Diablo IV - Super Unique Monsters (850 Item Power Cap)

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[Music] foreign [Music] gals and welcome so today I have something special for you um this is going to be quite an interesting video this is a video about super unique monsters that's right you Diablo 2 fans you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say super unique monsters and a list of names suddenly floods into your head like Elders the rectifier and shank and pindle skin and infector of Souls and so forth and so on right well in this game in Diablo 4 there are monsters that are considered super unique monsters and they also drop some very interesting items and today what I want to do is I want to take you through every single one of those super uniques I want to kill them all show you the items that they drop and talk about some of the special things that you can get from them so the super unique monsters actually have the possibility of dropping items higher than a 820. so as of right now most people are well aware that you can only find about 820 item power on weapon or an armor or things like that but believe it or not the Super unique monsters can actually drop a little bit higher than that which is actually quite interesting um one of our kinship members has man to find one that was 837 and of course you can also upgrade that three times which is really freaking nice this kind of thing leads to basically you farming very specific items so that you can get some very specific effects now what do I mean by very specific effects well the answer to that question is that some of these rare items that are dropped by these Supreme ink monsters are actually not things that you can get on regular rare items so if you are looking for a specific effect on a rare item that doesn't normally roll on a rare item like for instance like maybe you want a very specific effect on a rear ring that just doesn't seem to roll on rare Rings well believe it or not you can get that with these weird super unique items now I'm going to pause the video here and we're gonna go find the first Super unique and we're gonna kill them and we're gonna show them on camera and hopefully by the end of this video we will have found every Super unique in the game and shown off every rare item that they can potentially draw foreign so this is the first one on our journey here um this is rot Splinter he's located in Kyo next to ministad in the fractured Peaks it's actually really easy to get to him you basically just travel straight west and he is going to be right here this is uh Rod Splinter if you do be careful with Ross winner has lower level characters because he has um he has been known to one shot some lower level characters um he has some pretty high amounts of poison damage now we're really high level so we're probably not going to have any issues with him but um you come up here and he will be standing here kind of like curled up into a little ball um and when you kill him um he gives you a pretty nice ring um the ring can roll between sacred ancestral um and regular too sometimes um and it always has some very specific stats on it so the Ring of the splintered wood is 21 lighting 21 poison it also has a crit strike chance always a poison damage always and damage the close enemies always which makes it very interesting for like a crit wolf these items also have um flavor text on them so they say even the slightest touch leaves painful splinters Perot In the Flesh this ring can be reformed over and over again so he will respawn it only takes a certain amount of time everybody who's with you will get one so as you can see they're not bound so I have two of them here um we got uh four people in the group so everybody got one of these rings so the fastest way to form these guys honestly if you're looking for a specific ring uh for a specific role he got me with the explosion is to just Farm them in a group that way you can get as many possible roles as you can as quickly as you can as you can see we've already gotten ancestrals here I got an ancestral 774. uh Leon got an ancestral 800 so pretty good rolls there when you upgrade these they'll get even better and you can just continually kill this monster over and over again to try and get the best possible roll on these Rings now one thing that's important to note about these super unique rings that have these special effects I can't really call them unique items because this is any account right but these are like unique rares is that they only have three effects not four so if you look at your ring or my ring that I have on right now I've got vulnerable crit Ground Control and Fizz damage which is four effects the super unique Rings or The the unique rares only have three modifiers not four but they do have very specific modifiers and sometimes they have things that you cannot obtain on a ring so very interesting here we can just continue killing rot Splinter over and over again to get as many of these rings as we possibly can so let's move on to the next one um the next one I'm not just not really sure which one yet but I'll surprise you all right so the next one we have on the list is one that was actually farmed quite a lot during the beta this is a well look at that big old mob pack of monsters respond on top of our heads um this is the one that drops the mace of Blazing Fury um he is always fire Enchanted as well so be aware of this um and uh the fire Enchanted mod is one of the nastiest mods in the game I swear but as you can see you can get ancestral items from him as well and the Mesa Blazing Fury is something that can roll pretty high it has a damage to burning enemies on it uh damage while berserking and overpower damage so it's going to be something very specific that you would use for like an overpower build a fire build um maybe I don't know but it's a mace so obviously it could be used by barbarians it can be used to play uh the Druid I believe can also use one-handed maces I don't think anybody else can use one-handed mazes so this is pretty much between the Druid and the Barbarian um it says the handle of this white hot mace Bears soot marks in the shape of a clenched fist um now granted everybody gets one so every single time he dies you're gonna get multiple and you can just continually finding more and more of these the only downside of this is that the level required of the mace is literally the level of your character so like when Leon find one over here and he's level 100 his mace is going to be like literally level 100 and I can't use it and nobody could use it except for Leon so you can have that back sir um they actually moved this one by the way so if you farmed him during the beta he was here in this particular location but they moved him over here so this is his new spot um so if you take nostrava if you have that Waypoint you can go south or you can take benistat and go uh sorry nevesque and you can go north um either way you want to get here it doesn't really matter it's uh he's just going to spawn repeatedly over and over again and you can kill him over and over again and try and get the best Mesa blazing fear you can uh you can even get normal ones as you can see we did get a normal drop there so that wasn't even a high level it's a little low B Mesa blazing pure these don't sell for good money by the way they sell for like two gold so you're not going to get rich off of this in fact if if the item is not what you need and it's not what anybody else needs then honestly you should probably just throw it back on the ground because it really has no purpose it's not even worth taking back to town um find the one that actually has the item power that you want find the one that has the stats that you want obviously so like for this one it has 14 damage to burning enemies so if that's something that you're interested in you can continually try and kill this monster over and over again until you can get that 14 burning damage uh we're gonna move on to the next one which is uh the Corlin Hool the multiplicative so um he's actually in fractured Peaks as well um he's above the bear tribe all right so coral and Hull is um above the bear tribe and I'm going to show you his location real quick so if you take the bear tribe um waypoints right here and you just go straight North he is in this little alcove right here up top um coralinhool does multiply that's that's his that's his signature so he's called the multiplicative and uh he will actually make copies of himself um you may have to kill him multiple times before he actually dies he got me um he he has gotten me a couple times actually believe it or not in beta as well um he's got some pretty nasty damage output but he drops the staff of the elemental command which has 20 fire damage and uh 14 lightning damage uh and cold damage so it basically has all of them on it fire lightning and cold I guess this would be for a character that really wants to use I don't know all elements um you can re-roll some of these stats by the way and it's actually really cheap to re-roll these stats um as Leon was pointing out earlier um it it since they're worth nothing when you take them back to the you know the shop essentially to re-roll them like in as far as enchanting they basically cost nothing for enchantment so if you want to reroll some of the effects like maybe you're not interested in the lightning damage or you're not interested in the fire or whatever and you want to re-roll only the effects to something else you totally can't like it's uh it's pretty easy to do um and uh and it will gradually increase in price to enchant the item so if I take the let's take the higher eye level here which is the 808. as you can see it's six gold to enchant this item right now like all six and so the mace of Blazing Fury then we can also do the staff which is again six gold and as you re-roll effects like say you didn't want the overpower damage or maybe you didn't want the burning damage or what ever that's going to Blind it to you and then of course you can reroll to something else like 60 strength for instance and then look it costs 30 gold and so forth and so on so pretty darn cheap to re-roll these items to get like uh you know an additional effect other than what they come with uh let's move on to the next one all right the next one that we've got on the list is also in fractured Peaks this one is named sir Linus orleana something like that I can't remember exactly um he's basically just north of kelvashad or east of menistad either way you want to look at it and he's in this little alcove right here next to the Forsaken Quarry dungeon uh so the Forsaken query dungeon is pretty easy he's basically just straight west of The Forsaken Quarry um he drops something known as the dark blade um he's always Shadow Enchanted as you can see and um it looks like he's a uh what is it uh one of one of anarius's disciples that's what it kind of looks like to me like he's one of the uh like the anarius troops because he's got like the anarius armor on and he also has the um he also has the like the anaria shield on his back with the inaria symbol but um he drops this as a one-handed ancestral rare sword that has 13 Shadow damage as well as seven percent damage to affected Monsters of Shadow over time um so as you can see it's definitely a shadow sword probably something that you would want to use for a blight Necromancer it also has the 5.6 chance to execute injured non-elites which I would probably re-roll that if I was a blight Necromancer I probably wouldn't want to use this otherwise um now your goal here is to keep farming him until he drops you one that's a really high eye level uh Leon managed to link us one right now that's an 836 he has an 837 but he can't link that one due to the the bug that prevents you from linking them but that's the uh ancestral rare two-handed sword that can potentially drop way over item level 820. and as you can see it's 2645 damage per second which is pretty insane if you compare that to my two-handed scythe I'm sorry two-handed sword that I have that's fully upgraded by the way uh mine's only 2730 and that's with all 25 item power upgrade points um so if you take this 836 and you upgrade it it's probably going to be a hell of a lot more damage than might two-handed sword that I have here um it's not going to be the optimal stats but it will be a much higher damage output now these guys seem to spawn on a I'm not really quite sure exactly how to explain it like let's say for instance they have a spawn window that's once every 15 minutes they don't necessarily spawn once every 15 minutes sometimes they can spawn multiple times within like up three or four minute period and then sometimes you can stand here for 10 minutes and nothing happens um it's kind of strange the way that they work it seems to work more around spawn windows and then the spawn Windows seem to kind of like rotate and sometimes you'll have like multiple spawn Windows right next to each other so the monster will literally spawn like two or three times like in a very short period of time and then sometimes you'll just stand here and nothing happens um one of the things that gives it away that the monster is there by the way and I'll see if I can capture this on camera at least once or twice is that on the map and even on the mini map you'll see this like very light it's kind of shining I don't know how to put it you can actually kind of see it around my character right now it's it's kind of strange like sometimes you'll see like a white like almost like a little star it's very [Music] um not exaggerated I guess would be the point like it it seems to almost deliberately be like sort of like it's something that you're not supposed to say like a little twinkle like the twinkling of a star yeah exactly dark um and it kind of goes away just as quickly as it appears it's really just there to show you that something is there of interest that you should look at and then it's gone um which is why a lot of the times I have trouble getting it on camera because you don't necessarily see it for very long you'll but like if you're just happen to be riding by you'll probably see the twinkle on the minimap as you're riding by and that twinkle will indicate that the Monster is here so let's go ahead and move on to the next one um looks like he's not going to respawn as quickly as the others all right so the next one on the list is in scosglen um and he is a little bit sort of like Southeast early of uh of Sarah gar um so if you take the road down here you'll see like a kind of like a field um and in the field he's just sitting in the field so if you go out here there are obviously a lot of blood Clans all over the place um but he is up here um there he is ow stop being mean his name is garbani and Nye The Butcher of saragar um and he always has the vampiric mod which could make him potentially nasty um and he drops the Manhunter breaches um the Manhunter breaches have where are they at right here drop some of these other items I don't want to get them mixed up with mine um so it has plus two ranks of rabies and you also get 7.5 healing received and 14 uh damage for four seconds after killing an elite um honestly that 14 damage after killing Elite seems kind of nice it goes up to 20 percent and then the 7.5 percent healing I don't know could be interesting it seems to be looking at the I'm gonna say the passive effect that The Druids have I'm not sure if you guys have taken a look at it which is like every time you crit you heal yourself that might be what it's trying to do so it's giving you a way to increase that heel that you're getting from the crits but it definitely seems to be focused on a rabies Druid um obviously with the plus three skills on the pants for rabies and I'm not even sure that you can get rabies on pants normally I don't think so I know you can get some skills on boots I can get some skills on your gloves I'd have to take a look at that but that might be the special effect there actually is the plus three rabies on the pants which would allow you to get the rabies a little bit higher than you otherwise normally would and as you can you can see there's a picture starting to form here we have items that are allowing us to get some effects on things that we would otherwise not be able to we've got the Ring of the splintered wood the mace of the Blazing Fury the staff of the elemental command The Man Hunter breaches um and then we also got the dark blade which all have very specific effects so far and let's move on to the next one so we're going to finish off skazlyn so it's probably going to be another one in scosland all right the next one on the list is Gaspar stillbane Gaspar stillbane is actually located slightly west of the Whispering Pines you can actually take the under the Fat Goose in and you can travel up here he is right here in this little dimple which weirdly looks like a nipple and gas bar still being drops a very interesting pair of gloves um so when you kill him he gets gives you the outcast wraps uh which did he not drop them what did you guys get anything yes I did not um so you dropped the outcast raps which have uh plus three ranks of incinerate fire damage over time and of course the chance to slow now um You obviously would probably want to re-roll one of those effects um probably I don't know the chance to slow maybe or the incentive rate depending on which way you're going um incinerate is not really one of the most sought after abilities on the tree so yeah but um you can Farm him over and over again he's in this little like lava area which is kind of fitting since he drops a fire item let's move on to the next Super unique and I want to make this video a million hours long me all right so I wanted to do this really quickly so you guys can see the sparkle I think it just went away too like ah dang the sparkle goes away so quickly but you might have caught it there just before it disappeared um this is Lord eonan or anonan or whatever he's like a vampire um he's like one of those ones that turns into bats and stuff um he's the blood cursed as you can see here um eonan the blood cursed um and he drops the blood cursed band um the blood cursed band has 10.5 damage for four seconds after picking up a blood orb 13.5 blood orb healing and 20 damage to close enemies so as you can see this one is more specifically for a Necromancer who is running blood orbs because it has two modifiers for blood orbs on it and is also running the close damage which you definitely would want if you're going to be using blood surge because you got to get really close to using that ability anyway um kind of a cool little thing there just to get various ones and you're gonna have to farm them for a while like to get like the optimal effects to try and get one that has like the perfect rolls you're probably gonna have to farm them for quite some time sometimes he's not even going to drop you an ancestral item sometimes it's going to be a um you know it's a sacred or a regular so unless it's ancestral it's not even going to be worth taking back to town really um you know we'll to take with you we were talking about this earlier though one thing you can do with these even though they're worthless as far as value is concerned is you can deconstruct them for some veiled Crystals at least so you can at least you can at least do that uh go ahead and I'm just gonna keep like one of every one of these on me for right now I'll have I'll have a little collection here all right so let's move on to the next one all right so there he is on the map right there you can see the sparkle or bone that's already gone look at that it doesn't last very long it really doesn't but it's right here um and next to the Terrell mirror waypoints um you want to go into the evil Red Death area right here um and you're gonna find uh this boy who is well he should be here anyway um his name is blind edlin there he is there's the blind boy get him he's the soul star um and he belong yeah get the blind boy I sound like a bully uh he drops the Blind Man's Bell which is um an amulet um and it has eight percent control impaired duration reduction 13 damage reduction while injured and 16 movement speed up for four seconds after killing Elite that's not a very good amulet I'm gonna be perfectly honest wow those are all like modifiers that I would not want so I think this one might be a super unique skip this would be a super skip the superist of Skips uh let's move on to the next one and we got a lot of super Enos to go over so I don't want to spend too long on each individual one all right so the next one um is in dry steps um and this one is west of ruins of car yisu or east of gerandi either one and it is right here in this little dimple um this one is um and he seems to be a ghost looks like a barbarian ghost at that um and he drops the blood spiller's helm um the blood spiller's Helm has 9.5 damage while berserking two ranks of rupture and 25 life on kill um so two ranks of rupture is probably the the secret thing there because it does give you I think up to four ranks once you get it fully upgraded so if you upgrade it from a higher level that's an 827 that was a pretty good roll as you can see they can roll higher than 820 which is pretty nice so you take that back you upgrade it you're gonna get four ranks of rupture on that switch you may or may not be using I didn't particularly like rupture when I used it on the Barbarian but um it does have its uses to solidify bleed damage if you're going with like a full bleed build but it also takes the leads off the target which is also not cool because I like to watch them bleed I like to watch them tick yes a lot of these have special Graphics by the way when you put them on so like you can also take some of the armor pieces back to town and you can deconstruct them um which will give you you know whatever the special graphic is of that particular helmet um I've seen some of these have some pretty cool graphics on them like the sword and whatnot has is like a flaming sword um um kind of has like a uh I can't really remember exactly how it works but uh one of these I know for instance like the mace which I can't put on has a as a flaming aspect to it the dark blade kind of has like a glowy shadow thing coming out of it I don't know but taking them back and getting the uh at least getting the transmog out of them is certainly not a bad thing so moving on to the next one but all right so we got the pittedless gur he's already getting murdered well before I even got there as you can see he has heart of ice and a bunch of other modifiers it's a big giant Barbarian with like two axes or something I don't really know um the pitilus Gir drops a two-handed uh sorry a freezing armor sorry free has a freeze freezing armor which has the 7.5 coal damage cold resistance and thorns on it which is kind of an odd combo uh gurs freezing armor to find him um he is actually kind of north of this big Basin where you do like the world boss battles and stuff so if you take the fates Retreat and you come down here next to the whispering Vault um he spawns right here on this little location that give you a good idea let's move on to the next one all right so the next one on the list is botac the inevitable and you got to see the shine that time I actually saw it on the camera this time so uh botac the inevitable is one of the like the I don't know like a fallen I want to get one of the big Fallen I think uh where did he get what did he teleport yeah there he is um oh goat man he's one of the big goat man he's an undead goat man at that he's got like his bone sticking out uh he drops the necklace of inevitability the necklace of inevitability has crit strike chance against injured enemies uh damage reduction while injured and a healing effect on it as well so uh made out of apparently charred goat's teeth this file necklace of charred goats teeth the perioxidally contains both the power to extend life as well as cut it short weird um and this guy is located um right hole um which is kind of like east of the the Onyx Watchtower or you can also go west of Fate's Retreat it's right near the grinning Labyrinth dungeon right here so you see this kind of like cut out here and it's right in the center between all this crap um he's not really that hard to find um honestly he's really big too and he teleports on top of your head so I'm sure you'll you'll find him pretty easily uh the next one all right so the next one is um on the beach here um he's actually like way over here um next to this little lethal Shrine right here you can take the um al-zuda Waypoint to get to him but he's basically right here he drops a pretty nice two-handed sword and he does have a transformation so make sure that you let him transform otherwise sometimes he can glitch out um where is he hiding at oh you got him over here yeah there he is his name is uh Jeb tall the bearer of the bleed um and he definitely does have a blade does he have vampiric he keeps healing up we can kill him there we go so the infernal Edge sacred sword this is the one I was linked to you guys earlier from uh from Leon so he got that one at 8 37 and upgraded it which was pretty nice uh this one has 34 all stats which does rolls high as 44 on the top end there and of course it goes up higher when you upgrade it um it does have the damage to Injured enemies and the lucky hit for 15 chance to execute non-elites um personally if I was going to roll this I would probably re-roll that 15 chance to execute injured on Elites it doesn't really seem like that useful of a stat most of the trash mobs are super easy to kill anyway so I don't even understand why that one exists unless you just have really bad damage there's an 810 it's not bad of course the ideal here is to get above 820 because losing one you don't want to lose one affix for something that's not even higher damage than what you could normally obtain that would just be silly all right so the next one all right the next one is located over here in Alazar we're moving over to how was our God forbid I look away from the screen for two seconds um so over here in halazar if you take the way jahani Waypoint um it's right here in this little alcove and you go up here and you will find a guy with a suppressor Field named Ren Dane and he's called The Haunted when you kill him randain gives you a uh a crossbow called The Haunted crossbow um The Haunted crossbow can roll with a really high eye level um it does come with Shadow damage core skill damage and damage to close enemies um damage to close enemies on a crossbow sounds kind of odd but I guess if you're a dagger uh Rogue and you want to damage the closed enemies well there you go you can also potentially use this for the shadow imbuement you know if you're a shadow ambient Rogue you could do the shadow damage and the close enemies and then you'd also get the core skill damage honestly I probably wouldn't reroll that those are all pretty good modifiers for a uh for like a melee Rogue setup and of course as you can see she spawned right on top of us again um so we end up with another one and you can basically just keep farming her repeatedly until you get one of high uh High item level um let's move on to the next one which is n kill I believe it's a snake all right the next one on the list is a super unique known as end kill uh I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing that wrong um even though some of the websites report him as over here he's actually right here um and that is sort of east of the whispering tree Waypoint so if you want to take that one um you could also potentially take um Backwater north um I'm not sure which one will be quicker the swamp's kind of annoying but and kill is a big snake right here he's called The Animated statue and he should drop the eye of end kill which is going to give you the 3.5 crowd control duration 12 damage after four seconds after killing an elite and the shrine buff duration very odd sort of effects not really quite sure about that one I mean the crowd control duration is nice in certain situations like a PVP where you want monster you want the the players to be stuck in the crowd control for as long as humanly possible but I don't know about the shrine buff duration I still don't really I've seen that on a couple items and I've thought to myself like no I don't really know about that I don't really know about the shrine buff duration thing anyway let's move on to the next one all right so this is uh the one that is in next to Gia cool um so if you see this one right here gear cool is it's directly east um and this little area right here next to the conduit Shrine um you actually have to talk to the priest on this one so Priestess Quinn she sounds really rude um she turns into a succubus named kennel seductive the orator and she drops the kin to Kings and I don't know how you pronounce q without a u in there uh captivating uh I which is a focus focus it gives lucky hit chance which is kind of nice it also gives a lucky hit slow and crowd control duration so could be interesting for a lucky hit build although there are how you can add that with the wand which has lucky hit on it too and you could end up with a pretty high lucky hit percentage uh might be interesting from that particular perspective especially since it's a weapon so you could Farm up like an 837 or like a 800 plus 820 plus um one of these with a decent lucky hit chance and then combine that with a lucky hit chance on your wand and that might make an interesting choice for a lucky hit build let's see if there's any more all right so I did double check and uh to see if there was any more and currently in the game there is not there is only 15 however it's I think it's important to note that there was a leak a while back that said that there was 20 uh super unique monsters and as of right now I only have 15 items so that's interesting and just to recap on all the items that are currently available from Super uniques um I can go over them really quickly um these are the super unique items I collected one of every one of them so we've got the Ring of the splintered wood which seems to be more focused around a werewolf kind of like a crit poison werewolf or maybe even like a poison crit Rogue it's an interesting ring definitely going to look at trying to get a very nice one of these uh the Mesa blazing fuhrer which seems to be more about burning and berserking the staff of Elemento command which has literally an element of every single one so it has fire lightning and cold Elemental damage on it which is very strange not a lot of sorceresses I know tend to dive into all three elements but I'm not entirely sure we also have the Man Hunter breaches which seem to be focused more around a rabies Druid we have the dark blade which is more about Shadow damage and Shadow damage over time which seems to be pointed more toward a um maybe a shadow imbuement Rogue I think they can use swords and also a shadow Necromancer uh we have the kins captivating eye which was the last one we got and that one has lucky hit chance and a lucky hit ability with crowd control duration we've got eye of end kill which uh gives the crowd control duration um damage to Elites and also the shrine buff duration the haunted crossbow which gives very nice shadow damage core damage and close damage was actually pretty it's a pretty nice modifiers there infernal Edge which gives the 50 all stats 46 damage to Injured enemies and the Fourteen four percent execute chance this is a two-handed uh the blood cursed band which seems to be pointed more toward a blood Necromancer uh the Blind Man's Bell which is the um control impaired duration damage reduction while injured and movement speed after killing an elite uh the blood spiller's Helm which gives you ranks of rupture which seems to be pointed at a barbarian uh the gurs freezing armor which is an ancestral rare recipes and that one gives cool damage cold resistance and Thorns seems to be pointed at a character who is maybe doing a thorns and cold damage at the same time I'm not entirely sure but it seems a little odd because you might just use razor plates in that case but I guess it could be an interesting choice if you were in that weird category of doing cold damage and Thorns damage simultaneously um next little necklace of inevitability is a crit strike chance against injured enemies at damage reduction while injured and then healing received and then we also have the outcast hand wraps which seem to be pointed at a incinerate sorceress um all in all these is a very odd collection of items um in this we've got some interesting flavor text even the slightest touch leaves painful splinters burrowed into the flesh this handle the handle of this white hot mace Bears soot marks in the shape of a clenched fist a powerful Relic once belonging to jazareth the Summoner this staff was thought lost forever wearing these Gorge wrenched leggings fills your mind with a single overwhelming desire to hunt while the origins of this accursive blade are lost to time there is no question that wielding its dark power leaves an inedible stain on one's soul um even removed from the Demon's body the eye continues to weave its hypnotic patterns a foul spell of Desire was woven into the statue's stone its idolators were helpless as their souls were ripped from their bodies to animate its writhing form field notes of brother darwance um those who came before shall bear witness to your Deeds inscription on the hilt this massive sword's Edge grows Keener and its Promises of power grow louder with each life taken unhand me filth a single drop of my blood is worth an ocean of yours within it churns a power you could never hope to understand Lord eonan last words Blind Man's Bell is even after he was put to death some children swore they would still hear his bell ringing softly in the breeze on a moonless nights green slades Tales chapter 5 the myth of the blind oddwen blood Spillers Helm there is nothing better in life than to stand alone painted red atop a hill made from the bodies of your enemies zarazar the mighty ger's freezing armor favored by pinilus gur this heavy armor remains painfully cold to the touch even in the hottest of climates Barrett's book of implements uh the necklace of inevitability this file necklace of charred goat's teeth periodoxally contains both power to extend life as well as to cut it short and then finally the outcast hand wraps These Foolish few monks who abuse their training for personal gain are banished from the floating Sky Monastery and forced to wander the harsh and unforgiving Lands Beyond now if you complete all 15 of these um you do get the Trophy Hunter achievement the trophy and achievement is when you collect the kill all 15 of the rare monsters now that's pretty much it um get out there and farm yourself some rare super unique items um you know some that could potentially make your class stronger the weapons in particular seem to be the main focus because of weapons as well as the focus can potentially be very high item level and that damage output that those weapons offer can really bump up your damage output because 820 is the highest that you can possibly get right now and these items can roll at seemingly as high as 850. um that is a huge damage bump even if they're not necessarily the optimal bonuses that you would potentially want because they are such high item level or item power they can give you a huge bump in your damage output so you know get out there and farm some super uniques um as always I do appreciate you guys and gals watching my videos even when we're just yakking about super uniques and haunted crossbows and stuff and um keep watching [Music]
Channel: Ginger Gaming Mentor
Views: 331,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginger gaming mentor, GGM, diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 butcher, Diablo IV Unique Items, Diablo 4 The Butcher's Cleaver, D4, Diablo 4 Uniques, the butcher
Id: x86prN4XozM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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