Diablo 4 - How to Upgrade Your Gear | Ultimate Itemization Guide

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hey guys Paul strong here and today let's talk about itemization in Diablo 4. now it's really important to know which items you want to equip how do you upgrade them how do you upgrade your character especially when you're stuck and you feel like you cannot progress anymore now this might be a longer video table of contents is up there and timestamps down in the description I want to harp on to this point a little bit more before we get into it because when people say they are stuck and they cannot progress a lot of the times they're looking at the wrong places if we for example look at the skill tree in Diablo 4 it is not all that complex right you kind of choose your main skill you put points into it and then you have a singular decision here at the end right everybody takes this there's no decision here I don't even know why these points exist right and that's about it other than that you basically decide what kind of defensive skills you want and at the end chances are you have like 15 to 25 points left and you put them in some kind of passive skills so what I'm trying to say that in terms of weight how much your decisions matter items will make the most difference now obviously once you get into Paragon boy it's sure you could say there's a lot of decisions here but honestly after looking at it a little bit more if you just pick up all the rare nodes that make sense you can even completely ignore glyphs for the first 60 70 levels because you're not going to have them leveled up they don't have radius items are where most of your decision power will come in so that is the most important metric I would say for a bill but let's get into it starting at the very Basics which is there is three relevant item Rarities right so there is normal and magic items and usually an erpgs they play some kind of role for example in Poe you can just craft an item from scratch right in this game you cannot so you can't craft an item from scratch with a normal item magic items are never better than rare items so they were basically just there to fill the screen relevant to gearing are rares legendaries and uniques rare items drop with three to four stats whereas legendaries always drop with four stats now legendaries are not like in other games where there's a special legendary that's called a certain way and then it has exactly the same stats in this game that is unique items unique items always have the same mods when you drop them exactly the same so for example this item will always have crit damage damage to close enemies damage to insured and life gain on kill and will always have this disability down here regarding stealth whereas legendary items are basically just rare items that drop with a certain legendary aspect so what that means is you can basically convert rare items into legendary items later and every good endgame build will have either all legendaries or legendaries and uniques now between these rare items there are distinctions to be made and since I said that legendary items are basically just extensions of rare items it's the same for them there is normal rare items that have a lower item power they have less stats what that means in a second but basically these drop in World tier one and two so this is what you would start out with Adventurer veteran and then over time you will unlock both Nightmare and torment after you complete certain Capstone dungeons now it even tells you this on the side right here no mention of sacred or ancestral items in tier 3 tells you sacred items and unique items can drop and then in tier 4 ancestral items and new unique items can draw and these make a huge difference which is why you want to be able to farm these higher tiers as soon as possible it's usually kind of like a weird dance where you kind of feel too weak to upgrade but if you don't run it you will never get the good items that make you strong enough to run that content so usually what happens is you get into this weird power curve where you feel really weak but then you drop a few rare items upgrade some of your gear and then all of a sudden it kind of makes sense but next up let's talk about item power for example on this item we have 774. but what does it actually do well on weapons it gives you base damage if your Poe play you already know what that means but basically the skills in this game are all percentage based like for example if you look here if I had nothing equipped right if I unequip my weapon and I looked at winch here right here it would set zero to zero damage and in Brackets 17 17 of what your base damage up there once I equip this you will see that the skill will go up so this is the Baseline damage of everything you deal all the increases all the multipliers will scale off of this which makes the weapon or the weapon and the offhand the most important slot on your character and whereas item power is not as important on some of your other gear pieces it is on your weapon even if it doesn't have the perfect stats underneath which we're gonna talk about in a second now on stuff like gloves helmets pants body armors and Boots item power determines your armor so still important but not as important as for example setting the Baseline for your damage but still very very valuable armor is got them strong in this game and when it comes to stuff like rings and amulets it will determine how high your implicit role which are mostly resistances right now which aren't that great at the moment so on jewelry it's not as important however there are certain break points to item power and these are the breakpoints that we're talking about 1 to 149 and whatnot up to the most important one which is that you break 725 Plus after talking about sacred and ancestral items they fall into this category right here so that is why it's so important to actually get into higher tiers now why these breakpoints are so important is because the highest stats so for example if we look at these boots movement speed can only roll on an item with 725 plus item power so not only does it determine your armor it also determines whether the item can actually roll in the highest brackets in the highest tiers so that's why it's incredibly important to have 725 plus now whereas most item slots that is the break-off point after that it could be a GG item like I said when it comes to weapon you want as high as possible important to note you can increase the item power of an item by upgrading for example if we look at the item part here 800 plus 25 item power so for example if you have an item that had 700 and you upgrade it five times you get to 725 breaking this one right here more on upgrading later but next let's talk about item modifiers so there is up to four modifiers on every item and they give you stats for example here at crit chance lucky a chance attack speed and in these mods have a roll range for example if you look at Critical Strike chance you see three percent to eight percent as of this recording you cannot really adjust this so you're gonna have to stick with the five percent there's nothing like a Divine orb that re-rolls everything randomly like for example in path of excel so not only does it matter what module role it also Matters How high the percentage is once again starting at 725 item power is where you get the best tier now the reason why the stats on this item for example the attack speed goes from 6.6 to 15 and the attack speed on here only goes from 4.4 to 10 is because we upgraded the item as you can see up here there's also no prefix or suffix system so it's not like Critical Strike is a prefix intelligence is a suffix and it has like two prefixes no no there's just stats so if you for example look at Helm right here all classes can roll these right here and it's just a combination of four of these Barbarian has certain things Druid has certain things and so on I'll tell you more about what stats are desirable a little later in the section of the video so now that we've gone through the very basics of itemization we have to talk about legendary aspects first now legendary aspects are incredibly strong effects unique effects that you can put on your items they drop only on legendaries and can later be extracted and also imprinted on items what does that mean for example your companions gain the bonus from the bco Rampage key passive right these are build defining things for example for my build right here trample now summons six landslides which deal more damage yada yada very very important I have another one that reduces the cooldown of something right most of your builds will revolve around these aspects so you might think well that's really annoying right so I have to roll a really good weapon and get exactly that aspect on it that is not how it works you can actually extract them and imprint them so for example if I took this weapon right here and I said I really want this companion thingy on a different weapon for example I can extract this right here so extract aspect I click it and now it's itemized as an aspect right here let's do that again let's for example say I want this one on a different weapon we can do it again extract aspect and it's here again one important thing you have to know is that there is a difference on where you put your aspect on and what I mean by that is that everything has sort of like a roll range right for example here it says pulverize is not also an earth skill there's no role there right like the blue number down there is a roll between 754 and 1078 this always stays the same even if you imprint it on another item and this can get increased depending on where you put it on for example if you put it on a 200 weapon you get 100 more effect on amulets it gets 50 more effect and everything else stays normal so for example if I wanted to have this power amped up right the blue number from 916 doubled I would put it on a 200. so the way I do this is I put them onto the occultist then I choose an aspect from inventory I right click it in and then you can see the outcome and that is basically double important to notice that only the numbers in blue actually scale the numbers in yellow do not so for example I don't get any extra duration on this item as you can see down here it's still over two seconds and yeah so for example if you have stuff that is kind of static like for example your companions gain something that is not numerical so you wouldn't want to put it on your two-hander you would want to put it on anything but your two-hander or an amulet this is why often you will see certain builds that have a one aspect that's super strong they will actually opt for 200 maybe just because of that even though maybe one hander plus often would usually be better so we clicked on in print aspect it costs you these baleful fragments and they basically I guess you can't see it but they basically get extracted from salvaging legendaries more on salvaging or selling later then we just click imprint accept and we have our new item right here now even more important especially for the start let's next up talk about the Codex of power as you can see right here there's another option right I can choose an aspect from my inventory or I can choose one from the Codex of power what this is is basically an accumulation of certain aspects that the developers wanted you to have access to earlier and the way they did that is with aspects so for example here you can see Earth skills deal 30 more Critical Strike damage to crowd control enemies unlocked by completing a certain dungeon in the world right so you can see right here where you can get it and then you can see what it does now you can imprint any amount of these Powers onto any of your items so for example if we take this right here we can say codecs of power show only my class and then we can take this Earthen aspect this only costs gold and some resources right imprint aspect and is going to be on it however once you imprinted it you will see there's a role range there did you just get unlucky with the 30 to 40 or what's going on there the answer is no you didn't get unlucky you always get the lowest possible role if you use the Codex of power you can look at this basically as legendary aspects that you don't have to drop first you can just unlock them and basically get up your character gear up your character and then later you can find better versions of them another example would be if we go to defensive mods right here we can see one of the most used aspect here get armor for four seconds when you deal any form of damage it Stacks up to 25 percent right but if you look at my helmet I have 40 right here and that's because this one can only drop right so first up what I started out with is on my first item I just put this on the Codex and then later over time you will upgrade these items just to be clear not every legendary aspect is also on the Codex so some build defining items you might not be able to just copy from your codex um you might actually have to find them so definitely do some research on whatever you want to play first and see if it's actually available if you go to your map right here and you go to collections codecs of power and if find an aspect that you really want let's say I really want this dark shroud one I can click on it and it will automatically set a pin on the map so let's see where it is yeah it is down here so to summarize codex is great for early game Power you can get certain legendary effects but you will have the minimum role possible then let's talk about sockets sockets are pretty damn straightforward in this game you have two on your pants two on your body armor two on your two-hander or one on your 101 on your offense so the same amount and one on your helmet and then one each on your jewelry now if you go to your Jeweler right here you will see that there's different types there is three four five six seven different types in fact and they have different effects so for example if you go right here this is the highest tier of amethyst damage over time damage taken over time and Shadow resistances depending on where you socket it in if you're wondering how can you add socket you can do it right here add sockets you put the item in and it gets a socket so for example boom add socket now be a little bit careful with these early right here you can see scattered prisms these are not super rare once you get into end game but definitely early on they will be very scarce later though just sock it away you can also unsocket an item by basically I don't know putting a gem in then clicking on the item and it will remove the gem good to know though is if you don't need an item anymore that has a certain gem in it you can also render it and you will get the Gem for free back now in terms of what's good it kind of depends on your build but a pretty much a no-brainer on Armor is maximum life for example or if you have very good fortify up time usually the damage reduction while fortified is even better on jewelry I would say mostly the Flawless skull down here which for some reason I don't have in here anymore is probably the best with the plus to armor and when it comes to weapons the most used one is probably the Critical Strike damage to vulnerable enemies because most builds have a very reliable way or some other builds can also use the ones that give crit damage to crowd control however this is very very generalized so just if you follow a build definitely do what they say or if you have a better idea go ahead and let's talk about upgrading so if you go right here you can repair and then you can upgrade your item right here so what you have to understand is upgrading increases the stats of your items and it also increases your item power now for example if we take just like the first item we see right here and we upgraded we can see right here it costs some Rawhide which is nothing it also always costs gold so then I've upgraded it once right if I want to do it twice it costs a new currency then it costs veiled crystals which early on can be kind of a problem but later on you will find so many they just drop from almost every single rare you encounter and then we get into the a little bit more rare materials so the coiling wards you actually get from salvaging legendary armor right so if we upgrade that right here boom and then the last one right here is only found in Hell tied events these are special events where you can drop these from Elites and also the chests so when we talk about upgrading early on I would tell you to only go up to four very very early at the max to three but in endgame you definitely want to go all the way and you want to farm up those hell tights so as you can see right here these stars mean four and all my gear that I'm currently wearing is obviously upgraded to five it makes a huge difference upgrades do not just increase increase your armor or your DPS on your weapon they also increase all the rolls so for example the plus two can go to plus three plus three can go up to plus five intelligence goes up strength goes up now next up let's talk about re-rolling mods if you didn't know you can go to a cultist right here and you can go to enchant item now you can replace an unwanted affix with a new one right here at the cost of materials and also a ton ton of gold now you can replace the affix as many times as you want but only one on every item I'll give you an example this item is trash so don't take this for anything but let's say oh I really want the strengthened int and I'm a landslide build so plus two to Landslide is good the plus two tornado is completely useless for me well what I can do here is I can once choose for example the ranks of tornado and I can reroll it it's called enchant down here and you can see that it also costs forgotten souls and this is one of the biggest currencies and game that you can only get from Hell tides and these are super important to pick up whenever you can that's why people always go for hell Tides so it's very very expensive to re-roll now you can see here it only costs 30k gold but if I click enchant right here now I get two options to change the stat for example here oh I really want that crit chance and I can click replace affix if there's nothing here that I actually want I can also click no change but for example let's say I really want the crit it tells me this gets removed and I get the crit on replace affix and there you go I have the crit now let's say that later you're like oh this critical structure is a little bit low though maybe I can reroll it for it again you can reroll this one stat as often as you want however the other three affixes are now locked in and as you can see here the enchant cost goes up drastically the crafting cost as far as I know stays the same and will always cost you one forgotten Souls but for example let's say I want to re-roll enchant I didn't hit anything that sucks right so we're just gonna do no change we're gonna keep the critical strike chance it's going to stay the same yeah the crafting cost here stays the same the gold goes up for each try now I just want to make this clear in order to get your GG gear you will use this a lot there will be a lot of gold spending here I'm talking Millions even hundreds of millions later so if you're early on in the game and you feel like you're swimming in Gold everything's so easy oh Paragon Point reset that's so easy nothing costs any money here is the real culprit and if you want true End Game Gear this is where most of it is going to go in and that's also why you always should form the hell Tides if you can now then let's talk about selling versus salvaging real quick this is probably the question I get asked the most should I Salvage my items like this right here I get some Salvage material back or should I actually sell it for gold right like here I get 17900 for gold for this now I could just say it depends because it's true however I will give you a little bit more context depending on when you are in the game early in the game I would say Salvage almost everything unless there's some reason maybe a respect or something you really need that gold I would just Salvage it all because you need even the most basic of mats so for example if we go right here to the blacksmith and I Salvage a rare there is a good chance if it is higher level actually is there any yeah so for example this one right here is ancestral we're going to get rare crafting materials the veiled crystals these are going to be hard to get early later you're going to swim in them but early on I would Salvage as much as you can now later on your rare gear will be worth a ton of gold depending on what is ancestral is it sacred these can sell up to like 20 000 gold or higher depending and legendaries can sell even higher if we do the math on a full inventory of items for example let's say it's all rare is no legendaries we have 33 inventory slots and let's say on average they sell for 15 000 gold uh we're talking about an inventory that gives you half a million gold and you're going to swim in these rares later now in late game what I would tell you to do is Salvage all the legendaries that you can because there's going to be certain currency that you are not always going to have infinite off so for example if I Salvage this right here I can see that I get a baleful fragment this was one of the ones we used earlier he used quite a few of these however when it comes to rares I would usually go and sell it so just go here sell to the vendor as for uniques I usually keep one of each unique but they are worth a ton of gold for example here you see cell value 210 000. I usually keep one of each and the rest of yourself so in short early game Salvage all endgame Salvage legendaries sell rares however adjusted to your needs now at the end here let's talk about stat priorities and I just want to make clear that this is not to tell you exactly what you want to get on your build because it is build dependent I don't know whoever was watching is going to play what build it very much depends on that however what I want to give you with this is if you look at an item you can approximately see what is worthwhile to keep and what is not when I started the game it was incredibly hard for me to look at an item and know whether it's good or not it took so much time that I would rather kill monsters with so that's what I kind of want to get with this now first up is cooldown reduction yeah before is a very cooldown heavy game let's be real most probably three to four of your skills will have cooldowns and getting up your defensive skills earlier or maybe your offensive skills is just gonna be so damn strong I'm pretty sure cooldown reduction is going to get nerfed over time so this might change in the future when it comes to movement speed movement speed is very scarce in this game right now you can get it from boots and from The Amulet now this might depend on classes I'm not really sure I haven't really seen anything else there's also certain legendary aspects that give you movement speed which are very important but in general I don't even look at an amulet that doesn't have movement speed or a boots that don't have movement speed unless the other three mods are perfect and then I'm just gonna roll like crazy for movement speed there's zero chance I'm not going to go for them besides just being fast and making your build feel better it also means you can run out of enemy attacks quicker which is going to be very worthwhile especially endgame and then also plus two levels for example you can see right here I have plus four ranks of landslide and this gives me a huge damage increase now how much damage exactly kinda depends but I would say in general it will give you around about 10 to 12 percent more damage per rank I would mostly use these on your main skill your main damage dealer but there's also things like on sork for example Frost Nova if you get more levels you get less cooldown recovery which is once again really really strong or maybe on your teleport so that is the first tier second tier I would say is every sort of damage reduction mod maximum life and armor at the end armor I would say quite depends on what class you are for example on the Barb armor is way more worthwhile than for example on a sword but damage reduction mods across the board are just incredible for example these pens which have triple damage reduction damage reduction from close damage reduction from distend and also just straight up damage reduction in general you will see stuff like damage reduction from poison from burning whatever which is also a huge Boon if you can actually apply those ailments and you have maximum life the reason life is so strong in this game is you get so much like compared to something like Pue where you get like small incremental increases you can see right here I have 6885 life right now right and just my helmet alone gives me 849 but that's also increased by all the increased maximum life right so if I equip it I basically lose over a thousand light if I had life rolls on every gear piece I wanted I would be over 10 000 life that is how crazy it is the reason Max life is also so strong is because the potions in this game for the most part also scale percentage-wise so if you have 10 000 life you're also going to recover more now after all that is settled we can talk about offensive stats now I want to make this clear damage reduction mods life and armor at the start you might think this is not a big deal enemies hit like a wet noodle that difficulty goes up so fast if you don't gradually increase your defenses you'll be at a point where you're like oh I'm just getting one shot and now I need better gear but the gear drops from the mobs that I get one shot by so just keep that in mind it gets a lot harder across the board if we talk about stat priorities in terms of offense usually what comes up first is crit chance to a lesser not really lesser extent crit damage but the thing is if you don't have enough crit chance crit damage just doesn't do anything crit damage is still incredibly valuable but this is once again super build dependent lucky hit chance could be your best stat it could be your worst stat depending on what you run right like lucky a chance if you don't know is basically a proc coefficient so yeah if you have nothing to proc it sucks if you have like five things to proc it's insane now when it comes to main stat and stacking means that it really depends on what your build does if you are int or will power based my personal opinion is those are the worst stats to stack now does mean that you can't do it it's still good don't get me wrong but if you're strength based or dexterity based now we're talking when it comes to vulnerable damage this is its own damage multiplier that is why it's very very strong to stack however not all classes have a hundred percent uptime on it so depending on your uptime of vulnerable it might be better or worse after that we have everything else that I forgot or that's specific to your class and then we have resistances resistances currently are something you want to get on no piece of gear this might change in the future but as of this recording resistances are absolute dog I would go into detail but already made a really good video about it so we'll link that down in the description but yeah that's about it um I hope I didn't forget anything if I did put it down in the comments whether you're new to Diablo or maybe you could like learn a few new things here I hope you enjoyed the video overall I would say definitely keep track of your items Diablo 4 is a game that is very unforgivable you can't just like skip your upgrades for 10 levels like for example in Path of Exile yeah that's it from me since I still have a slogan see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Palsteron
Views: 64,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: builds, palsteron, d4, diablo 4, d4 guide, d4 builds, d4 items, d4 itemization, diablo 4 items, diablo 4 itemization, d4 aspects, d4 codex, codex of power, diablo 4 aspects, diablo 4 codex, diablo 4 item power, diablo 4 item guide, diablo 4 items explained, diablo 4 item farming, diablo 4 item system, diablo 4 item affixes, d4 item farming, diablo 4 item upgrades, diablo 4 item upgrade, maxroll
Id: bfdm28K3gaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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