Dan Mohler @ LCU - 4 - Put off the old man

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okay we're gonna get rolling okay some people drift in so we just covered walking like the Gentiles are welcome we're not going to do that right there understanding stark and they're alienated from the life of God because they do you understand oh do you understand that you can't love if you're not born again because God is love and it's it's as love's not an emotion love is is it's amazing love is not selfish if you don't know Jesus you can't live that way I mean you can you can have things that look like love you can have great character a person that's born-again I've seen people in in certain circles treat people better in their circle than some people did at their churches and that and then the world kind of uses that against Christians sometimes but but true love the true love of God you can't love that's why I would never do a wedding I used to never do weddings unless they were born again and that was weird because how do you get them born-again or make them get born again or have them pray a prayer so they qualify you because it's a hard thing right but you can't love unless you're born again so the Gentiles are alienated and darkened their understanding why because they're alienated from the life of God in that amazing wasn't that you and me before we got born again we were dead inside that's why he breathed into his disciples to put life back inside of them just like God breathed into the dirt and Genesis it's so amazing so let me just jump in this is where we were at verse 19 being past feeling have given himself over to all this losses now watch verse 20 but you have not so learned Christ listen to this language if indeed you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus man that's that's rich so watch so so if I'm on my bed sitting reading this or I'm just sitting at my table reading this or I'm just sitting on a park bench reading this or wherever I might be every time I'm reading this stuff stuff that touches my heart you ever read in Scripture and the thing kind of speaks to you touches your heart you ever read and be like oh man that's good or wow that's amazing or wow you really see me that way you ever do that talk straight to him right when that happens don't just think in your mind don't just read and think to get Bible knowledge read to know him read to know him the Lord told me a long time ago now this doesn't go for everyone my pastor back home he does a lot of notes in preparation for his sermons he does a lot of back study on stuff but I just get up and pour out my heart and and I just go with relationship with God and the things that are real to me but he told me that a long time ago he said I'm gonna put revelations and my love and righteousness in you you're gonna speak to many of my people and I was like what and I was just days old in the Lord and he said however I don't ever miss was I don't ever want you to read your Bible to preach a sermon he said only ever read your Bible to know me and only ever speak out of Who I am in your life and that'll carry weight so that's what I do that's why I'm passionate that's why I have to fight back tears that's why I get flaky looking sometimes that's because it's real to me it's not preaching my doctrine or theology to you I'm over my life and got to you you get it this is a big deal so when you're reading these things and you say that you know he says this and he said you've been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus you could just take a minute and just sit and just acknowledge that the truths in Jesus and I honor you King Jesus and Holy Spirit help me to continually see the person the character the perspective and the motive of King Jesus in every situation so as I was growing in these things that I preached all the time I remember scrolling through the Gospels and just looking at how Jesus handled people how people treated him how he always responded I mean some of the most he'd correct him at times but not in a way like we're familiar with he'd just do it with his words to get the hearts giving but usually right after time with they're trying to trick him berate him to come against him he's always doing something good healing somebody or a miracle it's like he's so amazing like he's like kicking the dirt Sam why don't people like me he's not like man how much good does a guy have to do before they finally see you're good he's not sitting talking with the disciples by a fireplace or a campfire saying you know guys I just need you guys to really get behind me and support me and start praying for me I'm just feeling a little I just got a lot on my plate I mean I'm thronged every day and I got this and that and then and then I hear their thoughts and a lot of them are saying bad things and I don't know I'm just having a hard time dealing with this how can Jesus live and not be affected by all that stuff and stay the same and keep doing good we say cuz he was Jesus and we missed the whole point it's because he was loved it's so simple so when you see scriptures like you start thinking that way amuse that way and you see how I preach it's not my fault like I'll turn you to Ephesians 4 and then I'll preach everywhere else it's because that's what happens when I'm sitting on my bed like I'll read a line in Ephesians 4 and it'll trigger my heart and 15 minutes later after communion with God and weeping and musing through four other sections of Scripture and all of a sudden painting this beautiful thing now I'm back to Ephesians 4 and I just went for a visit somewhere else it's so that happens when I get up and preach what happens it gets big I mean I would take communion for a season in my life and a couple months in I was 45 minutes in 36 scriptures later and still didn't take the breath it was so powerful Holy Spirit just kept showing me what his body accomplished the power of his flesh given a man at the right hand of God in a man's blood on the mercy seat I'll just be on Al he scriptures and at some point oh and now I got the cup the blood of the New Covenant I'm already 45 minutes in there was a really good season Holy Spirit called me into it he said I will show you these things I just took it every day that's pretty cool here we go verse 22 the truths in Jesus verse 21 watch that you put off concerning your formal conduct the old man which grows corrupt according to deceitful lusts now who would agree with me this isn't a trick question set up a little bit but not a trick question but a little bit of a setup who who believe the Bible is absolutely completely true so if he's telling you that you are to put off your former conduct he's talking about motives reasons for beings being in actions why because those things will only grow corrupt and create more and more deceitful lusts so what's he saying let me ask you this is there any place according what he's writing to bring the old into the new or bring the new into the old Wow not giving you not not giving you the opportunity to grow but be careful with that hole but brother I'm processing I'm we already talked about growing up into him in all things so we are growing we are continuing to teach we are going after something but be real careful with that word well on processing brother and you're not really going after him surrendering yielding communing because five years later not a whole lot of change and we're processing God's working with me don't do that to yourself that's a cop-out just talking plain if you get frustrated with me you're already given away so here already you just shouldn't even get mad at what I'm saying if don't agree with what I'm saying why do you have to get mad you shouldn't even get mad well I can't we disagree with their spouse and not have tension well why do we have to always have tension when we don't agree because we're still selfish in ways and don't even realize that the detention should expose that I need my way we're not always going to agree on things but we don't have to get mad and you don't have to get into manipulation control and power play just a silent treatment man people do it in their homes they convey their attitude to the rest of their family with a silent treatment and you're just revealing you don't know Jesus like we sing you know about him but he hasn't been an effective expression in your life because he would never do that could you picture the disciples walking with Jesus and he's just and Peter the only one school Lord are you okay James and John bringing their mother could once sit at you might want you don't even know what you're asking Peter and John or James Beard John and James whoa whoa ever watch the the the the the Mathew video there they're nervous in the background James and John are like wow we blew it here at bring your mom over and asked and this we shouldn't ask this could you imagine for the next four hours Jesus just treating them quiet making them pay letting them know just how he feels about their presumptious question never gonna happen cuz on the video Matthew video is really good there in the background you remember where they're acting really and he walks over as he's correcting him and he kissed this him on the forehead and he hugs you and he rubs the shoulder as he's correcting him saying love you guys affirm you he's not two hours later giving him the silent treatment you know spouses are notorious for that right hey you okay honey hmm well what's wrong nothing come on I've known you long enough to know you're just something's wrong nothing it's called control manipulation okay let's go back to this conduct thing that's what we're kind of talking about in it put off those former conduct sayings that's why there's no place for it in your home's your lives you put it off how do you put it off you put it off in prayer people you don't put it off by trying harder guys you put it off in prayer you sit and you read stuff like this and you say wow I so thank you that the truth in you Jesus man you put life in me god I just thank you that I am not the person I used to be the things that used to drive me drive me no longer I thank you I'm dead to flesh dead to just life in the flesh I thank you that nobody owes me anything gaulden and now that you've just got the Bible on your lap and now your hands are up high and I just thank you God that I am a brand new person in you and father I thank you for the freedom and if there's an area that keeps trying to bite you and grab you don't keep running to an order and say I need a spirit of anger cast off of me do what Colossians three says and put it off so you're sitting on your bed father I thank you I'm not driven by anger because I'm not driven by selfishness father I have no need to be right in any man's life father I thank you that if there's a disagreement it doesn't have to touch me with passion lord I am NOT threatened by others I'm fulfilled in you I just thank you that anger has no place Boise or expression within my life god I just thank you for the change you've brought to me that's how you get free yeah put off put on put off put on Colossians says put off the old man and his deeds put on the new man renewed in knowledge according to his image he's in Christ same language in Ephesians put off concerning your formal conduct the old man which grows grew up according to deceitful lusts but be renewed in the spirit of your you sit on your bed father I just thank you if you feel like you're really struggling with selfishness father I just thank you for my whole life without even realizing I just lived for me it's so evident to me now man even when I said I loved you it was all about what I received from it god I thank you that no man owes me a thing I thank you that the days of selfishness have ended you have so abruptly come into my life and exposed these things and God you're bringing great change just talk and pray commune I would pray that you spend way more time in this arena than anything else in your life I will say this you can come to this school you can go to every conference that's happening in America and the world but if you miss this place you'll miss the whole thing please don't cheat yourself or deceive yourself and think by being in all the right places and sitting under all the right things he's gonna make everything right it's you being with him knowing him is eternal life not getting more knowledge about him knowing him and I know this school's intention is that you might know him yeah it's so important to us I know it's important to talk it's important to me it's the number one thing you might not know this we don't tell this story much but before he started traveling he worked at an ice plant he was thinking of moving to go work under a ministry and he asked me what what what I thought and I said I'm not saying anything it you need to know I'm not he respected me if I if I gave him any any insight it with the influence team whether right or wrong and then if he goes and it's not working out like he thought he wouldn't have the faith to whether it why I'm and I thought Dan said I'm supposed to be here whatever said you need to know but in my heart as soon as he said it I knew he was to do it but I didn't I wouldn't dare say that because he had to go or not go on his faith because he couldn't not go and then think he missed something a year later and say I don't know why I listened to Dan I shoulda went some decisions people need to make they have to find their own faith in Him don't be real quick to give advice because I gave you zero advice he came to me and said hey he was at the ministry they were looking at houses they were living you know I think still in a trailer at that time and Jackie got to taste some houses come and see us he had she could get bit by the house bug and all the sudden Todd's in his room and here's in the Lord you're not supposed to do this and he called me crying and said man I just heard from Lord were notes but everybody's like wow Todd's moving to so-and-so and he said we're not supposed to do this and I'm like yeah in my heart and he said you knew didn't I said yeah I knew he said man and I said you had to know and we talked I said here's what I want to run by you and we sat down you remember sitting talking I said once you go write down what you make it the ice plant and what you bring home a month because I don't want you thinking finances at all and he said why stretch you wrote it down this is what I bring home a month you have to understand he's never held a job in a drug life he's always been in need of money and he used to steal from Jackie's earned mine now he's working and I said you show me what you I didn't have a ton of money but the Lord told me to do this so I said I'm gonna bring you in under neck ministries and I'm gonna pay you per month what you'd be make it if you had the ice plants so it's not like you're not working you should I'm not gonna be an employee you're gonna like hire me on neck ministries and I said well you're not going to do nothing for neck ministries he said why why are you doing this I said I want you to go be with him because I see God's about ready to send you out and you have to be ready and he's what I said Jackie manages that hotel just get a room an empty room and growing the money to Friday and be with Jesus and you know what that man did Monday through Friday six eight and sometimes as much as 10 hours a day he'd go in there with his guitar and Bible close the door and not come out outside my own personal experience in life I have never seen a man mature sharpen and be able to communicate his heart in a three-month period than him sitting right there why not because he was doing ministry because he has been with Jesus that's why he cries all the time that's why his passions all his relationship that's why it's the priority I'm sure of this ministry that you know him three months I told him I'll compensate you I said if you're if if if you start traveling and preaching and people start blessing you important in your life I said then that's fine I said but up to this amount I'll cover so you're never thinking about finances and Jackie doesn't even have to blink and if X amount comes in and and and it doesn't equal this amount I'll make sure we'll just fill it's just a cushion it's a practical financial thing but you - just go be with Jesus for three months I watched him do that and then things broke loose and he started travelling all the time and I only I only gave him compensation for three months and people began to pour into his life and bless debts got paid off and God redeemed and it was beautiful to watch it did not happen because of his calling alone it did not happen because of his anointing it did not just happen because God wanted it to happen he's been with Jesus are you with me really important if it's just because of gifting and ministry there's I've learned I've come to learn sadly there's all kinds of other things involved in people's lives I've been in green rooms I don't want to expose too much it feels too yucky to me but I've been in too many settings where people that men are thronging to get importation from don't even have a good view of people aren't even loving their lives sometimes I've been around so much stuff that just breaks my heart because we haven't been with him we've just been gifted Jesus is interested in your gift but he's way more interested in putting who he is inside of you okay I won't go any more there I'm on thin ice on that one I couldn't tell I got a back backpack and you put on the new man who's the new man we just put off the old man and now we're renewed in the spirit of our mind now we're gonna put on who the new man who's he he's created according to God in true righteousness and holiness so now you're too late to talk me out of that I can't walk in righteousness and holiness because he said he'll empower that if I'm willing to put it on so if I sit on my bed when nobody's looking and I yield and say thank you that you see me as if I've never sinned thank you that righteousness is producing his fruit to holiness without me biting my lip god I thank you that men don't do you seed to seed in my life for sin in my life I think there's no conveying of darkness in my life God let this light so shine I thank you for turning it up through truth and understanding I am so glad to be alive in you and you're just accepting grace see what I mean Nelson you're not trying to be a Christian you're not trying to have impact you're not trying to love you're not trying to forgive you're not trying to be okay your life's in him see you with me and then the storm comes has no effect on the house because it's built yay that it's firm on the rock you get it this whole thing is trying to stop the kingdom make sure you stay in it therefore putting away lying let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor we're members of one another be angry and do not sin what that really means to me to me I'm qualifying that it doesn't mean people say well you know you get angry man use you know you just make sure you don't cross the line sin stop stop if you're angry and it cost somebody their identity their encouragement their faith or their value in your eyes or theirs your cross the line I get angry over topics situations angry when I mean angry I mean intense I I get intense over some things sometimes in prayer and God even lets it come on me you saw me yesterday when I going on that topic did you see that thing come on me could you see it come on me it didn't feel good to me if it felt so intense it felt almost angry but I wasn't one that angry at a person you see what I'm saying but I tell you that thing came on it was real so be angry and do not sin don't let the Sun go down on your wrath why because when you go to bed outside of God you'll wake up influenced by being outside come on if you slept outside and not in your bed under your roof you'd have a little dew on you you'd have some leaves sticking to you you might have an ant stuck in your hair you'd have the sign of sleeping outside the house are you with me don't let the Sun go down on your wrath why because you give the devil place you go to bed with a heart that's outside of him that's right you go to bed with Thanksgiving don't ever go to bed and just hug your pillow and say oh thank God the days over no that's why you can't get up in the morning because you can't face what you barely got through and have no faith for we call it depression wonder if it's just wrong view yeah like don't just like make love to your pillow you dive in your bed oh I'm so glad Oh God it's the only time you've said God for a while Oh God thank you for the bed it's not good you end your day with Thanksgiving take a little time be intentional with it stand by your bedside and lift your hands high and sank off for loving you and grace and that I'm gonna sleep and and be fresh and man I'm trusting I wake in the morning and if you come and get us all great but when morning comes I thank you it's another gift another day and I love you would that be awesome yeah see you don't let the Sun go down here are not given place to the devil let him who stole steal no longer but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give him who has need that's amazing look at this let no not some let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good here's what I've learned about relationship with God I used to swear so bad I worked in a warehouse with 13 guys the more you swore the cooler you felt and the more they thought you were cool so you'd say five vulgar swear words to say three English words that's how you talked in the warehouse and you'd bleep it in blanket and this and that you could even get your sentence out hardly because it was so laced with vulgar curse words and when I got saved they were in the lunchroom one day and they said you just freaked us out so much like it's like you're brainwashed and I would laugh and say my brain has been thoroughly washed and they'd be like and they said you don't even swear anymore and I said that's amazing you brought that let me tell you something about that and everybody's listening in the lunchroom I said I never tried not to swear that would be a New Year's resolution I just realized it's not in me anymore who he is it's not in the arena of who so as your filled with the spirit as you grow closer to him and you put off the things you were you received the things he is and all of a sudden you're not trying not to swear it's not even in you and it just grabbed him they were like who eating their lives because I would pour out my heart they'd ask me those kind of questions and I remember a guy years ago came to our church he was a missionary to Africa and he said you know he said when I got saved he said I was a drunk he said I smoked a pack and half a cigarette today I this and I swore and I have that and he said when I got safe I don't remember trying to stop smoking and drinking and not he said I just didn't anymore and I just remember that grabbing me gone were sounds really cool what's he doing putting off putting on foot enough putting on yeah I know a man that was so gripped by cigarettes he tried every patch around his pastor said every time you light one up if it's bothering you that man should pray for me you need to deliver me pray he had oil poured on him he should have just took a bath in oil and shot out about costs under somber shanab ah sha sha sha still lighting him up man and his conscience is violated now so we don't preach hate you shouldn't smoke and drink we preach Jesus right but his conscience is violated now he has that'sthat's serious ground because your conscience violated leads condemnation you want to deal with your conscience be violated so pastor said I'll tell you what he said let me show you Colossians chapter 1 it showed him he said every time you light a cigarette you say Lord I thank you you've delivered me from the power of darkness he said I can't do that when I'm lighting a cigarette he said you you do that because it's in the Word of God he said if you let your actions keep deciding your life his actions never will so when you light up the cigarette he said you mean even if I'm smoking it he said thank god you're delivered from the power of darkness translated in the kingdom of Sun now why is this some pastors would freak out by this council and say you're teaching him flat-out hypocrisy saying one thing doing another no he PAH Percy is a game player a mask where he's not wearing a mask he's broken inside he's tormented in his conscience he's not it's not hypocrisy he's crying for help so for however long it wasn't long four days which was a probably eternity to him in the in the reality of it every time you smoke a cigarette he would do what his pastor said he said I thank you Father he said it was weird he felt embarrassed he felt hypocritical he's smoking to see where I thank you that I'm delivered for the translating I'm sure he didn't do that he's probably like probably the hardest cigarettes he's ever smoked he's a father I just thank you but there's this thing called addiction there's this thing and nicotine that when you give yourself to it the chain of it says you're mine now I own you and I'll Drive you and I'll tell you when and where and what it's called a yoke you take this big beast he's a 1500 pound massive muscle beast called an ox and he could run you over bust through your house and crushing a car if he thought about it but they put this yoke on him and they break his will they get him to walk in a circle and shred out the grain and do the will of another and he's a 1500 pound massive beast but he's wearing a yoke and all he can do is the will of another what's the anointing do and lift the burden off the shoulders so he's praying that he's smoking that and he's praying that and he's smoking that and he's out of cigarettes so he said you know what every person that's ever who's ever tried to stop smoking in their life anybody being honest who's ever tried to stop smoking and you smoked the last one in your pack and your your your militant thought was that's it I just ain't buying another pack but then you bought another pack yeah so he said I just say buy no other path well it was later that day he's pulling into the convenience store to buy another pack and he's just disappointed with himself on the surface he buys the other pack it sticks in his shirt pocket he pumps gas he's like god I just thank you you've delivered me from the power of darkness normally when he buys another pack he doesn't even notice this normally when buys another pack he has it open before he's out the door he's a cigarette in his mouth and lighten it before the doors closing anybody smoked and understand what I'm saying right he gives his truck he's driving their Road he's talking to the Lord and all of a sudden he realizes he never opened a pack and he goes huh he got it out he's like I never even opened this and all of a sudden it was like he had zero desire to open the pack zero pride and never smoked at some point even in that thing of addiction you gotta put off the old put on the new why he's not a hypocrite he's not wearing a mask he's crying out for truth in his life his conscience is violating and I think it was amazing counsel from his pastor and it wasn't me yeah I didn't want you think I would have met me let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hear and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption look at this watch this verse 31 watch this put off put on let how much Wow let all bitterness all wrath all anger this subtle sounds like perfection here's always asking us to do believe grace is willing to empower cinah sarena but we're willing to put off we're willing to let off and that's that grace take us where we can go that's become what he paid for and see what that looks like yeah how much bitterness food how much wrath how much anger how about loud whirring and evil speaking loud quarreling and evil speaking all of it Wow and be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving and like anybody you know even as God in Christ forgave you so therefore be imitators of God as dear children walk in love as Christ has also loved us and given himself for us an offering in fragrance to God for a sweet-smelling aroma but fornication we covered this yesterday uncleanness covenants let it not even be named among you as is fitting for sayings do you hear what Paul's writing to the Ephesians don't let anybody be in a relationship premarital and have crossed a line and touch sexually it shouldn't even ever happen and ever be named among you don't call normal and don't think it should happen am I making this up or is it here isn't it here I'm a preaching condemnation I'm just preaching the word so if you cross that line then that's just true repentance not I'm sorry God repentance isn't I'm sorry repentance is change Wow I was fewer my flesh Wow I was cross lying while I was in improper condo God thank you for forgiving me and wash me and empower me to live just enough right in these things god I want to be an example of who you are in my life and that's what it all boils down to everything up and preach them for three days you have to know in your heart you're number one desire is that your life is an example that truly brings him honor and glory that your life rightly represents him because you want to that's what we're talking about guys so let it not even be named among you it's not fitting for Saints no north is filthiness foolish talking coarse jesting none of it's fitting but rather the giving of thanks for this you know anybody living in this manner is not gonna walk and partake of the the kingdom of God and the wrath of God is gonna come upon the sons of disobedience don't let anybody cheat you with empty words we covered all this yesterday it's verse eight and I'm trying to wrap up by - five six minutes so I'm finally going late for you were once darkness but now see you were once you were all that's why we're not self-righteous that's not we're not holier than now that's why were not proud we all relate we were once on this list and we didn't do anything to change he took us off the list so we saw ourselves off the list and our conduct began to change this was once you you were once in darkness but now you are light in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness righteousness and truth finding out what is acceptable to the Lord have how much fellowship no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness how much fellowship so it's never permissible none your sanctified but rather expose them why because of the light for it is shameful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret he's talking about people that are Christians but all things that are exposed or made manifest by the for whatever makes manifest is light therefore he says awake you who sleep arise from the dead Christ will give you life see then that you walk circumspectly that means carefully that means with your attention towards your walk walk circumspectly not as fool's but as wise redeeming the time why because life's a gift you're closer now than you've ever been to that day redeeming the time because the days are evil therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is and do not be drunk with wine it's disciplines dissipation but be filled with the Spirit of God speaking to one another in Psalms hymns spiritual songs singing melody Mary in your heart right yay giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ yielding and adapting yourselves to one another in the fear and reverence of the Lord come on these things are not just scriptures of old he is writing to us he is not just writing to the Ephesians why don't you stand your feet with me would you please no it's okay you don't have to clap just and you fee I read a lot of Scripture there huh it's there isn't it read these scriptures I've read them to myself every once in a period a while a flip on the movie the passion every once in a while just to stay sober just to look at a picture of somewhat what it cost him because it was worse it was worse than the movie the passion but passion is pretty hard to watch I've heard Tristan say oh I don't watch it it's too sadistic oh you ought to watch it every Christian should watch stay sober you know I'm not I'm not I'm not being nitpicky when I say this you know I didn't talk about in any of the scriptures but it's in my heart I'm going to end with it says I can show you two quick places where Christian a Christian never has permission to complain complaining is totally blown out of their life because they're selfless so just the sheer commonality of complaining in our lives gives away that we haven't really totally understood that we put off and put on complaining is a self-centered expression that you're not satisfied with something something isn't going your way I'm not happy you're a sitting duck for the devil when you live that way he'll poke you on every angle especially the more you step out and think you're doing things for the kingdom he will just shut you down where he finds you're weak you give him no place and you let the ruler of this world cometh in half nothing in you amen would you lift your hands to him and just take a minute right now and just be personal right now before I pray and just tell him where you stand with these last three days and where you stand with this message today you be a yes before God you just whisper it in your heart even you don't have to say it out loud you just whispered in your heart and you just tell him Lord I want to live all these things I mean yes teach me lead me guide me I'm putting off everything that's all I want to walk in the new my life an example consistent a manner worthy of you father I just thank you with hands raised and hearts yielded to you that the great Potter would come in this house and continue to mold your children shape your children let the semester of LCU be dynamic for these students let them without fail sincerely say I have received so much and been transformed in so many ways I feel more consistent more rock solid and more set in Christ than I've ever known not to boast I'll see you to boast your finished work and bring forth your kingdom father I know the heart of this ministry so I'm not qualified I thank you that you're doing it and I thank you you're doing it in us Holy Spirit I appreciate you and I asked you to come in a very special a very personal in a very intimate way right now on each and every heart and I thank you that you would maintain encouragement healthy perspective vision and light and I thank you for it all in Jesus name Amen amen amen love you got a big shout guys come on [Applause] you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 49,591
Rating: 4.836401 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, LCU, Lifestyle Christianity University
Id: vKCaiz3RI3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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