Danny Reads Sonic Fanfiction | A Game Grumps Compilation

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hey hey welcome back to gabriel i'm reading some uh some sonic x zelda fan fiction yeah man little little uh let's hear it buddy okay hold on this is from max acorn wrote zelda and sonic's day out and we are not making fun of this we are merely enjoying it because i am [ __ ] enjoying this maybe she was attracted by his courageous spirit and this is like halfway into this oh yeah i'm getting deep he skipped the foreplay yeah [ __ ] that a vast departure from the people she normally deals with the princess didn't mind they were a good match for each other although they were noisy at night because samus's room was right next to hers no we're just friends so friends can [ __ ] [Laughter] so i max acorn you are all right so what friends can [ __ ] wanna go i'm gonna i'm just gonna skip ahead to random lines in this wanna go again solid snake asked in his low gravely voice wanna go again uh wow this is really long well you gotta read it dude what are you doing there's so much in here yeah well it's all good for you zelda i'd eat out kirby no i'd i'd out eat kirby whoa that was a difference sorry sorry was that actually written in there no no that was that was your fruity yeah that was yeah i i just learned a lot about myself oh god keep going um i want to hear more all right hold on i don't even have a [ __ ] quarter chub yet i want to get to the [ __ ] okay there we go holy [ __ ] sonic shot awake just as he climaxed in zelda's soft hand whoa whoa between the disorientation you said holy [ __ ] yeah in all capital holy [ __ ] between the disorientation of waking up suddenly and the rush of positive stimulus it took him a few seconds to find his bearings and clear his thoughts breathing heavily he looked at zelda and then to his crotch he saw his [ __ ] he saw her hand he saw his semen on her hand he looked back at her all zelda did was give him an eager grin wow he finally spoke that's one way to wake up all right i have to stop it's [ __ ] amazing i don't know why the concept of sonic saying holy [ __ ] it's way funnier to me than sonic getting jerked off by zelda in the morning and i just i just love me some [ __ ] i love you guys right there yeah i love me some [ __ ] this is from sonic's ultimate harem by lil sonic [Laughter] i i looked through a lot of them uh but this was my absolute favorite oh sonic hi peach greeted hey there peach how are you sonic greeted happily i'm doing okay well a little sad of course of course what that can we talk over at my castle and i'll tell you sure thing let's get going then minutes later the two arrived to peach's castle and heads on inside the castle they then head on over to peach's bedroom so what's on your mind sonic asked sonic i broke up with my ex-boyfriend peach responded sadly mario is it mario dude you're right on the wavelength i'm participating with this author no someone else and we've been dating for three months until i caught him cheating with another woman what oh that's too bad are you going to be okay i guess so i hope so this is sonic talking peach listen to me you are a beautiful this is written like a screenplay yes why is there no like stage direction or anything you know what we're not here to criticize aaron we're here to celebrate i want to i want to know if sonic like lightly pressed his hedgehog paw listen on her pink dress there's about to be a lot of that comforting her soul or whatever i hope so peach listen to me you are a beautiful and a attractive woman and you're better than him you don't need him go out with mario he's always been there for you comfort you making you smile have you being happy and give you hope and faith in him when he always beats bowser and save your life and save the world i guess i guess but anyway he's better than that guy and he will make you feel more happy he'll give you love compassion loyalty respect and honesty you will help you and make you feel better i'll help you you think so of course and i know it straight from my heart and soul thank you so much sonic that means a lot to me um is sonic like her gay girl boyfriend wait you're welcome and i'm glad i can help anyway are you feeling any better a little bit is that so then i know a way to make you feel better really what's that you'll see soon enough sonic then pushes peach to the bed gently and gets on top of peach peach wonder why sonic pusher and puzzling with answers until sonic leaned down to peach and kisses her neck caressing her body with his hands which brought peach to feel the soft pleasure making her feel good oh my god oh peach moaned raunchy feeling any better now sonic asked yes i am at this moment i am take me right now sonic i want to feel you inside of me i always admire you and grown attached to you make love to me right now sonic oh my god yes your majesty whoa sonic went on to kiss peach by the neck smothering it dude he just told her to get with mario peach also wrap her hands around sonic softly moaning to this feeling the sensation rising on her oh sonic it's all yours my body is all yours oh my god afterwards sonic got off of peach and peach let herself up from the bed and pulling sonic for a kiss on the lips sonic returns the kiss having his hands wrap around peach's hips peach then moan with on to the kiss and seconds passes by sonic slide down his hand to peach's rear and softly gropes it meeching making peach jumped to surprise they start to wrestle their tongues as they were tongue-kissing each other slobbing and licking each other's tongues before going on with the regular kiss the kiss had lasted on for 12 minutes 12 minutes and sonic broke the kiss peach was now out of her zone and decide to take off her pink shirt showing her cleavage with a prank pink bra on oh nice sonic took off his black fingerless gloves and his shirt off throwing them to the side what that's not on model what the [ __ ] kind of sonic is this but would you just [ __ ] go with it man i'm this is hot you're shut up you're ruining my boner right you're killing my chub peach walk on peach walk on over to sonic and caressing sonic's chest and kissing him on the lips once again having sonic returning the kiss peach went on to rub on santa kiss peter peach went on to rub on sonic's crotch feeling his shaft erected to its full what shaft he has none after a few minutes of kissing peach then turned on her radio playing an old school classic which it's all in bold text barry white i'm gonna love you just a little more baby back to regular text peach helps sonic unzip his pants pulling them down inside white pants he doesn't wear pants would you just let me finish this i'm sorry sonic soon took off his shoes and pants off including his socks this is the best shout out to lil sonic you [ __ ] killed this this is awesome he now had on his boxers on and he then unzipped peach's shorts and she then pulled them down showing her pink thong on oh nice she took off her shoes and socks off also plus peach then take off her thong and throwing them to the side smiling sexily sexily peach then got down to her knee wait peach then got down on her knees and start to stroke sonic's shaft softly looking up at sonic a few seconds later peach then went on sucking off sonic slowly and softly sonic soon began to moan softly but quietly feeling the pressure from peach's mouth sucking him off softly there's a lot of softly going on peach bop her head back and forth in rhythm moaning softly don't throw off my rhythm of reading this all right we're gonna cut ahead we're gonna i bet the professor has found somewhere new to explore oh yeah yeah so is sonic in this story a new cave in which just belongs peach rolled her eyes feeling the sensation rising inside her as the lust to then start to take control of her entire body obeying sonic's command of excitement oh my god they spend 22 minutes in the sexual position until they switch positions as peach got on doggy position on the bed and as sonic thrusting himself in peach peach looked down how i described my sexual peace what happened last night i i spent 22 minutes in the doggy position listen just because you're not a [ __ ] great artist doesn't mean you have to give it doesn't mean you have to criticize others hey peach look down eyes closed grabbing the bed sheets moaning with excitement enjoying the sexual feeling sonic grab hold onto peach's hips thrusting hard and fast inside of peach i'm going to read each of these go for it uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh sonic that's the spot right there right there right there right there peach moaned oh sonic oh sonic yes right there after spending 48 minutes they switch positions again jesus christ uh you would you would think that because he's so fast that they would just it's been over an hour open your mouth peach here it comes sonic commanded peach did what sonic requested her to do opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out looking up directly at sonic and seconds later sonic began to ejaculating bursting his [ __ ] onto peach's face and mouth peach jerked away as more comes start to burst onto her face she licked her lips and went on to suck on sonic's shaft some more ah that felt good sonic sighed and relief sonic i had a first of all uh shout out to anyone watching this with their parents sorry about this sonic i had a good time with you and the sex was wonderful peach complimented then tails said woo it's hot so did i and i'm glad i was able to help you either way i hope we don't do this again since i made you feel better wait what i hope so too dude we're 16 minutes we gotta [ __ ] it in the episode this is the end i hope so too and if mario doesn't want to have some fun perhaps you could entertain me one day once again hmm maybe if you're feeling lucky perhaps then again thank you so much you're welcome your majesty oh little knuckles little knuckles that's who wrote this oh thank god we could clear that up dude i mean congrats to little knuckles [ __ ] you killed it yeah a little knuckles just killed it sonic's ultimate harem if you want to read and enjoy because there's 50 more chapters oh okay that was chapter what seven that was chapter 50 dude oh my god yeah [ __ ] rock and roll and that goes out to the people of tucson arizona you're so welcome and if anyone else was like man that was i hated that you can blame tucson because i had nothing to do with it oh did you not nope no not a single thing i'm dude i'm merely a vessel for god to work his magic through and god is little knuckles as promised we are not going to complete this playthrough without one more diving into the the very unclean pool that is sonic fan fiction and we were running chlorine in that pool but yeah yeah this is a powerful algae oh it's got green all over it yeah so since this play through has sort of become uh defined by the fan fictions figured it was important to get one last one in there before we finish it up no sure let's do it um what do you got so all right i'm gonna level with you okay i read the next 70 chapters of sonic's harem by little sonic did you really sonic's ultimate harem i read i read i skimmed it but i read a lot skimmed it yeah so i can't tell if that like is enough or if it's like no no no it's enough and so we we read about sonic having sex with zelda sonic having sex with peach it's a lot of characters um so i figured it was gonna let's let's get let's get let's get rosalina in there oh and uh i was like i wonder if um i wonder if little sonic thought of that of including rosalina as a matter of fact yes he did in chapter 130 galaxy passion oh that sounds tasty all right let me just start off by saying he has sex with peach first okay in this chapter and then has sex with rosalina so i'm just gonna give you a little a little taste of the sonic peach situation okay um sonic peach that sounds delicious yeah that's a great line a cherry limeade flavor peach licked her lips with a seductive look on her face as sonic takes peach and bend her over all forest positions spreading her legs wide as he start to rip off the bodysuit exposing holy crap where's the foreplay dude also i didn't know peach is wearing a bodysuit but i guess that makes sense sonic tilted the part of her thong to the side exposing her vaginas [Laughter] just jumping right in aren't you so sorry so sonic inserts his shaft inside her and starts to thrust himself in motion pumping his shaft inside her well yeah what else would he be doing peach let out a goofy look on her face smiling as sonic thrusting himself inside the princess got it oh boy sonic even drilled himself inside peach going deep inside the princess having her screaming and chanting her name wait she was chaining herself beach beach beach no i think she said having her screaming and chanting her oh you know what i actually have long wanted to sleep with a girl and scream out my own name oh yeah ecstasy i'm coming oh sonic give it to me don't stop now peach moaned ah you got a nice ass peach i forgot to tell you that sonic grunted all right you know what so we got the idea we got the idea so hey you've got a great ass so they finish just stick it up yours what if i could [ __ ] all right so so they have sex and um uh then they return to a party and then sonic immediately goes back to uh the bedroom with rosalina oh my god what a what a skank yeah he's a [ __ ] dude sonic um okay and i mean the [ __ ] shame but holy crap sonic sonic pulls rosalina close to him as they stare at their eyes in one another as there was a moment of silence they soon locked their lips together passionately making out together and begun caressing their bodies together making out alone they kiss normally for the brief moment then then turns things up a notch when they start to wrestle their tongues together as they are french kissing for the brief moment before coming back to the regular and normal kiss damn peach i mean rosalina nothing sonic reached his hand down to rosalina's zipper of her bike suit so that he zip it down unzippings rosalina's suit exposing her cleavage wearing a brululay sprawl that's my cleanest rosalina notice it and smile lovingly at sonic she begun reach down his crotch with her hands and rub it caress it gently feeling his shaft hardened up to its full size don't please don't add uh sound to this area which is so much worse what the [ __ ] i was wiggling the wiimote rosalina aids sonic by stripping off his clothes as the both of them stripped their clothes together all together sprawling on the floor moments after sonic is seen on the bed laying on his back with his head resting on his pillow there were some soft music playing in the room rosalina walk over to the bed climbing onto it getting closer to sonic and getting on top of sonic they resume on kissing on the lips some more a few minutes until they break the kiss and rosalina caressing sonic's chest that's my chest you know what if you're not going to take this seriously i'm taking it as seriously i'm trying to put people in the in the headspace here okay sonic go easy with me this is my first time rosalina requested sure thing you want me to get on top sonic inquired no no i want to be on top if you don't mind not at all your request has been accepted i remember i once said that to a girl it's the hottest thing that ever happened to me your request has been accepted rosalina smiled kisses sonic's on the lips and readies herself as she begin to insert sonic's erected shaft inside her vagina i really wish he would get away from like the textbook genitalia oh yeah references erected shaft she penetrates herself slowly inside of sonic that doesn't make any sense not wanting to hurt herself [Music] once it is inside completely rosalina soon begin to move her body just enhancing the mood i'm gonna miss this playthrough oh man i lost it okay rosalina uh yes rosalina can feel the ecstasy and the intimacy flowing inside her from sonic's shaft rubbing inside her which bringing to let out some soft moans from her lips [Music] rosalina moana sonic watching rosalina moving her hips on his lap and fondles with rosalina's breasts fondling himself to ease up the moment rosalina closes her eyes as sonic fondle with her breasts as the sex urges on passionately to the moment for these two oh sonic it feels good rosalina moaned you like it sonic inquired yes please continue do whatever you want with me if you insist sonic the ninja brian right there i mean it really feels like it if you insist sonic resume fondle and groping rosalie's breasts oh do he rose do he resume fondle rosalina opened her eyes looking on while moving her lip hips she decided to move them faster getting into the set sonic soon begin to groan little feeling the excitement kicking in rosalina rolled her eyes backwards you suck as she moved her head guys there's no idea that the floor was gonna drop out from under me they try to resist the intimacy but it was unbearable for them to handle as their sex continue on for almost an hour sonic and rosalina groan and moan for the same time together of their passionate love a fair moment rosa rosalina motioned down to sonic looking into his eyes continuing their moment sonic i'm gonna rosalina stuttered trying to finish her sentence i'm kidding well he started out with the quotes but then like didn't put the quotes at the end so that all looks like a quote [Laughter] me too rosalina i'm getting close as well too sonic informed he informed it's the sexiest word i've ever had come with me let's climax together after a few more thrusts of the moment then finally reach their limit when they begin to climax together mixing their love liquid mixing their love liquids together [Music] their love liquids afterwards rosalina climbs off of the hedgehog and cuddles with sonic with a smile on her face oh that's sweet that was incredible rosalina commented yes it sure was sonic agreed sonic i think i have feelings for you [Laughter] really you do yes you do i couldn't resist how mature and handsome you are you show so you show much bravery during your adventures i also love how you're a hedgehog well i fee i have feelings for you too rosalina and if you are willing want to form a relationship then i accept oh [ __ ] you do yes i do positive i would love to sonic and i love you and i love you too rosalina my god and by the way you look very sexy with that bike suit what giggle thank you rosalina kisses sonic on the lips and the two had drifted asleep for the night wow that's so sweet oh man so sonic and rosalina are now in a relationship yeah they're canon at least yeah at least as of chapter 130. damn let me just let me just finish this little note from little sonic the author new chapter is complete i've added rosalina from super mario to sleep with sonic this chapter i made it very passionate and soft for these two because i wanted to make it very passionate for good reasons they look so cute and beautiful together oh that is nice little sonic well sonic you are a man of tremendous love and talent and and gift this is little knuckle signing off i guess he changed his name at some point oh what really yeah yeah yeah cause all these are by little sonic but then at the end he signs them little knuckles oh that's oh you know it's like he he can change whatever he wants what an incredible [ __ ] journey my god so was that the most recent one no there's at least 150 chapters and that was 50. that was 130. cool yeah since this is we're gonna go the distance at or at least close with this sonic game figured it was time to bust out a little fan fiction from my favorite sonic fan fiction writer and probably yours little sonic little sonic yeah this guy is a [ __ ] master i give you chapter 130 of sonic's ultimate harem galaxy passion looks like somebody's got his [ __ ] oh my god all right i hope you're all ready sasha encountered you and you two had sex once again for the second time mario inquired pretty much sonic responded shaking his head man you sure are a woman magnet desperately wanting your loving am i right ain't that the truth sonic's cell phone vibrates notifying him that he has a text message sonic pulls out his phone and views the message coming from she-hulk posing sexily for sonic oh hell yeah send sonic a picture with a smile on her face she then posted sonic honey it's she-hulk it's been long since we haven't hang out you have my number call me also sonic has a second message which it was from karen starr aka power girl herself hell yeah it's getting hot she posed a selfie picture posing her large breasts with a smile and also posted sonic did you get my picture these these melons are yours to fondle and play with whoa i would love to see you again give me a call or a text sometime honey i'll be waiting sonic just about to put his phone away until he gets another message when he views the message it was another picture as it was from crimson viper this time she poses herself on the picture showing her cleavage puckering her lips in the picture hell yeah she even wrote hey there handsome it's been a while since we had sex together i would like to see you again and i know you love my tits [Laughter] give me a call whenever you're available and i can give you a nice titty [ __ ] once again oh man sonic then finally puts his cell phone away bringing his attention back to mario so who is the next girl have you encountered mario questions oh man how can i put this you see uh i happen to sleep with psy princess rosalina mario dropped his jaw in total shock that's [ __ ] up what are you telling me that you of course mario i slept with rosalina when did this happen how did you two end up sleeping together oh i forgot to ask rosalina is my ex-girlfriend i think he's i think he meant oh i forgot to say rosalina is my experience oh okay what damn it sonic what have you been getting yourself into lately from all these females and some ex-girlfriends you have females i don't know i wish i do wait i wish i yeah i don't know i wish i do so are you going to tell me the story of how you and rosalina slept together certainly it was when i came to see you all in a race at in the mario kart stadium showing yo all great support i heard about it so i've decided to come see you and the others race flashback what this is flashback yeah this is i guess narration sonic in the crowd watching the crates watching the race showing his good friend mario and the others much support on the race sonic was eating some popcorn and having a bottle of soda watching the race as the race is in its final lap mario is in the lead up ahead from the other racers trying to get into first place wario catch up with mario struggling to pass mario [Laughter] the two were closing in for the finish on the the two were closing in for the finish line on the final lap wait what the [ __ ] is happening i completely lost track of them what's happening this is mario's at mario asked sonic how he slept with rosalina so sonic is flashing back and painting the picture of how it happened i see and it happened at the day he went to see the mario kart race and he's watching the race and mario and wario are vying for first position are you all caught up oh [ __ ] there it is okay christ back to the flashback do it the two were closing in for the finish line on the final lap wario soon tries to hit mario but mario boost up ahead forcing mario to crash into the side and taking the lead and winning the race and the star cup as the crowd went wild sonic's sonic sonic action-packed sentence sonic smile and clapping his hands applauding for his good friend mario that won the race after the race the announcer presents the trophy to mario trophy was capitalized for some reason like like all capitalized no just the team presents the trophy to mario and mario waved to the crowd and his fans the racers applauding to mario congratulating him on his win of the star cup sonic then decided to make an entrance as they went to go celebrate mario's win at princess peach's castle there was some good there was some good comma drink and the dance floor as everyone enjoy the celebration and the party well well well looks like we got a big time winner of the star cup sonic announced making his entrance sonic mario greeted shakes mario's hand i saw the race and i went want to congratulate you out there and you were amazing out there too thank you sonic i'm glad you could come to see the race of the star cup i appreciate it you invited me and i heard about the race so i then decide to come and watch the race dude dude look how many rings i have oh my god 79.70 what oh 420 420. i was looking at the wrong number i just figured that must have some meaning to you personally so sonic just busted into mario's celebration party thank you sonic i'm glad you could come to see the race of the star cup i appreciate it you invited me and i heard about the race so then i decide to come and watch the race hey you know we can race each other sometime yeah i'd like that mario smile and the two shake hands once again the platinum blonde makes her appearance wearing her bike suit congratulating mario on his win yeah she's got that tight bike suit on hello mario congratulations on your big win the platinum blonde female princess congratulated one female princess and congratulations she congratulated [Laughter] this can't be sincere i i think it's dead serious come on no i do this is chapter 130 you think he's not committed to this [ __ ] this is his voice and i'll thank you to [ __ ] respect it yeah well you know what if it's real then i like it all the more i love little sonic thank you rosalina mario smiled rosalina turned her attentions to the blue hedgehog oh hello there mario you never told me you had a wonderful and handsome you never told me you had a wonderful and a handsome friend here rosalina pointed oh i am a sorry sonic this is princess rosalina she helped me save the galaxy and rescue peach from bowser mario introduced god every sentence is an adventure hi there sonic greeted extending his hand accept and shake sonic's hand it's nice to meet you sonic are you available yeah i am single alright but that doesn't mean i am not ready to mingle wait wait wait that's a double negative you know what he meant right giggle that's funny it sure is how did mario not remember this it's very it was happening right before his eyes all of a sudden wait you're telling me you [ __ ] rosalina yeah after you that's out of nowhere you flirted like crazy all of a sudden princess peach in her bike suit appears and kisses mario on the cheek congratulations mario and oh hi there sonic i'm glad that you can come to the party peach smiled you're welcome i couldn't miss it for the world sonic shrugged it's good to see you here sonic you too peach who is talking did you see the race yes i did and you even looking hot in your biker suit peach thank you sonic that's appropriate sonic anyway sonic can i borrow you for the moment um sure letter s it's something important yes it is mario i'll spend time with you a little later i need to talk to sonic in private oh yeah does she oh sure thing peach thank you it's this whole [ __ ] thing just just sonic cucking mario just [ __ ] listen we're getting there okay thank you come in sonic princess peach takes sonic's hand and leads him away from the party it was nice meeting you rosalina sonic stated yeah i'll sidepiece you later rosalina smiled at sonic and mario notices it that sonic character sure is very handsome rosalina commented i wonder what peach wanted to talk to sonic about mario wondered probably something important do you know what it is mario i wish i knew but probably some business that's my guess hell yeah meanwhile in peach's bedroom sonic sat down on a bed softly moaning he was getting pleasured by princess peach as she is down on her knees and sucking off sonic like giving sonic a [ __ ] her suit was even unzipped showing her cleavage off with a pink lace bra on as she looked down sucking off sonic's shaft hard and deep slurping and licking it onto it earning the moans from sonic that's why i want my [ __ ] back sonic watching sonic watch sonic watch an amusement with a smile on his face while he lets out some soft moans from peach's [ __ ] oh yeah peach start deep throating sonic letting his shaft sit in her throat for seconds having sonic mowing some more before pulling herself away from his shaft before sucking it back in sonic moaned like sonic's shaft and strokes it you like it baby peach asked pleasing sonic yes but you and mario are in a relationship i don't want to have sex with you again sonic countered oh no we're not going to have sex so you don't have to worry about that all i am just giving you a [ __ ] and that's all sound fair i guess that makes sense yeah that's totally not sex good now sit back and relax handsome sonic just suddenly sit back and relax letting peach have him in any way possible peach dee i think it's your job to explain what way is possible you are the author please don't question little sonic's method he knows what he's doing this is chapter 130 for goodness sake any way possible use your imagination i'm not writing this [ __ ] for you peach deep throat sonic's shaft to the fullest going in deep for the hedgehog to enjoy even earning amounts of moans from the blue blur once again having the hedgehog shivering down his spine oh once again having the hedgehog shivering down his spine of the deep throat that sentence was insane all right from the top one more time this is one sentence peach peach deep throat sonic's shaft to the fullest going in deep for the hedgehog to enjoy even earning amounts of moans from the blue blur once again having the hedgehog shivering down his spine of the deep throat sonic to side watching peach sucking him off hard and deep as this continue on for several minutes why do they have to [ __ ] refer to him as the hedgehog would you shut up this is [ __ ] hot i'm killing the mood sorry there's a rhythm to this peach began licking the head of sonic's shaft and stroking faster and harder twirling her tongue on the head of sonic's shaft making him shiver down his spine and strokes off his shaft as this continues on then finally sonic start to ejaculate himself as he bursts and spreading his seed on peach's face and her breasts giving out a huge amount of his seed that's not the way i expected that sentence to wrap up peach was a huge amount of my seed peach wiped the [ __ ] and licks it with her fingers sexily afterward she'd deliver a smile on her face and strokes off sonic's shaft some more did you enjoy it sonic peach asked to be honest yes i did sonic answered i'm glad you love it let us get back to the party yeah good idea before sonic would return back to the party peach stopped the hedgehog for the moment hey before we get back to the party why don't you pound me for behind we still have time before we head back to the party peach suggested but sonic said he wouldn't do that hmm yeah we do have some time so why not sonic exactly what do you mean he just said he wouldn't do it because he's mario like what the [ __ ] good now come on and [ __ ] me peach licked her lips with us a doctor like my [ __ ] god come on little somebody's got some honor man you little sonic you are a treasure peach licked her lips with a seductive look on her face as sonic takes peach and bend her over all fours positions spreading her legs wide as he start to rip off the bodysuit exposing her pink thong hey can i can i interrupt for a second no you can't okay sonic tilted the part of her thong to the side expo oh my god i can't read this line what were you gonna say i can't i just can't i was gonna say wasn't this about rosalina yeah i know well we're getting to that this is just the lead up of how he had sex with rosalina sonic inserts it's all started and he's telling this to sonic sonic inserts his [ __ ] sonic inserts his chest and then i [ __ ] pete and she was like what about mario and i was like i don't give a [ __ ] no he was like we can't do this and then they had sex immediately after um sonic inserts his shaft inside her and start to thrust himself in motion pumping his shaft inside her peach let out a goofy look on her face smiling as sonic thrusting himself inside the princess i can picture that uh oh yes that's just what i needed [ __ ] me sonic peach moaned sonic smiled obliged to give peach what she had asked for so he start to increase his thrusts pumping peach faster also delivering powerful thrusts as he had start to slam and smacking his shaft inside peach's vagina creating vibrations inside peace yeah i should hope so little sonic do you know what sex is no sonic even drilled himself inside peach going in deep inside the princess having her screaming and chanting her name cool wait her she was screaming her name yeah she was like oh princess princess peace her body start to rock back and forth moving in motion even the beds start to move and shake from his thrusts and speed peach stick her tongue out with her eyes half-closed grabbing the bed sheets with her bare hands moaning with the passion of sonic's thrusts feeling the ecstasy and pleasure flowing her entire body i'm coming oh sonic give it to me don't stop now peach moaned ah you got a nice ass peach i forgot to tell you that sonic grunted [ __ ] me more sonic keep going oh sonic spent 12 minutes thrusting his shaft slamming and ramming his shaft inside it's a long time it is kind of i mean it's a long time for the jackhammer yeah 12 minutes of constant slamming like [ __ ] switch it up sonic all right i'm just gonna skip to the end sonic grunted himself himself thrusting inside peach sometimes more than finally sonic then reach his limit as when he quickly pulls out his shaft out of peach and squirting his seed on peach's butt and on her back sending a big load of his seed sonic took a deep breath and peach looked over her shoulder and smiled that was amazing i sure needed that peach said smiling sure you did you enjoyed all right sonic added giggle i like to that again if you come visit me again yeah yeah sometimes though why yes sometimes though so why don't we go get back to the party yeah but i need to put on my new bike bodysuit to replace it since it has your [ __ ] on them yeah good idea peach rushed in her closet to replace her messy bike bodysuit with a new one moments after sonic and peach attend back to the party sonic was at the balcony watching the moon bringing a smile on his face sonic took a sip of his drink until he is joined by rosalina herself oh my god finally i was hoping that story would end and like right there and he'd just be like and that's how i [ __ ] rosalina oh my [ __ ] god what i just skipped ahead rosalina notice it and smile lovingly at sonic she begun reach down his crotch with her hand and rub it ha like what is this hedgehog made of this is sonic's ultimate harem by little sonic chapter 174 the what after winning surprise i can't believe you sonic you slept with hancock's sister and she has feelings for you mario repeated hancock yeah from the will smith movie thinks yeah surprising isn't it sonic question it is surprising actually sonic yeah yeah i not it not where i expected you to go it's more than a surprise sonic it's outrageous yeah you can say that you could say that again put sunglasses on so what did you and sandra sonia after when she kissed you what what who's sander sonia is that hancock's sister i think that might be hancock's sister after she kissed me she continued to have sex with me and kept riding on top of me though the rest of the night through the rest of the night sorry cool really yeah i would not lie my friend i can't believe you sonic just wow i'm shocked to hear this story of yours chuckle tell me about it hey did hancock knew about this no not really not really we kept it a secret and decide not to tell her wait her her maybe there's another hancock that we don't know about i don't know who the [ __ ] hancock is okay that's good to know i guess yeah and it's a good relief that i didn't tell her otherwise she'll turn my hedgehog ass into stone let's change the subject who did you encounter with on your list let me say he's got like a [ __ ] list yeah yeah yeah uh i prefer the term loveless aaron let me say oh i remember i did happen and remembered that i had sex with princess daisy princess daisy's in bold text by the way that's how you write mario drop his jaws after just hearing and getting sonic's answer i would too both of his jaws are you kidding me are you kidding me sonic you slept with daisy mario inquired yes i did this happens when daisy and luigi became a couple sonic stated oh so um when did this happen he just [ __ ] said what happened all right good question sonic dirt good question i remember watching the star cup tournament of your soccer game what really sonic yes i'm curtained of it curtained i think he meant certain but oh it was back when daisy was competing again wario in game in pipeline central i was in the audience watching the game since you invited me to watch the cup oh that's right oh no oh that's a right i wonder if he meant to do that because he's italian yeah because he's like yeah i did invite you to watch the star cup anyway proceed anyways like i mentioned earlier i was at audience watching the game flashback sonic in the audience is watching the soccer game it was daisy versus wario in a match and the score was 3-3 and it is a tie there was only 30 seconds left in the game and the game was very intense both teams were giving all they got in this matchup game and none of them wasn't going to lose as daisy focusing on the game she notices sonic in the front row of his seat so she looks at him and winking at the blue hedgehog before getting back to the game wario's team has the ball and they were heading to daisy's goal to score for the win just before wario can pass but one of daisy's team threw a bob mom and they get the ball running over to wario's goal daisy passes the ball to her teammate and her teammate passes the ball back to daisy and kicks the ball to the goal the critter jumped to block the ball but it was too late as the ball reached to the goal and score the point take the lead and won the game congratulations the crowd start cheering and fans of daisy go wild and daisy smile waving to her fans she takes a glance over to sonic and pucker her hips pucker her hips to him what i think she meant i think he met pucker her lips and then she puckers her butthole pucker her hips to him and winks at him shocking sonic anticipation for the blue hedgehog wiener that's going to anyway go on whoa i wonder what's gotten daisy so fond over me sonic wondered thinking after the game after the game the audience left the stadium from watching an incredible game as the final score was four to three sonic exits the stadium and sees luigi hey luigi sonic greeted sonic it's good to see you luigi responded shaking sonic's hand you too so how are you pretty good i can't complain to that that's good to hear so you came to support you girlfriend yes although daisy and i are still together and rivals of the star cup but we're still together and showing respect during our match i see so you're playing tomorrow yeah against waluigi oh i know it's going to be one heck of a big game for you i know and i'm looking forward to it well i'll let you be on your way so i'll talk to you later louie dog okay and see you around sonic smiles to luigi shakes his hand and take his departure as the hedgehog left out of the stadium toad sees sonic walking by and approaches to him and puckered his lips to him no puckered his hips i'm sorry sonic hey sonic wait up toad called sonic his tracks and turns around sea's toad coming to him manhook and car door oh my god if a little sonic rope man hook hand hook car door i will yeah man door hand hook car door that's it hey what's up sonic a asked oh wait no yes hey what's up sonic asked placing his hand on his hip daisy wanted to tell you to meet her at the locker room toad notified there's a question mark at the end of that locker room what for she didn't say really but told me to tell you to go meet her there must be something important australian must be something important or not okay thank you you're pr you're right about that one i'll head over there right now definitely narrowed it down to two options you're welcome toad took the opposite direction and left sonic alone i think daisy wanted me to go and congratulate her i don't see no problem to that sonic guest sonic head over to the locker room and enters inside looking for daisy daisy daisy are you in here is this about me wanting to congratulate you well here i am so where are you sonic wondered looking around yeah the amazing thing about the gladiator well that's the thing like here i am where are you i think growing up with a foreign dad who's like english as a second language has really helped me in deciphering lol sonic fanfiction sonic look around for daisy to find her and to see if she's here like toad informed him to be sonic search around the place and before he could head to the showers a shadow figure appears in front of sonic and walks over to him sonic sense a presence and just when sonic turns himself around his eyes went widen of shock when suddenly he's being kissed on the lips and being pressed against the lockers to his back sonic stopped the kiss recognizing daisy in her soccer outfit smiling seductively to the blue blur hero [Music] [Laughter] blue blur you kissed me sonic said in shock yeah and i want you to [ __ ] me right now daisy demanded this happens all the time hold on is that the reason why you call me here just to make love to you yeah i know i'm with luigi and he never shown me any attention since he always hang out with mario so when i noticed you were here in the crowd watching the game i know that i wanted to have some fun with you and spending my time with you that's very sweet that was a one sentence paragraph let me try it one more time yeah i know i'm with luigi and you've never shown me any attention since you always hang out with mario so when i noticed you were here in the crowd watching the game i know that i wanted to have some fun with you and spending my time with you there we go well that's that's a reasonable response what if luigi finds out about this please he told me that he was going to meet with his teammates to practice for tomorrow's game so you're good [Laughter] but this isn't right having sex with my friend's girlfriend is out of the question and i don't want to hurt him and break his friendship and and his trust i'm sorry this is chapter 117 174 after he's [ __ ] like 50 of mario's girlfriends or whatever three universes worth of characters i know and i respect your decision but i want this please sonic make love to me question mark yes sonic divert his eyes away from daisy thinking it over a minutes after he then sighs and finally gave in and answers to daisy okay i'll do it sonic accepted you will daisy inquired yes yes i will thank you so much sonic now kiss me daisy pressed her lips to sonic's lips performing a kiss sonic suddenly responds the kiss and gave in to the moment sonic wrapped his hands around the princess scooping her up pulling her close to him daisy wrapping her arms around sonic's neck and deepens herself in the kiss kissing sonic erotically wow kiss kissing sonic descends his bare hands down to daisy's firm but giving them a tights what oh down to daisy's firm butt but he spelled butt b-u-t all right it's firm but yeah that's what i thought sonic descends his bare hands down to daisy's firm butt i thought he was a hedgehog get ugh what are you gonna do oh come on dude don't don't make this more confusing than it needs to be daisy's firm butt giving them a tight squeeze make does she have two butts maybe he means the cheeks maybe giving them a tight squeeze making the princess moan inside his mouth what a sonic jet [Applause] sonic gently rub her firm ass with his hands still giving them a tight squeeze while they kiss yeah they broke the kiss departing away from each other sonic had got daisy facing against the locker pulling her hips back and spread her legs the [ __ ] is this cirque du soleil i'm confused sonic then start pulling down daisy's shorts to her ankles along with her white panties i you know i like that all the girls undergarments in little sonic stories match like the color of their like famous dresses yeah like pink is always peach and rosalina's light blue it's he really put a lot of thought into it yeah man he's good good at what he does sonic deliver a slap on daisy's butt causes it to jiggle a bit and gives it another squeeze making the princess moan in passion i don't know dude sonic smirked and then unzips his pants and pulls out his erected shaft ready to engulf inside her what sonic positioned himself penetrating his shaft inside daisy hearing her moan once he insert it right inside her vagina once it is in sonic this turtle oh come on dude right up in there my girlfriend is listening to this masonic then start holding daisy's hips with his hands and begun to thrust his shaft in and out of her humping himself against the princess that's typical daisy's body start to move rocking back and forth by sonic's humps feeling his shaft rubbing inside her vagina back and forth can you stop using vagina it is too clinical a word daisy moaned looking her shoulder staring at sonic with lustful eyes i think he meant looking over her shoulder staring at sonic with lustful eyes as sonic begin to ravage daisy with his shaft yes uh uh that's it right there sonic right there [ __ ] me ram your [ __ ] inside me daisy moon you want it huh sonic taunted yes give it to me you got it then sonic well you asked for it sonic increases his pace by humping faster and thrusting hard inside of daisy daisy roll her eyes to the back of her eyes with her tongue sticking out feeling sonic demolishing her vagina with his shaft as he continues thrusting faster also sonic had made some smacking noises smacking his pelvic against daisy's butt making them jiggle and making some smacking noises and daisy was loving it she rests [Laughter] she rests head against the lock when sonic then get close and deeply thrusts himself humping faster going in a little deep inside the princess he grin naughtily and deliver some more slaps on daisy's ass making her squealing his name moaning out of control yes yes that's seven o's [ __ ] me sonic oh god yes [ __ ] me ram my [ __ ] with your [ __ ] yes daisy moon sonic grip daisy's hips a little more with his hands and begin to thrust his shaft hump what is happening right now it's ciao karate keep going okay don't don't don't interrupt them no let me stop you okay sonic grip daisy's hips a little more with his hands and begin to thrusts his shaft humping against daisy faster building some more speed and pleasure for daisy to endure and enjoy oh man i wouldn't put endure in there daisy start to scream being pounded by the blue blur hero moaning insane feeling the waves of ecstasy and the vibrations come flowing to her body daisy was in the moment of ecstasy and she and sonic build up their intimacy together during their sexual encounter together sonic with unlimited stamina thrust oh he has unlimited stamina that's why he's always [ __ ] all that's why that's okay you know what good uh continuity little sonic so jealous of sonic thrusting as fast as he can humping faster inside the princess hearing her screaming moaning and going out of control feeling the insane pleasure and the ecstasy inside her [Laughter] there was it was looks like 12 o's and then a long er [ __ ] me sonic [ __ ] me like a porn star pound my [ __ ] just like that daisy squeals like that daisy roll her eyes to the back of her head sticking and hanging out her tongue she breathing heavily sucking the oxygen of the heated intimacy and the ecstasy drawing to her with sonic's hard and powerful thrusts this goes on for a few more minutes sonic reach over to daisy's breasts with his hands as he pulls up her shirt exposing her white bra on and that's another thing i appreciate the the the bras and the panties always match um he's he's very specific about that clearly very experienced yeah well i mean i just i just like the fact that he really put a lot of thought into this something that envelops his his mind do you think his mom ever walks in on him while he's writing this stuff on the computer he's like oh my mom knocked i swear i was jerking off because that's like less embarrassing oh yeah exposing her white bra on he then unstrap it from the back and tosses the bra to the side exposing her breasts and so he gropes them with his hands rubbing and massaging them making daisy moan more so she oh god there's so much more sentence making daisy moan more so she brought her hands on sonic's hands wanting more from him sonic groaned with his eyelids half closed as he continue on ravaging and pounding daisy with his shaft inside her vagina daisy even i feel like so spiritually heavy reading this daisy even had to try to keep her composure and keep up with sonic with a few more thrusts and feeling the lust is taking over that is when daisy then gave herself in and let the lust and sonic keep pounding her vagina and giving her more unstoppable pleasure well good for him oh sonic you're going to make me come daisy moaned within minutes of thrusting and the sexual moment together sonic leaned forward to daisy's kisses her by the neck and smirked while thrusting inside the princess let's get down to the floor sonic gestured daisy obeyed sonic nodding her head and sonic and daisy got down on the ground on their knees and sonic and daisy facing herself on the bench raising her arms and spread her legs a little more do you think he tried to upgrade that sentence and kept clicking in the middle and typing more stuff until he lost track that's what that feels like to me yeah sonic looked down as he continues to thrust himself humping faster inside the princess faster daisy's body rocking faster back and forth in motion by sonic's humps and his thrusts building up more speed yeah daisy even had reach her orgasm moaning crazily and even let out a high-pitched scream whilst when sonic smack her by her firm butt spelled correctly this time ooh and deliver a few more smacks thus hearing the princess squeal and chance his name even more oh good for her yes sonic sonic give it to me oh my goodness it feels so incredible daisy honored easy murdered uttered i got confused you honor me yes yes yes that's all capitalized oh sonic punish me punish me with your [ __ ] make me your [ __ ] oh moan yes give it to me punish me daisy cry what's my name sonic taunton sonic i can't hear you sonic scream my name princess sonic you like it baby fade to black yes no are you kidding not with a little sonic fan fiction there's like 800 more paragraphs always yes i love it how good you love it i love it a lot sonic yes [ __ ] me sonic grinned and continuously to ravage daisy some more with their sexual moment for a few more several minutes let me read that again real instant replay sonic grinned and continuously to ravage daisy some more with their sexual moment for a few more several minutes and a few more minutes after a few more thrusts sonic decided to switch positions so he then stop and let go of daisy's arms so she rest her hands on the ground and look over her shoulder why did you stop i was enjoying it daisy asked i want you on top that's why sonic answered truthfully sonic laid himself down on the bench on his back at least he's honest oh my god alright so all right they do it with her on top for a while sonic smiled on watching with entertainment and amusement as the princess again goes crazy thus getting her moan excited and move her hips faster rotating them in motion got her moan excited the princess start breathing heavily sticking her tongue out hanging it with her eyes closed and sonic deliver some smacks on her butt making daisy get excited even more and getting her more wet and horny than ever and moves her hips faster in motion hey baby i'm gonna deliver some smacks on your butt are you ready and prepared close your eyes and stick out your tongue aaron say my name loudly aaron yeah can you please take this seriously sorry sonic oggled daisy's tits and raises his hands and groping them with his hands he gave them a tight squeeze making the princess squeal of delight letting sonic grope her breasts daisy place her hands over sonic's head she leans forward to sonic and kisses him on the lips sonic wraps his hands around her groping her firm butt as daisy still moving her hips i feel like i'm like in groundhog's day reading this it's just the same thing over and over well i mean that's you know sexual intercourse is can be very repetitive at times not that that's a bad thing but in out and out and out it's the same old same old they had sex for an hour in the locker room their intimacy was going on and on with ecstasy and pleasure among these two and they were so caught up in their heated sexual moment now sonic is against the wall as daisy down on her knees sucking off his shaft as she bops her head faster and rubbing her vagina with her fingers sonic placed his hand on top of daisy's head moaning groan as he is about to climax soon and daisy can feel it so she bops her head faster sucking him off hard she even slurps on his shaft and stroke him with her hand while sucking him off sonic closed his eyes groaning softly as he is about to reach his limit any time now a few what happened well that's that's in the story that's not me saying that oh really yeah yeah any time a few minutes after sonic then stopped daisy and pulls out his shaft and strokes his shaft in front of her and daisy smile looking at him as she licks her lips lustfully give it to me give me all of that hot and sticky [ __ ] and spray it all over my face i just want to remind everyone that this is daisy talking to sonic the hedgehog hey at least it's consensual you know sonic stroke his hand with his shaft with his hand faster and just about to climax daisy lick her lips and waiting patiently for sonic to climax it's like those scenes in a porn where the dude can't can't come and like then they do like the soft edit cut to like five hours later you know what i'm talking about yeah that's that's always hard to watch all the sweat's gone the outdoor lighting's different oh the girl's like reading a book oh my goodness beard is thicker okay stick your tongue out daisy it's coming sonic commanded daisy obeyed sonic and do what he told her to do so she sticks her tongue out hanging it out and seconds after sonic bit his bottom lip and start to shoot ropes of his seminar shooting ropes on daisy's face covering her face with his semen as he spread his semen on her face and on her breasts and some of t were on daisy's shirt some of it some of t oh yeah yeah it was just the letter t floating in there daisy moaned feeling sonic's shaft covering her during his climax afterward daisy licks the [ __ ] off by wiping it off her face with her hand and licks it swallowing down to her throat cleaning herself off and then she let out a giggle oh well that's that's nice that was amazing daisy said smiling and licks her lips man that sure was interesting but amazing if i might add sonic said rubbing the back of his head i know that's what i said said daisy you're really good i assume you did this with a few other woman yeah you can say that exactly i want to do this again sometime you can [ __ ] me whenever you want really thanks but let's not let luigi find out about this huh yeah good idea sonic puts away his shaft and zip his pants back up what pants i know we always do this what pants daisy smile and stop sonic hey sonic daisy said sonic responded thanks for making love to me [Laughter] no problem i do that every time daisy smile sonic exits out of the locker room and left the stadium and daisy smiled to sonic hey that was amazing daisy commented licking her lips and that's the end an emerald that is the end that is the end of chapter 174 out of what i've been told is a 360 chapter masterpiece that is a true vitamin sonic there is absolutely no way that this guy is not for real you think so i there's no doubt in my mind too genuine absolutely it's too genuine it's been a while since i've done my absolute favorite thing which is to read sonic fan fiction on this show and uh so i just opened to a random chapter of lol sonic's sonic's ultimate harem where he's uh uh talking to samus aaron from uh metroid and boy it's like it's like being reintroduced to an old friend like i just just looking at it the background here is that sonic and samus have gone on a date they were at a restaurant of course um two attractive people they've been it happens yeah sure the blue blur hero and the bounty hunter enjoy their food as much as they enjoy this date that's an actual line from it um it's very it's a wordsmith that little sonic yep sonic and samus chow down munching on their mules as the date continues all right once they're outside they took a walk through the park and admire the beautiful moon samus hearts skip a beat of being this close to summit the blonde bounty hunter hadn't stopped smiling since they meet at the restaurant for their date how could you samus latched on to sonic's arm as the walk continues letting this moment to sink in and enjoy the peace and quiet that's one sentence sonic began to break the science to speak to his date so did you had a good time sonic asked trying to start up a conversation yeah it's been a blast thank you for taking me out question mark samus responded no problem i had a blast too hey sonic wait still sam is talking okay hey sonic can i ask you a question sure thing sweetie have you i don't know want to start a relationship again hmm now that you've mentioned it ever since me and snake break up i've been somewhat lonely what solid this is snake progressive than i thought it was yeah i enjoy being single for the time being but my heart wasn't in it with snake is that so yeah to be honest i've been falling in love with someone who i can't stop thinking about for a while now can i ask who this person is sonic dude sure samus stop and had sonic stop his tracks yeah the bounty hunter turned to face sonic she looked at sonic straight in the eyes wondering what samus is going to say samus reach out to grab sonic's hand into her and slowly drew closer to the blue blur until they're like inches away oh awesome sonic that someone is you samus confessed this surprised sonic to the fullest he wasn't expecting that samus could confess something like this to him really sonic inquired yes it's you i've fallen for my heart longed for you ever since i laid my eyes on you back at the super smash bros tournament i i even tried to get you to notice me but i couldn't seem to do so i really stink at trying to get someone i really like to notice wow i i don't know what to say really to tell you the truth awesome i had feelings for you too really yeah throughout all of my adventures i couldn't get you out of my mind i've been thinking about you every day and wishing that you and i can become couple i feel i really like you too samus i'm not really good at confessing but here i am being a man and show you how much i care about you oh sonic samus pulled sonic into a kiss the hedgehog felt himself being melted away and they began to make out passionately make out being one word yeah sonic and samus did not want to ruin this moment so they kissed for three minutes before they can depart their lips away before they can depart their lips away yup i've always wanted to do that with samus admitted chuckle yeah me too sonic retorted samus giggle and can't stop staring into sonic's eyes so lovingly the bounty hunter smiled once more and brought up an idea i have an idea an idea samus nodded and rubbed sonic's chest with her hand yeah if you're interested we can finish this date with a bang this has caught sonic's interest he can expect where this is going so he just play along any ideas yeah let's head back to my place so that you can officially make me yours whoa oh i see where this is going all right then you're on samus smiles so she takes sonic's hand and then they left the park and to head on back over to samus's apartment for some tlc wow wow all right samus apartment the door burst open we see sonic and samus entering inside the apartment and closing the door they both make out aggressively as both of them begin to get started while they kissed both sonic and samus's hands caressed one another rubbing each other getting freaky as they got intimate they make their way to the bedroom a minute after samus opened the door so that they can step inside and sonic uses his foot to kick the door closing it behind them samus eventually pulls sonic over to the bed and both of them start to collapse on the bed samus on her back with sonic being on top the two stop kissing and laugh together right before they collapse onto the bed wait right after excuse me a second later they resume back kissing to get intimate once again which only the kiss went on for only two more minutes or more until sonic finally break away the kiss he'd depart his lips from samus and caress her cheek samus smile and kisses sonic hands with affection sonic can't keep but stared at samus she was so beautiful and can't keep his eyes off from his girlfriend oh okay i guess they're a relationship yeah that was queer so without wasting any time sonic proceed to climb off of samus and both begin to take off their clothes they did not want to waste no time for any warm-ups or any teasing geez there's always time for warm-ups they want each other and they want it right now sonic had taken off his clothes and samus did the same they both are seen naked after they strip off their outfits once that's done sonic joined with samick travis back on bed and climbs on top of her again sonic kissed samus once more on the cheek and then on the lips afterwards to share more of his affection take me sonic make me yours samus demanded i plan to sonic responded it's [ __ ] hot i don't care who you are sonic shoves his [ __ ] deep inside of samus's wet [Laughter] maybe they're talking about an adult rooster yeah and and caverns is in like a cave yeah yeah ben put up a picture of a rooster in a cave thank you his shaft repeatedly pounding her insides that rubbed the sensitive spots that got the bounty hunter to moan for more sam has dug her nails into sonic's back she slowly stroke his spines afterwards oh hot yeah the speedster kept going delivering twice the loving and the pleasure into the bounty hunter to make her all his oh sonic give it to me samus moaned sonic did what samus wanted him to do he kept going and he kept giving it to him sonic did not disappoint nor did he plan on doing the speedster lean away a bit his hands press down on the bed and begin pounding the bricks out of samus harder with intense force what pounding the bricks out of her the true blue continue to oh [ __ ] off go ahead soon sonic adds a little more power into his thrust and started to [ __ ] her crazy samus's expression shows a silly look with a wide goofy smile oh we're getting into that hegemo stuff is that how you say it hey hey girl samus i'm gonna sonic groaned it's okay baby come for me let's come together samus retorted right now sonic and samus moan together at the same time they both want to enjoy this together until the very end after a couple of thrusts from the true blue and when sonic deliver one last one until all of a sudden sonic and samus screamed together right after they reached their limit both of them uh both of them released their love juices together ben put up a picture of multiple cups of juice please thank you feeling their love as both of them climax together as one samus pulled sonic for an aggressive kiss which sonic accept both of them kiss and make out one last time as they realize their love juices no as they release their love juices for a couple of seconds boy where did he learn that terminology finally when those seconds are up they finally pull away and sonic eject his shaft um you know what i'm not going to read the rest of this line after that sonic climbs off samus and the bounty hunter begin to cuddle up with the true blue and laid her hand onto his shoulder head onto his shoulder with a satisfying smile sonic returned the smile and both stay like that for about a minute until sonic began to speak up or samus began speaking oh my god this is so hard to read i love you sonic the hedgehog samus confessed i love you too samus aaron sonic responded one more paragraph this seems like a good time to remind our viewers of our sponsor skillshare go ahead and head to skillshare.com after both of them share their love for the first time sonic and samus ends it all with a passionate kiss on the lips when they kissed they pull away seconds after and drifted off asleep for the rest of the night sonic had remember all the times he spent with various of women throughout his journey oh various of women he had such a wonderful time exploring world after world saving a lot of people in journey it has been a blast the band but now the true blue is back home and here he is resting and just finished having sex with his girlfriend this has been a bl this this has been the best day of his life now sonic can sleep peacefully knowing he had a girlfriend that he had feelings for a long time the speedster had hang up from being a player to a one-woman hedgehog and is damn sure that he won't ever hurt samus the end that's the last chapter of this story it has been a blast making this story now it's finally finished i hope all of you enjoyed this long story it's been one heck of a roller coaster but we all made it to the end thank you all for your tremendous amount of support and your love i hope you all can enjoy this last chapter and had enjoyed this story again thank you for all your wonderful support read review and criticize everyone i love you all have a beautiful day stay safe stay golden and stay capital c small q chaotic little sonic out i love this person was that from beginning to end uh that was chapter 50 and it seems like he intended it to be 50 chapters however something clearly you can you can you can't you can't tame a beast like that once you've let it out of its cage so uh he apparently finished it there and then decided to go on for another 87 chapters because i think we went to like a chapter 137 at one point wow yeah that was going to be the end that was going to be his retirement yeah he was that was it like he's he's just with his girlfriend samus now um but but alas uh some some birds are born to fly like chad and the rupaul drag sketch and um yeah okay
Channel: CyberTronX280 // Jimmy Lafazanos
Views: 346,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xnfVME_bbaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 40sec (4900 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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