Kev Goes Shopping: Unboxing | 2021-06-26

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hello hello everyone can you hear me hello is the audio okay i've been doing a lot of setup how are you doing merry christmas i was only thinking about that earlier it does kind of feel like christmas i've got a lot of boxes except 99 of the things i do not want and even looking at them i'm like what am i gonna do with all this stuff like after it's all unpackaged what do i do with it like i i don't know where to put a massive live laugh love sign i've actually forgotten half the stuff we've um we've gotten which i guess is a good thing because i mean that way it's more of a surprise and i won't remember even size of packages i would be like oh this is probably that because the size matches so it's going to be an interesting one i think hopefully it'll be a fun stream um maybe make them into gifts maybe maybe i can repurpose them like next christmas all my family get all this stuff and it's like huh son i don't know buying me a made outfit was a little weird [Laughter] but yeah we'll figure it out for now we just have to focus on unboxing everything welcome everyone just joining it's gonna be uh it's going to be a fun stream i think i'm glad you could make it um beckenhall thank you for the support already uh alex becks amy alan abosha uh buyer nick clocking uh kellyanne artemis um vivaldi izzy care bear thank you so much for the five subs you're very kind thank you very much bananas on fire and our crane thank you very much as well katie thank you for the bits as well very kind of you carnivorous tomatoes thank you for the sub and granule thank you for the sub as well welcome everyone joining in good to see you glad we can finally do this stream uh it was kind of bummed we couldn't do it last week but allergies had a different plan uh but you know what maybe it worked out because now we have fun now instead of in the past affect those past feckers and on top of that uh i got a few extra packages in the few days um that it got delayed i i think i got an extra like four or five so maybe it all worked out i'm feeling better i'm feeling pretty good my eyes are a little bit sore so i'm like trying not to touch them because i know they'll flare up if i touch them and it'll get worse so it's like super itchy and sore but i'm just like nope i will just endure i am so brave i actually cannot believe how brave i am sometimes uh georgia thank you for the sub how do i thank you for the bits as well you're very kind i'm sorry of the flu i hope you're as brave as i am and it's humble uh b dombrowski thank you so much for the five subs thank you very much for that uh marriage acts thank you both for five subs that is very very kind of you uh crunch oh no not this again why is it doing this hmm i don't know what it's like we fixed it last time and then it's doing it again all right hopefully that'll fix it um that may have removed the sounds entirely but we'll see let me know if the next one crunches or not it's only the like if people give five subs or so it it goes a little bit crunchy i think i don't think the other ones do um but sorry about that all right gwendolyn uh lollygun lexi thank you for the subs see you later thank you very much for the 10 subs very very kind of you thank you so much for the crunchy subs uh skyler la kisito smelly tranquil harley fox tato uh ches emma christian uh ahmad's physicist katie uh four herpa and uh sarah thank you very much is it uh is it all good welcome everyone welcome thanks for joining in thanks for joining in we're going to be doing our own packaging stream welcome welcome welcome welcome uh kevin start i can't wait well you'll have to wait i'm gonna give it another like three four minutes just to let people join because people um uh it's already been two weeks i'll clue you in on something it's been three weeks because i was sick last week while i had super bad allergies it was just there was no point um but i just want to wait like three or four minutes just so more people are in especially given the stream that it is i want people to join in people are still growing it's still crunchy well hot damn um hold on i might i might have this actually um okay that should be fixed sorry about that bloody disaster aren't i you'd swear that i didn't know what i was doing probably because realistically i don't but oh well um right that should be gone now i mean i i just turned off system sounds because well we're not gonna have any system sounds today it's gonna be all um it's gonna be all on the uh the microphone so we should be good jesus game thank you very much for the support hell uh jesse a plumber uh lemony agoth sugar sarah azenio audrey uh ginger user not found roger uh dark uh the dalai lama lucy punk rexer uh turn she a rat named mr brungie joey thank you very much for the tip as well i hope you're all right i'm sorry to hear you're having a rough patch but i hope you're doing okay uh clammy fecker not clewer uh john captain debs dennis knocking third a space bro tickle me avenged wraith uh otter uh used meteor smash lee fish uh sarah tara uh white marriage acts can i do some sounds myself sure you don't want that trust me dwight sage thank you very much for the five subs very very kind of you litten scriptinio swimmers nem stylish tuna and olivia thank you very much as well uh is all the crunch gone are we good uh what are we unboxing yes thank you for answering flower but we're unboxing all the um surely it's not still going is it okay yes no crunch okay good sorry i saw people talking about crunch but maybe they're just like eating cereal or something um but yeah we're going to be on packaging all the stuff that we bought three weeks ago in a stream where chat voted on what i should buy on amazon um i honestly can't even remember half of them as some stick out in my brain um there's not so much so i'm kind of looking forward to this there's just so much that you just can't remember it all um i i yeah the maid dress is one that i remember i hope i don't like die of overheating if i'm wearing layers because i'm not just putting on that that it would be a mistake uh b dombrowski thank you for the bits uh mundus uh strafaris thank you for the five subs so sig demon tauser uh death goddess skeptical uh merc ali deafening mine uh oh maddie thank you very much as well demon tauser and strafares thank you very much for the five each you're very kind it's me emily thank you for the five as well and a little breakout thank you for the sub you're very kind thank you all uh think thank you for the sub as well uh shrek chess oh yeah that's it i gotta stop looking now i don't i don't want too many spoilers i want the surprise you know it's christmas you don't ruin someone's christmas i i remembered the shrek one to be fair um i think that might have come this week so we might have missed out on that if we ended up doing it um uh doing it last um last week unless it's the other board game that has been in my head as well i won't spoil it for you in case you've forgotten cool beans uh conan mary and local ghost thank you very much i'm glad you could um you could make this one and don't worry too much about missing last week's streams because i was allergies stricken for the whole week and i missed out quite a bit uh lauren and glass thank you very much as well for the subs okay so uh i'm gonna get started i'm gonna do the tweet uh what i'm gonna do for this one um fecker uh the the nicknoir and ryunet thank you very much as well i'm going to be over here um so we'll swap up cameras uh the issue is i won't be able to see your alerts when i'm over there so i'm going to at least thank you for the sub i'm going to leave them up but what i'm going to do is go over here do the whole and packaging stream and then i'll come back here and i'll thank everyone um because i don't want to just be like well goodbye and just leave but i can't do them in real time because the setup just doesn't allow it uh while juniper and boshi thank you very much for the bits as well um hopefully i don't get a paper cut and have to cancel the stream okay um so i guess i'll swap over there um now christina thank you very much for the tip very very kind thank you so much um all right let's let's swap over i guess uh full cam goodbye all right now i need to spin my mic around i think i can spin it this way goodbye everyone goodbye that's my arm by the way don't be scared it's gonna be okay all right so that mike's over there i'm not dead i've just moved slightly out of frame okay you saw my arm you know i'm fine shawnee jesus christ thank you so much for the tip that is huge thank you very much uh purple lightning bolt and packet thank you very much uh bev thank you as well shawnee thank you so much uh that will be the last alerts like i'm able to read now until afterwards um but thank you so much shawnee for that all right let me slide in here this is weird okay i can still see you in chat so i'm still able to read chat um hopefully i sound okay you're all saying that i'm dead and that i i i'm gone too soon okay all right i don't know where to start now one thing we forgot is uh you know when we went buying all those stuff we were kind of like bad parents on christmas we forgot to buy any batteries so i got some myself um but you're lucky i'm looking out for you because otherwise you would have looked really bad to be honest with you [Laughter] all right how are we doing are we all good over here no technical problems you like the setup it is it's kind of cozy actually it's kind of nice i like it all right should we get started um i'll get to the alerts afterwards such a dad move okay i don't even know where to start i'm surrounded by packages like i've got some big here you can see a bit of a stack here but i've also got a box down here i think i might start with the box it yeah i'll start with the box because then at least i can use the box to put the cardboard away uh i'm a little bit quiet um let me see i can bring the mic you know what i'll turn it up all together okay all right is that good is that better that should be pretty good i might even move that that sound good mike is in the shot i don't think i can do much about that for maybe is that okay is that all right so much better okay great thank you for the feedback all right we're good to start and actually flower now that you mentioned that the mic and shot that is way better for me because now it's like a one-on-one interview um so what can you bring to the channel do you know much about the channel tell me a few things about the channel i just hit you with an interview out of nowhere okay uh let's get started i'll start on packaging these ones let me know if the audio is a bit too loud or anything because i'm a bit concerned it might actually be a little too loud but let me know especially when i'm on packaging stuff targ you got the job i don't know what how this is gonna work with them with all the packaging like where am i where am i gonna put everything all right what is the lucky number one package i even brought scissors but i'm too fragile in my masculinity to use them on the first one hold on oh my god okay this is gonna require some serious energy okay this is it kevin your masculinity is on the line [Applause] it's gone okay well i'm tired i'm going home i'm oh it's pink oh no those are really strong actually i'm surprised by how strong that is um oh no this is the first pack it's like not only was my masculinity threatened by not being able to open that package and then i unpack this well i guess it's good to just get rid of my masculinity before we get to items such as a made outfit um this is so stupid what am i going to do with it they're kind of pretty though like like they they kind of are like they're not really my style but i could see people buying these what is the brand canine kuma all right like i can see it you know it's not for me but oh those are the cat ear attachments of course [Music] ian thank you for the five subs as i said i won't be really getting two alerts until i go back to my computer but thank you these are really different to how i thought it'd be they're like that's actually really neat they're stick on so they just like go over the top i wonder if these actually sound any good i can't i can't plug them into anything now because i don't have anything oh my god they're so like noise-cancelling they actually feel pretty solid oh am i too loud i'm worried i'm too loud they suit me all right then that's great you like it all right now i feel masculine again they're crooked where should the ears be do the snap i'm actually a bit worried because these are pretty tight i don't think they're meant for someone with a this big of a head uh i what do you think would you join my esports team this interview has changed i actually like them like not for me but they're oh god that was really wonky i thought i thought i had them relatively straight hold on there you go yes now i'm happy well so far so good i'm really happy with our first package i don't know what the hell i'm gonna do with them but i'm happy i guess i'll put them back in the box thank you very much for oh look at that they're my ears crooked stop only positive comments allowed i'm in my safe space over here please i just want to be in my safe space with my gamer girl headphones okay i can't keep wearing them because they're so noise cancelling and also it my ears are gonna get so warm it's so hot in here you can give them to anna no no no no they're mine they're mine [Laughter] all right let me see this is a bit of a smaller package all right i'll try not to try not to blow yours out oh my god i had completely forgotten about these wait hold on hold on i i i'm just gonna i'm gonna i forgot we got these oh no one second i'll show you oh i don't even like the sound oh these are they're creepy as can i offer you a baby i don't know if i can get them to focus let me see if i can my hand looks so massive just tell me when tell me when you've had enough oh they're so scary i could do asmr with [Music] them there's so many did that sound nice like if it wasn't babies like if it wasn't hundreds and hundreds of babies hundreds and hundreds of babies like eat the babies that would literally kill me is that what you want is that what you want to do um the sound like if you didn't know it was literally hundreds of babies i imagine that would be a decent sound like it probably sounded kind of nice right why do you all want me to die i don't understand you're not saying eat them they're not even rubber they're like they're solid i wish i had something to like just to give you an idea like this is the baby now so i don't think i'd even be able to bite them no i can't you can't even cut the babies in half they're resilient i shouldn't be calling babies in half on stream uh oh this is i want to item too and it's already an issue with space i guess i'll leave uh you just know i'm gonna get up and stand on all of those babies in a while and not that i care about the babies i'm worried that it'll hurt my foot uh let me put them away under here i hid the babies under the couch don't take that out of context uh right when we go for a big one oh i don't like that one because it's big but it's like light you know it's like it's a little bit worrying let me see i'm just going with the scissors this time i've already i've already lost the little masculinity i had please don't like be something really manly like wd-40 that's what i need i need to unpackage the wd-40 to really like to get my masculinity back what is this i might need the music book i'm not very good at improv when it comes to the tin whistle all right let me see what are you thinking are you thinking some what is even in this book um the only one i recognize oh they have go and tell aunt rhody you know the song from resident evil we can play that one we play resident evil i'll tell me ma it's another story um let's see go tell aunt rosie 37. i don't the problem is even when i look at the sheet music i don't know how to read sheet music and i don't know how to play the tin whis oh wait okay this actually might be pretty easy because they give you the um the fingers that you use i'll show you now go until android okay so you see this can you read that do you see like it gives you the the music thing i did they didn't give me any uh music i can try like a song that you know we're familiar with harry potter all right let me let me try and wing harry potter was it magic all right look get ready this doesn't help when we don't know the song we have amazing grace in here hold on 41. it's like watching the movie someone said all right amazing grace ready one two three go there wasn't really anything amazing about that to be honest i think the amazing and amazing grace is sarcastic i might put this away for now my dog left the room so i said i'm sorry i tried all right look i didn't intend to have a musical performance in this stream all right it was just great like the only grace i have is not playing it anymore i just remembered with another musical instrument somewhere as well the automaton which i don't even know how to play it but i guess will you feel like a proud parent are you talking about me or like is this unrelated because i don't understand why you would be talking about me like i don't understand why you'd be proud of that so masculine thanks i gotta wait for the um the tattoo arms you know those things that i can i can like flex and have my tattoos on and then i'll feel cool um let's go with another oh this is like a little heavier one no you know what i don't want to go with a heavy one because i'm afraid that could be the next musical instrument um i don't want this one either i once oh this one looks cool and it says fragile on it like me let's see if i can open this what could this be i think it could be board game the fake sleeve flex what hey stop it i have loads of muscles they're just shy me one shrek chest [Laughter] i'm just going to turn down the audio a little bit because it looks like it's peaking to hell um all right i've just the tiniest amount it just looked like every time i laughed or said anything loud like any time i uh booged which probably will be a lot let's face it but it seems to be peaking so turn it down just a little bit um wait why is anna in the chat what did she say what did anna say is she impressed she hasn't even seen it yet what did she say and it said oh no what are you intimidated you're worried that me practicing chess i will eclipse what you have accomplished dude i could be in the olympic team for chess if i wanted i'd have to self-funded because we don't have a team but like i could do it i yeah i feel kind of bad even opening this because this was like a hundred quid and i'm just like i feel like i'm losing the value what was i guess i could get it re-wrapped and then put it in the attic for 20 years and hope shrek holds up as well as i assume it will um okay let me introduce you to the gang let's see if i can open it i got to be very careful i should really have like gloves on and the inside's kind of dirty i think i've been scammed this this is definitely used it is a yeah it's even like broken on the inside here this isn't a collector's item at all bastard all the pieces are just thrown there why are these the pawns i i don't know if you can see him look at that it's scary scammed out of a hundred quid this is like all i wanted in life well anyway here's my king like not even just chess just in general this is my king his name is shrek um this is this is fiona um oh god that does not look like prince charming holy sh okay that's a little bit scary i don't know if you can see him feel focus i need to like i need to hide because it focuses on me can you see him please focus on the prince focus it doesn't want to it's really ugly so that's probably why oh i thought he was missing a head but he's meant to he's he's like one of the headless horsemen or whatever he used the babies in sphere pieces i just scattered the babies all over the front line these are my pawns um i don't understand why like they've chosen what they've chosen it appears the pawns for one side is just that random tree i was showing and then on the other side it's like baby donkeys and i don't really know why like i don't understand i don't even really remember that tree um rumplestiltskin is terrifying as well they're all a little bit scary is there please oh my god the thing is falling apart is that the board the board is fold out this is what a hundred euro buys you that's what a hundred euro buys you everyone a shrek chess set which is honestly painful to look at this was the most expensive thing you bought last time i hope you're happy with your purchase it's perfect i know anna has some nice chess sets on this how the do you fold this hold on there we go um anna has some really nice chest sets out and i can finally justify replacing them now because this is also an expensive chest set so anything she is on display is now being replaced by this you wanted it i'm going to be making this into a video can we play the clip of my reaction to this and definitely not wanting it this is the part where i'm super embarrassed because i actually said like oh yeah let's get it i don't know it was three weeks ago you think i can remember that i don't know we'll see all right best chess set ever thank you will thank you i mean nothing can top it i remember you wanted it you remember nothing you remember wrong all right we got something else oh this is a weird it's a weird package it's just like a weird shape and stuff you were so excited i wasn't don't pull it they'll lie [Laughter] i can't wait for the shred stream refund honestly i feel a little bit scammed it looks so heavily used and then they like re-wrapped it as if like oh brand new collector's item and then i opened it and there's like the pieces look like they've been chewed on and the box looks like it's been chewed on it's falling apart the hell is this what the hell is this rock neck glasses sheep casing for grog neck glasses they might be crochet plastic well i try my impression these are so blinding she's i can't see anything it like cancels out everything all right i'm gonna try my grog neck impression and i'm not very good at impressions but i'll try my best stephen steve sorry that probably peaked groggers groggers how you doing kid i need the headphones where are my gamer girl headphones hold on which way do they go i can't even see i don't know this way this is all my life has come to i can't even read that was a pretty good impression thank you very much i didn't even practice that that was just off the cuff as well i actually cannot even read if it's like that i feel so like old like a librarian all right so this is my new look anyway i hope you like it a style icon peak masculinity new profile pic for god's sake is it accurate though i could shave my head you see if you bought a shaver this would have been a very different stream if you bought like a hair shaver i could have gone bald the look could have been complete and everyone would have been happy but no you're spending my money on like shrek chess sets that i don't even want [Laughter] that clip is really going to make me look like an idiot the grog knight classes they get a they get an upvote for me i like them they were very expensive though it's like i think they're only 30 quid and they don't feel very good maybe they are good i i mean i shouldn't really judge them based off wearing them inside while trying to use the computer [Laughter] it's not really accurate representation of what they are so i don't know i'll wear them outside and look like a dumbass okay we got another package they're mounting at my feet are they polarized they're pretty polarizing to me anyway because i do like the style of them but i don't like the i don't like the execution i forgot we bought this the little wacky flailing inflatable too man i completely forgot we bought this baldwin i can be baldwin if you want is this battery powered this is going to be so noisy isn't it why is there like history and uses what contents one introduction two tube guy an origin story and then your very own key it's 17 pages long gas stations use car dealerships furniture outlets but you wouldn't believe the wacky waving inflatable tube guys larger than life origins no point reading the tent all right let me see what we got here i'm hoping that oh no it needs a dece i can't even use it it needs a dc jack i can i can grab one well i think i have one over here on second we gotta we gotta use the thing like i gotta figure out what it's like what does it need chat what dc it volts does it need i like amp and all that hold on let me let me check what does it actually say uh made in china great that's a lot of help if only i didn't throw away the instructions uh dc 9 volt okay yeah i can do that this is gonna be wild this was so worth it um i'm not dead i've moved slightly away okay nine volts all right please don't blow up it's just it doesn't inspire you with the like you know the best craftsmanship ever okay let me try this thing where the where'd the bit go hold on ah it's stuck in the other thing okay all right cha if i die just let it be known that i went doing what i love playing with wacky flailing inflatable tube men is it off it takes batteries too now which do i do do i you know what it says nine volt it's gonna be fine famous last i words so happy oh this is like my new sidekick it's so obnoxious and loud that's a pog in my book oh the air is actually kind of nice except when he spanks you but like yes yes blow towards me okay this was a good purchase i love him does anyone want to name him what do you think you replaced bob so easily we could call him bob jr all right i don't know like what do you think bob jr or condom what do you think is a better name for him what do you think huh what do you like he just goes back and forth he doesn't even like go wacky he just kind of goes like this over and over again you're calling steven you could i could put on my glasses and just start screaming at him on the table oh my god we're making our way so slowly through this okay what do we got here my under my desk is destroyed it's stopped like there's so much stuff uh all right a little concerned i don't know what this is i think i do know what this is i think i do i think i have an idea [Music] i'm afraid because it's going to be so loud [Laughter] it's got it's got a bit of a smack to it i'm too afraid to use the thing order order mr bob the jury has found you guilty and you will be sentenced to death i don't think i should all right i'm gonna bonk it but this could be really loud all right so i'm warning you feel free to mute so i'm gonna i'm gonna do it in five seconds we're gonna give it a little so get ready because i'm gonna shout and i'm gonna bonk all right okay five four three two one order order in the court order put that aside for now i did warn you i warned you but you wouldn't listen i'm go oh dear god you're like you're surprised i tried to warn you there's so much trash it's like i have to open my window [Music] it's so warm and i know it's only gonna get worse all right this is a that you're dying you're dead look i tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen you were like me want to order me want justice justice for bob he must die the yelling was loud i warned you i warned you but you insisted all right want to be gone i might try one of the big packages next after this one okay what is this oh oh this is just a dc adapter that i bought like for myself okay that wasn't very fun all right let me let me open this big big boy you just woke me up welcome what a pleasant way to wake up charlie thought it was like a horrific nightmare ah right i don't know what's in this one it's big they caught it oh could you believe i kind of forgot about the cutouts you'd think i wouldn't given we spent like i don't know a fifth or a quarter of our budget on cardboard but there you go that's what happens when you're forced into a traumatic purchase you repress it and then you see therapy years later there's cardboard men all over my house i can't be alone oh i think you're right i think this is cardboard but who do we have joining us who is it sorry that was loud i got kind of trapped i think it might be brendan i might have to start just like throwing stuff behind me because i'm running out of space um [Laughter] it's just like hello i was in the mummy all right um how am i gonna do this i have been replaced uh how the hell do you brendan please cooperate jesus christ all right this is so stupid like what what am i supposed to do with them this is just kind of sitting in my room now like what do i do with this thing it's just gonna be sitting here all the time like why would people buy this why is it a business i don't understand what use it serves it does kind of hold the room together though like that does actually you know i like it it was a good purchase yeah yeah that was good there's a good choice he's going to stare at you judging you well i'll judge him then blow the ears off you again all right what else do we got it's smaller now he's just there watching over me terrifying all right what have we got now oh the hell what is this it's the tattoos the tattoos are here he moves keeping an eye on him the tattoos are here regain regain my masculinity it's my time i wonder how these actually go on like are they literally just sleeves that i slip my arm into i don't really want to be wearing them too long though because even though i know they're light like it's going to get all sticky isn't it oh they feel kind of nasty wait why is there two and then i got two packs but they're both like they both have two arms in them you ready for becoming kevin becoming 100 irish i already am i don't know if this tips me into like 110 territory or not wait what is this one are they different not sure let me take a look is it so do they just go over oh my god it'll make me look tanned this is great all right legs you think arms and legs all right at least we'll finally know how it looked like with tattoos because i think it would suit me a lot um this is going to look so good kevin behind you it's brendan fraser from the mummy you're right he's there what are the odds what are the chances of running into him looks kind of fire you think so you think this suits me do i suit sleeves okay i'm liking it i'm not gonna lie maybe i should just load up on the old irish stereotype tattoos this i this is a hundred percent gonna break this will not fit around my legs you like him yeah i'm getting my masculinity back um if you need to talk to uh brendan fraser he's uh he's he's that that way hold on i'm getting confused he's over uh he's over there if you if you need them you like it anna good because i'm considering making them uh making them [Laughter] all permanent why are they open next always gets so warm they look pretty good it looks good that's great wait what do you think of the um the ensemble a second so yeah just uh just chilling out chilling out in my uh in my office just casually i just like i like relaxing in this um in this pose [Laughter] do i look manly at i really was affected by not being able to open that package early the glasses i just don't want to be unpackaging everything all the time i will never do it all right do you think all right you know what just because i think they'll match the like douchebaggery of the um of the i tattoos see now all right sup bruh do you um you do drugs you could could you put me in touch like with someone who does drugs i'm not a cop by the way [Laughter] it looks so nasty [Laughter] all right all right these tattoos are becoming permanent and i don't mean that i'm going to go out and get permanent tattoos i just mean i'm never taking off the sleeves because i think they're really really suit me play a cop on no pixel i thought if i could i would but there's no way that i would be able to um to become a cop you need to like pass tests and i haven't passed the test since i was about 10. hmm it somehow all works together i think it just works because harry blackhawk thank you for the five subs i think it just works because it's like it it doesn't match at all and it's kind of like uh that's a lunatic down on the boardwalk kind of look ah right will we open something let's open something that looks a little bit weird um is there any like weird-looking packages we got another big one there which oh wait i was holding this one wasn't it all right let me see i like that everyone's like yeah the tattoos work you've convinced me to get sleeves i actually really want the tattoo i'm not gonna lie i don't think i get them on my um uh on my arms but i want the tattoo i just don't know what i want all right what do we got the hell is this what i don't know what this is hold on i have so much cool stuff now this is great the cex logo i'll just be a slave to a corporation i'm no longer involved with get ortiz face get a turk tattoo oh it's a mug oh what does it say again i can't remember off ah that's nice now that's lovely jesus you love to see it i wouldn't mind going for a point now get him get me mug out get a point of guinness into the into the mug i was going there lad will you fill up with playing guinness for me if you didn't notice i'm irish [Laughter] what's up groggers great mug great mug oh this is an interesting one i don't know what this feeling is i think it's excitement no i meant like i don't know what this feels like i'm talking about excitement no i mean like i don't i don't know what's inside of the package is what i'm trying to say the hell is this it's like this might be i'll cut it otherwise it's gonna be loud oh wait i think i know what this is this is great [Music] this is brilliant i i love this this was a great idea this was like one of the first things we got as well i am a general hazard so it's a good it's a good idea i can put it underneath my room downstairs it's just a hazard overhead that was a good one i like that one um while i open next i'm trying to like look for the weird packages now like there's some oddly shaped ones like this is really long but flat just wondering what the hell it could be let's write zero on permanent marker put it on top of your front door where's the fish i've been thinking about the fish a lot i don't know where it is because i'm excited for that one that's the main one i took for the batteries i couldn't remember anything else needing batteries but all right this is actually like exciting it's more cardboard you're actually it's a cardboard dude um sorry oh no um it's an outfit of some kind an outfit um for god's sake i didn't expect that i thought it might be in a smaller one size 5xl this is even gonna fit me is it i'm gonna i better take off the tattoos they're not going to match the um the maid outfit are they all right all right what is it with the uh there we go packages today oh my god it looks awful it looks so bad [Music] what is this there's like a little head veil with it this is not gonna fit me is it oh no this is like a bib thing okay that that'll probably go around me how do i put this on wait it zips from the back oh my god how the hell i can't zip it up how the hell am i going to do this i may as well take off the tag i can't say it was unused how about okay wait i'm gonna have to stand up okay oh my god this is massive i was thinking it wouldn't fit me okay all right no wait it works hello i feel pretty empowered right now i must say i don't know how this thing works brendan likes it that's the main thing how does this work wait i don't know if i can ah next hot tub stream oh i can get it okay sweet okay i got it most of the way and then this part goes up i look good this kind of suits me i don't know if i can tie that oh yeah oh no this is oh this is great i'm oh jesus i feel so empowered oh my god is this what it feels like to be a strong powerful woman i think it does higher i think i think i like it like this and as a strong independent woman i'm happy like this oh yeah feels good wait i'm just thinking can i get this zip yeah ah i can't reach it it's almost there what do you think dude are you getting like strong powerful woman vibes because i think i am in fact yeah i am okay all right okay i am feeling so powerful right now hold on hold on [Music] do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again do you ever feel feel so paper thin like a house of cards one blow from caving in do you ever feel already parodied six feet on the screen but no one seems to hear a thing do you know that there's still a chance for you cause there's a spark for you you just gotta ignite the light and let it shine just oh the night like the 4th of july maybe you're a firework come on show em [Music] come on let your colors burst make them go and leave them all in all uh [Music] you don't have to feel like a waste of space you're original cannot be replaced if you only knew what the future holds after a hurricane comes a rainbow maybe you're a reason why all the doors are closed so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road like a lightning bolt your heart will blow when it's time you'll know you just gotta ignite the light and let it shine just on the night like the fourth [Music] [Music] [Music] it's always been inside of you you you and now it's time to let it through food cause baby you're a firework come on show why [Music] [Music] yeah this felt right [Laughter] oh jesus i hope that worked as well as i intended it to [Laughter] i practiced that quite a bit as much as i could i didn't really know the song that well but uh i tried and i i started those disco lights with my foot i had it like ready half plugged in and i just stomped on it i hope that was unexpected and fun [Laughter] dr flynze adelphi dwight sage sp nelly space cadet thank you so much for the support ilm i'll get to the rest of the alerts in a while um i hope you enjoy that little performance let me plug out those lights oh god i even like got the little disco lights on amazon something i could just stomp on it you didn't see that coming did you [Laughter] i'll probably i'll leave this made outfit on for a little bit but i'll have to take it off soon because it's really warm and brendan saw it all i'm just i'm so happy that he saw it you know it meant a lot that he was here for it what did you think i did not expect that good good surprise that's great great that's what i needed i needed a good surprise so you were here for something special folks i just imagine people joining in mid performance and just being like hmm what's happening here oh the mic needs to turn sorry let me go okay is that better can you hear me let me see i'll just go over here and let's see okay that should be good that was life changing good you will never forget this you will never forget this moment i know i won't it's pretty memorable all right let's uh let's unpackage something else encore [Laughter] maybe at the end you can do it again i made some mistakes but i thought midway through i thought my mic wasn't on and i was like oh so i looked to my left and i kind of lost my place a little bit and even just like stomping on the lights kind of takes you out of your rhythm making sure i hit it and and like you know yeah whatever but hopefully it worked out getting very shaky right now the thing is i was looking for the perfect song to do it to and i was like this would be a good one but i didn't know the song like i knew the baby or if i were but i didn't really know it other than that that was a memory call right there i hope you liked it oh this one's definitely for anna we got our little plant sounded fantastic thank you unfortunately it went better when i was practicing it in like my rehearsal earlier i feel like that was actually that i'm i i'm kind of disappointed i didn't do it better but there's so much going on i feel like it went okay okay so you've chia seeds it's kind of hard to come back from that isn't it it's like it's hard to reset to just opening packages once uh once you do that okay well we're gonna continue opening we got still lots of wacky stuff i'm glad you liked it everyone this is the terrifying um david hasselhoff uh that you need to plant seeds inside him how do you actually do it i just want to plant my seed and david hasselhoff but i'm not sure of the actual however the process i assume you just you put it inside them and then you get it all wet in there and then it should be good i don't know i assume so what do you think why are you saying no you don't do that okay so you just you just pour it in okay gotcha sorry i'm kind of new to chia seed things so i'm not sure but uh it's quite cute and um yeah i think it'll make a fine addition to the uh it's the home so yeah no no no no no no no no no okay no all right so no okay well i guess maybe whatever i tell you then or something it's kind of weird you're you're saying no so much when it's it's my house like i should be able to put it wherever i want but uh that's fine okay uh let's see what else have we got uh this is quite a small little one let's see what we got all right let's see what we got in here oh my god we have a special guest calling into the stream today oh my god it's so good to see you how have you been top of the morning ladies do you want the tattoos jack you'll have them if you want he's so small compared to his big brother david how does how does this open oh my god jack you're a little bit stiff all right there you go he's much smaller in person i thought he'd be taller i was thinking at least four foot but just goes to show you're never quite sure with cameras because you're you're never you know you can't really tell perspective but i guess i never really saw him standing next to someone of like brendan frazier's stature so yeah that makes that makes sense where do you want to stand jack will you go there there you go it's like there's a glow around him now like some holy figure or something i love this collab stream i know like honestly i didn't think you'd show up i really didn't i know you've got a lot going on you know you're a busy dude i just appreciate you swinging by um i really do uh it's good to have your friend okay right uh next one next package he's quieter than i thought yeah yes he's not said much i feel like he's here um but he's not here you know his mind is elsewhere which is a little bit insulting because i get it you showed up to the stream like i appreciate that and all but uh you're not present you're here the lights are on but no one is home he's shy okay well then that's fair enough all right let's see what else we got got to start using this box fort for rubbish oh no we got that is this oh wait no it's a teddy oh my god it looks terrifying just smushed up there my love for kevin is getting worse is that good or bad i don't know what you mean by that all right there we go wait there's echo oh wait echo wait are you what the echo is here i don't understand what what do you mean echo is that wait is its name echo did we call it echo i can't remember my my attention span doesn't go beyond like you know three minutes never mind three three weeks okay did we call him echo yes red pen is echo okay ah the boomer inside of me just said oh thank god i don't have to troubleshoot and you you fake the irish swear word adult coloring book all right i don't think i have my stream age gated so if you're under 18 look away okay um because i'm about to show some obscene words uh these are so bad okay so we have ah this might not this might not translate well to the camera because it's just a mess so we got off we got get the what what get to earth's piece well i don't even know what that's supposed to mean um pogba horn which means kiss my ass and a very colorful bollocks this is just random designs with random like this just says fecker it's kind of similar to the font i use on my channel like the kevin thing it's it's all in garlic i don't know i don't understand it do we have any pogs in here a lick arse numpty shut your hole you rollstar what does that mean i don't know what that even says dickweed this is very inappropriate for a stream all right let me throw that over there for now how pog is that this thing's falling off me okay let's let's open another what do we got in here i'm kind of glad that wasn't i was worried that echo wait what is this thing the arrow oh there's nothing there's nothing like in yeah is there like there's no button to press no he's very very soft he's very very soft i feel like an evil villain yes yes you did hire my maid service but we made of your home not a very creative villain but that's all i got he looks sad are you talking about me or the panda because i have a reason to be sad i'm wearing a made outfit in front of what's likely thousands of people all right uh i know my fashion choices have not been the best today but this may be the worst wait is this a this is a crop top i forgot this is like a crop top style gamer girl hoodie oh no what does it say it just is among us okay i do be looking kind of so to be fair it's so bad he looks sad and sassy can you blame me wear it now but like i chose a different one did i put it on jack i think he'd suffocate in it it's a little bit too big for him i don't think i could put it over like it is so warm i don't think i can wear layers max needs to see it should i put it on with the sleeve tattoos i mean i can i'll swap all right because we've got a lot of different outfits to wear this is so uncomfortable we have a lot of different outfits to wear i can't wear them all so i guess i'll change into this oh god that's awkward all right oh my god my room is a state it's an absolute state this is no way gonna fit me is it oh god it's so warm okay sup gamers you guys play the new uh among us map i uh i was playing it last night i i was the imposter five times in a row won every match it looks awful i can't wait to wear this around the house all the time do you think it'll look good amazing and the headphones i should just keep the headphones next to me because i feel like you're going to keep asking me put them on sup gamers you're acting kinda sus [Laughter] not a cop by the way anyway you know where i can get some illegal narcotics i'd be really really good at being undercover you like it stop it look if you're looking kind of so i'm going to say it all right i say it as i seize it and you're looking suicide the hoodie has ears does it oh my god it does all right now i'm looking kind of sis it looks so bad would be tough on brendan i have to assume because i'm gonna overheat in this thing if i keep it on too long all right let's open something small again now that is burned in my memory i have a feeling a lot of this stream is going to be burned in people's memory um right what we got here i forgot about this i wasn't expecting it because i was kind of hoping it would be filled i kind of forgot um i kind of forgot that this wasn't filled so we're gonna have to fill it with something um so brendan i know you came here with the best of intentions but now you're trapped in the corner of my room uh the mummy more like the daddy [Laughter] it looks so bad it's double-sided though so that's good oh for god's sake what am i gonna do with this stuff i want to find the fish can i find the fish i really want the let's fish this this is this feels too light all right let me try this oh wait that one looks big this one looks pretty big i don't know what it is but regardless let's try it open the fragile package i am not a package all right let's see what we got this whole stream it's just wild jesus they put enough tape on it anyway whatever is in this they really wanted to protect it echo looking deep into my soul hell is this i'm kind of at some point i just lose my pee it's the fish it's the fish oh yes mom dad it's just what i wanted oh my god oh yes a big mouth billy bass the singing sensation [Music] i was petrified you were by my side but then i spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong and i grew strong and i learned how to get along and now [Music] you'd [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that was just a treat i don't know how much this was but whatever it was it was worth it it's motion activated i don't want to rip it hold on i was about to get really excited tears dmca i mean i already sang the other thing so it's kind of too late now anyway i just kind of accepted for this stream that i might lose everything i have no i'm good i'm fine i'm pretty sure this uh this song won't get picked up anyway all right maybe he doesn't see me uh oh the sensor oh no it says on what no i said off what can i stop him okay i can kevin looks crazy well i gotta agree with you unfortunately the sensor doesn't seem to work like it's this sensor on now but it doesn't do anything if she does what he wants maybe he's tired i don't know i don't know it's it's a lit oh no no stop stop i hope no stop it [Music] stop okay at first i was afraid but now i'm petrified that thing is going to be going off at all during the whole stream okay that was a good gift thank you oh max welcome you missed the musical number i'm afraid you're just too late but i must say you're looking kind of suicide destroy it at least i know the sensor is working now that's a good sign yeah you missed the musical number don't worry i'm sure it will have been clipped we're making our way through it now we've got a bit more to go a bit more i think it's working yeah it's definitely working that's the main thing my room is so full how the hell like where am i going to put that in my house because i do want to put it somewhere just because it's so weird kevin has a crop top now i do i'm actually delighted we can match the hell is this oh the automaton oh fantastic are you ready for the song of my people if i can open it downstairs bathroom you're right shut up stop it i there was no i wasn't near i'm not near you so stop going off he's pointing at the ceiling so like i don't know why he keeps going off and a while ago i was frantically waving he was doing nothing okay i got some batteries here perform a duet with the fish if i could try and figure it out uh where do the batteries go don't be a screw thing wait how do you open it where do the batteries go ah you do have to screw it one second screw it i'll get the screwdriver shut off you shut up shut up stop it at first i was afraid i was petrified see i can sing obnoxiously too shut it stop it okay let's see what we got here please fit i have to put some force on this please don't break because the screwdriver is a little bit too big at first i was afraid i was petrified now i'll wear my maid outfit daily all the time i'll put on my tattoos and my crop top too i will survive and i'll look so freaking wild oh no not i i will survive let's see here how does it work oh that's too high okay sorry all your dogs probably came running [Music] squeeze his mouth okay which way should i oh like this [Music] it just sounds like you know that frog they're like the screaming frog [Music] you know guys it's been really nice hanging out with you here um the fire the barbecue it's just been lovely now if you don't mind i'd uh like to play you a song [Laughter] shut up you shut up or in another reality you know guys it's been so nice hanging out with you like the campfire the barbecue it's just been lovely now if you don't mind i'd like to play you a song because i was afraid i was petrified stop it i love him i gotta just duh i love you but i'll kill you too in a second i do love it that was a good that was a good gift oh jesus okay i need to open something new um let me see what is this why does this have a picture of bob marley on it in an alternate universe fishy does the stream kevin knows the singing i'm just mounted to it black at first i was afraid i was petrified wait it's never like listening is it at first i was afraid i was petrified okay i don't know why it went off then because i wasn't anywhere near it oh wait is this i don't remember what this is life is a soup and i am a fork it stinks by the way i don't know why but it stinks it really does life is a soup and i am a fork everyone i'm not going to put this on because i don't want to change into it it kind of reeks and also i'm not layering up anymore because but a great t-shirt i'll definitely wear it all of the time i like how it doesn't turn on for that like it just knocked the table and and it went over it and nothing uh stuart and arthur would love this oh my god does kid boga have a um a p.o box because if so i would send it to him just from your pal arthur yeah it stinks i don't know what's wrong with it uh right let me see what's this fishy's so sad i know does it smell like soup maybe that's the idea oh i know what this is i was confused for a second i was very confused but um i think the moral of the story is uh live live laugh love everyone please just please can everyone in the chat please just uh live laugh love thank you thank you everyone for the live laugh love thank you very much it's just so good to see you all live laugh-loving i have run out of places now the trash is combined with the items although you could argue that that in itself is trash but let's not go that far let's just continue uh continue what we're doing um what have we got now we got this one thank you for the live laugh loves chad you're great allergies are kicking off now luckily they're not too bad i want me to jinx myself but what is in this one i think you could be the board game did you get the wig yet no you not yet come across the wig it is the board game board game yeah take me out the board game oh my god i'm waiting so hard for this [Laughter] i'm so excited i get to go to shifters okay come on come on rules these are surprisingly long um how do you what do you what i do round one no playing the game to begin each player throws the dive first with the single man single man use the plain sight from the pattern without verbal or physical communication with the time limit draws for the single girls the what i do what in my spare time do you want to know a secret the power is in your hand why is this so complicated all right let me see single man reveal yourself hello i'm stephen i'm stephen from saint andrews oh sorry i'm steven from saint andrews i don't know if you can see that but it's just like the most generic like stock image of a man like you'd see in like a primary school like little booklet i can't wait to play this with all my friends brendan frazier and jacksepticeye it's gonna be so good i can't wait all right what other carrots are there so we got single man this is fred from flint they're just all just generic oh my god some of them are a little scary um all right so and then on the back it says what i do dj in my spare time baseball what i do bricklayer in my spare time baton twirling all right quite the combination these these are all the men cards there's loads of them okay i don't i don't even understand i was hoping we could have a quick little look at a round or something but this makes no sense whatsoever i'm sorry about the sniffling okay so these are the powers in your hands i think this is like these are forced you have to say these i don't understand okay but if you were a sandwich yeah there you go you can do a video of you and the cowboy people playing the game um i always you got to fill in the blank okay i'll just start reading and then i'll fill in the blank i often help out on my dad's farm and get hot and sweaty so when i arrive home i need a girl to help me to help me off what what does that mean when i arrive home i need a girl to help me off with my maid outfit and the zip is on the back and i cannot remove it alone ladies [Laughter] this is such a weird game like what what do you do then you just rape them or something like that it it doesn't really make any sense whatsoever there's a a button but there's no batteries in it of course you don't get batteries included okay this i think you roll to like if you go out with them or if you don't go out with them i just don't understand anything about this game like there doesn't seem to be any fun in it it's just reading the cards like how do you win the winner the winner is the player who collects the most fernando's vouchers after the la that would be shifters i suppose until one player wins four vouchers this game looks absolutely terrible this is this looks awful i'd rather play shrek chess to be honest with you please play with anna on stream if only there was instructions they're like five pages long i thought it would be really simple but they're like five pages long ah caught in my stubble i don't know why it's so complicated okay this this one feels weird fernando's is the british version of shifters okay so oh no what is this oh wait what the sh it's the isn't this a onesie why is it like it's vacuum sealed oh this is gonna be nasty too oh god oh god it looks so uncomfortable and all wrinkly and look at that it looks so depressing xxl i wonder will it fit me the problem is i think i'm actually way too warm to put this i might put it on and then immediately take it off one second let me try it because let my fish entertain you in the meantime first i was afraid i was petrified kept thinking i could never live without you he's a great cause i have to say he feels [Music] oh sorry i got the what you see words could be my new intermission screen did you think that just one second i will survive i will survive [Music] [Music] song so he just keep playing me wrong and i grew strong i think it does now i'm back back on the flag don't look surprised sorry i've never changed myself before so it's taken me a bit of time all right i need like another half a song [Music] at first [Music] back on the flag [Music] does it suit me [Music] how many awful looks have i got today hello ladies of take me out my name is kevin and i love red pandas you're like jesus you didn't really need to say do you i would now like to perform a song as part of my act [Music] i call it i've woken up at 4am and i've realized that i'm this [Music] oh shut up we've had enough for you now bring on the girls they don't even just they don't even come out it's just on the stage and it's just me standing there this is actually like this is kind of neat like the problem is i'd never wear a onesie it seems so impractical like even to go to the bathroom you got to undress the whole thing i don't know not my kind of thing even though it's more comfortable than the crop top it's actually pretty light surprisingly like it's not it's still warm but the other thing was kind of heavy heavier than i thought it would be and will we see who's the contestant hiding behind this door because i've been curious i honestly i'm not even gonna look at chat because i cannot remember what other cardboard cut head we got and i'm assuming it is a cardboard cutout hold on hold on let me open the thing you love stealing the spotlight don't you oh it's hagrid oh my god i forgot we got a hagrid ah boom boom boom he won't fit in my room room what did you make me do do do ah let me see oh jesus christ i won't survive another rendition of that are you listening to what i'm saying you will get deactivated okay that's it you're getting turned off no no don't bother complaining oh this one stinks too will you stop it okay i think he's he's gone thank you for the hagrid and most oh jesus friend it's been zero days since the last accident oh jesus it was hard enough to get brendan out here okay how the hell are you supposed to make him stand up oh gee oh jesus brendan sorry brendan noah hi greg hold on okay oh no now i i will survive deep on two and then i wonder if you like the sims 2 oh now now die doo [Music] i can't even get him behind a couch hold on there great i actually was worried for a second there that hagrid was gonna destroy my whole setup it looked like he was gonna i'm actually boxed and i'm holding out for a hero and only brendan hagrid or jack spedicy can save me at this point oh my god i don't know how i'm gonna clean all of this up jack looks even smaller now well when he's standing next to hagrid i guess this is unavoidable what do we got here and he looks it looks pretty good down there up there i don't the know is this that is a life-size sean i know uh nicholas cage everybody nicholas cage he's so happy to see you i could i could try and put that around the cushion but i don't think it'll fit i think it's a bit too small it's the sequins look at that isn't it nice you'd love to see that now imagine that imagine having that cushion down in your living room and someone's like oh what a boring and plain cushion there's nothing mysterious about it and then you're like but wait it's actually nicholas cage and then they're like well i'll sit on that and then you have visitors for life you're going to want to come over forever make his eyes right you should make him kind of evil you could let's see so which way is nick nick is that way so you can just second ah there we go terrifying yet oh i'm nicholas cage i was in the movie face-off and they never gave it back please help me that is so terrifying oh it's so scary oh we're running out of packages everyone i think we have two left is it two left i think we only have two left well better be a special one then what if i walked in on you're lucky you missed the musical number [Laughter] oh this is my wig do you wear wigs when will you wear wigs then what the hell could the last thing be oh i don't know if i like the feel of that i'll be back to bother me you know oh that sounds gonna be stuck in my head now i will survive here [Music] okay how does how does this hair work it looks so pink oh is this what it's like to have long hair sweep of jesus i need my crop top for this so uh you're looking kind of sus should i have bangs i don't know why i keep putting these away because they keep coming back hey so i'm like kind of a gamer girl you can still see my hair through it i can't i can't cover it okay hey hey it's it's nice to meet you yeah i i love gaming and spinning just one of the guys oh i'm not even going to give up trying to keep this neat oh echo do you want to mind my hair i think it would suit you more anyway i honestly couldn't see a thing oh no there there oh look at that looks pretty perfect for the maid outfit the whole ensemble there take off the onesie i'll have to in a second but i think i've only got actually i've got these two so i've got three more items um let me see you like that give it to hagrid it would suit hagrid too but i'm afraid that he'll collapse and destroy my whole room um oh no what is this it's my i love dan t-shirt can i put can i put jack in it jack likes dan come on jack it's so hard to get him dressed he's always like this in the morning come on jack there you go it's not fitting him why is it why do me and jack not have the same t-shirt size that might work i don't know where to put them i mentioned like jack joined now can you imagine him joining the stream right now at this moment he's just like looking fondly up at him he's like jesus he's really gone mad he's finally broken it looks so good but also terrifying it looks like every now and again i see a message in chat just what if i walked into it it looks like he's wearing like a little um barbershop thing like he's about to get a little haircut come here now jack we'll give you a little haircut will we there you go you look lovely now you're all done and aren't you good now you stayed nice and still ah geez you did great you did lovely his first haircut everyone why are you saying this guy stop it he's sensitive about his first haircut please please compliment him please or do you think more off the top more here please give give him a sheesh please she got sheesh give him a sheesh please give him a sheesh come on you ruined his confidence [Laughter] all right what have we got in here i don't know if it's a another clothing outfit or not oh look at that jack you see all that do you see all the sheesh in the chat they're all delighted for you look oh they think you look great what is this oh yes my apron my apron for cooking finally it's here oh yes it looks so good oh that suits me and i i like something that looks good but it also has a message you know i don't care what the message is just it has a message you know live laugh love and all that all right we're down to the final package you're texting oh it's so good we're down to the final package everyone and i honestly have no idea what it is deep and meaningful i know my room is destroyed oh it's the foot rest oh that's lovely could have used that at the start of this two hour stream but that's fine no that's brand oh jesus it's coming to life wait where's my wd-40 i have a squeaky door handle over here what i have been scammed once again it's like shrek chest all over again i can't really put this down because well it's really soft i kind of expected it to be more rigid it's really soft this was nice though like this is good i'll use that i'll make sure there's nothing else no that that is it oh my god my place is destroyed just so you're aware it's like it is really really really bad everything everywhere it's gonna take me two hours just to clean the place but that's everything we're gonna have to get like a lovely shot for like a thumbnail for the video i don't i don't know if this is even possible right now let's see what do you think ah oh jack don't fall jesus he's not used to his weight now because i cut a bit of hair off him so he's a bit he's a bit all over the place when it comes to balance oh jesus and so is the automaton all right uh what do you think should i put the the hammer and maybe put on the wig are not the weak that i won't put on the wig because it's too messy i can't even see this it looks messy okay how about this i'll put this back a bit and i'll go here how about that looks good will this work for for a thumbnail you think more off the top someone still wants to cut more off i don't really want to put on the maid outfit again because honestly i'm really really overheating i just need like a good few poses now like a little and now you've seen the behind the scenes that's a smacking jack no i think i can i'll probably pull something from the stream even though honestly one of those might work i don't know what i'll do for the thumbnail but um yeah i think i think that is everything good lord um hey give it a smack i'm not gonna smack i don't with the style yeah the sign fell off but i'm not gonna risk getting it uh let me let me swap over if i could even find my way back oh my god this is a hazard and a half [Music] jesus all right there's a tail is there and i can't get back is there oh there is a tail what i didn't know there was a tail oh my god order cabinet i know i've become the hoarder all right let me um let me swap over i think i can just do this back at it again with the onesie ah jesus okay now that should be better i think you can get a better understanding of my situation now like if i leave the frame you probably understand more where i'm coming from um i don't i don't know if uh it's like i'll turn it down a bit i think i was too late one second i'll just ditch some of this bless this mess huh live laugh love it actually it is much worse let me try and give you a better you like that yeah kevin the hoarder oh god i'm so uncomfortably sweaty i know that's too much sorry i know i'm sharing too much with you oh all right package bottom left what no they're all no they're all uh they're all gone they're all [Music] that empty sound good it just slipped down it didn't fall too much it's okay yeah these were the chords i didn't know that well now i'll have to learn i will survive next all right no damage done thankfully yeah those are the lyrics because i don't i don't really know the song i had to print them out and put them here i i would not have been able to do it otherwise sorry i just need to make sure that's right yeah all right gang i'm going to thank everyone um zero days since last accident i mean yeah it did the sign fell so they kind of i love the jacksepticeye over there just just chilling you did really well for not knowing thank you very much i tried i had this plan for days oh i did i did have the song planned for days but i do i still i didn't really know the song way into it and i'm still very much like amateur level guitar player i can look at most songs now and go okay i think i can play this but um when it's sung i don't know i had to do a bit of practice um oh sweet bejesus there's so much support after coming in i've got to catch up kellyanne thank you for the five subs rs prem pancake ian thank you for the five lots of llamas uh witcher wall street dr blinsey thank you for the five as well uh alistra adelphi i feel so much better now now that it's like cooled down thank you very much for the kind words as well i can't believe i didn't get my um my wd-40 i'm glad you enjoyed the stream chocolate suns um adelphi the little fish uh slow shadow mark uh links izzy warland writer thank you very much uh dwight sage sp nelly thank you for the 10. dwight stage thank you for the five as well space cadet thank you for the two rafikoso usernames uh oh darcy ben uh vina elwyn christine lots of llamas again captain longlegs your team martin that firework over made by dale thank you for that char gt rookia uh nps stuart the big caldo uh emily stacy amber thank you so much for the tip uh sham shambler real big cheese uh feline call me helen thank you for the tip very kind and congrats in the interview it's dave uh paradise uh hex shadow uh arizona almost there tessa eq uh nilcha the the great reset for sarah jacob lottie goose game um flapoo honzo pazeel's uh kamobi bdambrowski thank you for the bits i get someone that looks at you the way kevin looks at the fish while singing that's great auntie saw tv critter kind seer the big calo wizard ally voxey fallout rookia motley jelly uh captain butterbean uh bing bong firelord strawberry throbbing frogs thank you for the two subs uh there yet uh elias white princess usernames are too stressful kell hawk random muted thoughts the louis copeland cowboy moose miguel thank you so much for the five subs as well uh that's very kind of you puff loopy uh fosten haley death clown sarah howdy lonnie solid uh big and hairy uh oh cree solid snake uh phys cause i think it is b bloomers iperto clown thank you very much for the two subs alice thank you for the bits so what did you do this weekend i watched someone spend a grand on descending into madness the stream was incredible thank you kevin enjoy cleaning the maid outfit i mean it will kind of suit it won't it uh jedi knight thank you very much for the sub as well bittersong uh kolola stellium loopy miss panther er jones zero and steph thank you so much everyone for the support very kind i hope you enjoyed this stream it's been a wild one i think it's been a very fun one it's it's been a really cool project to do uh thank you everyone for who took part in it uh mikhail turk sorry i missed you thank you for the support as well i i thought i got everyone but apologies i missed you um bananas and shawnee johnny thank you so much for the tip as well jesus christ you already gave a massive tip earlier you didn't have to do that but thank you very much i appreciate it it's very kind of you cause aphrodisia's solid snake thank you very much um okay thank you it's been quite a project uh shout out to my mom who spent a lot of time um covering the addresses on everything uh she's a star i shout out to everyone who helped out with the setup of the subreddit the mods were just brilliant for doing so much work on this literally could not have done it without them because it was way too much work um they did an amazing job and they did something i'm really bad they took initiative and they were just like oh we're going to get this done because i'm very slow with everything i get a bit overwhelmed and i struggle to keep up with things so they did amazing thank you so much mods again wouldn't happen without you appreciate you all um worrisome thank you for the sub and everyone thank you for the submissions as well a big part of this stream was obviously the previous one where we did a massive stream uh just going through things and seeing everything some people had submitted on the subreddit uh voting on them purchasing them and it was a whole kind of ordeal but it was a really really fun one so i hope you enjoyed it i really do um [Music] everyone shout out the mods and my mom and it's great uh but thank you to the community for for all of that and also just being here because obviously if you weren't here to watch i wouldn't be doing it and this like it's been such a bizarre experience it's been so weird but i won't forget this kind of stuff like it it's quite it's ridiculous but it's also kind of like it's special so i i appreciate everyone just being here and hanging out spending time um in this community it means a lot to me um echo it also means a lot to echo um and hagrid brendan jack spedici the fish who we haven't named yet um it's just been wonderful so thank you so much for for spending your time here when i know you could be doing anything you wanted it it means a lot to me that you're willing to spend it here because i know there's there's a lot of choice out there on the internet um so it's pretty crazy to me that so many people are like yes we'll spend it all together doing this wacky uh ori sim queen bovine unicorn mighty thank you very much for the support and defender of the universe thank you so much for five subs you're very very kind uh thank you so much everyone um i've got a video going up in an hour if you want to check that out youtube is below but i think i'm gonna have to end it there i have a lot of cleaning ahead of me this is not the fun fact just be thankful you don't have to spend your time cleaning it too maybe the next time we could have made this a three character where we did a cleaning portion but um yeah i hope you enjoyed everyone i i won't ramble anymore thank you so much for hanging out um and that that's kind of it really i won't say bye bye bye bye i was about to but we're gonna drop a raid on hannah who's doing a bit of chess right now but is going to be doing some magic the gathering so if you'd be nice to anna um she's to put up with a lot of my uh you know me banging gavels and stuff like that so be nice to her not that i need to say it um i'm sure she'll be interested to to know what happened here and uh you can fill her in on some of what's going on she'll be very interested uh unicorn vomit papa has mighty nina thank you very much and um that's it i i want just a quick note i won't be streaming tomorrow i've got some stuff i got to take care of so no stream tomorrow um i'll see how we go in future because i'm getting a little bit overwhelmed at all the streams but i will still be streaming but i just i might need to adjust my schedule where i take one day off a week or something like that i i don't know um maybe temporary i i don't i really don't know but all i know is i can't stream tomorrow but i'll see you tuesday for the stream and in the meantime videos should be going up every day so i'll hopefully see you there but thank you so much gang um that's it thank you again bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye jules and thank you for the sub and just thank you so much for being here everyone bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 70,926
Rating: 4.9762096 out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: lrVuYjeLW3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 25sec (7405 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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