Lords of the Fallen - COMPLETE Beginner Guide

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Lords of the Fallen can be a little intimidating for new players but this video should remove any fear or trepidation you might have while enjoying your playthrough this video is going to be the most complete beginner guide for Lords of the Fallen that I can make without spoiling anything by the time you finish this video you will understand every system you need to know to play the game confidently if you got questions ask them in the comments below I'll read and respond to every single one also be sure to take advantage of the time stamps to revisit any topic you need to come back to later or to skip topics that you already understand now let's dive in all right the first thing that you're going to do in Lords of the Fallen is create your character so you're going to have to choose a class your class is going to decide your starting stats so how much strength agility endurance Vitality Radiance and Inferno you have it's also going to determine what gear you start out with are you starting in robes or are you starting in heavy armor do you have a shield or do you have a two-handed sword and this is going to be kind of a hint as to what stats you're going to want to lean into if you want to play that type of of build so for instance here the hollow Knight comes in heavy armor sword and shield he's got good strength good endurance two things you're going to need a lot of if you want to be using strength-based weapons and well everybody likes to have quite a bit of endurance that's what's going to allow you to dodge incoming attacks as well as throughout your own nons spell-based attacks all right the next option is going to be this one here the war wolf and this is going to come with great strength solid endurance a little more agility Vitality right so this is going to be good for someone that just wants to go massive strength based weapon then you've got the partisan this one comes with a little bit of everything he's got strength agility endurance fatality this would be great if you wanted to use maybe a great sword that required quite a bit of strength and quite a bit of agility there's always a really nice great sword like that in these kind of games the next one here is the morstead Infantry this one's going to come with a lot of agility so if you're going to be using agility scaling weapons like a spear or something like that then this is something that that would be a good start for you before we continue let me take a second to tell you about the sponsor of today's video Dungeon Hunter 6 is the newest and highly anticipated Edition to The Dungeon Hunter franchise it is a free-to-play mobile arpg with a unique hero collector system in a stunning fantasy world the gameplay features a fast-pace hack and/ combat Style with various builds and skills to utilize as you fight epic bosses it's absolutely free to play so download it now using the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen if you're watching this video from your PC in Dungeon Hunter 6 killing a boss is not the end after you defeat a boss you're able to loot it of course but you can also ride and fly them as well as summon up to three of them onto the battlefield to become members of your squad you can even shape shift into them to harness their ultimate power in the late game with over 100 uniquely design bosses and new classes and units updated monthly your potential combinations are endless Dungeon Hunter 6 takes its 3D graphics performance to the next level you can play with Guild mates and battle in realtime Guild Wars or grind with a variety of SK skill tree options to find and test your favorite builds and if you're someone that enjoys trading you can even trade items using the gamees built-in auction system download the game now for free on both Android and iOS use my link in the description or scan the QR code if you are viewing this video on PC join now and you can get a special starter pack worth $50 using my link this gets you 10 summoning Scrolls one SSR Lieutenant demonic wolf and one accessory pack also use your game account to enter the launch lucky sp event for free to win prizes like an iPhone 15 Pro Max A PS5 an Apple Watch and more starting on October 15 check out the description for more details thanks for listening now let's get back to the video then you've got the black feather Ranger this one comes with a lot of agility again great for the bow builds and it even starts with the bow then you've got the exiled stalker this one comes with a ton of agility and a melee dual wield kind of set up going the nice thing about melee dual wield in this game is it's great for applying stat Addus effects cuz you're going to be applying them twice as fast because if you've got bleed on two weapons and you're attacking really fast you can really stack up that bleed and those other procs by you know hitting your enemy really fast in quick succession works great if a status effect build is something that you're interested in doing then you've got the Orion preacher this is going to be your kind of like holy magic your radiant magic build he's going to come with a ton of Radiance then you've got your pirate culus this is going to come with a ton of Inferno so that you can cast those fire spells this game is really cool the way that it handles magic you can actually cast your fire spell like 20 times before you run out of Mana uh very unlike previous Souls born games you actually get quite a few casts of your magic if that's the route you decide to go and there's multiple ways to get your magic back while you're playing including those blue stones you see right there you'll find plenty of those while playing the game and those are going to return your Mana so that you can cast more spells so it's a pretty fun build I don't know if I would re recommend it as your first if you've never played a Souls light game before then we've got condemned here which is going to come with all nines and basically what these are is this is your blank slate class if you don't want to come with predetermined stats you spawn in at a lower level with all nines and then you assign the points manually yourself what this means is you're going to be a little bit weaker to start with until you get those levels and assign those points and get that gear that you're not starting with on this build this is great for people that really want to challenge really want to customize every detail of the build or you know speedrunners that want to fine-tune every aspect of the build once you've chosen your class you can choose the gender of it you can switch between male and female by clicking L3 and then you can move to the next screen and you can customize the way the character looks okay next up let's quickly go over the games UI what are we seeing on screen here at the top left there you see two diamonds those are the Buffs that you have active due to the things that you're wearing so I've got an item here that's making me do more damage the less armor I wear and then I've also got increased regeneration of my stamina that's what you're seeing up there in the top left then you've got your health bar of course and below that your stamina bar stamina bar gets depleted when you do things like Dodge roll Sprint all of that good stuff and it automatically Regens pretty fast on its own then below that you've got your ammo in this game you can have pouches of ammo that you can use to refill your ammo if you're out on the fly but your ammo is also automatically going to refill anytime you're character rest at a bonfire or as this game calls them vigils we'll touch on those here in a moment below that we've got my soul Flay ability and then the Buffs that are attached to my Lantern and that's due to an eye that I've socketed into my Lantern we'll touch on that when we get to the sanctuary and start going over all of the ways that we can buff our character in the bottom left we see all the items that I have basically hotkeyed we can cycle through those and use any of those things that we want on the floor fly oh 99% of the time we're going to be using this one here this is our sanguin RX that is this game's flask it is our heal you use that to top off your health like this boom now my health is full I wouldn't normally use it when I'm at 90% Health like that but you know we're just showing you as an example then in the bottom right we've got two items it's always going to cycle between these two items the first is your Lantern which is huge in this game this is what you're going to use to see the umbrell realm without going into it and also to do a few other things there so so one of those things is going to be R1 you hold that down it's going to do things like kill parasites on enemies which is going to be really important it'll vacuum up Souls like if you kill an enemy and the Vigor that they leave behind aka the souls by the way this game calls Souls Vigor the things that you collect that's what's in the top right corner of the screen it calls it Vigor so if you hear me say Vigor it's talking about the souls you collect to upgrade your character if you hear me say vestage that's what this game calls bonfires and then you also have R2 which is soul FL you can basically grab an enemy and pull their soul out of them which is really handy on like a cliff face like this I could grab him with the soul flight and then set his soul over there in the air and then his body would float towards his soul and he would die it's a nice easy way to kill hard enemies if you're enjoying this video be sure to like And subscribe for more Lords of the Fallen content another use for your Lantern is you'll see a red lantern like this on the ground when you see a red lantern like this on the ground that is a Revenge Lantern basically this means that another real player died to an NPC and if you use your Lantern on it your soul FL it's going to give you this trail of red butterflies that's going to take you to the NPC that killed another player and you can get revenge on them and that's how you're going to collect one of the currencies in the game so we'll just go ahead and do that real quick as an example so this guy right here killed someone we'll go ahead and kill him back and you'll see the currency pop up boom plucked eyeballs that's how you get plucked eye eyeballs so when you see an opportunity to get revenge you're going to want to do it so you can collect those okay so the next thing that you can do going clockwise around is the umbrell seed there bound to the triangle for me and you'll see patches of flowers like this on the ground and you see how my Lantern in the bottom right is lighting up it's saying hey you can do something here just a heads up so what we could do here is place a temporary vestage or a temporary bonfire so you place one here and now you could use this to rest to teleport back to basee to upgrade your character all that good stuff everything you could normally do at a vestage at a bonfire right you'll notice that I only have four umbrell seeds and that's what it takes to spawn one of these you can only have one temporary vestage up at a time so if you put this one here and then you put it in a new location later this one will disappear so it's uh you'll see little patches of flowers like this throughout the game don't be afraid to use them you do get quite a few umbrell seeds just by playing the game and then also there's there's NPCs that sell them so if you've run a really long way from your last vestage and you're getting low on your sanguin ARX right your heels go ahead and pop down a shrine that way you spawn here instead of way back where your last vestage was you spawn here and you can continue the game from this spot you can heal you can rest up refill your charges of your sanguin Rx all that good stuff finally the last item there that skull is switching to umra Rum so what we can do is we can hold down Square here and doing that is going to take us into the umbrell realm now that we're in the umbrell realm we no longer have a second life so when we were in the Axiom realm as it's called The Living realm we if we die we get sent to the umbral realm so we basically get two lives in this game it's a little bit like sakiro in that way you die in The axium Realm you're not dead yet you get sent to the umbrell realm if you die in The umbral Realm you're dead for good right now the umbral realm is really useful in this game for a few different reasons one of which is this is where you're going to come to solve a lot of puzzles you'll get to a wall that you can't get around and usually the answer is in the umbrell realm also if there's water uh by the way don't try to swim in this game if you go in water that's deeper than you are tall your character instantly dies so don't do that trust me I tested it and if the water is in the way uh there's almost always something under the water or in the water or a path below the water and so the easiest way to explore all that and whatever lies Beyond is to come into the umra realm and then go into the water one nice thing you can do with this is you're going to kill enemies they're going to fall off the edge or they're going to die around the edge and it's going to be kind of dangerous to get your Vigor from them in that case like this one here so what you can do is you can just pull out your lamp if it's right on the edge like this and you can just suck it in boom you don't have to walk onto the edge which can be especially dangerous especially like right now there's a guy right above me and if he decided to poke me while I was standing on the edge grabbing that it would knock me me right off and kill me all right so the last little tip about the lantern is this when you see Roots like this on the ground that's usually a hint that there's something there or if you see moths you see the gray moths flying around that's also another hint or if you see blue butterflies if you see blue butterflies it's usually like a soul that you can grab like that right there see those blue guys you can grab those and complete puzzles that way um or in this case this is exposing a bridge you can walk on it while you have your Lantern out now there's a gap at the end and there's no way to jump with the lantern out you cannot do that right so if I tried to jump the lantern would go away and I would fall down with this fall it would hurt I don't know if that would kill me but I wouldn't be able to make it so we'd have to go all the way into the umbrell phase to get across this little problem right here but there's plenty of clues that it's there so you don't have to have your lamp out constantly I mean it never hurts to look around because who knows what you'll see a lot of times you'll see like oh man there's a lot going on over there okay how do I get over there and you can see H in order to get to this area I got to go to there maybe go down so look out for roots or flowers uh look out for grey moths look out for blue butterflies or your controller vibrating or um you'll hear sounds and stuff here's the blue butterflies you'll see something like these if there is a soul to grab and um grabbing the souls will give you materials and give you a bit of lore so let's go show you what that looks like really quick so after you kill main bosses they're going to leave something like this behind and also you'll find these just out in the world but either way when you suck the soul so we'll go ahead and we're going to go over to the umbrell realm here so that we can do this okay so now we can lock on with R3 now see we're locked on to it and we can hold R2 and if we suck it there we go ands there's going to be a little bit of lore that plays here so when it finishes playing the little sequence we get in this case since this was the soul of a boss uh we get an item that we can trade for the boss's armor or the boss's weapons all that good stuff if You' played Souls born games this is this game's way of giving you boss gear okay so you always after you kill a main boss you always want to make sure you go to the umbral realm and you give their soul a good tug okay so you get all that juicy loot from them it's really easy to miss this especially if you beat the boss with going to umbrell realm which means you didn't die once so hats off to you but the downside is uh you might just walk right by that juicy loot you'll see Souls like this throughout the rest of the game as well uh make sure to siphon them it's not just for the lore they're actually giving you rewards that are going to go in your inventory as well so always when you see them always grab them the longer you're in here and the more you kill that eyeball is going to become more and more aware of your existence you'll see a little eyeball pop up down Bel like to the bottom right of it and then another one pop up if that thing turns to 3.0 multiplier and it turns red you're basically dead right at that point what you want to do is run back to the safest place you can or wherever you think like hey if I die here I'll be able to get back and get my Vigor back I'll be able to retrieve it right because when you die you don't lose your Vigor forever it's only if you die again without collecting it that you lose your Vigor right so you'll die once your Vigor will fall to the floor if you die again without grabbing it your viger's forever right so we've got 7,755 Vigor right there oh I just noticed a ladder I never found now I've got to go find out how to get that thing knocked down that means there's a path I haven't found yet so you know if you die make sure to run back and get your Viger which let's see we'll demonstrate that real quick okay so we'll quickly die in umbrell to show what happens when you die in umbrell so you know so there we go we've died our uh Vigor is left on the ground right there we can see that beam of light so we need need to come back and grab that before we die again or else we lose all 7,000 of those bger which would stting right dying doesn't hurt dying twice in a row without grabbing your Vigor that hurts so run back as of right now we haven't lost anything yet right we picked it all up boom we got all the Viger back so that death cost us nothing right so dying isn't the end of the world it's okay try if you know you're going to die try to die somewhere you could get back to easily if you run back to grab your Vigor on the ground and it's not there that means that one of the NPCs in the area or the one that killed you picked up your Vigor so you'll have to kill them to get your Vigor back if that happened usually that NPC will be glowing blue they just like a little faint glow of blue suggesting that they are carrying your Vigor around so look for the one that's GL blue if your Vigor isn't there when you run back to pick it up the thing to know about container in this game is there's often loot behind them so they are worth rolling through and breaking a lot of times also enemies will be hidden just on the other side of them and the easiest way to avoid their trap is just to roll through them and then kill them as far as ladders go and eye frames you get eye frames right when you're attaching yourself to the ladder and right when you're getting off so in the middle though you don't seem to have any eye frames at least that's what it's felt like lately I think that the the rules for the eye frames have changed while I've been playing The Early Access I think they changed the way it works because it used to be as soon as you were on the ladder you were basically Invincible for the entire time you were on the ladder but now I've noticed I have gotten my ass kicked a couple of times while I'm on the ladder so I think they changed it so that there's eye frames during the beginning and the end of the animation on the ladder but in the middle you're totally fair game okay so that covers everything that you need to know about the Lantern and then the last thing on the bottom right there is your bow or whatever you have equipped so you can have a bow equipped you can can have it equipped to your hand so you can throw items like you can throw explosives you can throw rocks so if we select with up and down on the d-pad we can switch between the two and if we select the bow we can choose which arrow we want to use if we have our hand then we'd select what throw ball we want to use if we had spells slotted there we could select what spell we want to use so that's how you use your spells they're all bounc those buttons down there and then in the top right we have our figure so the first thing we'll talk about in our sanctuary in our base here is is you'll find these all over the place in the game you'll see them these are your way points these are your bonfires these are the only place that you'll feel safe in this or any Souls Barn game right so you come up you interact with it now once you've touched it this is where you'll return if you do happen to die or I should say when you die and you'll be able to rest here to get your health back your ammo back your soul charges back you'll be able to spend your Vigor which is really important to do when you can you should because if you hold on to it you just risk losing it if you die twice in a row so right now we could afford to upgrade so let's go ahead and upgrade character and here we can upgrade our strength agility endurance Vitality Radiance or Inferno so depending on the build you want to go and the weapons you want to use uh you're going to upgrade the thing you want to use here so everybody's going to want a bit of endurance pretty much because this is what you're going to use to dodge those incoming attacks and everybody has to dodge incoming attacks right that's just what we got to do so everybody's going to need a bit of endurance it's not a bad idea to get your endurance up to 20 25 somewhere in there uh that's going to be a nice solid range for your endurance it's also going to be really handy to get your Vitality up and also whatever your main status that you're going to be using for your build so if you're going to be using strength weapons you'd want to go ahead and level up your strength if you're going to use agility you want to level up your agility sometimes there will be weapons that require double dipping into two different steps it might require a bit of strength and a bit of agility so then I would level up my character accordingly so it kind of depends on the weapons you find and which weapons you want to use and what stats you want to lean into there are soft caps and hard caps for these stats so as far as like your endurance and Your vitality go you want to take those up to as high as 40 uh like I said you don't really need to take endurance that high that's kind of Overkill But Your vitality it's never a bad idea to eventually get it up to 40 not straight away after 40 you get significantly diminished rate turns for each point that's what I'm saying not necessarily you know go straight to 40 just that everything Beyond 40 you get a lot less for it because there's a soft cap there same thing for your damage stats strength agility Radiance Inferno right those have a soft cap of 50 and then a harder cap of 75 so you start getting less after 50 and then after 75 you get almost nothing so it's going to definitely be a good idea to take your main damage stat up to 50 minimum and probably eventually up to 75 depending on your belt leveling up Vitality is going to increase your health pool of course and leveling up endurance is going to increase your stamina pool so you can dodge more so you can use more melee attacks in a row without running dry and then leveling up either Your vitality or your endurance is going to increase your carry capacity so you'll be able to carry more without going into the heavy weight when it comes to Stats like that the important thing to be aware of is going to be the scaling of your weapon so if we look at our weapons you can see each weapon here it tells you what it scales with this says strength no but it's got agility C and INF C right so if we look at this weapon here strength C minus so it starts at F and then it goes all the way up to S so f is the worst then all the way up to a and then s would be the best so the better the score the better it scales with your stat so if you're pumping strength you'd want to look for a weapon that has solid strength scaling okay and if you're bumping agility then you'd want to pick a weapon that has solid agility scaling and then there's going to be some weapons that have strength and Agility scaling or strength like this one where is it right here this one is strength and Radiance right so sometimes it double dips and then if you look at the requirements those are the requirements to wear the weapon if you ever see a weapon and it's got an X through it like if we go in here and we try to equip weapons you'll see that some of these have an x on them what that means is if we look over there at the requirements Inferno 13 we don't have 13 INF for not so if we wear this we're going to have dramatically reduced performance with the weapon it will not perform as advertised because we don't meet the requirements we could wear anything that doesn't have the red X and it should perform well for us ideally strength since that's what we've been pumping into on this build so that's the way stats work in this game it's not super complicated don't let it scare you you know you can't really mess it up horribly and don't worry there is a re at this girl right here if later in the game you decide you hate the stats you picked you can come to her and respect no sweat okay also what you can do here is you can play multiplayer so if you want to invite a friend to play with you in your game you could do that here just be aware of the fact that their progress won't save for them they'll be able to help you but in order for them to get their progress saved they're going to have to be the host of the game so you'd have to let you be the host for a while then them be the host for a while and kind of alternate pushing each other's games forward if you wanted to do that or you know just have one person come along for the ride and the other person get all the credit the next NBC in town that you're going to want to be very familiar with is her so she's the one that you come to to upgrade your sanguin ARX you're going to get these materials while you're out and about Soul siphoning these bodies out there that allow you to upgrade this so you'll click this and it'll tell you hey if you upgrade it you're going to either get improved healing with your sanguin Rx or you'll get more charges or sometimes both so in this case if I had the saintly quintessence necessary and right now I need two originally it's only one for the first few levels and then it switches to two per level so if I leveled this up I wouldn't get more charges this time but I would get 65% HP Recovery instead of 50% so I get more Health which is nice another really important NPC to be aware of is the blacksmith which is incredibly missable it is so missable now not missable in that if you miss it you'll never be able to get it like you can always go back and get it if you do miss it but it's real easy to miss and uh you'll get deeper into the game you'll wonder why you're struggling it might be that you pass the blacksmith and you need the blacksmith the blacksmith is how you improve your weapons in this game so in this game you're going to get a weapon then you're going to come to the blacksmith and then you're going to tell it I want to upgrade my weapon and then you're going to pick the weapon you want to upgrade and then you can increase it from plus one to two to three to four all the way to 10 and the earlier levels require very common resources all the way to the later levels which require very rare resources so it's not a big deal to take a lot of weapons up to three to four right that's not a big deal you can test weapons put a few levels into them it's it's going to be fine but that last one the chunk at the end there that I have zero of those are rare so you're going to really want to know that you like a weapon before you invest that chunk into taking it to level 10 and the materials needed to upgrade weapons are listed there at the top 48 12 two and zero left being the most common and the lowlevel upgrades right being the least common and the high level upgrades we're going to hold off on that because I think I've taken this weapon as far as I want to you can see on the right there it tells you the weapon current stats and the weapon stats if you upgrade it so it would go from 216 attack power to 241 attack power so it would be getting a nice chunk of additional damage there if we were to upgrade this to plus4 and that's going to be a very important part of the game you do not want to be playing without upgrading your weapon of choice if you ever feel like you're just not doing enough damage well you may need to switch weapons you know you're not going to find the best weapon in the game right away you're likely going to find a much better one as you're playing so when you do find a nice weapon to switch over to go ahead and upgrade it a couple times if you can't seem to find the blacksmith on your own or you don't want to go through the hassle of looking on your own I'll post a video that shows you exactly how to find her and I'll link that down in the description below occasionally you're going to find items that you can turn into NPCs so here's an NPC that you can turn items into as well as talk to oh and that that reminds me uh exhaust your conversation with any and every NPC that you find in this game if you find it in your base if you find it out in the wild talk to it until starts repeating itself and that's when you're going to often get your Rewards or they're going to turn into a shop where you can purchase things so just keep talking to them until you know they start repeating themselves and then you know all of a sudden they'll give you something or they will turn into a shop that you can buy things from and then this is the next really important NPC in here so if you come into this room and you enter the umbrell there's an NPC right here so let's talk about this because it's a little bit confusing so if we talk to this NP PC here we can do a few things we can buy things from this guy like this one here a crystallis of umbral origin used to reassign existing player level points nice rebirth crysalis very nice to have you've got this here A small seemingly petrified figure this is the one that lets you put down those temporary vestages some very nice things that you can buy in here as well as like spells and jewelry and all kinds of cool stuff the other important thing that you can do here is you can sucket umbrell eyes that you find so this character currently has three different umbrell eyes that they've found and so you can read the stats from the eyes that you find and you can slot those into your lamp very handy very very handy so make sure you come in here and check on him every once in a while also you can upgrade your lamp here you'll find this material called anti deluvian chisel you'll find about three of these in the game or so and you can use them to upgrade your lamp and you can see right there it says what it's going to do when it upgrades and then finally you can offer remembrances so these are from the bosses that you kill and then when you Soul siphon their corpse that's left behind in the umbrell realm like I showed you a few moments ago so this character has killed these three main bosses it's not every boss but the main bosses you'll run into a lot of side bosses that don't give you these materials and you can offer them I've got 50 umbrell scourings so far I could trade those in for the boss's weapon or the boss's armor or even a boss spell so each of these bosses has its own things I could take this boss weapon I could take this boss's armor or his weapon right so if you're wondering how to get a cool weapon that you saw a boss using that's how you come here and you go to the offer remembrance there it is okay then there's this one here which you can't see unless in umbrell and you can come over here and you can purchase these with those eyeballs that we were talking about at the beginning of the video and those are the ones you get from avenging a fallen player so if a real player dies and you grab the Red Lantern and then you follow the trail of red butterflies to the NPC and kill it you get these eyeballs and then you can come in here and you can buy these items just one reason that it's good to do that activity okay so those are the major NPCs that are in your base that you really really need to be aware of and then as far as all of them go you're going to want to talk to all of them while you're playing the game definitely talk to all of them and exhaust their conversation check on them you know every time you get to a new area maybe come back and have a conversation and see what new things they might have to say what items they might want from you and a lot of times you'll found the item that they want you know you'll be given the dialogue option to give them that item if you want to so as far as your base goes without any spoilers there are some nice cool secrets in here so be sure to look all over in the Axiom realm and in the umbrell room and you'll find some pretty cool stuff just saying all right now let's look at our inventory and see everything that we're looking at here so what we've got first is equipment and if we look at the equipment you can see this weapon here the one that we have equipped this one here and this one here so we can have three different weapons equipped just know that you know if you're equipping things you're also dealing with the weight of those items so this item weighs 4.7 if I'm not going to use the bow I shouldn't equip it I should just let my hand be there it weighs nothing right because it's part of my body and I shouldn't take that weight hit so don't equip something if you're not going to use it don't equip a weapon that you're not using that's the moral of the story here same thing goes with throwables you know this stuff down here it has weight attached to it so don't equip things that you don't plan on using cuz you're just dealing with extra weight that you don't need to deal with if you choose to use your hand then you get to choose between a bunch of different throwables if you instead slot a bow then you get to choose between different arrows and if you choose let's say a spell casting kind of thing then you get to choose from different spells that you have no matter what you choose those are all going to be bound down here in the bottom right right and then you hold L2 and you will see the buttons that you can press to use the different ammo types or spells then below that we have our armor my character is running around naked because I have an item that says I do more damage the less I weigh so you know we're leaning into that doing a kind of mostly naked run we put on some fire reduction because there was fire that was hitting me that was hurting a lot so you know we gave her a little bit of clothing I don't know we'll probably take it off soon though um pretty straightforward here you're going to be picking the items you want to wear mostly based on their weight the damage reduction from gear is noticeable but it's not significant in my opinion like it's it's going to depend on a Case by case like it sometimes a little bit of defense will be the difference between something killing you in two hits and killing you in three hits and sometimes it'll be the difference between you know 10 hits and 12 hits like it just kind of depends and so you may choose to put more or less gear on depending on what you're doing and how comfortable you are with avoiding damage in this game if you plan to be blocking a lot of attacks then more gear is going to be good if you plan to be dodging a lot of attacks and you're confident that you're going to be dodging those attacks then less gear is going to be good then below that you've got your jewelry jewelry is going to come with some pretty cool stats it might increase your health it might increase your damage it might increase your stamina or your stamina regen it kind of just depends on the jewelry you decide to wear you're going to find jewelry all over the place on the floor the little yellow glowing things all over the game um in chess and same for all the other gear we just discussed you'll find it all over the game and you can also buy some of it from NPCs as well then below that we've got our quick access items this is where you can slot something like your sanguin orx this is basically a must if you don't have this slotted um you're in for a bad time so make sure your sanguin ARX is slotted that's your heal you can slot other items that you find if you would like to these items don't have any weights to them so like you can slot things even if you're not going to be using them very often and below that you can see your encumbrance light is good medium is good heavy is probably bad I was trying heavy for a while and then I switched to light and the bosses became 10 times easier so um you know try heavy at your own risk it sounds fun to be a big tank but it's so much harder to get out of damage and the Damage mitigation that you get from wearing a ton of armor is often times not worth all the damage that you take because you are wearing the armor in the first place but absolutely play in whatever way you want to that's one of the best parts about this game is that it does have a ton of different weapons and a ton of different build varieties that you can lean into in this game and I think that that's one of the big reasons that I'm really enjoying it so far is there's so many different directions I can go and I can easily do multiple playthroughs of this game with two very different experiences which I really like below that we can see our stats strength agility endurance fatality Radiance and Inferno and then over on the right side you get the overview of the item that you're wearing here you can see the sword the sword tells you its level its type it's a long sword it's going to be two-hander but you can oneand the two-hand weapon if you want it's just going to do a little less damage weapons are each going to have you know a light attack a heavy attack and then a Charged heavy attack right and then you can also do a kick with L1 R1 you can do an AOE ability with with L1 R2 and each weapon has its own you know variation of all of those things although Kick's pretty you know standardized for everybody kick is going to be great for staggering enemies so there's three different ways to kind of fill up the Stagger bar on enemies one is going to be to Parry attack so if you press L1 if you block right before the enemy connects with you you're going to Parry him and you'll hear a Ching it's a nice sound effect it says and you know telling you you did good and that's going to take a chunk off of their Parry bar in fact let's go take a look at what that looks like all right so let's Parry this guy here he's got a full circle around his little icon there now we just took a chunk of it away we just took another chunk of it away those are two perfect parries oops we ate that oh there we parried him four times went down and then we get that repost strike right there so basically if we zoom in on that fight there you can see the circle going down around the enemy's little bubble there and that is their stagger bar and when he gets to empty they go down on their knee you can use R1 or your line attack button and as long as you're standing close to them and in front of them it will do the Giga attack on them doing a good chunk of damage now when you block you don't take damage unless it's like a power attack or any AE attack or something that's going to like go through let's see here if he will do so see how it's took some see how our health bar turned gray there that's wither damage wither damage doesn't mean you took any damage it means as long as you hit the enemy before they hit you you'll get your health back we'll hit him we bloned again we'll hit him get some of our health back now we're back at full health we block that hit him so blocking causes wither damage but it's temporary damage as long as you hit the enemy without the enemy hitting you you get all your health back same thing with parrying when you parry you take a little bit bit of Wither damage but as long as you hit the enemy without them hitting you if they hit you but you block it you're okay it's just going to be a little more wither damage but you won't lose that Health permanently down there you can see I have a bleed meter going if that fills all the way up I'll eventually like explode in bleed damage and take bleed damage until it drains down to zero same thing for burning and any other meter you see down there if it fills up then you're generally going to take a chunk of damage and then it's going to continue to do damage to you until it's empty so you'll want to be careful whenever you see that met down there filling up you don't want to let it get full if that means stepping away from the enemy for a second keeping your distance until it drains a bit or at the very least keeping your health topped off in case it does fill up and start hurting you and if you ever see your health just going down for no reason most likely that's what it is it's that down there dotting you so that covers our equipment and how we use it then we've got our inventory this is where everything you pick up is going to go if you're ever curious about something you picked up and you want to know what it does reading the description will always tell you what the the item is for unless it's like a quest item it might just have a really vague description but if you talk to all the NPCs in your Camp usually one of them can make use of it and if it's a key you'll eventually find a door that uses it so these you know you just read these I highly recommend anytime you find something you don't recognize open it up read it see what it does and kind of take note of it because you will want to take advantage of some of these things especially when you get to some of those more difficult fights if you get stuck maybe come in here and take a look and see oh man this would add fire damage to my weapon that could be the difference between you dying to that boss 20 times and you dying to that boss four times right then you've got all the weapons that you're carrying you can sell duplicates without any fear and any weapons that aren't scaling with anything that you're ever going to use you know go ahead and sell those for the extra Vigor that so that you can level your character up even more I've got quite a few duplicates I could sell on this character then over here we've got bows range weapons then we've got Munitions and we've got the spells that we've collected so far then we've got armor armor again you're mostly choosing your armor based on how it's going to affect your weight and then sometimes you'll fight a boss that's doing a ton of fire damage so maybe you'll look for the armor that gives fire resistance there's always a set that gives you a ton of resistance for every element so that can sometimes be the make or break difference between you surviving that boss's Onslaught and you just barely dying right so sometimes the armor can be the answer then you got your necklaces here and then your rings and finally Quest items and upgrade materials these are going to be really important ones like this one here umbr showering we can use this to buy items from uh one of the NPCs in town we use these ones here to upgrade weapons we use this key and the other keys to get into areas you will find a locked door and then it'll say you need this key to get behind this and so you'll find the key sometimes it'll be you'll find it in the game and sometimes you'll have to buy it from an NPC that's in your base and then you'll find other materials that maybe you need to turn into one of those NPCs in the base and then next you've got the umbrell eyes we talked about that you put those in your lamp at the hidden NPC that's in the umbrell realm in your base talk to him you can slot those uh we've got runes runes you're going to find throughout the game and these oh we forgot to talk about that when we were talking about the blacksmith runes you can slot into your weapon and weapons are going to have different shapes so this one is like an upside down triangle uh some might be an octagon some might be a square so you have to fit the shape in the in the weapon shape right so if the weapon has an upside down triangle Rune slot then you can put an upside down triangle Rune into that lot and you will get tons and tons of runes while you're playing I mean rows and rows of them so you'll always have plenty to choose from so truly customize your build and make it your own then you've got tinks tinks are really cool tinks are your fashion Souls this is how you make your character look the way you want to look in a sense so if I wanted to change the color of my gear that's what we use the tinks for you can get tinks from PvP and uh you'll get tinks by playing the game so if you want more customization you know participating in PvP is always good idea maybe we put on something that you know kind of shows this off better okay so here's this one and if we go ahead and we do the tins so now you'll see it see it's changing all the diece slots there's three different diece slots kind of changing it so you can mix and match and make your helmet and your boots and your gloves and your chest Armor All like the same ones or kind of customize it make your own it's up to you however you want to do it then you've got your gestures your gestures are going to be a nice way to interact with the people that you PVP against so like you'll see an enemy in your game and sometimes you'll want to pop them with like hello you know um before you kill them hopefully and or you know maybe sometimes you kill them and then you just want to wave goodbye as they Fade Into You Know nothingness that's what those gestures come into play um to use your gestures uh with a controller you just hit the big pad in the middle and then select the gesture you want to use I am playing this game on PC using a controller I just always use controllers for Dark Souls games I don't use controllers for many games uh almost any but if it's an action combat kind of game I always go for controller and I highly recommend it in this game especially just because the controller vibrates when you're getting near things that the game thinks you know you should be aware of with your Lantern it'll be kind of a hint like hey you're near something and the controller will start vibrating and um if you're on mouse and keyboard then you're going to have to really pay attention to your ears and your eyes instead you know looking for the mods looking for the roots listening for the sounds that are also hinting um and also your lamp your lamp will start glowing when you're close to things you can interact with sometimes also it's worth noting that the game does not pause when you open the menu you're still moving around while you're in here by the way and so is your enemy so don't pause and go AF care or don't pause when you get to a boss fight and you're like oh man I need to I need to breathe before I do this right don't pause but you can go pause and then go to photo mode this will pause the game it will pause your enemies you know so this this is kind of your I need a moment you can go into photo mode and that'll give you you know full pause on the whole game and to do that you just open the menu and then L3 now sometimes your game is going to tell you that you've been invaded and then a player will come in and they are trying to kill you right there's a currency that they get for killing you and you get this you also get a currency for killing them so if we look at our currencies here those hands I have 18 of them that is a currency I got because players invaded my game and then I killed them when they came in you can use those hands to buy things from the merchants in town so those hands there in the top left you get from PvP the eyeballs you get for avenging Fallen real players speaking of buying things with PVP currency so if you go to this vestage here it looks like this this is the PVP Vendor by the way um so if you get big in a PVP and you acquire a bunch of hands you'll be able to come to this guy and purchase from him using those hands and as you can see you can buy even more d as well as you know some charred fingers to get into more PVP sometimes you'll be looking up at the trees and you'll see a body hanging from the trees well a lot of times you'll see a body hanging from the trees that's just how people like to decorate here but sometimes that body will be glowing yellow and when that's the case select your hand in the bottom right there select your hand and then just toss a rock at it you know lock on to it with R3 or whatever your lock on button is and then throw your rock at it and that'll knock that loot down to the ground so you can go grab it all right the last thing I want to touch on is getting lost and knowing where to go next you're going to see beams in the sky and that's generally where you're going to be going because you're going to be trying to purify five of these beams scattered throughout the world so in general that's the direction that you're going to be trying to go on your way though you're going to try to find every Corridor secret and weapon and boss and everything to make sure that you're strong enough to make it into the next section it will happen guaranteed that you go a direction that you're not supposed to go yet you miss an entire zone or an area that would have given you a lot of levels a lot of of experience and would have made your character a lot stronger and by missing that you wander into the next Zone completely unprepared all of a sudden the mobs are taking way too long to kill or even worse maybe you make it all the way to a boss and you realize he's absolutely having his way with you don't worry if this happens and you're just beating your head against the wall turn around and go find the areas that you miss behind you because I guarantee you did miss some significant areas so most likely you just needed to go left when you went right or you needed to go double back and go through an umbrell door that you didn't see and all of the things that you run into in there are going to be 10 times easier than whatever it is that you're stuck against because you accidentally wandered into a higher level Zone the game doesn't tell you that you're in a high level Zone there's no levels displayed on the mobs so really the only way for you to know this is by feeling it out it's one of those types of mistakes that every player makes in a Souls game the new players the veterans and you'll make it in every Souls like to come so the only thing that changes as you you play more of these as you get better at recognizing oh man this is too hard I think I was supposed to turn around and go the other direction here I better go and explore that last Zone a little bit more before coming back to here so I just wanted to pass that advice on because it's going to happen to you and that's most likely when you're going to get the most frustrated it's going to be because you wandered into an area that your character's not ready for yet and all you needed to do was go to a different area where you are qualified to fight all of those things and it's going to feel a lot better and you're going to make a lot better progress that way all right guys you made it all the way to the end of this complete beginner guide thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed be sure to like And subscribe for more Lords of the fallen and souls born content massive shout out to my channel members if you want to become a channel member click the join button below for perks like behind the- scenes footage and having your name shop at the end of every video if you're not sure what to do next maybe check out one of the videos popping up on screen right now and don't forget to check out Dungeon Hunter Linked In the description [Music]
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 76,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen tips and tricks, lords of the fallen new player guide, lords of the fallen beginner guide, LOTF Beginner Guide, LOTF tips and tricks, LOTF new player guide, Lords of the fallen mechanics, lords of the fallen i'm lost, lords of the fallen im stuck, lords of the fallen blacksmith, upgrade sanguinarix, lotf sanguinarix upgrades, lords of the fallen 2
Id: T5wCDn9Di4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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