Diablo 4 Complete Beginners Guide

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hi everyone it's Rax and we're about to tackle a colossal topic here we are going to go the ultimate beginner's guide to Diablo 4 if you've never played or you're new or you just want to watch a really long video where we talk about literally just about every single thing in the game I'm going to do it completely based on knowledge or on memory this is the only script that I have this kind of table of contents and let me go through and tell you about Diablo 4 that way you can see if it's the right game for you if you would like to play and you will at least have a basic understanding of just about everything in the game when you start okay so let's just get right into it uh I'm gonna try to do this as fast as I can so the beginner's guide to Diablo 4. first of all let's talk about Diablo 4 for a second Diablo has been a franchise for a long time and got Diablo 1 Diablo 2 Diablo 3 and Diablo Immortal the mobile phone um Diablo 4 is going to do something a little bit different Diablo 4 is going to be an open world and it's an arpg um it's kind of just an action-packed game where you go through dungeons level up a character gain a bunch of items and just get powerful and then slay harder monsters from there they have seasons where they reset things and they change things and they add new powers so that's kind of the exciting thing and the reason to keep on playing so that's what Diablo 4 is as a game on the launch there are going to be five classes and let's go through each of them and let's start with the Barbarian the Barbarian is probably exactly what you think it is it's the big melee Warrior they dive into battle they have a lot of the skills that have been used in the previous Diablo games they have Whirlwind they have the one new one is upheaval it attacks at range they have Ren which is kind of a bleed they do massive shouts which help out not only you but your teammates they can leap they can charge they can spear people and uh it's kind of the big big tanky Melee character ferocious fighter if that's the style that you like so we go for the Druid the Druid is the shape shifter you can be in human form doing like nature or Earth or uh storm Elemental damage or you can shift into a werewolf and be a wear bear and you can shift between them which if you build a certain way can be very helpful or you can stay in like one true form like wear bear or werewolf and that also works too then we go to the necro kind of the commander of the undead they've got skeletons they've got Golems they do bone skills blood skills they curse people I'm kind of the undead class and we have the Rogue it's the very Nimble melee fighter different from the Barb relies more on like high Mobility to stay alive rather than just raw tankiness um they can shoot bows so they can attack at range as well and then finally the sorcerer is probably exactly what you think it is just the master of the elements their attacks are based on fire lightning hold you can go like one full element that works and kind of mixing and matching has kind of become appealing as well and they have some ways to do that to make very powerful stuff so let's talk about builds and how a build actually works and we will use Diablo 4 builds.gge because maxroll is releasing all of their brand new stuff on the 30th so I think this is going out on the 29th so it'll be the very next day um so check out Maxwell but for now we'll use diablo4builds.gg and let me just pull up uh let me just pull up a guide here and let me just walk you through how how a build even works so usually in the first category for all of your characters you have kind of your basic skills to just start off the game usually this is your way to either generate resources or just to use while you're waiting for some other Mega skill to come back up next is usually your core skills which is usually what you base your build around usually you pick one of them and pump it up to the maximum and that's kind of the identity of your build in this case we're playing a hammer of the Ancients Barbarian Remember The Barbarians the melee fighter take a big hammer big smash big win from here they usually add some utility and some Buffs that you can do like brown stomping and shouting Barbarian shout because it helps them and it helps the party so you usually get some defense and some utility skills and some of these smaller nodes that you're seeing are passives you can choose to put points in there now depending on how strong the passive is maybe you'll save that for a little bit later in your build or if there's a really good one like for example one Godly one for um barbarians it's hamstring uh you might take it a little bit earlier further on down you're going to reach your ultimates and you can only have one ultimate so you got to pick one in this case we're picking call of the Ancients we're going to summon a bunch of friends to come help us and then finally you have your Capstone passive again you can only have one of those which again further builds the identity of your build then you get skill points by leveling up one to fifty and then you get some more 10 more by doing something called Renown which we'll explain later I just wanted to show you the basic idea of what making a skill looks like got about I think it's 58 total points to spend if I remember correctly are it's uh I think it's 58 hopefully and then we go over here and then you're going to have um all of your gear and your stats and your gems and then every class has a special power that is associated with it which can again fuel their builds that's kind of how builds work in Diablo 4 you'll make that one core skill usually I mean there's going to be other metas where you do crazy stuff maybe you make a support class but in general that's the basic idea of a build all right so what can you do in Diablo 4 there's a lot well first of all the thing that probably most people will be interested in is The Campaign which is the story um it spans uh through the entire world of Diablo you go all around I think there's six total acts and there's quite a bit of content there and they have put a tremendous effort into the story and the sounds and the cutscenes and one very new thing in Diablo 4 which I don't think many other games or any other games really do is they put your actual character that you play through the game with in the cutscene so that's another really cool thing dungeons are probably exactly what you think they are they're dungeons you run through them and they have a certain benefits if you do specific ones later with the Codex of power which we'll explain later but you run some dungeons while you level up and you get the idea later on there's nightmare dungeons by the way one thing I should say about Dungeons let me let me say a little bit more they have some objectives that you do and they're different sometimes it's kill every enemy sometimes it's kill these certain enemies that drop these orbs sometimes it's go get this rock and put it on this pedestal sometimes it's free six prisoners they usually have some kind of objective usually have multiple stages takes about five minutes to complete ish or if you have a really Godly build maybe completed like 60 seconds or something later on and uh they give you pretty good rewards pretty good way to get XP pretty good way to get items when you get to the end game you're going to do nightmare Dungeons Nightmare dungeons have a tier system from Level 1 to level 100 uh even being able to clear a level 100 dungeon is a huge accomplishment and something that you will have to work toward um it's not easy it's not easy to have the damage and it's certainly not easy to survive you're gonna have to uh play around with that and keep that in mind as you build up your character to prepare if you want to go all the way to the end and do the uh final fight at the end but nightmare dungeons are going to have specific affixes on it that make it more difficult but they have very good rewards and they let you level up your glyphs later which we'll explain with the Paragon board which is kind of the end game power system hell tight is pretty easy to understand every once in a while a certain area of the Diablo 4 world will be corrupted essentially you go there you fight the corruption you get some resources you open some chess use some events and you get some nice rewards from it when I did it I got a Godly Godly weapon that I really needed with a really nice Legendary Power so my introduction to Hell tide was very favorable strongholds are a really cool thing in Diablo 4 I think there's three of them in every Zone there's five zones so there's 15 total strongholds it's areas that kind of have a story behind them where things were just corrupted and you go in there and you free them it's absolutely worth your while to do this not only for Renown which we'll explain later um but also because it actually unlocks certain things in the world that were not available to you previously it should be one of your goals eventually to clear all the strongholds some of them are pretty easy and can be done at a low level some of them are challenging and you can't do it until later there's PVP in Diablo 4 under certain areas of the map where you can just go in and brawl it's not pure PDP because there's a PVE aspect to it there are monsters there they kill for a resource and then you have to go to these certain areas and purify this resource then you get to keep them you can spend it on cosmetics and things the thing to understand about this PVP is it's not intended to be fair in any way and I'm not talking about the power level between the players I'm talking about a group of four people can be swarming around and just dunk you while you're solo Play It's supposed to be this chaotic unfair um kind of battle arena to kind of fit in with the Diablo 4 world will they do like organized Fair PVP later maybe but the sentiment is if you're going in there you're going into kind of like a wasteland and just ready to brawl and don't go in there thinking you're going to have like super Fair PDP to like you know compete on some kind of a ladder maybe that'll come later but that's not what this is about um world bosses so they're exactly what you might think they are they're these giant bosses you get 12 people to fight them with and hopefully the 11 people that join you are actually well geared in the Pro appropriate levels but they have all these different mechanics and you just try to take them down and you get some big rewards if you can do that um one thing that you should understand about world bosses is is they have a stagger system if you played a game like Lost Ark for example you apply crowd controls to a world boss but you're not going to freeze a world boss you're not going to stun a world boss you're not going to slow a world boss just not allowed but that crowd control is converted to stagger and that stagger once you've done enough of it might break the it might break the world boss's horn or it breaks their leg or breaks their tail might make the fight a little bit easier and it's that when the Sagar bar is full that is going to immobilize them for a period of time you can pop all your ultimates all your cooldowns and just nuke them so the crowd control that you would normally have in the game applies to World bosses and other bosses in a form of stagger so then of course with this big Overworld there's lots of stuff you can do here as well you can do events and just you know run around and there's events literally popping up everywhere which I guess ties into the tree of Whispers tree of Whispers is kind of like your bounty system um but the nice thing about it is you don't have to go to the tree of Whispers And like select a bounty and then go do it it's more like you just ride around in the world and there's tons of events or bounties or things to do and once you've done enough of them you can go to the tree of Whispers and get a big reward it's usually pretty worth doing so if you would like to farm the Overworld for the events you can absolutely do that alters of Lilith is another thing that um little like hidden statues everywhere you find them once you get a permanent power increase on your account and it applies to all of your characters finding all of them one time will give you all of the bonuses forever in the game meaning when season one comes out and everything is reset if you found all the altars of Lilith you will start with all the altars of Lilith and all their stat bonuses and you don't have to find them again you only have to find enough to Max your Renown which we'll talk about in a second but luckily you don't have to find all of the altars of Lilith to Max your Renown so you don't have to find them all in every season you only have to find enough to hit the final level of the Renown which is a lot easier sellers are kind of a cool little thing in the game I actually like them they don't really seem to have a specific purpose but they're a very very short dungeon I'm talking like anywhere from 10 seconds to 60 seconds and you just walk in and it's kind of just like a little mini boss fight or something sometimes it's a bunch of treasure goblins uh you never know what's going to be in there but it's a very very short little kind of basement to go in do a little event get a little something some maybe you'll get a nice yellow while you're leveling so um they seem to balance it pretty well seems kind of worth it if you want to jump in there and fight them side quests what would an arpg or an MMO or whatever this is be without side quests side quests again uh factor into your Renown they're everywhere they're all different kinds you know what a side quest is you either pick it up explicitly in the town or maybe you find a secret love note that you killed you killed a boar and out of its stomach dropped a love note and you have to bring the love note to this person get this person their picnic basket you have no idea whatever anything um but the side quests are going to factor into Renown as well then of course you can run around and mine and pick flowers this is channeling into our Old World of Warcraft days um The Mining and the herbs give you a lot of resources that you need especially for like creating potions and elixirs and stuff like that okay so let's talk about Renown this is very very important to understand Renown is essentially your Fame in Diablo 4. it's kind of like being exalted in World of Warcraft what is your Fame with the five different regions in the Overworld of Diablo 4. well as you progress through new we went through pretty much all the things that increase the Renown the dungeons the strongholds finding all the altars of Lilith doing the side quests uncovering the map of that region you become more famous and you unlock skill points for your build that we talked about earlier you unlock more potion charges we're going to talk about in a second it's going to help keep you alive and then it's going to give you Paragon points at the highest level which is going to be the end game progression system so your Renown is something you should always be aware of and something you should try to max out at least to get the max rewards in every single zone it's your Fame potions elixirs at The Alchemist so your potions are how you heal yourself in the game other other than that you could get healing from like skills or passives or legendary powers one very important thing to understand as a beginner is your potion levels up but you have to go to town and pick the herbs or whatever to level it up at The Alchemist so let's start that again start off at level one with your crappy level one potion you fight you fight fight playing you're doing the campaign you're picking some flowers at level 10 there's going to be an up arrow on your potion indicating to you that you can upgrade it you go to the town you go to The Alchemist and you pay the fee to upgrade your potion to a level 10 potion yeah you already know what's coming you level up to 20. you pick some more flowers gives you the up Arrow go back to town go to The Alchemist pay the flowers upgrade it once you've upgraded it your potion just got better forever then your potion has charges to it you get more charges by completing Renown the more Fame you have the more potion charges you have the more you can use during boss fights potions can drop randomly from Monsters they drop very commonly from clickable things so if you're running a round and like five polar bears are chasing you it seems to happen to me every time I level up in act one there's like five polar bears chasing me I'm about to die I got no potions left you see like a rock or a corpse or a little Treasure Chest click them and almost I don't want to say almost always but with a very high chance potions pop out of them and then you're going to have more charges for your potion when you're fighting a boss a boss will have certain little tick marks on their health bar and when you cross one of the tick marks they're going to drop you some potions so you might start with like five Potions you're fighting fighting fighting it's a tough fight you're out of Potions you're almost out of life but you see you're about to cross one tick bar that's why I have this little draw box here so if this is the boss's health I need to be using this more they got these tick marks something like that okay so the boss's health is going down it's going down you're about to die but once you cross this tick mark boom is going to drop some little health potions on the ground you can gobble them up and continue the fight and try to win okay so we need to use the draw box more I forgot about that that's how potions work elixirs you pick flowers you go to The Alchemist you can make different elixirs that will help you let's say you're fighting a Shabba the first world boss and she does poison damage and she's just kicking your ass and you can't kill her okay we'll make a Poise make an Elixir that gives you resistances to poison right before you go fighter it's going to help you and also it gives you things like extra experience there's a ton of elixirs in the game take a look at them and be aware that they're there and when you're like farming or going for a little session maybe make an Elixir or two drink it and you're going to be stronger gambling so you're going to get little ovals that's how they're pronounced ovals and from doing different events and different things and then you can go to town and you can gamble and try to get certain things that you need um it's usually very good I think they I think they Nerf this now it's a little bit more in line but it used to be very good to gamble gloves because it was the cheapest way to get offensive aspects but I think they increase the cost of gloves it's also very common to gamble for Rings because Rings give you the resource powers that your build needs and usually that's the first problem that you need to solve on your build is your resource management so get the ovals you go to town you exchange them for gambling and you try to get yellows and legendaries it's had different powers in the different testing phases it's gone from like being super insanely overpowered to completely worthless but I think they hit some kind of Middle Ground here so there they are something that you should be looking for oops let me get the green here my bad I want to just check mark where I am okay we did that with that blacksmith so the blacksmith is exactly what you think it is you go there and you can destroy the gear that you find for certain materials that you will need later for the legendary powers and the Codex of power and the occultists and things like that we're going to see in a second and you also need it for the blacksmith itself to level up your gear so you can level up your gear and it just literally just straight up increases the power level the item level which I guess is something I should have explained somewhere but um every single item has an item level the higher item level you have the more powerful it is maybe I'll explain it uh hopefully if I remember when we talk about the difficulties and item tiers anyway at the blacksmith you are going to upgrade your gear and it's just going to hit harder and it's going to improve the stats so you don't want to do this too much while you're leveling because your gear is always being replaced but let's say for example you're leveling up and you find a pair of boots that has like a Max roll of movement speeds it has got like plus 10 movement speed well obviously that's Godly for leveling you could put a couple upgrades on those boots to actually increase that 10 movement speed a bit higher if you get it to 12. and now all of a sudden now you're cooking so the blacksmith upgrades your gear destroys your gear for materials that you need later the occultist now the occultist is extremely important probably where you know you're going to make or break your build um but the occultists can do tons of different things the occultist can re-roll one stat on your gear the occultist can extract legendary powers the occultists can imprint legendary powers and we're going to talk about them in a second but understand that the occultist is kind of this tricky little vendor that you're going to be very familiar with hopefully in town that is going to manage your legendary powers and kind of how your items finally look with the roles that they have on them the Jeweler is by exactly what you think it is the Jeweler not only upgrades your gems unsockets your gems but Jeweler can actually put sockets on your gear put sockets on the gear then you put gems in the gear and it could give you more damage or it can give you more defense or it could give you more life so you look at what gems would be good for your build you go to the jeweler you find a bunch of them you upgrade them you put them in your gear and you don't want them anymore you want to change them you unsocket them probably understand that's pretty easy to do pretty easy to grasp legendaries okay this is a big topic let me try to summarize it very quickly so legendaries have different classifications and their classification is going to determine what armor or weapon piece they can be put on so legendaries might have might be offensive they might be resource based they might be defensive or they might be utility for example an offensive an offensive Legendary Power can be found on weapons and offhands and rings and amulets and gloves that's just what it is I'm not going to Rattle them all off for you this is The Beginner's Guide let's keep it simple but just understand that there are different legendary categories offensive defensive utility and resource and they can only be found on specific item pieces depending upon what classification they're in there is another way to complicate things when you put an offensive aspect legendary ASP an aspect is the term for the Legendary Power itself what does the Legendary Power do when you put an offensive aspect on those different item slots it gives you a different power level so let's go to our little draw box here so we got our we got our gloves we got our amulet we got our rings let's say we're playing a rogue we got our two-handed bow and we got our two daggers right let's say that obviously at in the end game you're going to want a legendary power on every single one of these pieces but these pieces are not created equally because you get the normal value put an N by it you get a normal value of the Legendary Power if you put it on the gloves or your rings or any one hander normal value normal value if you put it on your amulet you get a 50 bonus so let's say you had a legendary power that says you could do a hundred percent damage 100 more damage well if you had an amulet if you put that power here instead of on your ring you would get 150. for the your two-hander you would get double it'd be plus a hundred percent so that would turn into 200 damage instead of the 100. so where you put an offensive aspect matters it it's not just for that though it also matters for other things so let's take the same situation let's go back let's get rid of all these ends and let's say okay I got an offensive aspect that I want to put on I don't want to put it on my two-handed bow and I don't want to put it on my amulet it doesn't need to be that much more powerful does it matter if I put it on my gloves my rings or my one-handers if they all have the same value and the answer is yes it absolutely matters the reason why is your rings are the only slot that can roll the resource Powers remember how they have different categories resource unless they change it on launch can only be put on rings so if you can help it you don't want to take up these ring slots because you want to put resource powers on them usually so it does matter and then you could throw it on one of these final question do you think it matters if it put if you put it on your gloves or on your two weapons the answer is yes it matters reason why is let's say you're leveling up as a two-handed dagger Rogue well the best way to increase your power while you're leveling is to get higher damage on your daggers so if you go to the occultist to put on a legendary power on one of your daggers let's say right here well in 10 levels you might find a dagger that's just way higher damage than this one but this one's stuck with that crappy Legend well not the crappy legendary power but it's a good legendary power but now it has crappy damage because you leveled up and you want this new one well because you put it on the Stagger now you have now you're in this weird situation where you paid the money to put the legendary power on but now how are you gonna put it on your on your new uh your new weapon if it's not a codex a power thing which is what we'll talk about next um you're just out of luck so if you put it on your gloves 10 levels later you don't really need to upgrade your gloves so the gloves would be the best choice in this scenario probably that might have already gotten too deep what I want you to remember about legendaries they have a category that goes to specific slots they have a different power level for the offensive slots and it's not just slap it anywhere once you understand the mechanics how it actually works there usually is if not a right answer a good answer for how you should do it okay so that is our legendaries so now let's talk about the Codex of power which directly ties into legendaries and is extremely important for leveling and borderline useless for the end game so in Diablo 4 you have a big open world and there's a hundred or more dungeons everywhere every one of those dungeons is attached to a certain Legendary Power not every legendary power is covered but a hundred of the legendary powers in diallo4 or whatever the number is one of them is attached to each dungeon and if you complete that dungeon while you're leveling up you have unlocked the ability to use it in the Codex of power so let me let's take an example let's say there is I'm playing a necro and in Act 2 there is some dungeon that makes my bone spear do double damage okay and let's say that this power again it's attached to one of the Dungeons and let's say you can either do two times damage to four times damage just make something up okay so when I get to act two if I go clear the dungeon we'll call it the the feral Den I think that's the name of a I think that's the name of uh dungeon but I'm sure there's not a bone spear power attached to it we clear the feral Den one time it's going to unlock this bone spear codex of power to be used at the occultist to put on our gear but one thing to understand is when you unlock this power where bone spear does two to four damage it always lets you imprint that's the verb that they use to take a legendary aspect or codex of power power to put on an item you're imprinting it onto that item infusing it with that power it always takes the minimum value so let me say that all again in simple terms you find the legendary power that you want that's in the Codex if it's in the Codex go to that act and you'll clear that dungeon you have unlocked it you have unlocked the ability to imprint its minimum power on gear while you're leveling this enables you to kind of make your build come online kind of but you're gonna have to go out into the open world and find the find it again at a much higher level for your end game build so the Codex of power is a good way to get a couple key legendaries for your leveling build do some dungeons go to town go to the occultist Infuse it on certain items again remember the legendary categories and where they can go and don't put it on your main weapon do some tricky stuff and then you're a hell of a lot more powerful while you level and you know you're gonna have to find it later at a higher power level to finish off your build it's a pretty good system once you understand how it works got to know how it works in the leveling guides maxroll will make a recommendation in every single leveling guide of what are the top three codecs of power Powers you can get and exactly how to use that so let's go to uniques now so uniques are very very rare and potentially very very powerful items um some of them are without exception the best in the game and some of them are probably borderline useless but it's supposed to be just a feel-good moment in the end game where you get a unique and you're like holy cow this is incredible example is the grandfather it's just this giant sword and a lot of builds like let's say the Whirlwind Barb are just looking for that because it should give you a massive damage increase they are supposed to be at least some of them extremely rare So if you find one you're lucky you cannot find them while leveling up because you need to be on world tier 3 minimum for them to drop so uh we'll explain difficulties here in a second gotta be on world tier 3 to get the uniques to drop so you won't get them until later mounts are probably exactly what you think they are and holy cow blizzard has improved these over like the testing phases of Diablo 4 they're actually pretty good now get your mount a little bit of the way through the campaign and your your Mount is your friend now and it's very very fast and you can just Traverse the Giant open world on your Mount if you want to get from A to B and ride them in towns they're very nice you can you can find different mounts by doing different achievements I think they're giving away amounts on Twitch if you watch streamers [Music] um and there's not only that there's also Mount like uh customizations and additions like saddles or the Horn of a Shava that we wanted server slam so hopefully by the end of Diablo 4's lifespan we're riding like a fiery skeletal horse with huge Flame Wings with all of our mounts of all of our successes in Diablo 4. it's a it's a pretty good system they've improved it a lot I'm kind of impressed by that trading is important in Diablo 4 there are some important things that you will be able to trade some of the important things I think you can trade elixirs I think you can trade gold which is going to open up a tidal wave of all the Chinese third third party uh real money transaction sites but oh well um you can trade yellows and finding a really Godly yellow in the end game that you trade is somebody which they can imprint at the occultist with a legendary aspect we're using the vocabulary we've learned here imprint the legendary aspects at the occultists on these Godly yellow items can you know make something incredible that could be worth a lot one thing some things that you can't trade you can't trade the legendary aspects themselves and you can't trade things like uniques so the trading system is letting you switch around some things of value but that seems to be most of the best things in the game you're going to have to find yourself just probably a decent system difficulties and item tiers okay difficulties when you level up one to fifty you got two choices for a difficulty World tier one or World tier two World tier 2 is tough if you have a very strong class if you're a very good player and if you have a basic understanding of the how the Codex of power Works to grab some legendaries that help you and honestly a little bit of luck will help you as well if a druid finds the pulverized Shockwave legendary you're just gonna waffle stomp tier two the whole time but uh in general most people should play on tier one instead of tier two because tier two is quite a bit harder um tier two gives you a bonus in experience and gold dropped but it doesn't give you actually better items the monsters are actually smarter their their AI just gets better as you improve and uh so maybe try start off in World tier one unless or excuse me in World tier two unless you're playing hardcore and give it a shot see how you do let's see how the first boss fight goes but once it gets too hard you can either log out and change it to World tier one at any time or you can just go to the main town at the statue at the top change it at any time so you can go back and forth um world tier one world tier two is for leveling up when you complete the campaign and when you complete the Capstone dungeon to go to the next year you get World tier three World tier three is going to give you a much bigger boost and it's going to unlock a new tier of items sacred items they're way better than what you had before you play play play on world tier 3 for a while and then when you're getting close to 70 there's another Capstone dungeon and then if you beat that you'll be on the final difficulty which is torment torment is going to be way harder the monster AI is going to be tuned way up they're going to try to absolutely destroy you any way that you go uh their damage is way higher their health it's it's way harder but you unlock another tier of gear which is ancestral and remember that when you have legendary aspects legendary aspects will have a tear to it as well so the ultimate goal is to get ancestral items and then you need the ancestral legendaries on them and then you will have a fully powered character as we talked about earlier to go for the level 100 nightmare dungeon remember I'm warning you it's not just about your damage you also have to think about when you're making your builds as we looked at you got to build insulin survivability unless you're an absolute God and you can just dodge everything remember that so that is should cover the difficulties in the item tiers decently well let's look at the Paragon and maybe the best way to look at the Paragon would be to go back here and a paragon so let me go to my builds let me go to some let me go to an early Paragon board this is good okay so your Paragon board is what you're going to do in the end game to power up there's a lot to explain here this is The Beginner's Guide so let me just give you a high level overview you have starting board and then you're going to move forward and then you're going to attach a board when you finally step here when you attach a board you're going to have a bunch of different choices and the choices are going to be named after the legendary node every single every single board is going to have a glyph socket and it's going to have a legendary node there's a ton of analysis you can do on what's the right board to pick in what order what are the right legendary nodes to pick up or Dodge what glyphs should you pick up and in what order there's a it's a very very kind of complicated system which the more you Theory craft the more complicated it becomes we're going to skip all that for The Beginner's Guide just know that as you level up every quarter level you get after 50 you get a paragon point so you're just going to be walking through it's going to give you uh basic stats the thing that you really really need to understand is when you get to the glyph socket in every single board you can place a glyph in it a glyph is like a legendary gem in Diablo 3. it's uh the thing that you find and you level it up by completing nightmare dungeons at the end of a nightmare dungeon they're going to let you pick glyph and level it up and glyphs have a power an additional power a requirement and a radius I'm going to try to make this not very complicated essentially you find the glyph that and you find the ones that you really like throw them in here and you see this little red box it's got a radius to it you read it and it says okay it gives you this power and this power and it requires that you find 25 decks within that radius to unlock the power okay so you throw it in there and these little hand icons with the swords symbol dexterities so 5 10 15 20 and this one is seven that's 27 decks so I've unlocked the additional bonus of the rare glyph later on when it gets very powerful the radius actually increases to four so it would make this red area bigger which makes it not only easier to get the bonus but it also pumps the glyphs power itself because as the glyph levels up it's going to give you a higher bonus compared to the stats that you select within the radius and so how could I summarize this very simply Paragon boards move through the boards and select the boards based on the legendary node if you want it otherwise the glyphs and the rare nodes within the radius pick glyphs that are really going to help you level them up and make sure that within the glyph you activate at least its secondary power but usually you want to take every single node that pumps it so this one every five decks you're going to do more damage usually you want to take most if not all of the Dex nodes within the radius because pumping these glyphs is pretty much the most important thing it's a colossal colossal either damage or survivability or quality of life increase usually you pick up one or two legendary powers and you spend the rest of your time pumping these glyphs hopefully that wasn't too complicated it's supposed to it's not supposed to be something that you can solve in three seconds something that you're supposed to sit there and plan for but that's what build guides are for if this if this is giving you anxiety you're like oh I'm never going to do this no problem we we have a full team of people making these boards all the time theory crafting ways to make them better we're not Geniuses there is a zero percent chance a single one of our Paragon boards is going to be perfect we understand that the community will make a bunch of paragon boards and already by season one we'll have some Godly layouts for every single build for every single class not only for Maxwell but just from the community in general that's paragon oh nice I also talked about glyphs at the same time glyphs you find them you level them up you put them in they have a radius they have a secondary power you activate the secondary power you level them up the radius increases you pump the stats and then you do the level 100 nightmare dungeon yeah this is simple right well uh uh that was a lot how long I don't even know how long I talked for but uh that went better than I thought it did but uh you guys let me know did this guide help you if it was garbage you can tell me my feelings might make a full recovery but I wanted to make a video complete beginner's guide to D4 this is if I missed anything I try to talk about almost everything in the game if you have even the slightest basic understanding of these Concepts going in you will have a huge advantage over people that just start off in the cave and they're like oh what's this what's this Legendary Power what can I do with this um let me say one final thing that I don't think was covered here one final topic gold gold is important um so don't willy-nilly spend gold especially early game on things if you're not sure if you should spend the gold or not just don't spend the gold because you're going to need it later for respecting things upgrading your gear imprinting legendaries paying for sockets upgrading your gems buying a liquid in everything everything costs gold did a pretty good job of making it valuable so don't go willy-nilly spending it anyway I hope this guide helped you I'm gonna stop talking many more videos are coming thank you so much and by the way lately the the YouTube has been absolutely exploding been meeting a lot of new people um it's been a lot of fun I'm glad to have you here thank you
Channel: Raxxanterax
Views: 365,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 3, diablo, d3, rax, raxx, raxxanterax, guide, walkthrough, greater rift, rift, gr, diablo 4, monk, dh, demon hunter, wiz, wizard, wd, witch doctor, barb, barbarian, sader, crusader, necro, necromancer, blizzard, blizz, streamer, stream, youtube, diablo guide, diablo walkthrough, d4, druid, amazon, zon, sorceress, sorc, sorcerer, paladin, pally, challenge, challenge rift, EU, NA, Diablo 2 Resurrected, D2R, Echoing Nightmare, Orek's Dream, Season 27, Season 28, Maxroll
Id: qFVFl6mIVS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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