Beginner's Guide to Diablo 4 - 20 THINGS I wish I knew - Leveling, Class Choice, Mount, Renown

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hello fellow Travelers of sanctuary it is ebontus here and in this video I just want to cover some Basics um and these are just tips I've found from playing by myself with friends seeing what other videos have said kind of had some oops on my own kind of situations just if I figured out as we go through I'm towards the end of the campaign so this is not in game this is not a full build video for any certain character this is just general tips about the game that are going to make your experience a little bit smoother all the way through and kind of help you spend your time as best as possible as you work your way through all of sanctuary because this game is huge and there's a lot to experience but doing it in not even like the most efficient way you do not have to be like full like you know do this exact thing here here and here and here just trying to smooth around the edges make things better and hopefully by the time you get to the end into the campaign you're sitting in a pretty happy place and you know you've got a lot more to do as well so let's jump in now the first thing I want to say I played a rogue but it doesn't really matter that much all the characters have some pluses and minuses to them literally just figure out which one sounds fun to you and then just know that's the play style you're gonna be I played a rogue I've got some agility I've got some dodging moves Barbarian you're gonna be a little slower but tankier and you're gonna be up there beating the crap out of stuff with you know giant two-handed weapons and things like that do you want to cast spells as a wizard that's your sorcerer Druid do you want to turn into a possible wolf or a bear but also cast like Moon spells or whatever it's gonna be you've got an option of kind of both ways to go there definitely some benefits to both do you want to be a necromancer with an army of the Dead there's literally just like there's cool things about every character and I think they did a really good job in making all the characters very viable in different ways now I cover like specking and abilities and stuff like in the end in a general aspect the biggest thing is I can say if you play through the whole campaign and even if you like kind of fall out of love with the character it's still not the end of the world so just pick one have fun enjoy the story mess around with abilities if you want to you'll get some cool gear but other than that just don't stress about your character choice too much you're gonna have some flexibility in the future all right World tears as you're leveling up uh you're not gonna get to nightmare until you basically beat the campaign unlocked by completing the campaign and Cathedral of light Capstone dungeon in Cuba shot so when you have to beat that at World tier two so you got to beat the campaign before you get to three or four which is all the crazy stuff now one and two is what you're gonna be deciding between when you start I've been going through on tier one and honestly it's what I recommend for everybody main differences 15 more gold I don't know if you're ever gonna notice I'm sitting at plenty of gold uh and I'll kind of give you a few tips on where to not spend that stuff but generally gold not an issue that I'm worried about in the 20 more increased experience probably balances itself out because the enemies are more challenging if it takes me 10 seconds to kill an enemy here in 20 seconds to kill an enemy here which nothing takes you quite that long but some are chunkier but if it takes you twice as long to kill an enemy and you're only getting 20 more experience killing more enemies in the long run probably gonna make it all right so I recommend honestly for most of your campaign campaign playthrough and all of this is to play it tier one so that's kind of one of those things that's going to be an easier path but not too easy I've died a few times but also Gonna Keep Your pacing of your story moving forward your fights are going to be a bit more reasonable probably have less deaths on certain fights so you're not just like beating your head against the wall then when you want to get the crazy stuff down here yeah go for it notice 100 more experience they're more affordable uh more gold they monsters overcome 20 resistance like there are challenges that are waiting for if you want to get there but if you want to have a good smooth experience and honestly the benefits to tier 2 just don't seem to be worth it in my opinion so I recommend tier one now this may sound obvious but it's actually easy to miss these little icons here are waypoints these blue ones if you haven't clicked on them yet they have the same symbol but they're gray now if I get to a small town Big Town whatever it may be and I'm like okay so I'm in margrave talking to people interacting winners vendors picking up quests whatever it may be but if I don't actually walk over to this thing and actually click on it then you won't have activated then you're gonna go marching halfway across the map doing something else and you want to go back there to turn in the quest you have to walk back if you did not click on it so please make sure anytime you get near a waypoint click on it make sure you activate it and actually to help you with that it's going to be in my next tip which is going to be about an online map now you'll notice this is the map of kyovashod I spent plenty of time here and I'll cover that in a little while but these are called altars of Lilith now all they do is give you literally a plus two to a stat but it is a plus two to a stat on every character so there's like 160 of these things in the game or something like that so everyone that you pick up you don't have to pick it up on any other character in the future and when you do make a new character you won't be able to tell like these that are grayed out that I've already got you won't know so to have a good checklist and be able to find them all on your first main character I recommend using an online map the one I'm using is D4 builds dot GG and then slash map but if you get to that website you'll find it and you can even click on those as you go through now I have a second monitor so I play it that way if you have an iPad whatever second screen I highly highly recommend playing with a map because it's also going to show you where waypoints are if you're close to one and you're like oh I made it up to I made it up to here and then you know it's like hey there's a waypoint here that you know you can grab go grab it and then you've got more fast travel points opened up so using the map for that is built online shout out to the people who made these Maps they're freaking fantastic usually I highly highly recommend you doing that now the other reason I say picking up the altars of Lilith is say I'm in Cuba shot and I need to head down this direction like okay well between here and there there's not a ton but instead of going from kyovashod down here what if I make a little detour grab this altar of Lilith and then go down here and then if I'm roaming around this area and I know I've got this one and this one to pick up then as I run around you know maybe I make a small detour so maybe I'm going from yalesna up here to the bear trap Forge well maybe I like make a bit of a detour and go around and pick up the altars of Lilith on the way now you are going to get a mount to picking up them up later will be faster but I mean if it's not a huge detour like if I'm going from here to say like this dungeon for example for whatever reason which you probably wouldn't but if I'm going here to here and if I just go around the other way and grab an altar of Lilith and maybe a small detour and then I grab it that's the type of stuff I recommend I don't recommend like if you have to go from cue of a shot to your lesson and then go pick up the one that's way up here if you end up near one and you're looking around on your map on your second screen you're like hey there's one not too far by pick it up that's all I'm saying then when you get your Mount I recommend picking them all up on your main character because it's easier to tell which ones you do and don't have but as for Alters of Lilith on the map that is a great way to use it so please make sure you do so D2 that's your map and then Alters of Lilith make sure you get as many of those as you can that are reasonably around as you run through and do the story now the next thing for the map is this little pin you can put it damn near anywhere which is great but it's actually really beneficial now if I put a pan and I'm in a party they can see the pin what they're not going to see is this path it draws and this path actually carries over to your mini-map so you'll notice if I go wandering off the wrong direction a little red line on the mini map is going to tell me which way I should be going to make a faster way and it's going to adjust like real live GPS it's gonna be like okay go this way now so the little red map line is extremely helpful that way you're not going here okay I gotta go over here you come up here and then I gotta go over here just plop a pin on the map and the Little Red Line will guide you the entire way and use your minimap because it's going to be extremely helpful so yeah I cannot recommend dropping a pin where you're going like if I need to go where a quest is and I need to go here like it's going to show me the entire path to get there and I can just follow it the whole way so use that and it's going to be really helpful and if you've got teammates that are with you drop a couple pins all going to be all together and you guys will March together that way people don't get lost it's very helpful the next thing I'm going to mention is Renown now you can see in Cuba shot that I did a lot of stuff now I haven't done nearly everything but I did a decent amount Alters of Lilith um dungeons sellers side quests the campaign itself um strongholds all of these are going to give you something called Renown and Renown you'll notice up top I'm 12 45 of 24.90 so I'm not even I'm about halfway there and I spent a pretty good amount of time in this zone so you're gonna have a lot more to do I've got some side quests to turn in which is fine but this is your Renown and what it's going to do is for one it's going to let you see I have 25 and 28 altars of Lilith side dungeons haven't done that many uh the renowned value is 30. areas discovered is five so every side dungeon is 30 Renown strongholds are worth 100. if you ever need to jump in Renown go to a stronghold they're not that long and they're definitely worth giving you a bump if you're like I'm a good chunk away but I know I can probably get up to my next tier one stronghold will get me there cool another reason to get waypoints they're worth Renown as well side quests a little bit Alters of Lilith or 10 side dungeons there's a lot so you don't need to do them all and I'll kind of cover pacing and stuff here in a second but the big thing you get if you get to tier one you're gonna get some XP in Gold each character can claim that notice it's claimed by each character the bottom one is the important one unlocks for all characters that you ever that you create a skill point for tier one very beneficial to have an extra skill point the potion capacity especially if you're playing by yourself getting into some of the later stuff playing difficult things this is going to be something you're going to want to unlock on every single zone like the Paragon points these two you have to get the world tier three so you got to beat the campaign before you ever get there so if you get up to tier three you're basically you should be done with a Zone you don't need to Overkill it um but the bonus gold like 10 000 gold cool bonus XP cool but the potion capacity even better the bonus XP in gold is great another skill point cool now what I recommend when it comes to pacing I'll cover in a second but my goal for each Zone approximately tier two because the potion capacity that's the one I personally care about as a solo player keeping myself alive so when you do Renown these are all the ways to find it and for me if I'm like just in a Zone not sure what the button is on Console but on PC you can see up top where it's like fractured Peaks undiscovered you know area or ear frigid expanse all the different options on the right it says W view rewards that's where the screen comes from every so often pop in here and you'll claim it but yeah the potion capacity very helpful and that's from Renown so Renown is going to come from all those different things you do and each Zone has one so if I come up here Scott's Glen I'm much lower so I'm only at about tier two but I kind of ended it where I wanted I'm a little bit into tier three by the time I finish I got my potion capacity a lot more to explore here but you know I overdid this area until I figured some things out which I'll explain here in a sec a couple more things generally about the game now this one is kind of a pacing tip this is a massive game but you also notice you're not gonna get too much higher than 50 until you beat the campaign get to world tier three and all of that stuff so what I recommend to make sure you don't like burn yourself out doing every little side quest and thing in every Zone you were you would be 50 long before you finish the campaign now if you want to do that that's totally up to you I'm not going to stop you to your call but what I will tell you is if you want a reasonable Pace my recommendation is kind of what I did up here in skazlyn I did the campaign uh I found some decent altars of Lilith as I was running around near the campaign stuff that I did uh I got some of the waypoints those were done I probably did like one or two dungeons if there was something class specific for my rogue but actually like or I bumped into one specifically I think I literally did this one but that was about it and you'll know you've done it because it's got the little chest next to it for rewards like that's a rogue one I didn't do because it's buried in the corner um I need to apparently go turn in a side quest there but the idea is getting to here and the way I would recommend doing it is do as much Focus as you can on the story itself Focus the story focus on the golden quests like you'll see the golden Quest here focus on those and try and knock those out now if you do a public event when you run to the next Quest sure if you do a seller as you're running by cool pick up some altars of liliths that are you know close proximity to where you're going bonus all of that stuff's fine but I would not go do every single side quest every little thing every dungeon I would try and focus on the golden path see how far you get between what you naturally bump into on the way and then if you get to about tier two cool if you're one of those who wants the tier 3 skill point that's fine but I think you're gonna have more experience than you need to pace yourself correctly so I recommend like do the campaign and then if you need to do say anything else to kind of bump up your noun do one stronghold like go look on the map that I told you guys about go find a stronghold and if you need to bump yourself up to tier two then cool I think that's going to get you a reasonable Pace because the campaign's Gonna Get You Somewhere out already as you work through areas discovered and altars of Lilith and you know stronghold and if you need anything else strongholds are a Quick bump to get you there without knocking out a whole bunch of other stuff so that's my recommendation for pacing get about tier two on each area focus on the golden path because you have a lot of Acts to go through and you don't want to be like level 49 when you're finished with Act 2 and then just be hanging out at level 50-ish for quite a while because the scaling goes from like maybe four or five hundred thousand for like level 49 when you go from 50 to 51 you're talking Millions so things slow down really hard too and that's one of those it's not going to feel as great as you're going through the campaign so pace yourself try not to burn out each Zone save plenty of stuff for later and when you get your horse mount a lot of stuff will go faster later on too that way you don't that's what I'm saying you don't need to find every altar of Lilith do every dungeon and every side quest because anything you got to do between you're going to be able to cover that ground much much faster once you get your Mount later on in the story anyway so stick closer to the path and I think you'll be happier now speaking of path when you get to level 15 there's one detour I'm gonna recommend that you make and it is your specific class quests for my rogue it was kind of up in this upper region up here I know some of like the Barbarian or other things are going to be in other regions I think the Barbarian and Druid are in separate places that's the only time I'm going to tell you to go march to another area because what it does is it unlocks your specializations now one of mine unlocked at level 30. so I had to wait for that one but they really changed up your character and getting in them at 15 lets you really get a feel for them which one you want to play and they can really help your build like for me if I spend 100 energy My ultimate skills cooldown is four seconds less using an ultimate resets the cooldowns of your skills but one thing that I use literally damn near non-stop is rapid fire and it is 25 energy every four times I shoot that my ultimate comes back quicker so that is like a build I have because I get my death trap soon and then I get this one and everybody has different specializations that work in different ways this is just the Rogue but whether it's the Druid Barbarian sorceress Necromancer like necromancers are noticeably different as well depending on your builds go find your specializer once it hits 15 you may not realize like you may be playing through the campaign and story and you may not notice it quickly but around 15 you're gonna find that Quest that shows up it's gonna kind of have like a little gray Spot somewhere and if it's like Rogue specific that's the one you need to do if it's Barbarian Druid sorceress or Necromancer find where that Quest is and knock it out that's the one detour I do recommend is your specialization one because it is well worth it to give your character its full potential So at around 15 look for that quests if it's not too far away go find it and if it is farther away I wouldn't worry too much because most of this whole area at least this top zone is gonna scale to you anyway so if you're marching over here at 16 you're still only going to be facing about level 16 guys nothing is going to be too nuts in this area or up here I think so when you are looking for that opening like level 15 class specific Quest you shouldn't get absolutely pummeled on the way to it I don't think so if you do sorry mine was in the zone and now three are in the zone I think the barbierian of the Druid are out of it just because we noticed that in the open Beta um three you're in Q of a shot two are out here but either way it's worth wondering and again use the online map find yourself a waypoint for later and that way if you need to travel to that zone for like a future act request bam you've already got it unlocked so if you do make a trek outside the Zone make sure even if like maybe your quest is only here go a little farther and get one waypoint at a minimum I promise it's worth it so get your class specialization Quest big big deal now one thing to note about the campaign when you beat the campaign with your first character you can choose to skip the whole campaign with your second character now you're going to start at a lower level but you're going to have some basic stuff unlocked you're going to have some of the skill points you're going to have your benefits from Alters of Lilith unlocked and you're gonna be able to travel around your mount's gonna be I think should be unlocked as well since you finished the story and you won't have to play through it all again if you want to that is up to you but it is not necessary so it depends on how you want to play but at that point you're going to have some more benefit in things for experience so you'll level yourself up pretty quickly but when you make alternate characters just know you can skip the campaign easy to do and it costs you nothing so it's totally optional thing it's a nice way to move on to the next character or work on getting an alternate character leveled up faster now when it comes to your gear I want to tell you one thing straight up your legendary here do not Salvage it and do not dismantle it especially early on now the main reason is what you're going to be able to do later on is you're going to be able to take the intrinsic ability and when you get to a legendary piece of gear it's the stuff in the orange text you're going to be able to take that and put it on another piece of gear later on now certain aspects which is like what those things are are able to go on certain slots but you are able to take a a literally right here the text take it off of your legendary gear and put it onto something in the future level will not matter you're just literally going to extract that so I literally have one of my stashes full of all my legendary gear because at some point basic skills Grant 20 damage reduction for six seconds that is a very basic thing that I can use that could be a universal thing to be honest with you and later on you're able to actually take that and put it on a future piece of gear the cost is not cheap but the functionality is the same at whatever level it goes to and that is why you do not want to delete these keep them now if you start getting duplicates that's where you could break down some if you get things like that that's okay but initially you're probably not going to see that many of those so keep them and tuck them away and that way if you do get some that are duplicates like when you break stealth you drop you know you drop a cluster of stun grenades there's a build that I haven't tried that I know that's going to be good for later on twisting blades is a thing while Unstoppable like there's so many of these aspects some only come from items too like you'll notice if you look on the map and I go do this Rogue dungeon I'm going to get damaging Elite enemy with a basic skill generates three energy it's a very generic but a very basic rogue specific aspect now the aspects that you get from gear that's going to be the same orange text but some aspects only come from gear so anything that is legendary whether it's piece of art like you know I've got these two over here get this one on me now if I out level them at a point I'm going to tuck that away in the vault and keep it so please make sure you do not delete legendaries because their functionality is far better than breaking them down when you are at a higher level and you start getting more legendaries and those tend to be more common that's where you can start breaking them down for materials from salvage or selling them if you need some money but for the law for basically the whole campaign keep every legendary you've got do not delete them the next thing to note is kind of money and what to do with your gears you pick it up you get a whole bunch of loot all the time what do you do with it well at a low level my recommendation most of the time whether it's blue you might get a yellow piece and you're like cool you're gonna out level stuff by the way so don't hold on to it forever just because it's yellow because notice what I'm currently equipped is 777 damage per second what I had equipped is 638 damage per second and it had actually been upgraded a little bit which I'll cover in a second too but the idea is when you're making that big of a leap in damage per second like we're talking a hundred or something when you get some noticeable jumps it's time to let the old gear go so what do you do with it when you're at low levels and then when you get to Mid levels about where I am 30s 40s stuff like that you can start going 50 50 so you get some gold out of it I recommend honestly breaking stuff down a lot because what you're going to do is you're gonna break stuff down and you're going to get a little bit of material from it now blue that I can sell for 5 000 gold right now well when I have 800 000 isn't that valuable but if early on you break down and dismantle a lot of Blues you're going to have plenty of the supplies that you need for upgrades because you'll notice if I want to upgrade this it's going to cost me some ride which some of that you'll find out in the world or if I want to upgrade a weapon it's going to cost me iron chunks which you'll find out in the world as well then you'll find silver ore or you're gonna find failed crystals which you only get these by breaking down yellow items so as you break down items you're going to be getting materials that you need later on but if you do this early on in the game the value of the items you're breaking down like if I come over here and I'm gonna sell you know this yellow piece it's worth 11 000 gold well for a new player that sounds exciting for me that's not that big of a deal but if you're if you're gonna like break down a yellow and it's only worth like 500 because it's a very low level item no big deal 500 gold means nothing but the material I get from it is the exact same thing so early on I recommend breaking down damn near everything then when you get to a point where you're like all right I want to start stocking up on some gold hey you get your inventory full then you can go through and do like half of it to a vendor and then break down half of like the stuff you're gonna get rid of do half and half so you start building up both still keeping materials going and then also building up gold if you feel like you're low on gold sell it all feel if you want some materials break it all down oh early on especially for your first like 25 levels honestly the gold you get naturally you don't need to spend it often and if you break down literally every piece of gear that you get when you mess with upgrades later on you're not gonna have to worry about the materials you need for that for quite a while so early on break it all down Salvage at all at the blacksmiths you'll find those frequently try not to start selling stuff until Things become more valuable and then go for a 60 40 50 50 whatever split you want but you know start balancing it you still keep building the Material supplies but you also start building up some gold now the other thing I wanted to show you is the blacksmith upgrades and you'll notice a lot of my stuff has these little like Pips on it these little like right down here these two two out of three legendary to two out of four now if you take a piece of blue gear and I want to level it up so blue you can only take up to level two yellow you can take up to level three legendary you can take it up to level four and there's even a tier beyond that you get two down the road but the idea is the first level is very very cheap like Rawhide you literally get basic Leather by killing beasts in the wild and it cost me 960 gold like literally nothing doesn't matter the level of the weapon or the level of it it's cheap as can be and what it does is you'll notice it gives me a little more armor and a little more to the stats that I've got it's not usually going to give you another rank like another rank to an ability those are usually pretty locked but a little bit more for basically next to nothing after a while especially if it's like hey I just got a new piece of gear like I got this bow recently and I'm thinking about going to this one so this is why like this one is what I had for a little while had two upgrades in it decent but when I got this new one I went ahead and just upgraded it twice because for one it was already 100 better and now it's like 130 better and it is not that expensive to level it up now the one thing I will tell you is I will not take them to tier three main reason is when you take things to tier three you start spending veiled crystals the only way you get veiled crystals breaking down yellow stuff now you do see a lot notice I've got 88 but I really tend not to spin those it's rare if I do now if I want to take my legendary notice that now there's a tier after that so there's a currency I probably don't even have yet I could level this thing up but it's not like really my favorite like bonus it's just got some nice stats right now so I'll take it to tier two it's cheap it's just gonna use Superior leather and ride Superior leather um can be obtained from various beasts in the wild same thing here you get those just as you play through and just pick them up like you're gonna kill beasts pick up the leather cool it's just gonna happen quite frequently so every so often I will upgrade these and I don't do it for a while because some of this stuff early on you're gonna level so frequently get gear so often do don't do this in the beginning when you start to hit like mid-20s round 30 every soft and you're like hey I got a decent pair of boots and it's a great thing for my build like attack speed all stats willpower it's kind of generic but if I find something that's specific to like my build it's a benefit to dexterity distant enemies crowd control vulnerable damage like that is literally everything that I'm functioning in my build right now spending a little bit of upgrades on it just makes it last that much longer and you are a little bit stronger so and you can do the same thing for rings and you can do that over at the Jeweler again spend as much or as little as you want it's up to you but that's kind of one of those like don't be afraid to do these basic little upgrades initially because honestly like the price it is like ooh 10 Rawhide and 960 gold oh another 10 Rawhide and then three leather for another 2000 gold like I don't you I wouldn't even know that I did that honestly later on I'll forget and it spent like whole 3000 gold and now it's a little stronger a little better on my stats it just is a nice thing you can do not that expensive I'm not saying do it on every piece all the time but if you get a piece that you feel like synergizes with your build pretty well and you want to live on it a little bit longer do it I don't think it's the end of the world now I will say on the other side gym sockets I don't really use those right now now you can it's totally fine if you want to I mean it's not the end of the world if you get rid of some of the low stuff you're probably going to be seeing a lot of gyms as we go through but if you want to keep your gym so you can like upgrade those later on it's up to you what you do with gyms I just bought a stash and literally only keep gyms in here you start getting tier one then we're gonna get tier two and then probably once you get to tier World tier three you're gonna start getting the next level up and then you can craft and put them together and eventually get like perfect gyms which you probably only have to craft but the idea is they give you some decent benefits but you know armor below level you get two percent to maximum life that's not bad but I mean is it really worth an a weapon for four percent damage over time 10 basic skill damage seven percent ultimate they're not bad but again you're going to be going through so many pieces of gear you're not going to get long-term life out of this thing and the amount of money it actually costs to pull those out like I had two gyms in a piece of um in this bow it was 11 000 gold just to pull them out of there because I knew I was probably not going to be using this thing anymore so I was like why would I I don't want to get rid of I don't want to lose the gym so I'll pull them out but then it's just Cost to do that so my recommendation unless you really feel like you just absolutely are going to find massive benefit from it or you feel like you're just struggling and can't get a better piece of gear in some slot and you do have a slot or a socket you could but just know it's generally not going to be something that matters that much because you're likely to get new gear that's going to make it obsolete in a little while then you got to unsocket it so my recommendation probably don't sock it early on or just be okay losing the low value gyms because sometimes pulling them back out is not worth it now this is your Alchemist I think you literally have to go here for a quest anyway but the thing I will tell you is don't forget if you're playing through because you're gonna have your weak healing potion first does not do much at level 10 you're gonna get a little icon down here next to your potion it's gonna have a little up Arrow it's gonna be a reminder to come back here and you can level up your health potion now your health potion is typically going to require some of the like well the Alchemy materials the plants that you see so what I recommend is as you run around for both upgrading your gear upgrading your potions on all that stuff you'll be running around and you'll see plants on the ground you'll see iron ore things you may just want to Sprint by them but if you take the little two seconds it takes to pick those things up as you go through here you're really not going to be that short on the upgrades like I've never had an issue upgrading to the next level even this one in this one and this one is where I stop I literally run out of things that I need for the level 80 to 80 potion I'm good for a while so I've just run around and picked up enough stuff it's just easy for me to get to so you may as well you're just going to be running around if you see a plant take that half a second grab it same thing if you see an or thing click on it get the iron ore get the silver ore all it just makes those upgrades a little no brainer when you have enough of the currency but make sure level 10 level 20 level 30 level 45 all of these up to the campaign they really do make a difference in how much health that you get because like level 10 is a 48 Health in the 35 life you're like man that doesn't sound like a lot you're weak in the beginning level 20 is literally almost double the health and then the 30 more then you go to 141 almost double 255 not quite double but you're I mean they are substantial upgrades to your health potions and then the 35 it like builds afterwards always usually gives you a bit more but yeah upgrading your health potions is massive but make sure you're picking up any of the plants you run by while you do and they're pretty easy to spot they're the little plants they have a little bit of a glow to them if you run by and grab those things and you'll notice them kind of in each Zone when you see them it's worth picking up every time but make sure you upgrade your health potion big thing now another thing when it comes to potions any potion that you use all of them are always going to give you an experienced buff of five percent for 30 minutes it doesn't sound like a lot but if you get to the point where you can make an Elixir doesn't matter which one like the iron Barb Elixir for example you'll notice the gallivine and bite Mary you're going to see those everywhere as you're roaming around this opening area I have a lot of those resources so every 30 minutes I can pop one of those potions I have 10 of them so I'm literally good for five hours of playing if I want extra experience and honestly when it comes to experience it's not a bad thing for especially later on early not as big of a worry if you're playing in a party you get a bonus on experience as well but if you're playing solo and you want a bonus to experience so you're playing in the higher end content this will help you as well and the cheapest Elixir is this iron Barb elixir so it's one that you can stock up on some of these get pretty specific this one for example it's one that I have like six of something so there are a ton of elixirs the cheap one way down here in the bottom weak iron bar Elixir use that get your five percent if you know you're just gonna be like I'm gonna be grinding quests and stuff for a while pop one on if you know you're like looking your inventory for the next 30 minutes yeah don't do that but if you're like all right I'm set up I'm gonna go out in the world I'm gonna do quests dungeons everything for a while if I press five percent experience it's going to add up I did want to point this out as well because please save your money if you buy something at a vendor honestly you're gonna find something probably better later on now granted this is a decent upgrade poison Frozen chilled like that might be a decent build this one overpowered damage today's ultimate skill damage over time critical ultimate that's actually one that would fit me pretty well but it is 265 000 gold it's literally a quarter of my gold for one item and I promise you you're eventually gonna find a decent item out there please save your money don't buy any of this crazy expensive stuff from the vendors it's generally never worth it because as you're leveling up you're gonna find a drop that's going to be reasonable enough and save your gold like it's just not worth spending it on stuff like this now in Cuba Shad there is a vendor down here in the bottom the purveyor of Curiosities and what you're gonna have is a currency called obel's and what you do is this is kind of like your gambling situation you get the ovals from like public events you see a little orange circle and it asks you to do a certain objective like defend these people or kill these guys there's usually some little mechanic that's going on with each one you finish those if you do it well you get like 40 if you do it you know mediocre you're gonna get like 20. but you get those kind of all over the place from those like world events that you do and what you're gonna do is if you come to her you're gonna have the option to basically roll the dice with some of the currency on a slot so I could try and go for a sword or a dagger or a bow or a crossbow and it's usually class specific like I'm not going to be getting giant two-handed axes or anything in here as an option uh two-handed weapons are 75 one-handed weapons or 50. they're expensive down here all of the armor is 40. jewelry is not cheap either then you have Whispering keys my recommendation always have a few Whispering keys on you they're cheap first so it's one of my early recommendations that your currency is not going to be wasted you don't need to stock up on like 20 of them just have like a few but the reason is this has a capacity cap now as you get altars of Lilith you'll bump this up a little bit here and there because some of them will bump that up by like five I don't know what my total cap is right now it might be like 5 20 25 or something who knows but it starts at about 500 for a cap so if you're somewhere in the 300 ovals range 350 400 especially if you start getting close to that cat come here and just roll the dice and I promise you you'll occasionally get something good but you also can have a really crappy streak now I don't have enough to show you but say my lowest item is 464 511 466 and I'm looking at the power level not so much the pluses so I know yeah my boots and my gloves are pretty low so and I would only do it on Armor I wouldn't do this on weapons or jewelry because just times that you roll the dice generally not as efficient unless you're just really in the end game or something it's up to you but early on when you're just trying to find something to spend a month spend them on some armor find your lowest piece and say it's like okay boots come over here and spend 40 on boots now you could get like a gray a blue a blue a yellow a gray and you may not be that lucky but every so often you are going to get either a rare kind of early on that's a nice bump and then sometimes you're gonna get yourself a legendary it's where I literally got this one from I dumped all my ovals in and my last chest piece it gave me a big drop now it's nice because it's got like trap skill damage stats damage lightning resistance my build isn't so much for like stealth and dazed at the moment but just the stats alone and the armor bump cool and if nothing else again it's a legendary that no I can save pull the aspect out of later for a future build so this is what your ovals are for you get a cap of 500 at start slowly goes up but if you're in that about 300 range spin some there is no reason not to because you never really want to get to a point where you're full there's a good thing I can tell you so if you're running with friends doing a lot of public events and stuff like this come back every so often roll the dice and you may feel like you wasted a lot but if you get to a point where you can't pick it up you're also wasting it then so spend a decent amount every soft and do like three or four if you don't get anything yeah not your day come back the next day spend like four or five and you get like a legendary in yellow cool bonus all that's that's all this is is every slot specific and then just you know make sure you got some Whispering keys so when you're out in the wild and you find a silent chest it's the only way to open them so always make sure you have a few now another thing you can do is as you level up some stuff's gonna be generic some stuff is going to drop literally for other characters like a two-handed scythe that is a necromancer weapon but what you can do is actually save some occasional eye items for other characters because sometimes just a little bit of a level bump sometimes the stuff that you get to drop like I'm level 45. and sometimes you'll get stuff that drops at 35 or 38 and it's hard sometimes to get stuff dropping at your level so the fact that I've got a level 24 staff here for a sorcerer probably is going to be one of those things that when my sorcerer hits 24 and I can go grab this from my stash it's actually going to be really beneficial because the way the level of gear drops versus your level this would be a substantial bump and it's here so save occasional pieces like I mean do I need boots for a rogue do I need to save probably not I don't need to keep those anymore and these but weapons occasionally get some for other characters those are an easy save because I don't even think about it's like well I can't use it so I know somebody else will so if I ever have another character and they get to this level it's probably going to be a decent bump because of what it's capable of doing for that character and then also random things like jewelry things like resistances and maximum like maximum energy that's a rogue specific thing so that's not as helpful but damage to close damage over time damage to the distance depending on what I'm doing these are going to be helpful for every character so if I have like rings that I can share with them that are useful throughout their leveling process it's not a bad thing to save some stuff over time now early on not a huge benefit but I mean if you think about saving like here's a level 10 item in a 15 and it's 20. if you kind of space some stuff out that you can save for your other characters to kind of trade around and use it's going to help them be stronger as you go through so just an idea to save some stuff for future characters because you can skip the campaign and then as you level up bam you got a nice piece of gear waiting for you it's always helpful to have some uh some goodies waiting for you as you level up because you never quite know how your drops are gonna go helps to ease that process along and the final thing I want to tell you is your abilities now two things about your abilities that I'm going to tell you one generally in each section like you've got a basic skill that is like your freebie that you can cast forever until you're blue in the face then you're gonna have a certain type of skill then I've got like agility skills and I've got subterfuge kills you notice I've only got one selected per each now anything that else is bonus selected over here is from gear but you only have six slots so if I'm gonna go down the row I've got one two three four five six you have six slots and that literally is one for each tier that you get to now you've got some passive abilities that you can upgrade and other things that you can do to help those out you can take each ability farther into its tiers to get the benefits from it that's totally fine but the big thing is when you're going to make any type of build and this is not a guide about builds but as you're leveling up focus on that one aspect and then work on passives like I found my heart Seeker first I'm like okay did a couple of passives and then I got down here okay then I leaned into rapid fire I got the benefits for enhanced rapid fire and improved rapid fire may not have got me down there maybe I did one passive and then come down here really focus on an ability take which branch of the ability you want to upgrade and then work your way down the tree with passives that are going to find some general benefit to whatever you're doing and again you can go back up and get this passive and this passive this passive these passives just check what is helping your build as you go through every character and every build is going to be pretty different but the other thing to know is don't worry about picking it too badly because you can go through and I can refund this one and be like oh it's 1200 gold oh no I've refunded it and I'm totally broke no it's not I could refund the entire thing and it's 60 000 gold now it's a lot I don't want to do that all the time but I could go play for a little while get that gold back pretty easily especially if I just and this is a point where maybe if you like need to Respec and you want to mess around with a different build well if you go run around in the world and sell all of the stuff that you get if I sell some yellows and I need 60 000 gold six yellows would do that for me right now and I'm done I'm good like that's why I was like gold should not be an issue and therefore when you're going through your leveling process my recommendation don't feel bad about respecting if you pick and I did this one in the open Beta so I figured it out but it was like okay so I picked puncture throw blades a short distance dealing 165 damage every third castes slows enemies by 20 for two seconds this is my freebie okay I picked that one or this one doesn't matter then I came down here and I was like okay barrage unleashes a barrage of Five Arrows that expands outwards each dealing you know chunk of damage each arrow is a 20 chance to Ricochet often enemy up to one time ricochet's deal 40 was like cool but one thing I noticed as a solo player I really didn't have a way to focus damage on a boss this wasn't like this was a little rough when I swapped to Rapid Fire it was a game changer for my current setup and I've been using that for most of my run through the campaign so if you feel like something just isn't working you just have to refund enough points to be able to get back here so like I can't refund this like I can't because it's high levels but I can't refund certain ones because they may be required for me to be at a certain tier um so keep that in mind as you spin certain points you'll get down here and I've spent enough that like I can get to the bottom tree but when you're speccing early on and maybe I want to change this one to this one well I might have to refund this this this this and then these to be able to put these here and then come back down here again so you may have to like backtrack a few steps but even if you do at an early level it's so cheap doesn't matter just dance around in all of your abilities see what works see what doesn't and honestly don't ever fear respeking it's cheap enough that you could go run around to like run around go do a dungeon sell the gear that you get out of doing a dungeon or two and you'd be fine so really respect anytime you want experiment with builds see what works see what feels good if something's not working try something else now when you get later on and I've got like I've got things that are leaning into poison trap and I've got something that's probably going to give me you know I've got trap skill damage maybe I'm not going traps on a build in the future and my gear isn't quite as efficient well then you know crank the world tear down for a little bit experiment Mosey around and then when you kind of get back and settled into what you're doing then you can bump things back up but respect anytime you want to later on obviously you'll figure out that it's going to be a little more costly but it's not the end of the world so mess with your abilities Respec and just try to try to focus an ability down like I mean don't go like you don't want to pick this this this this and this like these are all basic abilities and you fill up this entire thing it's kind of pointless one in each major node and then work on your you know passive bonuses and then lean into also as you you know you need a few points to get down to each note so then it's like if you do this one pick your enhancers for each ability then maybe bump up the ability like rapid hits working really well for me so I'm going to lean really heavily into that one as I work my way down so that's my recommendation just on a general sake for builds and respecting and don't be don't be afraid of spinning the gold you're gonna get plenty of gold and I think that puts us at 20. now there probably will be more things that I come up with when we get to Mid game or in-game and stuff like that later on maybe there's build guides that I put together as I play through more but as an initial video just on this channel hopefully you guys do enjoy this one those are some tips as I've gone through that helped me like upgrading stuff not the end of the world maybe I didn't waste gyms on sockets maybe you do not the end of the world but like the waypoints the Alters using the pin on the map which I didn't know until somebody told me in like the open Beta was like oh my God that's a game changer oh one other thing when you go to a dungeon if you hit your emote wheel you can leave a dungeon by literally clicking like your emo wheel and clicking leave dungeon now I don't remember if it tells you that specifically and you can't do it in certain campaign spaces you can't exit the dungeon that way but if you're just in a normal dungeon where it's like hey I want to go get this aspect over here I do this dungeon I'm in the boss room well sometimes you can actually click on the stairs of the map and it'll let you leave but the other one is just the email wheel leave dungeon you're good you're out of there you're right back at the top and then sometimes there's also like riddles and it's going to tell you hey maybe there's something you need to do for a universal sign of thanks or cheer or come like show camaraderie whatever it is sometimes those riddles are based around your emotes and sometimes you might need to go find an emote because there's more emotes than are actually on that wheel so just a piece of advice um and that's what most of this was this is my advice from playing through I'm up to act five and I don't know how much is exactly left in the story but these are things I figure everybody's gonna find beneficial as things go public this evening for all of you I hope the servers handle it well they handle it well for all of us in Early Access with like a couple of minutes but then public goes live tonight so servers are going to be busy and popping so if you guys are enjoying these videos from me hit that subscribe hit the alert Bell so you see my future videos and if this one does well hopefully we'll see some more Diablo 2 Diablo 4 sorry content on this channel which I also cover a fair amount of Destiny 2 as well so thank you guys very much I hope you enjoyed this one and I will see you in future videos come hang out on Twitch as well I'm over there quite a bit
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 444,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diablo 4, Diablo 4 Build, Build Guide, Rogue, Druid, Sorcerer, Barbarian, Diablo 4 Tips, Diablo 4 Guide, Beginner's Guide, Where to start, Ebontis, Necromancer, Diablo 4 Beginner Guide, Diablo 4 End Game, Diablo 4 Story, Diablo 4 Guide for Beginners, Rogue Guide
Id: 4tDpgSiFZNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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