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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and another daz watches back with another dad's watches and this time we're going back to the world of pageanting we've got a long history on this channel of pageant videos and i can honestly say that i've never been swayed into believing they're a good thing it's basically like putting kids in an arena and say fight for who's the prettiest fight for who's the most talented and the loser just gets rejected it's it it doesn't teach us anything at all and normally the kid that wins all the time turns out to be a colossal dick later in life this one apparently uh has been pointed out by you guys you sent it to me you know that i watch everything you guys send me and it's called my mum is a crazy pageant mum and apparently this woman is so unreasonable and so mental and different from any other pageant mother we've ever seen on the channel before so i had to dive back in and watch this and see if this mama's as crazy as you guys are saying just watch the video [Music] yep already we're off to a flying start is this is this like they've either watched a really bad yoga tutorial online all right i don't know what are they doing [Music] i'm cheyenne and i'm eight years old when i meditate i win oh this is meditation so they're meditating there they're manifesting i believe in manifestation i believe if you want something hard enough and you work hard enough for it and you you believe it can come true i don't think this is manifestation though uh this is something i think the dictionary calls batshit crazy tell me when you're getting crowned when the crowning is done well me every day you're gonna get a crown daz you gonna get a crown and to be the king i am trisma and my eight-year-old daughter cheyenne is dino mike wow the definition of sass has entered the room cheyenne and i meditate before pageants [Music] and we come into our alter ego your alter ego as competing with your ego on camera love [Music] oh god god you can't hit children really can you not nowadays when i grew up when i've grown up yeah you could smack a [ __ ] but you can't you can't do it now you can't hear a kid you look at models on the catway right the catway the [ __ ] is that on the catwalk right they're like hmm you know they give you that look up and down like who the [ __ ] are you and then they walk away and it's just like another level of look at me um i'm owning this stage and you know you want to be me that's what a model does in pageants they just teach the kids to be [ __ ] it's so it's all this is so aha i don't know what that was i need anything and i want some more smelling and some more bounce i just want you to go oh okay oh wow let's see that again okay oh okay wow wow see what i mean she always wins as well apparently and she's she's being brought up to be a dick my daughter spoke to me like that my god take her iphone her her air pods her eye watch her pc and her feet i take her feet away she has to like crawl to school i don't think that any of the pageant moms are crazy i think yeah no no you you're holding up that side there my mom is a crazy pageant mom [Music] i was surprised to not see her mum sat on a sleigh behind her what we do to get ready for pageants and we run we exercise we watch what we eat breathe well that's always good you know like i'm trying to get my daughter to be more healthy at the moment like because obviously i've grown up into what can only be described as a sausage patty so i'm trying to say to her like look you don't want to get unhealthy like your dad did your dad's losing weight he's looking great he's feeling good um that's what you want in life so i'm going to try and get her to come to the gym with me and you should see in her face when i said gym or exercise it was like i literally took a [ __ ] in her sock drawer she was not having it she wasn't having it run like you want the the one the big title people why don't you run she's got the i can't stop right side rants these women in america that walk down the street with these tiny little weights they're tiny they're not even heavy enough to be a paperweight okay and they walk down the street hey sharon love what you did with the grass is that bermudagrass what's that that's not gonna do [ __ ] you're just walking with little tiny weights can't stand it i don't think it's exercise she's not even walking briskly the mum she's just doing that the girls just go out there walk and then walk off no they have to be able to hold up the dresses which is weight i'm sorry bro people think that the girls just go out there walk and then walk off no they have to be able to hold up the dresses which is weight wow to this day um i thought padgetting was easy i thought that there was no labor at all behind it but now that i've found out that these poor children have to lift up the dresses which are quite heavy well why am i donating five pounds a month to various different charity organizations but i should be giving money to these kids because they have to lift up their clothing now the little weights make sense you know because how on earth how enough would she get dressed if she wasn't strong enough come on that was that was that was clutching at straws there jesus christ good shape in order to do talent relax you have to be in good shape to do the talent listen listen all right i'm not gonna blow my own whis you know i'm gonna blow my own whistle i i think i'm quite a good comedian everyone tells me i'm funny let's say that that's my talent i'm funny i'm funny right right i am well i'm getting in shape now but throughout my career i have not been in shape love i you don't have to be um thin and fit to have a talent this is what i call training for fajr i train harder than rocky keep it up come on rocky ten more ten nine the only part of the body your mom is training is our mouth apparently rocky don't have anything on cheyenne lucky she wasn't around he has about 210 pounds on cheyenne maybe more elegant isn't that this is very pretty dress overall i spent on her dresses alone probably that much they look like they're made of paper mache oh my god he's gonna kill me i spent about eleven thousand five hundred dollars what that's my mortgage for the year on a kid eleven thousand eleven and a half grand eleven and a half eleven [ __ ] that's just gonna grow out of them it's the number one rule being apparently don't spend too much money on kids clothes i can't stand these kid what i can't stand these parents that go out and buy their like babies like really expensive nikes they won't fit in a week my baby's gonna wear the most bougiest clothes so everyone knows i'm a good mum i'm gonna mug you baby this dress it's one of my paychecks all my money but everything is for you oh it's kind of kind of guilt tripping isn't it you know packing it away and just reminding the kid like there's mommy's mortgage [Laughter] oh there's the food that we could have had this month in it goes oh there's our holiday to bermuda going right in the case right and all the while the kids like [ __ ] i've gotta win actually supposed to be paying for a new fins and i use the money for her dresses all my money yeah when that falls on someone else's kid hopefully you will have the money to pay for their funeral those here my retirement fun i think oh god [ __ ] mommy's retirement foot oh and sweetheart you may be wondering why we haven't bathed for a week and there's no running water because of these shoes i believe that it's better to enjoy money than just stare at it you can't enjoy money when it's just hanging up in a wardrobe 11 grand 11 and a half grand on dresses what was it i saw the other day yeah the uh karina from um the vlog squad she she made like over a million dollars on her only fans why i don't know and she went out and bought like a 300 thousand dollar ferrari and you gotta pay taxes on that [ __ ] three hundred thousand dollars to drive and you can get a tesla for 40 grand lost the original point where was i oh she was on about yeah enjoying money yeah you can enjoy money but [ __ ] respect it if i win money i will spend my money when the gate oh man see even the daughter's already more of an adult than her mum good kid hello we at the salon to get all right you know what another side rant i can't stand this [ __ ] here these waving cats see him in a lot of like chinese stores and you know i think it's meant what does it even mean it's like good luck or something but i don't want to see this when i walk in joe i'm gonna go to comic-con as that cat and just walk around and see if anyone clocks it now make her nails nice and poppy no problem those are gel tips all right so this is gonna give her a little length just let her do her job and shut up go read a magazine or something mum you have to put the tip to make it longer because she's so young we highly don't recommend because that's my damage her nail yeah don't do it in other words you silly [ __ ] you wanted tips huh next time okay wow all right i thought the kid was upset that she was you know gonna ruin her nail but um she actually wants the tips i'm sorry there are kids waking up in the world right now and they've just discovered they've got no [ __ ] head and this kid's crying because she can't have adult nails and you know what it's not the kid's fault it's the mom's fault don't raise her to be a [ __ ] don't raise her to think the world is gold that she walks on every step that she takes should be molded in clay and put in a [ __ ] museum all right i remember once when i was a kid my mom was like oh we you know we can't we can't get you the playstation free i'm sorry daz and i was like mom it's like 400 pounds tell me something new i i've got if i if you showed up with a playstation 3 i wouldn't be able to play anyway because i die i die i know we don't have that kind of money jesus just get me some marbles or some [ __ ] i'll flick him across the room i expected nothing as a kid like i was happy with just my bike my bike and me that was it that's all i wanted you want to get out of the pageant okay send her to the military that's that's what you need to do give her a rifle not you know nails you want tips on huh would that make you happy excuse me can you oh my no no she's not taking her back in there to it please put the tips on her now okay okay her happiness is first that's all that matters her fingertips are first the woman just told you it will damage her cuticles jesus christ i'm gonna try that i'm gonna go into the bank and i'm going to be like i want a million pounds right now no you can't i don't know what that was just see if that works is that how easy it is to get what you want is that a child with no face oh the way they blurred that out they've kind of blended it in it just looks so creepy slenderman has a daughter and she's in a nail salon know that her being sad would have did more damage in the long run no no it wouldn't sometimes in life you can't get everything you want especially if it's not good for you in the first place i want to deep throat a subway for every meal but i know if i do that it'll damage my stomach her spirit would have been stepped on and i don't want her spirit at all to ever be injured for any reason at all well now her spirit can cut cheese without a knife look at that god forbid she gets into a scrap at recess be like going into a fist fight with wolverine so it's only right that i do my part and make sure she has what she needs she doesn't need talons all right she's not going to come out the sky and snatch a mole rat out the grass sorry she's not a [ __ ] owl okay she didn't need claws all right you know what needs claws lions i don't think your daughter is going to run on that stage and tackle a buffalo all right she's going on there walk backwards and forwards obnoxiously and hope she wins because if she doesn't a kid's getting slashed tonight [Music] you're the winner come on and she's still crying she's still crying she has freddy krueger hands but she's still not happy now let's welcome our petite division the petite division there's a division in pageant called petit all right i'll spat with the welcome caitlyn caitlin has been held at gunpoint she doesn't want to be here this is essence away she enjoys dancing gymnastics and art and she nearly died i saw that coming i thought the [ __ ] is gone she's off yeah that is a child that knows her mum is going to whoop her around the world that's why it's not fair there's too much pressure and i'm sorry again where's the talent they're walking they're walking imagine if my next world tour i just walked up and down the stage for 10 minutes and then [ __ ] off it's not a talent [Music] i was a big fan of cheyenne she has a lot of spark and a lot of energy and i can't wait to see her again you had to say that because cheyenne was behind the camera like [Applause] what well it's not really a girl what we have on cheyenne is a shaper we put the shaper on so the dress will look perfectly fitting oh god what's that smell uh oh yeah i smell eating disorder and we wonder why girls grow up um wanting to hide their natural curves [ __ ] honest to god lift your knee lift yourself she can't lift any because she fitted her inside a slinky i've been practicing sucking in my stomach you practice sucking in your stomach no no oh god i'm okay all jokes are like this is so damaging to a young girl she's eight and she's already being taught that this is a no-no you can't like come on [ __ ] i believe that all pageants um that the mums should walk across the stage and each judge should get a rifle right and just just shoot him just shoot him makes a difference yes my mom puts a girl on me to go to bed too you wear a girdle to bed why that's like me getting in the shower with a corset [Laughter] oh god oh no let's go and suck in that stomach go diana ross performing in her signature dress is contestant number 28 cheyenne when doesn't the mum suck in the stomach huh it's like a boulder with arms the parents always say well what are the judges looking for i don't judge a little girl on their figure i look at the beauty of the child not at the shape of the child either way that's creepy just i'm gonna throw that out there wait linda i'm a model as god as my witness my next instagram picture is gonna be me doing this and i want everyone who knows what that means from this video to comment i'm not going to put a description nothing you're all going to know what this means the inner diva came out she really did diana ross perfectly she didn't i mean i know she's a kid but she didn't she didn't she's like the best coach she got the best coach she got the best hair makeup for this she got the best um oh my god your daughter's up there and she's holding enough cash to not only fix your fence but your attitude and your moaning to sense of like no wonder there's so many kids in the world that like i'm not good enough am i good enough because the kid is up there and she's done everything that she can and the mums is still not good enough unless it's it's the best the best the best and she's sitting there pissed off my daughter's got a crown a wad of cash be happy i don't i don't i don't i don't agree with that to me that's rigged rigged all right trump like go home i was just kind of really upset so i might take a break from pageants right now yeah that honestly i was gonna say don't just take a break just stop i honestly i would look into the mental health of that industry i've said it time and time again like that kid went through so much [ __ ] only for our mom to storm out cause a scene and be unhappy she won a supreme title when i was a kid i was lucky if i finished a race if i came last i was so happy because it meant i actually finished it and i wasn't halfway round the track with an ice cream in my mouth true story regardless you guys are right this mom is crazy like it's just not it's not good parenting i'm sorry guys i hope you enjoyed today's video like love chris my channel and i'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 6,038,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, DAZ WATCHES, PAGEANT MOM, daz games, react, reactions, reacting, reacting to
Id: bWES11eHn94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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