The Simpsons: Hit & Run | 2020-12-22

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hello hello how are you how how's it going how's it going yeah i never know when this cuts in so it could have been just me sitting there for a while it still might not be after cutting it oh no it has okay why am i an e-pert what what is an e-pert kevin the e-pert what is an april what could that what could that stand for ah my title is an eepert and hit and run plays some hit and run yep that's me and ebert yeah it's hip lingo everyone's using it honestly if you don't know what ebert means kind of uncool so you know i'm just just saying if you don't if you don't know what a ebert is then it's it's fine if you don't but if you don't that's a little bit a little bit you know just people chat like oh yes of course good to see you my fellow eperts how are you how are you doing i am live i'm live right now i had a lot to do today i have been non-stop since i got up it was one of those days that started as like i'm going to do i'm going to struggle today because i have not left myself enough time i didn't get out of bed until nearly midday because i was so exhausted and then since i got up i've just been non-stop go it's been all over the place but it feels good feels productive but i literally just like i put the title and then finished up what i was doing in the other room and then just ran back in and then i went live and i called an ebert so pretty good day so far helloni thank you very much for the bits say hi to my friend ida it's the first stream well hello ida and welcome ida expected you to join earlier but better late than never there you go your friend ida is never going to watch again they're like you know what i don't think this is from me uh elenia vhs buffy luxor anna izzy strange uh casey thank you very much for the subs everyone at lacrimos games three spectral thank you for the sub there as well um okay 5 a.m toll straight now the 5 am toast sounds good right about now well actually it would be 6 p.m toast for me but still it'd be good uh george lee uh that on guy is it is it that the taton or that on that on guy i want to go with thank you for the sub lady mario uh kampepe uh metals uh threat mortem jewel thief tennocophyte warm trooper grizzle maches is that a grizzle machinist is that it sorry that's a confusing name thank you very much for the sub uh eat i'm just gonna say rather than saying that full name super uh italia fangirl emily chan thank you so much for the bits um yeah max missed out on your genius i i'm sorry you did that i i would have been all on board but i was never really bullied enough to wear the crop top uh i stretched thank you for the sub zombie zoe thank you for the bits as well megan thank you very much for 10 subs that is super kind of you thank you very much megan and dee blind thank you for the sub and rata thank you for the sub as well grace thank you too megan thank you so much for that that was very kind thank you very much for your burst of kindness everyone how are you doing how are you doing in the chat are we all pretty poggers today you're fitting in kevin you're fitting in keep it going how is everyone doing i had a great day after playing some video games yesterday was not as good i was trying to get this uh i nearly said the simpsons the sims life stories working for about five hours and i i didn't i got it working at the very end of the day yesterday uh on a virtual machine but then i got to play it today so it was it was happy it was it was good time it was good and i burnt the house down multiple times it was very fun looking forward to uploading that one i think it's a fun one lots of fire megan thanks very much for the 10 subs again um you're so poggers i'm glad you got a job offer today that is so paw glass pog i have a feeling like i'm gonna keep saying pog and poggers like ironically and then it's actually just gonna leak in and i'm gonna be saying it like not ironically oh my god dude that is soul poggers i had a pogba's day yesterday absolute poggers i bought some pogs and it was honestly the most pogerous thing that's happened to me in so long i actually screamed poggers when i got my pogs uh cucumber legs uh talvin sherlock penny girl time lord uh joe jack not in a box uh may of melkor mullin uh a1 jake hot fire wizard could jewel thank you so much for five subs there as well that's that's very kindly lonnie thank you for the tip how can you play simpson's game without saying s sensor mp that's true how can i avoid it i guess i can just try and skip over some letters splimson's swimson's hit and run that might work big boys preston sarah george and sophie thank you very much for the support shall we jump in guys shall we jump in game i've got my uh thing set up if you're wondering and by the way how can you just see my little head if you're wondering why i'm just like caressing my mic it's because if i let go it stays exactly where it is it's i just really like caressing my mic is all that's what i was going to say anyway let's uh jump in why am i so low was i messing with my camera [ __ ] past kevin thank you very much for the support everyone uh gestalt sarah leah thank you very much for the bits that's very kind here appreciate it um right let me know if it's too loud or anything we got on to the third level last time yeah the mic likes me it's like the comedic timing and i'm like yeah it's like the one time and i could feel it pulling up when i was holding it and then when i started talking i was just like oh no oh no oh no it's not gonna happen are you are you four foot eleven yes what's your problem with that i game in a booster seat it's pretty poggers is what my parents told me when they bought it for me uh woodgrain the real silm shady and sprinkles thank you for the subs uh it sucks to be you thank you for the sub as well all right shall we talk to officer wiggum how can i play this game again am i able to play with controller oh oh no no game sound really let me see it sounds really loud for me why is that so quiet for you guys one second let me let me boost it up for you guys a six foot one more like one foot six you got me it was a typo when i first said i was 6-1 and ever since then i've just been too self-conscious to try and correct it um is it mike three want to up no it's desktop audio that won't do it how am i gonna put this up i don't i remember this last time as well it was super loud um hmm how can i fix it i guess i could just put if i put myself down is that better and if i'm very low and then the game's very low you can just boost everything would that work okay just slowly sinking like someone said your camera keeps going off no it's me going down one second okay this should be a bit better hold on and then that up there let's let's check it now that should be good all right perfect okay awesome and foxy thank you very much for the five subs can i use my controller here and regular thank you so much for the five as well [ __ ] thanks for the base well looks like we have no choice but to use the asmr mike i can't see him why try refreshing uh that might be the issue um what is smithers doing here oh for [ __ ] sake what are the buttons all right i figured it out can you help okay is that good brother sorry little girl audio i mean evidence on jailbird we're busting them on the three strikes law how many strikes i've reached like the low point in my chair that i may actually not be able to get back up super effective resurrection matron zachary magic banana foxy sherlock samuel leonard she's crafty georgie's love casper's and uh nuken thank you very much oh tony thank you so much for the bits as well yeah this style of this game is very uh it's very odd great stream setup thank you so much i love that oh oh no oh oh oh in a bit of trouble here all the time okay is it because of my lights because i've got like quite a cool lighting setup now loud alert oh no was the alert super loud hold on i'm oh no that might be an issue don't worry i don't there's no alerts unless it's the the dab one that should be fine how low can you go i don't think i can go any lower that was even that was like risky i i didn't think i was getting out of that one all right what did i need to get cool cool lisa right why can't i not take his car disgusting bliss river lonnie right in the malamute aaron uh epilip thank you very much for the support guys lilo thank you very much a little kev had a growth spurt he did now i just got my booster seat set up again oh so much for the jamming music okay uh hold on i'll figure this out no you can't use controller can you all right the jazzy music keeps having to start over and over again i think you get this at the comic book store right is it the start button wait what it is it's the start button to accelerate what how did you know that and why is it this way what the hell i'm so confused that's a [ __ ] joke okay i can't play with that anyway sorry i almost killed a dude that is whack you are right um let's see i gotta see how much it is perfect um what i was going to say a while ago let it get out again played this like a week and a half ago and i've just forgotten all the controls reckless off thank you very much for the subs that's super kind to you samuel thank you for the subs as well mongoose and sherlock disgusting bliss rivers thank you very much guys um yeah i was just going to say we might play this for like an hour and a half and then i was thinking we could uh um we could take a look maybe at the christmas special i won't show you much of it because i don't want to spoil it but i could use some suggestions you know it would help a lot i i'm pretty much done it but i was thinking it would be cool if the uh twitch chat could contribute to the to the christmas special if you want during the stream while you're watching if you think of anything i need 250 coins okay you could um give a christmas hat to where i didn't wear one in the christmas special no i didn't actually have one um but i might i might wear when i'm planning on doing a christmas eve stream so i can wear one then uh what was it gonna say um you could go on the discord is what i was gonna say there's a discord below the stream a banner if you want to join that and there's a little channel called uh christmas clips 2020 if you want to put them in there with a time stamp just make sure there's a timestamp and uh i'll be taking a look about an hour and a half into the stream we'll see we can add what the hell is she doing all right let's go get some coins lisa i really wish they'd make another simpsons game like that i would be so down just kicking children you see that's why i want more i just want to kick more children where's the best place to get some coins you know what give me give me my malibu stacy car and let's let's head out that road there's bound to be some coins down there christmas special better be half an hour of bare noises imagine i think he'll get age restricted like not even not even exaggerating i'm pretty sure it would be that's it it's just half an hour of moaning right there's a camp there why don't i go in there january thank you very much for the sub sorry if i butchered your name and gamers cam chat azalea shark boy megan thank you very much everyone very kindly uh there's a petition for a simpsons hit and run sequel oh i got the best email ever uh one day i don't actually read my own emails anymore i have someone to finally help me with some emails it was getting very overwhelming um what's here what i never knew that was on this level what the hell ow just got electrocuted i'm losing coins here um i did not know that was there what the hell i'm blown away um potato famine video was good kevin out of context that sounds so wrong but thank you thank you very much um i cannot remember what i was saying i lost my train of thought because of that i i don't know what i was saying foxy thank you very much for the subs sorry if that alert noise is loud emailed oh yeah i got an email about a a petition for a hype the time quest remake or like uh like expansion kind of thing thank you for being my memory folks um and it was like oh we're starting a petition like we saw the videos on your channel thought maybe you'd sign it and there's like 12 signatures that's like oh i really appreciate this because i love this game too but i don't think we're going to get the job done we got you fam thank you very much i need this kind of assistance if only you were there on a daily basis so i could stop going to rooms and just plain forgetting what i was doing fatty bear for the christmas video i don't know i don't know the thing is it is funny because if i was doing like a twitch recap fatty bear would 100 be in it but there's definitely like some divide this guy by the way is just bringing me everywhere lisa's like bopping along in the side in the passenger seat while he drives around um but there's definitely some memes that didn't really translate over to the youtube and like people who don't watch streams wouldn't get like the bims and stuff i know it was lightly in there like the home room tomatoes stuff what else was there sorry if i'm sniffling my allergies are quite bad today for some reason and the fatty bear stuff you know it's just even if they're brought up in videos people don't get how iconic they were like fatty bear is a hero and they don't understand soup yeah that's another thing the pirate stream oh the pirate stream is so fun i love doing them i was so sad when i started getting to the point of the game where i was like we don't have anything else to do because i was enjoying it so much especially just boarding the ships and like the fights with the music and all that so fun finn bear yeah oh finney so sorry about the sniffles oh that's the one thing about streaming for me that's quite annoying is uh my allergies at least in videos i can like just leave for a moment and just try and steam my face and stuff to make my allergies stop i haven't come back but in streams you can't really do that if i left for like 15 minutes and steam my face wouldn't you promise that absolutely no one would leave oh it's the mob it's knocked him down all right i think i've got enough cash well i've got more than enough i just wanted a bit of a buffer absolutely so patrick it's just like i would leave so thank you for being honest patrick um pop locked dave in the bits they'd be streaming normal time and xmas eve i've been locked in close with the shop to do and i don't want to miss all of it i imagine about the same time yeah i would think so that would be the plan anyway uh charlie thank you very much for the sub this alien day for the bits and genius uh summers thank you for the tip thank you for spelling the entire alphabet for me i need that help as well uh carol sparkly lisa knocking ford and uh little nanders thank you for the subs regular stuff thank you for those five subs again that's very kind yeah all right did i go past this shop i was not looking why is this guy still driving this kid around she's freaking out i can't believe the next stream is christmas eve i know it's insane oh god really looks creepy there where do you think you're going is he meant to be outside what the hell was that okay that guy's thinking for the bits and regular stuff thank you for the bits as well thank you very much for the bits guys leave the messages as well congratulations on becoming an engineer that guy asdf that's awesome congrats hey gary tobin thank you for this gifted sub as well drive to mr burns casino i honestly can't even remember what we're doing and why i need this outfit come on crazy dude who's willing to drive an even crazier kid around federally mandated breakfast maybe we should go eat she hasn't eaten since we started i just find it so odd why they chose the npc's could drive it must have been something to do with an age rating or something i should put it in hate we'd be there in no time watch this though oh perfect timing all right coppers what have we got to do get into the vehicle are okay getting in okay you are follow snake and find three strikes of evidence against him okay i don't understand why you need me and why you need me to fit in yet you're there in your full uniform with the sirens on can we just arrest him for reckless driving he's kind of all over the place yeah this this this is absolutely just reckless dangerous driving for sure a few hit and runs there running over an elderly person without a license oh you can get a license for that i need to check that out one more one more reason oh oh no no no no no no no he's going to get away because i crashed off effects say hang your head in shame i will i literally was going to anyway god damn it teabag feet thank you for the [ __ ] uh saffik thank you very much for the sub as well all right let's try this again where can i apply for a license to run old people down i assume it's scripted where he drops it and not anything to do with the time or if i hit him and whatnot so you should drop another one around here isn't it yeah why was lisa just cackling there was it because he knocked down the old person was that it if so that is cold like laughing sure but a cackle wait what where is this you're just lucky i can't remember faces come on that was so full it just spawns right at the other side of the ramp there's no way he was that low either like that spawn under him for sure perfect's sake care bear thank you for the song i don't know why you're sobbing i'm a disappointment that personally thank you for the sum as well that wasn't an e-pert move it was not an ebert move and it wasn't very pog either it's a mario kart move it sure is oh look at this sailors someone call the cops strike one counterfeit designer jeans stay on his tail nice and easy why did it spawn on the ramp like that you need to keep up with him okay so i need to go a bit closer wait wait where's the second one okay there we go by the way okay you gonna drop another one don't do it dude don't do it don't do it don't do it oh thank goodness okay drive to mr burns casino i had to go across didn't i if i got it before the ramp the first time i would have been started i could have just 180. i don't know if i could even make it back in time did i make it here in a minute i didn't did it i like how we just abandoned him as well like just let him get away can i go this way wait what's in the booth is that a dog dude i've been crashing like a lot case in point there is literally no momentum lisa i know it's time to move maybe i'd go faster if i took my pants off what do you think wait you're in the car with a minor achievement i mean they pretty much just did distorted roots green arrow galaxy cake grognac any flies i love your name grognac by the way grognek the subscriber thank you for the gifted song small fry samurai and addie hill thank you for the subs okay we'll get here eventually we have been playing for about 15 minutes so you're not completed a single mission oh dear okay all right nice and easy and ideally if i could not get jammed between the legs of some statue that would be just perfect that would be the dream that is small man is it like a weird rendering oh no oh no go go go dude go go go oh no okay i'm gaining on him yes item dropped oh i'm not taking the shortcut this time it turns out that was not a shortcut i probably would have made it if i just went around but i thought i was more caught for time it was a lot more kind to me this time dropping this side of the ramp perfect don't be alive i don't think you are a professional dude this took way too long for us to complete all right yeah there is a dog in the trunk i never noticed that before i don't think call me dog twitch yale maybe they sent him on a nice cruise they got some great package deals these days five buffets per boat inclusive thanks chief you are this looks better than cyberpunk it's less buggy anyway that's for sure they should have done a simpsons cyberpunk game would have been a lot less stressful for them all right oh you can actually jump down there i was just trying to reset uh right what's this mission helping the captain i should have paid more attention in the gym nice job kevin thank you very much very pogrous of me if i do say so lauren with the curly hair thanks for the sub it's really kinda hey kevin i almost crashed my car when i got the notification you went live jesus christ you need to put your phone on silent when you're driving or something sorry about that check it out have you noticed anything weird you know black sedans guys with dark glasses yeah maybe i've seen something and i just got a notification they were playing the game and i know it's time to watch the stream but this game is so underrated it really is their favorite then again anyone that has played this game seems to have loved it like i don't think i've come across someone who was like oh i played that game when i was a kid i hated it seems to seem to like it hello springfield hey kevin hope you're having a good day i am cookie thank you very much uh wait what's the mission here and yeah i'm having a pretty good day very productive very different to yesterday which was not a productive day at all and we go wait set the fish free oh no this one's a hard one isn't it on the wrong way oh that was some turn though i think this one was hard oh god there is literally no momentum lisa stop seeing man i'm stuck there is no speed this thing will not fall off it's stuck on me and i can't move okay there we go okay i got it loose will you stop screaming she's screaming getting all hyped when i'm literally doing nothing okay i may as well get an idea of the route oh sorry yeah we'll just knock you down with our car instead like i think the fish are already goners if they're up on land like this unless they're beginning the stages of evolution and they're just happy to be on land evolving i wish i would evolve but i don't think it's gonna happen i'm actually not doing too bad all things considered like that start was just horrible uh nine more can i do this probably not i think this one is actually quite tough jesus christ thank you for swerving they just gave up their own i was gonna say car but probably life to save me maybe they just saw i went live and they just swarmed off the road oh simpsons didn't run i'm in that game okay i don't think i can make it i probably should have just restarted from the start but i thought it might be a good idea they saw me going live too oh my god i actually almost got there wait hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my god i gotta wait one second remaining despite that start sweet bejesus wait it's gotta be this way right thank goodness the the dot actually directs you around rather than direct that was poggers wasn't it pog guys very pog i know that oh jesus that was actually pretty cool i didn't think that was possible what an e-pert move i am coming across is a bit of an e-perch right now total [ __ ] e-pert uh flinder thank you for the sub the amount of people who are swerving out of the way because i'm not even looking at the screen look at all those poggers ellis george thank you so much for the generous tip that is super kind of thank you very much oh thank you for the kind message as well super tiny merry christmas to you as well very nice um glitter crimson lonnie come back katie mitchell c garbage taylor lauren um coastal power out laura thank you for the subs there as well god lisa can hardly see not that it matters i'm not looking what the hell is that noise i don't think i've ever heard a car sound like this in this game oh dude it just doesn't sound good i love that line the sad day for generic characters everywhere thanks for delivering me distorted roots thank you so much for 10 subs that is so kind thank you so much you didn't have to do that that's great you'd be very kind folks i appreciate it very nicely like how it's realistic with the sun blinding you as you drive yeah the old pirate in the sea destroy the black limo to find bart okay do i have a oh i do i think i should have picked a different vehicle should i just restart or what should i do oh oh god all right you know what let's he's like how did you fed yourself this bad you did a full loop and crashed into me when i gave you the mission oh dope thank you very much for the five jesus ellis uh distorted roots and dope thank you so much for the the generous subs there that was super kind of you guys yeah better car yeah i think it's needed i don't think this car is gonna do it um can i use this thing i'd rather like mr plow or something if i can use that uh god there's so many cars in this game uh cloud king maybe oh th this is actually just as good it's calling the boss i don't think buses work like that you're thinking of taxi i think uh-oh why does she keep saying that literally every time i get stuck okay i don't know if i restart will it come on that would be destroying this it's a hundred percent destroyed after that like into the ocean um yeah i don't know if i reset will it put me in the school bus so i'm just gonna chance it with a little bit of a delay he got a bit of a head start on me god he's strong and nick becker xd gamer bees ethan thank you very much guys lisa doesn't have any catchphrase if you need me i'll be in my room it's about as close as it gets i suppose oh that hurt a lot i need speed wait is that the police officer it is the police officer driving it it's uh is it eddie what's his name isn't it why does my brain hang on to stuff like this but i forget useful stuff it's like oh yeah the name of that cop who hardly ever talks in the simpsons is eddie is it larry i'm actually kind of relieved if it's larry i thought it was eddie though sorry there we go i like how she's saying i hope bart gets blamed for that when he's possibly been kidnapped he's been missing for days and they're like oh bad gets blamed for that god we'll all be pissed off at him at the funeral it's pretty dark like come on give him a break it's eddie lou and eddie yeah that's what i was thinking lou is a bit more prominent because i think william just talks to him more i can't remember how wiggins sounds like all right through the gas now stop saying that literally every time we crash you're being sarcastic and you're pissing me off all right see captain i got the job done oh god i destroyed the limo and killed bart no murderer eb he wasn't in the limo he got out and he boarded that ship can you take me there nah i hate to see perfect sake oh we're still going all right i'm gonna swap car wait what wow um okay she's actually got a faster carton bar i thought his was faster but hers handled better but apparently not hers is just better in every way i just think i need something a little bit quicker in fact yeah it is pretty damn fast find baron talk to him are we already at the end of this chapter we must have done one or two missions last time i wasn't sure uh we need to ramp up there you see and that's why i wanted the faster car i think it's around here vaguely remember sorry all right come on come on come on there we go yes let's try again i didn't know it was possible to overshoot it looks sick all right go around do it again you know what they say second try is the charm all right take it a bit easier this time all right you know what they say third time's the charm i was even thinking when i went up there it's like they don't say second time's the charm it's third time the charm so good you got the faster care yep that's clever thinking why the kev man okay all right kevin fourth time's the charm why didn't i just stay in the bus this is so much easier okay this is it oh my god why are you saying have why are you happy about this all right this is actually the last chance i have fifth times the charm we need to get the sweet spot you're using the wrong ramp will i just do the lower bit this part you lied to me all right i don't think i have enough time to do this again but go go go god damn it avoid hitting traffic vehicles what kind of tip is that oh for [ __ ] sake i have to do this part again all right let me try in this car or you know what it's not worth it is it it's not [ __ ] worth it why is this mission so long kevin this is just a disaster it really was i i can't believe the 25th time the charm don't say that you know it could come true right i'm going to try and hop in and restart it and see will it restart me in that car and i'm just going to do the ramp in the bus because it would actually be easier that car is too fast springfield yes okay here we go now a hard hit straight away take that officer go straight after him a cute little hufflepuff flower girl mary ryan thank you very much for the support ryan thank you very much for uh the generous tip and the kite awards and there probably won't be a cover in this year's special i've not included one as of yet and the problem is is when i include them those videos take so much work and then i just i i get a loss off of making them because the cover gets plain so it kind of sucks but i was debating trying to learn uh because some christmas songs are pretty simple i was debating trying to learn one and just uploading a copper by itself like christmas morning or something um but it would be pretty short time frame to actually get it done so i don't know if it's possible i don't know um but yeah it's frustrating um uh total agree ellie isn't funny thank you very much for the subs knocking fern thank you so much for five subs that was super generous of you thank you very much for that you didn't have to do that you're always too nice um right are we gonna are we gonna kill you now come on dude it's time to die come on i don't even know why we're killing the limo to be honest with you i don't know did the sea captain just tell me to do it i just do whatever the captain tells me to do for the most part i'm a good seaman yes here we go and then we just need to drive back and then he just tells me all right there's no more to this i wonder if i'll get extra credit oh sure thank you very much for the bits acoustic cover of bibson i don't think that's a good idea i mean it is a good idea but it's not at the same time you know what i mean um lucky for thank you so much for that again oh that was that was not good uh hey mcbecca xd gamer beast uh ethan thank you very much guys please don't catch me i don't want to lose the coins jesus christ guys nothing thank you for that again and ellie isn't funny thank you so much for the the uh gift itself there as well and smelly jelly thank you so much for the extra tip that that is just way way too kind that is way too much thank you very much though um some extra money my gift budget and your content has made me has made this weird year a lot more bearable so i just want to say thank you and merry christmas that is super kind to you jelly thank you so much you didn't have to do that thank you so much for that and right we got to get on top of there pops still after me but this appeared to be a little bit lost so that's good they're still after me though okay i think i lost them on this straight boardwalk with no no alternate uh options of where to go they have they've lost me slimy coffee thanks for the sub jelly thank you very much for that though again that was way way too kind to you very generous and uh slimy thank you again for the self all right there we go for once i'm not going to get mad at you saying that gta 6 looks great would have been like that guy the guy who watched the videos i'm like oh my god can you believe it rock stars yes king that's so buggers of you thank you very much no my son is also named bort a lot of simpsons fans here um right that is 100 complete continue we're on to marriages levels aren't we i think i liked marriages levels from what i remember why she look high she is look at her outfit talk to bat i mean i don't know if there's much point you won't get much conversation out of him i like how homer's just there eating cheese by the slice is that cheese or crackers honestly it just looks like a solid stick of butter that is just replenishing itself but yeah yeah your son's back home or if if you want to talk to him at any point you don't have to thank you again for that honestly way too much security cameras mysterious vans circles he wraps bacon around his butter sticks didn't you do that in some episode was it when he was trying to gain the weight he was doing that with the episode with the moomoo all right shark boy didn't even stop oh my god marriage's run is amazing oh my god i want some of that butter homie that is just somehow terrifying it's really scary all right let's see what we got to do oh candy narrow follow the police to laird lads oh off they go she's not used to my gameplay this is just screaming as soon as i get in control like where is laird lance oh it's over there is it i didn't really do the mission as described i went to landlads but the police followed me here there we go packed up and all wait why were you in such a rush with your sirens on i need you to find out what happened our hair seems shorter in the car we will see we will experiment marriage levels are my favorite i remember them being good ah that's cute subtitles good idea squishy i'll check the donut store is closed and i got a monkey on my back screaming for crawler oh oh he's screaming i don't think it has subtitles i think we looked last time but i'll take a look just in case no the options are very limited as you can kind of see unfortunately um yeah sorry no luck sorry about that uh oh my god hit the donut i'm getting electrocuted chief william do something open fire all right i need 10 donuts please thank you more yes off to a good start i think i'm blind actually i looked away some of the npcs in this game are terrifying i just saw an old lady who looked very scary she looks like one of those things that youtubers would call at 3am and they wouldn't believe what happened i should do one of those videos who could i call at 3am oh my god maybe a surgeon from the injuries yes come on six more no what am i saying i need five more okay good we got him in a good spot here yes this is great this is great there we go perfect a crazy lady thank you for the sub mary jackson for the bits as well um i've been driving listening to streaming the whole time there were sirens and honking very disconnecting oh god be careful anyway jesus christ don't let it distract you i always thought that like there was some adverts uh every now and again that would have like honking and stuff are you tired of your daily commute and like the i would start with loads of honking and i'm just like i don't think this should be legal to be honest it's really distracting i'm just a really loud honks that's off the edge um crazy lady thanks again for the sub and katie thank you very much for the the bits there as well don't know if i'll make your christmas eve stream so i want to say thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the content you create for us you've made this fact you're better for so much of us and wanted to wish you merry christmas i hope you've lovely day with your family and it's been time for me since the sun is rising good night everyone thank you so much katie you're always so kind i really appreciate that and have a fantastic christmas as well if we don't see you on christmas eve there it goes call rt at 3am imagine i called my friends at 3am and here's what happened and i just call everyone in my contacts list it will be hilarious but i think i would genuinely lose friends hi katie thanks very much for that again um outdated garlic thanks for the bits i bought the new air printed arrived today it looks so cool yes so happy do i have mine around here i don't know where i put it i think i put it in the thing behind me um oh it they look so good though thank you very much for buying one and thanks for the feedback sharkboy thank you for the sub as well silver games little morgan thank you too do it you're trying to make me lose friends so i have no one to hang out with and i have to stream more that's what you're doing aren't you called knockout 3am that might be the one i'd be tempted to do i have a truck full of donuts to eat hey what you thinking about what what's wrong with you hey i was thinking let's think about stuff i just thought i might call you oh he'd be so upset oh that'd be funny what's kevin drinking the blood of his enemies you got it in one chief you got it in one this just got brad thanks for the sub i wonder if we can finish off marriage's levels before we take a look at the the christmas special and what videos we can include um no we don't need your mission go um away mission is even next i'm not really remembering her missions for some reason i may have repressed them honestly being a mom is hard i'm i think i would understandably repress them hello cletus i don't care if you is from new york you ain't taking pictures of rd craftitude for no magazine no way no cletus it's me marge march how long does it take for you to put your christmas specials together i usually start in november i started a bit late this year so i got um because obviously this is the first year that i've been like regularly streaming um let me just restart actually in fact i'm afraid i'll restart the whole mission oh no oh no oh no oh no come on come on come on come on hold on oh my god how did i save that the bear was oh my god what is happening the bear was completely empty i think he's crashed too okay thank goodness i i think we've no we've not recovered at all that was just a complete disaster but we don't have to restart the whole thing um this is the first year i've been streaming regularly that i i've also had to do daily content and work on this christmas special um so i got some help this year from the editor the clips channel uh fluffyrocksgames uh which was hugely helpful like i was picking out all the videos and just uh he was clipping some out for me and i was adding clips as well and it made it so much easier so much easier and then i filmed and edited my parts in between uh the clips and whatnot in between each category if you get what i mean but they they take a long time a lot longer than normal videos um ideally the smart thing would be pick clips as i go throughout the year but i don't my brain doesn't work like that am i supposed to hit into him by the way or does he just drop them randomly i i love the banjo music playing i don't know if you can hear that let me turn it up a bit is that good can you hear the banjo the car is a bit too loud to really appreciate the banjo i don't know if i have to hit into him no i don't think so i think it's just a matter of keeping up to him yes a little bit lonely thank you for the tip yeah i'd lose all of them as friends i think if i did call all of the irish lads here we go sorry i'm concentrating super hard because i don't want to repeat this this is like all of my brain cell working at once and it's overclocked the pistons are going a mile a minute and there's smoke coming off of it yes oh no no no no no no no no no how am i messing this up so much please stop turning pick it okay there we go the turning circle is so bad it just wouldn't go around oh thank you now jack walker thanks for the sub distorted ruse thank you so much for the bits that's super kindly merry christmas to you as well uh silver thank you for the sub and uh silver cat making the solve as well boss b taylor dogs summers jewel thief thank you very much guys julie merry christmas to you as well a psychopathy for the bits i called i called target 3m and you won't believe what happened also thanks for making this fact world a bit more bearable thank you very much this just got brad thank you for the sub as well all right cletus what do you want because i want to hug apparently [ __ ] ron is hilarious sims 4 has a new update does it i was playing the sims life stories today which is basically sims 2. it's very nostalgic i think i want to play a bit of the sims 2 on a stream it's something i've wanted to do for the past month or so but i want to play i was going to play sims one but then i was like maybe since two i couldn't really decide um all right don't get your clothes dirty purchase marriages inmates clothes she's like oh i don't want to get dirty but a dress as an inmate and run around town okay fine merch seems to on stream would be so fun yeah i think it would be because there's so many expansions for it and it's one of my favorites and it also i wouldn't have the technical difficulties that sims 1 comes with even though now that i have my virtual machine running xp i should be able to run xp games a bit easier i was this close to buying like a small computer to just have on xp but then i took out my other old computer and tried to put xp on it and i couldn't it was just messing up so uh where do i have to go at the school really it's in the quickie mart i don't know how much it is but we'll go checking the quickie man do the laptop running xp i used to um but it stopped working i went to started the other day and like you hit the power button it goes and it just turns off sounded like someone looking for phone support yeah so i have one of your laptops and it goes and then it just turns off they're like oh god i'm gonna be on this call for hours all right inmate there we go unknown bond and danger games thank you for the subs uh let's see uh fear thank you for the bits as well closing my new house oh happy days congratulations look how happy marriage is she's like looking around she's like it's not really an inmate marriage relax i know congratulations that is awesome that is so cool izanix and mr nobody thank you very much um cutie cheetah thanks for the sub as well all right cletus i'm all dressed up i even put the like little leg cough on there let's go help cletus harvest ketchup packets for the winter okay i feel like there's an easier way of doing this i'm not exactly getting dirty and i don't know why i'm even here i'm in the passenger seat i'm not driving i guess i'm just here for moral support oh excuse me sorry the old allergies are acting up today and it's weird because i even woke and i was like i haven't taken my allergy medication in like i don't know four or five days and they've been fine this is great i mean it is december after all allergy season is well over and then about two hours later three hours later i was taking my allergy medication because it got bad again i should probably just be on it all year round but i don't know if you're supposed to be oh i'm on a roof interesting um i'm not sure if you're supposed to be taking them uh throughout the whole year i don't really know what the deal is i've never done it before i usually only take them in the summer but my allergies seem to be getting worse and obviously with streaming and everything i just don't want them to be obnoxious for people watching where i'm sneezing and sniffling all the time are these missions going too well or is that just me that thinks that like i seem to be kind of breezing through them uh-oh why did i say anything it's above me it's above the ramp oh no no no no no no go back please go back oh no i know the police are after me and they're somehow already in here oh no oh no please please get it oh thank goodness they're still after me but i can get out of here oh no oh no no stop dude you're killing more people than you're saving oh jesus enough effects sex get away from the black sedan yes the cops have t-boned them yes this might actually work please work please work please work yes yes it's all working out why is that that cop is just stuck in the field crashing into the van why was there a timer to get back to his house and then when i got rid of the black car they're like actually i'm not in a rush wait who got a puppy oh i'm so jealous i want a puppy you've got a puppy oh oh i think it was a little nervous hold on hold on let me just get this back um oh let me let me know done seed one of them corn drawings once but he's with allah now you might and should ask some other old folks about it maybe try around the graveyard thanks cletus twerk nothing nothing i have no idea crimson dragon flight thanks so much for the sub right clear thank you for the sub jail goals thank you for the sub mod y thank you so much for the bits and i'm so happy you've gotten a puppy that is amazing she's the sweetest thing ever i'm so happy for you also jealous but mainly happy for you all right i can drive this toxic waste never mind uh ryuk thank you for the sub um this poticus thank you for the sub acid turtle jack walker bbb hanifis ifea thank you guys so much for the support all right mole man we're here i'd like to talk to you about something young man he's just rolling down the [ __ ] mole man oh my god okay excuse me okay dallas thank you for the sub doctor and t thank you so much watch out moments if the police find me out past curfew they'll throw me in jail i won't survive another night in jail well i was wondering if you've ever seen a question hurry up and get to the home before the police locked the doors god it's very restrictive isn't it wait hold on hold on i'm not in a car yet chief william please i don't even have a fast car i'm driving toxic waste i think you should be after me well actually no the guy in the car with me i'm not actually driving oh this is a disaster one second let me just can i still use this oh thank goodness um i want the clown care it would be very fitting for me uh yes and now restart and it should restart me in that vehicle a cold fire jpennel molly dog thank you very much for the subs guys marge simpson at your service there we go you love how marriage is driving yeah it's pretty hilarious is there always that animation that she walks around i thought you'd just appear in the car all right well this is a race isn't it oh my god dude you're a cop you're not supposed to do stuff like that honestly if marriage didn't waste [ __ ] time at the start walking around we would have been fine it depends on the vehicle okay despite my age i am driving here all right this might this might recover some time that might help oh my god he's a [ __ ] madman i mean i am too but like you're a person of authority can't you go left here he got a bit stuck i think perfect shortcut by me just a great move wait hold on where am i going i'm going over here i was going to take a shortcut over to that direction for no reason hey grandpa is this one flying despacitos thank you very much for the five subs that is super kind thank you very much i hope i'm saying that right this is this spartacus right i think that's how you say it thank you so much for that cold fire thanks for the sub and world writer thank you for the bits as well that's a very kind message as well thank you grandpa bouncy thanks for keeping me in my mom companies we make christmas cookies that is awesome i hope you're enjoying it that's very christmasy that would put you in the christmas spirit oh i'll do my best uh let's see what are we even doing what find the bullies in the school playground i picked the wrong car for this but i'm committed now the dump truck just driving into the playground i don't know if i'm even gonna make it to the playground to be honest with you probably for the best oh no it's not possible is it is it hold on one second to spare hey nelson adios you hear him say as he gets crushed by a dump truck those are his last words very fitting right now making very very much for the [ __ ] all right get into your vehicle i'm taking a different vehicle that was just awful having three kids really slows you down doesn't know marriage sir can you give me a lift she's talking to her own car like that shawn thank you very much for the bits that's very kind here kevin i totally know that allergy struggle mine's been acting up for months but i hope you have a wonderful holiday thank you very much for that yeah allergies are just very annoying mine can get very very bad like this is annoying but sometimes they're so bad that it's just like it's actually like being ill it's it's horrible oh god damn oh no oh no oh no i think i may have messed it up already these ones seem to mess me up more than anything wait where is he going now he just did a 180. i don't know if i can catch up to him i'm trying my best again i'm sorry about the sniffling though i know it must be annoying oh my god and it must be annoying the way i'm driving as well totally understand if you're like you know what i hate this guy and you just leave this is the final straw oh i was clinging on my tread belly button and tragic glamour thank you for the i don't know if you should be setting that example to be honest marriage screaming no hands why is it making me replay this part at least it's much faster in this vehicle than the the dump truck the dump truck felt very very slow it just seems unnecessary oh dear it's just an unnecessary part of the mission isn't it really all right shall we go i hope they're all right i gotta get out in front of the school all right stay close stay close stay close but not too close just close that i won't fail and i can like mess up a little bit but also stay a bit back so i can correct my course to pick it up these ones just put me on edge sorry i have to use my whole brain cell again it really takes a lot out of me when i use all of it at once i can't really multitask he's a little bit stuck so he is can't believe this guy lost me last time he's like completely incompetent but i out incompetently did it in him four more four more you can do it kevin there we go little hit and run that's got yeah it's cheered up and concentrated i was hoping to go on the tunnel i was like that would actually make it easier because at least it's just straight nine no okay it's fine and oh no not again not again not again ten perfect return to the retirement castle shall do it's not even that far is it they're giving me plenty of time at least they don't think it's too fair but then again i'll probably mess it up somehow i usually uh find a way oh god get away from the blacks and then okay i'll try that's why they have the timer like that no no no no get out of the way hopefully you get stuck on that yes and the retirement home is just around the corner this was this was as if i was [ __ ] speedrunning it and i knew what i was doing oh that would be so cool to know what you're doing reverend thank you very much for revenant sorry thank you very much for the sub tragic climber thanks for the bits as well don't worry about that but thank you very much for the bids and uh publications as well i post an early christmas present for you in the cult on discord reddit xmas slowfly kevin i must check that out thank you so much poplar that's awesome your drawings are always so cool messy grandpa captain tourette belly bottom thank you very much for the socks great now i need something to wake him up actual lemon i am glad to i hope wrapping presents is going well for you i am terrible at wrapping presents um like in my family i just started making a meme out of it like i just throw the wrapping paper around and just get the tape and go it's just done it's honestly awful and i just get the worst wrapping paper as well it would be a complete mess but it made it a lot easier it was like hahaha funny joke but i still at the same time like i actually can't rap though so this makes it a lot easier on me i just leaned into it even the cards i was getting like my uh brother-in-law like he's like getting started he's getting a power ranger cards and stuff oh the cutscenes are so creepy in this miss in this game for the last freaking time tell me pass the crap circles there i was surrounded by tojo and his nazi henchmen when one of them a raccoon as i recall it's me with a banjo now i never reason with a raccoon let alone a nazi one so uh grandpa what does this have to do with the crop circle not a thing can you dry swallow pills okay okay it was so long ago that i'll have to describe it in sepia tone well as i recall it was sort of a cosmic kind of thing shaped kind of like a planet with an old-fashioned radio antenna coming off it a planet with an antenna that sounds awfully familiar i think it was at the quickie mart that's it it was on a bottle of pop maybe that will jog bart's memory look at that crap circle it was a pretty crap circle in fact it was hardly a circle at all uh nirvana thank you very much and live narnia is it thank you very much for the bits watching while cross stitching next miss gift for my mom oh that's so nice i'd like to be talented at something like that i'm just not a very uh artistic person i'm very bad at anything uh artsy that's a very nice gift though it's very cool of you better story than cyberpunk i can't speak on that i've not got past the part i got on the stream but i was just like i don't really know if this game's from me i enjoyed it but i don't know if it's i i don't know if i have the patience for it and there it was very buggy like most of them were just funny though to be fair i don't mind just funny bugs um as long as it doesn't get me like stuck or anything hello son i climbed in your window that's the alien mind control cola they gave us tons of that up in the alien spaceship they're using it to make the town go crazy oh moment of clarity there you snap out of your tree i love this lamp later i'm going to the arcade this conspiracy goes all the way to the top i need a little extra firepower as officer marge i like how it seems like the lines were recorded and then they couldn't really fit that into the game like he goes later i'm heading to the arcade and then he just stands there idly just staring off into nothing all right now i gotta get the police uniform but i don't think i have enough coins let me take a look i don't know why bart can sell it for me uh all right 400 i need 210 more well 211 to be exact if you want to get picky taco taco thank you very much for the tip thank you so much for the kind message as well merry christmas to you thank you chip and bean as well um right let's try and collect some coins if i can oh the neighbors have coins wait can can i not pick that up oh there we go okay i just walked through it why was that in bart's treehouse a picture of homer in underwear should i be worried that is concerning to say the least cats thank you very much for the sub and i mister thank you as well for the sub come on marge collect them all steal from your neighbors forge the coins all right perfecto i think we'll be able to finish this section i don't know how much is left in it but it seems like we're breezing through it for the most part collecting coins really slows you down but we're still just we're flying through the missions i might hop in the car and try and destroy some of the boxes that might be lying around why does she run like that i have no idea it is very strange uh w-two uh wtf g-t-f-o-d thanks for the sub i just gave up with that name i apologize i just started spelling it and i was like i actually don't know how to say this so there you go thank you very much how do you remember that it must stand for something or you it must say something right but i've lost it lonnie thank you very much for the tip kevin also called when i get my puppy what should i name it that sentence when i get my puppy watch my name it should be the puppy's name you're welcome you can have that for free coins completely missed it all right there's got to be some around here somewhere i should be careful here i'm about to do a hit and run and i really don't want to because they'll take my coins some more coins i need 30 or 45 more even not worth going up no there here i might just head back towards the house i'm bound to find some uh rhino thank you for the sun there's got to be some on the way back i just don't want to head further from the house and then having to turn around i think if you destroy these he gets oh jesus wasn't probably worth two coins to get the cops that pissed off at me i'm destroying things slowly and just about keeping them off me this will get me coins but jesus really being risky here i think i can go into wiggums back garden get some coins there while this kevin's dog is four pumpkin it was wait no pumpkin was the uh the cat iconic cat i loved that pet out of all the pets i've had in the sims i think that was the best one i was sad when he left us perfect all right i have more enough coins now i'm i can afford to get in a bit of trouble he just said i think my tummy leaked as i kicked him a poor child i'm like i don't want to get the cops after me and then i break into the back garden of the chief of police and kick his son over and make his stomach leak i didn't even steal from flanders but oh well i don't know why i have to climb in the window and again i am a prisoner and moonback thank you for the bits pink chocolate thank you for the sub as well uh rhino thank you for the sub uh spike thank you for the bits and charlotte thank you for the sub as well i definitely couldn't cross stitch i mean maybe if i fully put my my mind on it i could do it but that's the problem it's me having the patience is the issue i think i i think i would get up to like i'd be able to do it but i don't think i'd be able to do anything well if i really persevered but i just know i wouldn't be able to persevere want to collect all the evil color cans before the timer is out okay i'll try oh god this music again getting flashbacks why are they in her garden and why did i need a police outfit for this broke into people's gardens to steal coins so i could dress as a police officer and break into people's gardens um i don't know if i should be on foot oh is that the lemon tree i've never noticed that before um i'm guessing i should be on foot i'm not exactly sure i'm gonna hop into it for this section shave off valuable seconds you know just a speed running technique oh oh okay that actually lost me time because it's the same button to get in the car as it is to press the button so i've actually yeah i've yeah i've lost a lot of time there don't do that if you're attempting to speed run get out my way i have no interest in fighting you wasps having three kids i know marriage you keep saying it over and over again no no no no no no how do i get up there again oh no no no no no no do i have to go all the way around that guy's just standing there that's [ __ ] creepy all right let's try this thing now get some momentum going yes what what okay you can't get across the how do i get up there then i don't understand oh up here god damn it oh god i've lost a lot of time now i'm losing more why can i not jump when i'm up there okay there okay can i still do this directing no i don't think so even though some of those are pretty close i hope i can do something neat with this goddamn i can't believe i messed that up oh no no no don't go up okay i think okay i've definitely lost it now that's a shame at least i know now it was still close mind you i wasn't too far off actually doing it that's a shame becky thank you very much for the bits go kevin go i'm sorry i let you down but this time this is the one this is the one uh kev scottish jets fan gizza mr gaithian becky thank you the gifted sub there as well uh terrier thanks very much for the sub and cats thank you very much for the um for the tip i'll read your message there in a moment i'll try to focus down on this to make sure i get it i don't want to disappoint you know i know you guys watch me for my gaming skills and to pick up tips and tricks for the simpsons hit and run on the ps2 so i don't want my reputation to be ruined i thought i'm doing so much better this time and just knowing that i'm not going to waste time here this is great perfect get down marge get down oh good jump oh look at this for speed running jesus oh perspective looked a bit weird there oh again okay i'm struggling a little bit but not too bad oh no okay let's not get cocky now kevin don't worry i think i have like a minute longer than uh last time oh god the camera changed well i'm afraid all we have is cola how did i even manage that yes easy easy when you know what you're doing just walked into that truck all right sweet sour thank you very much for the sub uh particular thing for the gifted sub um gats thank you for that tip again hey kev i'm a vocal coach and i just want to say that although your voice sounds untrained you have a natural ability and a gorgeous timber thank you very much you deserve to feel good about your singing thank you very much for that yeah i'd love to get some like proper vocal lessons but i just struggled for time um i should look at shrek super slam did i play that before i'm not 100 be aware of them selling a tainted car uh it's davis thank you for the sub as well there is little here not tainted in some way even the astrology scrolls give poor advice but i will get to the bottom of this well it made bart go crazy oh wait careful mrs simpson this cola makes people do irrational things without guilt it is as though they have bottled the effects of a raging flat kegger that's it i'm going after it and any other evil cola trucks i can find all right from outer space destroy all the coal delivery drugs before time runs out i don't know if this is the best course of action but if that's what marriage thinks is right that's what we'll do um okay good that's just like is there anything here that i can call a car with i think school bus i know marge you keep saying this over and over again okay school bus sexy mommy needs time two hormones thanks for the sub [ __ ] oh wait how come lisa can drive the bus but when it's marriage auto drives oh my god these things are extreme okay are we are we are we doing this okay you you go all this homer driving there for a second there we go yes there we go that's what i'm talking about i like when they have to turn because that means i can get like another hit on them as they correct yeah that is pretty cool isn't it are you gonna catch up oh i thought he'd just destroy himself there for a second why are you painting the school bus man perfect and now we're going to mr burns's mansion for some reason but the school bus is really good for the ramming missions um over here oh i can see it yes come on yay will i get out and get the card i probably shouldn't what if it just comes up mission failed you left the boss or something the character is somewhere in the level then they don't appear in the vehicle ah okay that is good to know thank you that's just like one of those little interesting facts about games that i love all right we can do this oh god i landed on them there that did a lot of damage are we gonna okay good i was worried there for a second it didn't seem to be getting back up is he stuck he's a little bit stuck just letting the walls do the work here okay come on come on come on let's get a hit or two works take these while i'm at it oh god i was hoping to reverse into him but we're still good we got a minute on the clock i think this is quite doable oh yes perfect especially if you do stuff like that i'm actually amazed he didn't die is he trying to go back in oh no he's not drive to the power plant parking lot i mean i'm already there there's another one just pulled up waiting for me my turn to get destroyed these aren't too bad to be fair so far anyway i did get quite lucky with that last one like landing on his roof did so much damage oh great and now i'm going to hit the one why are they in the fields i don't understand i'm definitely gonna get booked here is the only problem yeah okay that's fine i'm busted yep yep that's fine just continue yep no don't get out marge [ __ ] hell don't just give up just because the law says you got to stop you keep going okay we got this that's a lot of damage he's gonna die he's jammed let me get you free there hold on i'll i'll go around i really need a repair or something oh that was a lot of damage there's a repair thing there now i'll finish them off first i think that should be doable good man drive to the simpsons house i'll pick up a spanner on the way i'm not very good at this um the real guy thank you very much for the sub jordan maybe the bits as well please play more minecraft soon i need to i still have that world and we did the woodland mansion and i was really enjoying it it's just so much stuff that i want to stream life is hard dude just like i want to play more video games get away from chief william oh god damn it all right please just lose me it's the only thing that gives me no why do i have to have this there we go this is stressful to be honest uh surrender thank you very much for the sub i've totally forgot there was a pool levels i always forget that i remember doing the videos as well and forgetting it i thought it just went marriage homer but no it's marge a poo and then homer right there's no second i think homer's the only one who gets a second level i think there we go level complete do we need a cutscene making thank you very much for the five subs that is very kind yeah thank you very much micken thank you so much for that it's very kind to you do you update for stardew valley yeah that's another game we gotta plan stream and they do the new update which is huge the new npcs new island and everything no cutscene that's just it okay fair enough we're just on to the next section but as promised we've we almost nailed the time i said in about an hour and a half an hour 32 minutes nearly exact um we're gonna go over to premiere and we're gonna take a look to see if we can gather some clips for the christmas special and so let me quit out of this um but i totally understand if that's not your thing and you want to peace out we're just going to take a look amongst ourselves to see if there's anything that we could do with adding um it's uh it would be great to get your feedback just on what could be added and i'll let you know if it's already in there there's a lot of footage that's been put in there already i think it's like an hour and a half long so far um let me see how can i do this uh let me get up the edit first um right okay and then i can share this window with you surely um premiere and i'll just place that fit screen why is that so i guess it doesn't matter if you don't see the top it's just a bit weird that you can't see the top section but i guess you can see everything important let's see okay this is how long it is so far there we go behind the scenes i know right this um this isn't as elaborate as a normal edit would be there'd usually be a lot more going on but since this is mainly just clips it's uh it's not that bad it's not that bad at all like at the moment i've got um let me change the category first okay is there like an editing category um um i guess just chatting just chatting kind of works i guess um the original 30 video that is in there that is in there uh right uh alan thank you for the sub bamboo j thank you for the sub wanted rob elise spicer thank you for the bits as well and mike thank you very much for the five subs as well that's very kind here um right let me check the discord and see if anyone gave clips first of all um that's probably still the best wear place to put them okay there's quite a few uh all right we got hitman clip with me oh um what's am i able to share the web page as well um i don't know let me see let me bring up what if i brought up like edge um okay oh no i can't use that either back let me see what about if i got firefox and i could run that so you could see that that that might work the whole asmr clip from a couple streams go oh dear just did there were no context um right can i share this with you should be doable um let me share another window firefox okay and we're gonna have to put that over to the side or something um okay that might work i guess and then if i move this one like there and then i could move up this is so confusing all right how about that it's a little bit messy but we got there um and i'll keep this open as well so i can see a shrinking wild rafism allen bamba j wanted rob lee spicer thank you very much for the support as well i'm making thank you very much for the five as well okay um now the first suggestion we have is hitman 2 but killing everyone is the real treasure the only problem is that one's a pretty recent one uh 13 19 is it no thanks no no no i don't i don't want to add some my own videos this is why i've premium oh well i'm going to be getting a lot of ads aren't we for sake uh what was the time stamp they gave me again um 13 19. okay let's get bad skip bad come on come on let's get started oh this is playing a picture in picture but why okay 13 19. what have we got here the problem is some may not fit the uh the themes either that i got going on you sure and they might not he calls that in just before i killed him yeah i'm not sure i'm trying to figure out the categories this one would probably go into like me being a bad person but i think i have a lot already in that category yeah if you could include a time stamp as well that would be great uh the family of glashknock i think i've enough among us in there already uh pee pee poopoo he's already in there a lot um what's this video uh asmr i think that's a bit too recent um oh i think this this might be a good one to put in um oh yeah the the one 904 he's they're saying i like that section as well we're set by this world they're all lying to me i could really go for a bathroom break yeah just made me laugh so much just not the fact that that i'm laughing on my own video by the way just the uh the fact the game allowed you to do that but they definitely didn't um they didn't intend to i think i already have this video downloaded i think i included parts of it but i'll add that and i'll check it later um uh i skate i might not include the skits from the start um what else have we got it's where you have your shower normally i hope that's true um all right let's see the worst pokemon what is this talking about pokemon which video is this and rename them oh is all right i'm renaming it to muck congratulations you're the worst pokemon come on i see me mock is wondering what i'm doing i'm drinking from the edge of the waterfall mark if you want to be lame you can stay back there that's fine but the rest of the clan is gonna think you're a wuss oh god i'm falling muck mock please muck forget about what i said earlier please i can't get off yeah i think that's gonna find a place in there oh i think that could go in there let's paste the link and we can download that kev thank you so much for the tip you're always too kind happy holidays from one kevin to another and happy holidays back from one kevin to another the fuse the fuse the only problem is that wasn't in a video was the only thing um but it's still it's a good clip i think it could make it in there yeah if someone wants to put that in the discord we can put that in there um right let's uh let's add that one in uh spectate for the bits as well bushman from in silence that is in there again a suggestion by the discord i'm not sure if it was you or someone else priorities thank you for the sub shrinking wild thank you for the sub as well hope i got everyone i hope i didn't miss anyone there um right let's add this in and what time was this the only issue is getting the times um is annoying in premiere so i should move it up to some even time so i want to go to about two it was right where i named him rock no rename i can rename that okay oh okay please i can't get up will i leave it there oh useless you didn't even attempt to help yeah i think that's good um right we got one clip good job everyone uh the calling like the among us ones i've got enough among us already i mean i don't have enough of a moment but i have enough clips uh let's see what's this one oh my god i'm getting ads um 449 this this is annoying the way i'm getting ads i wish i'd put on premium or something um 449. what happens at four points i think we should destroy the coronavirus by using a giant meteor okay for some guy i think i'm just gonna put that in without any context like it's gonna just go in i have a lockdown section uh like that has the parts of me playing like the board games alone and stuff like that and different just stuff like when i bought 50 uh 50 games and played them on steam because i was bored because i locked down and stuff and i think i'm gonna put that in there just no context to it just that in the middle all right let's move back to 30 and what time is that 4.55 don't seem like an alien there hello rf fellow humans i erect love meteors okay that's perfect we got that in that'll confuse that'll confuse them meteors okay yeah that's fine okay good suggestion uh what's this oh no no no hold on uh oh i got i got a good section of this video in already uh so good suggestion there as well um oops the links are opening in chrome um right let me see this uh 750 750. born kevin give me bone oh i like this i like that maybe we should put that in um yeah let's get that and that's at 750. uh what's this what's this twitch clip it's just called forfex i need to remember that's at 7 50. remember that everyone 7 50. well done like oh this will be too recent because that's going up that's going up in 15 minutes so that's going to be too recent i'm afraid uh oops i just closed the whole thing um not now hey there oh okay so we got that clip from earlier i'm getting confused there's so many windows open because i've got so many things up for the stream as well as the stuff you're seeing okay it was 750 wasn't it so step forward is about here it was here oh god i think i heard the screen i thought it was there i could have sworn i heard it one second let's move it back to here yeah and 750 yeah that i heard it in there somewhere i give bone give bone command wait where should i start i have bone you have bone kevin give me bone i give bone command behind you run run run i like that clip that's a good one i give bone um the entire cover of hurt in there um oh the the scene with the cows in the plant coaster is already in there uh let's see um which is this oh that's from the streamer clubs um let's see lockdown means no gym i have that one in there as well uh i'm afraid of putting anything in from the fuser video i'd be afraid to get claimed and the post malone thing as well the fuse let's see that i don't know if i can just download a clip or what all right uh we need um where is his head i want to sew it on to his crotch can i download this bring that in here name frankenstein okay so we need another leg we need to know how you can download this left leg actually we needed 2k i guess i can just download this if i go to another browser right like if i go onto chrome and i'm signed in now where he's going uh we can just download it can't we or is it why can i not download it myself like it's from my stream surely you can do oh there we go yeah it is on the chrome one perfect okay i'll just put that whole clip in there will i not where he's going all right uh we need um where is his head i want to sew it onto his crotch bring okay so we need another leg we need he's uh we need his left leg we need his head actually we needed two kidneys two just two are you okay two kidneys there's two kidneys where's the [ __ ] fuel how did you get the fish stuck in there i just leave it right i think i'll leave it there that's a good clip good suggestion um what have we got okay i try and include timestamps if you want to suggest anything uh you can do it by going on to the um the video and going to share and then you just start at so whatever time you're at so it's not adding much effort on for you i would hope uh i have a lot of tamadachi already so yeah actually you know i have a lot in already i should probably not include that but thank you uh there's no timestamp there oh wait actually there is sorry you said it below i see i see i see i see um 451 is it fine she just needs a bit more horror to liven her up yeah yeah that's exactly where do i scare dan i think i have a lot of this video in there actually already yeah i do i do i'm trying to remember because i did quite a few on um phasmophobia uh wet those appetites no don't don't don't wet those appetites don't wet anything please uh let's see town of salem 304 304 saying i was the first choice for playing the lead role in inspector gadget oh i think i would have this same ultimate that's cool we need to talk about brendan frazier much more often um lazy bone drawler thank you for the subs wtf thank you for the bits again emma rule thank you for the bits as well uh off thor thank you for the sub tragic glamour thank you for the bits and kev thank you very much for the generous tip there as well like those appetites did you know he was in the mummy liam i did thank you so much for stopping by and letting people know if they didn't know already though um let's see uh 908 on this video someone's saying 908 908 shrek and that's it that's the clip uh that's what i'm freaking out yeah that could probably go in 908 let's get this ready this is such a weird way to put these clips in but it's just not very easy to do when the the whole project is kind of made and i'm just inserting stuff that's it just oh my god guys shrek that's the clip uh i'm not sure what category this can go in but i'm sure we'll find a home for it oh my god the thing is that's not a sound effect that's me just freaking out i can't believe i got stretch sticks i don't really like think about what i'm gonna do i'm just like i'm gonna go in there and freak out and my green screw is off and i just started like shaking the [ __ ] out of it i don't know how i didn't break that thing yeah that's not sound effects i wish it was some of these things is like i wish people knew in the video but obviously you can't really just explain by the way guys that's not a sound effect that's just me um hey there friends how are you 6 16 i think he's going to take all the aggressive ones he's aggressive he hates call me kevin all right kevin you're coming too anyone else here hate call me kevin no not you guys stop raising your hands i mean the prisoner i'm not sure if i put in some of that video already there's got to be some more in here that would fit but hmm trying to think what stands out what is this attack come on come out come out you want to come out now long as i don't confiscate his stuff crying i can't even really remember what happened in this video like i remember it my guy may have no one else i remember the game but i just don't remember how it even ends i took it for presents now i gotta get it not sure what i'd include from it hmm um let's see what answer we got i already have a good bit of the town of salem uh let's see irish tic tac 550 let's take a look what have we got here pipe to t7 by christ is that a pipe t7 i haven't seen a pipe d7 yet i thought they were still under i remember that clip um i might download that and look to put it in i need to um record another little quick bit for that video because i forgot to record a section where i like introduced the like tv shows i watched and stuff like that i think yeah i did i did forget to do that um is that 505 yeah we can include that uh let's see so i'm looking for 4505 45 805. it was five or five wasn't it effect's sake now i don't know where it was because of the thing uh 550 sorry my country down please there we go blessing your feet seven yet loud and you'd be home for today by 6 pm and chase with all this daylight shift really made by the tds should they be getting if you're bringing in daylight savings time where does it end like time started tapping into my 100 irish self is the most irish i think i've ever been like there's no way you guys even understood what i was talking about surely i was all over the place irish rant indeed caitlyn thank you so much for two subs that's very kind here uh jordan thank you very much for the bits as well very kind guys thank you three kevin's on the screen yeah there's a bit too many um right what else have we got uh wait this is for literally a second you want to put in a second of this video let's see what what is this one 123 oh no it's 10 seconds sorry my apologies i was like what could this be oh yes the poop room of course again it's just too much like my childhood i understand why i didn't play this game kevin your father's done in the poop room you need to clean it what you want in there that's what you want in this edit all right if that's what you want i guess oh no um let's see thank god my internet's pretty quick because i can just download these and add them right in honestly i think i have all of these downloaded already so even though it probably wouldn't be faster to look them up um right what time is that i'm getting so overwhelmed with like trying to keep up uh six no that's different video uh 123. all right i'll just look for the woman where's the woman yeah it's here just blocked one of my eyes there we go oh yes the poop wait is there a little oh yes the poop room of course fathers you need to clean it okay let me just leave it there oh i think we got a bit of a clip in the end what what is this will i include the little no no it'll be too jarring because it'll swap to me and then swap to another clip so it'll just be all over the place um uh yeah i got some of the irish farmer in there as well don't you worry about him um let's see destroy all the humans what clip is this i don't think we have any of that in there yet no no no no i'm not an alien and i'm a communist i mean have you seen the t-shirt oh my god my camera quality there this is probably worse than the brightness actually now i think about it i don't know will i include that i don't know if there's anywhere i could include it in i don't know if it fits a category uh irish news we got that in there as well this phasmaphobia clip um hmm i'm not sure what this clip is and what center getting here well i haven't actually quite decided yet that was such a fun stream uh oh we got the deal or no deal in there um okay what's what is this one boys will be boys 520. that's whole oh i have this game in there already it looks like it's pretty abandoned i think this might be my chance i hope he fights back though like i usually don't want them to but if he runs it seems to be hard to kill in this game oh [ __ ] he is fighting back he is fighting back come over here come over here he's coming too close to me oh no oh no his wife is home or something it's just boys playing in the air boys will be boys and all that blood in this game is insane i have the baby clip in there i think don't i yeah i'm pretty sure i do uh what's this video the um man family man i i have a good bit of that in there as well actually um the good thing is i like when there's a lot of repeats because that's like okay then i may have picked okay they're like oh no i think they're realizing i'm just doing this it's not often you these were very fun to record i've got a good bit of that in there as well in silence i have that one in there too uh what's this do i have the chest part in i think i have the chest part in there yeah i'll double check uh 5 48. is there something that one's crying and that one's diseased possibly dying i think we should change your motto it should be you're either crying dying or lying in like clockwork chaotic second school huh i love school one second i just need to um check on my video and tweet it out uh let's see let's see let's see oops i just went off the tab um there we go um sorry now give bear with me one second uh um okay sorry now bear with me i just need to put on one thing irish dragons then we do have a good bit of irish dragon standing there don't you worry um what's that looking for i'm blanking why am i blanking oh yeah and okay sorry i just have to write a comment on this video as well uh there there we go um perfect all right uh where were we at um caribou thank you for the sub regular stuff thank you very much for the bits this is the wd-40 discussion you had to kill it was called i think that discussion was uh uh was about an hour long all in total winter night uh connor d ty candy thank you for the bits as well uh i'm uh i'm not breathing right now thanks for the soft jesus caitlyn spelled right thank you for the bits that's super generous to you thank you so much for the 3000 bits regular software for the bits caitlyn spelled right thank you for the two subs as well i'm max bell caribou thank you very much folks uh what have we got here um okay any more clips um i already looked here why is my discord after scrolling all the way up uh we got those in got those in hopefully i didn't miss any there um okay we got a good bit of the in silence in already what's this video oh yeah this is the one i already opened um let's see 51 for this oh thank you for time stamping it as well this game is a new game i read the story and wished to press some of this this was a cool that's right titles is this possible i mean this game allows you to hear thank you so much that's so kind to you okay i if it is here i'm not sure it could be add your knowledge but i'm too afraid to click on it so i guess no subtitles i should note that this is the first time i've played half-life one yeah we could we could include some of that and then i think there's a part about i i can't remember what it says at the start it's it says something horrible and i remember the game so you were saying where did you say 51 wasn't it new game yeah know this update maybe 51 seconds in a bit i might not touch the forest floor or the light switch should is that quit complete the game do you now destroy the game no cancel i don't want to destroy the game okay it is a new game there we go okay it is a new game this game is a new i think check to the truth this is convenient to get off experience but i'm sure this is somewhere i've played half the subtitles i should know and just that caught yep let's get the end of that gone and oh yeah this this path it is convenient to get off the bus you must first remove the disabled what wait what did you just say we have to remove the disabled that is a hate crime okay yeah we'll put that in as well just have two clips in from the video that was such a cool mod i love stuff like that i was thinking um oh you got it uh rimina you got it um i was thinking i must look into uh red dead and try and mod it a bit more there might be more mods and that'd be really fun oh what is this what is this noise distorted roots thank you so much for five subs that's super kind thank you very much distorted uh pop lock and max spell thank you for the subs as well that's very kind to you thanks so much guys um i'm not going to include any of the bigfoot show even though i'd like to because they were so aggressive with their copyright attacks um let's see what did i miss something what part was this i'm coming to save and or murder you oh jesus oh yeah that that's a murderer it's back in hell okay yeah we can put that in as well uh i'll just try and remember that one myself that was eight minutes was it yeah eight minutes roughly oops it's this one oh my god the golf video carol weezer um the bartender vr oh i remember that video i liked that video um 8 25 25. this is open but that's it i'm trying to hit it close my butt and be like a quirky quirky bartender i'm so glad i didn't use my webcam for this video what i didn't understand this game i was fixing my headset after doing that weird twerk to close the door and it's spilled out over my shoulder okay i mean it's so unforgiving it's like 8 40 roughly was it so weird these were all posted this year i know i know it's crazy it's uh let's see oops i opened it the wrong tab but that's the same one from earlier um let's see oh my god there's so many i'm trying to just skim through and see if there's anything there there's so many there's no way i can do all these [ __ ] hell thank you all for the suggestions that is a lot um okay i got that one let's bring that in let's bring that one in they were both about eight minutes weren't they uh okay eight minutes wasn't it um so it should be about the 40 mark and then a bit more come on build the peaks build the peaks there we go this video okay i was just fixing my viewers i was fixing my headset after doing that weird twerk to close the door oh i was just fixing my videos i forgot the napkin apologies okay your drinks just need a bit more flair like when i'm doing it you know i just need to be slick and confident with it even though i just over poured by about 10 mil there see that you know what i know what i'm doing now i'm getting a fake it everywhere except in the glass i'll flip the lime into it to flip the lime into okay there we go add a straw i'll add a straw and you're done thanks for taking money off me as a tip i appreciate it okay yeah we'll put that in and we need ember that was also like eight minutes wasn't it eight minutes falling apart oh yeah i was there i saw the body i'm coming to save and it's a murder perfect okay got those what else have we got folks what else have we got making thank you very much for the bits no worries enjoy your evening and thank you for the christmas wishes merry christmas to you um distorted roots thank you for that again uh you code thank you very much for the gifted subs georgie chan wu tangel thank you very much folks you're very kind um let me see chat again i've got so many things up uh the desktop goose did i include the desktop goose i'm trying to remember um for some reason why are some of them just not coming up the videos um one second um all right let's see uh which video is this why are they not coming up for me by merrill thank you very much for joining um oh my god there's so many to look through i think i missed one earlier as well that i wanted to include i thank you for all the suggestions guys there's so many here um oh my god there's so many so much more than last i just made an announcement last time and uh this time there's a hell of a lot more i don't know if i can keep up with these uh let's see as well okay oh my god it's turg everyone clap wait what turd grabs you it gives you a deep passion in case oh jesus you barely know turk and yet it feels right so right okay it's so worried oh okay yeah all right i was a bit confused like i'm still confused but in a different way the next morning you realize derek has left oh god he's dead isn't he that whole video was so troubling uh let's see those are a bit recent and okay have the consumers i got a few more that i need to go through there are some aren't showing the links i'm getting an ad my god is this the log of days he's been in here for you wouldn't be lester by any chance would you because we i think we need context for that by buying a secondhand phone okay when we got here could lord have so many to add uh 548 we look at this earlier i think i clicked off the by accident he's dying i think we should change our motto it should be you're either crying dying or lying the only thing i can put this under is the bad person i've already got so much for that i don't want to make it too long it's the problem um oh it's not from this year even though i don't really mind if it's at the end of december because like this year i don't put them in if they're that close because there's no real point um hmm let's see we got another one here you're doing good no don't hit me oh you've made a powerful but stupid enemy today like these guys are [ __ ] i was literally like after we rammed their [ __ ] i enjoyed doing these streams actually they were very fun um what do we got here all right i think we've kind of got enough i've included this video already good good good i'm glad they get a lot of doubles to be honest because it just means that probably picked right oh we've got this one in already um let's do let's do two more let's pick out this one oh that's that's the same video as before but it doesn't have a time stamp um okay okay let's see here oh yeah i think the problem is a lot of people won't have seen this um wait i'm waiting so many views i'm surprised i'm surprised uh desktop goose let's take a look at this one and then i think i'll just look through the rest of them myself because there's so many to look through hold on i can't really see my screen my goose dragged something onto a combination they must have been so confused oh god there's a hype train thank you so much for tuning in the height train guys but please don't don't make it go further down the line um don't have a category with stream clips i probably would have been a good idea but i didn't think of it so i don't i don't unfortunately i didn't think there'd be uh enough um but it's probably something i should have included in retrospect but i guess next year it would be a good one um 306. yeah i should have done that actually my goose took my okay where were we shoot take it perfect i like that stuff i do stuck my cursor oh thanks sake he's minimized my game thank you so much back off dude uh thank you so much for the hype train guys i really appreciate it i'm just sorry that i have to end it before we can really you know build hype and actually continue on i'd like to continue more but i'm pretty damn hungry to be honest with you i think we got a good few clips to add in there though that's awesome and i still have to make one extra like we're up to an hour and 15 there but i need to add one extra section and then i gotta add these clips in which is another four minutes geez it's gonna be so long it's gonna be like half an hour long um right i think we've enough feed kevin definitely need need feed need feed but thank you so much guys for the support uh let's see let's swap over thank you very much for the help as well it's very kindly cool to do something a bit different even if i was very bad at it it's a lot of multitasking and a lot to keep track of just trying to like focus because i was like the link and then bringing it in and the time stamp and all that it was confusing uh writeless thank you very much for the five subs time calp save some amanda navy the bits did you say more hype no i didn't i said les but thank you so much by the name of the bits why not choo choo i'm sorry i have to eat uh glenn david the sob dingle uh amine dog cat cats with tiny hands two cat related names there diamond thank you very much for the tip as well uh regular soft thank you for the bits and seth happy birthday to you regular soft said it was your birthday and i trust them at 29 rosebud thank you very much for the sub as well uh becky thank you for the bits as well very interesting more in future be interesting to actually do a proper edit it might be a bit more fun because that's just like taking clips out which probably isn't the most interesting thing for you guys um public thank you for the bits there and i'm looking forward to seeing your christmas lo-fi uh wham-bam thank you for the sub as well maximilian prime thank you for the sub too thank you so much guys i i apologize that i have to leave right at the start of a [ __ ] hype train that that sucks but um what can you do i didn't think one would come in it was just by chance i i don't really know what the timing is with them um the heck this person thank you for the sub you're very kind folks thank you very much i just posted the video if you want to go check it out but if you've had enough of me we're going to rate a music streamer um music streamers i should say it's apparently their last stream of the year so why not give them a little gift by reading their stream they're very good i really enjoy their streams every time i watch thank you so much for joining me i really appreciate it bammy roll thank you for the sub as well mary jacks thank you for the bits full just chatting and or editing stream i need to do just like a just chatting stream and just chill with you guys and and chat it would be fun um but yeah thank you thank you so much for the support guys i appreciate it and thank you for joining me i will see you on christmas eve i don't forget i posted the video if you want to check it out it will go from the stream i think it turned out pretty good so yeah enjoy that and enjoy the stream goodbye folks thank you for joining me bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye you can use this weird hand yeah goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 132,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: cbuKzW8aBLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 56sec (8456 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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