Diablo 4 NEW Leveling Guide - How to Level from 1 to 100 - The Best Way to Level in Diablo 4

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hi everyone this is luxtos and today I'm going to bring you another leveling guide for Diablo 4. yes another one because we just made one recently but there's been some update there's been some buff to the way that you gain experience in the game and I just wanted to make a more concise more precise and in order guided to help you level through Diablo 4 whether you're a brand new player that just got the game or if you're making an alt and you're a more experienced player or if you're making a new character in say season one this guide should be a valid way for you to get started and level as fast as possible and have the best character that you can have right so we're gonna get started here I'm going to devise this into I'm going to divide it into campaign leveling for new player and then we're gonna have a skip campaign leveling so those are going to be The Chew version that we're going to talk about and then we're going to have some general notes uh that we are going to cover so let's get started campaign leveling so if you're a brand new player and you still have not completed the campaign make sure that you focus on this this is your number one priority you want to finish the main story you want to make sure that you finish it because it's going to unlock a lot of additional things for you including your Mount which is going to allow you to walk and move through the world a little bit faster so that is your number one priority second is going to be clearing strongholds and also to get waypoints those are going to be very important later on right now they give you some XP as you're leveling and clearing the campaign so make sure you get as many uh waypoints as possible to travel faster and make sure that you clear the strongholds as well I'm gonna put a link in the description below to a nice interactive maps that has the location of everything you would want to see that's going to help you out in locating these and collecting them as you go once you're done with a campaign if you have not hit 50 yet okay if you have not hit Level 50 what you're going to do is at the end of The Campaign to get a little bit more XP and to get between that 40 to 50 range in order to transition to the next part of the guide into the next difficulty you're going to explore explore the maps get your Alters get your side quests done just try to get a little bit extra experience at the end of The Campaign to get between that 40 to 50 range in order to go complete what we call the Capstone dungeon that unlocks the next difficulty so that's going to be very important once you get to that 40 to 50 range you can try to go attempt that first Capstone dungeon it's going to be part of your quest after the campaign and then that's going to allow you to get to tier three so that's all you need right now for this part for campaign and new player uh so you just have to follow this get that done and you're gonna be good to go we're now going to move on to the after the campaign so this is going to be valid for skipping the campaign for an ALT or skipping the campaign in a new season or if you just got done with your 1 to 50 campaign experience as a new player so this is in my opinion one of the most effective way to level uh for this part of the game so what I plan to do and what I've been doing and what's been working really really well for me is focusing on Legion Events those will give you a very large amount of experience they're really really nice make sure that you get there a little bit ahead of time so these are going to spawn on the map and they have a timer so I'm going to give you as well a link in the chat to give you access to that timer so you know when they are coming up you'll want to head there a little bit ahead of time because there's going to be a little campfire next to them at the start you're going to want to click it stand close to it you'll get a nice little XP boost and you're gonna get some nice XP just move with the crowd move with everybody in the in the little Legion event event and uh just kill monster as much as possible try to participate make sure you guys succeed collect the loots and you're done you're going to move on to the next step the next step is going to be the tree of Whispers so the tree of Whispers recently just got a nice buff of xp2 which is really really nice uh pretty much the only thing you're going to do in there is dungeons so every 90 minutes uh there's gonna be five dungeons that are going to spawn on the map right so five dungeons one in each region one in each zone is going to spawn up which means that you technically have 90 a 90 minute window to go clear all five of them before they reset you don't have to if you're a little bit slower if your build is is is is not clearing quite as fast but normally you should be able to get through most of these but you might run late a little bit especially if you have not uncovered all of the map and all of the Waypoint it might take you a little bit more traveling time but your goal is going to be to complete these every time that you complete uh two of those dungeons right you're gonna get 10 Grim favor that you're gonna go turn in to the tree of Whispers so this is really straightforward if you've skipped the campaign or if you've completed the campaign you'll get access to this new feature called the tree of Whispers And every 10 Grim favors you can go turn any quests that will allow you to choose loot but also give you some nice bonus XP so that's going to be really really good this is going to be one of the best way to gain some experience into that one to 50 window so simply clear two dungeons go back to the tree complete it clear another set of two go back completed and then if you have one more dungeon left complete it and then wait for the reset right so that's going to be what you're going to be doing in between if you see a legion event make sure you go complete it they will give you a lot of XP so just don't leave a dungeon for it but you know if you're in between two run and you see one uh and you want to time yourself with that timer try to get it done it's going to give you some nice bonus if there's no Legion event that is currently available and there is no longer any dungeon on the map that you can clear for your level uh you're going to want to start exploring because there could be some dungeon especially in the early level that are going to be locked right so some zones are a little bit higher level so I just this is just worth mentioning when you start at level 1 to 10 to 15 maybe most of the dungeon on the map for the world tree are not gonna be available for you so the first initial 10 level you might need to just run into the first area do a couple of events just pretty much you can do whatever you want in the first Zone you could also find any of the dungeon in here and repeat it the goal is just to get those 10 to 15 first level done you're gonna have one dungeon that you should be able to do rather uh effectively so you're going to want to go complete that try to get to that 10 15 and then you should be able to explore a little bit more areas because some dungeon might be level 20 25 those are going to be a little bit difficult to complete level one but at 15 some of them could be possible depending on how confident you feel about your build and your capability feel free to explore those higher level dungeon but for the first couple of level you're probably going to want to stay in this main area run around do some uh those of those orange circle events make sure that you clear those out they give good XP you can do sellers you can do random dungeons to try to get some of those good first legendary that's going to be the first uh the first step that you're going to want to do here in order to unlock more of the other accessible dungeon but let's say that you're you know you're able to clear most of the dungeon and you end up clearing the entire map of all of the red tree of whisper dungeon right you got all of your stuff done and there's no Legion event this is where you're going to want to start running around and clearing strongholds and Waypoint because uh if you're either in a new season or a new player depending on which one even for for both cases you're going to need to re-clear all the strongholds on the map and you're gonna need to reclaim all the waypoints on the map so that's going to be super important you're going to want to do this because you're going to need them to move around especially to do dungeons to do hell Tides events to do Legion Events it's just gonna come in super handy so make sure that you get those done with your down time so that's going to be the the the easy recipe right here to get from one to fifty so again stay in the first Zone clear some events do some side quests do whatever you want in the first Zone but get to 10 to 15 as fast as possible that first dungeon should be available depending on where it spawns and then uh and then just go ahead and and start repeating these so Legion event anywhere in the map it can be done at any level in most cases as maybe not at the start of the season but there's always going to be a lot of people there that are going to be there to help and clear so the level requirement of the Zone could not be a problem for most people uh the tree of Whispers though you need to make sure that you get enough level to go complete these other dungeons but then as soon as you get that 10 15 20 you'll be able to spam any dungeon all the way to 50 and it's just gonna be a breeze it's going to go super well once you get to that bracket of 40 to 50 for the first Capstone dungeon that's going to be your priority depending on how confident you are depending on your gear your build you're going to want to go clear the Capstone because you want to get to tier three as fast as possible tier three is going to scale your character not only in gear but in low in experience quite a lot so as soon as you think you feel comfortable maybe 45 uh or if you're struggling a little bit more wait for 50. go clear that Capstone dungeon get it done and move all the way to tier three completely skip tier two there's no use to it right now it's just debate it's gonna slow you down it's it's not gonna provide anything significant so completely skip it go to tier three and then you can start leveling from that 50 to 100 this is actually going to be the best part in my opinion so at that point into that tier three Zone you're gonna start having access to nightmare dungeon so in order to get your first nightmare dungeon sigil which is what we're going to Showcase right now uh these little sigils are just skis that are found in the consumable tab these allow you to unlock a nightmare dungeon and recently there was a buff that made it so that these nightmare dungeons uh not only you can teleport to them instantly but they give a lot more XP and what I'm saying a lot they give a lot of good XP I've been getting crazy levels super fast even in my 90s right here for my level it's been really really good so this is going to become your number one priority almost over anything else in my opinion so I'm completely cutting out Legion Events uh sadly the travel time to get to them the wait time period is in my opinion gonna be a XP loss compared to purely spamming nightmare dungeon so that's what I would recommend that you do as soon as you get into that tier three and you can get your first sigil you're going to be spamming those to get that first sigil you can do Legion Events that is a possibility or you can do the tree of whisper so as soon as you get in here try to complete at least one tree of whisper you could do two dungeons uh then go back report it open the cache and there's a likelihood that you will get a Sigil if you don't get it you need to repeat until you at least get your first key uh these can drop from other sources for example uh Legion Events uh sometimes we'll drop them from the chest um and uh there's there's other location uh for their various activities in the world that will drop them but my favorite way it's almost guaranteed the tree of whisper just go do two dungeon and turn it in there's like a 50s I don't know what the percentage is so I'm not gonna commit on it but for me it's been almost every uh every every every chest that I've opened almost always have a Sigil in it so you're only gonna need to do this once though because you just want that first key then you're gonna open that key and you're gonna go run that dungeon and you're just gonna start repeating the process so this is going to get you started into that first uh tier three difficulty you're gonna start getting gear and you're gonna start getting stronger and you're going to start spamming these pretty much you're going to be spamming these all the way to 100. uh the best way to run these is going to be to make sure that the monster inside the nightmare dungeon is at least three level higher than you okay and there is a very easy way to figure this out as long as the monsters are three level higher than you you're gonna gain 25 uh bonus experience so that's very important if they're at least minimum three if you can do higher you could but you're technically losing a little bit of uh of speed right if the monster goes too high you're gonna clear a little bit slower so make sure they're minimum uh three three four five maybe that's what I would recommend and the easy way to do this is if you are in tier three which you just got to uh you simply subtract 50 to your level if you subtract 50 to your level uh so let's say that you you you're currently 50 obviously if you subtract 50 you're left with zero so you need to start somewhere you're going to start with level one it's gonna be fine for these but let's say that you get to 60 uh to level 60 if you subtract 50 you you're left with 10 which means that you're going to want to run sigil uh Keystone or sigil token level 10. this is going to ensure that the monster is in there are gonna be 63 which is going to be three level higher than if you were level 60 right got it so if you're 55 subtract 50 you're running five right that's gonna make sure that those monsters are gonna be three level higher than you and you're gonna be fine you're gonna keep doing this until you reach that 60 to 70 bracket and in that 60 to 70 bracket that's where you can do the last Capstone dungeon to unlock tier 4. as soon as you can do it as soon as you feel strong enough get in there kill uh kill that boss destroy that dungeon and then get your character into tier four you're gonna get better gear better XP everything is going to be better your character is going to start scaling it's going to be really really good for you in tier four you're gonna keep doing the same thing except to figure out your uh sigil level You're simply going to do minus 51 right so if minus 51 is going to give you the perfect key level to run in order to have monster that are three level higher than you there's something that I would like to add here uh obviously hell tides are very nice but unique in the in their own so I don't think that hell tides are that incredible in terms of experience they're pretty good there's a lot of events there's a lot of thing going on and they can provide really really good gear but the most important thing is that they provide for God and soul and that is the only way currently right now where you can get forgotten Soul so even if your goal right now is to level to 100 as fast as possible even if you want to get there as fast as possible make sure that you try to run these while you're leveling because you're gonna want the Forgotten souls to be able to re-roll your gear and to be able to uh to to do some crafting right so that's going to be very important so make sure you do those hell Tides if possible if you want to get those those uh those currencies if your goal is just a level then you can just do nightmare dungeons all the way from as soon as you hit tier three all the way to 100 it's going to be the fastest way to level you'll have your glyph level you'll be getting gear you'll be getting a lot of currency if you Salvage and sell gear you'll get a lot of gold as well it's just really really good while you're doing those uh nightmare dungeon every once in a while the tree of whisper is going to get completed because the Sigil of the key will probably end up landing on a dungeon that is rewarding you with grim favors so if you want to make sure that uh that you keep getting that bonus XP as soon as you see the tree of whisper flash you'll get like a little sound slash alert that is going to pop on your screen make sure you go report it get your XP and get your character back into Nightmare dungeons so that's going to be the most effective way from 1 to 100 you're just going to repeat this process uh depending on which stage you're in and you're easily going to be able to reach that maximum level on your character um so that's pretty much it for the 50 to 100 I'm just gonna go over some general notes uh that I think are quite important to talk about here the first one that I have noted down here in my notes make sure that before the next season starts that you have your map and your Alters discovered that's going to be very important because those are going to carry over into the next season so right now this is an alt and currently the feature isn't enabled but technically uh my main has completed the entire map Discovery I've completed and discovered all of the Alters which means that when the next season starts all of that will be done I'll have extra Renown right off the bat I'll be able to know where everything else is on the map and I'm gonna have extra stats from the Alters so very important make sure that you use uh the consumable in-game to get some extra experience so make sure you use the flask or Elixir whatever you want to call them they're going to give you five percent experience every 30 minutes just make sure you keep using them craft new ones uh with like the cheapest one that you can make to make sure you don't run out of mats make sure that you stuck on these and use them every 30 minutes uh the other notes I've talked about it a little bit with the Legion Events but make sure that you use the campfire when you're doing the legion event in the first part of the leveling from 1 to 50 that's going to be very important uh another note grouping up so while grouping up can be you know it can be good or it can be bad depending on who you group up with but in general grouping up in Diablo 4 gives you a nice amount of experience it gives you a nice little bonus and it also technically increase uh your clear speed so not only grouping up with people gives you a big a baseline bonus being close to them gives you an additional bonus to your XP and if your group is strong enough you can also clear dungeon more rapidly because if it's a multiple path dungeon everyone can take a different path and you end up clearing the dungeon even faster because the XP is uh level wide so no matter where your friend is in the dungeon You're Gonna Get the XP for all of their kills so that's very very very efficient but it's only going to be efficient if everybody in the party is on the same level everybody goes at the same speed and there's not anybody like kind of just dragging down and taking breaks all the time and all that stuff so I'm somebody that I love to run solo a little bit more because I can make my own schedule I can take breaks whenever I want and not disturb anybody that's something that I prefer sometimes I'll group up with a friend or two and we'll just Speed Run for an hour or two and try to get as much xp as possible and usually that's going to be way more effective than if I'm running solo so that's something to think about if you have some friends that are playing and if you want to be as efficient as possible talking about efficiency uh that's going to be my last note my last Point here be as efficient as you can cut anything that can lose you time this is the name of the game and Diablo in any of these Diablo game and even pretty much any arpg it all comes down to being efficient it doesn't mean that you have to necessarily MIM Max everything but you want to make sure that you save the most time possible and the biggest time loss that I see people doing is looting too many items and uh also not clearing them or managing them fast enough right so that's going to be such an a crazy time loss let's say that it takes you 10 minutes to complete a nightmare dungeon and then it takes you five or ten minutes to clear your inventory right or you're just like hanging out in town trying to filter through things I'm gonna give you guys a couple tricks uh first of all when you're starting the game you're going to be only looting what we call regular loot so it's not sacred not ancestral just regular loot as soon as you get to tier three and you have sacred loot I completely stop looting anything that isn't sacred as simple as that and obviously as soon as you get past level 10 I pretty much never loot blue or magic loot I'll just loot rare if possible 10 15 20 depends on what your gear is looking like so make sure you completely skip on that and as soon as you get to tier four you'll start dropping ancestral and I completely stop looting normal and sacred gear and I only loot ancestral when I get back in town usually if I only loot the rare gear and legendaries obviously this only applies to rare and uh to rare because legendaries you're going to want to loot all of them because you might find additional power on them it doesn't matter if they're sacred or ancestral you just want to have the power possibility on these so if you're doing this you should be able to do maybe two to three dungeon without clearing your inventory depending on if you're lucky or not obviously also depending on if you're looting Gem and all that stuff it could happen that you do a dungeon your inventory is full in one go it's possible you just need to manage it a little bit faster so one thing that I like to do is as soon as I come back to town here I like to press the sort button right the sort button will sort my entire inventory uh based on item types but also item level right so if I look over here it's going to put the helm first then it's going to put the shield and then it's going to put like the the armor type so in this case right now for me it's Shield then it's going to allocate a two-ended uh two-handed weapon and then after that it's gonna put one-handed weapon and then it's gonna put your glove your pants your booths your ring your necklace right so knowing that there is certain threshold of gear that I'm looking for right now my character is pretty high gear pretty high item level so I'm not looking pretty much at anything that isn't over 780 790 800 even higher than this for this reason uh as soon as I see for example a piece of gear that is 784 I already know that all the shield next to it are going to be lower item level so I already know that I can save a lot of time doing this right because I know that none of them are going to be higher atom level than the first one obviously I'm going to look at the uh legendary for example this one is a perfect so I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna go ahead and disenchant it and uh extract the aspect out of it same thing for two-hander weapon so this one for example is 808 so this could be good I cannot use staff but it could be good for another class in this case it's not really and then we get to the two-ended sword as you can see it's 746 I don't want that item level so I can safely go ahead and uh and and mark all of the other two henders if there were any right now I got one Ender same thing they're all below 800 I don't really care so I'm gonna literally Mark all of them as junk so I'm just pressing spacebar to Market them like this I'm gonna the legendary don't need we're gonna look over the glove the glove you know item level doesn't matter as much you can get some really good stuff pants too low and then you just you understand the the concept right so as soon as you set a threshold in your mind about what item level you're looking for for certain pieces of gear you want to make sure you mark them as fast as possible go to the blacksmith uh Salvage them or go to the vendor and and sell them and just be efficient about the way you do it so just sort your item make sure that you're only keeping uh you're sorting out through it as fast as you can and make sure that you cut down on on on all those things that will make you lose time right which is why I recommend spamming nightmare dungeon for a big part of this because they're going to be time efficient you teleport to them there's no time travel and then you get there you clear them get out click the next sigil and you rinse and repeat you don't have to walk to Legion event in that in that last portion of the leveling you don't have to walk anywhere right you just stay and you spam those nightmare dungeon with the occasional hell Tides if needed and that is going to be in my opinion the most efficient way to level up your character so hopefully that was helpful I ended up rambling a little bit but there was more notes that I was able to follow I'm going to be able to give you some time some time stamps for the video you're going to be able to watch and listen to only the section that matters to you and that's going to be good so if you enjoy the video if you learn anything make sure you let me know in the comments if you have any question as well I would love to answer them for you if you enjoyed it make sure you give a thumbs up subscribe to the channel you can also come say hi on Twitch I pretty much stream every single day on there if you have any question if you just want to say hello that would be very very nice I would appreciate it until then my friend I hope to see you in sanctuary and uh in the next season with your brand new character that you're gonna be good to go and ready to level see you my friend bye-bye
Channel: Luxthos
Views: 20,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4 leveling guide, diablo 4 leveling 50 70, diablo 4 leveling fast, diablo 4 leveling 1-50, diablo 4 leveling to 50, diablo 4 leveling guide 1-50, 1-100 leveling guide, diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 best way to level up, diablo 4 best leveling build, diablo 4 best rogue leveling build, diablo 4 best sorcerer leveling build, best barbarian leveling build diablo 4, best druid leveling build diablo 4, best necromancer leveling build diablo 4, diablo 4 best leveling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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