✝️ Knowing The Heart Of The Father Dan Mohler

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father we stand before you as your children today we just thank you for your great love that you've lavished upon us that we would be called children of God we stand in the awareness that your eyes are on us that your ears bent towards us and that you hear us when we speak we look you in the eyes today and we say you're our prize you're what we want you're what we rap what we're after I ask that you would shift our perspective today that you would give us heaven's perspective on what love is where we have learned in religion that love feels like what Hollywood has taught us would you shift our perspective to see that love looks like a cross the greatest display of love that we've ever seen in all of history looked like a cross would you shift our perspective today would you unify us with you today more than we've ever known before we don't want to leave here the same we want to leave here set on fire with your eyes on us we walk in the awareness today the intimate intimacy isn't what we're after we say to you unification with you is what we're after we love you and it's in your name we pray amen [Music] y'all can go ahead and go back to your seats y'all the semester is almost over that's blowing my mind well we don't have any announcements for you today and I don't want to take any more time so I'm gonna go ahead and welcome our guest speaker dan Mohler [Applause] hey guys thanks why don't you grab your seats let's just roll with this man thanks I know yesterday I just kind of crashed said to James I feel like I cracked a can open and just went for a while and I'm not used to an hour time frame so I was challenged a little by that because I felt like we were just going but I want to pick up and just build on where we were and and I just want to nutshell a couple things this morning listen we have to understand that Jesus is he's not just our Savior he's not our atonement or sin sacrifice he's not just those things he's actually our model for life like Jesus is our model for life he he said to learn of me right he said to follow me he said call no one on earth your teacher you have one teacher that's pretty narrow you have one teacher come on I've been taught by a lot of things through my life I've been taught by sheer instinct in the fall of man that if you do me wrong I get hurt frustrated insecure or something that doesn't produce life I've been taught that by life right but not the giver of it are you following me so I want to look to Jesus I'm going to learn from him I want to look at Jesus's life and see how he responded to injustice see how he responded to people that didn't appreciate him or see who he was or people that did him wrong his own disciples who he invested into and sowed into man when he was struck they scattered but a minute ago they said they'll die for him but none of them did come on that's a hurting pastor in today's society that's a person who needs to break away and heal and Jesus doesn't even know how to break or get hurt I want to learn from that if he said follow me there's something about Jesus that I can live in because he said as the father sent me in John 20 as the father sent me so I send you in first John 4 he said as he is so are we in the world in the whole chapter he talks about him being loved he loved doesn't seek its own love seeks the highest sake of another the highest profit of another love lays down its life for another well if love lays down its life for another what are we gonna what are we doing offended what are we doing hurt taken back discouraged disappointed there's something we got to understand about this gospel that we've really got to get but we these burning hearts to touch the world evangelize and get people to believe our doctrine but not let our doctrine make us new come on this is not about going to heaven this is about heaven coming back into us the kingdom of God's here it's on the earth it's at hand and I'm looking at it you don't look here you don't look there it's in you the kingdom of God is in you so you and I we've been living off this old wine of just the way that seemeth right to a man the perspective of the world the wisdom of the world the wisdom of this age the basic principles of life come on every one of us was trained in home schooled in the wrong home we were and it's time to get new life through Jesus Christ and that's not just positional guys come on how's my light gonna shine if it's just positional how am I gonna walk in a manner worthy if it's just positional how's my life gonna have impact if it's just positional these aren't positional phrases in Scripture they're absolute realities in my life becomes something because of him you know we've gotten tricked into a self-serving gospel we've gotten tricked into a gospel that blesses me benefits me provides for me and helps me make it to the end so my whole goal is making it my goals becoming like him come on I'm not trying to survive are you kidding me I'm never gonna die seriously I'm not saying that in an arrogant hight way I'm never gonna die I know that I am gonna be alive forever cuz I'm one with the eternal one so I already won I'm not trying to win I already won now I just want to make full use of the moment I'm in this little window this gift that you all have called life it's a gift it's not a dread the only reason it feels like a grind to people is because they're living it outside of why they're here why would grace come on you to ride drive down a road you weren't called to travel people say life's to this life's to that life's a bleep life's a blank no life's a gift it's been given by God Almighty it was you that went into that egg it was you that came out of that womb you say well my mother never loved me but God left you have life you said when my dad wasn't there for me call no man on earth your father you have one father he's in heaven she lets get her eyes off these earthly things and let's start thinking a little different your life's here because God said so you say well I was conceived in rape I was conceived in fornication my mom was drunk she didn't even love the man you're here aren't you there's a time to be born BAM here you are don't you find your identity through what was on this earth find your identity through what was was from the beginning come on everybody in this room has life through Jesus Christ if they believe on him everybody's on purpose everybody's the will of God if you have life it's because God said so right now you got to repent and you got to come in to him and then through him to walk in what you're here for but everybody has an open door where God's concerned I don't preach this thing everybody's all okay no no some of us got to get out of the wrong believe and some of us got to get out of the things that are stealing away and stripping it's time for change come out of darkness into light that's not works and legalism there's a thing I see I'm created for and everything that doesn't fit that doesn't belong like honestly you don't know me really you just meet me and I know I seem a little excited I try to calm down so I can communicate I am I'm being I'm being just to you I'm Way more excited in my heart than you see because I'm serious like I don't know how to not be okay because I didn't wake up for anybody to do anything for me today I didn't wake up for one thing to go right I don't have a long prayer list of suggestions and things to God to make my day better my days amazing I woke up and he's inside me and I understand why I'm not here for you to do anything for me I'm here to love you that makes it pretty simple you can't break my heart now you can't hurt me you can't let me down I didn't put my expectation on you my expectations from the Lord well I'm having the time of my life for 23 years I'm either in the longest most incredible dream any man's ever dreamed or this is real so if I'm in a dream don't wake me up I'm having too much fun look it'd be one thing to put on a jacket and try to impress you and act this thing out and stand here and be all this and try to impress you the truth is I'm impressed with somebody that loved me when I was unlovely somebody that on my darkest day didn't lose sight of why I'm here and what I'm created for why because he's not personal and self-centered and so focused he's loved and he's my father yeah and I'm glad and proud to be his son yeah I'm just not gonna fight that and I'm not gonna let any devil talk me out of it Jesus shed his blood to redeem my life yay and I'm saying okay I'm yours so when I say I'm yours I deny myself so I realized man I'm done living for me watch this I'm not even a Christian for me do you make people are Christians for themselves for their game for their future do you re people become Christians so they go to heaven and don't go to hell that's why life feels like hell [Applause] because you're not a Christian for the reason he came he came to transform you he came to put his life inside of you he came to put his heart in his nature inside of you and I'm gonna talk to you I really am I know I'm gonna get to it you'll say we should get to it I'm gonna talk to you about how easy it is to begin to walk this thing out listen on the night I got saved I hadn't been to church for a long long time I quit going to church when I was between 18 and 20 by 20 it was official I never went back and and I just I was just a Christian because it was right and mom took me to church and he died on the cross to forgive my sin and I had to confess that I was a sinner and believe that so when he comes cuz he's comin you want to go to heaven that was all I knew growing up well that there was nothing about that that had the power to change my life it just was always about heaven or hell are you for him as usually men are you going to church or aren't you but I was still just as angry I was still just as frustrated I still the same desires as every young man ends up facing I quoted the quotes and prayed the prayer when I was 12 they baptized me but all I knew was he died on the cross to forgive my sins no no he died on the cross to redeem my life to restore truth back into me to put his image in me and to get me back to the beginning as if sin never happened yeah and then he's gonna rule this kingdom with a scepter of righteousness and through his blood caused me to stand right before God every day of my life it all sudden I'm not striving for perfection he completed me and all of a sudden this thing is great if you don't start where he finished you'll never run well it's the gospel it's liberating but said to James I said it's good tidings of great joy well where's the great joy in our lives we don't understand the good tidings we'll find an identity through ministry through our gifting through our calling through our friendships through what we're a part of instead of who's in us that's why we're let down by the things that we're trying to find ourselves through that's why we're hurt that's why people are just couraged be honest with me if you're discouraged where's your focus yourself and how things are affecting you and what it's putting in you in the middle of it how this is gonna cost you and and I thought you denied yourself for the sake of the kingdom I thought we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness I thought we loved not our own lives unto death I thought maybe we haven't heard the gospel this way I get countless people say man I've never heard the gospel the way you're preaching and I'm thinking why it's been this way from the beginning it's all through the book wonder if this self-centered twist somehow snuck in and Christianity's become more about us than him more about him taking care of us protecting us keeping us providing for us instead of us shining paul understood he said whether I have enough for don't it's the same I got it and I don't change whether I have what I need or have what I don't need or don't have what I need I don't change Holy Spirit tells me everywhere I go changed in prison to wake me but you know what none of these things are moving me because I don't count my own life dear man I'm gonna fulfill the reason he's inside of me that was Paul he didn't always understand that there was a time that he was asking the Lord to take the buffeting away take the persecution away every time I open my mouth stones and chains and whips and rods Jesus said look I told you the things you're gonna suffer for my name's sake I already let you know that my grace is gonna get you through you just keep preaching my gospel stop loving your own life go after this thing I'll tell you you living for you and me living for me it's the biggest dysfunction that's happening on the planet it's why life is so tough and we're so needy in that realm be honest to meet with me people in that room you are so needy your life is dependent on everybody else and I'm doing what you need well if Jesus lived that way on the earth he's in trouble Jesus wouldn't made it one day people are so fickle in that like like he comes from the wilderness and he opens the scroll in Luke 4 and he says the spear the Lord's upon me that had to be a good day Jesus the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he's speaking and the people are going and says every eyes fixed on him it's Luke 4 it's right there you can check it out I'm telling you the truth I'm just saving a little time if you need me to go right to every scripture I will I just won't get as much accomplished letting you know where it is it's Luke 4 it's right there he took the scroll the Spirit of Lord is upon me every eyes fixed on him they're thinking who is this dude whoa a little different than the Pharisees wow this guy's got Authority man I'm feeling something right here dude after a bit they go hey he's talking about us is he talking about he is talking about us killing a couple verses ago they're like whoa who's this guy man look at the Authority Wow couple verses later personal offended he's talking about us he's preaching at us I don't want nobody preaching to me let's push him off the cliff you guys are at CF&I man if that's your debut preaching and you had him captivated for about 2 minutes and then they realized you were peak preaching at them to help adjust something or change or increase some of their life they took a personal and they shouted you off the stage or threw things at you or somebody actually tried to push you off a cliff you're probably not ready to just jump right back in the saddle and you're probably debriefing and wondering where you went wrong when your motives pure you're you're pretty free when nobody owes you anything it makes you pretty untouchable like on the night Jesus was betrayed on the night he was wet don't think your bible doesn't say that on purpose he's teaching us on the night he was betrayed his idea of responding was lay down his life guess who helped betray him his own men that he invested into for years but when he rose from the dead he called him brother and not backstabbing two-faced whatever's why because he's Jesus because he's loved don't make him a special man or you can't attain to what he called you - don't say cuz he's Jesus that's religion it's because he's loved first Timothy 1:5 the goal of our instruction the purpose of the commandment is love if you don't have love you have nothing if we miss love we've missed the whole point of why he came he didn't come so you're loved by God he came so you and I become the love of God on the night he was betrayed he took bread and broken and he passed the cup and gave his life we got to make sure on the night were betrayed we're not crying calling a friend and asking for prayer wondering why if we're in covenant have favor with God he allowed them to do this to me and getting totally confused and deceived in our relationship with the Lord and somehow we think he's our survival kit instead of our answer for a new life are you with me come on guys are you with me cuz I'm telling you we can live this way it's not unreachable he wouldn't call you to it it takes faith and grace and those things are both available because everyone has the measure of faith and he's the God of all grace so I think we're okay so your good fight what's your good fight what's the good fight you're in the good fight of what so your fight is believing this truth in the face of every challenge believing this truth in the face of life itself your fight is not against the devil and it's certainly not people because your Wars not flesh-and-blood your good fight is staying in the truth where you're free in the face of everything so you shine through everything look if we go to church for the rest of our lives get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that never went to church we've missed something if we're broken like they're broken we have missed something if we fret like they fret we've missed something come on what good would it do to go to church for the next 35 years serving a ministry never miss a Sunday and even pay your tithe every week get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that doesn't even believe in God then we've been sold by religion and we're not for sale I'm called to shine a light come hell or high water it doesn't say when things are good I'm called to shine let your light so shine arise shine Church your light has come yeah so wonderful Christianity is as simple as letting the truth change your perspective and waking up with a different why a different reason for being wonderful Christianity is just getting your a motive your motive a line to truth and it's the single eye that brings light to all your body wonder if you have this man he gets laid off at work and he's a good church guy he's an elder in his church he actually goes to board meetings and he helps make decisions and he leads on Saturday men's prayer I'm not being facetious I'm being real so say this guy has all these titles and functions and he's a regular church he's known in the community he just got laid off from his job didn't see it coming falling apart frettin oh my gosh I got to pray he's calling prayer change he's all weeping in his car god I can't believe you let this happen to me how am I gonna pay my bills God you got to do something he calls his wife she falls apart there and all their friends to pray pray pray that's a normal Christian scenario breaks my heart that we actually think that's Christian all of a sudden all you do is just become what you're going through instead of become what he went through so you can respond in every situation like he does come on we let's not ever be reduced see the reason I'm talking like this so strong especially here is because if you're studying up and you get called into something and you're going to a nation you're going to a mission field you got a ministry working and you got CF&I in your background and you got all this teaching and training and don't understand this thing you will get wiped out in time people get on your nerves people who hurt you you'll wonder why it ain't working and I thought I was called your question and second-guessed and think this is Christian find your identity through your calling find your identity through your ministry find your identity through your anointing dangerous tragic don't ever do that people you find your identity through the Son of God you find your identity through right standing with the father you find your identity through acceptance and righteousness clean and holy and blameless and above reproach in his sight if indeed you keep believing that and don't let anything change your mind Colossians 1 yeah can you hear that everything I'm telling you has scripture wrapped all around it your identity is in him ministry is something you do the identity is something you become you live out of your being and then all you're doing is healthy and it'll stand the test of time you know why I'm so passionate and confident the gospel taught me one thing to wake up every day and know that nobody owes me a thing you're not gonna get on my nerves I have new ones I'm serious do you know what happened to me this morning my phone rang in my in my bedroom at 5 in the morning which isn't a problem I'm usually up really early I don't actually sleep that much I'm pretty alive sorry to sleep a long time for me when my phone rang at 5:00 it was my wife she was a little distraught there was a lady pounding on my door at my house at that hour in the morning desperate and desolate tracked me down through YouTube and found my address and was coming believing it was faith in God and and my wife was a little unsettled she didn't know the lady and the lady's threatening suicide and she can't bear it and she can't go on and I watched her husband on YouTube please she said he's not here he's out of town I said honey I'll call the home phone hand or the phone I got nothing but love for that lady do I encourage her to do it that way should she had done it that way do I need people knocking on my door at 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning no I don't think that's the answer I think we're so ministry minded we were ministry crazed we think we need ministry we need truth in relationship we need to know him I never read a scripture that says ministry makes you free if you don't stop believing the same things that are causing the problems you'll never see change I don't care how much you get prayed for it's just true guys if you don't let the gospel change the way you think how will your being ever changed look you're not conformed to the world you're transformed by the renewing of your mind look that up it means thinking like you've never thought before by the renewing of your mind so you can prove the good acceptable and perfect will of God he's invited you into his world his kingdom his realm he said I don't call you servants I call you friends cuz a servant doesn't know what his masters doing we're supposed to know the heart of the father in all this but you know what what would touch the lady the most on the phone about halfway through the conversation she began to cry and weep and say you have done nothing but love me and show patience and kindness on this phone I said that's because I know who you are I said that's not even a challenge for me honey it's not about are you kidding me this woman knocking on our door five g's crazy what is she doing how out of order she needs to get a grip see I know who she is on your darkest day God didn't lose sight of who you are on her darkest day she needs Christ - she doesn't need a frustrated preacher that travels the country and finds his identity in the pulpit I'm just telling you I don't try to live this way never once did I try it's what I believe I'm not trying to be a Christian I'm not even trying to do right I'm enjoying being loved by him I wake up accepted and received I don't try to please him he's please to love me that's amazing yay come on come on if I do survey you'd be amazed if you were honest how many hands will go up if I'd say how many of you have woken up and tried to do right do better and not sin and stuff like that you'd be amazed how many people raised their hand if they were honest you don't ever live that way that that produces condemnation it puts you in a test on your own test every day that you'll always be aware of what's wrong you'll never understand the growth and increase in maturity in your life you'll always be nitpicking you learn to be critical against your own self you won't even have a good view of yourself in timing and if you don't see yourself clear you won't see worthy of being in his presence so you won't have intimacy if you don't have intimacy you'll never get pregnant you'll never reproduce are you guys okay I'm not like freaking you out right come on then if you wake up and try not to sin you'll be sin conscious wonder if you wake up and enjoy being his what if you just wake up in the morning and say father thank you for today instead of god I hope you get me through today come on to scenaries remember the man laid off remember the man laid off crying prayer chains wonderful that same man gets that lay off thing and goes wow I never saw this coming Lord I don't know what I'd do if I didn't know you I'd probably be a mess I so appreciate covenant I so appreciate your love for me and my family you know my bills my situation I don't need to plead and supplicate and cry out all this stuff the truth is your for me and not against me I don't even understand this I don't know where I'm gonna go from here but I know it's gonna work out you'll give me wisdom I'll knock on some doors somebody will show interest I'll find favor I just thank you that my life is in your hand and my family and our well-being God's you are so good but the truth is we're gonna shine through every step of this why isn't that normal why do you become laid off instead of a son why do you become cheated on instead of found favor why do you become done wrong instead of done right why did we let what one man says and one man does decide our life when his name's not Jesus and then go to church and sing he's Lord and let everything else govern our life disposition and well-being come on I'm just here I'm not playing games with this I'm as serious as I can be man but you can tell I'm not overbearing I'm not mean I'm not harsh I'm having the time of my life and I want you to have the time of your life this thing is true and the just shall live by so you got to believe this thing and realize we were brought up in a lie we were raised in a lie and now the truths come so we come out of the darkness into the light we come out of the dark this into the life you get what it means you were brought up in the law trained by a lie your whole life and then the truth came and we beheld him in grace and truth he shot out a dry ground and we beheld him and he drought among us and I promise you he's not just my suffering Savior he's not my forgiveness of sins he's my friend he's my king he's my lord he's my model for life he's amazing he shows me how to live yeah he says follow me what an invite Matthew 16 If any man come after me letting the knowledge that he sin pray a prayer and get his name written in a book called life look I'm not against your name in the book called life I want it there I'm not against living forever I think that's incredible I'm against making that the goal of Christianity the goal of Christianity is not you going to heaven someday the goal of Christianity is your transformation yeah watch this he says you're either for me or either gathered to me or you you can totally see your need for Savior you can totally be sincere about forgiveness and pray for him to forgive you of your sins and actually weep in godly sorrow for the for the removal of your sins and have attitudes mindsets and beliefs that are totally detrimental to what he wants to do in your life through your life and around your life and your mindsets and your attitudes and your thoughts can actually work against his kingdom even though you're a part of it ain't that something you either for him or I love that don't you love that that there's no middle ground he takes away the middle ground before you're either thinking in a way that's productive and for him our thinking away that's putting pressure working against everything he's trying to accomplish I know people that God says through his word and through his son crucified this young ladies just did for she said man I want the love that looks like a cross and God there's no better example than that cross and I'm like yeah she's let's that's like that's my language I get that because I the measuring stick of God's love for me is Christ crucified not my circumstances how many Christians say man I thought God loved me well I don't know where God's love is in this well I don't know why I wonder if God even loves me and they're trying to find love through life instead of the giver of it if you don't settle on love being through the cross how could you ever get rooted and grounded in it and if faith works through love and you're not established in the love God has for you how's faith ever going to work clean you'll just be driven by need all the time and call it prayer you'll turn this book into a bunch of principles that we're trying to apply hoping they work instead of an introduction into covenant and love and oneness and unity are you with me okay that clock keeps ticking so I'm gonna try to go here to get some Scripture accomplished did we laughs are you guys are you guys clear with where I'm at right here and what the whole point of the cross is the whole point of the cross is you and me becoming love and being restored back to the very image of God and it's possible because of the same spirit erased him from the dead living in us yeah but Jesus asked you to deny yourself pick up your cross and follow him if you couldn't do you think he's sitting up there laughing like a hyena go and look they're actually trying it they think I was serious denying yourself is the biggest deal and it's not legalistic it's not rigid it's not it's it's realizing oh my goodness it's all about his kingdom in the highest sake of others and the way he loved me when I was unlovely I'm not regarding any man 2nd Corinthians 5 according to the flesh I'm gonna see men for what they're created for their value and their purpose I'm not gonna see men for what they're producing I'm gonna see men what they're here for and I'm never going to throw anybody away again cuz he didn't throw me away I'm not judging anybody again cuz he didn't judge except in righteousness so I'm going to see men for the truth not what they appear to be come on it's 2nd Corinthians 5 Paul said it's the love of Christ that compels us this is the love of Christ I love what this young lady said she said not a Hollywood love man and in that something just that steamy starry-eyed he likes no that's called insecurity identity crisis and you're going to get burned it's cheap and that means you're for sale and you're not for sale stop just stop hello oh but I just love her I just love him oh I don't know what I'd do without him there's only one that deserves that description hello I explained it yesterday we were all born into this loss of identity we were born into Adam guys you were born into Adam cut off from the source of love even though love loves you you're cut off from it you're separated from it and your identity is wrapped up in you and when we're born we don't know who we are so we're trying to find herself along the way and at a very young age you're nothing more than a product of how you responded to how it went down and most people don't do well very insecure very low esteemed very messed up identities look in the mirror and hate who they are so they need people to like them to prove they're likable because they don't like themselves and the problem with that is your to love the Lord with all your heart your soul in your mind and love your neighbor as your so if you don't see yourself clear how do you see others clear so how can you love your neighbor as yourself if you don't even love yourself if you're insecure if you have a low esteem if you have a twisted identity if you're still needy if you're in a ministry like this just looking for attention make sure that's never the case and if that is the case stop it right now and say wait a minute that is twisted man I've been insecure I've been riding my gifting I've been looking to be noticed I've been waiting for my chance I got my chance a long time ago when he moved inside of me I got nothing to prove I have the joy of becoming I don't need to be accepted I am and that's gonna put solidity in your life and your expression will be solid yeah and your heart will be done getting broken well the biggest things that grieves my heart in the body crisis even a lot of us leaders get tricked into our own experiences and we're following one another in life's pattern instead of him because if you can't see it in his life why is it okay in ours if he called us to follow him why is it okay why do we say well everybody's going to be disappointed brother everybody's going to get discouraged at times you'll never hear me preaching that I don't believe we have to be that way I believe we can grow up into him and all things to the full measure of the stature of who he is it says consider him Hebrews 12 3 consider him who endured such hostility against himself least you be weary and discouraged in your own souls what's he saying discouragements never heaven now if all your motivation is your ministry your calling you're destined to your future you'll probably bump into all discouragement but if it's all about love and love and others and laying down your life and not loving yourself you'll probably do just fine whatever I appear to you probably a little flaky I don't know but whatever I fear to you do you think I'm this way cuz everything's always going great for me and everybody's doing perfect and all my little ducks are in a row your Ducks are never in a row stop even believing for that it's like because it means nothing it means nothing you don't need people to do the right things for you to be right he did the right thing you've been made right in him come on when Jesus raised from the dead it's not a joke he said to Mary go tell my brother and that had been tough Evita said you go tell them low life weak-willed say one thing do another no-account disciples of mine that I got to talk to them saying no instead he walked in the room while they're in there in fear huddled in fear read it John 20 their huddled in fear they're not having a meeting guys they're afraid it's gonna happen to them next and he walks in the room through the wall apparently and he says peace to you why he just made peace through his blood he just took his blood to the heavenlies and Hebrews nine did man he just took it he said Mary don't cling to me I haven't yet ascended to my father he was so excited to take his own blood into heaven and put it on the mercy seat of me a priest between God and man where sin can no longer have dominion over you the law of the spirit of life in Christ make you free from the law of sin and death yeah where Christ in you the hope of glory could manifest yeah he said peace to you and they're all looking at him and he shows him his hands his side and they touch them felton went whoa and they were happy and glad that it was the Lord and the very next thing out of his mouth when they realized it's the Lord the second thing or the very next thing I was not the second time he said it but it's a different peace he said peace to you the second time right in John 20 it's right there in your Bible you can look at it right now while I'm talking into the chapter verse 2021 right in there he says peace to you the second time what's he do that for why is he saying peace to you the second time because he knows as soon as they realized it's him what's the first thing that bombarded their conscience how they betrayed him how they ran how they were cowards how they denied him how they loved their own life when they sat at supper with him and said they'd all die for it he's standing in front of them and they go it's you and the first thing that hits him is man we ran and he said peace to you so what's he saying by calling him brother and and saying peace to you he's saying I haven't changed my mind about one of you I haven't changed my mind about any of you I know what you're capable of I know your purpose your potential your destiny and I just paid a price and open the door now you guys got to get with it and live by faith man would you go into the nations and rock those nations and make believers of all men get out of here and go do it yeah who actually told him to wait in the city until the Holy Ghost comes on him but he told him to go after he comes right I got a little excited wherever he go this cab the cargo man just go so I got a little excited but but they had to wait for the empower the Holy Spirit to become a witness but he didn't say you need bootcamp you need another semester what he said is guys it's time to believe me and it's time to believe how I see you you're lacking nothing now believe it and when Holy Ghost comes you are definitely ready go change the world you know what he says right after that if you forgive the sins of any they'll be forgiven but if you retain the sins they'll be retained what's he talking about because you're left permission to retain sins there's nowhere in scripture that tells you to live in unforgiveness or to judge a book by the cover is there anywhere in scripture that tells you that retaining sins is cool then why is it sound like he's giving him an option he's not here's what he's saying if you go out and love them like I've just loved you in the midst of all their weakness and all their backwards and all their say one thing and do another if you go love man like I've loved you surely they'll know the way to me and know my love and forgiveness but if you let your hearts get hard shut up your heart and fail to walk in the love that I've loved you in how will men know the way to forgiveness why cuz you're the body of Christ you don't work for him you're his expression you're his body not his employee o your sons and daughters and he paid a price to put himself in you so what was the cross all about was the cross really about sin is about restoring purpose and value in destiny see the cross speaks more about our value than our sin he had to die to remove our sin I get it and it's scriptural but he didn't die cuz were sinners he died cuz we were lost sons and there's a higher truth to walk in nobody pays a high price for nothing unless they believe the purchased possession is worth the price so he shed the blood of his own son to show what he thinks of the purchased possession many sons my whole life I was taught that he died on the cross because I'm a sinner and we go at it from the depravity of man and try to get man to change and feel sorry for his depravity instead of be transformed by his goodness it's the goodness of God that leads men to change not the reprimand unschooled and unlearned and UNMISS understanding talking how to turn people say well it ain't all about the love of God it's about the judgment - and then they quote Old Testament Scriptures under the law you can't show me one scripture that tells me it's the judgment of God that transforms a life but I can show you it's the goodness of God that does for God so loved that he gave it doesn't say for God was that so which sends and so frustrated and so mad at humanity he finally sent his son he loved you on your darkest day honey on your biggest struggle in a season where your identity was struggling and you didn't feel good about yourself and you made bad choices stuff like that he says I love you I know who you are girl and I'm wooing you to my presence to my love into my kingdom and better yet I'm gonna put myself in you and you gonna shine yeah that's exactly what he says and he calls you out of darkness and put you into fight it's called born again and it's not a prayer to go to heaven how we ever bought into that I'll never be quite sure it's the transformation of life you don't put new wine in an old wineskin the wine skin becomes new so it can hold the wine you guys all right yesterday I felt like I opened a can of worms today I feel like I actually preaching really good right now I just do I just feel happy tomorrow but I won't show you Scripture and I want to show you how easy it is to walk this out okay go to Colossians chapter 3 with me please there's so many scriptures I could read right now that John 20:1 just racks me guys like do you know that when he said as the father sent me so I send you do you know he said that in John 20 when he walked in and said peace be unto you the second time then he said as the father sent me so I send watch up until then these guys didn't do one thing right and there's still his choice and he's still sending them guess what he did right after he said as the father sent me I send you guess what he did he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit you guys know that's in John 20 he breathed on them and said receive Holy Spirit that's not some charismatic he's not having an order call he's not like filled filled look why did he breathe on them why didn't he just say receive the Holy Spirit he holds all things together by the word of his power I mean he's the Lord it's by him that all things exist he could have said receive Holy Spirit he's the redemption of man he Redemption means brought back bought back to original value he redeemed man back to the beginning how did God make man a living being in the beginning what happened when Adam ate the tree of the knowledge good and evil he died so Jesus is the second breath of God to man he's the last Adam he's the restoration of life so what did Jesus do through his blood now that his blood speaking better things he comes into the room and says hey peace to you guys it's a wrap as the father sent me so I send that makes us one that means same as the father sent me I sin and then he goes why because through his blood they're being born again and they become living beings again and he takes him back to day one as if the day God breathed into Adam as if sin never happened because of the power of his blood and you think I'm gonna spend one minute thinking about sin I'm thinking about righteousness I'm thinking about the kingdom I'm thinking about the love of God I'm thinking about holiness and righteousness not trying to attain to those things walking in the things he attained and all of a sudden if I'm righteous conscious it produces its fruit to holiness without me trying to be holy yeah then all glory goes to God and I am what I am by the grace of God and I bet he gets all the honor and I'm just a believer I'm not a super Christian a hero a great Christian I'm a believer and I think that's what you are that's why you're here I'm talking to a whole room of believers so that's just keep believing the right things I let the ripe fruit be all over the street yeah he's amazing I'm a believer he's righteous I believe it yeah he loves me I believe it your fight is the good fight of faith you got to believe what he says and what he accomplished in the midst of being trained otherwise by life itself and we got to go back to the giver of it to find truth because in him is freedom are you with me okay so that's why he breathed into his disciples because he's taken him back to the garden and it was day one as if nothing happened in between and the trees still there and the serpent is still whispering in our lives and the knowledge of good and evil was still there guys follow him you're clean you're sanctified he's in us follow him oh yeah yak yak yak follow him yeah but Shh follow him but you don't know what I've been through what about what he's been through follow him but you don't know what it was like when I was growing up Shh stop finding your identities these things that aren't him look if we have to be so sensitive to all of our stories we're going to go through this room and find out who's been through the most hell and then what then turn up the instruments and sing it's all about heaven I'm confused look I'm sorry that we've walked in darkness I'm sorry people close to you and that you trust it broke your heart and did things wrong but God's teaching you how not to be broken I think we just think we get broke he heals so you get broke he heals we wonder if he teaches you how not to be broken I wonder if that's what it means when he says he heals the brokenhearted he puts a heart in me that's indestructible now and I guard it coz out of it flows the issues of life Wow you with me okay for the third fourth time I'm gonna try to get here quick I'm really running close now but I got a whole nother day tomorrow but no and I'm honored by that but I'm not sure you're so confident I'll get finished with this by tomorrow but I know one thing I'm not talking in riddles and you can hear plain what I've been saying and there ain't nobody in this room see I've said to the Lord and this would be a good advice for you in ministry down the road and you start groaning this and that this would be just just I don't really use this phrase but this would be healthy advice whenever you speak in front of people you have no need to preach you're not finding your identity through preaching you have something to say cause you've been with him a long time ago the Lord told me don't ever read your Bible to preach a sermon he said only read your Bible to know me and only ever preach out of Who I am in your life he said that's what we'll carry revelation in mark hearts and bring change don't just discourse and throw out theology and doctrine don't don't read your Bible to be doctrinal read your Bible to be changed and speak out of that change the Lord told me that a long time ago this is what holy spirits had me do he had me start praying this a long time ago I'm I kneeled during worship you guys just did a little opening song which is awesome this young lady got up and prayed it was beautiful and I paid attention and it was all good I was in the moment right but I slip on my knees and here's what I do what an honor to be here all these students god this is humbling this is amazing you know I have no need to be here I'm not finding my identity out of this I am just honored if anything I say helps empower imparts man so be it but Lord I'm gonna step up there they're gonna turn on this mic in a minute God if they handed you a mic in a minute and you stood there and faced this room you know the room what would you say let those be the only words that come out of my mouth so III I'm personally I'm not telling you to do this since I'm your leaders are sitting here so don't get nervous with you I personally don't prepare for a thing my preparation is my relationship and you'd be amazed what I'm prepared to teach right now if you'd ask me you get what I'm saying but this heart cry that's coming out of me I feel like I got this one little shot at you guys you know I'm honored to stand in front of you I really am and I got this one little crack at just influencing something in your life and and I feel like wow God say what you would say and I think I'm feeling the passion of that the excitement of that the intensity of that the seriousness of that and yet it's not overwhelming it's not condemning you it's right and that's just a good thing so when you speak and always ask him to say through you exactly what he'd say if he had the mic and I know that sounds like a religious kind of prayer like of course you'd put that no no you're praying that relationally and you so mean it because you have no need to get in front of people and preach see I have known III preach with my life everywhere I go my lie I'll preach to a tree I just I just dude you're amazing look at you here your bark is so unique I would wave my branches too if I were you works up there man worship it I just I'm just telling you I just I'm gonna walk in love I'm gonna be free and I'm not gonna let life decide how I'm doing I'm gonna let who gave me life decide how I'm doing okay so Colossians 3 we're not going to get to till tomorrow but I am gonna read it tomorrow and I'm gonna just get right up here and jump right in it but I want to do this I want to back you up a second just back you up and I'm gonna close with this Ephesians 4 would you back up it's not too far away just a couple steps backwards now don't do that in your life just do that today in your Bible he talks about giftings in the body of Christ listen for a long time we've misunderstood the giftings in the body of Christ we recognize an anointing we put them on a platform call it a conference and expect that anointing to minister to everybody instead of train equip and empower and let the grace on their life be the grace in our lives like you might not all be a prophet but you can all walk in a faucet of prophecy you can all have a word for your coworker for your friend or a person down the street you might not walk in the office of a prophet but through the office of the Prophet you can receive an impartation of a grace to prophesy you get what I'm saying ok you guys get that so the whole goal of the gifting isn't to build a conference around so that gifting ministered us we all get a word and we're all pulling on the Lord for a word like today what's the ministry today it's the Ministry of the word it's the truth that makes us free it's God convicting in us with the word in our hearts that we can become that we're called to you don't need any other word right now you see what I'm saying so the highest anointing that I'm walking in right now is an impartation of truth that can bring freedom to your life if you say yes you get it it's not always about this hands late on road I'm not against lie I love the way God moves but I think we get ministry driven we're looking for feelings encounters I want relationship I want to know him because eternal life is knowing him I want to lay on my bed when nobody's looking and know that I have access to him and he's right there and actually believe that I want to know him I don't want to experience him I want to know him because when I know him I promise you I've experienced are you getting you that okay don't be a concubine you know what a concubine is in the Old Testament they minister to the king and they wait on the King and they're in the courts of the king and they're around the king and every once in a while the King calls their name into his chambers and they brush against his glory for a night that's a concubine you're called to be the bride I'm looking at the Queen you don't serve the lord and bump into him now and then you're his bride so let me read this quick and I know I'm got one minute I don't do well with timeframes I really don't because I don't know how to land so I stop you know this says their giftings is for the equipping of the Saints verse 12 for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body Christ now watch how the gospel talks about life change I'm just going to read through this I'm gonna close we're gonna pray till we all come to the unity of the faith ain't that something the unity of the faith one faith what's that mean no matter where you live what you're called to what your ministry Falls it we all wake up for the same reason we wake up to shine we wake up to be like him period that's what makes us one look in all our diversity in this one room there's no way to walk in one faith unless faith is all glavine for the same goal and that's his image I'll explain it more tomorrow watch this the unity of faith the knowledge of the Son of God into a complete man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we should no longer be tossed to and fro and carried about by wind and doctrine and trickery of men and all that deceitful stuff that's out there in the craftiness but speaking the truth in love may grow up in all things into him who is the head and he's Christ from whom the whole body joined and knit together every joint supplies according to the effective working by which every part does its share causes growth to the body for the edifying of itself in love this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that you should no longer walk as the rest of the people that don't know God in the futility of their minds their understandings darkened their alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that's in them see you're not ignorant because of the blindness of their heart who being past feeling have given themselves over to what they're not here for right lewdness uncleanness greediness but you have not so learned Christ if indeed you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that you would put off concerning your former conduct the old man which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put on this new man who was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness therefore because this is true pull away put away lying and let each of you speak the truth was his neighbor and we're members of one another be angry don't sin don't let the Sun go down on wrath give no place to the devil let him who stole steal no longer but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give him who has need watch this I'm getting somewhere let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hear don't grieve Holy Spirit of God he is who you're sealed by for the day of redemption let all bitterness all wrath and all anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away notice he didn't say manage it put it away from you with all malice be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God in Christ has already forgiven you therefore be imitators of God as dear children walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God a sweet-smelling aroma I'll stop there do you see that this gospel calls us calls us to something calls us to become something I've travel all over the country people come and they gather and they fill in the place fills up now people know my heart by now that come that know who I am that comforter but a lot of people don't understand and a whole guest speaker what's he walk in what follows his life is he gonna pray for everybody and they come for what God can do for them instead of how God can make them more like him if you let that be your everyday motive and wake up to be more like him and wake up believing that nobody owes you a thing and god I just thank you that you're working something in me that's so amazing that you're causing my life to look more and more like you and I so appreciate what you're doing in my life if you camp there now I'm gonna nail it tomorrow I promise cuz it's my last time and day and I have to nail it but I'm just setting it all up and I just cried my heart out today and I'm thankful that you're patient that you've listened to me can you stand your feet I'll pray over you guys and and there's some gentlemen here some of your leaders that had asked me if I join them for lunch and want to get to chat know each other so if you could kindly just let me slip out with them I would you saw yesterday I don't know if you left or not but if you stayed I'm a patient I love people I was here - a little after one just talking to students and but today I have a little different schedule they got some lunch set up and we're gonna go hang out a little bit okay so I'm just asking you to honor that I'm gonna make my way out here when we're done you're all ready to pray okay so the biggest deal is that you don't just listen to me pray or or get used to these corporate settings where somebody just closes out in prayer but engage your heart what a good time right now to just be one with him and just acknowledge your heart and even if you're hearing what I'm saying and you're a yes just telling that Lord you already know it but I'm a yes for my own concert sake man I'm into this thing on I want to live this way I don't want to be hurt and broken and let down and insecure and all the things that I thought was normal man I'm addressing that I don't think it's normal man I think there's change for me I think there's new life I think I can follow you I'm going after you I want to live this way God you can do that while I'm praying and I'm telling you grace is gonna come on our lives so father we just come to you right now and we just thank you for the glorious gospel that sets men free it is good tidings of great joy it is joy unspeakable it is life and life more abundantly and everything in your scripture talks about dramatic transformation and change so Lord we recognize today that we grew up and were homeschooled in the wrong home but we're born again we're not of the world we're in it but we're not of it and we're not conformed we're transform we're thinking like we've never thought before and I thank you for many of these some of these thoughts in the last two sessions are new thoughts and they're inspiring thoughts convicting thoughts but thoughts that will help us grow so Holy Spirit I'm asking you to mark every heart with this truth and if anyone in this room would think anything else I pray that you yourself would bring it to their attention and guide them into this vein of understanding and Lord God I thank you that you're the Redeemer of time the time wind slipped by that we don't have to say well in five years I'm still work-in-progress god I thank you that even though we're always growing and maturing you're doing a work in us now and you're causing us to see truth now and you're bringing change now and our lives are shining now I just thank you God that you're doing this thing I'm excited about it I'm glad to be a part of it right in the middle of it and I'm thankful for all these people in front of me here that have the same heart so god bless them let your grace rest abundantly above upon them and Holy Spirit I ask you to keep them in this truth in every way in Jesus name Amen amen I love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow at 11 bye-bye
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 13,874
Rating: 4.8627968 out of 5
Keywords: Dan, Dan Mohler, Todd, Todd White, Grace, Grace Of God, Salvation, Born, Born Again, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Counsel, Counselling, Past, Living in the past, Deny yourself, Image, God’s Image, Image of God, love, Becoming love, need love, Heart, Pure Heart, Keep your heart pure, Light, God’s light, Your light has come, Let your light shine, loved by God, The Heart Of The Father, Farther's heart
Id: yTYPgaklfkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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