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donate to my campaign and then text me a receipt and i will facetime you here is my phone number he actually put his phone number up stop donating and flashing me pee-pees when i facetime you what do you expect like come on bro hey everyone my name is jake and welcome to choosing beggars where we're going to be looking at people who just want free stuff that's pretty much it they go on facebook marketplace or ebay or something like that they'll post a thing they'll be like yo can i get that new ps5 for for dollars and then they're like no it's not twenty dollars and they won't stop until they get it for twenty dollars or they swear at them a lot that's pretty much what it is enjoy if you're a photographer trying to work with me here's how not to do it hey this is pretty random but i'm trying to get in more portraits like street photography and i was wondering if you'd be down to shoot some time oh hi i'd love to my rate is forty dollars per hour and unfortunately i only have time for paid shoots right now don't flatter yourself i collaborate with image models and crew from the nbc pro bono because they know my quality of work oh that's awesome i don't doubt your capabilities i was just letting you know my rate because i'm really busy and don't have time to collab right now and your reply seems kind of aggressive yeah it does it seems like this guy is compensating for something 2002 porsche 911 for 23 000 i'll bring the cash with me and i want to hit the expressway and if it does go over 170 you got a deal sounds good uh this saturday works for me anytime i like the car i want to make sure it will do over 170. i'm a street racer sounds good yeah that's not going to work for me sorry man yeah i figured you were bsing on the top speed but why i'm not bsing on the top speed lol i looked that up and you can confirm it if you want i'm not going to let someone take a vehicle i own 100 miles per hour over the speed limit why if i have the cash in hand if it will do we got the deal what's the problem if she does it then it's my car i'm not going to let some person i don't know endanger myself and my vehicle trying to prove a top speed that's insane i'm giving you a price not jerking you around you can count it before we take her for a spin yeah not going to happen sorry if you're looking for top speed this really isn't the right car for you anyways well then good luck what i see is you're afraid and the car maybe will do 140 top speed i just looked it up your loss out of 23k good looking someone giving you your asking price you may get 20 to 21k that's about it sorry you're so afraid but the fact of the matter your car won't do it i've never seen a v6 do over 120ish without a supercharger or turbos you're absolutely right because you lied about the speed and you're a chicken good day liar losers why does he need to go 170 miles per hour like he says he's a street racer but surely you can't go 170 miles per hour in a street race unless that street is like the longest street ever come come on dude you don't need that car i love you so much and the world you have given but 64 when people just lost a ton of income and may lose their home it seems beautiful but so out of reach for so many i am so torn on this uh then maybe just don't spend your money on a collector's edition of stardew valley yeah like okay if you're struggling to pay rent don't buy stardew valley for 64. you could probably buy it for like 10 the normal edition or not at all i want to tell you something what is it i was asking if you could lend me money so i can buy a phone i have 1000 and the phone is 3 000. i'm buying a samsung 820 because this phone is nearing its time of breaking so can you donate me a bit of cash so i can buy it i'll pay you weekly i'm left with 2 000 more i promise you i will do your homework and anything you ask i'm desperate just please if you can bring it tomorrow please do whoa sorry but no i can't man i'm not an atm just a bit not a lot i can't lend you money i let you have the money those other times because it was for lunch and i didn't want you to go hungry i won't get you money just to get a new phone blank but i trusted you soon much i said i'd pay you like even 100. i can't give a hundred otherwise i'd have no money to buy lunch how much do you have i only get an r82 well per day no that's all the money i have for the rest of the week but my birthday is next week friday and i don't get money i don't know what you want me to do man i can't give you the money i'm sorry but you'll have to ask someone else my parents aren't as wealthy as yours but okay well my parents were jobless from 2016 to 19. i often had to borrow money from friends to get lunch they couldn't afford to pay for the school fees and we almost had to sell our house but we are better now and i understand what you're going through but i can't in good faith give a hundred for a new phone i'm sorry man but i just can't do that you'll have to ask someone else i hope you can get the money you want though i know it sounds bad but i feel like he's just being used like completely like the guy's probably giving him a load of money for like lunch sometimes and then he's like you know what this guy gives me money for lunch i'm gonna get a free phone out of it and he's trying to like guilt trip him into doing it probably shouldn't give him the money for a phone thirty percent off at the cara dale hotel oh that seems pretty good oh i am happy with that um it's not fifty percent but it's still better than nothing uh yeah i mean 30 is better than zero percent so yeah you're right making a content creator group to join you must have at least two million youtube subscribers bare minimum dm the asap before spots fill up this person has 689 subscribers and if they were making a good content creator group they'd know that subscribers don't mean anything so yeah good job this guy wanted me to do a design for a tattoo for him that takes five hours of work cause i'm trying to make it a full sleeve oh is that the font you want you want it in all capital letters yeah and yes please thank you so much i'm actually shocked and happy because never thought i'm actually getting a reply from you no problem uh do you have paypal yes awesome that will cost about fifty dollars wow that was expensive i thought it was gonna be free well he could have paid after that like he could have said i thought it was free and then gone but i'll pay so we don't know the rest of it but fifty dollars seems like a good deal for five hours of work hmm i'm basically looking for someone who is an expert at drawing humans and willing to take up my request but before you say yes here are a couple of things that you need to know number one this is a free request and number two even though my request is of a human it'll most likely take you outside of your drawing comfort zone oh okay sweet so number one i'm not getting paid for this and number two i probably won't be able to do it sounds like i'm gonna go on board 25 year old female looking for a home hello i'm a 25 year old white female country girl single looking for a place to call home preferably in a private place mountains i like to have a big garden in the summertime want to learn to hunt love fishing all by myself i have no form of transportation very little money love the outdoors bluegrass music jam in looking to find a trustworthy friend to blaze fires worship the lord and make music with i love animals hate electricity really looking to get out into the country thank you okay she hates electricity oh this is gonna be great why are men legit so freaking stupid i've asked him for a new phone for my birthday and guess what he got me a freaking note 10 get yourself a better man and don't make my mistake girls god imagine only getting a note 10 for free for your birthday you know for free that's a pretty expensive phone i'm pretty sure you could you know say oh no i don't really like that one i prefer the iphone i can help pay towards it if it's a bit extra maybe and he might be like oh sure yeah that sounds good no get rid of this person please dude leave um does anyone give out vr headsets for free i can't afford it and hell no to cardboard i'm talking quest 2. wait so you're asking if a stranger want to spend hundreds of dollars for you to buy you a brand new vr headset that just came out and when someone suggested something you can afford you think it's not good enough and only want the newest one go ask your mum or dad and there's 83 other comments so you know it's gonna be good tattoo artist free anyone know anyone or know someone that knows an individual looking to do free or very discounted tattoo work i need way more ink and this covert thing knocks me out of work which makes me want more please post examples of what you can do my body is your canvas just make sure that your work is semi-decent at least lol thank you well any semi-decent tattoo artist would not do this for free but good luck to you bro good luck someone's gonna draw like a smiley face really bad on his back our family needs help if you want to help support our family we need help cooking and cleaning organizing our home purging things and organizing and executing our plans for where to move next as well as building our community paying attention to blank is a full-time job and it's only getting more intense two parent households dedicated to giving children the attention they need are unsustainable without a screen to babysit the kids and we refuse to partake in that form of absentee parenting okay so there's two of them taking care of one kid and they need help with cleaning the house and stuff really how do you think like single parents do it then where is the community spirit my very elderly parents nearly 90 are surrounded by young families who all own lawn mowers and are regularly cutting their grass i'm dumbfounded that not one neighbor has volunteered to cut their grass my parents call me daily to ask to have it mowed they both have dementia and don't remember that the grass company from their age care package could not come out i normally don't run on social media i'm simply stunned i don't own a lawnmower as naturally i would have done it myself weeks ago this is in blank rant over oh no one's done it for them without being asked wow to be fair i'm sure if you put a thing on saying oh if anyone's in the area could you please do it that they need it someone might do it but like expecting them to do it nah apparently this woman begs for food money weekly online today she asked for fifty dollars worth of lobster hey it's your friendly neighborhood hungry lady again craving lobster and soup even though my wallet is dying of emptiness lol crustacean and warm broth me please here's my paypal yeah i hope no one gives her anything i would actually like for you guys to to like the video at least 50 times on 50 different accounts it has to be done otherwise you basically you're not supporting me that's a lie by the way you are you don't have to do anything but click another one that that's supporting you click another one and you get to watch another and it's it's good thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 313,206
Rating: 4.9557652 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: guHdYrP4Zlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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