Diablo 4 - Full End Game Guide! What To Do At 50-100 Best XP, Renown, Dungeons, & More

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hey what's up guys it's nick2 today I wanted to make an updated end game guide for those of you guys that are just getting into the end game and you're a little bit confused as to what to do but also for those of you that are currently in the end game and you just want to know how to efficiently spend your time I have previously made an end game guide but I wanted to make an updated one because a lot of stuff has changed with the game and I've also learned a bunch of stuff after pretty much my almost 350 hours of play time at this point I have almost three level 100 characters I've played the game quite a lot and I've learned quite a lot so I want to go over everything with you guys so you guys know exactly how you should be spending your time the campaign starts a second that you finish the campaign and you unlock nightmare difficulty you unlock nightmare difficulty simply by just doing a Capstone dungeon in kovashod it says level 50 you can do it at literally any level you want it's pretty easy I did it level like 42. if you're having a hard time I'd recommend looking up a build guide or maybe just getting a few more levels until you do it it ends up being right here the second that you complete that you now gain access to nightmare difficulty and the entirety of the end game opens up for you ironically though your goal once you get into Nightmare difficulty is to as efficiently as possible possible get to torment the reason you care about torment more than being a nightmare is because the mobs are higher level so you're going to get more XP for fighting them and you're also going to get access to ancestral items ancestral items and sacred items are basically just more powerful versions of the previous tier so sacred items are going to be more powerful versions of the normal gear that you're getting on the ground and then ancestral is going to be more powerful than sacred items so at this point I'm literally only using ancestral items because they simply just roll higher stats and it's just way better for my character right so your goal the second you get into Nightmare is to actually get out of nightmare and get into torment you get into torment the same way that you got into Nightmare by just doing a capsule dungeon but this one is a good bit harder than the previous and I'd recommend being at least level 60 most people can probably do it comfortably at like level 65 so your goal now that you're a nightmare you're roughly around 45 to level 50. goal is to as efficiently as possible make your character stronger while also getting some XP and leveling up so you can then unlock torment at this stage I would highly recommend looking up a build guide I have a ton over on my website and also on my YouTube channel just so you know what gear you should be looking out for and it will make it significantly easier you know going into tournament and stuff but obviously feel free to play the game exactly how you want so now that we have access to the entirety of the end game we'll talk about all these systems and how you want to interact with them but the first thing that you want to do is actually start getting some sacred items on your character the item power on just the raw gear is not nearly as significant as it is on your weapons the item power on your weapons is going to determine the overall DPS stat and that DPS stat is going to determine how much damage your base skill does because your skill is going to scale off of your weapon damage so getting a sacred weapon early on is incredibly important however replacing all your normal Gear with sacred stuff is not nearly as important it will just make the possible roll range higher so for example my movement seat on this boost goes up to 26 percent on a sacred item this is probably cap out at maybe 18 and on a normal piece I don't know maybe like caps out at like 14 or something like that not a big deal the item power on your actual gear itself only matters at certain thresholds not going to go over all that but the item power on the like actual gear items is not nearly as significant as as it is on the weapon when you're looking at gear always just look at what stats are on it but talk more about that later so now that you've gotten nightmare mode unlocked the first thing you should do while trying to get some sacred items equipped particularly weapon is by unlocking your Renown I'll move my camera real quickly here so the reason that you care about Renown is because of these skill points I'm on a necromancer I already did this all on my rogue so as you can see I still retain all the extra bonuses here but the game thinks that I haven't done it yet because on separate characters you can do it again it doesn't matter because I have all the bonuses that are relevant the reason you care about the skill points is well they're skill points that'll drastically increase your power right so the first thing that you want to do is just do all the strongholds that you have not done and I'd recommend getting some waypoints out of the way so you can easily Traverse the map strongholds give you 100 around per and there's you know three in each zone so you could very easily do the strongholds and then get a few waypoints and maybe do like a couple side dungeons here and there and then you'll actually get all the skill points the strongholds as you can see are just scattered around the map they're pretty easy to do probably wouldn't take you more than like a couple hours to get them done and get the skill points if you wanted to go the extra mile you can get the Paragon points this will take you probably like a day or two of just straight up grinding the Renown but the Paragon points is a massive increase in power and I would recommend doing it at some point or another the altars of Lilith are something that I'd highly recommend doing after you have done the strongholds or even before them if you prefer because these give you not only a good amount of renown you get 28 or so per Zone I guess it depends on average probably a 31 percent they give you 10 Renown each but also each altar of Lilith is going to give you different stats so you can get upwards I think it's about 180 per stat if you get every single alter in the game and as you can see my stats are pretty high so getting like a 180 skill damage is literally 18 damage and you also get depending on your character you'll get like crit chance resource gen Etc so I'd highly recommend going for the Alters but again that takes a very long time if you want to get all the Paragon points it takes very long the best way to do that is just do all the strongholds get every Waypoint in the game do the alters and then afterward the most efficient thing is either in a group of four everybody goes and does their own dungeon and you get completion for all of it or you just do the side quests the side quests are particularly good can't say here you get 20 Renown per side request and they can be pretty quick or slow depending upon which one you actually do now that you've gotten the Renown for your skill points or your Paragon points the next thing that you want to do is just start leveling up and making the character stronger right so the single best way to level up is by doing nightmare dungeons you unlock nightmare dungeons by doing your very first tree of Whispers let's quickly talk about tree of Whispers so it's a pretty simple thing basically just randomly throughout the map there will be different areas that give you Grim favors you collect 10 Grim favors you go turn it in you get a little cash it gives you some XP and some loot it's really insignificant you only need to do this one time to start out with to get your first nightmare sigil and actually unlock nightmare dungeons as a whole outside of that I would not recommend farming this because it just gives you not nearly enough XP in my opinion and your overarching goal should pretty much just be living in Nightmare dungeons the reason that nightmare dungeons are so good is because they recently buffed the XP so they give you about 80 percent more don't quote me on that about 80 more XP than fighting mobs in the open world but also if you fight mobs that are three levels higher than you you get 25 more XP and that continues use the Scale based on the monster level so ideally you want to fight mobs that are about three to five levels higher than you because you'll continue to get increased XP the tier on the nightmare dungeon is actually just Monster level plus 54. so if I have a tier 53 the models will be level 107. an easy way to do the math on this if you are trying to just Farm nightmare dungeons that are pretty easy but also going to give you good XP is just do your character level -51 so if I'm level 100 I would want to do nightmare dungeons that are minus 51 of 100 which would be 49 because if I do a nightmare dungeon that's 49 the mobs will end up being level 103. obviously feel free to pick your own difficulty if you want to do ones that are way higher or you want to do ones that are at your exact level definitely feel free to do that I would just at least recommend doing dungeons that are three levels higher than you outside of getting your first sigil the way that you can get more sigils is literally just while you're doing them a bunch of sigils will just drop on the ground but you can also craft them so if you end up getting some sizzles that have some pretty crappy affixes which we'll talk about in a second you can salvage them you get some sigil powder and then you can end up crafting more depending on the difficulty that you're looking for or a cost of sigil powder when it comes to which dungeons you want to do I wouldn't care too much about the exact dungeons because you're not going to have like an infinite amount of sigil powder I'd recommend just avoiding dungeons that have really annoying affixes I'm not going to go over all of them but some of the most annoying ones are going to be um where vulnerable lasts 60 longer suppressor effect can be annoying depending upon your build cold Enchanted is really bad lightning storm is terrible unless you're like playing a druid or Barbarian it's really really annoying to deal with lightning storm range Defenders any of the Defenders can be pretty bad like there's crit Defenders where you do 60 less crit damage that sucks range offenders if you're playing a necromancer 60 less damage from distant targets there's also a 40 less damage from close targets I'd really just take a look at these and just see which ones you like using here like critical resist oh my God that basically makes me do 60 less damage just look at the affixes and try to look for ones that have some pretty good benefits but also literally just anything that is just going to Nerf your build like the crit one I literally just instantly dismantle those actually doing the nightmare dungeon is pretty easy and you end up getting a pretty good amount of XP very crazy amount of XP but it also is good for leveling up your glyphs uh which glyphs you want to do is depending to find your build so just look up build guide you'll get glyphs by just doing nightmare Dungeons and you want to just you know level them up and then slot them into your Paragon board so you get a whole bunch of extra stats while you're doing the nightmare dungeons I'd highly recommend picking up almost everything that you get on the ground the reason for that is that you need a ton of crafting materials in order to not only upgrade your gear but also to imprint legendary aspects on your gear so as you can see you need a I have a ton of baleful fragments and you need a lot of these baleful coilings Etc in order to actually upgrade and imprint on your gear so I'd recommend picking up everything and then salvaging legendary items and if you need some gold make sure to sell some items that are non-legendary but definitely Salvage all the legendary items probably till about level 75. and sell maybe 30 of the stuff that you get this ratio of Salvage to sell will definitely change based on your current situation but early on you need a ton of crafting materials when it comes to which weapons you actually want to make sure that you're imprinting and upgrading I would not recommend imprinting on items that are not particularly good at least have it be sacred and at least make sure it has like two of the four stats that you care about because it is really expensive to actually be imprinting your gear and you don't want to be spending a lot of materials on gear that kind of sucks right one quick thing is that you can upgrade your gear to like about Rank 3 or Rank 4 pretty inexpensively but the fifth rank is going to be quite expensive and you can also enchant your gear enchanting the gear can also be incredibly expensive as you can see re-rolling this costs 7 million but it's because I re-rolled it a ton of times a quick tip here is if you have an item that is just normally yellow here I'll move my camera gun if you have a just a rare piece of gear you can actually re-roll this and it will be cheaper than if it were legendary so you want to re-roll rare items first and then you want to imprint them with a legendary aspect I wouldn't recommend spending too much gold on items unless they are literally perfect items and you're going to use them for quite a while but you could very easily just re-roll it like one time real quick and then just see you know if you got something good if you didn't get something good not a big deal but don't like break the bank on this but as you can see for enchanting and also even Max upgrading some items that you get it's going to cost you forgotten souls in order to get these for consoles you actually have to do the hell tied the hell tied pops up every other hour as you can see it's only going to last for another 10 minutes it's just in a random Zone and basically what this is is just a different version of The Zone where there's just a bunch of demon mobs and these mobs are going to drop aberrant Cinders you use these senders to then open up chess the reason that we care about these specific chests is because they are going to give forgotten Souls so you want to go in here and only open up the chest called the gifts of mysteries these are randomly layered throughout the map and you can open up about two to four of them per healthide and these are going to give you the Forgotten soles the normal chest that you're just going to find running around the hell tied are not going to give you the Forgotten Souls you care about the souls for upgrading your gear and also rerolling like I was just showing you you can tell where the mystery chests are going to be by just opening up helltights.com and you can see these people upvoted these chests here so that the pilgrims cave and at The Plains of attrition you need 175 Cinders in order to open these the best way to get Cinders is just run around and do all these events the events are going to give you Opals but they're also going to give you a decent Bit Of Cinders because usually there's a lot of mobs alternatively you can just you know run around and kill mobs at the top of the hour so you can see at 1205 so five minutes ago these chests actually reset meaning you can get up to four to six chests per healthide so for example if this health tide started at like 12 40 for example there would be multiple chests up and then at exactly one o'clock those chests would reset and then you could end up opening more of them so I'd highly recommend just going to the hell tied so that you can Farm out a bunch of Forgotten Souls even if you don't need them right now you're definitely going to need them later while you're doing those events in the health hide you'll end up getting a lot of Opals which is a fantastic way to try to find particular legendary aspects so for example if I am looking for a ring legendary which is very hard for me to get such as this exposed flesh I'd want to spend all of my Opals gambling on rings so that I could try to you know get some ancestral Rings or whatever or if there's just like a piece of gear that is particularly weak for you like your sword or something you could spend a lot of Opals to try to get a good sword if you are under level 73 this is only going to give you sacred items the second that you get to level 73 all the oval gambling will give you the option to get ancestral items make sure to wait to gamble until you're level 73. you don't really care about XP anymore and the only thing that you're trying to improve on your character just getting better loot or you're just trying to farm a lot of raw materials and gold I'd recommend checking out my previous farming video that is different than the sigil farming one this one is going to be better for getting a lot of loot basically there's a side quest dungeon you can do that has an unbelievable amount of mobs there that you can just kill very quickly in like two minutes get a full back of inventory alternatively you can go and run the older's cave in a group as well and that gives you a ton of loot but just check out that previous video if you're interested in that and just ignore everything regarding XP because that video was done prior to the nightmare dungeon Buffs so yeah that is pretty much it for the video as a quick tldw for those of you guys that didn't want to watch the whole thing basically the second thing you end up getting into Nightmare difficulty the first thing you want to do is unlock all the strongholds get all of your Renown done so you can get these skill points if you feel like it optionally you can go and get all the Paragon points and the Alters of Lilith for even more character power now that you're in Nightmare difficulty you just want to do a grim favor the first time so you can get a sniper sigil which is your best way of farming XP so just do all the nightmare schedules that you can try to do dungeons that are about three to five levels higher than you while you're doing nightmare dungeons you want to pick up everything off of the ground Salvage maybe 60 to 70 percent of it equip the sacred items that are good upgrade them a few times don't Max upgrade them upgrade them maybe four times so that you get a lot of the additional bonus and don't imprint legendary aspects on gear unless it is a pretty good sacred piece maybe like has two of the four good SATs that you're looking for try to avoid very annoying affixes on nightmare Dungeons and just make sure to craft more of them and if you can push the nightmare dungeons a little bit higher than like five levels higher than you so you can get even more XP and remember that nightmare dungeons are just the level plus 54. so a 53 would end up being level 107 monsters also they higher the level the nightmare dungeon the more glyph XP that you'll end up getting every other hour you want to spend some time in the hell tied opening up the mystery chest by using hellphights.com to see where the mystery chests are actually located Farm some mobs get all the aberrant Cinders and then open up the mystery chest so you can get forgotten Souls so you can actually full upgrade your gear and then enchant your gear for the most part I would just pretty much ignore doing things that are not nightmare Dungeons and things that are like the tree of Whispers because it is just not efficient for XP and if you care only about getting loot just check out my previous video on the loot farming thank you guys so much for watching if you ended up finding the video helpful please feel free to drop a like subscribe whatever leave it down in the comments if you have any questions or if you have any additional tips for endgame but the in-game in Diablo 4 is pretty simple just follow everything that I said and it should be a smooth ride thanks for watching and I will see you guys later
Channel: NickTew
Views: 49,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 end game guide, diablo 4 level 50, diablo 4 capstone dungeon, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 what to do, diablo 4 best xp farm, diablo 4 renown, diablo 4 best loot farm, diablo 4 end game, diablo 4 world tier 3, diablo 4 nightmare, diablo 4 nightmare dungeons
Id: y72DoPHXCSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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