She did that! Easy DIY Short Fluffy Twist for $8 | Protective Style | X-pression Spring Afro Twist
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Adanna Madueke
Views: 780,606
Rating: 4.9572787 out of 5
Keywords: Adanna Madueke, diy short fluffy twist, diy short twist, diy fluffy twist, shoulder length twist, no crochet, fluffy twist, fluffy twist tutorial, spring twist, short twist, short fluffy twist, short spring twist, short twist tutorial, spring twists, fluffy twists, protective style, short twists, Marley twist, kinky twist, passion twist, short passion twist, diy, how to, tutorial, Outre Xpression twisted up springy afro twist, spring afro twist, $8, affordable
Id: mHwgKkLoCe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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