny wise there penny wise my boy are collectibles I don't sit there and I've done it once twice and make Jason fight penny wise that's besides the point I don't do it in public cuz it's weird today we're gonna be watching a video called couple live with 200 plastic children I mean the title alone from one of our favorite YouTube channels here on YouTube a Barcroft TV and we're gonna dive in and see why this family have chosen to isolate the ice out in home [Laughter] we're gonna see why they have chosen to isolate the ice later am I having a stroke what's going on we're going to see why they have isolated the outside world I did it I did it and choose to live with all these dollies video probably a little bit taken aback about the dolls taken back is one word also I'm sorry if you got all these children and then you've got this dog here turn about a place look at everything in their room look at the shelves they have whole families of dolls living their lives amongst giant children assistant this is a bit this is a bit much Jesus Christ that's a good little plastic cookies well what do you do for fun well let me show you what I do for fun it was overwhelming haha let's take his time with that answer didn't he it was overwhelming oh my God look where I've paused it look at that doll in the background just staring at the bed that's what do you know that's when you know one of them's cast at least one of these dolls is cast I believe in cursedolls so I won't allow them my daughter but she's growing up she's like a doll no I've seen Annabelle I'm not always the best dad Sookie if we're going to be the creepy doll people we're gonna own it Oh what by walking them to the car oh no can we see a replay of that don't know who I'm asking I control the Edit did that robbery pay even the cat is like why can't I have a normal owner why going to be the creepy doll people we're gonna own it [Music] Jesus Christ it's not even the creepy music that they put over it they could put Beyonce over this [ __ ] there's still gonna be terrifying the face look at us look at doll herself do you think she wants to be a doll [Music] that's not a dull bus a rap thing that's if I had sex with a mouse that would come out what is that it's this human rat Miguel what what kind of little girl buys that oh you know least diverse me that's all I have to say and this is Paulie Marie sandy over here which is the first of the big dolls we brought home and this is a restraining order I mean damn damn how do you sleep in that room with all these dolls looking at ya how Jesus Christ and then Stella Irene Stella ivory it's gonna kill you have they attempted to cut his hair I got fringe or bangs as she called him in the States look that looks awful this is Malachi's favorite this is Sarah Anne she has twist wrists really draws malachite why he has twist wrists which really draws Malachi who I think is her husband to her think about that sentence for a second but let it you know digest why I shall we let him explain why he likes the twist of wrist action I really don't know if I want to know those important - quite a bit expressive yeah I think your mind belongs where your shirt is depicting the galaxy far far away that's much isn't it it's a bit I mean that's at least come on my love dolls actually probably kicked off by Madeleine I know he Eva said I don't know if I misheard he IBAs said my interested dolls was kicked off by ages 9 and 11 or he said my interest in dolls was sparked by 911 cut he can't be talking to terrorist attack he was talking about his age right I heard right ah fine all right it sounded like he meant nine and 11 like he's aged because I mean we were all affected by 9/11 but I didn't buy one doll after that I I must have misheard I had the quintessential male upbringing in the u.s. of referrals things here's something manly to play when I was when I was about what kind of six or something I had a doll he's name was Simon he was a boy doll and I'd play with my sister with the dolls and I think it's normal to let a guy have a dull 200 of them no help no he'll know what no one when you're little so we grew up together and we've been a couple officially now for the last five years please don't let them be related please don't do it that far our parents were friends he was it all okay because this is enough right now like I've also set up new lighting and leaving the comments what you think my lighting is it on fleek I think it's on fleek I love the house though shame it's gonna burn down to the ground when the demons escape those dolls but it's a lovely house well [ __ ] imagine coming out to collect your newspaper and you see this moaning run get back inside kids get back inside um some so the majority of our collection together do you have to make them walk like is that necessary I get if you want to collect dolls knock yourself out with one but making them walk to the car I mean us come on come on just come on see them all come together yeah no work okay so many dollies with them but there's no room in the actual trolley for shopping look but if they actually had real children that child's gonna have nightmares I'm I'm not even lying Linda you make amazing hot chocolate that's the only compliment you get this year you get one compliment a year I don't wanna let things go to her head Oh [Music] God every shot in this video is like horror film I think it's actually quite a common fear dolls like they are scary they're just expressionless monsters and they all seem to have stolen the hair off of Ellen DeGeneres can't say her name properly don't judge me so we have several friends and neighbors that are gonna come by to our arty party which is also my birthday okay I take it they didn't text you since you are in a phone from the 1920s who still has a phone like that with cords and [ __ ] toasters today the girls are making their very first batch of blueberry muffins no they're not cuz they don't have a pulse you're making it ha show you what I do for fun and we'll find out you know time they have an Instagram if anyone out there has any missing children check this page just a kid I don't know st. for me this life of dolls ain't for me I surround myself with all sorts of stuff I mean my office alone is full of things that I love from games movies how I've even got the head of scorpion next to me I've even got a broken head of scorpion next to me see look at that you know when I hope this next to me I kind of I'm not looking any better than there my my you know I'm screwed this is Cole scorpions head from Mortal Kombat y'all and it's even got a little thing hold on it's got like you've got like a magnet thing how did I get a girl let me know when her head is in a good angle yeah just keep twisting it twisting it yeah that's the one he'll we had a couple and we were talking I was like we can stay she's matched her shirts with the balls is amazing I'm sorry that's just that's our [ __ ] because playing us of watermelone I love that I love that and we just started calling them our plastic children yep no that is weird I thought about it it is weird our plastic children dolls themselves they are kind of you know people put think they're weird and strange and we kind of enjoy that and you know then you're gonna love does games yeah we've played off of that vibe as well oh jesus tapdancing christ they staged the shining I got a mitt that's pretty cool as a horror fan I appreciate that what other ones that they don't oh my god how do I put into words what their expression looks like when you catch your parents making love for the first time when your friend's been using facetune on instagram and you haven't seen them in two months and then you see them in real life the one at the back is me at Subway when they're putting the tuner on my bread look at that oh yeah goddammit that one's me if we're going to be the AH Jesus Jesus Christ Lord what's wrong with that one on his lap thumb up its butt or something why see looking like that it's this Easter is it it's that an accurate depiction of East Ducks like it should be hung in an asylum somewhere internet commentators of things like oh they must be very disturbed but they probably have a bunch of bodies in their basement ha ha yeah thinking they may not want it like actually ever you know beat the dolls in person at least one tea party in there this guy this guy's he does not want to be there even the crumpets aren't enough to keep this man happy he's looking over almost me but is so mate dies like I the ice the ice I just don't know what to do it was overwhelming that's from someone who liked dolls even he is overwhelmed at this and I would be people really enjoy that and that's great but but we prefer our dolls to be dolls [Music] until they discover that at least one of their lamps is made from a real child I'm joking I'm joking they're not doing any harm they love it they're in a loving relationship they've got friends that think it's creepy they know that people like me sit here and judge know what judging I'm reviewing okay it's my job and I say all power to you as long as you do not bring those dolls within a mile of me we're fine we're toasty we are peachy we can share this planet it's big enough just stay that side with your dolls and I'll be fine I'll be fine guys thank you so much for requesting this video I found a very interesting terrifying and it just reminds me what's out there this is why I stay indoors like love corrects my channel go get your merch go get your Lynda Lynda go get your Lynda shirts go get your low diskspace shirts still there you asking me where the mattress is soon the link in the description below you know it's it's there constantly I love you stay down [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,589,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz watches, funny, laugh, video, vlog, friend, reaction, reacts, review, car, challenge, daz games, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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