Diablo 4 Leveling Guide - Efficiently Level Alts from 1 to 100 - My Favorite Way

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hi everyone this is luxtos and today I want to bring you guys another video for Diablo 4. and this time around we're going to be talking about leveling so I'm not going to make any claim that this is the most efficient way to level or anything like that because to be fair that keeps changing that's always different and to be quite honest I think the most efficient way to level is boring as hell so for example on my 100 level 100 Necromancer I went through the entire story and then I decided to spam uh some nightmare dungeons which was quite fun I had a wide variety of uh dungeon to explore and I ended up getting a bunch of cool rewards and it was just fun it was challenging and it kind of put my you know my build and abilities to the test so that was really really fun and that ended up being quite pleasing to go through instead of doing the same dungeon over and over which I try to do for a couple level but that was uh that was not so fun so I decided to look at my brand new alt here which I'm currently leveling the little baby Druid right now having a ton of fun with the pet tornado build it's been really pleasing so far and I've been looking at what's the most fun way that I could approach leveling in terms of having a nice flow of things to do and just diversify uh my leveling and how fun I could make it and how efficient I could make it as well because it's one thing to make it fun but you also don't want it to take forever right and uh here's how I've been doing it so far it's been going pretty well it's been going pretty fast and it hasn't been boring honestly I kind of look forward to leveling my druid every time I log on right so first things first uh if you've completed the campaign on your main character and you've discovered most of the important city waypoints and you have all of the Alters you've grinded also some of the Renown it's going to make leveling a lot easier right because you're going to have access to skill points or you're going to have a total of 10 skill points when you start your new character that's going to be pretty massive uh you're also going to have some more access to more potions and all that fun stuff and even some Paragons once you hate once you hit Level 50. so that's gonna be neat that's going to help out the leveling a lot the Alters of Lilith as well if you've uh collected all of them on your main that's going to give you a massive amount of stats to start your brand new character with which is going to make you uh just way more stronger when you level this is just gonna fast uh fast forward the process a little bit and here's how I would describe the leveling process here's the list of activities that I want to do uh in a particular order so you'll see that once you are on your new character you have access to the tree of Whispers so from the first level that you log on the triv whisper is visible on the map and you have the Waypoint right next to it unlocked which is really really really neat so that's going to be one of the main source of experience that we're gonna get here but not only the tree of whisper the top priority is actually going to be Legion event so Legion event are going to spawn uh throughout the day every couple of minutes every couple of hours they're just gonna show up and they're gonna have they're gonna have a pretty good ratio of XP for the time that it takes to clear them so that's going to be really really neat you're just gonna have to pay attention to strongholds so some of them might be locked behind a certain stronghold so for example this stop one right here in the fracture Peak there's gonna be a uh there's gonna be a legion event that's going to spawn in this one pretty often uh so you're gonna want to make sure that you unlock them as you see them if you see a legion event that's locked behind a stronghold make sure that you head there clear it you might miss it for this time but the next time that it opens up in that location you will be good to go also stronghold will give you a really really nice chunk of experience so that's not going to be uh time wasted right as you can see on the map right now we currently do not have any Legion event so I'm gonna move up to I'm going to move down actually to my second uh highest priority task which is going to be to complete a tree of whisper this is going to give you a pretty sizable chunk of XP bar every time you complete it on top of actually making you complete some Dungeons and having a little bit of variety in your gameplay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to look for dungeons those are the best in my opinion also you can go for a dungeon that you haven't completed yet which will reward you with extra aspect and uh that's pretty much how we're gonna do it so I'm gonna pin uh one of those dungeon and I'm gonna teleport to the closest Waypoint I'm gonna walk all the way over there clear the dungeon and then check for the map again once uh that first dungeon is completed we're gonna be looking okay is there a legion event up or do I just keep doing dungeons right do I just keep completing the tree of whisper if there is no dungeon available for the tree of whisper and there is no Legion event what I like to do is I'll fall back on my favorite dungeon of choice a one dungeon that has high density for example and that is pretty easy to clear for example the Sirocco Caverns very popular one those keep getting tuned on and off so there's not really any reason to give you like a tier list of all the best Dungeon just go to any dungeon that has any sizable amount of density if possible close to a waypoint that would be great as well that's going to be your last thing that you're going to do on your list so again you're going to do Legion event first then you're going to do dungeon for the tree of whisper and then if all of those things are uh falling off and not working and none of them are active at the time then fall off on your favorite dungeon that you can do one two three times top before any of those other things spawn again as you can see a legion event just spawned in four minute here so my top priority would possibly to go do this event right now but as you can see it's going to be in a uh location that I have not unlocked okay so this is in a uh in a stronghold event um location that I have not unlocked which means I'm not going to be able to do it so what I'm going to do instead is I'm gonna head to this dungeon completed then I'll move over to here complete the stronghold and then proceed with the rest of my list here with the rest of the things so see you at the end of our first dungeon here all right so we've done that now we have to do a another dungeon to go complete a tree of whisper this one is like right next to it 40 minute it's pretty neat there we go there we go another little dungeon done and then we're gonna run over to the tree of whisper right here we're gonna go complete this and get our bonus XP all right so we're now done with our two dungeons here which has filled our tree of whisper bar right here a grim favor so we're gonna go ahead and turn that in and uh pretty luckily with the timing here we also have a legion event that just spawned so we're gonna go ahead and do that for some extra XP here so we're gonna go ahead and complete this take whatever reward you feel like is going to help your character the most rings are kind of nice they have like some nice Legendary Power if you get lucky and uh there we go also they're really really good uh to put Legendary Power on because you're not gonna swap them that often once you fly to good Rings your weapon is something you're going to be swapping a little bit more often so imprinting legendary on it depending on if you have a main with a lot of gold uh it's not gonna cost you a lot but if this is your first character you're not even going to be following this guide so this is mostly going to be for leveling alts uh so if you have a lot a lot a lot of gold you can just imprint and re-roll as you can see I've been having a ton of fun here with getting some of the best stats for my druid just getting like really really cool piece of gear while leveling this has been really fun so once we did completely here the tree of whisper uh we got a pretty nice uh chunk of our XP bar here just for completing this uh so normally we would go back to right into it to go try to do some dungeon this one is going to expire in 28 minute uh they're all going to expire in 20 in 28 minutes so you want to make sure that you go and keep doing those and try to get as many tree of whisper but again when you see the Gathering uh Legion event this is uh when you're going to want to stop a little bit and just go do these they're really really nice for XP and then after reward you can go back and do a little bit more dungeon for the tree of whisper or if they're all about to run out which is most likely going to happen here so after this Legion event I'm gonna see how much time there is left on the timer before the dungeons are reset for the tree of whisper if there's over 10 minute I'll usually go and try to clear it in time because I know I can clear them really fast if you know that you're slower at clearing a little bit then maybe you're going to want to try to uh hold off and maybe go farm another dungeon in the meantime um because you don't want it to reset on you otherwise if it resets you're gonna you're not gonna get the credit for it but you'll still get a dungeon completion which is XP so at the end of the day you're not wasting your time too much so we're just gonna head there we're gonna wait for the event to start we're gonna clear it and then we're gonna go back into farming some dungeon in for the tree of whisper so this is really pretty cool and the cool thing about this is that it also applies to to at a higher level once you get to nightmare dungeon so we're going to talk a little bit more about that later after we're done with the legion event here so see you at the event all right so this Legion event is about to start here uh we just got here in time and these are pretty much all gonna function the same way there's gonna be uh Commander or servant and you need to kill all the monster and the servant in time in the time limit so it's gonna be very important to try to split um sometimes you'll get groups that don't really know how to end all these and everybody's gonna go the same way and it's not going to go as fast the only thing is you'll get a little bit less chance let's loot at the end uh it happens as you can see here there's going to be two ping which is going to go clear these try to clear as much trash as possible try to clear the commander and then at the end if you manage to kill all three um I mean the the final boss will always spawn right but if you manage to kill all three in time and do the event in time then you'll be getting more rewards out of it right so it's not the end of the world if you don't succeed but just try to focus on the right objective try to focus on the right Monster uh there's gonna be a lot of monsters gonna be that are gonna be protected by some kind of structure if you don't kill those structures the monster is not going to take damage just make sure you're attacking the right thing help your team and just have a good time there's a lot of monster density here there's a lot of people gathered around so it's gonna make it's gonna make it not a too challenging uh activity make sure you have your potion if there's a campfire make sure you use it for extra XP uh you know just all that kind of stuff just make sure you optimize your XP here but have a good time there's a lot of people so the difficulty is pretty low and uh res your teammate it's always nice you know always be nice there we go kill those monster kill uh make sure you you do all the activities and at the end you'll be able to kill the final boss and get a nice reward some very very nice loot some all bowls for possible gambling and a sizable chunk of XP so we're gonna do this Legion event and we're gonna be right back all right so each wave is just gonna get significantly harder in in terms of time so we did not manage to kill the last uh servant of hell here in this situation but it doesn't really matter that much we're just gonna go ahead and kill the final boss here get a reward and be out of here let's go ahead and kill these little additional monster and focus her damage on the last boss all right so this is going to be the end of the Legion event here we're only gonna get two chests out of this one we're gonna get some pretty nice loot so not only do you get a lot of yellows you'll often get Legendaries I think my last one that I did I got two or three legendaries you're gonna get a lot of ovals which are uh gonna allow you to get uh even more gambling and loot from the Curiosity vendor so that's gonna be really good it's just gonna be a nice way to make sure that your character not only levels fast but stays up to date and find a good piece of gear I think there's a little bit a little bit more piece of information that I want to share here I'm in World tier one which makes all of this a little bit easier obviously you could push it in World tier two especially if you're on soft core uh this is just gonna allow you to just uh get a little bit more XP from your kill but it's gonna slow down everything so I found that for me world tier one was working better even though I'm losing this 20 uh bonus to XP I feel like I'm killing most of these solo dungeons so much faster that it's actually fast it's yeah it's actually just better right so even though this is an ALT which has a lot of skill points and a lot of extra stats World tier two just take that much more time in my opinion it's more than the 20 that you get which will slow your leveling down in the long run so unless you're playing a super broken build that allows you to one shot everything in tier two I recommend sticking to tier one so this is going to be the leveling process that I'm going to take for leveling my ALT Druid here from 1 to 50 plus I'm just gonna be rotating through all of these all of these different activities so right now I just got done with the legion event we're gonna go back to doing dungeon for the tree of whisper and we're just gonna keep doing that you can do World bosses if you want but at lower level they tend to not always succeed which can result in a pretty you know good chunk of time that you're and that you end up wasting right so if you have a friend that's going to help you out or and you can guarantee that the world bosses is gonna go down uh it's kind of nice to go for them otherwise I would kind of avoid the world bosses unless you know that you're you know you're gonna get the kill or you're going to get some good rewards out of it I tend to avoid them right now so I've just been doing the tree of whisper the legion event and then when none of these are available so as you can see right now we got 15 minutes if you know that you're not going to be able to clear the dungeon in 15 minutes and get the reward you can fall back on a guaranteed good dungeon uh like Sirocco Caverns for example you can run that for two to three times maybe one to two times until the tree of whisper dungeon reset again and then you simply repeat the cycle go for the legion event and all that good stuff so this can also translate past level 50. once you get access to nightmare dungeon and the way that I would do it and the way that I am going to do it here in this case with this character is I'm going to be spamming keys I'm going to be spamming Keys um that are going to yield me dungeons that have monster roughly three level higher than me this is when you're going to get uh the most uh amount of XP which is going to be 25 bonus XP if you're able to do so uh and the cool thing about this is that it's going to continue scaling your character with the glyph that you're gonna start finding so you're going to be finding glyphs for your class you're going to be able to upgrade them which is going to allow you to scale is it the fastest way to level it is not um but it is in my opinion the most efficient way character progression wise and also one of the most fun way so what I would do is as soon as I get access to nightmare dungeon as soon as I'm strong enough to go complete this uh the Capstone dungeon that is going to be at 50 plus right around 50 uh 60. uh you're going to want to you're going to want to go do that Capstone dungeon you're going to want to go in World tier three and then you're going to be able to start getting some keys from the Tree of whisper and start doing nightmare dungeon so what I'll be doing is doing those keys to try to do some comfortable dungeon that I can clear at a nice pace and yield me a decent amount of XP and also progression throughout the glyph and every time I encounter a legion event I'm going to do the legion event so I'm no longer going to be hunting specifically for these dungeons they're just gonna happen kind of naturally so as you're spamming keys those keys will line up on tree of Whispers dungeon so you'll be doing the nightmare dungeons which are going to give you sizable good chunk of XP and then you'll be leveling your glyph and then every once in a while you'll just notice that your tree of whisper is going to be kept automatically then you go there you complete it you look for a legion event and then you do the next key you can do this process all the way from level one to level 100 right it's it's going to be the same process so from one two whatever level you end up being when you do the Capstone dungeon you just do the tree of whisper the legion event and some repeatable dungeon when none of these are are possible and as soon as you do the Capstone and enter the nightmare dungeon era uh then you can start uh replacing those tree of whisper dungeon with the nightmare dungeon to start scaling your character so that you're gonna have an easier time killing uh killing uh the the the bosses allowing you to go to the next step right so this is going to be really important uh the first bracket I think for the Capstone dungeon is going to be 40 to 50 depending on your character and then the next one is going to be 50 to 70 for the uh second Capstone leading you to the latest difficulty so that's going to be my plan for leveling uh it's been very effective so far it's been super fun and I hope this has been in for informational for you I hope you've been able to get some information out of it and uh let me know what the results are if you're enjoying it if there's something that I missed that maybe you're doing that I that you think is super valuable that you would like to add in the comments down below otherwise my friend uh like the video subscribe to the channel if you enjoy these kinds of uh little informational video and otherwise I'll see you in sanctuary my friend bye-bye
Channel: Luxthos
Views: 178,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4 leveling guide, diablo 4 leveling 50 70, diablo 4 leveling fast, diablo 4 leveling 1-50, diablo 4 leveling to 50, diablo 4 leveling guide 1-50, 1-100 leveling guide, diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 best way to level up, diablo 4 best leveling build, diablo 4 best rogue leveling build, diablo 4 best sorcerer leveling build, best barbarian leveling build diablo 4, best druid leveling build diablo 4, best necromancer leveling build diablo 4, diablo 4 best leveling
Id: sM0JGpv_ywY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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