Kid-E-Cats | NEW Episodes Compilation | Best cartoons for Kids 2022

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kitty cats we're cute but i'm cuter me wow kittens go diving one day daddy took the kitty cats to visit their grandpa who worked and lived in a lighthouse hey there my kittens hi grandpa dad meow my boy you can just head off to the factory and we're gonna have a fun time ocean's very calm today which is great because we'll all be able to go swimming underwater what is grandpa talking about going underwater how's that gonna work i don't see a submarine around hey so are you ready it's scuba diving time wait it's what time diving time we're going scuba diving underwater but how will we breathe grandpa you're going to have special containers with air in them how are we going to see underwater grandpa with special underwater masks but won't moving be hard nope you'll have flippers for that along with these swanky special rubber outfits scuba diving takes a lot of stuff why swim underwater at all it's awfully wet down there we're looking for a beautiful precious special seashell over near that rock last one in's a rotten hairball come on kittens i'm waiting let's go under the water the kittens felt like they were light as a feather [Music] a sea monster bit my tail pudding it's only a little crab it's no big deal come back in yeah i think i've had enough of diving grandpa know what pudding you're right i'm with you if i'm underwater i'll never get a tan well fine then i'll just find that beautiful groovy shell all by myself later the kittens were using grandpa's binoculars to look all around wow look at the mountains there with all those little birds hey let me see and me paws off give up i'm not done [Music] oh no grandpa's gonna be furious i have a really good idea we could go scuba diving for them that is a great idea jump in grandpa kept an eye on the kitty cats pleased as punch that they were realizing how awesome diving could be um [Music] [Music] [Music] so do you like diving after all it's great look what we found i found some really awesome treasure and i found this pretty show oh that is exactly the kind of shell that i was hoping to find i should be taking scuba diving lessons from you [Laughter] hey grandpa why are you looking for a seashell like that what does it do why this shell has the sound of the whole ocean inside it so beautiful there put it to your ear [Music] scuba diving is not a simple thing to do but the kitty cats learned that if you stick with it you can find some truly wonderful things let's learn new things with kitty cats [Music] choose a topic and let's learn the art gallery the kitty cats had worked up quite an appetite butterfly chasing when they ran into their friend mustard hey little mustard oh hi what are you eating there the yummiest declare in the history of the world oh wow could the three of us have just a taste of it not a chance if you want something go buy one for yourself they sell them over there in the cafeteria the little one that's inside the great big fancy art gallery a cafeteria in the art gallery can you tell us how we can get there all right first you go straight ahead past the square cat go straight until you reach the screaming cat then go right as far as the smiling cat you'll come to a sculpture the thinking cat right past him is the cafeteria and in the cafeteria are the eclairs that made no sense at all what square cat where uh i don't understand it but i do have it memorized then why don't we run home and draw a nice map of our route the kitty cats were very excited to have a map to the world's yummiest treasure we visit the big art gallery please oh it's wonderful that you kitties have taken an interest in art but i'm tied up cooking lunch ask your father i bet he'd be happy to take you to the gallery mom said that you know i'm just as busy as your mother as long as it's for the sake of art though i guess this can wait let's go to the art gallery right now the gallery was very big and had lots and lots of pictures first it up kitties and i'll teach you all about the art this place has all the greats like uh hey there's the square cat look come on he's really funny too right so this is cats on rocks by andy hairball huh oh that's a masterpiece the screaming cat's next look there [Laughter] oh this is a very famous painting it's called the owl look there's the smiling cat huh [Music] the muni lisa [Music] [Laughter] [Music] daddy could you please buy some yummy eclairs for us hey is this the whole reason you wanted to come here muster was right this is the yummiest declare i've ever eaten now this is what i call a masterpiece hmm they use maya claire recipe to make those you know and can you make some more for us when we get home i don't think so i have to finish my work i lost time taking you to a gallery when you really wanted to go to a bakery well you got what you came for come on it's a shame that dad won't make us any more eclairs cause i really love those things they're great but i also like the screaming cat i loved the smiling cat i thought the square cat was really cool but dad thinks the three of us didn't care anything about the art i have a super good idea we should all do our very own paintings for him then daddy will know that the gallery trip wasn't a waste of time at all and soon the kitty cat's house was full of hard-working artists [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what are you up to in here oh it's just wonderful why we could hang these up and have our own art gallery [Music] darling kittens i can't tell you how much i've enjoyed looking at these paintings and i thought this was a good way to say thank you eclairs the kittens agreed that dad's eclairs were a work of art now it's just like a big fancy gallery here beautiful art everywhere and a first-rate cafeteria um [Music] dad's eclairs were a very big hit and everyone agreed the kitty cat's art gallery was almost as good as the real thing a muddy good time cookie candy and pudding were so happy to discover that the snow had finally melted we've been waiting for this and it's finally here you mean the sunshine nah the new seesaw's here so awesome meanwhile dibs on first try yeah [Music] watch out cookie the new seesaw was in the middle of a big puddle of sticky icky mud just think how muddy and gross we'll get if we try to walk across that if daddy were here we'd be just fine he'd pick up the three of us and carry us over there but pudding daddy can't help us he's at work now oh huh hello oh that's right i'm at work at the factory [Music] hey let's use stilts to walk across the mud [Music] do you have any better suggestions cookie well we could also sail across the mud on something [Music] what'll we do hey i know how we can get across it isn't deep take a look boys some rubber boots are all we need to get across it [Music] now the kitty cats had smiles on their faces and rubber boots on their feet but cupcake and smudge wanted to get to the new seesaw too come on cupcake watch out smudge i won't look as beautiful if i'm covered in mud meow yucky mud candy would you like to try it first yeah thanks cupcake oh this is gonna be so much fun just please make sure you don't splash mud on my boots [Laughter] [Music] oh no there's mud everywhere it even got on smudge all the way over there don't laugh look at my dress and my shirt hey pudding don't cry i'll clean it off with puddle water unfortunately adding water just made more mud now i'm even dirtier well since we're already completely dirty i say that it's mud angel time guys cookie i'm sorry but that is just gross guys mama's gonna be so upset that we got our clothes this dirty it's not our fault that there's mud well maybe we should wait for the mud to try before we play outside how long is that going to take uh i think it should be dried out by summer oh wow looks like you had a really good time we're really sorry that we got all covered in mud but don't worry we've decided to stop going outside at least not until summertime you're not going outside until summer [Laughter] oh mommy you're just as muddy as us true but a little mud never hurt anyone but isn't your dress ruined now not at all just a little dirty but the washing machine will clean it all right up hooray let's hear it for the wonderful washing machine yes clothes can be washed but getting them dirty on purpose isn't great you could end up sick that way so we don't have to wait inside till the mud dries of course not going outside is good for you even when there's mud so awesome that's when daddy came home at least they thought it was daddy under all that mud hey [Music] the car got stuck in the mud so i had to get on push all this mud makes the kitty cats look more like piggy cats [Laughter] [Music] the washing machine cleaned their muddy clothes right up then they headed back outside for more family fun and no one minded getting a little bit grubby baby tooth one day during breakfast candy felt something strange oh i think my tooth is wobbling good for you your teeth are starting to fall out candy what mommy am i going to lose them all don't worry you're just losing what are called baby teeth darling when your baby teeth fall out different ones begin to grow in your permanent teeth which last forever and ever cookie and i went through the same thing when we were little then i'll be getting a whole new tooth awesome [Music] candy couldn't wait to show her tooth to her friends all right loose tooth that's awesome i did not like it when my baby teeth were coming out one bit i thought it made me look not so pretty when my teeth came out i was really hoping i would grow crazy giant fangs in their place [Music] obviously it didn't happen but when you lose a tooth you can put it underneath your pillow then the tooth fairy will come and take the tooth and leave a present for you awesome i want a present from the tooth fairy that sounds super great is there a way to get my tooth out faster at all well you could just bite an apple your tooth will get stuck in it and come right out but what if i accidentally eat my tooth though along with the apple how and the tooth fairy won't get anything just tie a string to your tooth then you simply attach the string to the back of a car and then when it leaves so will your two oh you know what it'd be even better if you tied it to a plane but what if the tooth is too tough and it won't come out [Laughter] just go to the dentist if the tooth doesn't come out on its own i did that one time it was a dark and spooky dentist's office and the dentist wore a dark and spooky mask and plucked and pulled and tugged out my little bitty white baby tooth there goes smudge and his scary stories again dentists don't wear masks that are dark and scary they're actually really friendly and helpful dentists are fine but i still don't want to go to one i'll just let my tooth fall out all by itself [Music] wait okay lunch time come on then candy candy hadn't eaten anything all day and her wobbly tooth still hadn't come out that's that i'm calling the dentist right now i'm sure he'll sort this out in a hurry hello i'd like to make a dentist appointment please i don't want to go see the dentist at all i'm real scared don't worry candy we'll come with you [Music] all right now candy let's open wide pop and there's our little baby tooth huh is it done yep and pretty soon you'll have a brand new grown-up tooth but you must remember take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and seeing me thank you sir now i can give my tooth to the tooth fairy so awesome [Laughter] [Music] one second you need to stick around a little while daddy your teeth need some work do you eat a lot of sweets uh well i uh i have to for my job at the candy factory [Music] everyone needs to take care of their teeth watch the sweets brush and floss twice a day and then they're sure to stay healthy and strong [Music] the feathery thief one day the kitty cats were playing in their room as usual when they started to notice something odd [Music] huh pudding have you seen my shiny new whistle did you take it i don't have it [Music] candy my brand new whistle is gone just wait first i have to look for my nice new hairpin nope you didn't take it right my magnifying glass is gone candy did you pick it up why would i want your magnifying glass but my hairpin must have been taken by one of you it wasn't me well i haven't seen your hairpin or magnifying glass but i want my whistle but who took my hairpin give me back my magnifying glass come on all right what is all this fighting now which of you kitty cats can tell me where my other earring's gone we didn't take it that means there's a thief in our house [Music] if there really was a robber in the house i'd have probably spotted him huh what's going on my jelly spoon was just right here where is it oh i've got it there's a thief in the house we have to figure out just what the thief wants but first we have to figure out why he took the items he did a spoon an earring magnifying glass hairpin and whistle well he took a jelly spoon so he must really like jelly of course everyone likes jelly so that's no help at all they took one of my earrings and my other hairpin which could mean that our thief is a girl right and maybe they took my magnifying glass because they can't see well and she likes sports because she also took my referee whistle all right so grandma is our robber [Music] of course well grandma's a very clever lady hang on now we can't accuse someone without evidence what we should do is leave some bait for the thief you know what do all these things have in common for one thing they're all shiny daddy's car key is shiny so they used it as bait everyone held their breath and waited to see who the thief was [Music] looks like the robber is a magpie guys oh don't let that bird fly away with my car keys great how am i ever gonna get to work now hang on dear don't panic i have an idea where all our missing things are [Music] look at that it's like a treasure chest in there seems like we weren't the only victims of this particular thief the kitty cats called their neighbors who came running when they heard the neighborhood robber had been caught they had all lost shiny things [Music] there's just our stuff left ready earring dear magnifying glass your hairpin whistle my keys and spoon yay so that's that let's head home [Music] i feel bad for the bird she really loves sparkly things but she doesn't have any of them left hey i've got an idea how about we find some other really sparkly shiny thing for the birdie then she'd have shiny stuff that was all hers and nobody would try to take it away ever so awesome [Music] so the kitty cats left a nice shiny bottle cap for the magpie and thanks to the feathery thief they learn that you always need to figure out the facts of a case before you accuse someone especially your grandma ghosts one day mommy and daddy decided to clean every nook and cranny in the house while you are carefully vacuuming every rug we have i will do the window washing then we'll do the cellar together also we have to change all of the bedding in the house and wash all the curtains and dust the shells we'd like to help you both with the house cleaning really are you sure you won't get distracted and start playing we won't get distracted we really want to help pretty please mommy okay now candy you can wipe all the dust off all the shelves while cookie and pudding change all the bed sheets in your room all right so awesome [Music] wouldn't it just be super awesome to have a big pillowcase race [Music] [Applause] sure would but first we have to finish our work remember hey pudding you look amazing just like a genuine real-life ghost so do you i can see you through the sheet me too [Laughter] [Music] mommy i just saw two ghosts in the dining room don't be afraid candy remember there's no such thing as ghosts but i really saw them do you think they live in the basement and we disturbed them with all the spring cleaning [Music] you're imagining things sweetheart we don't need to worry about ghosts but not having enough time to hang the linens out to dry does worry me candy wanted to take a picture of the ghosts and show it to mommy [Music] oh they're not here [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] we are pretending to be ghosts this whole time that's right oh admit it we really got you how awful mommy are you that afraid of these ghosts no i'm afraid that you have muddied up my nice clean linens it was absolutely cookie and pudding's fault they were running around pretending to be ghosts instead of cleaning you weren't doing your cleaning either you forgot all about dusting the shelves instead you were just chasing us around yeah and you're the reason we ended up in the puddle and got all muddy ugh i just knew you kittens would end up playing and forget all about cleaning hey i know what we should do we need to finish the jobs that we started but without any distractions like those chasing that's a really good idea candy come on i'll find some other clean linens for the beds [Music] mommy we finished everything great kittens all that's left is cleaning up the basement after that all of our housekeeping jobs will be finished [Music] oh my kitty i just found these cool old white curtains in the basement what should i do with them daddy oh i think these old sheets would be just perfect for dressing up as ghosts [Music] and that's how the kitty cats learned that playing could be even more fun after all the work was done [Music] the little things in life one day the kitty cat family decided to visit grandpa you'll go paddling with grandpa this afternoon and after we'll have extra yummy treats for tea wow me well me wow oh i need to help daddy in the kitchen we'll be leaving in a half an hour that means we have more time to play okay think fast daddy was talking to grandpa on the phone well bring our inflatable kayak over for a little paddling excellent i'll gather some strawberries for tea don't bother with little things like that dad i'm bringing one of my famous cheese pies for tea okay i can't wait to see you all [Music] oh [Music] oh we changed the time setting on the clock it's gone back by 15 minutes rado the inflatable kayak check paddles fishing rods and most important of all your life jackets hmm and just enough time to make sure the pie gets baked through [Music] we need to make the time right again i'll hit it again that'll make it move back that didn't work [Music] whatever it's just a little thing it doesn't matter nobody looks at clocks anymore they get the time on their phone let's play honey something's burning oh this doesn't make any sense at all according to the living room clock this pie should have stayed in the oven for 15 more minutes at least [Music] it's all right we'll bring grandpa some jam instead of the pie [Music] well bye-bye jam oh dear we need to clean up this broken glass [Music] quick we need to beat the traffic to get to grandpa's on time [Music] the kayak fell off the roof ah i forgot to secure it to the roof because i was thinking about the jam daddy had to go back to get the boat and secure it to the roof while he did the traffic got worse this might take a while [Music] hello family what took you all so long hello grandpa hi there paw we're a bit later than we expected to be but i think we still have time for some paddling i'm afraid not by the time we get the boat blown up the sun will have set this really is not our lucky day we're sorry this is all our fault we accidentally knocked the clock and moved the hand so the time changed we thought it wasn't a big deal but because of what we thought was a little thing a bunch of other things went wrong like the pie being cooked too long and burning and because of that mommy had to bring jam instead and all the jars broke and cleaning up the mess in broken jars made daddy forget to secure the kayak right and going back for the kayak made us stuck in traffic [Music] one little mistake with the clock messed everything up now it's no paddling pie or jam i have a really good idea let's pay more attention to the little things excellent advice kittens the little things in life are often the most important of all we can paddle some other time don't you worry ask for yummy things to eat how about fresh strawberries strawberries me wow good thing that grandpa still decided to gather some strawberries and the kittens realize that even a small thing can have a big effect like little strawberries brightening up a frustrating day kitty cats back in time one day grandpa and the kittens set out to explore a cave long ago in prehistoric times ancient cats didn't build houses like us instead they lived in caves just like this one don't you worry we've got flashlights and helmets to protect our heads they're really strong yay this is amazing we look like real cave explorers the cave turned out to be quite dark but very exciting [Applause] grandpa will you tell us about the ancient cats sure they lived in caves just like this one they wore simple clothes and they didn't have flashlights or electricity or central heating so they would gather around fires oh wow i've wanted to find traces of ancient cats since i was small but i never could find any oh oh it's a shame that grandpa never found what he always dreamed he would hey you guys why don't we help him well grandpa what cookie look here i just found some paw prints is it possible ancient cats could have left these cookie these are your own footprints huh you're right what other kinds of things did ancient cats leave behind well i suppose it could be anything really cookie not just footprints but objects and paintings on the cave walls sometimes my grandpa i think i found an ancient candy wrapper or an ancient cat must have dropped it a long time ago like maybe a hundred gajillion in 65 years [Music] don't think that's ancient ancient cats only ate things like mushrooms berries and fish they didn't have any candy back then oh no let's pick up the wrapper in any case look what i found i think an ancient cat must have drawn this picture it's a wall painting like you said they used to me hmm that's interesting it's a really wonderful drawing but it wasn't painted by any ancient cats how can you tell that it's not there's one detail that gives it away there were no airplanes back then please don't feel bad kittens thank you for trying to help me find the ancient cat traces i've always dreamt of hello lunch is ready please head back home all right be back soon that was your mommy telling us it's time to head home she has your lunch ready [Music] oh there's more than one path which one do we need to take oh oh no we're all lost in here don't you worry pudding we'll figure out how to handle this problem i have a really good idea remember cookies footprints we can follow our footprints back good thinking candy you're a real cave explorer grandpa and the kittens headed to the cave's exit i'm sorry you didn't find any evidence of ancient cat's grandpa but we had a real honest-to-goodness adventure let me get a picture of my brave fellow adventurers uh move right little more so the bat family's in the shot too smile big now [Music] kittens look we found an actual wall painting done by ancient cats long ago how can i never have noticed it before you never had anyone with you before that you wanted to take a picture of look at that it's kind of like the ancient cats are trying to wave at us hi dear the kitty cats and their grandpa kept their eyes wide open that day in the cave and by noticing every detail they eventually found what they were looking for packing a bag one day daddy said he had to go on a business trip to another city look at my train ticket everyone it leaves at three o'clock i'm going to a big banking conference oh that's wonderful and exciting my darling oh there's not much time i need to get you all packed up [Music] look they're running everywhere like crazy well of course because it's very important work to pack for a business trip you have to make sure to remember everything you might need then let's help daddy with packing his stuff that way he won't forget anything too important let's help him me well me well me wow all right what does dad need to take with him washing stuff right toothbrush towel shower cap soap and bath sponge hair dryer [Music] we have to remember to pack this too the rubber ducky daddy always takes his baths with right and now we need some eating and sleeping stuff first he'll need some things to cook his dinner with and some plates and forks spoons and cups a pillow and a kettle just in case he wants to make tea and with tea you need jam raspberry or strawberry why not pack both goodness i almost forgot the napkins [Music] he'll need warm clothes like sweaters and scarves in case it gets cold and an umbrella in case it rains and flippers in case he wants to swim and an air mattress wrapped for floods great what else now the kitty cats thought very hard about all the things daddy might need now we need to pack it all into suitcases [Music] almost there all that was left to do was to close up the suitcases [Music] yay we're the best we got daddy all packed up daddy goodness are we moving kittens we packed for daddy he's completely ready to go oh wow that's very sweet my darlings but uh isn't it a bit much for a two-day trip i have a really good idea we should take out what you might not need and leave only the things that you really have to take [Music] it turned out all the things daddy really needed fit into his briefcase now i'm all ready to go oh wow there's just a half hour till the train leaves i'll just grab my ticket uh oh oh oh my whiskers i lost my ticket right just stay calm now kittens let's search for daddy's ticket [Music] well thanks but now it's too late my train just left i guess no business trip for me oh no and we worked so hard to get you packed up hmm it's good that his packing is done with plenty of time to spare because your train really doesn't leave until tomorrow darling what it looks like you just mixed up the dates oh yes i did goodness i'm silly then daddy gets to take his business trip after all hooray help me well since daddy was already all ready for his trip he didn't have to rush so he had plenty of time for a lovely evening with the kittens space adventure one evening it was snowing so hard that the kittens had to stay in so bored we have to find something to do but what though hey look the snow kinda looks like falling stars let's imagine we're floating in space [Music] awesome listen up we're going on a cosmic adventure all right we'll fly with the stars so awesome wow well there's no gravity in space so we should be floating ha great idea let's do it [Applause] gosh trying to float is really hard i'm getting worn out fighting gravity then why don't we build a spaceship to fly around in the kittens used mommy's yarn box as the ship's body then they found some card to use as wings and gathered a funnel a whisk and some bagels and stuck them all onto the box finally their spaceship was ready to fly this is your space captain speaking prepare yourselves for takeoff space navigator here ready to take off sir spaceship uh uh mechanic starting up the engine sir uh we're flying [Music] comet storm directly ahead sir [Music] space monsters mommy daddy we thought that you were alien space monsters what have you crazy kittens been doing oh we're just having a big space adventure it looks more like a big woolly mess you'd better start sorting it out it's almost your bedtime but what about our super cool spaceship this is our life's work this ship yeah [Music] come in please this is mission control calling astro kittens i have an important mission that only the best kittens can handle this space debris must be cleaned up quick or else it might crash into the cat colony do you copy over loud and clear the astro kitties accept the mission what should we do with all these comments we'll transport them to planet cabinet [Music] kitchen let's put them back into their proper drawers uh i mean back into orbit [Music] look at these paper meteors oh no they're scattered everywhere let's get them to the space station library wow and all of this icky space litter needs to be thrown into the garbage bag black hole whoa that's a lot of space garbage i know it has to be done we have to take it on a spacewalk outside it's cold out in space you'll all need your spacesuits [Music] yay we saved the cat colony from the space trash it's a bunch of weird space monsters nah it's just us daddy we've totally completed our mission that's just great it's time to get ready for bed then i'll come tell you a story about the cosmos including three astro kitties [Music] mommy and daddy made a very special starry sky in the kitten's room [Music] and the kittens listened to their dad's astro kitty stories and looked forward to dreams that would be out of this world daddy daycare one day mommy was getting ready to go and visit her friend daddy will be taking over for me today so try to be good all right bye-bye bye-bye what exactly does that mean dad taking over from mom will he put on a pink dress and grow his hair all fluffy and curly huh oh hey oh [Laughter] or will he try to take all of mommy's fitness classes at the gym [Music] none of that what it means is that instead of mommy taking care of us it'll be daddy so awesome [Music] yeah all right come with mommy daddy daddy made the kitty cats their favorite eclairs that's so good it's so much better than porridge it's nice when daddy does it for mommy uh-huh ah and now let's watch tv for a while oh as we enter the 38th hour of the snow geese migration live stream um dad do you have some other things to do uh wait what if you're really supposed to be doing what mommy does uh then you should make lunch and wash all the clothes and then vacuum the entire house uh does mommy really do all that oh wow okay then [Music] the kitty cats turned on their favorite pirate show while daddy made pizza for lunch instead of mommy and put all the dirty laundry in the washing machine [Music] and tried his best to vacuum the carpets [Music] these effects are great you can practically smell smoke for real every time they fire their cannons that's not the show something's on fire [Music] whoa what's that about the laundry room is filling up with bubbles guys um mom wait it's not mom it's daddy [Music] now what oh oh there's something burning in the kitchen and the laundry room's blowing bubbles [Music] oh i'm such a dummy with the cleaning and the washing i let the pizza burn mom's chores are a whole lot harder to do than they look huh this will make mommy so upset [Music] i have a really good idea since the chores are really hard we should help daddy with them [Music] with the kitty cat's help daddy managed to get everything done properly mommy meow have you been watching tv this entire time no mom we helped daddy clean all the dirty clothes and vacuum stuff and cook the yummy pie too super daddy you not only kept the kittens entertained but you did all of the housework oh well isn't that what you'd expect from an excellent daddy like me it was like daddy had turned into mommy everybody had to help me be mommy well in that case i must have turned into your daddy because he never comes home without something yummy with him strawberries hey so awesome me wow daddy and the kitty cats had a fun day pretending to be mommy but everyone was so happy when the whole family was together again
Channel: Kid-E-Cats
Views: 17,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids cartoons, Cartoon, Kid-E-Cats, Three cats, new episodes, Cookie, Pudding, Candy, Russian cartoons, popular, best cartoon, animation, cartoon online, Animated cartoon, for kids, educational cartoons, preschool, Me-wow, cat cartoon, english cartoons for beginners, kids, nursery rhymes, cartoons for children, cartoons for kids, cartoon for kids, kids tv show, baby songs, kids videos, kids songs, cartoons, compilation, videos for kids
Id: 6zc5zvklObo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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