Dan Mohler - Live by the Spirit @ Without Walls Church - June 2019

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everybody good you sound good isn't worship fun together I enjoyed I come in and if you guys are already all down front Jesus doesn't mind I mean there's a place to really give your heart to him and I do that here but I enjoy looking around sometimes I just the guys I saw this one little girl she was just the only one in the room in her heart mind she was just and I dismounted Smee I looked around I just really appreciate it this morning appreciated the whole weekend it went so fast I'm grabbing a plane kind of early in the afternoon here but uh it's my last crack at you guys so so we better make it good know this kid doesn't pull out the sword right now it and I'm way up here I'm gonna have to really reach but uh what a fun weekend he just nutshell if you weren't here actually all we really talked about is the purpose God sent his son the purpose God sent his son isn't just to forgive your sins and take you to heaven someday when you die and now you're holding on tight trying to get through life and use God to do that he becomes your life he changes your motives your perspective your reason for being guys the gospel is not a survival kit we're not trying to get by we're not trying to survive we're not praying so everybody treats us nice it's we're seeking him to become more of who he is in and through our lives so that our light so shine before men without us even trying to be evangelistic we're just changed we think different we believe different we wake up for a different reason all the sudden we've realized we read the scripture and it says that no man owes me anything in the sense that I owe no man anything but to love so if I owe no man anything but to love then no man owes me anything because love doesn't seek its own so all the sudden I'm on the earth to love not to be loved to love and I find that in Scripture and I find that's what Jesus was and that's what Jesus modeled and that's what Jesus called me to follow so all the sudden I realized the goal of our instruction is love first Timothy 1:5 and it comes to a pure heart a clear conscience and a sincere and unfeigned faith so the pure in heart shall what the pure in heart so what see God if it wasn't possible to live with a pure heart he wouldn't call us to it so there's just some things we talked about this weekend about denying yourself and what that really looks like and not having self interest in everything we do and seeking first the kingdom of God and and and putting off the old and everything we were trained by and everything we were taught by and recognized and that was the wisdom of the world that was the way that seemeth right to a man I mean if he called me out of darkness and into the light something about the way I process has to change I can't wake up for me anymore I have to think for his kingdom I have to think for the well-being of others if I just think for me no wonder I'm discouraged depressed full of anxiety looking over my shoulder wondering and fretting why because I'm to have my own interest in hand I'm not thinking for the kingdom I'm not even thinking for the sake of others I'd rather have the green light I'd rather have the better parking spot I'd rather have the favor and call it a kiss on the cheek wait a minute what about everybody else what about Christ in me loving the world around me come on this thing is not so you get a fair shake you got more than a fair shake you've been forgiven everything you've ever done everything you've lived outside of him has been washed away through the blood of His Son Jesus and now he put new life inside of you so you can live a new life not the same life you're not incorporating Jesus into your life he becomes your life yeah so that changes things - all of a sudden I have to challenge hurts and offense and unforgiveness and the way that seemeth right to man he said she said well I wouldn't be if they didn't want her I got a challenge all that because none of that produced his life and I can't find any of that when I look at him and he asked me to follow him and all the sudden I didn't I realize I didn't learn that from him I didn't learn it from him I never saw it in him so I didn't learn it from him so if it had learned it from him where'd I'd learn it and he said call no man on earth your teacher because you have one you don't have to you have one you don't have to you have one and he's the Christ so if I didn't learn it from him where learning how about this phrase if I didn't learn it from him where in the world did I learn it time to come out of Darkness come into the light the need to be right you need to have your way expectations on others coming to church to find your identity through people you only ever be as strong as the weakness around you people will let you down and fail you and sometimes they won't even try sometimes you're so needy you'll read into things you'll just get hurt because you're touchy we gotta call it dead you do not find your identity through a group of people you find your identity through Christ and the gospel the gospel teaches you to be complete in him and full in him so that when you come into a room like this you're lacking for nothing he's your Shepherd and you shall not want you're not looking for attention you're walking in love you're living but he can't come to a church like this and test the atmosphere and then in church shop and see if you liked folks and then leave and say well it wasn't very loving it should have been you were there come on we just lived a certain way we've been tricked into a lot of things we don't realize how much we find our identities through each other how we want to be a part of something to become something no he comes inside of you to make you something you wake up in the morning and and I'll just say this plane I'll probably say a lot here I I'll be gracious with time don't get worried he gave me freedom I'll take it but I won't abuse it it's Sunday morning we're not here to be here all day that's not what marks a spiritual how we live out the word is what marks the spiritual how we live by the spirit how we heed the voice of God that we make sure we don't harden our hearts like they did in the wilderness when the Lord spoke but we hear him and obey yeah that's what marks the spiritual that you walk out of here and pursue mercy that you pursue peace that you pursue love that you release the people you've been hard towards that you changed the way you see them and change their identity and destiny in your eyes because they're a whole lot more than they even understand and because God knows that he hasn't changed his mind and love has never failed just don't forget that while we were yet sinners not why we would start to get it right while we were yet sinners God sent his son and if he sat back and looked and said were you here it take me you get on my nerves and if you didn't change by now you ain't changing at all we'd all be in trouble but because God looked at us and saw us for what we were created for and saw us for our purpose and solace for our potential and never changed his mind about our creative value in him and why he put us here love has never failed and Christ was crucified and we can all step back in to that truth if we just understand it believe it's called born again come on is our motivation really to get to heaven someday is our motivation to get heaven back inside of us so that the kingdom of God can be right here at hand that his will can be done on earth as it is in heaven Christ in me the hope of glory come when these scriptures have meaning and they're all in there for a purpose he did not die on the cross to take you to heaven someday when you died he died on the cross to put truth back in you put his life back in you and get you back on track and back into purpose and make you one with the eternal one and of course you'll never die because you were never made to die from the beginning so he redeemed the whole package and gave it to you that's not missed this let's not make it all about me and catching a break and getting a blessing do you know how many discouraged people go to church because we don't understand why God sent his son let me challenge you this morning you can't be discouraged unless your focus is on yourself your circumstances what it's costing you and what you have to do now because of this that or the other and if people are involved now your hearts even hardened you're mad at them and it's their fault and now you're a million miles away from the very heart of God that saved you from your sins how's that for straight talk look I've lived deceived enough in my life and I've hated enough in my life and I've been selfish enough in my life now the truths come and lights come and I finally understand freedom and they put me up here and give me a mic I'm gonna talk about it I'm gonna speak it from the rooftops and cut into religion and cut up this stuff that's a form of and not the power of all the sudden you can sing and wave two hands and do the flag thing and you still got animosity in your heart towards your spouse and that ain't cool and it doesn't reveal God and it messes people up and it's messing you up so I'm gonna talk about these things I'm not gonna point you out I'm going to say if it's you and the slipper fits kicked the thing off don't be sittin Arella and wear it kick it all and say that ain't my shoe to wear I was not made for animosity I was not made for rightness I was not made to be right I was made to be found right in the sight of God and I was made to live by his spirit and to make peace and walk in love and that ain't weak and that ain't a pushover that's Jesus yeah come on you ever get stripped naked and crucified for doing everything perfect you did things somewhat right and it was called wrong and you freaked out yeah come on when I got accused of something that I didn't say or do and they said that's what I meant and I didn't mean it I freaked out why cuz it's all about me and I'm mad that you're thinking that about me and judging me and not seeing my heart and Jesus did everything flawless and perfect and got treated like he was completely wrong and he never said a word I don't know about you but I'm gonna follow that which is in the end that's all that's going to matter and faith believes that and one day I'm going to stand before him and look into his fiery eyes and amazing eyes full of life and glory and I sure don't want to be going oops Jesus leave gym or if it wasn't for so-and-so well why didn't you answer my prayer I mean if it wasn't for my spouse you know I tried I tried Lord you ain't even gonna be able to think that looking in the light of truth you just come go oh I believe lies I justified my flesh and I missed the mark of why I was here and I never walked out the things of the Spirit I did Church but I didn't become her I went to church but it was never who I was Wow and then hopefully you'll just cry and he'll drive every tear because he's merciful you just won't have a legacy like you could have but he'll still love you and hug you and receive you because he's amazing I don't know what that all looked like but I know I don't want to look in his eyes and go oops I know if it doesn't work then I don't want to let it work now if I won't be able to say it in that day why can I say it now and make it work and by time that I don't have to give redeem the time the days are evil we're in the world were not of the world he who loves the things of the world does not have the love of a father India and the things of the world the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh and the pride of life if you live in to be somebody in the eyes of men you're way off track if you're posting things to get a lot of thumbs up you better re-evaluate you got one big thumbs up where it matters you ought to be glad you know the old Roman days the Emperor you ought to be bad to God the universe Dinko you got the best like forever and you weren't even living likable and you stood before him and they stand there like this in the Roman days and everybody's holding their breath and the guy on his knees is like what's it going to be and God's not even thinking about it why because no matter where you've been no matter what you've done he knows who he created you to be and he knows what you'll look like if you ever get this and you surrender and he knows that loving you is where it's at because you have purpose you have potential and you have destiny right in front of you and on your darkest day he never lost sight of that and love has never failed on your deepest journey of rebellion and willfulness he said you're so much more than that you have such a greater purpose and I'm going to keep loving you and one day you'll see that sure beats being ticked off frustrated getting under his skin and him giving up on us that's what we've all done to each other we hear somebody's name we haven't seen him for four years we hear their name and all we think of is the thing we don't like about him and that's how we identify we ain't done nothing right and he sees us for how he made us you think I understand this that I'm gonna have an attitude today he said she said tit for tat and I feel no friends I'm a believer I'm a Christian and I'm gonna follow him and tomorrow ain't the right day either does the gospel taught me this one thing if you can learn this one thing through this one session it'll pay great dividends if you just get one thing out of all I say this morning you just take this with you it will make such a difference in your everyday life you let the gospel teach you and through prayer you wake up and you establish this by saying it pin it on your mirror do whatever you got to do but get it in your heart this one thing that every day you wake up nobody owes you a thing that would challenge every hurt every offense every failed expectation it would take all the lines away and not the chips right off your shoulder nobody owes me a thing why cuz I owe no man anything but to love and it was the father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom so he gave me all things so I'm completing him so now I'm not driven by need so now I wake up in the morning and I actually don't need you for me to be okay I need you to lock arms with me and be an army rising up and run this race and overtake the earth with his love and glory I need you to run with me but I don't need you to know who I am or be encouraged and because I don't need you to know who I am and be encouraged on finally position to love you because now you can't disappoint me hurt me break my heart and I don't have inner Turkey issues and I'm not Church shopping because I'm hurt and pastor is this and elder so-and-so is that and oh the devil's in that place no you're being real deceived he's a lot closer than that [Applause] you wake up in the morning nobody owes you a thing you'll finally understand what freedom is that we sing about Jesus never said if any man come after me let him pray a prayer that qualifies him for heaven he said if any man comes after me which I love that because everybody's invited If any man the word man means human all inclusive it's not gender if any man woman child come after me let him first deny I'm concerned we don't preach that I'm a concern because people have been legalistic that we pushed that out of the message because we don't want people to hear us legalistic so we just make it beneficial hey if you hit a tree on the way home do you know where you're going if not pray this prayer that's how we present the gospel it's never how Jesus presented the gospel jesus said this thing will cost you what you never were in the first place life for yourself so you can get back to why you're here in the first place Christ in you the hope of glory what's the first thing a Christian has to do if he's going to follow Jesus deny himself why if you read Genesis one man wasn't made for himself he was made for the image of God but because we compare ourselves among ourselves and we'll weigh ourselves by our own track record we forfeit grace and life change and transformation so we think we are who we've been instead of who we can become so instead putting off the old and putting on the new we hide behind language and we do church and the whole time we can become her not being mean I'm not being judgmental there's too many schisms among us sometimes there's too many inner issues there's too many people jumping ship and skipping and hopping and hurt 90% of counseling and pastoral counseling is people struggling with each other and it proves we do not understand why God sent his son and somehow we think it all revolves around me and we're all caught up in God loving me in a superficial way to feel special because we don't feel special God loving me but it's not stopping with God loving me it's me becoming that same love see the finished work of the Cross is not when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven the finished work of the cross is when his nature's restored back to love because then he's back to the beginning and then Redemption has its way and you bought back to original value your confession to go to heaven doesn't change lives your love does your promotion and your income increase and your provision and protection doesn't change lives it just blesses you as an individual that's not the goal of your Christianity the goal of your Christianity is walking in love the goal of your Christianity is going to work with an attitude that Jesus would have if he was in your shoes and he is the goal of Christianity is being betrayed and not living like you were betrayed if God lives like he was betrayed he would need some serious counsel on the night Jesus was betrayed he didn't tremble in his bottom lip and cry and say how can you do this to me he didn't say I've been there for you all this time pouring out my life I mean I came from heaven into Mary I became a man trying to help you don't you get it no you guys are doing this buckin per visit for position and you say you're gonna die for me hey what are you ready to die for me when I could strike you're all running you're out of here bunch of losers see we didn't learn that from him because we never saw that in him this is how you know if you know him not believe he died on the cross not go to church not do daily vosen this is how you know you know him but on the night you're betrayed you don't call a friend crying and tell them all about it because you've already laid down your life that's how you know you know him I'm not talking about serving in ministry feeding the hungry and giving showers to the homeless that's all good but you only know that you know him by your love that's the Bible it says he who loveth is born of God and knoweth God he who loveth not just doesn't know God doesn't say you don't lead worship doesn't say you don't light in it generates peak doesn't say you don't go on a mission trip annually but it does say if you don't love there's one reason not to you don't know him like you could and this is eternal life that you might guess what we've turned to turn a life into a prayer that benefits me instead of a truth that transforms me be real careful you didn't get seduced by religion in this hour be real careful you don't end up in a group with tickled ears be sure that every morning you wake up you be with them that you don't let church attendants take the place of knowing him you don't let your service in ministry take the place of knowing him you don't let your Tristan t-shirt ringtone screensaver and bumper sticker take the place of knowing now this is eternal life that you might know him the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ whom he said which tells him I can't know him without becoming more like him is if you don't love you don't know him not saying you don't see your need for Savior and weren't sincere and didn't get your sins forgiven not saying your name's not in the book of life but is that really our goal our name in the book of life or is our goal becoming what he created us to be in becoming what he paid for so how's the world benefit if you have eternal life and you're still angry at your boss and you still shut down your spouse somehow we got tricked into preaching a gospel that benefits me without transforming me deny yourself take up your now your father in Jesus once pick up your cross you never let sin against you produce sin in you you never repay evil with evil you overcome evil with good it's you you toned down a harsh word with a kind word you give your shirt and your tunic you go an extra mile because you've already laid down your life that's called carry your cross could you imagine Jesus thinking like we've been taught to think having the feelings we've been tricked into having through the motives we live by do you understand your emotions were not given by God the ones you grew up with were not from the Lord do you get that people say well God gave us emotions stop giving him credit for the chaos we grew up with God didn't make you to be angry frustrated jealous in unforgiveness antagonized ticked off competitive he didn't make any of that we became that when Adam got separated from God and we were all born into Adam so what was created to love became in need of love because it was cut off from the source of love so we were all born into the need of love from the time you can remember you needed support valued attention and people get crushed in that arena they'd either be I'm broken and introverted and insecure or hard and a fighter by a very young age you're nothing more than what you became through how you responded to what you've been through and your story becomes your identity not the truth of why you're here that's why people cling to their past so tight because it's the only place they'd ever found any sense of identity whether good or bad it's all they know about them and in the gospel you gotta call that dead you got to come out from that you got to put that off and you're gonna put him on old things passed away behold all things become new I'm not a little boy that was touch strong anymore I'm not a guy that didn't have a daddy that was there for me and had an alcoholic father I'm not a guy that lost the mother after 40 years of sickness I'm a born-again spirit filled man without his hues I don't have issues I have the kingdom of God on the inside of me and I finally understand why mercy woke me up this morning because it gave me one more day to shine to walk in love and live by the Spirit and be more like him and if I love him I'll live what he says yeah come on I'll start to feel the gospel a little right now I've been trying to be behaved for you I didn't want to scare nobody but you looked a little scared in the beginning so I said okay we'll just we'll just calm down down just relax see cuz I look intense to you I know I do people tell me all the time I can feel it on me I can feel him I face but I'm ten times more right now on the inside than you're seeing it's I'm serious I believe discussable he shed blood for me the god of the universe reduced himself in my eyes reduced himself made the sacrifice to become a fetus in the womb of a woman hung out there for nine months the god of the universe put himself inside the womb of a woman to become a man to fulfill what man failed to redeem my life when you think I'm gonna get a hurt by you and get my feelings offended are you kidding me the God of the universe put himself in a woman and fulfilled what man's failed and said hey follow me I think I'm gonna I know I'm gonna you're not gonna find me down and out forlorn and tell in my store because right now I'm telling my story this is my story this is my son this st. my story well born in 61 grew up in the city had a rough experience with a babysitter I don't know why God let that happen my dad always drinking never there for me I mean that's why I drink cuz he drank no that's a good reason not to drink well I just smoked pot because it was in the house all the time my parents always smoked it probably a good idea not to them what did it do to your family why do we need excuses to be the same when you're called for more and then we say well it's a generational curse no it might be a willful decision [Applause] you can't say whoa it's all I know we can't say that because he's knocking on the door of your heart he wants to introduce something new as soon as you open it he'll come in and sup with you this thinking about a confession pastor is this thinking about oh I prayed the prayer know I became something different I remember the day I prayed to prayer no I remember the day I gave my life and he took it over it was 1995 and I'll never be the same I've never been the same since I'm more passionate and intense than I was then she well brother things wear off life gets to you time has a way of toning you down [Music] says who your experience everybody else's you try to tell Jesus that and talk him into that could you picture Jesus offended could you picture Jesus carrying the cross and he's beat beyond description they're still spitting on him it's pretty it's pretty degrading he's God he doesn't have to be there but I guess he does cuz he's loved because he can't change his mind he doesn't have options he doesn't seek his own so he can't be hurt by men cuz he loves men he can't be offended because he's loved it's not because he's Jesus it's cuz he's loved if it was cuz he's Jesus then I couldn't follow him but if it's cuz he's loved I could could you picture and get an analytical can you picture him second guessin I've heard preachers say you can tell how God loves us cuz he could have come off that cross and he chose not to he could have come down from that cross and he chose not to where do you find that he could have come off that cross love never fails he's he's that change in his mind the forest he said saved others listen how men think saved others can't even save themselves he's not here to save himself he's gonna save them and us saved others can't even save himself let him come down from the cross a few years three years he said he's the son of God oh he is he wasn't coming down wasn't an option he's not sitting there thinking should astronauts on shore attempted you spit on me one more time you hit me with one more stick and I'm telling you you just at this pond so far I'm just about done Lord if they just look at me wrong at this you see how silly it is when you put Jesus in that it sounds hilarious it sounds silly if it's in your life because you're made for His image and you're called to follow him and as he is so are you in this world and the things he does you'll do if you believe in your predestined to be conformed to the image of his son and he's the firstborn among many need any more scripture see I read this book right here and it showed me the way it really is and it trumped the way that seemeth right to a man so those feelings that want to come up and tempt you to be hurt and offended they get crushed by this higher truth you know sudden I realized I ain't got the same platform the same runways aren't in my life so we don't have the same flight numbers we don't have the same yeah could you picture this going up the hill and he just can't take no more and all the sudden he just dropped us across he just says I can't do this anymore are you kidding me look what they're doing to me look look what they've done to me Father you know all I've ever done is good from the time I've been here I've done everything you've said I've healed the sick of cleansed are lepers I've raised their dead I fed their bellies if they didn't change by now they're not gonna change remember Capernaum I mean I there wasn't one person left sick and all they're trying to do is figure out what Devils possessed me these people are locked man I am NOT going through with this Barabbas they're screaming Barabbas Barabbas he killed a man he killed a man Lord I raised the dead and they want to do this to me he's in prison for conspiracy I'm trying to make peace and I'm the bad guy I've had enough these people are nuts and I ain't dyin could have been his story but I guess they couldn't have been not because he's Jesus coz he's loved don't you miss the point the goal of our instruction it's love not a sinner's prayer we go for instruction it's love not a sinner's prayer every person on the earth could pray the sinner's prayer in the world won't change but if we become loved it has to be well I just won't make it to heaven brother stop you don't even know what you're saying die to that some people Frank God it's getting darker why aren't you coming I thought you would come by now it's getting darker Lord you got to come the Bible says he ain't coming cuz he's waiting for one more to change and be saved and you're praying to get out of here you're looking for a great escape you know what you're saying you said hey look if they didn't pray the prayer by now that's on them at least operate the prayer come and get me man I happen with me to hell with the rest of these people I can't take much more and you think that spiritual that's selfish and deceived you're supposed to wake up every day and shine there's a light and live in the spirit and walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh and over a man starts with the reality of the love of God not begging to get out of here and escape and God you gotta get me a new job I can't stand my co-workers if you love me you'll give me a new job no if you love you'll see your co-workers different and you won't want a new job you won't want to run an escape you'll remember these words forgive them father they don't know what they do oh they know what they do they do it on purpose they they they antagonizing me they just push in my buttons well why don't you go but unless it's like a lady come up to the order on a Sunday morning to my pastor she's really buttering him up she said pastor you spiritual man when you pray God just moves you I just need you to pray with me he's is this okay and she's really buttering him up he said she was really complimenting him he wasn't making fun of her he just telling me a funny story he said she said I need you to agree with me for my husband she said that man he won't come to church he makes me so angry he just does everything in his power to get on my nerves and to get to me he has learned how to push every one of my buttons and he does it on purpose and I just want to pray that God calm and just make him change just knock him off the horse just change his life would you pray with me what pastor goes I'll tell you what I think I have a different line of prayer I want to pray over she says what is it pastor because God hears you when you pray what do you want pray I want to pray that you go buttonless [Laughter] if you be an okay depends on somebody else treating you different it's idolatry Jesus isn't even Lord and now here only as strong as men's weakness and you're only as good as your being treated and rather than as good as he is in you and all of a sudden life is speaking louder than truth and what matters most ain't even considered cuz you're letting all this matter more I don't think this is unreachable I think in that day we'll find that this was very reachable if we really live surrendered and have communion with God but I look for the day and I'm going to keep preaching til I see the day when we gather in houses like this without offense without judgment without anxiety and fear and despair and discouragement because life has lost its voice and power because the giver of it is who reigns in our lives and all of a sudden we ain't prayin for a better day we're living for a transformed one and all of a sudden come hell or high water we don't change because we shine if people do me wrong and I do them right people do me right and I do them right people betray me and I walk in love people don't betray me and I walk in love how you doing brother doing great man life is good in God that sure beats well really going through and it just keep me in prayer brother and all of a sudden we give ourselves away when you ask us how we're doing we share our two biggest challenges and throw in and keep me in prayer and all of a sudden we've revealed that we're only doing as good as it's going instead of as good as he is in me and why come on you cannot hear what I'm saying it's too simple an eight-year-old could understand what I'm saying and it's all Scripture I've tied it in with lots of Scripture so that was our last two services so I just recap them so now I'm going to start kidding I'm kidding let me close with this let me close to this the only way you're going to live this life is relationship with him it's Holy Spirit changing your life you have to be willing you have to be willing to lay down your life you have to throw away your rights how can we deny ourself and still have so many rights I'm confused confusions not of God I shouldn't be confused but I'm confused how can we have so many rights when we've denied ourselves and we seek first the kingdom why is it always he said she said not feel relation that well they should have known better when they were safe longer than me well honey sometimes it's like we're looking for trouble how wonder if you woke up every day in your marriage and you actually believed in your heart your spouse didn't know you let's play a bigger picture wonder if your spouse actually grew into that revelation and your spouse believes the same thing heaven would probably be in your home like you wouldn't have theology and plaques that quoted scripture he would be there Jesus your kids would probably your children would grow up to know that God is instead of know about him because if you take your children to church and you don't pursue Christ likeness and live Christ likeness when you leave all you're doing is teaching your children Christianity is attending a church but you have the great privilege making him known even to your children and everyone around you you have this great privilege of becoming something not serving something becoming something that cannot be denied that's how you teach your children the way to go and when they grow old they won't depart because they had it right in front of them and deep in their heart they know they don't know that's just beats freaking out you said and I'm so mad at you why can't you listen to me you're gonna respect me boy I've told you once I've told you a hundred times get to your room mom dad get to your room and inadvertently in their little minds somehow they think God's the same way and they see that look in your face and somehow they think it someone is you have this great privilege of making him known but if you don't know him how can you make him know and if all you relate to is the way we've all been then how can who he is become relevant in your everyday life if you say stuff like yeah but brothers sometimes I mean we all have our moments and you know we're all just and all of a sudden we find our truth through each other instead of through him and deny grace that changes us I promise you I didn't wake up to fail today I didn't wake up to sin I woke up to be his boy I woke up to be accepted in the beloved and righteous and pure in his sight I woke up to love I woke up to shine I didn't wake up to need you I woke up to love you I ain't expecting to fail and if I would which I ain't expecting to I would just run to him and thank him for the revelation showing me the difference making me wise or sharper more complete and power me and even in weakness I'll get to know him more and let the weak say I am strong you rhythmic that sure beats condemnation guilt and shame looking in the mirror and only seeing your faults that sure beats crying for three days and talking about a four or five times in a row and now you're worse than you were that's where beats giving up sure beats growing weary in well-doing you're with me so the only thing that's going to take you there is communion with God the only things go take you to commune with God is understanding how he sees you right now through his son he doesn't see you for sin he doesn't see you for where you've been he sees you for her son has been I'm telling his doors open his arms are open and he's waiting to receive you and love you not to empower you to stay the same to empower you to change if you didn't he didn't he didn't create a path in a way to help you sin and get away with it he's showing you a way to live free from its consciousness it's awareness it's driving its desire he will empower you to put off and put on and live in righteousness yeah she have every right to approach him the only one that can keep you from him as you and believe in lies it doesn't even matter where your morning was it matters where you are now and that you go to him and that you make it right with him and that you begin to let him father you and you put off these things called self so you can put on the kingdom of God and then you commune with him and you tell him you're willing to live this way and you want to live this way and you ask Holy Spirit to keep helping you and teach you to live this way and if in anything else I'm living otherwise please reveal it unto me because I know you love me and your way is right and righteous and true and yours commune with him and you care and you're serious and in that day in that day this isn't this isn't controlling this isn't judgmental in that day this is reality guys in that day we're gonna find out who really believed in who really gave their life to Him because your life lived reveals what you believe not to church attendance now your mission trips the way you conduct your life reveals what you believe if you leave a service like this and you stay offended well then I guess you've made a clear statement if you leave a service like this and you don't even consider past hurts and unresolved conflicts in dealing with them and push them say well then I guess you're making a strong statement so I guess now you're trying to justify staying the same and just to find not being more like him and I guess that'll be decieved in the end because if what you're living isn't producing the fruit of who he is then we're living deceived and you know them by their and in this the father's well pleased that you bear much and that's your fruit yay come on it's a solid gospel it takes out every excuse for the flesh so today at March your heart says okay am I ready to live by the Spirit or am I not I've asked the Lord a long time ago I said Lord if I'm gonna preach and share in front of a lot of people like this I need you to do me a big favor for my own heart and conscience would you empower me to preach clear and and and and so clear that when unfinished a man would only have two choices he'd either say man I hear what you're saying and I want that man or he'd say man I hear what you're saying I just don't want it well please don't let him leave and say what's he saying and I honestly don't think that happens I don't think there's anybody out there saying what's he trying to say that is right thank you it is simple and if it wasn't simple we wouldn't get it so he made it simple because He loves us if this was only for the wise I wouldn't be in people say well you seem wise I am a not a wise man I am just sure about what I'm talking about so what you see is confidence because I'm sure but believe me when he snatched me out of darkness I was way far from wise I'm so uneducated it's ridiculous I can read I can write and it stops right there but I'll tell you I'm having the time of my life in here so uh this was this is great know me I gotta do this I'll be done in time I think I'll be done in time is there somebody that can play them keys for me I just need keys as much as I appreciate the whole worship to invite somebody and just play them keys for me somebody he's coming oh my brother you know what I mean when I say when I say just love him on your instrument on the keys you know what I mean when I just say love him on the keys oh yeah I'm feeling hot listen I'm gonna tell you something you and me and the Holy Ghost it's gonna be plenty all right we need to do some I never have ever done this on a Sunday morning ever in my whole life of ministry but it's on my heart for 24 hours and it won't go away listen when God forgives us he forgives us do you understand that he's the Lamb of God who what he takes away the sin of the world so if he takes it away where is it it's taken away it's in the sea of forgetfulness who knows that people change is there anybody out here that can say man I'm different than I was before I know things I didn't know I see things I didn't see my life's different because of that and watch is there anybody here that you can say if I could go back and rewrite a few pages maybe make some different choices because of what I know now even though I learned a painful lesson I've learned the lesson nonetheless if I could go back and change that I would who can relate to what I'm saying who has things in their life that not regrets that are produced in death not something you just sit on and cry but some people might be doing that but but but not regrets but things that you wish you didn't do that if you could repeat the thing you would do different you wouldn't have that your resume who relates to what I'm saying but here's the paradox we all know by now we can't do that you can't go back and retrack the words you spoke you got in a fit of rage and you took a swing and said you'd never hit a woman but man you hit her square and you can't go back and change that you said in your youth camp when you were 13 you put your little purity ring on and you you were you just got touched by Jesus and that speaker meeting met you in your heart and and you were feeling it and you just said I'm gonna keep myself for you but when you were 17 you were sure it was loving all the sudden what did I do this stuff happens to people all the time you can't go back and change that moment and if we don't have an answer if we don't have the grace of God if we don't have the gift of repentance we don't have blood of Jesus we're in trouble because all we can do is is regret no we can do is just be people that can't make up for what we're sorry for the Gospels so powerful because I can never go back and change what I did but Who I am can change now watch this when Who I am changes then what I did is no longer seen as me that's why through the blood God will never judge me for where I've been he'll judge me for where he's been through the cross do you get it so I've learned this thing back in 2000 this thing hit me and the Lord started to speak to me so I've been doing it ever since and it's phenomenal I've realized that it's different than a healing order call it did but the Lord separated it out you could pray for the sick and everybody that has things qualifies for praying but this is different I want you to pay attention and the reason is different I said to the Lord why does it wasn't it just fit into healing he said because people believe they earned it deserve it made their bed gotta sleep in it reading what they said brought it upon myself and he said even if they're sorry they still believe and receive and accept sometimes the penalty I know folks they slept with somebody when they were 17 they went through an insecure season they slept with somebody when they were 19 maybe 18 maybe two people we might be up to for now I don't know but now they're 21 a heart opened and they saw the truth in Jesus they might have thought they saw the truth when they were 16 but they still now they're 21 they go man I just want a new life I just just save him but because of some choices and things they got HPV I got genital warts they got a to hear they got hepatitis because man you know for people use that same thing I didn't even think about that all the sudden you got something in your body and you're marked you just binge tanned your memory is not the same you can't concentrate you you don't remember like you used to and you know it was that night when you went farther than you ever went you just haven't been the same you indulge throughout a temperance you did something your kidneys don't work like this should because you put so much of something in you you just smoked and you smoked and you smoked and you realize I'm choking out my lungs I can't breathe like it wasn't it shook in your war the packs and you did everything you could to get that thing out of your life but you just know your lungs ain't the same because of all those years and then if you could go back and do it over now that you did it man you would do different dude how many people fit this description during the season of darkness and you're in your bedroom and you just feel numb so you're just trying to stay relatable and just trying to and you just slicing and cutting and next thing you know you come to your senses and say man that ain't the answer and you don't cut no more before you could sure tell you did you know what I'm telling you is real there's a thing called redemption in the body of Christ it's called brought back and brought back to original value and what the love of God does he he he takes pleasure in mercy If any man be in Christ he's the one new creation old things old things anything before nap old things what do they do behold Tower of God behold power God how many things okay wait a minute old things behold [Music] sounds like Redemption here's my question to you if God will never judge you for where you've been then why is where you've been still judging you it is not the bed you made to sleep in he made a brand new bed with clean sheets you ought to get in it today I'm just telling you it in my business it ain't nobody else's business everybody in this room sinned and fell short of the glory of God there's people in this room you deserve a mark you never got one there's people in here you should absolutely have a mark and somehow you did there's no mercy out there you're playing in the wrong field there ain't no mercy this thing's four keys I know young ladies they make one mistake one mistake when their routine is one mistake and then the incurable STD grab their bone they make one mistake and boom grabbed him four keys they cried and they cried and they cried and they wish they didn't sleep with that boy but they can't take it back and they cried out to God they've been sorry ten times over it can't take that night back so Jesus and his awesome goodness love and power he'll come and I'm telling you he'll do it today we're friends I'm telling you me and him are friends I'm speaking on his behalf right now he will take that thing out of you because of the price that he paid he knows your heart he knows your tears and if you say if I could go back and do it over I would do different but I can't he'll say that works for me that means I ain't looking at the person that we're talking about you have become brand-new so if you've become brand-new then he makes all things new that means old things you mean the scars could leave they can leave today you mean the hepatitis can leave I'm telling you it leaves today you telling me HIV at least I promise you it is no match for the blood of Jesus Christ a friend of mine was just in a service were 51 people that were cutters lost their scars in the service I've lost count of hepatitis heal I've lost count of STDs I've lost count of the redemption testimony since the year 2000 but I've seen a lot of people cry and weep and I've got a lot of testimonies from people that said I got my blood test and it's just not there you know the other unique thing God does the first hepatitis testimony I got back in 2000 the man said they sent me to three specialists because they couldn't even find the tracers or markers or antibodies of hep in my body and they said you couldn't have had hepatitis you don't have any markers we'll see you one in remission I said sir do you know why you don't have any markers because God sees you as if you've never sinned so your body is found as if it never had what was and he just cried and cried I've seen lungs restored I've seen people come off of liver transplant lists that were chronic drug abusers and dirty needle users and they had to get a liver or die so Jesus just made it this thing is free can you tell I'm serious he's playing really good I told you we'd be enough I knew you were gonna be good when I asked him he knows what I meant he said oh yeah I need you to not be embarrassed nobody's gonna ask you what you did or what you coming up here with it ain't nobody's business you see I don't want people if people are doing that they need Jesus because Jesus says forgive them father they don't know what they do and the only thing I need you to say in your heart before you come up here is if I could go back and do some things different would I and if you know you would then you know I'm talking to you so I need you to come up here right here real quick we're gonna pray over you and if you marked yourself with former conduct and that thing is carried into your current life it's time for that thing to go get up here quickly come on up here don't cry wrong tears don't cry tears of judgment condemnation if you cry you cry because he loves you you cry because he forgives you you cry because you have the gift of repentance through the blood of Jesus Christ do you see how prevalent this kind of altar call is here's what happens a young lady who gets over her emotions and she doesn't feel guilty anymore now she has another breakout and symptoms in her body and all it does is keep flashing her back and flashing her back I'm telling you it pleases God to take that thing away are you following me it pleases God to take that thing away if you're a married couple and you've been out there and you've been going through something you carried into your marriage from teenage years I'm telling you comes out of your marriage today there's a lot of you I meant land hands on you I want you to right now thank God that he loves you and forgives you just start believing he loves you and forgives you for everything you've ever done just stand here and be forgiven if you kneel be forgiven but be forgiven right now be forgiven right now and know that he loves you Holy Spirit come see I like this guy's shirt right in the front of shirt says changed drawing the confidence that you know this you are not the person you used to be you might feel like you need to change in some things you might think you got still got a ways to go and grow but if you know you can say this I am not the person I used to be because my heart wants something different and I am not that person that did that thing back then because I see it clearer now you just settle that in your heart I'm gonna pray for you corporately God's already doing things in so many people I promise you I see this all the time he's just amazing and I never get familiar with it he's just amazing yeah say this with me say father I believe you love me I believe you forgive me of everything I've ever done I want you to keep changing me and making me into what you paid for and thank you today for removing this mark from yesterday taking it out of my life for good I'm not looking back you have my attention I'm looking up from whence came my help I stand here clean forgiven and free I'm not gonna live condemned regret is over I'm not leaving here a shamed I'm leaving here yours loved by you and filled with you and new life through Jesus Christ thank you Father for loving me fire I just thank you right now all across this front move in the sweet precious way that you do and just take away every reason they came forward Holy Spirit thank you right now just do it right now bring healing all through this run healing all through this room thank you right the whole way down through to that end do what you do because you love Holy Spirit we thank you for it not one blood disease not one STD not one damage mind or mindset Souls be strong and clear and calculate kidneys and livers be completely restored father I thank you for removing scars I thank you for taking away pain traumatic memory dreams in the night take them away I thank you I thank you for the redemption of the cross or cross this front in every soul that responded and then declare them clean and I declare them free in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] [Applause] listen we can live this life I'm catching a plane this afternoon actually it's it's mid-afternoon I was blessed to be here you guys are so receptive I told the leaders I said man people on them to services I did they were just soaking it up they wanted him you guys are the same way this morning I commend you for that don't ever harden your heart to what God's saying and doing get to know him more than ever before guys get closer to him than you've ever been and let him be your reason for being yeah do your own conscious in your own life justice by following your convictions let the value of what you possess in the sight of God to raise in your own sight because if you see yourself the way he does you'll live up to that value you won't start cheap anymore you'll realize you're not for sale you've been bought with a price are you with me we can live this life we can follow and we can mark the hearts of men with the beauty of who he is throw away the idea that we're struggling and trying to make it we have already arrived oh Christ is in us yeah yeah lift your hands with me I'm just gonna pray over us as a whole the only reason I'm ask you lift your hands if you don't want to you don't have to but it's just a sign of yielding it's a sign of submission it's a sign of humility father we just yield our hands to you and our hearts to you and alive you as clay pliable and flexible in the hand of the great Potter would you make this house what you desire would you make every person here what you paid for would you touch us personally and individually in an everyday way as we walk out our salvation and mold us in the image of Christ and let the world know let this area know that truly you sent your son because they see him they see him in the lives of men father would you do that in us would you mark this house for your glory and would you let this be a place that's known for the manifestation of the love of God would you remove hurts from here offenses from here would you take away stigma God and would you replace it with the glories of heaven and let your name be known in Jesus name you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 125,320
Rating: 4.8893743 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, Without Walls Church
Id: GR7AdOQ2Lr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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