Cyberpunk 2077 | 2020-12-10

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hello can you hear me hello how are you folks how are you folks thank you so much for the hype train i missed my own train can you believe that uh good lord guys thanks for the support um becky uh is it wang song wang tong i think thank you for the sub oh becky thank you for the double sub actually lucy lonnie just selfie thank you for the subs uh marriage acts becky kennedy for the bits long anything for the bits marriage actually for the bits uh regulus thank you for the 10 subs christ almighty becky thank you for the bits jesus becky thanks so much for all those uh only brain dead thank you for the bits as well tanya thank you for the five subs aj thank you for the bits diaper thank you for the sub just surfy thank you for the sub jazz thank you for the five subs as well lonnie thank you for the tip i have turned off nudity and copyrighted music but thank you for the warning i appreciate that a lot and a vaccination for the bits as well next pac-man stream window we'll see we'll see leather jacket called it actually no you came up with the idea i i wasn't i didn't even think of that but i saw you guys talking about leather jacket i was like that's a good idea that suits the theme um but i do have the the light that was my idea to have like a cyberpunk vibe right i had like a laser too i could have put on i have like a laser projector but i think it only works when it's like pitch black so it probably wouldn't work but it would have been kind of cool hello everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome just going to give it like two minutes before well three four five minutes before uh we start because it takes a while for people to get the notification sometimes um kev thank you for the five subs that's very kindly aj thank you for the bits again uh banner thank you for the sub tasha no seek marriage acts uh google switch digital drug lord sniper sheep nat m thank you for the subs i really appreciate that guys thank you very much and uh uh k irish is it or is it kirishi i'm not sure but thank you either way um yes the nudity's off and the the copyright music is off as well it's quite a clever system that they have the little stream version i'm surprised that a big game developer actually thought about that now we do have uh a slight issue in that i already recorded this game this morning so we are a little bit in but we're not that far in we're literally at the start i've just already created my character and done like basically the tutorial stuff so you've not missed anything and in fact it might even work out because you missed the boring tutorial you might have watched someone else do the boring tutorial and now you get to watch your best friend call me kelvin does it call me calvin that guy so called me when when we were creating them uh actually play the game um but i'll show you my character i'll show you in the mirror that ray was so funny i don't know how many of you went along but we raided someone last time and he kept shouting out calvin he was like call me calvin thank you for the red it's just like close enough has more ring to it anyway um uh where oh my god where were we guys thank you for the support jesus christ this is too much to keep up with um uh where even was i uh i don't i don't know um googies thank you for the sub digital drug lord sniper sheep and adam uh chrissy aj sweet coffee mama uh a space kitten thank you so much for five as well just some boy caramel storm galaxy aurea orange tic tac nadia brian shinee is sliven yawning uh alki thank you very much for the five subs there as well that sassy dragon usernames are too stressful lonnie thank you for the five um what is this epilepsy thing people are talking about do i need to have a warning on the stream for that i'm not sure what it's uh what the story is with that i i did hear that there's like some specific mission but can i just avoid it i should put on a warning if there is um an option okay i'll put in a warning then uh what should i put in though i will i just put an epilepsy warning in brackets is that um is that um enough sorry i'm a bit i'm a bit [ __ ] ignorant to be honest uh yeah that's good okay i'll put that in i should educate myself more on that like obviously i know that it's triggered by flashing lights and whatnot but i i should learn more um winrar thank you for the bits gus anonymous uh oryx uh we'll start now two minutes i'm just going to catch up with these thank you for the support guys turtle t marquis bridge boy uh i'm a jetty uh i'm a jedi babe is that it thank you for the sub mafu hot mama blazing baby uh macaroni and sleep fantastic name thanks for the sub uh el chemie plappy uh laura's got uh tiger only brain dead um fat guys rule jazz thank you for the bits uh space kitten marvel lucy cucumber lakes georgia pike thank you so much for 10 subs that was way too much thank you very much uh god is fake called penguino lord jonathan sailor gigi spicy agent lillykins uh agatha eddie pierce collins hey there emily morazzle dazzle and obama nation uh dante uh aj thank you for the bits nicole renee and uh raquena thank you very much for the sub aj when are you doing the giveaway for twin mirror uh they've we've already picked a winner i don't know what the situation is i think they're reaching out to them um but yeah i've i've already liked their tweet so there you go that's the winner but i don't want to really like announce it properly until you know that it's all agreed because what if they just like don't respond i've had that before i've done giveaways the person just didn't respond so i had to give it to someone else uh tragic glamour thank you for the bits deku uh misty flames jazz thank you for the five you're very kind guys oh my god i cannot keep up to this um hotter pigeon ali sage poofy earth to maggie casper's uh [Music] hi jeremy thank you for the sub as well guys i think i got everyone there i apologize for missing one i don't think i did um right let's do a transition over to the game um okay perfect uh and i've got oh god uh usernames are too stressful uh aaron cell and the harlow thank you for the subs my apologies um okay so i've got uh a dmca thing so that i can't get dmca basically there's like a streamer mode so it's all copyright free music so my music might be a bit different than what you're playing in the game but it's quite a good idea um for streamers and whatnot anyway let's uh let's jump in i guess oh i know this song that's pretty good it's a neat feature it's well thought of and it kind of sets the mood as well oh god it kind of ruins the game though [Music] [Laughter] imagine if the whole game was that really amazing just on loop it would really suit the game if you ask me honestly i think more games should ask me for creative input because while it may not be good at least they'll know what not to do all right so i'm glad you liked it i will never get tired of trying to mess with you guys i believed it too stop that oh someone clip it for me i just want like a a log of all the little pranks i do and you guys i think that was my favorite since the bibson one whoever did the jumpscare i actually thought it was in the game imagine he should have played it awful longer i have fun messing with you guys it's all in good fun though now let's watch some ads i don't like that hat okay so what has happened do you guys want it back is it is that what you want to all right i've never gotten this far into this beat oh it's just horrible absolutely horrible it's just it kind of works but like horribly i think that's what makes it so bad it's just like the the slow walking on the the pavement [Music] oh i love it and hate it at the same time okay let's turn that off oh they should have done it just all is it kevin mclloyd kevin mcleod they should have just played him the entire time oh my god guys i i cannot keep up thank you very much for all the support i i don't know how to keep up casper's thank you so much for the generous bits 2077 bits thank you very much now this is how kevin plays case exactly i'm getting a call i'll fill you in on what i've done so far it's not much not much at all um where was i chartered uh helpo thank you the main panda man pinto bingsky spector mischief pat pat millie smith becky thank you so much for that you're very very kind mitsuka altani a macaroni and sleep uh hung sharpie a biddy dog thank you so much for 25 subs betty dog god you must love royalty free music thank you so much for that you didn't have to do that that was way way too kind thank you so much uh maxi hi caves tony jazz and beep beep thank you for the support okay so yes this is an open world game so what i've done so far i've just created my character i don't know if there's a way for me to show you i might look for somewhere with a mirror that says 18 plus will they have a mirror surely a barrel will have mirror what oh no am i going to get attacked oh no this this is too intense all of a sudden i just want to find the bathroom what the guys i want the royalty music back this is super intimidating all of a sudden i'm really scared um what i was going to say is i've just created my character and i did like the tutorial part so no no major spoilers here were right at the start of the game but just to give you a little uh catch up then if you want the music back um made my character i'm a character called v who grew up in this town moved away came back uh i did a little job it went wrong um i met another thief well another criminal and we kind of teamed up and basically there was just a flash forward then and uh me and this other criminal started working for this other crime boss we did one job and we got him a piece of equipment that was it so you've not really missed anything uh does anyone know where the bathroom is here because i just want to look at myself i'm like god this guy's a narcissist is this the bathroom um one of these has got to be the bathroom surely what did you call yourself i don't think it was an option i think my name is just v um which i assume is for the v and kevin is this no this is this it huh oh oh for [ __ ] sake the mirror is broken oh he's fine i'm sure the mirror is [ __ ] broken what if i go to my house are you okay should i help you oh my god the urinals in the future are wild all right i'm just gonna go and pretend i didn't see anything my day will be easier that way yeah mirrors suck uh how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real am i right i need to go there between 6 p.m and 6 a.m right now it feels like about 3 a.m i can taste it in the air inventory i can check i don't know whoops uh oops wait was i playing with controller earlier i'd rather not anyway how do i go into my inventory though okay no there's no way of looking at them we're just gonna have to wait gonna have to wait until we can find a mirror he's a very handsome lad um he has no genitals or nipples just in case i accidentally undressed myself it's been known to happen um i didn't know there was a sensor option in the game so i was too afraid so yeah he's uh he's as smooth as a ken doll i'm afraid future energy bargy could very well be um it's so wild that that's even an option in the game it's so freaking bizarre uh i don't know what the best way to go is is this a good idea to go through this roadblock jess thank you very much for that again um oh my god uh beep beep uh burn a baker 21 swavy uh holly winter spiky fat guys rule uh nugget occult uh anonymous gifter there as well sir palo ah i'm a bird swirly sky bug detail illiterate and uh arc cobalt thank you so much for the support gwen thank you for the sub as well go to the menu go to your stats really let me see character stats oh there we go can we get a little zoom in oh we can't zoom in can we oh that's sad look how cool he looks though i wish you could see his face um i can't click on anything to zoom in can i why did you say oh no when i showed you my character why are so many of you saying oh no wha he's handsome he's very handsome and honestly if you could see his face up close you'd say different all right we're gonna revisit this later when we can look at his look at his beautiful face up close and then you'll see then you will admit you're wrong stop saying oh no how someone meant to say handsome but instead they put in ugly in all caps what a crazy typo oh i'm just a sewer monster wait what is this oh a jacket oh what a day to be a is that a is that an amphibious cat is that is that i guess i found a catfish catfish in the future are wild and way more literal than they are now that's so dumb why i don't understand perfect's sake all right well i got myself a jacket i don't think the cat will want it um is there anything oh god oh god i'm out of here uh let's see can i put that on inventory um all right v's favorite t-shirt wait it was a jacket wasn't it is it just a full outfit no it was a jacket wasn't it outer torso oh here we go oh cool [Laughter] wait we can look at the head club close see there we go you like it you ready to take back what you said you see he's got really cool tattoos and this cool i don't know a dead cat on his head or something um i like that his eyes are red because then if you're playing games all night and your eyes go right you wouldn't even notice he's also got a lot of like bumps all over his face i don't know what it's actually meant to be but it's like and it's like a pattern i don't know what it's meant to be it could just be that it's for people to read his body there's no need for body language you can just use braille on his face perhaps i don't know no it's not like acne it's it's just like a pattern i don't know i i don't know what it is he's 3d printed well to be fair it does he does look so perfect he would think that he's been 3d printed meth source it could be that too pinto thank you for the pits uh boba dimennis m snyder taco sketchy hannah professional basic dev olive blade quinn arc thank you very much rainbow road thank you for the sub as well all right should we go in here i think wait why is it taking me around here now can i do i have to go all the way around i'm going to follow it because i feel like i'm going to get lost otherwise i don't know the time either oh what's going on here i saw suspicious looking catfish down by the lake if you're looking for a suspect i should have probably just called my car but i'm kind of enjoying walking around i've not really explored the city or done any free roaming or interacting with anyone the time is right under the map oh so it is thank you very much sorry i had missed that mustard duck thank you for the bits and banana thank you for the tip cast the lion thank you for the sub as well the city looks awesome the only thing is i seem to be like i don't know is it just motion blur when i turn i might turn that off i don't know about you guys but i'm not a huge fan of motion blur oh it's on high okay okay that's much better i i don't know i'm not a big fan of it i don't really get the jesus chris did he just appear flashbacks um you okay my oh my look at him so you're very articulate for a person who can't even seem to balance themselves oh look at that yeah that's much better motion blur stinky i agree are you who i'm supposed to talk to what i don't know what you're saying to me and just pretend i fit in can i go hold it house rules first there will be severe penalties for any unauthorized recording no drugs no groping someone catch your eye you do not grab them can you guys hear it okay do i need to turn it on they seem quite low for me the talking yeah my lights match her hair i came prepared louder okay let me turn it up well i can just turn the whole thing up is that good or is it is it too loud it's better yeah okay okay great um why am i here all i know is my information is go to lizzy's bear oh look at this it matches my lights look at that that's it hey get you something your eyes are nearly as scary as mine sorry that's a bit insensitive thanks better get going uh i think i need to do that to progress hey get you something thanks better get going how many times do you think i could do it before they had kicked me out hey that's dragging it's super awkward it's still quiet all right i'm looking for evelyn apparently i don't know who that is you know she's here step back name's v she and i have a date thank you it's a pleasure i might um turn down the rest and leave their volume up um i'm always confused if master volume puts down everything or it's just basically everything that's not listed here i'm gonna try that so i can give it a bit of a boost evelyn that should be better gonna have to look around i can't do it for you it's all right mateo let's wait for this one is that who i'm looking for the badger thanks for the sub kept the vegetable thanks for the sub what what are you doing okay this was just awkward to be honest i made it awkward enough by standing up and sitting only three times as subtitles are on i can try and put them larger if you prefer um oh god i'm always confused where they're going to be as well sometimes they're under graphics sometimes they're under audio text size okay i can put them a bit bigger let's go with 72. there we go that a bit better drink yummy my tequila of choice i wish i could have voiced this character senson only tequila i drank how do you know i like to know everything about the people that is a bit better either that or it was just filled the screen with text um i don't have enough of those spinny circles to say why meet here i don't know what that is heard you got something for me but not here come with me it just looks like one of those wrestling outfits that they wear in the states oh my god what is this i just immediately said jumping all over the place happy completing mission happy all right what's this all right i thought there was something on the hopefully i'll get to pick it up afterwards what did kevin start is i started what to say about it it's there next to me professional effective uh and trustworthy street kid or something it was at the starting screen what do we need to cover it stare at my hand really nice to meet you and i know what i'm getting into dex is clear the job's high risk he's so uncomfortable oh you're stepping into the hologram together you and dex um let's just get down to business i don't i don't want to listen to her but i didn't come here to get my ego stroked no you're here to gain some knowledge the life-changing kind well now you got me all excited naked dance is what you can't show are they naked target i trust you know what it is i have the nudity sensor honestly anyway i know you can play with it on well it appears like you can't because other people are doing it but i've just turned it off just to be safe plus it feels weird to transfer technology but me i just want the data on this one the chip is tucked away inside kompecki plaza the hotel you ever been um hotels yeah are you getting that in your right hair too you're my price right air right here hmm oh the decor is to show you the base as you'll see for yourself so where's this chip hiding exactly in a suite on the top floor yeah the roof is very basic you're a noble arasaka thanks for the sub surfy thank you for that the media couldn't get enough of iori coming to night city it was all over the headlines anyway thanks for the support empire arasaka's only surviving ghost king odd what i think he was planning to grab the reigns while in night city only a handful of people in night city know what the arasaka's real plans are telling me you're one of them that base is tripping me out it's so intense on the right ear uh let's see what's up your sleeve you've got any spirits up you sleep so much time to show them now this should make your apprenticeship in you guys too jordy nobu recently swiped the chip from an arasaka laboratory he's made a deal with netwatch aims to sell it to them have you spotted my ace yet or do i need oh yeah i am mirrors aren't i i forgot about that too uh fine so no arasaka's security on the device because yoronobu whisked it away in secret now where's he hiding it likely in a specialized container yeah no i'm not surprised that it's coming on my right hand side i'm just surprised by how basic it is so basically and it's not that loud it's just super bassy you'll see for yourself soon enough provided jewel thanks for the bits and thank you for the tip there as well beep beep thank you for the sub sniff ashley's uh bad she how do i stand up no okay what's next see her rosie thank you sir oh god i'm inside the dancer oh god ah panic so much [Music] analyzing details human perception even boosted doesn't grasp exactly what you need so what's on the tape oh god we're going in the basement the glorious awesome now this is more my comfort zone this is where i'd be partying just alone down in the basement you recorded this bdrac implant why you object it's supposed to be your no who's pat on the tape means you were inside this is sauce how else could i get all this intel i know him pretty well actually we have an arrangement strictly business suits us both i think let's see this brain dance this is important judy's always been there for me always helped out i trust her what but she's a mox not the latest what so all right be a good boy dread lightly and keep that tongue on a leash relax believe it or not i'm no stranger okay someone um the brain dance is oh wait isn't this the part where hold on this is the part where i've got to turn off music entirely what oh okay because okay this is like a brain dance sorry i'm trying to be hip uh this is apparently where the seizure warning is so i'm very ignorant i'm a bit of a [ __ ] i don't really understand it but uh it might be best to just turn off your monitor or maybe go outside or something for a while just contemplate i don't know what we're in for here uh hey the hell is a brain dance i mean we don't want to know impressive looking setup need all this to process brain dances analyzers sensory sig amps acoustic and devoted i want some neon lights expression trends oh what's this can i steal this no they'll probably attack me one thing what do you think will it do it's still pretty raw but yeah ought to do v needs to get deep inside that's most important so let's calibrate tune it to him okay here it comes guys um just look away i i don't know what the story is just you know look after yourself and whatnot so we i'm scared yeah flashing lights incoming if you're censored the bright flashing lights please look away you see kevin hates potato knows what to say in moments like this i'm just like guys i'm stupid to maybe turn off your monitor you're much better at this than i am uh i think i can handle it let's just do this right rydo sit down settle in and we'll get you apparently there's meant to be a song here as well but this is one of the songs that isn't safe to stream with so i've turned it off um we'll see what this is like with your monitor off and no music okay this is the part guys flashy light warning flashy light warning get ready to not look i mean because it's about to happen profile first why would they put this in the game if it's like okay hit me just promise me it won't hurt why is the song dangerous i might just get copyright strike fraud all right look at me keep your monitor off i'll tell you when it's over look away you should feel a slight tingling okay now let's set the optics and other sensory sticks keep looking away i'm confused just okay yeah don't look at it don't look at all uh get a lot of requests like this it is weird it's just flashing lights it's usually stuff the girls scroll down wait can i skip ahead oh okay second we're just gonna fast forward through all of this don't look for now there's literally nothing happen oh god now it's just starting don't look plant simple do nothing odd don't get creative you go in is it over could anyone let us know can we sell the pd to those psycho freaks from the studio got it got it and remember everything kevin maybe you shouldn't look either i was so you know kind heart and i was just looking out for you guys no i know i'm okay with flashing lights i think it's over is it i i have no idea if it's over if it's starting i don't even know what the hell a brain dance is down everybody autograph what i see you kissing there's more later it's over for now okay it's over for now if you could just let us know oh my god ah if you could let us know if more is coming that would be great your cortisol and adrenaline spiked but the soft activated your hormone blockers nothing happened you're alive no there's more oh my god okay guys to be honest i don't know what's going on and i don't feel like as a group we know what's going on so just be careful because i'm worried for you it's scary i don't like it i felt i could feel the guy's pain his dress santa marie thanks for the sub pastor regulus thank you for the bits wrapped up excellent thank you for the bits as well probably took a booster just before you'll be fine got everything up let's switch over to it don't know what we're doing we might be doing more of these lights we're confused oh yeah there's more lights what confuses the community it really seems like i'll sever the link to the bd roller sensory array you'll be able to look around for okay so i can edit this scene now full cam control and analysis mode so move around zoom in and out whatever else you come up with okay and what do i have to do so analysis mode you control playback can even pause when you feel the need then you use the editor well that's not all you can speed things up or rewind whatever you like give it a try rewind roll it backwards oh okay can i fast forward okay good i was like i don't want to watch that whole thing again do nothing odd don't get creepy that's such a look it's like something at a borderlands reset the recording that'll take you right back to the beginning try it to restart hold r okay this here's why you came in the first place in analysis mode you get to view and even scan details of the enviro recording okay focus on the heat the gun this gun gets from his buddy at the beginning now scan it okay so i go into edit mode and then scan the gun well i need to play it first do nothing odd don't get creed you go in snatch the cache get out and we sell the bd to those psycho breaks from the studio got it got it and remember where's the gun did he already give him the gun okay here we go why did i not read that that was vital information i just skipped it as always now heads up hey will how's it going you can ferret out background noise and conversation how are you got close enough i know you from the internet records everything every little detail even the sights and sounds the roller was never aware of to see the sources of the recorded sensory signals switch to the audio layer in the editor okay so you can go to visual and then smell okay so you press left shift oh you have to be in this one now you should see several sound signatures in the story no i don't want to go the sound i want to go to smell it i don't know who smells the worst okay so do i need to i don't understand do i need to smell or does not smell hear this okay we got the what jesus christ that fan is angry i'll take the register how about you try this hey so any thoughts unbelievable seriously like what's happening right next to me yeah this is bizarre building implants work they pick up everything i'm gonna smell the fan then an editor tweaks them makes them pop keep playing with the sound explore it a bit we'll move on when you get bored sometimes you can analyze i'm ready to leave this i want to go into normal missions like what i can't even skip any of this meaning you should be able to grab heat signatures from her recording i see no dancing brains now let's wait till the guy yeah we got misled it's the song of my people uh right tab and now now can we like scan other things so we've got to go to where the customers hit there we go here canning works on peeps too walk up to the wounded this is weird okay all right next thing scroll forward to the part where our artist gets a lead injection the sequence goes on for way too long you're only starting oh jesus i hate stuff like this see that they shot him and he never saw it coming i didn't see a company either to be honest here it comes my favorite part of the game see the blinking thing over the entrance surveillance cam ah so i can take control of this you'll see in a sec cam feeds to the screen behind the clerk roll back to where the screen's in the kids field of vision then scan it okay so i should be in the other one should i okay it's in this vision oh no and what this the screen or the camera hold on rewind until the cctv screen appears is it back here somewhere and the actual screen itself sorry okay i thought it meant the camera i need to pay more attention it's just so boring no it's not that bad i'm making a big deal out of it i just want to go back to the open world and this his own choomba shot him probably planned to all along must have got a nice slice of tread on the black market for a bd like this bd freaks are ready to pay a prime for a real flatline anyway if you've seen enough you can exit okay that's not bad all right uh just be careful if it's does any more flashy flashy i'm not sure so basically yeah it's impressive oh [ __ ] health like i don't have any issues with flashing lights but even it's just a bit obnoxious look at your wreck no wait don't tell me there's more there might be more flashy flashy oh my god judy all right i'm calling t-bug whoever the hell t-bug is this patch is too much info dumb but i'm choosing to just dump the info and not take it in footage from kenpecki plaza it's a brain dance miss bethany's panda bling esty breathing goner cena marie thank you for the subs unimportant t-bug please focus god all right this might have lights again yeah there we go the skipping i think it actually makes it a bit better it skips the lights a bit i i don't know if it makes it worse or better um right examine the brain so i want to do the head edit mode and then swap layer and then play you shall perish for a good cause but make yourself comfortable i need a minute to finish do i need to actually shall see sir do i need to actually can the phone program is still in the trial phase we cannot take it to market security systems your father is that in the other oh that's optional explain the risks are tired visually beard who thinks nothing will change and he'll live forever do i need to listen to all this frozen bubble i should not even be listening to such things we'll listen to this leaving signal range from reality where'd my character go stuck in as well sean said the devs are changing the flashing lights as a bug fix oh that's good requires specific storage thanks for the pizzas the programmer thanks for the subscribe okay um okay how am i supposed to find them should i let the let this play out or sorry to make you wait business oh my god that's uncomfortably close it wasn't long not even long enough maybe i should is everything all right maybe i should do their uh security systems anyone know where i have to go so i can just skip this what is this oh my god i paused in an uncomfortable time okay now it's scanning it here in a drone ventilation and cooling servers gotta be fancy doodads in here need to be controlled we're all a bit confused yeah uh um put the music back on i could oh you mean the the copyright free music that would actually suit this section let's put it on all right here we go let's just let this play out a bit oh wait that's again we got something here i think [Music] oh got any candy oh no the music makes it amazing uh oh got any candy left steph was pretty fun last time bedroom nightstand i've got an idea be right back the music works very nice holy winter thank you for the bits just a sack looking for the perfect thing no worries holly thanks for joining i like this what did he put in there okay what are you hiding huh no come back a data pad okay manual details a special tip controlled container he's got a gun relic needs to be kept real cool so chip's got to stay in the freezer yep could damage it otherwise okay switch on thermal layer detection in the editor should be easier no i want to scan his gun there we go loaded safety's on good to know though once you're in there don't forget about that iron i'm missing the section back there [Music] sink all right we can do this [Music] oh [ __ ] it's like i'm really eye on the prize focus [Music] i miss this [Music] probably for the best that it ended there um should i be on the other hand is there any way to make it go a bit faster oh god the music's kicking off [Music] oh wait we missed the part here come on faster speed up are they gonna we don't want to see that yeah we'll we'll not get that oh my god the music's picking up okay there's something here to scan but i don't know what it is i'm so confused okay wait we got it here is it air conditioning standard model no is the music getting louder or is that my imagination look up for light blue fluctuations all right nothing there do i need to go back and get the other stuff it is getting louder and it's getting intense hold on i'm gonna go back to this section and see what i missed maybe it's this [Music] there's gotta be something that was around her that i can scan here on this is very fitting also how are these all kind of working motion sensors i think it's just because i have no idea what i'm doing and i'm just like floundering around and trying to try to complete it it fits so well can we scan this too oh there we go automated turrets latest scanners automated turrets are you serious connected to the server can you shut them off externally no way gotta get in check out how they link into the system first this music is what anxiety sounds like [Music] this is helping me chill about my exam oh good okay i've missed some stuff at the start i'm going back to get that oh my god wait what did he say extreme caution is advised who is he oh wait there's something to scan here it's not scanning oh this is my jam this is my kind of music this is what i just chill out with saw excited birds chirping on the bbs something about lots of seeds fall into this suit oh let me generate keys i can forge their six looks like all their security systems are i think we got all those we need the flathead no other way to shut down these systems [Music] can't get around them ourselves can we play i want to play more it is it's good it's good dancing music [Music] ah come on now okay i should be on the other layer this layer something happens here [Music] this champagne and ice bucket sorry champagne and ice buckets looks like mr arasaka had something to celebrate you really think you'll find the chip in there still more no way tim's too low could fluctuate nice try though i don't know what's going on but i approve that's what i aim for in all my streams ryan federer lizzie uh blackfern thank you for the subs [Music] oh i think we might found something [Music] thank you very much for the subscribe heron thank you for the sub sorry if i butchered your names all right we need to go back a little bit there's something here to be scanned ah what's this hidden safe yes is this it matches the spec oh thank god your nobody's got the case here guaranteed we got it good work looks like we got everything we need yes okay get ready for flashy lights i'm closing out uh golden onion david the sub reckless thank you so much for five subs that's very kind here lucas here thanks uh you got it blackburn nice work jacob uh hollywinter thank you for the bits as well betty thank you too regular stuff thank you so much for that all right get this headset off of me where's the music portable device for him it's only on in that mode i'm afraid thanks kevin for the music it helped us i think it helped us all focus and it keeps you out of harm's way clever can i get up i feel like i'm at the dentist and like he's done but he's not letting me leave and it's just getting awkward talking corpses is it over i think so but i'll confirm in a second the bd practically does our job for us the bd will be the death of us seriously if arasaka finds out you have it you're dead i'm dead judy relax italian threat thank you for the sub evelyn please no shortcuts you go that route silly will always win so be careful of course i will be besides we'll talk in a bit okay i'm leaving the dentist everyone no cavities seventh time in a row oh do i need to talk to you again i want to go outside i just want to go outside well what do you think uh what now so what now v do this job for me i mean me alone no splitting the payout with anyone else no middlemen no decks uh wait no decks that was the guy who dex trusts me though v dude stop pressuring me i'll think about it i agree they'll be hell to pay for sure i know whatever you decide playing isn't the only fixer in town but my offer is the only one you'll ever get let me think about it mm-hmm if you need me call i'll send you my number so we're talking about cutting that guy out of the deal the dex guy who actually gave me this job but i've already got the equipment i got it in the video i did earlier sorry turns out everyone's recording from kenpecki was worth our time we'll talk about the rest at the afterlife see you there great be there in no time see you mr b i hope i'm not a video call so i'm just playing with the little curtains perfect what the hell got the fashion choices are so weird in the future i could never pull that off okay we're outside everyone fantastic let me call my self-driving car oh here it is i knocked myself down easiest insurance fraud ever who's to blame well obviously me fnc thank you so much for the tip that is super kind to you thank you very much the message is very kind thank you so much for that it's a pro gamer move yeah i i can just get insurance payouts forever with this strategy all right guys here goes me driving let's see how this works i had the weird lou uh caustic soda miss bethany's thank you so much guys oh his car is so cool i love this kind of aesthetic um cold day for the the bits as well uh my favorite color is blue or purple i'm kind of tossed up between them uh eric thank you for the bits here's some pits for your car accident yes insurance payout what the hell was that the hell is going on you know i'm just gonna leave him to it i'm gonna head to the afterlife that's my goal so i went straight into the oncoming elmo thank you for this fnc thank you so much for that tip again that's very kind here all right i think i can go on foot from here the heist oh how do i get out of my car there we go oh i think they're all getting parking tickets i think i'm good though just in the middle of the road what's this this is uncomfortable my guys fingernails are very long by the way i don't know if i filled in on that um how do you go to the third person uh you know she's worried about me whatever and you don't like the fingernails why checking to see if i'm not riding in some dumpster like most of the widows boys it's really starting to wear on me more actually f4 is the only answer i'm getting cute no that's also not working but that's done after tomorrow only the camera okay here we come baby yeah oh she's suddenly got a zombie it's just they're scheming never trust someone who has default poses sorry yes uh street kid this is it the major leagues the major league sir ellie thank you so much for 10 subs thank you so much for that you know something else we [ __ ] earned it yeah ready lizzy um massey and angie thank you very much for the support there as well that was pretty cool wasn't it i just covered his [ __ ] destroyed everything oh after getting a new jacket and everything must have been ages ago and who am i you clown um friends of friends dexter deshaun seaside resort in cape town best leave ever am i taking a seat at the back maybe even morgan blackhand why don't these red symbols show up in the map something's coming up is it just something i could steal do they have pacman here i hope so characters voice badass characters actions distracted bobby yeah it really feels like that best fixer in all the night city thought dex was the best rogue was lining up jobs when dex was still [ __ ] in diapers place belongs to her what can i get you uh you picked for me two tequila fashions with a splash of cerveza and a chili garnish imagine being a bear i feel like i say that like nearly every game now every time we go to a pub and it keeps happening recently and i'm like i want to go to a pub oh yeah we can turn on the music again maybe this bear has music oh whoops that's a bit loud or did you want royalty free music i'm not sure your homework looks like the god well the normal music spanx how long has the afterlife been around half a century longer i don't know about how much you wanted the other music i see well let's put on that then if it's what the people want to uh i don't know what's playing now because i've just muted that channel let's see and the most respected don't forget that it's like oblivion dialogue all of a sudden say i wanted to drink it what i have to do this is awful mind-blowingly spectacular it's really changed the like feel of the game as a mission the tone has just changed all right drink to the heist of a lifetime make sure to shout it so everyone here i'll drink to that oh yes in ye olden times 2077. uh i'm get i'm a bit drunk i think i guess dying after one for going down in history i live like a legend first though huh death yeah i'm almost hearing the lines like have you heard of the high elves jackie wells you want to write down my recipe oh sure shut up on the rocks i don't like it i'll remember that are we you need to build up that tolerance oh do you actually build it up in the game break a leg thanks how do you know this way my job to know look around that's not very important i'm talking to so many people at the same time damn holmes you're huge work out this music is just changing the tone entirely of the game they missed a beast here this is making it super dramatic it makes it feel kind of epic though doesn't it that's right excelsior excelsior no what if i just save i just want to try stealing from them it's getting menacing it is probably because i'm about to start stealing my whole family in one place i just stole from him first time in real estate it's mine also and the flathead let's see this bad second i'm gonna change into that just curious what's gonna come up next inventory i said [Music] [Laughter] hello dear that's just like i think something's wrong with me [Music] there we go i put it down oh my god it's so cool he's dancing he's loving it happy happy happy this is reminding me of the [ __ ] pirates of the caribbean imagine like some of the devs were just like oh i really want to see how people are enjoying a game and then they join me and i'm like funny dance okay seriously guys no i'm stuck i can't get out i can't get out i'm stuck oh royalty free music okay i'm good give me help yeah thanks let's just play that all right it didn't happen all right i'm gonna mute it for now and then we're gonna jump back in and see where we're at again oh that was awful but amazing oh [Laughter] now now mr wells is right the game is so dramatic and i'm ruining it but if it's all right with y'all break yourself thank you for the [ __ ] start with the questions as well how'd you feel but dress thank you so hope thank you for the subs as well little day thank you as well all right um oh will i tell on her pretty well saw the pleasure from the inside i'm thinking hold on yeah i'm just gonna tell on her i think that's a good idea i'm gonna stir the pot she liked me so much she made me another offer yeah ben time to get serious what ditch the middle man [ __ ] now that's rich [Laughter] it ain't a joke i do appreciate you sharing this info though mr v you see trust that's not a good idea on any partnership yeah i snitched again let's go over the challenge we go over the plan cool thank you for the best i'll just keep playing the music then it just makes me smile uh garten sarcastic lemon phone thank you guys for the subs go on now don't be shy well yeah that laugh is so uncomfortable i think i've already covered he definitely didn't want me to do that should be a stroll on the beach elaborate i want to hear it a delaman will drop your asses at the front door of kenpecki plaza you'll stroll right in thanks to your false ideas identities oh which do i get i want to be or victorinol i don't think they'll let me be just from my pronunciation penthouse and clap the rest i'll have to check the list is your name on here what's your name victoriano you'll have t-bug on calms for the duration yeah i'm going to get stitches time for your burning questions if niches get stitches i wish that i snitched more as a kid because then they would have stitched up this scat go on now don't be shy i don't know at this point should i replace this boo ma'am or not because it's clear to me it always just seems to run away and i i i i gotta go i'm kind of growing attacking the real reason we're all here now's a good time as any fresh talent gets 30 always but i'm willing to make an exception in your case i'ma cut you a nice juicy 40 as a bonus for you nice uh thanks but the eddies aren't all important i don't know what eddies are but that's more like it dicks the more eddies the better baby in my opinion last thing competitors got a strict no iron poplock thank you for the pizza a few people are asking when's your thing in the stream and you don't what's your so not to count chickens but why don't we see our eddies all depends how miss parker avails herself of her role assume eddies are just monies but i don't know what do we do while waiting sit around suck air you sit tight heads down cause old uncle could be watching now is that old they've got the foam on the wall like youtubers have but don't get drunk either your chariot awaits outside my cue to delta ii got a prep to jack in be there when you get my calms any other issue okay i think we're good no more questions yeah we're good um i'm doing my thing to stream on sunday i'm gonna try and set up twitch things for it i think that's gonna be my plan unless my throat acts up again in the meantime uh let's go let's roll no point waiting um they're youtubers are they ah it all makes sense now uh over christmas i'm not sure i'm not gonna stream on christmas day but i think other than that i'll be largely unaffected i don't know what day christmas is you leave your problems at the door son of a [ __ ] be the fleet thank you for the [ __ ] i see no reason why you should be using expletives oh yeah what about that i'm confused b just said can you do what max did and let us bet our bits if you bet the right answer you get double the bits you bet i'm not really sure what that is i'll ask max uh it's on a friday oh okay we might be totally fine then i'll have to see about christmas eve i might do an early one christmas eve um and the day after as well i assume i'll stream normally but i'll let you guys know closer to it christmas is on the 25th thanks guys i'm not a very good christian uh i just meant that what day is it i'm not sure if it's a date oh this is scary three months i've been saving up scratch um regular stay for the bits pop thank you for the bits as well again hit it down before we do christmas junk christmas christmas thank you kellyanne to connect your personal assassin in this chat all right let's jack in everyone it just sounds awful upload complete they are youtubers why is he in the mirror too is that really necessary excelsior oh this just keeps getting better excelsior the excelsior is a package tailored to our premium clientele top quality are we going straight to the the heist then i'm interested to see how this goes i need to continue my um let's play though imminent danger huh oh i'm next to him trust me you'll mow down an army of sucker ninjas if it comes down to it um dex ain't skimping is he and thanks to you we're still getting a juicy 40 juicy 40 percent excelsior this is how you want to cruise into the major leagues where's the music will we will we put it on for a car journey oh oh that's nice this works nicely actually i haven't gotten there not yet every other streamer is complaining is that like this dmca business they can't play music and you guys are like more royalty one royalty free music twitch things will just sing royalty-free music i'll sing along to this never google [Music] bit of an intense conversation for the music i'd rather just chill out and listen to the smooth jazz oh god i'm gonna call how's things it fits so well a lot of them fit really well uh pulling up to the hotel destination set up a direct encrypted line to guide you through [Music] the eyes are so scary when they're on the phone thing got static say something bug the greatest crimes issue from a desire for excess and not from this thank you very much for the tip i'm glad you enjoyed the stream yeah thank you very much you can turn on copyright free music in the settings it's kind of exciting yeah we know but the stream is demanding we use this music instead easy loud and clear perfect okay tech checks out looks like stay in touch thank you for choosing the della main service and best of luck i shall await here for your return it's finally happening i mean don't get too excited dude we need to do this job first wait leave weapon oh yeah we can't bring it sorry all right harry let's go see how i faded it out there when we left the car just trying to get you guys immersed it's all i just i go all out my streams oh yeah call my car he can't get in he doesn't know how to get in all right we're out front bug remember please come through single file you got it home uh sorry uh-oh hold on got something sir care to explain why you're bringing a combat bot onto kenpecki plaza premises we're arms dealers should i've said that ah you are here to see taki-san am i right please accept my apologies for the confusion no problem at all this should only take a moment sir stronghold struggle go ahead i wasn't even in it for most of the time greetings and welcome to konpeki plaza we'd like to check in of course are you spending christmas uh i'm lucky enough that i get to go up to my parents house thank you for the bits perfect i'll go ahead and notify pakistan over your arrival [ __ ] no good jesus i'm so sorry to hear that just cheered today kevin i recently lost my friend to suicide a few days ago and his family has a gofundme to help them with the funeral would i be allowed to put the link in chat if not that's okay i was just hoping to help them anyway i can you can of course the only thing is i'm worried the auto mod is gonna uh so how did i not do the game right um i'm just worried the auto mod might not let you post it is the only problem automotive will take it yes i'm not sure if it's possible but jesus christ i'm sorry to hear that that is that is awful i hope you're doing as okay as he can be good lord back in hell um yeah i'm not sure uh mods can send whisper it to me in flower okay perfect that's a great solution thank you guys thank you very much for doing that hello this is the reception desk apologies for anything yeah sorry the auto mod will just catch any links and i don't think there's any way we can get around it so that's the only way we can do it process of checking in a mister victorino good he's arrived please send him upstairs immediately of course right away i don't know what i did in the game by the way i think i i didn't do what she asked me to do i didn't delay them stop by our room first you'll be in the lapis lastly suite on level 42. oh thank you for being so kind folks please validate your sid chip hunter's all yours harry um see everything seems to be in order we wish you a pleasant stay i don't know what i'm doing um better get going do i have to go off to my room i'm just going to follow him and hope he he guides me through oh my god he's [ __ ] eager what the hell i said stall sorry it's too late now don't shout at me what do you think harry quaint's forgotten who he is not like the hotel we had in zurich for what is this oh it's just food jackie i'm going to go get food hold on the bitter pattern and when i say heads are going to roll i don't mean it as a [ __ ] turn of phrase can i have enough guy can i get some food there's something i can do close this deal uh room let's go i'm sure now let's go check out our digs uh daisy alfredo thank you for the subs there guys all right how high is this hotel gonna be i remember that uh when was it like 2017 i went to vegas on like a group holiday and we went to the elevators there and it was insane they moved so fast you could just feel like the jolt in your stomach how do i look did not like like somebody put clothes on a dog oh poor guy i mean i do look at me look let's take a look at how i look uh stats see i look pretty cleaned up i'd look even better if i took off the clothes i think actually um action blocked why can i not take it off i guess for the mission it wouldn't really work yeah they're all locked god damn it i'm a businessman who wants to be naked what's so wrong with that i should have tried to leave the elevator i'm sure it wouldn't work anyway but i really want to try it now oh he's got he's doing the thing again please change the hair i bet no it's nice oh what jackie's after getting out of the elevator all right let me try oh god i'm gonna have to be quick is it no okay it's impossible one more try okay wait try from back here wait i'm what am i on this floor no i'm in the lobby right because he's where is he all right let's just try and go up goddammit the nails are the claw your enemies with exactly you gotta go for the eyes kevin he's where he should be why is your female salon look he likes them yeah i was just i was wondering what would happen if i could leave him behind but it didn't seem to matter oh he's moody he'd make a good model or something okay now pout for me power oh the camera loves you yeah perfect see how could you be upset with him turn it off why are you saying oh no let's do a gawk still nothing come on can't be that hard well i gotta do the last one just stare oh god that's a bit intense okay i'm done with the mirror that was fun though i like the mirror ellen thank you for the sub um thank you very much for stopping for seven months you're very kind oh is this our thing flathead prep to go i don't even know what this robot does i just know it's a military thing but i don't know if he's like gonna open a safe or he's gonna like assassinate someone or it's a bomb i have no idea scan for an entry point for flathead okay uh am i supposed to wait wait wait wait flathead prep to go almost there here can i how do i interact with this thing how do i scan does anyone know i i have no idea how to scan what the hell have oh okay thank you got a winner thank you very much guys jackie resistance to fire huh what do you know i could have fit in there i could have done what flathead is doing just going to stand there we knocked the box off i have to switch to manual control v take the control shirt from jackie here here goes patching you through the in-cam view might get a little disoriented but don't freak all right oh no i'm spying on people and i don't want to spy on them okay got it their rooms this isn't about the money the hell am i supposed to get them up there people start saying i've lost control of watts are they not going to see this from a week that's all we can i'm very confused we you're not pretty good at your job dude can you open it he's gone this is so weird oh do we need music good point let's see what's on the loop now wait what makes you think it was for you he addressed it known inside sorry what would you say to a tv yeah stick the flathead on it honey stick to wiping that glass huh you're leaving streets everywhere where's the vent if they're going to how is she not seeing this okay i think he's just gonna kill all of the fish can i do anything with this [Music] it's invisible okay i see i thought i was just seeing it through the wall and it was looking weird because i've seen it through an object but i can see i can't see it through objects now i understand oh this is much more like it where are you buddy there you are he's so cute wait why did he give me an alert there oh okay okay perfect okay we're almost there this is going off great so far so what do you think of the game worth it or overrated i didn't really get hyped for the game so i'm not sure i'm not too far into it to get a good opinion but like i'm enjoying it for what it is so far but i just i didn't buy into the hype at all i just i don't get that hype for games anymore got the point okay i just wait and see and then if i like them when they come out like i didn't look at any i don't think i even saw the trailers for this game okay he's at it now toggle over to the other camera okay scan this again just as planned it's still weird though what the hell is he doing is there someone sitting in that chair right now let me neutralize that ought to be able to neutralize good thinking let me grab this okay right onto your link and you know i have no idea what they're saying half the time right what about the new harry potter game okay i might get hyped for that okay that might be the one thing it's like a dream game for me like an open world game um scan for a pass okay shaft may link both rooms looks like let's figure it out now toggle over to the other cam uh how do i do that again this one i'm not going to remember all this ah here we go might have found our way in send the flathead over there then there you go [Music] yeah it'll be another harry potter game to play on the channel uh let's see where are we headed together what was this cctv port okay flathead into the chair jack in okay you gonna kill him flathead where is flathead oh there he is that would be [ __ ] terrifying a robot spider coming for you oh my god that's terrifying to keep an eye on the dweller yeah punching into kompecki's main net you go ahead and log out all right the music actually felt kind of normal there i kind of forgot it was even on a little dizzy that's all bug how you doing on time you there bug uh yeah yeah i'm here what was that so listen ice is thicker than i thought piercing it'll take a couple hours a couple hours i'll go sleep any faster want my brain to burst into flames just sit down and enjoy your snazzy suite thanks i will there's a lot of down time in the game so far anyway so i just need i need to sit that is my objective oh is that my phone it is my friend think why'd he give it all up who gave what up yori nobu arasaka the good life he's got to tweet out my videos bear with me just got to thinkings all it's like sorry i think we got everything right eddie's education your pops can snap his fingers and turn half the [ __ ] planet into a nuclear wasteland but instead you're like nah [ __ ] it and what do you go do start a [ __ ] gang steal dragons there we go you ghost from your fam chip some real skin and play gang leader for a few years yeah there's a lot of this in the game a lot of down time ah [ __ ] him why do i need to care about some bougie prick in his street kid fantasies must have been a who huh i'm yori nobu arasaka would you folks like to join my gang poser with core protection and the name too steel [ __ ] dragons it is a little bit of a lame name gang goons wet dreams got bored of being rich and then got bored of playing tough [ __ ] tourist tourists or not he just walked into the lobby and we are back in biz penthouse security is neutralized perfect let's start the show all right i think we're ready for the heist i want to stay at a hotel again imagine how cool that would be i'm just missing everything hurry dude sorry i'm excited to heist where is he why is he not willing to full-on sprint like me come on dude this is ridiculous you're making us uncomfortable come in please thank you what is wrong with them all right there we go floor 100 oh i should have tried the elevator thing i know i wouldn't have walked anyway let him have i immediately split from the main quest and started exploring side questing i might try that next time do a bit of side quests that i explore and jesus whatnot all right we're in so go straight to the safe i guess no i gotta follow him guys focus the safe i'm focusing he's just [ __ ] rambling it's usually the other way around okay turn that on some kind of dead zone's my guess happen back in a sec and you do your damn job there under the floor yeah i know i'm one step ahead what's this i don't know well we've opened it check in your personal and make us rich on it why do i have to do everything the other day does literally nothing give me two it was street kid that i picked yeah oh all 200 on their feet can't keep still oh i like this we should have brought parachutes how much longer t [ __ ] you're a no boost pit house bound [ __ ] him open the shave almost got it oh oh done oh that's spooky let me look to this huh can we just take it why are you going so slow i'm running all over we should jump dude let's go i'll call my car hold on oh i can't find me [ __ ] too late your nobody's about to walk in find cover where which way is he coming in you're [ __ ] kidding what's inside it now i i'm stuck oh my god i'm stuck oh dear we're in which don't solve our problem t this is not good i'm still there let me think for a sec okay did we leave the safe open please tell me we didn't body guard adam smash i thought he said is that adam sandler i was like i don't know if it is that would be kind of cool we wait are they here yet they approach from the landing pad [ __ ] are they talking about bug who got incoming no [ __ ] way this isn't happening saporo what is wrong with his arms i [ __ ] up arms too buddy it's okay i warned writer thanks for the sub cool thank you for the bits as well enjoy among us amir lord father dan ellen thank you oh my god i don't like this i don't like this at all we need music [Music] okay yeah tell me about it let's think that well what are we getting next oh this is kind of nice we could be in here all night with this music this is getting relaxing it is [Music] foreign [Music] this is very relaxing music it's getting weirder it feels like a yakuza sub quest yeah [Music] that is his song i was thinking it would be oh god it's music all of a sudden doesn't fit very well anymore oh jesus thank you for the rage sean thank you very much um kind of awkward to join instead of using the streamer mode i've just decided to bring up royalty-free music on uh over on spotify and we kind of just keep putting it on randomly and it's uh about 50 50 so fast sometimes it fits and um this is one of the times it didn't really fit thank you so much jack for the raid i hope you guys enjoyed your cyberpunking over there i imagine you're much further than me because well this is how i spend my time i'm interested to see how uh other people play this game because i definitely feel like i'm playing it wrong someone poisoned him yeah he looks pretty poisoned to be fair this dent would imply poisoning i can show you guys my um my character as well again i'm interested to look at other people's characters uh this here's my guy i'm trying to look at it can i look at his head again i can't because i'm in the quest and i can't change my hand all right i'll try and show him later he's really cool anyway needless to say he died of natural causes he did to be fair why would this canning music be on if someone actually murdered someone time to change no we're not changing hair it's really nice people don't like it when i show my character jd thanks for the sub and matt thank you for the bits as well i'm glad you could join i don't know how we got away with this i guess to be fair something more important kind of happened i don't know can you make the hair a different color you could but i'm not going to it's the perfect amount of awful all right music's awesome i still don't know how we're getting out of here this is the problem bug need to get us out of here now give me a sec i really think parachutes would have been the way got something should we take the book oh what does he have a dog tag awesome should we really be talking i think we should be running weird [Applause] that's not good [ __ ] [ __ ] major leaks happy now jackie this isn't good what's this oh i got a gun at least there's that that's something i forgot about that we found it earlier in the um the scanning part you should restart the royalty free playlist i should the starting ones are the best oh i don't like this yep that's [ __ ] high i'm just going to get this fast drama if they're here they're a little late this is [ __ ] intense did bug die i don't know i don't know all right i'm gonna get this fair i hope he fell in here with me good lord things just went from like zero to a hundred really fast oh [ __ ] good lord hobo fragging staying for the sub oh no kevin got a gun i didn't get to use it wait it broke oh no use your nails so i can get us out of here jackie you're bleeding worry about me later get the relic container depressurized mild chip integrity what about our juicy forty they were going on about our juicy fart i need some music for this parker a bit easier to process let's do it who is this recalling oh her we snitched out i forgot this is damaged biochip's integrity had jackie 86 86 and dropping [ __ ] okay for those of you that just joined thank you for joining by the way i appreciate it but um i snitched on this person because i'm just being a bad person in general v you're there the hell are you talking about the relic can't be isolated it has to be nested in a safe environment well someone's gotta do it what uh i wasn't really paying attention what is happening did he just put that inside him jackie this isn't good no no i guess i don't i don't like this but you two need to get the [ __ ] out of there first thought he was gonna eat it i thought he was to be honest with you all right what are we doing now he doesn't care he's ready he's like default he's no emotion better be [ __ ] certain all right let's let's get out of here i still think we should have brought parachutes like this all the high-tech stuff is great like putting stuff inside you and scanning and everything but sometimes just a bit of material and string is all you need attention oh dear oh no wait can i i'm just going to jump he can do it too i'm sure he's only bleeding oh no that was so bad hold on hold on i don't know how to pull out my gun i can't remember i can't remember i haven't shot anything in [ __ ] ages have i shot anything since i started um someone help first no i don't want to call anyone right now okay i'm on keyboard does anyone know the control use the nails alt okay thank god you guys are here because i never would have guessed that wait but i had the gun a second ago oh for a fact say okay jackie's getting the job done he's bleeding out he's got the relic inside him and i'm doing nothing should i do all right let me run at them i'll use my nails i have long nails i don't think i've actually shot anyone since i started uh this stream i'm just a bit of a pacifist is all uh right so now i'll wait how come i can't get the gun okay he picked up both that seems just selfish perfect who needs guns when you got nails like these take a good look at those nails and follow all the instructions equipment victory victory inventory i mean okay let's take a look uh weapons okay perfect i thought it was just auto equipped when i have nothing that's a bit odd but that's okay look how ready is the fight it's so manly can i take off my clothes yet no that's that's sad why can i not i've been made it doesn't matter anymore okay there we go got my weapons now thank you for the help what would i do without you is he dead there's a headshot killing one oh oh those are those roof turrets okay that's trouble oh um i don't think they can spot me you know he just looked right at me and did nothing maybe he was just nervous god they take a lot of bullets don't they jesus christ they can take a lot more bullets than i thought they could all right what's this scan for a hidden switch oh should i have been doing that oh no he's armor on oh jeez i didn't even see you there is that jackie or who is it oh i want to try a shotgun oh you can equip when you pick it up you just press r oh nice there's loads of ammo too oh i like the shotgun i think we need some royalty free music for this screaming goes so well with smooth jazz do you like jazz chat do you like jazz t-box thanks for the sub am i nearly dead how do i heal uh x is it there we go smooth jazz and i'm feeling fine what a night [Music] the screams make it even better god the shotgun satisfying but it doesn't seem as strong as you would think it would be not bad though the gunshow the gunshots sound great going along with some smooth jazz [Music] this is so dumb oh man i love it though i'm just [ __ ] running at him no fear all right i'm in now they got to come to me wait what [Music] should i do something is are we good okay i think we're good at security clearance what is this game all right we're going down i love bugs like that personally i understand why people don't and like how it would kind of ruin your immersion but i love it i think they're great net neutrality name and [ __ ] thank you for the bits as well i've heard people sing the game at great atmosphere i think they cheated dim lights and smooth jazz just guarantees a good time i think this is funny because i do funny yeah i do me too your liver could be [ __ ] had it coming but you can see why it took so long to release the game why because you [ __ ] say yeah it seems to have a lot of bugs imagine if they released on the original release date huh it would have been hilarious i still didn't look for that hidden switch but i don't know if it's even an option anymore how many floors is this elevator by the way it's taking quite a while oh my god good lord they're strong are those the armored guys just so i might just try and run at them and shock them in the heads okay maybe i shouldn't can i change my shotgun i didn't lose my shotgun did i okay good i didn't oh jesus okay how am i gonna close this gap uh by doing that apparently he shocked me i'm just forcing jackie to push up [Music] yeah the shotgun's my weapon of choice i think it's fun they got a lot of armor though poor jackie is struggling to keep me alive i don't think i have any names i think i used them all in the little intro just chucking them around all right he's flanking great what the hell what what is going on i don't know whether to shoot i okay jesus watch it watch what they seem to have just stopped firing at us [Music] yeah this is the way to go sometimes it knocks them back anyway god damn the enemies are so strong in this game oh oh oh no and i thought it was bad already uh what do we do now can we actually get out of here we can't can we i've just packed this into a corner what oh how do i get out of here will he stop shooting i'm just gonna make a run for it oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i don't think i should be using the elevator they say don't use it in case of emergency and this feels a bit like an emergency you're getting in oh yeah it's take your time lads it's grand you want to get in no no not interested okay there we go you've had enough jeez you're so mad for one man oh the blood healed up good [ __ ] i can't use the elevator it's not working oh wait parking down there sorry i thought it was i thought that was the button sorry my bad that whole scenario was just bizarre oh no time in entering okay i'll go straight to the vehicle then let's see what jackie is got it okay he was quite fast actually we don't [ __ ] drive oh my god this is so much client feedback noted good i left my official review we stopped being pursued it is to be fair oh my god dude just knock him down please oh dear just smash through there you go that guy was just standing there in the street he looked cool cara music sure leave it at me there we go i think we should go back to the start of the playlist again i don't feel like this is best stuff this song is ending anyway okay we're going back up to his his highest rated song all right there we go i don't think a shotgun is the best weapon here i can help this is hard okay relax kevin just one at a time is this suited [Music] oh my god the health on that thing maybe i can use the smg oh yeah that works well [Music] there we go that wasn't too bad phew my medical diagnostics indicate that mr wells's condition is critical um so hurry up dude step on it oh god no need to get aggressive where's the winner thank you for the stuff alien thank you for the sub as well lieutenant leroy [ __ ] thank you for the bids of course uh thank you for the sub as well um we'll be getting jobs left and right now that'll make him feel better you're right i hope he doesn't oh no is he gonna die [Music] i'm sad even though the music is on the music isn't working at all oh oh no jackie jesus you don't want to die to this music do you ah that's just sad this song always makes me cry i know [Music] i don't know how to feel it's so mixed emotions that was so sad and this song just ends as well perfect's sake what timing oh no what the excelsior package provides for the disposal oh that's sad at least it's free i guess if anyone's still here from the right let's just feel like this guy's a monster uh where do we want to go nowhere wait for me here i guess nowhere stay here and don't move i'll be right back understood mr deshawn awaits you in room number 204 uh touch shoulder see you in the major leagues okay that'll be good see in the major leagues there we go see i told you so i assume that has to happen like there's no way you can avoid that didn't seem like it seemed all scripted new item received awesome i still have the objective scan for a hidden switch i think it's too late for that uh let's see all right can i take it off yet why can i not take off my clothes that's all i want to do please and i want to show you his face up close to and it's not letting me right where am i headed who am i even meeting here is it dex or who's it is this sand i love sand flooring it's coarser off and it gets everywhere occupied but i know i'm coming in oh this dude okay hey dude ums and 54 even the pirate network just gonna start robbing him blowing up everywhere and the jackster he out in the car uh oh yeah you're gonna feel like a dick there now he's dead yeah he's there dead he's not gonna care is he reported sorry i'm processing this should i say no luck the ceo's death may have been a desperate attempt to divert no luck no luck that's one piece of good news good news wait why is it good dead you got any notion of the [ __ ] you pulled the bouncy bed hold on stop getting mad i'll change the vibe here anyone with so much as good as dead [Music] i know and that's why we gotta skip night city dex you're the fixer oh dude settle i'm down settling down ever again i'm having too much fun please no identity wait is this a shower oh my god dude you you are living the life a shower in the bedroom i just wish the bathroom was more of an open plan with the bedroom wait get myself cleaned here why can't i use your shower maybe you might see my face now yes look how cool he looks oh yeah this is what you guys want to do every time you see my guy's face in the mirror [Laughter] look how cool he is see [Music] wash face and move away i like the blood it kind of works with the aesthetic he's got going on there should i scan for a hidden switch oh come on dude i had enough blood on my face oh no remember our first convo what seems i've chosen the quiet life after what the [ __ ] no blaze of glory for me oh no i did i did break the mirror to be fair honestly i i came into his house he let me clean up and i broke his mirror so i feel like i deserve that the game was rigged from the status i like it what is happening here what who am i i can't hey hey get out of my way wait oh i'm keanu that's who i am i'm so confused of course you're high i want to go into the crowd um wait it was saying grab for a second i want to grab him oh it forced me on me brookie thank you for the subs you're all breathtaking [Music] [Applause] what the hell [Applause] oh yeah i have music off hold on i was just like trying to figure it out what okay sorry i can't put it on i can't go into them all right well that kind of ruined that but at least we still have this don't do this you could still change your mind [Music] that ruined that scene so bad all right get over here man [ __ ] this band not your crowd not your noise do your own thing bastard i'm gonna miss you something awful see you in the next life friend i am so confused what is going on like i decided us in the air here put this on and it stays on got it so i'm guessing they link up somehow step back this is taking a turn i can't that was so much the process jackie died and v died it was groovy piercer on fire pacifica shut down abc's on the streets of watson sons of [ __ ] i'm just trying to wait to see where this is ties in johnny's idea collateral damage part of the plan too yeah if we could avoid spoilers in the chat that would be great because i am clueless to what's going on i think a lot of people in the chat are too is this the tower from earlier like or is this just a random other tower it says no entry guys i guess we gotta go home at least someone's doing something i'm not doing anything oh well the only person doing anything is now dead oh my god what the hell is this i don't is this the section very long because i can't play for very long but i kind of i want to know what happens let's try and get him down on the ground and just see where we are at least we good that everyone not very long okay 15 minutes or so oh okay grab bag and jump i hope these people brought parachutes that's all you need honestly get the payload on the elevator arm it let gravity do its thing explosion rocks the foundation tower crumbles chaos screaming i fell over the important thing is i kept the conversation going despite falling over i don't know how i fell over oh that's my melee attack apparently mainframe's not your playground murphy come on i'm just gonna skip this section come on there we go we're in get ready i did attack you oh he's burning to death now oh that's dead i'm not very good at stealth in this game am i but i like lining people on fire good lord it's gruesome that was a mercy kill god his gun is so strong blind bushido lieutenant leroy david um what's the name of the artist that makes the roger free music it's kevin mcleod i'm not sure how to pronounce it shoot the cables okay do i have a gun i don't what a cool way to drop a bomb tell rogue about your plan not done yet still need to feed shouldn't she know this already i [ __ ] knew it this was never about corporate clown is it okay hey meg how's it going no you wouldn't understand i bought your name for the two gifted subs jolly thanks for the sub as well matt thank you for the sub door um what are we doing find an access point i guess we just gotta look do we go go go what was that me good lord has gone strong [ __ ] hell this is a world of difference is this like what you can get to or is he just over a level to hell oh my god oh god sorry i fell down and broke a lot of furniture a little bitter patter of piano feet there we go does that kill them all in one go i don't know it's not gonna kill him is it jesus gun is so overpowered oh dear oh dear where did that go oh right is this it closing in i should put on the normal music in this game because it's it seems kind of eerie all of a sudden oh my god it's so different it's not kevin mcleod but you know it's okay sweet icebreaker foreign right just wonder if we know anyone who can switch the subnet protocol hilarious you gonna help or not do spider spin webs it's time we caught v plum cakes thank you for the gifted sub josie thank you for the sub is one flower thank you for the bits oh there is a hype train thank you guys very much sorry i didn't realize there's so much going on evacuation ongoing after an unidentified terrorist order not as good as royalty free too serious the terrorists stating their desire to quote unquote topple a monument to corporate colonialism night city's mayor emboli ebony has issued a statement declaring that he will bring the full force of the law to bear in response i don't even know what we're doing here going now i miss my long nails on my character hopefully he can shed some light on the situation as okay let's get out of here oh perfect's sake can't catch a break at least i have my overpowered guns kellyanne thank you so much for 10 subs that is super kind to you thank you very much for that christmas card thank you the sub tania you cool pink queen thank you for the gift it's up to kellyanne thanks so much for that but it won't hold for long run johnny like the wind so confused oh you guys purposely took off and left me behind for a second oh lonnie thank you for the three subs that's very kindly and celery thank you for the subscribers johnny boy oh i didn't have my told you i don't think it would have worked anyway but okay so these are gonna tie in together but we're missing chunks here momo thank you for the sub oh he's missing chunks too unfortunately wait does that mean they could bring jackie back if i assume my main character is going to come back of course like it would be a bit weird if it didn't after all the customization the gig wait for the lockdown to end i know that feeling i know that feeling stop slapping me dude please you associates who are they how did you acquire physical material gonna give good cop over there a chance to say something come on oh god which terrorist organization do you belong to how did you acquire fiscal material i do oh someone's coming in hey crabs that's the emperor right kiss him i think we've got off in the wrong foot i don't think that can happen brittle being there for the gifted son hot damn done and gone what are you doing my husband died in that tower oh oh this isn't good but there are fates worth oh no oh no what are they doing tim i didn't want him to die powerful thank you for the sub dosing why did you do this to bring an end to the madness [Music] what the hell are they doing to him i'm so confused kendando thank you for the bits i don't know if flashing is going to happen or not i'm not sure commency engram transfer what oh no something tells me that isn't good it's just getting more and more confusing what is this this is the room no it's not the room i was in earlier is it no it's not it's different can you keeps running away from me this game's story is wild it is very intriguing i gotta say like i am super interested to see where this goes don't jump scare me please oh thank you and you you who are you where is this going i'm here but stronger all right who am i am i v or kianu i'm not gonna call him by his name i can tell by the fingernails hold on oh i'm here oh no i'm me i'm me i can tell by those fingernails careful the nails dude you'll break one the nails they gave it away perfect sake i give them the claws you don't like the in-game music well let's let's see what we got over on the mix hold on let me see what we're going to resurrect to turn that down and put that back up oh that works perfect [Music] our music mix works so much better i'm actually thinking i might be like a hand zimmer kind of a personality you know i i think i could make the soundtrack for games and movies is that dex [Music] this is the music that plays every time you wake up i'm so sorry please don't kill me i don't want to die to this song now listen dawg i have done exactly what you asked so less you're dead dude it's music it's perfect how did he not know he was gonna die oh dude come on you'll break a nail doozy nate thanks for the sub hindo thank you for the bits as well this is going to be a nice little car ride isn't it [Music] well destiny thank you so much for the five songs you guys just love royalty free music i think can one thing go right it really doesn't feel like it [Music] it's so awful oh it would just make you go insane you hear me i need your help what why why am i helping you now all of a sudden you slapped me and said i smell like [ __ ] and while that may be true that doesn't mean it's nice oh jesus christ that no eyes look is very popular in this city oh my god nothing goes right for this guy this is pretty cool to be fair oh my god what is happening i don't seem to be hitting him can i not okay i'm so confused okay he just decided to just die [Music] so much to unpack try shooting the bike yeah that's what i'm thinking okay we're on a loading screen oh i thought we were gonna swap to another character again i'm zero health apparently unless just my you know plugins are all broken oh my god this game is so much i can't shoot by the way it's not letting me uh he could have just killed us by now if he wanted to i don't understand oh my god he's still on this is [ __ ] terrifying isn't it i feel kind of useless but i think i'm supposed to be useless [Music] oh my god there we go this is weird with the royalty-free music it really is oh he's pinned don't you dare faint again yeah sorry about that keep your eyes open thank you i should really stop taking my hands off the keyboard because i have to keep putting my hands back on to get these quick time events you you're at the plaza we must get them let's get to the ripper doc victor can help we have to get this okay that's fine uh tell me yeah that's fine i'll call them this dude the guy from the cat greetings my scandal of course a vehicle is on route it should arrive 20 minutes 20 minutes what are you doing hey i fainted again it's damaged please proceed to insert the jack below the ear though not too deep there should be auxiliary neural sockets between his lymph nodes he's really trying to save me to be fair if i hit the vein by mistake he will die indeed as he will if you do nothing all right this is all on youtube now proceed to connect let's get him inside norfolk good lord this has been a bad day i thought he was about to kick him i was like jesus not a really good doctor like i thought he was gonna rob her kick him in the face misty occipital bone no other way there is risk of i know what i'm doing please save me and please bring him back in his original form a lot of white screens there really is i don't want them to accidentally make me look stupid this is where you die for the second time imagine the game just brings you back and you just die again and then the credits roll becky thanks for the sub kevin are you wearing a jacket in the house i had to i had to wear leather jacket to fit the game also my heating's broken how is he slower i wonder how much time has passed my apologies kevin you're crying sorry [Music] i didn't mean to snap if that's what i did sorry i wasn't uh paying attention to how i responded to that you haven't fixed your heating nope not yet i'd say it'll be a month or two how you feeling just swear oh no actually stand up well these hallucinations describe them to me blinding lights i'm really disappointed my guy doesn't have long toenails as well i almost can't breathe i'm so damn full of very disappointed hatred then i let it all out into a mic why so long that's just the time of year unfortunately i don't feel any better and then promise not to laugh i plan a bomb in our soccer tower nothing there to laugh about yeah it's like it's really funny don't laugh i planted a bomb they killed me vic jerry thank you for the bits mary valentine warrior kane thank you for the subs so i'm guessing the relic saved me even for a lucid dream you weren't dreaming v those were memories there's a personality construct i see it all makes sense now from his past i see say that experience is in my head how's that possible thank you for the bits you two are connected in a way i can't make it sorry to hear you've not had heating that long jesus me and who vic who's the other johnny silverhand a terrorist real talk of the town back in my day anyway that's not what's important right now what is the biochip it's basically a bomb fuse lit already you don't have much time left much life a few weeks tops silver hands construct is overriding your consciousness gradually taking over your body oh dear one day until we grow older thank you for the sub god jade thanks for the sub as well he is a smart doctor it's important you get all this you'll fix me up i don't know if you can fix this i don't think he'd be acting so you know seriously believe me if he could it's way beyond what i know how to do you're the best of the best why can't you help me poor v i bet keanu cuts his fingernails this is gonna suck a long story or they're short uh just short please i i'm hungry that's what you're saying prove it deck shot you right the bullet damaged your chip slot and your brain as far as it was concerned your brain was an empty vessel that needed to be filled by the ingram it was carrying empty vessel but i'm right here all of this is me the shard doesn't read it right oh no headache of yours it's the bio chip rewiring your neural pathways this has been like i hate to be negative but it's just been an awful day for v i really hate saying that you know but it has been what's left it's been a rough few days to be exercised vic you've always there's so much dialogue in this game if there's nothing you can do to help me then well what the hell do i do tell me please vic yolks t thanks for the stuff what kind of bedside manner is that that you just storm off yes my fingernails made it too much from an old timer like vic come on v let's get you home god the faces are so real in this game i feel more real than i do uh and he died and i thought i was okay no idea what's happening every second the game kind of bugged out sleep's a small hint of death the inevitable can't actually tell if i'm awake now i mean oh my god this is getting too easy right not something to focus on v let it go here i was thinking i was in a wheelchair it seemed like i was just floating for a second taken regularly they'll keep things from progressing too quickly also they should keep that guest of yours calm and quiet pseudoendotrisines from me all right let's skip there i got here what's this oh no i didn't mean to skip that okay it was from jackie i would assume uh you're lovely oh god he sounds on the verge of death sweet peaceful dreams and sleepy time all right that is a good time to go out i would think isn't that lovely now it's not nice to have something to jackie's time to sleep why are you skipping uh i have to go and i think we all kind of knew what was happening there there was no no big revelation in that section so i had to skip that section i'm going to drop a save um and we'll transition out of that beat the game in one playthrough i can do it i might starve to death but i think i can do it i i might be able to beat the clock uh let's see why does the dude always sleep sideways i always sleep sideways i can't sleep on my back at all it drives me crazy because i have bad shoulders so it's not a good combination um all right guys thank you so much for joining me i really appreciate it you've been very kind in the chat i hope you enjoyed the royalty-free music in fact let's just put that back up um it was a good time raiders if you're still here thank you very much for joining me and we're going to continue the irishness and i'm gonna send you over to dan so i'm not sure i think he's actually just around the part i'm at but i'm gonna send you over there anyway you can see what he's doing and what he's doing different and what his character is like and all that but thank you very much for joining me um my video went up an hour ago i think it's pretty interesting one if you want to take a look and uh i'll be streaming on saturday if you want to catch me there so yeah thank you for joining and bye for now bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye does this look uncomfortable i sure hope it does
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 92,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: y3CiWyL7hqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 53sec (9533 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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