D4 - Complete Leveling Guide ( Diablo 4 )

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hey guys it's lucky here welcome back and today we're going to go over a complete leveling guide for Diablo 4. this is not going to be so much a step-by-step leveling guide as much as it's going to be hey between 10 and 20 keep your eyes out for these things between 20 and 30. make sure you take care of these things between 30 and 40 keep an eye out for this and between 40 and 50 you should have done this this and this the whole point of this video is not so much to tell you how to play the game as it is to make sure that you don't get to like level 50 and go crap I completely miss an important part of the game that I could have been taking advantage of for the last 20 or 30 levels we're trying to remove the chance of that regret happening for you so if you're watching this video at level 30 you know you could watch and go oh I did all the things he said check off the Box before he hits 30 and 40 is coming up and I'll be able to do this this and that right so that's what the purpose of this guide is for it's just kind of a very broad strokes this is how the game kind of flows and these are the things you kind of want to make sure you've taken care of at this point and these are the things that are kind of coming up basically Diablo 4 is going to take you more or less counterclockwise around the map starting in fractured Peak so you'll start in this area then you'll move north to skaz Glen and then you go west to dry steps and then you'll go over here to hausar you know you kind of make the diagonal jump here and then finally last you'll go to kajistan that's kind of how you move through the map right so what's gonna happen first you're going to spawn in fractured Peaks what do you need to look out for here well from level one to ten pick up any bushes or Boulders that you happen to walk by you're gonna want these things on hand because pretty soon when you get to the next 10 levels you're going to be doing things like upgrading potions upgrading gear and it's going to use these kind of materials that you can start gathering at low levels now also keep an eye peeled for Alters of low lift you might be like me I am just completely blind to these dang things like I walk through the whole Zone I did all the fractured Peaks and I found one two three four five six I found six there's 28 right and I thought I was looking for him as I was playing like I know where a lot of them are because I grabbed them so many times during the beta but I still was writing through the map and I completely just I just missed them now you're in kyovichon you've got to level 10 what are you going to be doing between 10 and 20. well the main thing that you want to look out for in these levels is your priority Quest between 10 and 20 you're going to start getting these light blue quests these are priority quests you want to make sure you do these anytime you get them for the rest of the game and these light blue quests are going to be things like your class quests which are going to be the highest priority these are going to unlock your class systems they're going to give you massive power boost you want to do those the second you can but the first one you're going to get is a potion upgrade right and you're going to be able to upgrade your potion and the next potions that come after this because you've been grabbing those bushes we mentioned just a moment ago you're going to be faced with two options from 10 to 20. you know now you start getting the option to do I follow the main story Quest or do I do the open world content in the open world content is basically the renowned system dungeons sellers events right and my advice is to do a little of both you need to do the story to be able to unlock World tier 3 to unlock the tree of Whispers to unlock a bunch of stuff is story gated to get your Mount it's storygated right and you also need to do the world content to get your Renown to get a lot of power and quality of life that is tucked into there it's a nice Balancing Act and there's no right or wrong amount the right amount is if you really enjoy the renowned content if you really enjoy the Overworld content do as much of it as you want you're ideally you're getting to tier 3 Renown in each zone right so if we open the map and then right here it tells you what button to press on PC it's w whatever it says to press there on Console right and you can see how much Renown you have in that zone and you can click on all the zones at the top here and you can see so in fractured Peaks I have these first three and something to know a lot of people weren't very sure about this or maybe they a lot of people thought you couldn't keep getting renowned afterwards it would be wasted but you can it's retroactively applied so if you get your first three and before you get to tier three you get more of this stuff done right as soon as you unlock it you could have these both filled up the second you unlock worlds or three you'll just get credit for all of them right away so you can your Renown is retroactively applied after you get it done okay that's the main thing to know about your Renown how do you get renowned waypoints give you 20 strongholds give you 100 side quests give you 20. and if we look at this Zone here I have 110 out of 300 so if I did two strongholds I would get 310 and I would get this potion capacity right Renown is really important for your accounts progression because all of this is account wide so if you get skill points from each zone two from each one right that's 10 skill points two times five when you start your second character your second character will start with 10 skill points to spend at level one right because these are account wide same with potion capacity so you know getting this done is really handy especially for your alts that you start down the road it's kind of nice that's kind of like the you know the 10 to 20 area so one of the first things I recommend doing besides every time a priority Quest comes up you do it so the potion one is the first one and you go upgrade your potion at level 10 right at level 10 go upgrade that bad boy it's gonna make it three times as effective and that's great you want that right and then pretty soon as you're leveling up you'll see the blacksmith pop up and the Jeweler pop-up and the Oculus pop-up right and then you can start using those and I highly advise you to use those when you find a really good piece of gear don't be shy about upgrading it a level or two or even three you know you don't have to do the last level of upgrades but you're gonna have way more materials from salvaging gear and you're gonna have way more gold than you need so upgrading gear to like level two and three it's really cheap compared to how effective it is so take advantage of that system don't be shy about hey I just got a really good legendary upgrade it a few times that's okay here's the orange area on the map when you see these it says an event is nearby you want to do these events these events are going to give you tons of gambling currency which is great for hyper focusing specific pieces of gear you need if your gloves are falling behind and you need a pair of gloves then you spend the currency you get from these gambling on specifically gloves so a lot of times what happens in the game is you get a great helmet then you get a great chest and a great set of boots and then you get another great helmet and another great chest but your gloves just get left out right or whatever piece of gear it is and so the gambling Merchant is the kind of safety net if that starts happening to you then you go and you use your gambling currency these opals that you get from events and you gamble on the piece that you're just not getting to drop and then every five to ten pieces I gamble on yeah has given me a legendary right and so when you're running through the game always do your events because you're always going to want more of this gambling currency it's a very effective way to get upgrades and these events can also give good experience and good rewards to boot so when you happen to be near one do it that way you don't have to go out running around the world looking for them specifically later on if you just do them as you run into them it's perfect as far as which dungeons you should do is you're going to want to do the dungeons that have aspects relevant to your character how do you know which ones those are you hover over it and it says hey this is Druid only it says it in red text right there which means it has nothing useful for my sorcerer that I'm on right but if I hover over this one well I've already done it but it would say that it's all classes can you say right however this one it's sorcerer only if I ever this one it's Barbarian only right so I would do the dungeons that could unlock something useful for the character I'm playing at this time and then when I make a barbarian he'll have the dungeons to run because I haven't run them yet and he'll be able to unlock aspects for himself and level up through the game naturally lost archives is actually an important one to mention because this is one that is good on every single class and it's one of the strongest early game aspects in the game my advice is everybody between level 10 and 15 not until 15 if you're a sorcerer because sorcerer's class Quest is here so you'd have to do it twice if you do it before you're level 15. so let's say around level 15 everybody should go do lost archives and get this aspect and if it's if you're struggling in there and knock it down to World tier one so that you can get the aspect and then you'll find that it's so much easier to stay alive against every Elite pack every boss because it gives you a massive Shield every 30 seconds anytime you're fighting Elites and bosses right so this is one that I highly recommend for everybody on every character just go grab it use it you know thank me later if you're wondering what other aspects are going to be useful for your character in each Zone check out my written guides Linked In the description below at the bottom of every written guide you know if you're playing a sorcerer just scroll down to the sorcerer guide and look at the bottom and it says all the aspects that are useful for Sorcerers in fractured Peaks and then it says all these aspects are useful for Sorcerers from Scotts Glenn so you know oh I need to run these two dungeons in fractured Peaks and I need to know this one dungeon in Scotland and so on right so all those written guides can be really handy if you want to take advantage of that resource if you want to spelunk around and try to find them yourself go for it that's great too all right now between 20 and 30. around this time you should be getting ready to enter scosglenn if not a little before and you hopefully got you know maybe two tier three of renown while you were in kiovashod that would be nice goal to get because then you get your two skill points in your compulsion capacity now you're in scosglenn and same thing you can try to do renowned activities while you're doing the main story quests here that are going to give you enough Renown to get maybe the two skill points and the potion capacity again right and same thing now you're gonna get over here to dry steps between 20 and 30. and then between 30 and 40 you'll probably be heading over to um housar and this is when you're going to get your mounts it's not until you get to this Zone here and you start doing quests in this area it's and a back three beginning of act four right so it's a ways into the game like deep into the game you get your amount so don't expect to get that bad boy early and don't worry about rushing yourself to it because you'll be rushing through most of the story content just to get to it and there's no point right just take your time enjoy your zones you'll get them out when you get them out pretty deep into the story and when you get it it's nice but it's story gated so if all you do is side activities forever you won't get that mount until way late because it is storygated another thing you'll be able to do is Legions will start popping up in all the zones and you can do those anytime they do and I highly recommend that you do these Legions are going to give you great gear great experience like half a level plus every time you do one of these Legions and they take maybe five minutes so you get a half level in five minutes maybe 10 minutes right it goes really fast and you get a ton of experience totally worth doing whenever you see one pop up on the map now from 40 to 45 or so you're going to want to start focusing on maximizing your bill if you've got good items in each slot you're going to want to upgrade those items all to level 3 or level four upgrade those bad boys if you've got gem slots available put the most relevant gems in there for you right if you've got a vulnerable in your build then puts the green gem into your weapon and that's going to make you do more crit damage to vulnerable enemies really useful gem right if you need more resistances so you don't die put some all-res diamonds in your jewelry right lots of really helpful gems can be put into your gear and you really should do that before you go and fight the Final Bosses of the campaign and especially before you do your Capstone dungeon so 40 to 45 is when you're really going to be focusing on kind of making your build as strong as it possibly can be because you're about to go through some pretty difficult content now between 40 and 50 a lot starts to go on for your character this is these are the some of the most important levels and some of the levels where you can really kind of get overwhelmed and confused about exactly what the process is here right because between 40 and 50 is where we wrap up The Campaign which then unlocks the tree of Whispers so if you're wondering about the tree whiskers if you've heard about it and you're not sure when that starts being a thing it's right as soon as you finish the campaign so you finish the campaign and that unlocks the tree of Whispers The Tree Of Whispers is going to give you bounties that you can go do so you just basically report to the tree of Whispers it says hey go to these areas and it marks them like this and you can go to that area and you do all those things and then you come back to the tree of Whispers and it gives you a cash that you you can choose between like chest armor or you can choose a cache that gives you jewelry and crafty materials stuff like that you get a few different options and they're nice it's a good reward it's good XP it's actually a really effective system to take advantage of so definitely take advantage of that between 45 and 50 and the other important thing that unlocks at 45 is your Capstone dungeon so as soon as you finish your story campaign and you hit 45 you can now do your caps on dungeon once those two qualifiers are met you can go into the Capstone dungeon at 45 and it's going to be tough right because it is a level 50 it's a recommended level 50 experience so you can go in there as early as 45 and struggle through it or you can can do more of the open world content and stuff to get yourself up to closer to 50 and then do the Capstone tension so it's less of a struggle for you and when you finish the Capstone dungeon this will unlock World tier 3. so what do you want to have done at this point on your way to finishing the campaign around level 45 to 50. you've gone through all the zones you've done a lot of the renowned content as much as you wanted to as much as you enjoyed having right you've got those extra skill points and you've unlocked your tree of Whispers And you can start doing those you've been doing your priority quests anytime they pop up on the map you unlocked your Mount between 30 and 40 right you did all of this stuff already and then you beat your Capstone dungeon unlocking World Series 3. now when you hit 50 you unlock something really important and that is your Paragon board right and at that point every quarter of a level you get one Paragon point every quarter levels or you get four Paragon points per level two different ways to cut the same Apple at level 50 the other thing that's important to know is the world stops scaling to you you in World Series one and two right so if you stay in World tier one and two Beyond level 50 you start to get really bad experience you stop getting useful items right because the game wants you to spread your wings leave the nests and go to world tier three so that you can start getting higher level mobs and better items like uniques which are really powerful legendaries basically and sacred legendaries which are just more powerful legendaries than the legendaries from World tier one and two I mean all these new types of Gear start dropping in World tier three so you really want to get there plus now that you've entered World tier 3 you have unlocked nightmare sigils which are keys that unlock nightmare dungeons which are dungeons that you basically get to pick the difficulty if you want a hard dungeon you could use a level 5 key instead of a level one key right or you could use a level 10 key instead of a level 5 key and the higher the key the harder the dungeon so subtract 50 levels from your level to get the key level that you should be probably doing right that's going to give you mobs that are your level and remember in Diablo when you fight mobs that are higher than you you do reduced damage and they give more XP right so the ideal level gap between you and the thing you're killing is uh plus one two or three right that's where you start to get the most effective beyond that they get kind of hard to kill and the XP gains really drop off these nightmare dungeons are going to be important because they're going to give you glyphs and those glyphs you're gonna slot into your Paragon board if you play Diablo 3 and you got legendary gems at the end of Greater riffs these glyphs are the same exact thing they're basically that you get the glyph at the end of The Nightmare dungeon and you can level the glyph up at the end of The Nightmare dungeon right so you level it up and then you stick it in your Paragon board and you can level it up some more only way to level the glyphs and the only way to find the glyphs is by running nightmare dungeons so you can see why they're incredibly important because they are incredibly powerful especially once they get leveled up and beyond that when you enter World zero three around level 50 you're also going to unlock hell tied zones hell tied zones are zones around the map they'll be like a kind of red area on the map that you can go O2 not the PVP Zone but another Zone like it's a different area and you can go there and kill the mobs in that area when you kill the mobs in that area they give you a new type of currency called Cinders the Cinders can be used to open Chess now if you die in a Hell tied Zone you drop half of the Cinders you collected so you don't want to die anytime you're in a Hell tied Zone like at all costs keep yourself alive if that means running from a fight go ahead and run from the fight so you don't drop half of the senders you've just spent all that time collecting they're on again off again so these hell Tides show up for an hour and then they're gone for an hour and then they're up for an hour so when they're up it may be a good idea for you to go over and take advantage of it and then when it's gone for an hour go do other stuff and then it's up again you can go take advantage of it again if you'd like to the great thing about these is you can Target form specific pieces of gear like it'll that if you find a chest it'll say kind of what type of gear it's going to drop you can go and go to a chest that's gonna drop boots or you could go to a different chap that's going to drop a chess piece right and you can spend your Cinders getting the gear that you need as opposed to just getting any gear at all so you can avoid getting a helmet when you already have a really good helmet another thing that you're going to be able to do at this point is World bosses anytime you see World bosses on the map you'll see a little countdown timer go over and kill the world boss World bosses are going to be important to kill like at least once a week because you get a weekly bonus for your kill of a world boss and it's gonna give you a really good chance at legendaries another thing to be aware of is you can run into the butcher anytime you go into a dungeon or a seller so the more Dungeons and the more sellers you enter the more likely you are to run into the butcher this could be a good or a bad thing for you if you're a hardcore player and your character's not fully developed yet going into these dungeons could be very dangerous because that could be a chance encounter with the butcher who's very likely to kill you a lot of Hardcore characters have tied to the Butcher and if your hardcore character is running into a lot of Dungeons and a lot of sellers he could be next now the butcher also has an upside if your character is ready to fight the butcher he's almost a guaranteed legendary every time I've killed the butcher I've got a legendary and almost everybody I know has got a legendary every time they've killed the butcher one person said they didn't so there is a chance that you you know you a rare instead but odds are really high that you get a legendary if you kill the butcher which is really nice same with killing the world boss you're gonna get one or two oh robots oh my gosh speak of the devil robot spawned right now beyond that you're just gonna keep pushing to level 60 at level 60 you'll get another potion upgrade so definitely take advantage of that you're gonna keep doing your world bosses your nightmare attentions any completionist activities Renown if you haven't maxed it out yet right and you're gonna be leveling and getting bear gun points and maxing out your Paragon board all right if you've made it this far into the video hopefully that means you're enjoying the video if that's the case you're gonna love my second YouTube channel it's linked down in the description below it's 100 Diablo 100 of the time be sure to check that out all right let's get back to this right and from 60 to 70 what you're gonna do is you're going to start preparing your character four your next Capstone dungeon at around 70 you're going to be eligible for your next Capstone dungeon to let you into World tier four right so once again you're going to want to make sure you have as many of those uniques and ancestral items on as you possibly can and get them upgraded and get your gems all sorted out make sure your Paragon board is looking good so that when you go to that Capstone dungeon at around 70 you have the best chance of succeeding from 7100 it's more of the same right you're just doing all the same things you've been doing but you're doing them in World tier four you're getting even better legendaries even better uniques that weren't available to you before and you're getting ready to take down that final Pinnacle boss at the very end of the game and that is the very broad Strokes description of the things that you're going to want to make sure you take care of and around when you want to take care of them so that you hopefully don't miss anything terribly important on your way through the game hopefully this makes playing the game a little less stressful for you if you're feeling a little unconfident about what you're doing and you're wondering am I missing something important am I doing this all wrong am I going in the right order the order is not that important you know it's more about in this level range make sure that you do all of your priority quests when they start popping up you know when you're in this level range you're gonna get your mounts and you want to start preparing for that nightmare Capstone dungeon you know stuff like that so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them down in the questions below or swing by my twitch stream overhead which dot TV slash lucky ghost you can watch my stream on June 5th for drops in Diablo and if you give me two subs you get a new Mound so hey if you're looking to do something like that I'm there and I love the company so I hope to see you then thanks for watching and a massive shout out to my YouTube members if you want to become a YouTube member for behind the scenes footage and special access to a private Discord Channel go ahead and hit the join button down below if you're looking for a build guide check out the written guides Linked In the description below there's a video attached to every single one of those that tells you how to play those builds so check those out at d4.justloaded.com if you're not sure what to do next maybe check out one of the videos popping up on screen right now [Music] thank you
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 134,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 leveling guide, d4 leveling guide, d4 new player guide, d4 beginner guide, diablo 4 beginner guide, diablo 4 guide, d4 guide, d4 level guide, diablo 4 level guide, d4 best way to level, d4 best way to level after campaign
Id: KSpHLV8Zyi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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