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when you accidentally step on your dog's paw and treat him like a God for the rest of the day my dad teaching me to be a good person little me trying to be like him me can I buy you a drink I have a boyfriend me counting coins on the table he can only get something small then who can i play when you die sure thanks dude me when my grandma asked how'd I get so tall so my mom told me the story about how my aunt and uncle ran into a celebrity at a bar and became friends with him and she couldn't remember his name my aunt just sent me these pictures I look great today whoa she looks great too hey you won't always feel like this you're handling it it's going to be okay this creature has requested gentle hand pads for how long until one of us perishes a life well spent when you pet a dog and the owner says while he never lets strangers do that [Music] today I made a friend Bob Ross is drawing a nice picture Bob Ross decides to draw a huge line through the center of the picture ruining the masterpiece Bob Ross makes a beautiful tree out of the line making the whole picture a lot better get ready happy birthday you ever think maybe hot chocolate wants to be called beautiful chocolate just one time George County Animal Shelter my grandma looking at me happy that I liked her food me finishing Christmas dinner after six courses there's a mattress store that gives you a mattress for your dog when you buy a normal one [Music] vital update my Roadrunner porch buddy used to run away if I wanted a big but now when he catches a lizard he knocks on my door and then parades his catch around and poses it's amazing who's a good boy mister meep meep good morning cruel world don't you mean goodbye no I meant good morning this world may be cruel but I'm still kicking happy April Fool's Day I ordered us a pizza to celebrate is the box empty is that the joke how dare you I never joke about pizza five-year-old me falling asleep in the couch and waking up in my bed that's not possible my mom darling you have no idea what's possible gonna be late gotta kiss my dog are you leaving me no we are staying married what a relief my grandma when I annoy my parents my grandma when my parents scold me we all pitched in and got you a house me wanna hang out trend show us are you going to sleep yes I am now shut up the ozone layer is currently on its way on fully repairing itself in our lifetime all of humanity teachers who genuinely love their job when you first meet me versus when I get comfortable you and younger photos you now my toddler slipped and spilled her cereal all over herself at the carpet instead of telling at her and flipping crap I picked her up changed her outfit and then she helped me clean the mess up no tears no shame and no yelling my parents would have hid me and yelled I refused to be them my uncle went to Japan and a man liked him so much he made him out of sushi how do I look how do I look how do I look you're not helping me decide but you look great in everything all pets are therapy pets most are just working undercover tell me your deepest desires I want to support my family by doing what I love while making a positive impact on the world Danny DeVito cooking is the best thing I've seen in a long time when you see your attractive but socially anxious friend hit on someone for the first time what is he doing he's beginning to believe do you have a death wish or something actually I do I wish for the sweet embrace of death when the boys all come together to hype up the shy friend so he can ask out his crush Apes together strong this morning at 7-eleven I saw a lizard next to the coffee maker and the cashier said no worries that's just Marvin he likes the smell Oh No can you DM us with the store location you visited so we can check in on Marvin thank you no way I'm not gonna narc on my buddy me in kindergarten seeing my parents after a long day of coloring and singing ABCs my dad you must not fail go we going to cheer up my mom because she's been feeling sad be making hoodoo dolls of my friends so I can finally give them all what they deserve gently hugs each one and tells them they're amazing and I'm proud of them and old-lady innocently asking for my help me working at a mall it's just over there ma'am allow me guide you shout out to my boy Steve who stood in front of a green screen for years running in place and talking to invisible objects and animals so kids like me could of entertaining educational television thanks again for all your help how to haunt haunting for beginners when grandpa want to tell you about his good old days if 99% people find you unattractive then around 75 million people on earth still find you attractive my self-confidence just shot up seven-year-old me when my mom calls me handsome me discovering my inner worth what a wholesome post no bro left out [Music] the shy kid finally reads the page without stuttering the entire class muted it you crazy son of a B you did it finally the perfect specimen for my collection ready aim gotcha if you took all your DNA straightened it out and put it in to end it would stretch to Jupiter and back ten times over you are neither small nor insignificant you're just very well folded I like you this much I like you this much oh dang all boomers hate their life there might be someone who liked you're mean so much that he or she showed it to the person sitting next to them [Music] Lions pretend to be hurt by the bite of their young to encourage their strengths awesome when I buy a nice gift for my mom and she says or you shouldn't have I'll freakin do it again to do make two people fall in love when introverts meet and ironically act like extra fit with each other [Music] my nephew likes to play McDonald's which is what you'd expect it to be he says welcome to McDonald's how may I help you after you order he says okay coming right up and pretends to give you your food he has another game called silly McDonald's which is the same thing except no matter what you order he says here's your cold hamburger I know I'm biased but he's a comedic genius as far as I'm concerned the last time I saw him he said let's play McDonald's so I assumed it was regular McDonald's but then he hit me with a cold hamburger it was silly McDonald's the whole time I got played how I sleep knowing food is hella delicious and I get to eat more of it tomorrow when your friend starts talking negatively about themselves clears throat no [Music] he asked for a little one little kiss I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Baris it's been three months since he has been in his new school and today the teacher said they have a new student and guess who it is Barret woke up Thalia nerd freaking out jumping on me trying to lick my face at 5:00 a.m. which he never does before I realized the fire alarm was going off and there was smoke in the hallway of my apartment complex we evacuated and everyone is safe thirteen out of ten very good boy when a baby holds your finger with their whole hand your crush her father her mother her brother her ex you never underestimate yourself when your dad lets you do Joker makeup on him for practice four three two one happy new year wait my watch says 9:00 p.m. did you move your clock ahead I'm so tired friendship goals are you killed or a little bit grand Purple's a shiny quarter out of my ear four year old me when everything that you've studied shows up on the exam paper I want you to take care of Fat Tony you got it boss a friend was taking a photo as a train went past and someone decided to get in on the action my five year old brother try stand-up comedy in front of the family my parents we don't have kids so my wife and I took our dog around to look at lights in the neighborhood he was in all good boys waiting to enter the hospital rooms of Sick Children for animal therapy time three two one my kid watching me do her last lap and Mario Cart so she doesn't come in last place this room has bad thank you what would you do differently such beauty what are you doing down there muffled sobs my mom wow you got stronger seven-year-old me holding the dog leash with one hand my grandpa telling me the same story for the 16th time already me trying to act interested because he is also man deserves lots of love it is time to go was our good name no you were the ones that started it all I'm gonna open this present first I wonder what's inside dude that's wrapping paper ooh a telescope ahoy my face when I subscribe to a small time twitch stream around they get excited oh I just jog every once in a while I do prostate I lift competitively I push the cut and carry groceries for my mom others may not understand your work but if you enjoy it then it is perfect movie love it's you it's always been you true love it looks less swollen today pretending to be asleep so your dad can bring you inside from the car ghost of Christmas future where are you taking me this is a future there's still snow fresh water cleaner Wow we beat climate change oh this is so wonderful seeing grandma when you rate seeing grandma when you're 16 well the good news is your cancer is completely gone what's the bad news there isn't any the FBI agent when my crush accepts to kill out with me my parents the way my parents see me me I wish I had smoother skin I wish I had a stronger core I wish more people liked me it's hard for me to open up I love all of you Godzilla the craftsmanship on this fishing vessel is outstanding me dressed and ready to go to the store my kid in their pajamas saying they are going to be kind even if no one is looking Jeanne you have one wish I wish someone will love me honestly you wishes granted small children excited to meet my dog my 130 pound dog got a dog to guard the house but then me seeing an elderly couple hold hands while walking their dog go and make me proud hold lots of coffee and tea we are back oh well I'm still proud of you me shakes hands with grandpa grandpa acts like I broke his hand me the pupil of your eye can expand as much as fifty five percent while looking at something new love even sadder is that your name reminded me of an online friend who has the same username as you on Instagram she hasn't been on for two years I miss you web bro that's me this must be what the entrance to heaven looks like when everyone thinks you're mean but you're really just out here trying to help people reach their true potential using tough love I'm an intensive-care bear are you okay I don't feel special thank you when you finally dry out that sweater your grandmama did for you and what you thought was ugly but you find that it's actually nice good morn I got you bro enjoy the extra Z's thank you when someone I love begins to use my expressions and jokes I raised that boy my 79 year old grandma has a meme framed going to grandparents house leaving grandparents house four-year-old me telling my dad that he just missed santa's visit my dad who suddenly had to go to the bathroom close your eyes bro okay bro what do you see bro nothing bro thats my life without you bro bro when you're at a party and the dog comes downstairs five-year-old me look how strong I am shows many biceps that when the professor is passionate about teaching and you genuinely understand and enjoy the class your pet decides if you go to heaven or hell he knows you best remember when you left me home alone saying that you had to work well they don't have that here we can play all day long I missed you five-year-old me does nothing my grandpa [Music] four-year-old me at the McDonald's play area waiting for mommy to turn around and look at me my family leaving me out during presence because I'm too old my grandma a gift card ball ball ball Merry Christmas buddy I wonder what it is me behind the curtain watching my friend pull up in the driveway to come hang out how did you enslave your human I did not then why does he provide for your every need because he loves me but why does he love you because I love him typing an entire and and deciding not to press sound my dog's face when I go back in the house after I forgot something every time you feel alone just remember there are 25 billion and he borders flowing through your veins who would die in order to protect you no body has ever worried that much about me dead on wrapping his Christmas gift a cardboard box just what I wanted me dad you have to open it that she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not me I'm usually really nice when I'm feeling incredibly sad people but you're always really nice me I like you what really yeah you're sure you like me I do say you won't change your mind now you don't think I'm weird nope so you definitely like me yes I work hard so my cat can have a better life grandma's be like yarid weekend time to party I don't care what people think of me I think your call must remain nonchalant you look challenged now I don't my dad waving goodbye to me in the first day of school me playing a game my grandpa Aryeh winning everything is probably going to be okay optimistic prime me a grown adult running up to see the fish and frogs at the local aquarium yeah yeah you've seen me like this thousands of times I've seen the sunset thousands of times too dad's showing other dad's the ribs they grilled over the weekend my mom getting six-year-old me to brush my teeth come on fight that plaque fight that plaque scary monsters don't have plaque I wish I could rescue you like a hero to stop your torture that I can't sometimes this is all I can do for you I don't know why everyone makes the grim reaper out to be a bad guy I mean he's just taking you to the afterlife it's not likely killed you it's actually quite nice of him to walk you there imagine if you had to go alone when a random stranger asks me to watch their stuff for them thank you Mario but your princess is in another castle bud toad you are my princess the whole squad leaving while you tie your shoes that one bro waiting for you excuse me how does it feel when I point at you surprising I just didn't know you there's a lot you don't know about me do you like comedies I finally reunited with my grandpa after 15 years and the first thing he shows me as a picture of five year old me that he's kept in his wallet ever since I'll try my best I love my dog if ever I cry he collects up dirty socks and brings them to me they're his favorite thing in the world and they make him happy so they'll make me happy too he's a good boy one of my absolute favorite things after a PhD student finishes their dissertation defense and the committee discusses while the student is outside the room I love opening the door to bring the student back in and simply saying dr. 17 times and Counting thank you I didn't give you anything for existing dads when their kids give them a homemade gift on their birthday dear diary my day just went from good to great grandparents me changing from HDMI one to HDMI to me after doing approximately one product of thing supreme victory the dogger hearing you key rattle the front door did you have a bad day it's okay to cry it out I got you when your mom says you look nice when a girl says you're cute when an old lady calls you a handsome young man me dancing to melodic death metal in my kitchen my dog just being happy that I'm happy me hurts my arm my mom let me kiss it and it will feel better me you can't do that my mom you underestimate my power me my mental health you or some people when you and your childhood friends stay close and your friendship thrives through the years me saving money to buy a ps4 day by day my mom on my birthday five year old me watching the ants carry away the piece of food I gave them one time I met a small autistic child at the vet and told him I'm autistic too then he asked if he could pet the kitten I had with me and I said yes when he was done petting her his mom told him to say thanks and he thanked the kitten me sleeping soundly as I hear the rain fall gently outside can you stop being so distracting I'm just sitting here handsomely me inside my dream dancing to my alarm going off for 13 minutes sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today is sleep when you send someone a meme across the room and wait for their reaction who is your favorite artist your mom my mom what did she create you me and friends after my crush says yes February 2020 colorized [Music] 112 year-old man just one year and he is a teenager again the return of the king my girlfriend when I tell her to buckle up because I'm taking her on a date my love for you is like a Windows Update a Windows Update yeah it goes on forever it's about who you are inside my dog passed away last month and my boyfriend got me flowers in the shape of my dog and I'm in love when you hold the flashlight perfectly for your dad mechanic ding dong coming greetings I have a special delivery for you what is it it's kisses when you download a childhood game and it gives the same amount of happiness it used to ammend below 5 foot 10 even men the short of the king the tall of the crown brother when your group is a bunch of misfits but you're all just happy to be there Bob the golden retriever is best friends with eight birds and a hamster me working as a dishwasher at 17 thinking I'm a loser the older gentleman at the diner you're doing up bad kid good job finding that one thing you didn't know you needed I don't want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness thank you for calling please hold for a minute this music fricking rules song I like starts playing me who doesn't know how to dance but is really vibing I was offered a random day off due to an over staffing mistake and took it I decided to have fun with the pets I got all ready for work like I normally would and they did their usual job of trying to persuade me not to go and I made a dramatic show of letting them win they've been on a Happiness high for the past three hours you've gone incognito engagement ring that's ridiculous I'm a very put-together and unemotional person yesterday you cried over dragons they can't blow out their birthday candles went to visit my aunt who despite suffering from dementia has an intact sense of humor me how have you been I have no idea when you convince your boss that it's a two-person job just so you can hang out with your besties when you find a family photo that brightens your day and brings you back the good memories how do you tell how good bread is without tasting it not the smell not the look but the sound of the crust listen having fun is more important than the rules my 90 year old neighbor hasn't walked her dog in years so I volunteered to do it for her so proud of buddy's weight loss mob isn't that so silly they are all so talented me walks up to girl who is painting hey I like your painting go Thanks it's not that good though the painting when you buy a nice present for a loved one and they respond oh you shouldn't have you get what you freaking deserve fighting a rare stage four cancer called leiomyosarcoma make me feel worse nah man beat the Frick out of the cancer then come back afterwards and I'll roast your but professionals have standards it's your birthday so you can do whatever you like nice one Australia December 14th 2019 February 9th 2020 more like extra QT Sheena this little guy always bring dried seed to trade for some nuts [Music] that tail droop when the dog Oh state left [Music] one is flop over when they feel completely safe [Music] mum was fed up of the scarole stealing all the bird food so she greased the feeder [Music] me eating my fourth cupcake my grandma made there's been a string of crimes around town once we all know it was you that's it off to jail again free beverage next time we overcome by anxiety and depression Lord of the Rings comforting me for the one hundred and eleventh time me gets my first ever kill in a multiplayer game level 300 friends will you have another one now too much responsibility don't want to end up like Jupiter my grand dad fell this morning while mowing the lawn and broke his hip the EMTs that took him to the hospital came back and finished his job for him browsing normal mins versus browsing wholesome means I packed your lunch son I'm a grown man ma I put two fruit roll-ups in it oh yes how will the best friendships start do you think I'm weird definitely bad thoughts bad vibes not today if you are ever feeling nervous just remember that mall was the first set to appear in a thousand years imagine how much pressure was on him when you finally find a friend that's as weird as you and you get to play together at your house here's to cheating stealing fighting and drinking if you cheat may you cheat death if you steal may you steal a woman's heart if you fight may you fight for a brother if you drink may you drink with me me I have done nothing wrong ever in my life the dog I just met I know this and I love you when you're small in stature but have a big impact on things I challenge you to a duel very well the weapon compliments a capital choice thank you ah oh I see you dueled before ah I see you're a man of culture as well when someone gives you a compliment and you don't know how to act I could eat all this by myself but good meals are like happiness it tastes better when shared when you start to develop a healthy balance in life start doing things for your benefit find you interests and are generally happy oh yeah it's all coming together your music saved me I became a wrestler for the Hogs my dad when I tell him that I had a good day at school that is literally the best news I've heard all day Billy it's time you learn about money and the importance of I'm so proud of you Billy donate to poor and homeless people hello Fran you are special and I appreciate you oh yes there will said frog because I have sent you a letter you have said toad what did you write in the letter frog said I wrote dear toad I'm glad that you are my best friend your best friend frog it's time to go was I good meme no I'm told you what where the Frick did he go didn't me when my mom says go to sleep wish you will hear thanks man parallel lines have a lot in common but they never meet ever you might think that's sad but every other pair of lines meets once and then drifts apart forever which is pretty sad too or you could be a glorious pair of sine and cosine waves with every increasing frequency not only do you intersect for the rest of forever but you eventually intersect continuously heads to pay for dinner tells you pay for lunch edge I pay for both hey that's unfair tell that to the coin messed up mom what do you want for christmas sixteen year old me nothing you've done enough for me this year mom buys me a cool video game me as happy as Frick mom I knew your little dirty but wanted some gifts my comic about how a simple message from a friend can change the whole day hope you have a wonderful day adopting a cat and finding out within 24 hours he likes tummy rubs his paws being tickled and lying on your chest squirrel saved from hurricane has her own mini teddy bear and won't let go of it me switches input from HDMI 1 to HDMI - grandma you're crazy how did you pull this off crippling depression suicide mom would be sad [Music] happy birthday son we love you me will you marry me this little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years elderly youtuber writes his subscribers down in a notebook then thanks them individually everyone like that but you needed some emotional support giving him a positive role model when you wake up to her good morning text when the negative thoughts start I don't remember asking you are god damn thing there is always a way to reach out and love this sweet little boy has been having a hard time since his pot passed away he's been praying for a little stuffy of pot that he can carry around with him he chose this photo and also requested that pot would be holding a fish I love what I do and I love that it matters when your pen reflects what you are extra fine small me sleeping with my mum because there was a monster in my closet someone already said how cute it is that Luigi doesn't question Mario's gender he just wants to go to the wedding but he also doesn't ask who the spouses meaning that he also accepts Mario for his orientation whoa bro you're getting married and you didn't tell me and this is the truest form brotherly love and gain humanizes Thor as he went through trauma and depression after all that he was still worthy of me onea depression does not take away your value as a god or even as a human I keep applying to places at look sorry I interrupted you for a duck but don't be robot apocalypse the human race my grandma saying thank you to the Google home Luna knows how much Daisy hate scar IDEs so she snuggles her to make her feel better when you're the last one to finish the exam but end up scoring the highest if you fall I will be there floor when your homie introduces you to the one I got Kiwi ll goth girlfriend remember kiwi and his goth girlfriend well now she's his goth wife and they have four beautiful hath goth babies there is a girl in my class called Emily she looks like a tree frog that's not a very nice thing to say are like tree frogs when you're trying to find what it means to be a good person this bird landed on the page about itself this is Chico he managed to get lost so he went to the police to report himself missing he was safely returned to the owners and his safe at home how I felt after teaching a random kid in the toy aisle how to practically guarantee to get the mystery Lego minifigure he wants then seeing him in the parking lot opening the bag and getting excited because he got the one he was looking for I raised that boy when you work on recovering from your traumas and make slow but steady progress it still hurts but less everyone else you when one act of kindness creates a lifelong friendship I fixed her pigeons wing so he went to fetch his girlfriend and now they live at my house That moment when you just realize you are your own biggest fan I finished building the time machine now to pay someone a visit missing dog I miss my dog she's not gone or anything just at home and I'm here at work enjoy the pic of her people who complement my silly drawings me [Music] when your loved one is going through the rough times but you're there for them all the way she's keeping him company I Love You 3000 me 25 and failing my fourth job application my mom my fourth period teacher wanted us to make a positivity meme for growth mindset Hey yes be positive thanks honey [Music] like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous dank memes videos thanks when someone you don't know supports you in an argument online past me making a good decision present me benefiting from that decision if we don't kill cows they'll take over the earth what cows would actually do soften your forehead unclench your jaw relax your shoulders this is a reminder to stop holding tension in one dollar two packs of gummy bears it's like I don't even care what happens the rest of the day anymore when you walk past a classroom that your friend is in you your friend you're not starting over you're starting with experienced boys when a girl complements them a core memory me emerging from my room after three days my mom with dinner ready telling me she loves me I'm sorry I'm a monster your little leg our am our bad dog I'm so sorry I don't deserve forgiveness my poor child how could i betray like this I am so sorry I already forgot what happened yay cuddles a man named Chauncey spends every weekend of his life at the Nanjing yanks river bridge the world's number one suicide site and saves people from jumping he has saved 144 people from killing themselves so far me pretending I didn't already see the mean that my parents are showing me I finally found it after 15 years the scroll of truth it's okay to like cringy things your happiness is more important than others approval when you find a small artist on Spotify that you really like we will watch your career with great interest me after rough day of work mom's daily phone call other kinds of love BFF love hobby love nature love team love family love online friend love fandom love fuzzy love gone but not forgotten love book loves self-love you don't need to be in a romantic relationship to live a life filled with loves little brother me leaving for college I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow Claire won I can't do it you're right you can't do it alone most people think this is a happy ending actually this is a happy ending my mom is just starting to learn what memes are and this is the most wholesome text I've ever received when you check your phone and see the text is from your daughter friendly reminder Winnie the Pooh wore cropped tops with no pants ate his favorite food and loved himself you can too babe roses are red candles set the mood delicious finally some good freakin food I hope parallel-universe Mia's doing okay when peace is finally an option life is pain au chocolat when you become a regular at a place and they learn your name and start asking about your day biology tells you that you are 7% blood chemistry tells you that you are 70% water physics tells you that you are ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent empty space and I tell you you're 100 percent cute my grandfather when I surprised him and come pick him up instead of letting him take the bus we playing The Sims grandpa are you winning my five-year-old cousin when I agree to play hide-and-seek with him me who would do anything for him because he is so cute what's wrong champ Neptune says I'll never have my own moon I wouldn't be so sure my grandpa called me in the middle of my shift at work today and he goes I know you're working but this is important do you want to go to Red Lobster with me on Saturday when you're not good at expressing emotions but the right people get you shroomish looks happy when your life is a mess but everything works out in the end I like your glasses why don't you wear them out of the house people are less intimidating when they're blurry me looking out of the window and seeing birds are actually coming to use the feeder in my garden my mum cooking the food me setting the table when that stranger gave you a random compliment a core memory there was some racist rubbish here but I covered it up with this picture of a cat when you download a childhood game and it gives you the same amount of happiness it used to nice she took a cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito to her prom so Danny DeVito took a cardboard cutout of her to the Always Sunny in Philadelphia set when your mom says you look nice when a girl says you're cute when an old lady calls you a handsome young man how did you die I was hugging my best friend no I mean what killed you I don't care I was hugging my best friend when your mum dresses you for school and says you look so handsome I wonder if my ancestors would be proud of me my parents told my little sister she couldn't dye her hair unless she found someone to do it with her so guess who has purple hair now I finished building the time machine now to pay someone a visit me accomplishing basic adult responsibilities and being proud of myself for doing my best to me you are perfect named Lloyd age 96 advice for the younger generation play you know with your grandma thanks grandma that's all you had to say when your family welcomes you back at the airport and they are so happy to see you my home he was feeling bad and people said it was gay tube give him a hug I gave it anyway because there's nothing bad showing love to your homies ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to get on a firetruck I'm tempted to just walk my grown butt over to a fire station and just ask OMG it worked can I see what you're drawing no it's bad I'm a bad artist don't worry we all start somewhere well okay but I'm bad when your best friend says they're having a bad day not on my watch you sad be ten years ago I said one day yesterday I said day one how I test if my girlfriend is still mad at me boot me that time I cracked a joke in class and everyone laughed for like 20 seconds even the teacher deciding to livestream for the first time me my friend these bikers escort child victims to court to confront their abusers and give the kids cool nicknames welcome to the gang kid we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and Grandma what did grandma do she begs and makes food for the gang yes I came back I always come back nobody my kind sangeun neighbors i would like to award you the highest honor i can bestow leftover curry I'm so cold hungry and alone I hope a tree falls on me and puts me out of my misery sorry I don't have any fallen trees to give you figures Just My Luck but what I do have I can share with you really what's that I'm trying box I'm trying do not break down sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried but you've actually been planted life struggles everything is over you I'm not that hot oMG stop it also you can I sit with you sure when you're goth brother and his goth friends let you hang out with them my mom pretending to like the macaroni art I showed her me pretending to like the Facebook means she showed me don't be sad because sad spelled backwards is death and ask not good look at that log Gillan take a gander turn it over and you might find a friendly salamander [Music] [Music] [Music] when I see a baby crying on the bus so I make funny faces till they stop crying I help transport humans I help wake humans with when someone is going through a rough time just sit with them no preaching no advice just be there how it feels when you take your parents out for a nice dinner my dog waddling into my room for scratches my depression my daddy is behind the camera this is better than the kiss-cam when it lands on old couples my assignments my homey about to proofread it because they are a supportive friend all you do is listen to music and stare of memes by yourself what kind of life is that it's a peaceful life I'm sad leave me alone no thank you little me staying up late to watch my big bro play video games I think I have a virus no I'm not going out it's irresponsible of me to bail out while I'm sick and potentially infect other people did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine because you were snack [Music] Walrus becomes embarrassed when receiving a cake made of fish for its birthday wishing you this kind of cozy contentment and warm safety for 2020 I'm off to work wait give this to your boss let my mom go or else love mochi being quarantined and lonely but protecting your friends at any cost [Music] checkmate I win mates does this mean we're friends now best friends found you okay now it's your turn to hide you to know you can come and right no thank you we are waiting for someone when you go into deep conversation with someone who understands your hat really suits you I look angry because I don't know how to take a compliment I will walk with a spring in my step for the rest of the day mum sad because she got fired me ready to return 26 years of love you just bought 20 packs of toilet paper wow you're really stocking up for the virus wait what virus when the one person you miss comes back after being gone I want to feel this accomplished I fed Gordon Ramsay and he cleaned his plate adorable it was dressed like your favorite person day at five-year-old eastern school today Eastern wanted to go as his school security officer Jefferey because he says he keeps me safe so his mom made him a shirt and surprised Jeffrey at school best buds for sure you taste like friendship I'm sad I guess some days are just bad but I climb onto my humans lab to keep my human half I was lonely until I glued a coffee cup onto my car now everybody waves at me me when I see the birds have finally found the feeder outside my window my plant growing a new tiny leaf me noticing it in the morning he's right I could lose some weight in sumo culture you'd be considered a promising up-and-comer wholesome Dwight his best white my brother applying for his first job me helping my brother make a resume see you later alligator in a while crocodile 2.4 billion years later been a while I missed you me being an introvert afraid to talk to people my best friend extrovert helping me make more friends hey Dad I got the job what holy cow that's out of this world never mind Superman hallo big boy someone told me your hero when I die and hear familiar barking coming from the light at the end of the tunnel it was foretold you would be here our long-awaited meeting has come at last my childhood dog I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to there's a soft wee cactus in my Hall and whenever I touch it on passing I say ouch and pretended her to encourage its confidence teacher using my name as a good example fifth grade me my grandpa who knows nothing about video games but loves me very much and wants to relate to me are you blaming since when is this more attractive than this and the impossible standards set by the media all burgers are beautiful when you and the boys see a documentary about saving the earth so you will decide to donate some money let's do it like they do it on Discovery Channel if I could live in the world with any group of animals it would be cool to live with roosters because roosters appreciate me for who I am shifts I'll drink to that bride the introvert who made the entire presentation the extra point in front of the class in this experiment you can either have one marshmallow now or two later I'll have one now okay but why you could have had more later I don't want more Oh what do you want to share this one with you now what unexpected positive results today at the airport one of the drug dogs set off a false alarm and officers rushed over to find out the dog had alerted them for a piece of pizza the handler just patted his head and goes it's okay buddy I know peeps are always confuses you and gave him his treat anyways a whoa did you just howl at me no I was howling at the moon I respect women and their autonomy cool bye see ya hey little girl you like candy I sure do great my Nana made way too much nothing gets through this armor I like your memes they make my day when you quack at a duck and it quacks back quack oh man here are all the reasons why you are amazing but this is just a black piece of paper there were too many things I had to write small me looking tough for the pretty cashier my dad trying to pay for the Lego set welcome to your bachelor party brah nice where them girls at right this way cuz end of the hallway they're feasts t-tonight sweet make sure nobody disturbs us say ere I might look kind of boring but it's what's inside that counts dudes do I look good let me put it this way the only way I could be more attracted to you right now as if you were holding a puppy and that would be like dangerous levels of Attraction the new little dog just arrived in the family the elder daughter who welcomes him at home Bing bong sexy singles in your area [Music] Bing bong its Celia hottie the World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract virus dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released to be clear who let the dogs out we'll just stay in bed a few more hours and some cold pizza open your mouth hey open your wait depression that son of a welcome to the gang kid we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and Rick Astley what did Rick do he never gave us up my younger brothers watching Tom and Jerry me mother eat your food baby no mother airplane noises baby I've seen enough I'm satisfied my dad's showing me what it is like to grow up without a father figure me making sure my kids never know that feeling ever mom hey grandma is coming to visit next week so you're going to have to give up your room and sleep on the couch me a small price to pay for Grandma [Music] like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous tank memes videos thanks [Music] you
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 3,762,234
Rating: 4.9178305 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate wholesome memes, clean memes, memes, clean vines, best memes, wholesome memes, best wholesome memes, dank doodle memes, reddit memes, funny memes, reddit, funny, interesting, clean, best memes compilation, family friendly memes, wholesome, memes compilation, ddm
Id: drOXauKz_18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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