Dan Mohler - Live out of Your Heart @ FF 2019 - 2 - Saturday morning - July 2019

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okay there we go yay well that was quite an introduction my brothers thank you that little word and prayer over offering was humbling as well thank you dear oh my goodness I said to David I'm really getting loved on by your folks this morning well I've been here before huh and they and they let me come back so that's a good sign when they let you come back no listen hey we're hungry right you guys traveled in I talk to so many people that traveled in like came in from a ways away and blessed yeah I didn't get to meet probably everybody they said last night somebody was here from Colorado is there somebody here from Colorado good it's you right here gosh we said hey but I didn't know you were from Colorado Wow and Germany yeah I met a young lady from Germany yeah yeah amen Spain I said last night they were telling me wherever he's from I said man I'm glad I didn't know that beforehand out of an under-pressure I'd had to really preach worth your travel time no it's just a hey this thing is really nice man thanks this is nice that other one you had used to freak me out a little bit I get behind and I'd say dear brothers we're gathered here but uh no I got a lot of things in my heart I'm uh I'm happy to be here I'll tell you what I'm humbled by right now the excitement and because when I preach you can't hear it without being challenged it causes people to grow or ignore what you heard and and yet people are so hungry for what's being said it's humbling to see that much hunger in people and it tells me that we've really wanted God and we'll go after him as much as we understand him and see him and I'm not saying this in a weird way it's a barometer to me I get more invites to date at churches and to speak it never ends it's it's actually it's hard to comprehend how pursued I am to go preach places and the invites the number of invites I used to say I go to about five or six percent of my invites I do about two or three percent of my inbox I go over forty-five weekends you can do the math it's amazing that year after year that many invites roll in and then they keep growing and some people are my brothers I sent you a hundred said sorry my brother I just can only go to a few but I am I'm coming but what I'm saying is it's a barometer there's that many people hungry for this message and it's not a it's a message that will bless you beyond measure if you'll yield to the truth like when you get free from you and yourself and self concern and self defense and its self justification and all the self that we've all lived that's when you really understand freedom what freedom facets freedom from you living for you where you're your main goal like if you're your main goal that's bondage that's that's where insecurity that's where anxiety that's what frustration that's where judgment and human pride that's where all that stuff rests but it's not rest but that's where it abides it finds self to attach to and it Springs all your emotions and my emotions growing up they just came from a self-centered wellspring nobody had to teach you to be frustrated it just came natural nobody had to teach you to be angry to covet to be prideful we want to mine so the first words little ones mine o me gimme you know they're little know sweet little sweet where'd they learn that if so little they didn't have time to learn that John a little tiny tiny little one gets so frustrated they actually air swing at you like swing at you like this not because they watch UFC main event it's just there it's just in the instinct it's in the nature it's called the fall of man especially your instinct it's in the fall of man it's in Adam it's not in Jesus one of the biggest lies is to get to get lured into believin that what we've been is who we are and who were created to be what we've been is who we became not who we were created to be it's what we were as a finished product of separation from God that's nasty what we grew up thinking was us was actually separation from God there's there's no truth in it at all you were trained by a lie you and me our whole lives home schooled in the wrong home dwelling in the wrong place not created for that place got born into that place through the fall of man and then we study psychologically assess people and then we come up with a human psychological wisdom figuring all out and telling a school we are and why why'd we respond this way and why did and what we got it all diagnosed and we've studied a fallen man and then we sell to each other that this is us but when you look to Jesus it doesn't look anything like Jesus and he's firstborn among many brethren and he said the things I do you'll do if you believe and and he said follow me he didn't just say sing to me because the music's right he didn't just say sing to me so you can get a breakthrough he didn't just say pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said that's a that's incredible so I went to church up till I was about 18 regular cuz mom made me I didn't I didn't go for any other reason mom made me go see what's a good mama really good she's not with us anymore but she is with him my dad didn't want anything to do with Church she was alcoholic my mom did the best she could she made us go to church I'd act like I was sleeping and she'd say just get up you ain't sleeping boy every day of the week you're up almost when the sun's coming up and on Sunday you gonna be sleeping at 8:30 I don't think so get out of bed boy yes I'd get out of bed go to church but when I was old enough to feel like I made my decisions I just quit going but I had no revelation it's nobody else's fault really other than I didn't seek God I didn't seek to know God I was full of opinions and self-centeredness like everybody else I was living in my own little intellectual world I wasn't living from my heart my heart would tell me do you ever notice how your heart will tell you one thing in your head I'll tell you another we got to learn to live from my heart you get this gospel from the heart not the head scripture and the Gospels made for the heart it says with a heart a man believes not with a head with a heart a man believes in out of his mouth he makes confession unto salvation gospel is made for your heart yeah that's why everything along the way is trying to jade your heart harden your heart anger your heart frustrate your heart and rule your heart so all of a sudden life is defining us and all of a sudden at a very young age you think you know who you are because of the way things are and the way you've responded and now you have personality types and we have names and labels and letters for all that and all of a sudden life's just deciding you instead of the giver of it and honestly truthfully had a very very very young age you're nothing more than a product of what you're evolving into out of how you're responding to how it's going and none of it has anything to do with the real truth about who you are and who you created to be let me paint let me give you a real practical example just to convict you on this so that you see it conviction means see it it's not a bad word if you were laughed at at a very young age and you recognized they were making in front of you and two of the people that were laughing you thought were friends because you hung out and played little games with and you just kids I'm just talking eight years old nine years old seven years old at a very young age and you think they're your buddies and now they're laughing at you and in a mocking way and then two other people chime in and laugh and there's feelings in that and you're young you're young and you thought two of these people were your pals you know you played with them and and you did stuff with them and you made little make-believe games up and they were hangout kids all day with you and now they're laughing - and you're like don't laugh they laugh and enough to more people laughing you got to deal with that you got to walk through that well you got options you get you can get hurt broken insecure you feel like a mockery you can feel bad about yourself you can feel like people don't like you and all this insecurity starts breeding and all this self-consciousness and low esteem or you can harden yourself and say well I don't give a flip I don't care how they are I don't care about nobody no way you can laugh at me on it and all of a sudden you either become hard or you become broken but watch no matter how you respond neither response is you you're being fashioned you're being molded you're being shaped you're being controlled you're being dictated you're being decided by other factors none of your response has to do with who you really are but then you grow up that way and then more things hit and then you get a name and people tag you oh they a fighter oh you better not get in her business you better not talk him down he'll knock you out that boy ain't playing and all of a sudden you grow to believe this is you and none of it is the truth of why you're here and who you really are it's all evolves out of a lie it's not the great parlor it's not the hand of God molding and sculpting and shaping it's not the workmanship to the Lord so workmanship a life apart from him with no other options but the wisdom of the world and the way that seemeth right to a man now you think with me that way has never produced life it always brings death and destruction it's all of a sudden you right now you got your peer group based on your story and now even your friendships evolve out of your pain or heir trials or your circumstances now you got a peer group that agrees with you feel sorry for you so they become your confidence and the people that you trust and life could go on from beginning to end that way and never change last night I've talked about Jesus coming and actually doing what he did in in the womb of a woman and being born of Mary fascinating that that he is so he is so aware of our value our purpose our potential in the truth when he came to the earth and he stepped out in ministry and he met the multitudes and he stood in front of them what did it say it said he wept with compassion because he perceived and realized that had no shepherd they had no one they were sheep with no one to lead that's amazing what do you think was happening there why is Jesus crying at Lazarus tomb it's kind of silly he he's going to raise him in 40 seconds to a minute people say Oh see how much he loved him they think his tears are sympathy he's wasting him in a minute or two he's not crying because he's dead he didn't even see he was dead he was him see death he's offering giver of life he doesn't even see death he didn't say the little girl was dead when they were all wailing and weeping he said she's only sleeping and they mocked him and he didn't seem to change see we get mocked we get changed that's because we don't know who we are that's why life decides so many of us that's why things control us that's why what people say matters so much because you really don't know who you are and then you're always guessing and about the time you think you're getting a little settled some shakes that thing and now you're back to insecurity again it's self-consciousness and fear of man and self-awareness it's happened to us everybody in the room I'm not that far off so you need a family member to say the right thing and you can't even stand going a family gathering because so-and-so has never said what you need them to say now you're hurt and you're mad and you have a title for them as well preaching right there come on it's not far off the whole rooms quiet we know we've all went through this stuff that's because we all grew up without him he's crying a Lazarus tube why is he crying why is he crying the Lester's - have we even grasped this thing or we just saying all see he's so relatable Jesus is so real he's just crying with the people are you kidding me he's telling them he's the he's thing he's the resurrection and the life they're crying all they can see is death and life is standing right in front of them watch nothing was made that wasn't made through him the reason they're here is because of him he's the Lord he's from the beginning he was the word he always was he is he is to come Kevin a nurse go to fade away but the word will always be and remain he's here from the beginning nothing was made that wasn't made through him he made them for a purpose he made them for His image he made them to be one with him and he's face to face with the fall of man as a man he's standing face to face with the mentality he can't even relate to he made them for a purpose and that purpose was so lost that life was standing right in front of them and they couldn't see it all they could see was death all they could honor was a lie truth was speaking in the streets every day and all they could hear was lives and come against everything he was saying he saw they were sheep without a shepherd and he wept with compassion why because he's face to face with people that he made for the simultaneity and he wept thing is real from the time we can remember we've had certain emotions and attitudes and feelings and then we start relating to them and we think that's just the way it is this is us none of it is us this is this born-again thing has died to live it was kind of funny the sister said I'm not dead like that boy but it's true we are not that you're not dead like anymore what it's true we got to die you do we don't preach death we we always just preach forgiveness it's one thing to be forgiven praise God I'm glad about it that's what empowers you to be changed you're not forgiven to be forgiven you're forgiven to get brand new to start new life to get crucified in Christ and put off the old and put on the new and become what he paid for you're not just forgiven there's a grace to transform you you're you become brand new you're born again as if you never were born before and all of a sudden you throw away your way and get a hold of the way yeah yeah hmm chemical man I don't know if you know who he was he started that you get it give up your way and go ahead and take y'all way it's not your way it's Yahweh he used to sing that it's really good but it's true we were trained by a live people I talked about feelings versus faith all the time and and people over the years have not in a confrontive way just crying out like but then I mean I'm I'm gonna be trying to work this out but I mean we got feelings it's not like we don't have a and then they'll say well God gave us emotions and they'll try to pull spiritual on me well God gave us some motions and I'm like don't you credit him for the crazy things we grew up with called emotions God didn't give you the emotions you grew up with Adam gave you those all your emotions are hinged on a self-centered wellspring if you weren't living for yourself you wouldn't act the way you act you wouldn't feel the way you feel you wouldn't even think the way you think if you weren't thinking for you do you know many people Christians for themselves that's why they're frustrated in their Christianity cuz it's not about his great name it's about their well-being you couldn't be frustrated with Christianity if you understood relationship and communion with God and you were a sacrifice for the kingdom of God that you were seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness if you love not your own life unto death you wouldn't be frustrated that's what's wrong with me like I get it now for a while I get it a little more than I used to so I'm just a little worse I'm a little more intense but when you see this thing you understand why Jesus wept it's not self righteousness is not pride you see people ain't thinking like they're created to think and they're good people good hearted people people that love Jesus and understand that he died and forgave their sins and they they they they're sorry for the lives they lived and they want this thing but then they live from the same places still looking for some of the same things well sin was still trying to find herself this way well sudden we come to a gathering to get something from it instead of be something in it there's a difference but sudden you go to church to be loved instead of be loved and then you leave and get tricked and say well I don't think people love me like they could and I'm thinking who did you love well I ain't going back to that church it wasn't very loving I say it should have been you were there should have been you were there you see how even tricked into it's all about me and what I can get for me I mean I'm not getting Burger King a lot Burger King Burger King Saku Burger I don't eat there much but when I do thank you Jesus but it's like have it your way in five minutes it have it your way just everything's catering to the individual and it's it's it's a seducing blinding lioness it draws us in it's our whole lives businesses and and think it's all catering to you and your convenience and your benefit in your desire and this is all about you and then all the sudden were preaching the gospel that way now I'll send this all about your blessing how about your breakthrough how about your protection how about your provision and if any of those things are in question you're freaking out wondering where God is and you haven't surrendered anything you're just waiting to get more in your basket you haven't even given him your life you're just looking for his favor you've got to be careful that we don't preach this gospel to serve us instead of transform us because I promise you there's too many discouraged Christians go into church and when I look at my Bible discouraged Christians isn't scriptural Paul had some serious trials and he talked about it boldly and he wasn't discouraged a bit see if you're seeking first the kingdom it changes everything so when people do you wrong it ain't about being done wrong it's about shining and living Jesus because here's what dominates your life you have been done wrong you've been done right so all of a sudden you're not trouble driven anymore you're living from the answer all sudden you ain't somebody with a prayer list of problems you're manifesting answers that already flooded your heart also the truth is coming it's made you free oh so new in a person with a trial and a challenge your person with a victory and a song come on see but if you wake up for your well-being instead of his great name you'll get that mixed up and it'll get blurry and you'll be sure you're right because everybody else is telling me I can't believe and yeah oh you must be bummed oh man we're just praying for peace right now and an all sudden were reduced again to just trying to make it just trying to make it just trying to make it and in that arena you can only live every day as good as the day's going and then you lose your effectiveness you lose your influence you lose walking in the light as he's in the light that's why we laughs silly last night when I use it a little straighten that Jesus bummed out can I say can you picture Jesus bummed out and everybody just laughs before you even act anything out because the thought of Jesus bummed out is hysterical well he said follow me he said the things I do you'll do he's firstborn among many brother he said as he is so are right here in this world come on if it's hysterical the thought of Jesus bummed out we have a challenge bummed out we're to say I bet my motive needs to change I bet my circumstances are real I bet it did happen this way but I'll bet the way I'm perceiving it isn't the way Jesus is looking I bet I ain't in his eye I bet I'm not looking through his way I bet I'm I bet I'm tricked into thinking the way that seemeth right to a man and that's why there ain't no life in this situation Jesus poured into man he poured his life into men and at a critical time than men all ran come on that's a hurting discouraged quitting pastor that needs a sabbatical for life hello because we're so busy building something can't trust nobody in the end inconsistent and can't even count on count on nobody and I'm trying to do this I'm just mad I'm done with ministry I can't believe you called me to this Cup I don't even see a temptation of that in Jesus I'll bet he's seeing something we ain't been seeing I bet he's living from a place that we need to consider I bet he's really thinking for the kingdom first I bet this is all about the name of his father I'll bet you this is all about loving folks no matter where they're at trusting and believing that love will bring out the best in somebody how bad it is how bet we don't love God first I bet we see his first love and I'll bet you the enemy knows Scripture and he just wants to twist the gospel it'll make it about everything else so where now we feel convicted now we see our need for savor was sure aware of our sin and we wonder why he loves us so much and who I hope he doesn't know better serving paying back do something also now I owe him and I have this obligatory thing with the Lord instead of this intimate relationship where he father's me are you with me come on this thing has been so muddy and it's tried to take advantage of the lie we were all trained by some little uh we were born into Adam come on let's not miss this I I'm making a strong statement today where this thing is not just about being forgiven it's about getting a new mind and and in the spirit of your mind being renewed and and I looked up renewed it means thinking like we've never fought before what well how do I get new thoughts that I never thought before where do they come from from new life from him from the word of the Living God he came and showed me a new and living way he modeled what I was created for that's why he said follow me He fulfilled what man failed he said this is what life looks like this is what life and the Father looks like see see but because we don't understand that we're afraid of adversity we're afraid of people doing this wrong we got a little walls up and we can't trust nobody and you gotta be careful and its teachings are in the church because for who you let you close because you just don't want me to burn de ghin burn Jesus wasn't burned he wasn't hurt and he wasn't a doormat he wasn't an enabler he's a living epistle of love and he's my hero and I'm gonna follow him you're not gonna talk me out of it nobody you could come up with all the rationale you want yeah but if you just keep on loving people I mean you gotta be that tough love brother just be careful well who's gonna hold them accountable certainly not you come on man I don't remember hearing any testimony where God just stormed into somebody's life and said you better knock it off or I'm done with you and I never looking back you see that road I'm on it if you don't change now I'm on it and I ain't looking back and then you get some obligatory relationship some automated relationship some conditional relationship where you're on thin ice and you wonder if you're even on or not you wonder if this thing is even cooking or not you wonder if you stopped it or is it still going that's what Christians do a lot and it proves we don't understand the love of God we're trying to still get something from him and we want to know we're connected you're so much more than connected if you understand you were his choice created in His image from the beginning love never fails you'll never change his mind on your darkest most rebellious day he said I know who you are and that ain't you at all and I've known you from the beginning and I love you and my blood is speaking better things over your life why does he do that because love never fails he doesn't change his mind about why you're here whether you ever get it or not that truth remains and you always have the privilege through repentance and faith to step into it you say well I've wasted too much time I've passed too much stop he's the Redeemer of everything he changes everything it's never too late to be transformed it's never too late to go after him it's never too late to say it you can't say but I knew better and did it anyway no you thought you knew better but you see it more now see we hold ourselves to something through intellect in words that isn't the reality of our revelation and then we get condemned for and that proves that we're out of bounds because he didn't come to condemn you he came to save you and get you out of that thing so if you're finding a reason to stay there you're being to see he's saying come out of that place you judging yourself you're not your own judge stop it he said I didn't come to judge you but that you might be saved well brother it's too late I mean I repeated this twice and I read a Galatians 6 and I read Hebrews 10 stop it your hearts crying out you want change you care you're so alive inside you're not a whatever you care you having trouble sleeping your conscience is going like this there's something inside he has been preserved by grace God wants to reach you you ain't cut off or you wouldn't care Jesus is amazing am I in my intense right now this is the gospel guys he shed his blood for this thing will get intense about a whole lot of things don't just get intense about the truth if the truth is what makes you free that's go after it that's located in your own heart you have to decide what that is he said he said who do men say that I am and they had a whole lot of answers then he looked right in their eyes and said who do you say that I am because you'll never live beyond what you see you might appreciate my faith you might not appreciate my faith you might be encouraged by my faith you might be freaked out by my faith you might like my passion you might say calm down none of that will take you where you're paid for paid for where'd he go paid for the house remember only you can have faith for you you can ride somebody's faith and be encouraged by first small season my own children it's look there's a time you got to grow past the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob if he's not your God you haven't been with him you don't know him you know the god of the word but you don't know the God that lives inside of you you said who do men say that I am and there was all kinds of answers and he looked right in her eyes and said but who do you say that I am every Christian every person seeking Him has to answer that question in their own heart who do you say that I am because the answer to that question decides how you fly it decides what your life is going to look like and you understand what a man sees and believes by how he conducts his life and your life lives reveals your faith not your speech not your participation in worship your life list reveals your face come on there's hope in this more than hope this thing isn't beating down it's lifting up it's exposing things to set us free yeah come on you think God hasn't seen all these little misnomers and all these little fallacies you don't think he has seen every little clerk and every deception to the fall of man and how our minds have worked in a wrong Motors and even sometimes our wrong flat-out intentions yes but the gospel hasn't changed the blood still speaking better things Shh we probably ought to run to him my brother not run from him not talk around this thing you say well how do I get that revelation who do you say I am you got a look at his life you got a look at his word you got to see how he handled situations you got to realize that on the night he was betrayed he took bread and broke it he didn't sit down and cry because they betrayed him he took bread and followed this thing through broke it representing his life about to die he took the cup representing the blood that was about to spill and he passed it around the table said I'm giving my life for you the men that's that that ran when he was struck the boys that we think were his boys they should have been his armor berries they should have had his back they all said we'll die for you and they ran the first chance they went ready to die for nobody they were living for themselves and couldn't see it and Jesus loved him right through it all and when he raised from the dead the first thing out of his mouth to Mary was you go tell my brother he didn't say you go tell those lowlife 2-faced back-stabbing no good for nothing come on that's what we do when people do us wrong some of us we have a teacher we still remember and it ain't a good memory oh that woman oh that man made me mad so arrogant I just wish I was older I'd have punched him in the mouth some of us hold that stuff in life we weigh things outside we got we let stuff get under our skin instead of getting new skin and then and then we bring Jesus into our life and some of that stuff is still under our skin and now you got this weird mixed bag of him and you that's how deadly mixed drink there that don't even work I mean some things work good together you get vodka and a little bit of Pepsi or coke that works I mean I'm not a drinker don't get panicky there's things that work and people say oh that's good and it mixed me up one of this one of that one of the most lethal mixed drinks on the planet it's a little bit of him and a little bit of you one of the worst mixed drinks on the planet it's just half truth because it's half true and you really can't define it or locate it because it's half true so it's half true but the devil's own master I'm not boasting in him he's a master at half truth he he loves people to go to church I'm convinced I think he compels people to go because he believes they'll get just enough religion and have just enough of himself to get inoculated and build up against the real BAM and all of a sudden their knowledge will puff him up and the church attendance will suffice and all the sudden their Christian behavior will qualified and all of a sudden there's doing the thing man [Applause] yeah this is sure so you just want me to twirl I don't know all sudden you're doing all this all Sun you got Christian ringtone Christian screensaver Christian t-shirt Christian bumper sticker daily devotion and don't know him because you're not walk it in love and you're in unforgiveness and you complain and you got so many issues and you do all those things to feel qualified instead of to be empowered to shine and all of a sudden you're putting effort in to become something you already are through him qualify you're already accepted in the beloved of course we're called to live acceptable but that's because you know you're accepted if you're trying to live acceptable without knowing you're accepting you're always condemned and you feel like you're short so you try to do a little more instead of be a little more come on it gets all muddy and backwards and all of a sudden we've learned how to do Jesus and don't shine on some we learn how to do better Church instead of be her and if we miss this thing we'll miss the whole reason to why he came if we fail to become loved if we fail to walk in love and live by his Spirit and in love we miss the purpose of him shedding his blood and we've got reduced to thinking it's going to heaven someday instead of your will be done right here on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom right here go preach saying the kingdom of God is here you look what that means that means it's it's at hand it's within reach the kingdom of God is here you say where is it I'm looking at it's the truth Christ can who question who the hope of glory you know what glory means Annie manifested made known scene attribute of God is the glory of God revealed watch the Christ in you is the hope of God being seen and known the Christ in who in you no wonder there's a strategy to keep you discouraged self-conscious self-centered and misguided I promise you I'm a pastor he I laugh when I preaches because he he looks at me funny he gets nervous when I preach I guess cuz he he's a good pastor pastor don't he I know he doesn't totally agree with me on this it's okay I don't need agreed with the devil could care less that you go to church and when you start going to church it might be the most dangerous time in your life because if you don't get the true message and surrender and sell out you might get religious and let everything take the place of knowing him and live there for 50 years was so so intent on getting head nods checkmarks and confession sheets that we might not have emphasized on transformation and new life and living by the spirit and change to her spouse's bear witness of their spouse must bow see he'd been coming here for three years he ain't the same man I had to get to know him again he's awesome the order here we all have testimonies like crazy like that instead of hey can we talk we've been coming here three years I'm hoping we have enough pool to get an appointment because we really struggling that's the normal appointment it's because we're struggling now watch this the struggling far outweighs the testimonies no that's a giveaway that we're still trying to deal with each other instead of love one another come on it's a giveaway it's an indictment against us ninety percent of counseling 90 some percent is people struggling with people and stuff true pastors leaders anybody pastor leader anybody do any counsel am i telling the truth 90 some percent of counseling is people struggling with each other struggling with stuff issues bothered what if we get this thing what if you let the gospel teach you this weekend freedom fest and you really would go free teach you that when you wake up in the morning nobody owes you nothing that life is a gift and you get to live it in him for his great name and there ain't nobody on the earth that owes you a thing today because it was the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom and you're gonna live from the kingdom and not let your little heart get hurt anymore and broke anymore and failed expectation anymore and then the person that did it is the reason you ain't shinin that's idolatry your Hornet don't get no clearer than that that's about straight as it's gonna come that's straight come on you can't live beyond your motive you listed a thousand sermons but if you don't let that truth change the why behind your life and you don't wake up for a different reason than you woke up before why would anything look different why will you respond different and then you get reduced to just having God work on your behalf to make everything go the way you wish and now your preference driven and your preference becomes Lord and you're only as good as it's going and now you even have issues with God because why isn't the answer in your prayers and why does he let them keep pressuring you and why doesn't he change your boss or give you a new job oh come on I'm not that far off on this thing i pastored long enough to know their common requests people laboring and struggling you sit down they sigh and they say well I'm just a little frustrated no I'm not supposed to be mad at God I mean I'm not really mad at God I just don't understand okay calm down and talk to me well I'm working this job and it's so awful I'm just tired of hearing f-bombs I'm working with this boss that's so irrational and I've been praying and I'm putting in 20 applications and I don't get no phone calls and I felt like this lady prophesied over me God's gonna give me a new job and a new season and and and I just don't know why I haven't even gotten a new job and he leaves me stuck in this hellhole you think that ain't a prayer request out there you think that ain't a calming tone of counsel that thing is out there everywhere right there that thing I just imitated and I'm like wow we have no clue why God send his son we say it's all about him and prove it is all about me and how I feel and what ain't right and where you been Lord he's not your table waiter you don't give your stake back and tell him it ain't done right and then not tipping cuz he ain't waited real well he's not your table waiter he's called to be the lord of your life he's not here to make your job better he's not here to make your boss treat you right he's here to make you change so you look like him so you be at your workplace exactly what he would be if he was there and I'm pretty sure that the reason you didn't get a response to all them other inquiries and job applications and resumes is because God won't enable you to stay that way by letting you go somewhere else because you'll take that same twisted thing there and he loves you way too much to pull you out of there he'd rather leave you there till you get a revelation because if he just moves you to make you happy something's gonna go wrong here somebody's gonna be hard to bear with here and now you won't go somewhere else and ten jobs later you're wondering why everybody's so crazy and God I wish you'd change people and he's gone if you slowed down and calm down enough to listen you'd hear him loud and clear it's all about you being transformed walking in love it's not what people aren't don't see stop letting that be you let me be the light of your life follow me hello do you know one of the biggest scriptural realizations of not understanding why Jesus came is when people just complain because when you complain it's a dead giveaway you're self-centered you you're not happy with the way it's going and how it's affecting you and what it's costing you and what is putting you in the middle of and what complaining is a sign that you've been pulled from understanding and it's a dead giveaway to the enemy that it's really not about his great name it's about your well being in the moment Paul said don't you ever complain he said I'm writing this as your admonishment don't you ever follow their example in the wilderness and complain like they did they had everything they had to see splittin they had food showing up in the morning on the ground they had fire coming over them at night when it got cold in the desert and you look around and it don't look like God's anywhere but he's everywhere and they would never be making and you know what happened after years they start saying he's so worthless bread here it is again same old stuff day after day after day you think our God could be a little more diverse and all of a sudden supernatural sustaining providing grace in the middle of nowhere to teach them who he really is and the best they could do is complain because it wasn't good enough who he was wasn't good enough you know how I know that's right cuz Paul said don't you tempt Christ like they did in the wilderness and were destroyed by the destroyer devoured by the one who devours I looked up tempting Christ and what they did they called the man or worthless bread the manna is a type and shadow of the gospel that's to come the bread that comes down from heaven his name is Jesus what he's saying is don't you get frustrated and complain and start saying things like but this gospel ain't enough we don't work for me well God's Way ain't happening well I don't feel blessed and all of a sudden you're just telling the enemy hey I go to Redemption house but I ain't surrendered I don't have a revelation keep punching me because I'm about to go out and then as it keeps coming you know what you say why is God letting all this happened to me where is he at I've been praying to pray why is God doing this and you'll find out one day he wasn't doing nothing but sitting there waiting to watch over his word to perform it but it was all about you so his word wasn't nowhere near your mouth and when you did quoted it was just in principle for him hoping to get changed because you were overwhelmed and bitter and frustrated and all sudden you turned the gospel into abracadabra instead of relationship and the enemy just took advantage of where you were sick come on don't tempt Christ like they did in the wilderness what's he saying don't you get into complaining and ever believe the finished work is not enough for your life that the gospel plan that the truth behind the cross isn't your answer don't you ever start getting so deceived that you believe God's Way isn't the way to where you have some other wisdom some other response some other reaction he said don't you tempt Christ and don't you say what he did isn't your answer by not surrendering and living the same when you preach this intense you know what people tempted to think oh brother you're being a little insensitive you don't even know my story you don't even know what I've been through you don't even know the hell I've been in you don't know what they did to me for four years you don't know that's what people do and then they talked themselves out of the conviction of the truth and let their life and the way it's been for them decide them and that becomes their story instead of him becoming their story because here's how you flip the question do you know how when they came to Jesus in the Bible they'd ask him questions and it would always say how they were trying to trap him trick him or catch him and did you know it says that did you notice that whenever they asked him a question and it states in your Bible their intention was wrong he never answered their question he always repeated a question he said let me ask you a question he never said that thing because their hearts were twisted he never even gave him a sincere answer they said well if was but we said let me ask you a question boom and he just flipped it on people say well if God's good why did he let this happen when I was six with God's good how come I lost so-and-so if God's good why that's what people said and he would say let me ask you a question because he was so quick to ask questions God would say if he wasn't good then why'd he send us some while we were all yet sinners see maybe we're trying to find his goodness in the place and maybe self-centeredness has us looking at our lives instead of looking to him and maybe we're taking life personal and missing the gospel instead of taking the gospel personal and seeing life for the first time clear oh it's just solid I hope I can feel life in it see cuz watch the reason I'm saying I'm not boasting am i preaching it's not me but what's really whether you believe what I'm saying or not man I'm seeing this thing I'm gonna live it more so if you see me again I'm gonna be a little more I'm not gonna be like hey guys keep me in prayer I mean I'm trying to hang in there friend of mine just texted me the other week I know him well and he's a good Christian brother and he said probably a silly question but how you doing man and I said oh well dot dot dot I guess I'm okay and he sent me back like ten thousand laughy guys and said that sounded really crazy coming through on your text but isn't it true we ask people how they're doing and what it what's their answer there are two biggest struggles and keep me in prayer now I'm not being mean those things are real and they're challenged by certain things but it's affecting our demeanor a disposition and our purpose in life and all of a sudden you turn inward and it's all about your struggle instead all about him and the answer see because even if people are doing you wrong you can still shine even if you're struggling through symptoms you can still shine you never let what you're going through become who you are because what he went through is where you find the real you so he already answered who you are you're Christ in you so there's no there's no hit on this this isn't condemning this is life-giving this kits you out of lies I talked to her brother in the back tonight he was Seward today this morning he was so humble he said you know that I was doing that he said I was I was getting frustrated and I said yeah what happens is he said yeah exactly it is it pulls you out of this thing and who knows it wasn't that brother's heart who knows that he didn't sit and think okay I'm gonna have an attitude today I'm gonna be mad and I'm just frustrated not feel justified I'm not talking to a room of hypocrites I'm not talking to people that woke up looking for a way to miss God and get away with it I'm not talking to a room of hypocrites I'm talking to his children yeah and we warned him and the more we see him the way he is the more we'll be like him so Easter yeah so none of this is too hard to bear none of this is like man lighten up brother I don't even know if I'm saved are you kidding me you're getting answers you say well I got a long way to go no see you got somewhere to go it's amazing how we've been tricked into being problem driven it's always about what's wrong usually when we pray for each other usually when we pray for the sick it's always about what's wrong it's always about the symptom it's always about the pain it's always about I couldn't sleep and haven't slept for three weeks and now you're striving like good go to sleep and then go to bed and you're so worked up you're so miss focused and yeah when do we ever just take a breath and just be loved by him I never say you know what listen for a second here I mean I want to go to sleep and I believe it's my privilege in the children's bread but but listen I just know you love me and whether I've slept or not in the last three weeks I need to refocus and say you know what what you did in that cross is amazing and the way you forgive me and the way you let me stand righteous in your sight man I don't want to lose first things and first love God thank you you're so good and stay in that place of knowing him and that union of being in him and being loved by him does that make sense because we're desperate we're driven who would agree that most the time our motive in prayer is the problem rarely is it the answer rarely czar the promise we just know what scripture says so we're principle driven so we're quoting the principles to get the thing to change but we're not careful it's super impersonal and if it don't happen you're in a quandary and in time your disposition is wrecked it's a dead giveaway you follow me we're in covenant with God all that his mind is yours that's covenant and he said all that is his is ours that's covenant to have become one it's not hey God you said all that is yours is mine and then you quote it give it up you said I can have whatever I asked believe in this is covenant don't forget the front end your end all that is mine is yours watch my attitude a disposition my nature my heart motives my perspectives everything I am spirit soul and body is yours for your glory in your great name let all that you are come into me because I yield all that I am to you make us want you start praying like that when nobody's looking change your life a lock yes there's folks that have known me my whole Christian life and they say you are always the same why because the truth has never changed so the only thing I can do is get tricked into get my eyes off the truth and let life take advantage of me instead of let him settle and establish me people that known me my whole Christian life they know me for consistency what you see is what you get that man is this way and that way and he's getting worse like he says that's what they say but it's pretty awesome because His grace is sufficient but the truth never changes this gonna sound almost corny to folks but no matter what I'm going through and how I'm tempted to feel when I open that book it says the same thing it said before it all started breaking out so if it's the same why am i changed cuz I mustn't have my single anymore I must be yeah button or what if and I must be drawing my identity through something other than truth and also my freedom is cannot kind of stretch you this morning so look this don't sound extreme and radical because it's the example I had it says it's off-the-wall you could all turn on me completely stop posting right and left accusing talk you can't possibly touch what I see and who he is in me like I'm safe now like people have no power to take away what I see they can only encourage it and cheered on nobody can take it the only thing you can do the only influence you can have in my life is positive you can just cheer me on and I'm pretty cheered on but you could cheer me on you can you can encourage me is what I'm saying but how can you discourage me that would be discouraged the only way that happens if I get tricked back into draw my identity from you let my need rest on what you're giving me and take it to heart what you say about me now be real with me our whole lives we were ruled by each other and our way is cut people off shut him cut him out I ain't talked to them for five years you don't realize for five years they've been painting your portrait for five years they've been sculpting your life because if they wouldn't it did what they did I wasn't who they were in your life you wouldn't be the way you are that means they have strong influence in your being and you think you're winning because you didn't talk to him for five years in the whole time they're sculpting your life and at the end of five years whether you like it agree with it or not your somewhat a product of that and you think you're winning cuz you ain't but they have been shaping you from the inside that's why unforgiveness is so wretched and it's such enmity to God and it's come natural to us you know what Christians say all the time to me Christians they said well brother give me time it's hard I mean I'm working on and I'm trying to forgive because we have such a grid for unforgiveness because we were born into self-centeredness wonder if God took the initiative to live in rightness for a day and he went back to the beginning of time and everything he created man to be and everything man has become and everything we've done and all the times we knew to do right and still did wrong wonder if God had a beef with that and laid it all out and just vented for a day would be good would it then why would we think it's ever good if we live where he never is first of all we know he won't do that why do we give ourselves permission to be where he isn't come on I'm talking to every individual heart if you're sitting there and saying well I hope my spouse is listening then I'm definitely talking to you she's serious if you elbowed your spouse I was talking to you and if you elbowed him back well you're both involved do you know how people do that they listen to the sermon for the person that they say they're praying for is the person they're bothered by the only reason you want them to change is to make your day go a little smoother it ain't compassion and love it's like if you would change that man it would be so much easier to live if you change that woman food like a really praise you Lord and then you listen to a sermon like this and then you see her in a chewing gum pack and now she's reading the back label and ingredients and you're like you found us tractive devil you loosed her you'd let her go she should be hearing this God get her attention and the whole time he wants you to be hearing and you got jaws on her in the gum wrapper and you praying in tongues thinking she's the problem trying to rebuke some distracted spirit out of the service because you need her to hear that word Oh Lord Jesus are we okay I had freedom fest we only go for freedom can I be honest anything outside of what I'm saying has its levels of bondage and all of a sudden you're constrained to one another and you're only as good as men are doing you instead of as good as he is that's why there's not a ton of joy in the body of Christ the joy in the body of Christ gets marked as flaky in facade II because we're like looking for moments of ah and order calls of joy no it's supposed to be good tidings of great joy the of great joy means joy is the automatic response of seeing and understanding your heart is elated and overwhelmed and it's unspeakable yeah we've had joy dictated by a lot of other things that we're seeking happiness and we've got it all blown up and joy breathe behold I bring you good tidings of great joy where you can tell we don't understand the good tidings because the great joy has slipped and all sudden we're a product of how things are going instead of who he is in us Nelson life is speaking way louder than truth yeah come on good tidings of which will be too cruel everybody's in so what are you gonna believe don't believe your feelings don't believe somebody else's words in actions you don't believe Jesus is life in his word these signs will follow those that so you gonna be a believer because everybody's believe in something what do you believe it who do you say that I am your answer to that question is vital and if all you're doing is praying for God to change things around your life you won't miss the greatest gift of all new life becoming what he paid for amen amen is it really that me know there was some things on my heart that I wanted to talk about a little bit today and I stood up there and just don't know where we got that we got the lines come and let me ask you something quick we can do this I told a couple last night it was on my heart last night so it's amazing you asked me that cuz it was on my heart for today and I had all these things you could tell these things were in me if I didn't say these things out of blew up you just saw me just thought of just been all over the place yeah people don't understand you get up here you kneel down and you don't have a need to preach you're not drawing your identity from preaching you never asked to travel you never asked a pastor people just saw Jesus in your life recognized your relationship and all this stuff well here we pass they're 9 pastor I'm just warehouse working love of Jesus you're supposed to be a pastor I don't know nothing about faster yeah months go by and also Jesus is hey I want you to do that really yeah okay and I'm I'm a pastor and in travelling ministry an itinerant ministry I didn't have a good impression the ones that pass through my church were pushing to get in at all you bow honorarium and I felt like men were using the gospel and calling if possible or gifting as a way of living instead of to manifest truth so I said in my heart I'll never travel a minister that seems weird people are using the gospel as a job it's like an occupation it's weird there's contracts and signs and it's true king bed my armor bearer needs a king bed I'm not I'm not Dasani water that was before feeds he even came out and then all that other stuff that's out there now I'm talking years ago I remembered to sunny water and I'm like you've what so in my heart I said I'll never do this and guess what all I do is all I do is traveling preach no no dear Park I almost finished it how to finished it if it's the sunny but I just drank as much as I could take as much as I felt like covenant would cover know I'm messing up bad right now so here I am traveling I never asked for any of this so when I kneel I'm humbled I mean you humbled my heart I looked at him I said listen to her she's puffing on me like and you just seemed so genuine and I was sitting there like stop and then Joey gets up there and I'm like stop people like you know what I'm doing when I'm kneeling down here anybody ever see me kneel down here you know what I'm doing I'm not just kneeling cuz he's the Lord I'm humbled I'm kneeling I'm saying what an honor I'm wearing this microphone I'm gonna turn it on in a second cop you know this room I don't even know most of these people you they're traveling well you know the room you know people through and through you know every detail in this room and if David handed you a mic if you clip this thing on in a minute and spoke for an hour and a half you know exactly what you'd say and I ain't got no need to breach so when I get up there you gotta say through my lips what you say if they handed you a mic or ain't got no business saying nothing cuz I'm not here to preach a sermon I didn't study for a sermon I ain't got no sermon notes you gotta say what you would say if they handed you a mic today and then I stand up and you see how I explode it ain't my fault you can't have planned the way it is when I'm up here innocent he got a firecracker right now I get firecracker you know I don't even think about you get up here know some illustrations examples stuff I haven't even thought about in 24 hours it's now I'm thinking I think this is an agreement I think it's working the people said we'll calm down you don't understand well you speak don't raise your voice try to you don't understand you get up here and it's just it's a blur it's just you don't know what's going on just comes and you hear it you speaking as fast as you're here I just coming out and you think I got anything to do with that you think I'm well studied I've been with him but I never studied to preach ever you know what the Lord told me a long time ago don't you ever read your Bible to preach a sermon ever he said don't you ever read your Bible to preach a sermon he said only read your Bible to know me and only ever speak out of who I am in your life and that'll carry weight so what he told me so I took him serious and that's what happens to me I never read my Bible to preach I read my Bible to know him that's why I'm confident that's why I come across the way I do because I actually believe well it's not my doctor it's not my theology it's my life that's why it is so much passion behind it because I'm just preaching us yeah if I ask this question I'm gonna ask this question quick I'm gonna see if we have grace to Jesus you guys can help me a prayer people are here and we'll do it as quick as I can if I said baptism of the Holy Spirit praying in other tongues understanding receiving and being baptized in the Holy Spirit if you'd say I've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit and power to be a witness I understand other tongues comes into play all the time because it's the only outward manifestation in the Bible but praying in other tongues isn't the only evidence you receive Holy Spirit by faith just like you get born again but it's imperative that you get to know him and that the person of Holy Spirit comes into your life and empowers you to be a witness it's imperative Jesus told him not to do anything to tarry until he comes it's amazing because in John 20 he briefs on them and said receive Holy Spirit so it seems like they got the Holy Spirit so people say well I got the Holy Spirit when I believe no no you got a reborn recreated spirit life came inside of you and replaced the death that was in you because in John 20 he breathed he said receive Holy Spirit but in Luke the last chapter of Luke he said tarry in the city the promise the father will come upon you be empowered when the Holy Spirit come away to me I thought you just breathed on us and we received the Holy Spirit why do we gotta wait for what you just breathed into us it's a totally different experience than born-again in acts 19 in acts 19 Paul came across some disciples they were wearing a certain garment that in that culture and day they revealed they were following something he said hey he said to whom in whom we were baptized you guys following they said we were baptized into you by John he said oh my goodness John he was the one crying out in the wilderness he was the forerunner he was the one that was proclaiming the one to come and at that point he preached Jesus to them right but be but before he said that he said have you when he saw him and they saw him dressed like that he said have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed now watch if you get the Holy Spirit when you get born again why is Apostle Paul asking that question have you received Holy Spirit since you believe they said we haven't even heard if there was such a Holy Spirit he said what were your guys baptized into he said John he said John okay he was the forerunner and from that place he preached Jesus it said they were all baptized in the name of the Lord that's that pool out there and then Paul laid hands on him and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit ain't that something in acts 8 Peter and John traveled 35 to 50 miles on foot on foot to pray for the Samaritans because he heard that all of Samaritan got born again but they heard that Holy Spirit had come upon none of them yet you say well I got the Holy Spirit when I believe wait a minute you see your Bible doesn't say that it's an automatic thing he he said he had come upon none of them that it was so important to Peter and John that they traveled it wasn't like they didn't jump in no car 35 to 50 miles they traveled to Samaria and when they got there they laid hands on them and Holy Spirit came upon them all now next 10 is preaching canoes his house Peter and as they heard the word their hearts over there whoa whoa Holy Spirit just came on them on they all start praying John's prophesy and worshiping God and Peter said rule same Spirit came on them that came on us even forbidden water and they took him over to that pool temple the Book of Luke says this Luke 11 if we being of evil nature know how to give good gifts to our children how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to them that if he's automatic why do you ask scripture answers everything contention answers very little and opinions are way out of the box scripture answers everything so I felt like it was important today in Freedom Fest and all the things were sharing and hearing and walking in the light to know that we've been baptized in holy spirit and and that we've been empowered to be a witness and and actually listen to this scripture I just quoted if we being of evil nature know how to give good gifts to our children how much will Holy Spirit give will Father give the Holy Spirit to them that so if we ask is he coming 100% guaranteed so the evidence of receiving Holy Spirit is the asking what we say is well if you ain't ever prayed in no tongues you ain't yeah you prayin born again and you need to clean up that vessel so Holy Spirit comes there's all that stuff's out there and we've made it all about tongues instead of all about transformation and empowerment and then people get a soul struggle and then some people say say yabba-dabba-doo backwards three time and you'll get it brother and they had like a bad experience and it's all about the tongues tongues is very important and beautiful I got saved on Sunday night I woke up Monday morning in my bedroom the president's God was so evident now his praying in tongues allowed and clear and crying and didn't have a clue what was going on and I've been a little gone since that day and then I just started to sing and I found where Paul sang and in other tongues and sang with his understanding and prayed in other tongues and prayed with his understanding Oh son I realized if I pray in another tongue who I he doesn't control me it's just in me it's it's it's an ability a gift given by God if I pray in another tongue my spirit prayeth says he who prays in her tongue he builds up himself and he edifies himself you said well I don't like that pray in tongues you can't understand I can't even understand what you're saying what's enough for you it's just between him and me it's my spirit praying now tongues and interpretations a whole different thing that's equivalent to prophecy but if you walk in on me in a prayer time and I'm just kneeling and I'm sitting here and I'm just praying in tongues you should never be bothered by that because it's not for you you say well I don't get none now that it's not for you it's for me build myself up just I'm just driving the truck shake cut out a box on the other paw Sunday on a Sunday and then all of a sudden I start English coming now I'm having this communion with the Lord my spirits inspiring understanding and next you know I'm singing and then up song comes out and I sing in tongues and then a whole nother paragraph and you think you're a songwriter but you just worshiping God and ain't nobody in the car but Jesus yeah I prayed for this man he didn't pray in other tongues he's on the phone I said pray and he said whew I said Spirit of God upon you he said man I actually feel the Lord come on I don't even preach feelings he said who how I said listen I said I know you've been taught this and that about other tongues just listen man it's in you this this language it comes from him he's a person he's not an it he's Holy Spirit just thank him easy thank you I said I prayed with me I just start praying times I said won't be you won't be repeating me it'll be your own language he never prayed in tongues so he had so much teaching about things and it's of the devil and to have it out it up so that night he goes to bed he costs me it's like it's late I said what's going on he said man okay I got all these words they're just going they feel like they're in my head they feel like they're my stomach I don't even know where they're at I got all these words they said I'm afraid to speak them because I just don't wanna be deceived I don't want to be the devil and like I said yeah are they in you right now these words and he said I got words I said come on man he is going crazy on the phone right so I said I'm glad we got that I hear them so you know what we did I stayed on the phone with him for 15-20 minutes we sang like three different songs in other tongues we've just sang and he's singing and crying and and then I started to interpretate his song and I'm praying in tongues and he starts praying in English doesn't even realize he's saying what I'm saying it just was powerful if I would say in this room would you mind playing some keys you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of praying in tongues you've never you've never received the person of Holy Spirit in life where he's a person to come to be it comes to be your best friend you can read John 14 15 16 he talks Jesus talks about his comment he's another the words aloes in the Greek it means just like me kind as what he's saying this he'll do in my absence what I would do if I was here he said he'll show you things to come he'll bear witness of me he'll bring me glory he'll be our friend he'll lead us in truth you only speak that which he hears which means you're gonna hear him my sheep hear and obey my voice how they hear in his voice through the person of Holy Spirit talk to him often receive him today if you've never received the baptism Holy Spirit my pastor's wife she got baptized in the Holy Spirit and she believes she believes she received him she didn't pray in tongues she was in two meetings where they tried to make her say stuff that she felt like was gibberish and she got freaked out and shut down so now she's in the service and her heart was touched and she wanted everything God had so she just believed Holy Spirit came upon her and was in her life so for a couple months she talked to Holy Spirit and appreciated him in her life and woke up good morning Holy Spirit I appreciate you in me today man I'm just going to read is there anything specific you would desire me to read and if someone come in a heart she read it thank you for revealing this to me the way you give men revelation of the generations open up my heart and help me to see I so appreciate you leading my life and guiding mine she began to be friends with this person called Holy Spirit she had never prayed in other tongues her husband called one day from out of town he was crying she never saw her husband crying strong personality she never saw him cry she was young he was out of town she couldn't be there young life he had to hang up abruptly in tears and she didn't know what to do and she's pacing and crying and praying and in the middle of somewhere all that was going on she found herself doing up the counts praying in other tongues because the heart cry that was in her for her husband outweighed the soul struggle from all the bad experience and he just broke through and she was just working powerful you're catching me in my house running through the house like a mad man praying louder than the human voice to be able to speak and you can't understand a word don't get bothered by that it's not for you you see well I don't even know what you say doesn't matter [Music] builds me up if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit if you've never received him and ever prayed in other tongues I want you to come on up here I felt like it was important today just come on up here if you're being water baptized and you've never been baptized and Holy Spirit oh my goodness come up here don't wait till you're water baptized get on up here come on up here just line up up here make room just get on up here just start to prepare your heart just just start to talk to him and thank him that he's here come on people if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit you've never been in dude with power to be a witness come on it's not scary he's not scary he's amazing thank him that he loves you thank him that he's here thank him that he wants to fill you with all that he is so start to talk to him right now personally a little bit and just say father and I want the baptism of Holy Spirit just tell him that from your heart tell him I want to be empowered I want to be in dude I want to be a witness I want my life to so shine would you come Holy Spirit and empower me come on I need you up here I'm still waiting on a couple just waiting on a few thank you guys appreciate you coming David you got some prayer folks and people that are school folks or something there just line up with me and stand and just encourage in a minute we'll pray in a minute thank you God I'm still waiting on a couple people I need some people to come up here for prayer for the baptism Holy Spirit I know I've got a lot of prayer folks coming but I needed a few is this are you going so you talk my tend to see girls coming good I just felt like I saw I was going to say I need like three or four four people but I looked over and saw y'all lining up I think I thought I think it's they thank you for coming do we got any more than need to come you've never been prayed for for the baptism of Holy Spirit I need you to need up here quickly [Music] you just stand here it'd be good just stay here yeah you can stay here honey okay now we're gonna we're gonna pray for you listen a hundred percent a hundred percent he will come did you get that a hundred percent he loves you and he wants to empower you a hundred percent if you ask is he coming he's coming so what I want to do we're gonna pray and you're gonna ask him to come and the people standing behind you're gonna say Holy Spirit thank you for coming he's going to come some of you are gonna feel things some of you might not feel things it's not about feeling things we're not living for a moment we're living for a truth are you following me you believe him the other tongues I don't want anybody to be bothered by that we're gonna begin to pray for you the people behind you were just gonna softly pray in other tongues you'll just pray in other tongues don't fight it don't try to do it don't make it up he gives you uh pterence it'll come out of your mouth you just spray it it'll be there don't hold it back or you'll blow up I'm telling you so the prayer language is here I'm telling you we're going to pray in other tongues if you feel like you're struggling I don't want struggle I don't want you to make nothing up I want you to just thank Holy Spirit that he's here and empowering your life are you all ready say father thank you for loving me forgiving me of everything I've ever done I want the baptism of Holy Spirit I want the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire I want the person of Holy Spirit to immerse my life to fill my life with who you are I want the evidence of other tongues I want to speak to find mysteries I want all that you have would you baptize me in your Holy Spirit in Jesus name pray right now guys that Holy Spirit come upon everyone Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come it's okay Holy Spirit cop SIL seller silver go [Music] Philip Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit [Applause] about me Salem Holy Spirit you know me thank you experience Salem start praying in tongues behind him if you have your prayer language spray Philip Holy Spirit to be a witness God in power [Applause] okay send ever hit see color of Apollo media the pop say top Shinda Phil Jesus name good God Phil your kids filled with Holy Spirit fill them God fill them God [Music] [Applause] [Music] fill them together Darby thank you be filled with holy spirit shake up Tyler about God son be a lot about Casa fill in Jesus name filthy Jesus filler Lord silly Holy Spirit come to me empower your people touch her God a special special way intimate Lord personal Lord and empower her to be a witness let her heart go freedom in every way take away her pain memory gon take it all away and let her see you like never before Holy Spirit come and in power start to thank him talk to him if you're standing up here thank you for loving you [Music] be filled in Jesus name Holy Spirit come [Music] Holy Spirit come fill up fill this family fill this for unity thank you for wonders thank you for synergy soon thank you for restoration God thank you for making things new first love fresh spark fire golf let it burn in their hearts and let it be all they can see all they can see consume their eyes consume their ears and overtake their heart Jesus name [Applause] prayer is a fire that ignites it burns less the effect of your holy fire burn any fibers and let him stay a Jesus [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you'll never leave me you're with me for good and you're all in me thank you we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord thank you Jesus [Music] thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for what you doing lord thank you Jesus [Music]
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 13,353
Rating: 4.7925925 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, Freedom Fest, Redemption House Life Center, FF 2019
Id: Xt8QVibqAao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 59sec (5579 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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