Every Creature Power Transformation Part 1-13 | Wild Kratts

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[Music] foreign can you pass me those rivets what are you working on anyway oh it's a oh no we've got a problem what that guys behind you look who's back [Music] oh these monitor lizards don't only like eggs they think baby Crocs are pretty tasty too you've gotta fill in for crocodilla be a mother Croc and get those meanies Aviva I thought you thought Crocs were the meanies are you kidding me she's just protecting her babies Crocs are great now help them quick we can't fill in for a mama Croc we don't have a crocodile disc for our creature power suits unless this will work Aviva made a disc with Gary old Croc power when we were adventuring in Asia remember since they're both crocodilians it just might work come on come on yes it worked sorry a couple more Mama Crocs just showed up to the baby crocodile rescue [Music] maribou store these Croc kids are under our watch [Music] see honey badger no baby Crocs for lunch today nice crack action bro you too but I hope crocodile gets back soon there's a lot of predators out here okay better do a quick head count let's see crunchina champella manchet snap of fur up hang on there josanna wait where's Frederica oh there you are well everybody's safe and accounted for uh-oh the transformation's not holding up [Music] Chris Here Comes crocodile with the last load of baby Crocs arcadilla gonna think if she finds a couple of Wild Kratts with her babies thank you whoa I'm pretty sure she's not happy to see us duh reactivate creature power suits yes uh it's just a misunderstanding we were protecting them while you were getting the others yikes a hippo sub Aviva get in guys quick [Music] let's go you're the best crocodilla after all Nile Crocs just might be the greatest moms in the world a crocodile of a mom [Music] still protects the baby Crocs but they need to catch their own food from day one so I thought we'd help him practice [Music] okay if you want to grow big and strong like Mom you need to start small minnows water bugs dragonflies okay who's first come on Take Your Best Shot whoa that's it Frederica nice snap oh and a good Dodge Martin well nice try John fella you almost had me way to make your mom proud [Music] oh yeah bring on the creature powers okay I pre-programmed the disc for sperm whale and giant squid but I haven't run any trials it's too soon and I obviously haven't figured out how to deal with the pressure we'll have to rely on the code found in the whale and Squid DNA what do they always mean DNA DNA is the biological code that gives every animal their special features every type of animal has their own DNA code hidden in every cell of their body but how are you going to access the DNA code when you can't even touch the animals uh hello I'm touching a giant squid right now I was slimed by the giant squid remember I'm covered with Squid slime ah and I've got a whale tooth gotta get to the water I'm just a flop of jelly with eight arms wait a second did you say arms don't you mean tentacles hey I've got those too squids have both arms and tentacles the eight shorter ones are arms you can tell because they have suckers all the way down oh so the two longer ones are the tentacles they only have suckers on the ends whoa that's awesome uh need water to move oops sorry guys oh yeah these are the best creature power suits ever let's dive giant squid ruler of the deep oh I could eat you right now I've got tea I'm a tooth whale that's a big head [Applause] Martin we gotta follow the real sperm whale in giant squid before it's too late let's go how deep can they go in those suits I admit it I'm out of my depth when it comes to dealing with the pressure of the deep just hope the secrets of the whale and the squid are in the creature power suits I'll be keeping one giant squid eye on the pressure gauges thank you 23 Aardvark holes and we still haven't found slurpee's mom we just gotta find her now ah don't beat yourself up about it Chris termites whoa these little guys can make Mounds that are taller than us yeah and sometimes as tall as a one-story house [Music] she's hungry Slurpee hasn't eaten hardly anything all day and ants and termites are the aardvark's favorite food we gotta help her get into this giant termite map whoa it's hard as concrete we need Aardvark claws to get through this Fortress would someone say Aardvark claws I sure did when Aardvark power did good to go [Music] teleporter ready can you dig it or what gets out of here got it too slow bro thanks Chris Don't Mind If I Do activate creature power soon [Music] whoa nice one Aviva thanks guys while you're feeding slurpy koki and I will head out and check more holes okay now here's digging with Aardvark power [Music] there you go Slurpee whoa look at that tongue go 30 centimeters long and super sticky it can grab 100 termites in one slurp stand back Chris I'm giving the tongue feature a whirl well you definitely gave it a whirl [Music] [Applause] [Music] the termites are already rebuilding the Fortress [Music] is it dirt and add their special saliva to make it hardened like concrete powerful Fortress to guard against a powerful digger [Music] hey it looks like we're nearing the top I can see how this kind of forest canopy gets creatures gliding here tall trees spread out it'd take too much energy to climb up and down to get around to get from here to there they Glide and I think we're nearing a launch point fantastic and we're all ready we know what gliding is and how it works so we do yeah yes you do here take a piece of paper crumple it into a loose ball throw it as far as you can it goes that far before it falls to the floor not too far that's because you throw like a don't you say it it's because it doesn't have any parachute like features to keep it floating in the air longer but if I design it like this that's a paper airplane exactly with these features Wings to keep it from falling that's gliding awesome but the question is what parachute-like features does the Draco lizard have for gliding here comes the answer this one's ready for his first flight stations everybody if we get the secret I can modify the creature power suit with Draco power and I can glide through the rainforest and find Martin we're recording oh yeah a draco hatchling's first flight this has never been documented before he's getting into launch position down eyeing his landing spot okay get ready and he jumps unfurls his wings whoa I don't believe it his wings are ribs that stick out from his body with skin spread in between them like opening a fan yeah and he's dropping at a 45 degree angle he's still falling in the air so he's moving forward while he's falling that's gliding incredible okay he's nearing the tree whoa Perfect Landing data replay got what I need rib extension into wings that's the secret [Music] Draco disc complete Jimmy energize teleporter and zap it coming at you Chris Chris can you touch one of those baby dracos for DNA Activation not a problem [Music] activate creature power suit [Music] [Music] let's do it Draco okay so if touch sensors are like buttons that help you feel things guys I found Play-Doh she's hurt she got banged up in the flood oh no is this all my fault if only I hadn't been so full of myself we got to get her bill fixed up fast and fine Chris any contact with him yet nothing we can't locate him at all before mom went down river gotta get there with platypus paddle power and see if I can find him but the suit doesn't have the Platypus sensory attachment yet I'm still stumped I think a little help would have helped hey what are these little black dots all over your bill Plato did you say dots what dots wow sensors you look kind of like my touch sensors yes but a little different that's it the sensory secret is in the Platypus right there on the tip of our bill maybe it's not too late for you and I to figure this out and fix this mess I'll never doubt a platypus again or a crab brother don't push it Martin Tortuga come in Chris where are you brother a couple kilometers down river I think I'm setting a trap to stop Gourmand from cooking the platypus eggs but there's not much time and I'm teeny wow that'll leave a mark guys I've got his coordinates great Chris hang tight I'm on my way with platypus power [Music] cool I'm almost there with these platypus build sensors I'll send the bill attachment as soon as it's ready great because I'm not coming back without your eggs Play-Doh oh these will work much better in the water well shape by Buddy your mommies threw right from under our noses you don't steal baby animals from their moms what's he gonna [Music] taking this nastier than an Arctic blizzard how are we supposed to catch that turbo boosted boosted speedboat by moving the way the creatures move yes running like a polar bear swimming like a walrus we've got to activate our creature power suits thank you sweet walrus power what a rip how am I supposed to touch a bear who wants to eat me your problem not mine bro gotta go hang on bear how about my way homie why'd you have to be so white darn camouflage [Music] gotcha [Music] I need your polar bear power now Frank the polar bear with Mighty claws to boot for no slip power it worked [Music] we gotta get this tree out of here at this rate we'll never get this done before the flood hits travel guys yeah can you give us a hand nope but I can give you some teeth out oh our creature power suits all right now you can solve this problem fever style thanks Aviva we'll make this Beaver Dam flood proof yet an otter the only Predator that can penetrate the beaver's Fortress sometimes they'll sneak into the lodge and take the kids but twig and Buddy are in there a beaver can swim pretty fast but not fast enough she'll never get there in time a fish could do it great idea [Music] activate [Music] I'll distract that otter until you get there [Music] daughter [Music] wouldn't you rather eat a nice tasty fish [Music] oh you up [Music] that worked out great whoa [Music] Chris oh I got the otter to chase me but how do I get it to stop I bet that otter has never seen a giant beaver before activate [Music] oh cool Martin over here what do you think of these Choppers [Applause] thanks dude no problem nice teamwork bro the kids are safe but that flood is still on its way and we lost a lot of time yeah we still have to fix that damn we broke it and we'll fix it with Beaver power to the creature rescue come in Tortuga HQ oh hello Sleeping Beauties welcome to Spring Aviva where's Danita I don't know I've been so busy adding butterfly programming to the suits last report she was wandering around the Arctic she'll never find that secret Forest well this is never and the Secret's out oh no you guys use your suits they're done we're on our way we'll find her Jimmy teleport [Music] I got it activates [Music] not caterpillar mode Ah that's better fly I mean butterfly Chris oh no cancel this mode butterfly power rescue there it is hey guys do your thing yes honey badger oh I got the little bitty birdie [Music] oh yeah to the creature rescue whoa cool that's the toughest creature power suit yet well at least I have a bird's eye view okay I'm a big bass now where would I hang out I park it somewhere I could spot my prey yeah where I could see them but not be seen maybe in here oh nice largemouth bass oh yeah let me just tickle you under the chin huh a school is on fish whoa you are the largest largemouth bass I've ever seen and hungry the way you gulp down Sonny's I've got to call you golpa hi Finn thanks for the win activate creature power suit [Music] Martin Kai you win some you lose some finally how's it handling great I can move through the water with that twitch of a muscle yeah that's the streamlining the shapes are perfectly designed for sliding through water but I'm feeling a little weird I smell something oh I hear something uh oh you might have put too much bass power in that suit of Eva Martin's in a bass hunting trance shiny flashy yummy ah I got a bite it's a huge one wow now that is a big mouth bass look before I launched keep the line tight way to go there's crap what are you doing here oh you'll find out just don't lose that fish [Music] bass is that Martin with bass powers who's tackle box hi I'm Gavin nice stuff here Gavin yeah that perch one looks delicious I got a really big bass with it that's how I want this it's third place I'm fishing every day all summer maybe next time I'll even win first hey take it from a fish you just caught you can do it hey Gavin you want to go for Smallmouth bass yeah sure if we can find a school of smallies we can catch a lot and we know where to find them because we're thinking like fish fishing's not just about catching right it's really learning about fish and all the cool things about them oh yeah smallies like the rocks to hide around underwater objects it makes them feel secure ease the boat in right here hey blinker dude what's up you're asking him what's up it's just an icebreaker relax what we need to do is watch how he flashes and copy it blink blink blink blink blink blink blink oh we got it we can speak Firefly we have to make sure we're precise about the length and pattern of the cycle oh no problem I've got it I think I'm even getting the Firefly accent blink blink blink blink how's the Firefly disc going just need just needs goodbye luminescence yeah this mishap sorry Jimmy but we learned that the Firefly or lightning bug mixes two chemicals luciferin and luciferase with oxygen inside its belly to create a glow that's how they do it and how we do it too excellent let's go rescue them can't rush out yet we may be able to mimic blinker's flash pattern but we still don't know if the lightning bugs will follow it oh it'll work I'll sneak in there as a firefly and bust them out of jail Great Escape Style up for grab check it out an ivory build woodpecker what really that could be the only one left looks like we're doing the creature rescue my way I say we study these lightning bugs more and make sure we can lure them away from Danita by copying their flash patterns sounds good meet me there when you're ready activate Firefly power [Music] I'm gonna wing it Firefly egg I'm fine guys I'm Gonna Save the Planet with creature power Why didn't it open uh looks like you're too small to activate the automatic door thanks dude I knew it danitas made it back to her mansion in the mountains I'll be right behind you bro how long until the second disc is ready I'm gonna need about 30 minutes I have to reset the system before I output it that gives me time to test the pattern to see if you actually do follow it luciferin plus luciferase plus oxygen equals glow [Music] coming at you Chris huh [Music] I'll stay human sized the brighter the glow the more lightning bugs all attract to the Lightning Bug Rescue [Music] how many can they eat in one sitting over five thousand and they're still eating now we know why they're so blubbery and why they look weird to find food tusks drag through the mud whiskers fuel for clams big-lipped mouths suck the clams out of shells ha we've figured out why walruses look so weird way to go guys I can replicate whiskers with guitar strings combine it with a control feature for movement and add them right into your creature power suits hey Chris we've got another mystery to solve I think Zack sackbots were just spying on us hey stop after them the Manta Riders they must have been destroyed in the walrus Stampede how many Manta Riders are you gonna destroy in a week uh can we tell you at the end of the week the Zac Bots are getting away we need walrus swimming power activate creature powers [Music] to the creature rescue thanks with my mind control helmets I'll make the Sealy thingies collect all the pearls in the sea including the Arctic Pearl Arctic Pearl Arctic Pearl here it is the Priceless Arctic Pearl was stolen Yesterday by what appeared to be an odd little girl she's more than odd crew she's a Zach bot which means Zack's up to no good so that's what he's up to Zach's hypnotizing them to use their tusks and whiskers to find clams then the conveyor belt is sending them up to the surface [Music] he's got other walruses sucking them all open so we could find the Arctic Pearl and all the pearls in the sea horse feeding them he's got Blobby we gotta stop Zach but how I've got it Let's Pretend We're walruses and Infiltrate The Chain Mark we're wearing walrus suits he'll never buy it oh goody I've got two more connect them to the others Soldier Zach couldn't tell a walrus from a wombat that's not it gross puny one keep sucking those clams you must asked blobs uh you're not gonna give me a taste test are you Devils whoa watch out buddy this could cause a creature power suit malfunction I think I'm okay though [Music] something smells good [Music] hey Chris I think T-Bone likes me Chris where'd you go Chris [Music] [Applause] hey why are you yanking on me you were just trying to eat a carcass what I'd never eat rotten meat let's get back to tagging the tea Devils Chris trust me your suit was malfunctioning like mad no it wasn't you're turning into a tea devil hey and stop drooling on me Aviva help there's something wrong with Chris's suit Chris looks fine to me never been better what he was just craving carcass meat I'm fine bro come on we got tea Devils to attack oh you're the one acting weird Martin but we're on our way when t-devils are angry or fighting their ears turn bright red makes it easier to tackle [Applause] oops dropped one I can't understand what you're saying you just went all tassy on me again hand over the remote excellent I've never been more focused focused on what being a tea devil you're malfunctioning [Applause] why am I craving a big raw steak that's been left out overnight uh yeah because you're half crat and half tea devil no I'm not look at me I'm in control oh no here we go again [Music] yeah T-Bone I smell that too rotten carc is somewhere around here gotta find it [Music] we could smell well from up here my nose seem super sensitive too I feel like I could sniff out of rotting carcass from a kilometer away T-Bone smells like it's coming from over there oh only young tea Devils can climb trees not big Chris devils and totally out of control creature power suits relax Martin I'm fine I'm getting the little tea Devils climb so they can get higher up to get a better sniff on the carcasses nothing left but bones and the tea devils are still munching look at all that good stuff inside bone marrow that's nutritious food if you can get to it yeah not every animal has the tooth and jaw strength to bust open the bone and get to the marrow but tea Devils dude [Music] hey stop breathing on my neck wow your teeth are huge they're growing tea devil teeth never stop growing why that's why chewing on hard bones wears them down [Music] do you see any sign of the suits Martin I don't see them but I think I see seven oh this guy must really like me or the Octopod looks like his mom well I see thousands of suckers Smart Eyes darting around oh wait it's not seven this guy has a face full of whiskers and giant tusks what [Music] we discovered a new type of octopus it's got tusks and whiskers is cleaning the window it is unknown to science I gotta get a picture for my life list oh no all I got was an arm uh oh he's not happy I guess he doesn't like his picture taken [Music] those tests are gonna rip right through the Octopod Aviv is that ink defense ready no but let's give it a seaweed squirt wait no it'll chase him away we can't let this guy out of our sights but my octopod can't withstand to blow from those tusks ink defense don't fail me now what but it's a new species [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's a bowhead whale don't worry Aviva they just eat small fish and Plankton did you see that what that green and blue blast of light I know that glow anywhere it's my creature power suit activating activating I think I've even spin underwater too long Chris no I'm fine I know what I saw I way Chris we've gotta head towards that globe [Music] Aviva you might think you saw a glow of green and blue light but you know it was probably just some underwater plankton it's a sea monster it's a new species unbelievable this underwater trench is full of bizarre new creatures move over Jacques Cousteau Chris Kratts heading for the record books hang on pal just let me get some footage [Music] ah the sea monster has seven arms oh no it's seven but how I don't know Martin but just caught an Accomack girl [Music] I knew it that power glow is pure Aviva and you guys say I didn't see it so that's what happened seven was Tangled Up in the power suits all along first he must have touched the walrus then a shark then a bowhead whale and finally an akka mackerel so the OCTA walrus octo shark and octo will weren't new species at all the discs are ready heads up Jimmy energize coming out to crap Rose all right we've got the discs now we just need to find a basilisk oh we lost Splash claw and it took us forever to find it huh I got it let's do nothing don't move Martin ah I'm with you dude tree branch pose dead tree stump position let's let the Basilisk blizzard come to us [Music] power soon activate creature power suit [Music] yes [Music] you ready to take a walk on the Wet Side bro I'm with you basilisk buddy whoa lead the way Thorns Lee [Music] check it out Martin even baby elephants can listen to vibrations coming through the ground and their sense of smell is better than a bloodhound definitely knows another elephant is in trouble sounded like an adult elephant called that elephant stuck in the mud that must be Thorne's mom yeah that's the only elephant without a baby it is his mom we've got a helper we we've tried but female adult elephants can wait three and a half tons oh her ears are flapping like crazy oh she's really upset and look the other elephants are trying to help her oh but she's but you far in there they can't reach her Aviva we found thornsley's mom she's stuck in a mud wallow and the rest of the herd can't get her out we need an elephant creature power suits fast I'm almost done with your discs two minutes and you'll have it [Music] look Martin even thornsley's trying to save her oh he could get stuck in the mud too thornsly wait oh no rescue hey you look pretty cool as a mud man you too bro [Music] Aviva we need the elephant discs I've never worked so fast but they're ready to go Jimmy is teleporting them now it's okay little guy you'll be back with your mom in a Flash like I said in a Flash pick around buddy buddy [Music] to the creature rescue okay you grab her trunk with your trunk and pull I'll do the pushing Martin not bad for a fake elephant God's working Chris we're moving her yes I knew we could do it oh no this stuff is thick she's stuck again guys we're around the corner we can help push her out we're gonna need all the help we can get hurry [Music] [Music] don't worry thornances Mom we're gonna get you out wait stop buddy we don't want you to get stuck in the mud again Jimmy keep an eye on him I'm on it thanks Thorns lead I wanted a mud mask today okay guys you're hooked up go Aviva [Music] ow ow she stepped on my foot ah it's working yeah you did it thornsley and his mom are back together way to go elephant Bros [Music] now that sounds like one happy herd of elephants excuse me pass it through just keep those spiky horns steady hey Chris here to dance [Music] nice grab Martin Zach's gonna run those rhinos into the ground we've got to stop him look I got us into this mess I've got to get us out okay I'm pretty sure there was a mud wallow around here remember seeing it too it's past The Baobab tree and then east of east of the hole I'm gonna need help from this lion cub activate creature power suit [Music] now I need you to help me pull this off Nubs that's it protective Rhino Instinct overriding Zack control follow me so that's how you want to play [Music] need your help now Nubs [Music] and not only will your mom respond to your call but the Rhinos will right on Nubs [Music] alright give up now [Music] hurry the Rhinos can't take much more I gotta get Zach's remote here's the Rhino power Chris [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right bro they're all yours [Music] like I always say you can't keep a rhino out of the mud let the Rhinos roll [Music] ah help I'm contaminated somebody save me [Music] popster sorry Lobster but you can't drive yet Chris I found Lobster and I got our keys way to go bro that plan worked even better than I expected oh [Music] that definitely wasn't part of the plan [Music] that rule will have to keep me a lot harder than that if he wants to show me who's boss yeah Lobster is a tricky little room but I've got them all figured out ah who am I kidding kangaroos have a serious kick who am I kidding Lobster totally tricked me are you thinking what I'm thinking we catch the first Buzz out of here no we get the kangaroo disc from Aviva and use our creature power suits to join right in with the mob if we're more rude like I can search the pouches easier and you'll be able to distract Roo boss for longer without getting walloped now you're thinking what I'm thinking hey Aviva come in how's that ruse software coming for our suits and could you add some of that extra thick kangaroo stomach padding consider it done CK can't believe how ruse their tail as a kickstand so they can throw a powerful kick with both feet I can so here's the update on the spare creature Keys Brothers krat Martin lost the first set in a snow drift Chris lost a second set in a mud wallow and the thirds they were snatched by a monkey oh I never saw that monkey coming lucky that mud wallow didn't swallow me up too hey Chris you should try this move if you wanna I'm pretty sure I didn't want to do that you okay Mr Z way fine but I think I'll leave the profession of boxing to the professionals okay Jimmy ready to teleport the guys the got it okay so all we need to do now is toucharoo and activate the creature power suits I can't wait to get some real Roo kick in these legs but I'm so psyched to ride around in a pouch and find the keys oh yeah yeah and find the keys right wish me luck wish me more luck I'm up against the Rew boss hey Lobster if you won't give me back the keys at least let's high five so I can activate my suit [Music] that's what I have in mind but oh it'll work activate [Music] [Music] wow a hippity hop hoppity hip I gotta get used to my new bouncing legs waffles [Music] okay rubus ready to take one for the team [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep that's right there's a new red roo in town get back no way everybody knows that the squirrel is the best Acorn collector not this body buddy I think the blue jay might have a bigger part to play in this than anyone thinks let's have a creature Challenge and because my favorite color is blue I'm on team blue jay because I plan to win I'm on team gray squirrel all right [Music] [Music] hey it creaturesized us cool we Blue Jays can carry more acorns at a time and carry them further up to eight kilometers away and plant them that means we can spread the oak trees farther and faster go team blue jay all right now oh [Music] whoa didn't see that coming of an acorn no I'm growing Roots a stem leaves I'm growing into an oak tree thank you [Music] it's gonna be dark before I spot a place to land and still no sign of the Bros Aviva you know what trouble those Bros get into we should find them if they need us they'll find a way to contact us besides what kind of trouble can they get into with little squirrels and acorns Martin Martin [Music] where are you uh Chris I think you're standing on my face oh being a tree feels weird get me out of this where's the button now I don't know but deactivate me ah here it is it's stuck what you gotta go for help get help get up get help [Music] Acorn Chris I'm a tree go get help I've just gotta bury these first yes I'm going I'm going I'll find Aviva to deactivate the suit yeah even the most ordinary animals do extraordinary things uh Chris do you realize you're leaning on your activation button while the pigeon Peck's your nose oh Chris [Music] [Laughter] uh Chris you're eating an old French fry pill okay brother mine now you've got pigeon powers whatever that is oh and by the way I'm not thirsty for Pigeon milk right now or ever Martin I'm feeling really weird birds of a feather flock together yeah I'm not doing that again okay my turn what [Music] thank you [Music] huh wait we need a plan this is my plan to wing it like a wounded pigeon oh no I ate a molding piece of bread I feel so sick oh I can't fly right [Music] the old pigeon with the tummy egg trick works every time [Music] I gotta get lower for this to work [Music] huh oh no she's going with her other move the swoop on your Talon grab look out no got me ah perfect deactivate pigeon powers [Music] thank you activate Peregrine's Falcon powers [Music] whoa I gotta get in on this activate peregrine falcon [Music] oh yeah we did it Peregrine and Falcon in the city okay it looks like we only have a hundred kilometers to go a hundred or or maybe two I can barely read this thing with the blazing sun in my eyes I'm just glad I am by baseball cap to keep our koala cool and shaded but I've never been hotter and I've never been more thirsty or exhausted hey Chris you want to take a splash in a mud puddle what what my battle the one over there oh it's so wet and cool and Squishy oh yeah I see it [Music] mud here we come [Music] oh sand oh this isn't refreshing we saw a mirage Martin the mud puddle wasn't real we just thought it was because we're so tired all we wanted to do was keep the koalas safe in the desert and get him safely home to the eucalyptus for us hi spinester we wish we had your skills to survive in the desert yeah scales to keep the water on your back and straw like grooves to run it right to our mouth we've gotta save koala balloon yeah yeah but the only way to do that is if we had the powers of a desert creature like a thorny devil if only we had our creature power suits in this how'd you fit them in there what can I say I'm a great Packer didn't Aviva make us thorny devil discs the last time we were in the Australian Outback yep activate creature power suits [Music] I know the guys are creature adventurers but it's been too long and it's too hot they must be lost in the desert somewhere are you guys seeing what I'm saying huh I'm seeing it but I'm not sure I want to meet it it's them they're wearing thorny devil creature power suits happen guys this happened where did you find a koala in the desert oh he dropped from the sky a long story but first we gotta get this little koala back to his home tree that little guy gave our survival track a whole new challenge but we made it and we're just glad to have you home but I wasn't worried one bit we sure learned a lot about koalas while you guys were on your track we did too like never take a koala out to the desert yeah some animals are specialized to live in certain places just to let you know guys you did use technology on your track your creature power suits [Music] only to get natural creature powers [Laughter] what really counts is koala balloon is back where he belongs this Forest eating eucalyptus leaves and getting water from them which reminds me I am so thirsty anybody got a lemonade or a nice tea coming right up [Music] that's a waste of lemonade and iced tea if you ask me oh watch and be amazed Jimmy watch and be amazed thank you now that's the way to have a cool drink on a hot day let's see Falcon Firefly gazelle need this oh yeah powering up is cheetah prey Now That's What I Call creature crazy it's been good knowing you brother activate creature powers [Music] all right [Music] here it is peregrine falcon [Music] activate Peregrine's Falcon powers [Music] oh yeah I've got to get a bird's eye view on this fine blur you proboscis monkeys are good in the trees looks like there are eight monkeys in this troop and schnozzles the only adult male everybody else is a female or kid monkey this nosy young guy not so fast [Music] did you catch that boost nozzle Martin Chris oh [Music] you find this pretty funny do you schnozzle you guys figuring out that the mystery did are the proboscis monkey to the left [Music] there are predators in this River so they wouldn't be Crossing unless it was for something really important gotta make sure they make it swim everybody do your best monkey paddle [Music] where is it where is it [Music] hurry nosy oh alarm call please don't fail me now [Applause] I did it I did the kurunk oh yeah hang on nosy it's gonna be close where is it where is it got it crocodile and agariel is a type of crocodile I hope it works [Applause] activate creature power suit [Music] carnivore to the herbivore rescue hey now there's one carnivore I love to see nice one bro right back at you awesome kerhonk let's hear that again it'd be a pleasure [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did it I am officially a proboscis monkey with a full car honk [Music] now we've got a lion and hyenas on the prowl [Music] are you gonna be able to touch the cheetah I said can you touch the cheetah easy it tickles activate preacher power suit yeah he's swatting spots that's it spot SWAT I think your name is spot Squad oh yeah protecting the cheetah cub with cheetah power Come On Spot SWAT let's move a little farther away from the hyena Clan oh I mean oh yeah I have that follow me cheetah chirp down spot on [Music] a cheetah wants it on the action hey that's cheating cheetahs rarely steal food but competition is fierce out here between the Wildcats this isn't cheating it's cheetah ing wait oh no we lost her again we got a fast ride home race yeah [Music] activate cheetah powers [Music] first one to the tortuga wins [Music] I'll be waiting for you oh no foreign what are you guys doing Aviva said get here fast but not like a destructive meteor I'm sorry I won though no way I had you buy a whisker Aviva come in we're in trouble I think your guinea foul flapper worked a little too well oh did you see my birdie we need caracal Powers there's no way I can make them fast enough I don't even feel inspired I'm so worried about my birdie well good news we found your birdie but we'll have a really hard time bringing it back to you if we're cat food come on Aviva we know you can do it you're right I can do this I just need to focus on the caracal's amazing creature powers gotta get out of here before the fake open the guinea fowl flapper and start playing with the mouse Brothers Mouse brothers who are the mouse Brothers too late whoa hey retractable claws are pretty interesting cause out when they need them and when they don't tell me how interesting they are when they hook you uh Aviva if you have a caracal disc ready that would be a great time almost there [Music] the Jimmy send it energize incoming High claw activate caracal powers ah [Music] keep them busy Chris I'm making a break for the birdie they're on to you bro oh thanks bro I'm clear [Music] uh-oh pounds more no foreign [Music] he can't carry all three of us caracal powers to the rescue [Music] oh lasso is gonna tame a Croc but she sure will hippo here I come oh nice to meet you you make a mighty fine hippo bro hi guys Chris does look great in that hippo suit I love how hippos have that pink Hue under their tummy it's a perfect addition to our crew jackets uh Aviva as much as we'd like to talk pink Hues that's not why Chris decided to go hippo it's not hippos are tough they're the only creature in the river that'll make a Croc back down I just hope this hippo creature power suit is convincing enough of course it is I designed it well then let's give this thing a try hippo Style [Music] that might be the best hippo impersonation I ever heard River's all clear for swimming come on maze follow that green hippo all right we did it oh my God [Music] I need help Martin I can't track the zebra tracks if you keep bumping me maze you got to give me a little space I'm right here but I won't be if you trip me and I fall down the hill pipes lots and lots of stripes we found a herd looks look like there are three Harem hers each herd has one male and four to seven females and their babies whoa that's a lot of migrating moms maze's mom must be in there all we have to do is Join the Herd and find her you thinking what I'm thinking did everything tastes better dipped in chocolate the last time we joined the herd we almost got trampled I remember it like it was yesterday uh it was today okay so we better zebra up this time then we'll really fit in activate zebra powers [Music] hey how to look good in Stripes don't I not as good as me Galloping through oh okay we gotta be careful as we approach it male stallions can be protective of their female herd members is that what you meant by protective I think he wants to beat us up there's only one main stallion in every herd and he makes sure it stays that way uh I think we can outrun him let's just try blending in with the crowd work bro we wait a minute he wasn't even after us he was after that guy another stallion an outsider he's trying to convince that female to join his herd not for long he said stay away from trying to taste the other stallion away whoa the stallion stands his ground and the interloper is out of here [Applause] [Music] huh oh it's too yellow I want wood blacker than my sweater I said blackety black blackout tea black Zack stop cutting orangutans need these trees for food shelter and medicine these trees are the orientance home hmm [Music] so they'll move a tree's a tree how many more do you need to look at keep cutting orangutan power discs we'll hold them for as long as we can how about some solar Flash we've gotta find hujo he knows what's going on I'd say we're just really lucky [Music] helped us with your orangutan knowledge now we need your orangutan strength [Applause] [Music] orangutan power [Music] saving the planet with creature powers [Music] no cutting orangutan trees allowed [Music] all right [Music] three points that's better orangutang Baltimore muscly than the chimpanzee we'll build a side table with black wood from this Forest you're a strong monkey oh I wouldn't call him a monkey he's an ape what I didn't know you lived here [Music] [Music] I don't want a side table anymore anyway hey you swing me a vine [Music] orangutans where they belong swinging free and in the wild in their Forest Home which still exists for now well we can look after it for a while longer while I repair The Tortuga from medicinal plants of the rainforest to who knows what else animals can take you anywhere in science I bet the orangutan still has so much to teach us how do you get your hair to hang like that [Laughter] [Music] anytime now Viva I'm ready huh I'm a little rusty at teleporting but it should be there by now it's not here what [Music] activate creature power [Music] [Music] okay bro you gotta get out there I'm on it like a yeti crab wait running on zero battery power now hurry up whoa Martin to Wild Kratts team this place is like another world an alien planet hey sea Squatch come on time to show me what to do give me the energy collection tour hey slow down I can't walk that fast underwater sure is getting hot here don't get too close the superheated water that's coming out of those vents reaches temperatures up to 400 degrees Celsius water boils at 100 degrees Celsius no wonder why I feel like a crab in a cooked pot [Music] oh I get it you're waving your arms near the vent so your bristly hairs can collect bacteria let me try it it's working oh hey oh hey what gives sea Squatch that's my swirl of bacteria [Music] help use your arms yeah oh yeah please hairy arms not only look good and filter bacteria they got some muscle power in them too see what I mean oh [Music] Chris I was born ready Martin oh yeah set me loose good luck bro back at you dude on your marks get set go oh can't even run we're rooted to the ground a grass race don't blinker you'll miss it [Music] because you're one of the most incredible grass eaters around Harvester termite [Music] all right I'm at the next level I'm an herbivore wow with serious Jaws hey let's do the herbivore stuff [Music] all right Martin got to the next level oh and I'm still stuck whoa between the lips of a Thompson's gazelle oh I'm still in the game [Music] I can run I can move thanks gazelle thanks to you I'm heading up the food web he hears something that's what he was listening for termites oh I can't believe it he could hear termites Underground he can hear you chewing got it High tongue who told you we'd catch up with you later I'm a bad-eared fox uh oh it worked but on a different predator a Python's got a hog on me pythons are constricting snakes that means they squeeze their prey until they can't breathe anymore this wasn't exactly the lab but I'll take it could you please press that button for me yes I'm a python [Music] we're going after that hurt a zebra wait come back hey you guys are little toughies oh gotta press oh where's the button oh my God steady steady hi wow it's a good thing I have better Fox Escape Powers Chris where are you I'm being peppered by lion cubs I've got a mama Lion on my tail oh [Music] activate lion power good game guys looks like the Lions won and not the ones wearing Lion's suits activate raccoon power [Music] let's find you a new home and fast we don't want to be late for the costume party tonight keep your eyes open bro we're gonna have to be stealthy if we want to get past the wolf back whoa dude did you have to yell I'm not yelling you're just hearing me through raccoon ears they have super hearing huh I guess that would explain it wait I don't think I can hear the Wolves they must be close the Wolf Den it's just up ahead we're gonna have to be extra sneaky now you don't have to tell me tell them hey where'd they go Martin I think we have to follow their lead yeah the masters of the forest secreted smart with loads of abilities raccoon ninjas uh oh time to use these raccoon powers you guys go ahead we'll distract them raccoon style we're excellent climbers and excellent swimmers hey wolves [Music] we could get into tight places and are great at hiding and our amazing grabby hands can open up all sorts of locks [Music] [Applause] [Music] made it raccoons you're amazing all-around creatures welcome home great job Kratz they were able to safely make it back to their new Den thanks to your quick thinking and a little raccoon power creature mission accomplished everything is ready sure is let the party begin Timmy what are you supposed to be the best costume ever relax oh Jimmy wow that's a stretch you're just jealous [Music] excellent costumes guys what hey thanks the sneaky clever raccoon is a perfect costume where's the new berry berry cake what is this what looks like the masked Bandit strikes again rolling all pollinators that didn't take long it's a pollinator swarm foreign [Music] that's a lot of elevators Chris are you out there Aviva Martin over here on the walls I didn't see him but I heard him follow that loss [Music] you [Music] Chris hop on meet us at the feet board she was just born inside one and now she's finding another one to lay her eggs in like that one a fake chord quick unstick me oh thanks bro no problem dude see a figgy she found a fig to lay her own eggs in and delivered the Fig pollen at the same time whoa speaking of pollen look at all these lost pollen grains there are plants out there waiting for these [Music] drop this pollen grain off at the next heliconia you visit okay [Music] take it away pal [Music] Beast of loving being a bee let's see this one goes to the Primrose willow plant get it there safely buddy [Music] fig pollen delivered by big watch and kinkajou pollinates the Balsa flower right on target Chris [Music] two creature power discs hot off the mik H oh yeah cool flowers [Music] oh sticking the landing with the Gekko effect oh hello Donita hello Gorman I'm glad you could join my conference call I invented a new miniaturizer hmm he did not quit while he's bragging let's go well you guys can climb but what about the rest of us ah but you underestimate Gekko power one gecko foot can hold up one gecko plus 50 more so I can easily haul the three of you out of here grab onto my tail and I've heard old electric toes straight up to the escape hatch okay tokay let's head up no oh the other up like them oh they say herding cats is tough but herding geckos Gekko powers are awesome and it really works with my foot down the electrical charge attraction is on but when I peel the toe pad up it turns off so I can stick and walk where there's nothing to grab even upside down on glass this is the most awesome creature power yet how are you guys doing down there hang it in there I wish I said that you say that every time [Applause] tiny you can't even see them we're almost there I'm not okay cooperate go up almost there yeah oh Jimmy you forgot to tired [Music] [Music] thank you grab onto my tail Aviva and let's get going get go get go okay tokay he's up here okay were you just messing with me come on let's get to the miniaturizer and back to real size while Zach's distracted a moose is on the loose [Music] wow [Music] little howler's mom must have been in the den maybe little howler has brothers and sisters in there too yeah the mother wolf will spend most of her time in the den with the pups for the first two months host is clear great we won't get into any trouble the pack must be out hunting I oh I can't wait to see what's going on in there empty ah there's no mother wolf no pups why did they all leave that's why because they knew that huge mountain lion had discovered their densite and was a danger to the pops oh oh let's get out of here wait don't run right she'll see us as prey nothing triggers a predator like prey on the Run we need the power of the pack activate wolf power [Music] nobody's gonna mess with us in our wolf power suits uh tell that to the cougar oh foreign we can't beat her in the short game for long switch to Marathon running [Music] a sprinter like her can't keep up the pace for long now we've got the cougar feet because we wolves are marathoners wow I feel so light like I could run like this forever that's the power of the Wolf amazing we've only been wolves for two minutes and already a raven has found us well if you found us he can find other wolves and maybe lead us right to little howler's pack [Music] follow that Raven won't be long now guys porcupine power discs on the way foreign [Music] animals to rescue [Music] rocket boots ready to go what's up guys all right Wilbur my pointy little pal give us that porcupine defense power activate all set flying porcupine Bros watch where you're swinging those quills oh sorry Jimmy what's up to the creature rescue Zack you can't take all these creatures and turn them into your robots yeah and they don't like being in the sky they want to go home oh no you don't wild rats it's Wild Kratts whatever I'll do whatever I want and guess what my Zack Bots are recharged [Music] no uh oh gotta get to those creatures fast I'll cover you [Music] back off sackbots we porcupines don't like to use our quills but if we have to all right I warned you [Music] wow lost a few quills in that defense Chris has better hurry hey maze don't worry you're going home thanks to porcupine power [Music] enjoy the ride pal coming at you guys okay Chris no problem we're on it gotcha maze now you're ruining my party knock those Brothers out of the sky sackbots hang tight war dog coming in fast I'll slow it down got it oh still have some quills left poor balloons should do it yeah that'll take you down nice and easy got him at least Lions learned their lesson Zach box don't oh [Music] sorry Zach your party's over give me my garments back and last but not least that's all of them just in time oh I have no quills left I'll show you look out oh not so tough without your quills are you what was that oh maybe I had one quill left after all [Music] hmm I hope he likes loop-de-loop rides [Music] [Applause] [Music] the creature power suits and the bat power discs are ready to go I can hardly wait to see the guys try them out me neither with you there bro here you go thanks Aviva oh yeah this is gonna be great don't thank me thank bite size he showed me just how amazing and resourceful little brown bats really are if it weren't for him I might still think bats are just little creepy animals well bro let's do this activate creature powers [Music] we're the bat Brothers now and we're flying to the creature rescue we are what creature rescue don't know but there's always a creature rescue the two should take a trip through the miniaturizer not enough room in here for those bat wings besides little bite-sized brownie boy or whatever you've called him this time is waving bye bye now [Music] oh my size come back hurry Aviva before we lose them miniaturizer is powered up we're good to go [Music] mm-hmm hey bite size wait up goodbye and don't come back anytime soon cookie I used to think bats were icky creepy but now that I've got to know them I like them yeah that's our cool what would be cool is my zucchini plants growing better summer and what summer without chocolate zucchini bread yeah [Music] there he goes follow that path while the kids are snoozing the bats are cruising oh yeah I love that power good one hey did you notice something about bite-sized Martin he's not catching mosquitoes anymore hey he must be full because if insects are abundant a little brown bat can fill his belly in the first two hours after the sun goes down right yard bro a brown bat can eat as many as 3 000 mosquitoes each night and almost all that happens right after the sun goes down of going down bite size is heading straight for that pond drinking on the Fly gotta try it [Music] not that thirsty uh it's more like this bro [Music] little sips like that whoa [Music] uh you were saying bro when Remora disc and one great white shark disc coming at you guys [Music] thank you teleport yes [Music] activate shark power sucker head wait for me activate Remora powers wow that boat shark face to the creature rescue [Music] and now for the final ingredient [Music] what was that why isn't my boat moving turbo Fins full reverse who is driving this boat that would be me with Remora power get sorry I'm stuck power that'll shake them off ready Chris your all systems go okay Martin here I come with shark power oh yeah there's one more thing about sharks they're living Torpedoes I think it moves so fast that sometimes they leave clear out of the water you're free raise your mouth detached sucker have a great trip Lord once Mother Nature is the best creature outfit designer ever in a world-class dance teacher did you see Hip-Hop go try it if he if it's easy come on Aviva you can even use my creature power suit if you want you might like the bird of paradise suit that's a great idea using the perocia disc will definitely help you get started couldn't hurt thanks Chris last one to the lake is out of luck I really do wish I could dance but I'm just not good at it you're a great dancer aren't you lazparosha can't say the same for myself watch this [Music] told ya see you Lois way to work it Chris nice bird of paradise Boogie bro so maybe Chris is right I should at least give it a try if I put on the suit the Ferocious moves might rub off on me a little big but what a clever design I need your DNA so I can find my dancing feet laws thanks for the help [Music] I like it now let's see if I can dance [Music] hey Martin where'd hip hop go I didn't see him leave and where did Viva go she's not here Chris he's not over here either Aviva's gone we need a plan to save Aviva right we still have your power suit so you fly in and distract Anita and dabio while I sneak in and release Aviva and the other ferocious and the perfect way to distract anitas by looking like a bird hey where'd all the male ferocious go okay let's do this bro we're off to save Aviva hey I've never said that before yeah usually we're the ones in trouble all I wanted there's pretty birds to make a feathery gown and now all I've got are cookie Birds messing up my jet this is all your fault I'll make you into a feathered hair clip faster than I can say [Music] another boring bird fluid and flattened my hairstyle get it get it before it lays an egg on my hand [Music] what'd you say Danita hi davio how does that bird know my name Danita he knows your name tavio because it's Martino in a bird suit damn I flew over here dabio hey miss me as far as your alarm call he's wrong googly Jr must be in trouble uh-oh the little tarzier must have left his parking spot he's not supposed to do that we gotta help googly I find him googly I helped us when we were lost in the forest now it's our turn to help him oh but we'll never find that little tarsier without a lot of searchlights and oh yes we will with tarzi or nocturnal power I can use this little bit of tarzia fur and my nocturnal eye programming to add tarzier power to your creature power suits how long will it take you mean how long did it take they're done two discs made to order yes thanks Aviva tarsier powers activate to the creature rescue don't worry googly eyes we'll find googly Junior oh these ears are incredible they can hear even the slightest noises please make a sound please make a sound pays to say please rustling leaves that way nothing like getting there fast with these amazing leaping legs come on tarse your eyes don't fail us now Chris look behind that fern it's it's googly Junior googly eye we found googly Jr your baby is safe and a python whoa they're mobbing the snake to protect one of their own kinds ooh they're too much for the snake they're coming at it from all sides they did it all right now googly junior is safe and sound oh and back with Mom mission accomplished the whole tars your family is back where they belong at home tree and we're back where we belong at the tortuga home base yeah thanks to a Little Help from our nocturnal pal if it weren't for him we might still be lost in that Forest at least we got to find out a lot more about night creature living how their senses like extra good Vision are such important big old mechanical eye Here Comes the Sun good night [Music] wow not again more light the people get I know I know the pupil gets smaller okay let's make a plan hey what are y'all looking at activate Falcon power oh Gourmand what's for lunch we're lucky here the green grape has grown himself some wings yeah and they're great for flying you mean great for frying no I mean great for flying frying flying frying great for flying off with your cooking utensils so you won't be frying anything today back here with those all going according to plan while Chris distracts Gorman come back here with my middle kids I'll return you Raptors home not so fast of Eva I need to borrow a little speed from this Falcon first activate peregrine falcon powers so I can sit back and rescue my bro sounds good Martin we'll get the rest of these non-african Raptors back to the tortuga safe and sound all right Chris get ready for a raptor rescue [Music] so far fly move so fast now can you that was just a lucky shot Gourmand well one thing I know about birds they can't fly right unless their feathers are just so and I'm not talking about so muddy [Music] it'll take you forever to clean off your creature power suit and by that time I will have surprised your blue brother and the rest of your friends and I will recapture my Raptors I can't even find my creature pod to warn them alright buddy thanks for the escort but you better get far away from here now because no one Gourmand he could be hiding behind any one of these clouds [Music] Eagle Eye on the situation cause all raptors have awesome eyesight engage Falcon vision [Music] bro it's now really the best time for a mud bath oh no he's stuck and he's no falcon he's a Sitting Duck okay a falcon has 450 feathers so it takes me an hour to clean each one then I'll be here until next Tuesday [Music] I've gotta get there and fast oh rocking from the skies may be the most awesome Raptor power but it's nothing without Talent feet that crabs oh nice save bro [Music] whoa this is intense croc versus lime [Music] oh we're in hippo territory and that bull hippo doesn't want us in his River even a lion faces dangerous in Africa the lion might be the king of beasts on land but in the middle of the river he's not I think the Croc and hippo have the advantage here we need some creature powers here you go bro activate creature powers [Music] [Applause] uh he looks more like he who swallows water now poor guys having a rough day yeah and a really bad hair day foreign [Music] how much is he gonna have to take this is beyond bad hair day how's he gonna get out of this one every time the line breathes out the snake squeezes tighter soon the great lion he who breathes fire won't be breathing at all life is tough out here even for Lions the only way to untangle this situation is with python power activate [Music] I love snakes but these rock pythons are tough [Music] you two better get going this may take a while [Music] how about a truce okay then now how am I gonna catch up with them [Music] when you've got to get somewhere fast get there with cheater power hey this isn't fair Two Against One there's one easy way to even the sides [Music] I'm definitely underdressed for a lion fight activate having a bad hair day bro there's some technique and skill to this lion fighting that I'm not quite getting yet my turn [Music] don't even say it dude we've got the lion power but we need a little more of the lion practice look I don't know where your disc went but this isn't it it is too it is not is Tomb is not is two oops Aviva hippo disc on the loose save it no incoming oh I'll get that runaway disc with peregrine falcon power activate hurry a 380 kilometer per hour falcon dive I got it pal you just be my wingman [Music] got it saving creature powers with creature powers wow oh no gotta catch up to that disc Geronimo [Music] yes I've still got the hippo disc but I've got your whole collection perfect timing back to the ship that's my life to his ship we're in trouble guys don't worry Aviva we're on it with hippo power activate now on top and territorial the two T's of the hippo those discs belong to the Wild Kratts and we'll defend them hippo style now are you glad you made that trade oh yeah foreign [Music] security bring in my Jet and send in reinforcements [Music] Zach you want to play keep away game on WOW thanks [Music] my bots are tougher than a team of lions we are a hippo power whooping tough but come on Gotta Eat they're catching up we're on the hippo power Martin go Chris go I'll use my hippo Tusk defense to block for you never mess with a hippo defending his term oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] let's start with a strength contest between the elephant and the Rhino you're on Rhino power squirrel power huh oh wrong one elephant power [Music] activate creature power suit [Music] oh yeah Rhino Powers elephant powers are so awesome I can do push-ups with my nose one two three four oh yeah the tip of my nose is more powerful than the tip of your nose a slam dunk into the mud puddle will prove that elephant Powers rule over Rhino powers disrupt now [Music] leaping lizards [Music] I'm an acorn [Music] Aviva the creature power suits are going crazy oh no uh sorry Aviva can't wait any longer activate creature powers [Music] activate creature powers okay and there 300 meters away the tortuga is the finish line on your marks get set go cheetah's running powers only last around 300 meters it's an all-out Sprint and I've gotta run my fastest from start to finish 113 kilometers all the way a falcon can't fly faster than a cheetah runs in a straight line but if I gain my dive height and Tuck into a paragraph dive I can go faster than a cheetah and even though Martin has a head start I think I can catch him at the finish line now it's time for my genius to be revealed [Music] What fast power here I heard about flying fish but on the African Savannah this is ridiculous [Music] ah I'm a walrus Out of Water I'm a fish out of water and that's worse hippo versus Croc [Music] feature powers disrupt creature powers [Music] oh no tree dwelling Tarsiers don't swim too skinny no flotation These Wings don't flap underwater too delicate designed for air let's just deactivate and hey speaking of creature powers we've got a creature power suit challenge to finish [Music] crocodile wins the swimming race [Music] the fastest in a 300 meter sprint is too close to Club [Music] elephant powers are the strongest wait [Music] termites activate termite power [Music] hey guys ready for another worker in The Colony okay I get it there are already millions of you but have you seen two girls that smell strangely like Savannah grass guess not did Aviva add a new feature to this suit whoa my antenna are picking up a termite pheromone oh there it is a pathway of chemical pheromones that shows all the termites the way back to the nest okay termite Pals let's ride this pheromone Highway straight to your nest and hopefully Aviva and koki are there I knew it would work make the sound of a termite cutting grass and attract a bad eared fox oh those ears are incredible 100 times better at hearing than a human's ears this is my second term my predator a little closer because he'll be in Touching range huh where'd he go I didn't fool you did I you heard me talking to myself didn't you yeah thought so activate bad eared fox power [Music] yes now I have some of the greatest termite hunting powers in the world no termite can hide from me now what's that aha [Music] that was easy Aviva Cokey you there nothing Aviva Cokey Aviva Cokey Aviva koki activate [Music] wild turkey powers good [Music] [Laughter] Ness this colorful Edgar is great and look at this snood snood whoa and check out the Tail fan I love these tail feathers these suits can move hey wait for me bro ready for takeoff hey does this turkey power suit look cool when it flies don't answer that oh man I lost a Tail Feather a mixed turd of herbivores this is great yeah all these different looking creatures eat grass and leaves but do they all eat exactly the same plants or what we need to get in the middle of the action to find out I'll stick with necktie maze hey buddy and I'll go zebra [Music] activate creature powers [Music] giraffe power herbivores here we come you go ahead I gotta figure out how to balance this neck are nibbling on the delicate tender grasses they're not eating the thicker tougher stuff ah but the zebras are the big mouthfuls of the thick tub hard to digest grass it all looks like a bunch of grass but the herbivores are naturally splitting things up it's Nature's know-how at work again and if the grass eaters are doing it maybe the leaf eaters like the giraffe are doing it too Martin we've got a breakthrough here yeah me too look I got this long neck balancing thing down [Music] cool almost oh thanks Chris oh everything looks different from way up here everything's so small like those cute little kittens over there where where right there behind those uh wait a second those aren't kittens there lions run whoa I had another benefit of a long neck to the list a giraffe's eye you for spotting danger far away necktie oh no a classic lion Ambush have one lion hide up ahead while two others push the prey straight towards them they do that on purpose [Music] whoa off kick that's a dinner plate sized Huff right in the face yeah with enough power to kill a lion oh they've had enough they're out of here there you're all set Martin you're free to change back to normal whew thanks Aviva but I'll do it later what hey it's time for the first annual giraffe soccer tournament ready Chris all set games begin that's another thing a giraffe neck is good for [Music] all right you can have them necklace come on Aviva [Laughter] okay that's a slight change in plans but the Basilisk Lizard can still help me get there all right finally a little climbing [Music] okay have it your way [Music] oh this is just great I'm the climbing brother and I want to be high in the trees Swinging with the spider monkeys where do I end up on the bottom of the river and Martin's the swimming brother not me but wait a second the Basilisk will never see me coming from down here [Music] gotcha activate basilish powers [Music] to the creature rescue [Music] hey if you can't break it through the Treetops running on water isn't so bad [Music] Bart what's with the hair oh yeah yeah this is the way she likes it come on let's get to the trees before the Jaguar finds us guys long hook like fingers hyper rotational shoulder joints feet thick grab and a prehensile tail [Music] foreign [Music] let's get to the trees before the Jaguar returns oh let's pick up the pace bro yeah we don't want to get caught out with spider monkey powers on the ground yeah yeah wow these hook hands work the branches effortlessly and these long arms give you a maximum reach shoulder joints rotate in any direction spider monkey powers are awesome we are breaking brother oh oh even spider monkeys have to watch where they're going yeah but prehensile Tales are also a spider monkey's safety catch in case they ever Fallas this is fun oh missed one thanks pal activate spider powers [Music] let's do this spider style 2015. miss one huh [Music] haha [Music] this is what hmm where are your spiders [Music] a giant spider took them you lost your spiders here called this I'll fill this one myself foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's this [Music] don't worry Shadow we're coming for you hey grabsy of course spider monkey powers [Music] activate creature powers [Music] after those Zack Bots swing into the creature rescue yeah we're gaming on them which one has shadow evasive maneuvers gotcha [Music] [Music] hang in there Shadow I'll get you hang in there Shadow just like Martin said except this time I'll get you [Music] hey bro hey no deploy emergency crash pad [Music] the Zach bot got away with Shadow what are we gonna do we'll have to get him back but how quiet movement camouflage and stealthy slinking and swimming power catch look there she is activate Jaguar powers I've got black jaguar Powers hey no fair that's the luck of Jaguar genetics approximately one out of 16 Jaguars are black so you have a five percent chance of activation into a black version of a Jaguar power suit I want a black jaguar suit oh and this is gonna camouflage perfectly in Zach's jet that orange is kind of gonna stand out in Zach's black interior well if I have a five percent chance of getting black jaguar Powers then all I have to do is reactivate [Music] reactivate reactivate reactivate reactivate reactivate reactivate [Music] I am 100 black jaguar let's prowl foreign let's try out harpy eagle powers [Music] creature powers The Harpy eagles the ultimate aerial Hunter of the rainforest short powerful Wings designed for flying through the underbrush these Powers will let us touch the hummingbird their spaceship let's go okay spaceship's flying at 48 kilometers per hour we're doing heartbeagle speed of 56 kilometers per hour We're gaining whoa [Music] and I can't wait I've got him whoa well they almost made a hummingbird sandwich but that little birdie is too quick you want to talk about quick I've modified our other bird programming with the special features and abilities of the hummingbird and a hummingbird speed it's done that's great except for one little problem who can touch a hummingbird I've got an idea spider monkey powers will do the trick we can arm swing after spaceship and reach out and touch him with the Long Reach of those spider monkey arms and fingers he can't get away from that reach [Music] what's up grabsy hey good to see you too buddy how about a little activation for our spider monkey power suits activate creature powers after that hummingbird I'll hit him off at the pass I'm on his tail [Music] alright python discs modified we're ready to activate with eyelash viper powers [Music] you get ready to touch them what foreign why don't you touch him first because I'll distract him with the snake joke all right okay what kind of snakes like to hang out on cars in the rain windshield Vipers debate Viper powers now that's teamwork bro [Music] we'll only have one shot of this don't blow in [Music] blow it activate hummingbird powers we finally did it we touched a hummingbird hummingbird Powers rule it's so easy and fun oh yeah I've got this figure eight wingy down beat harder on the forward stroke you go backwards beat harder on the backward stroke yeah go forward beat harder on the downstroke I go up beat harder on the upstroke I go down well put them to work guys before Gorman gets on away with those hummingbird eggs oh yeah right to the creature rescue okay so you're gonna hang here for a while as good a place as any to test the suit ready Tortuga all set okay chillax let's do this activate sloth power [Music] so this is suit works it's slow all right very funny Chris talk normally please [Music] what could hang forever with these arms and clothes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah oh no Chris maybe being a sloth's not as relaxing as I thought Cokey what is that bird Harper Eagle one of the most powerful eagles in the world it says here they hunt monkeys and mainly sloth sloths [Music] getting carried off by an eagle Martin's still missing we're in trouble guys oh [Music] deactivate [Music] see told you not a real sloth oh no need this harpy eagle you're just in time Don't Mind If I Do activate harpy eagle power disease let's fly These Wings Are Awesome powerful quick turning awesome [Music] hey what was that Chris hey what are you doing hanging out with flawed power yes the power of the sloth hanging out and hanging on get ready bro [Music] catch this gotcha [Music] last one Chris the jaguar and I'm ready for him all right sure no Jaguar got him Chris put me down okay [Music] oh I uh I was just leaving okay we know how to use seahorse Powers send us the power discs complete and on their way random Jimmy teleporting [Music] wait touch a seahorse uh not a problem [Music] let's go Martin we've gotta save the seahorses and fast to the creature rescue [Music] [Music] why is a seahorse collector not collecting any seahorses uh davio prepare my submarine [Music] hey Danita what are you doing here hmm I would say nice outfits but they're not they do not compliment your figure now I demand to see the seahorses oh well Danita the only sea horses on this Reef are the ones right in front of you try to impress me with your little suits your creature power suits are never fashionable oh yeah check this out we can make them go your favorite color yellow hi cats and yellow oh [Music] and if seahorses turn yellow I can't stand them either let's get out of here domio [Music] what did you guys do yeah where are they all what did you do with all the seahorses well we used the powers of the seahorses to hide the seahorses power of the father seahorse pouch to be exact and here they are floating free and in the wild [Music] ready guys with echolocation and click whistle dolphy speak features awesome Okay click ready for a couple more dolphins with souped up dolphin speak power [Music] foreign [Music] oh yeah now this is what I call swimming suit's working it's picking up the clicks just like the hydrophone we still have to figure out what they mean though oh a school of mullet fish I bet that whistle means I found food this way [Music] okay follow those dolphins hey are you getting any of this no but it seems like they're making a plan for the hunt problem is they're doing it in Dolphin ease well how hard can it be let's just follow their lead huh what's wrong click huh what whistle you're saying whistle what about him [Music] that must be some kind of distress call I think she's worried about whistle oh I'll check it out okay we'll stay here and decode this hunting stuff okay guys let's do this catching fish dolphin style guys that click whistle must mean something like Circle the fish no problem I'm with you guys sorry wrong way this way right I got this now we're herding the fish into a tight ball a bait ball this is genius talk about a smart creature and by communicating you can cooperate and work together oh up got it that whistle means move them up you're pushing them right to the surface aren't you so they'll have nowhere to escape to oh now the feast begins dinner time for dolphins no wonder they're one of the smartest creatures on earth a language smart hunting strategy and one of the largest brains for their size it was some pretty complicated programming with the life cycle and all but I think I've got it to where it'll activate directly to adult frog Powers it'll be great we'll use our frog legs to head Upstream to find the source of the Ooze and stop it while you guys try to contain the ooze and prevent it from entering the pond and reaching the frog eggs we can do that [Music] tadpole Powers oh no I was afraid of that it activated to the tadpole stage of a frog's life cycle come on bro we've got no time to lose all I can do with tadpole Powers is wiggle Chris try to touch another frog and reactivate how am I gonna touch a frog and my disc without any hands heads up we've got creatures fleeing from the goo beaver bass oh and here's a bullfrog oh I know [Music] activate frog oh no I just made it to stage two with hind legs and I still have to wiggle oh you're going to have to activate through every stage of a frog's life cycle to get frog Powers what hurry Chris find another frog activate from Power hours okay now I just made it to stage three with hind legs and Tiny front legs I've still gotta lose this tail come on finish the life cycle bro I see views oh this is my last chance activate from hours finally frog Powers uh oh let's get these frog Powers jumping to the creature rescue [Music] huh Zach Zach we've gotta stop it [Music] Zach what are you doing well one thing I'm not doing is dressing up in tiny weird animal suits you're polluting the environment who cares it's already dirty she [Music] uh that dirt's cold Earth it's natural and animals need a clean environment to live doesn't make the water dirty and hurt frog habitat oh yeah who's gonna make [Music] first we've gotta find Shield touch them and activate our sea turtle powers don't dive now there he is dive now activate sea turtle powers okay let's go find that master key it fell somewhere near that giant brain coral keep your eyes peeled for that tiger shark but then disappeared check it out Chris Tracks of a crab or Lobster or something it walked right by the key maybe picked it up why would a crab or Lobster pick up a key and how I don't know but it's the only lead we've got come on let's follow these tracks looks like a lobster to me now go with the big old crab lobster crab there it is yeah it's a crab a spiny crab what big is a lobster and she has the master key tiger shark look exactly like his favorite prey take invasive Maneuvers with you bro I'll lead them away and I'll get the master t all right I'll just grab the key oh no I don't have hands I have flippers how am I gonna grab the key I don't know bro let's figure it out fast I can't shake this shark oh Shield defense [Music] this shark is hungry hurry bro Chris you're lucky that we modeled the suit on the hawksbill turtle they have two claws on their flippers check it out oh yeah the hawksville doesn't use them for much but you can I'll use them to hook the bungee of the master key got it Barton I have the key meet you at the door dude I'll be there bro just as soon as I get this tiger shark off my back oh [Music] hey let's get out of here bro yeah two shark attacks is way too much for one day hey check it out there is such a thing as flying turtles anybody looking for the master key to the tortuga guys you look like you need a good defense Blowfish power disc mini Edition coming at you hurry up with that defense [Music] all right activate Blowfish powers [Music] the creature rescue [Music] [Laughter] Martin yes how was that learned it from you there's clog fix it hey fix it [Music] oh no I can't hold on I'm slipping you gotta be kidding me Martin Kratt what there my fish pose meme oh delightful a crown hat fit for a fashion queen doesn't it look sharp Sunita let that fish go hey I'm as uncomfortable as you are davio but Danita there's a way out of this mess just let puffy go I'll deflate and get out of here and believe me everyone will be much happier [Music] oh [Music] okay promise yes yes I promise okay now that's the situation I never want to be in again let's go puffy sorry I had my fingers crossed see well come on no fair Danita you can't do that I just did I'm not giving up my crown oh I knew she pulled something like that Puffy's a fish she can't wear him on her head he needs water fast well let's get him some I'm all set send me in ah Denita you promised so so you have to let him go do not because I'm a human and you're a fish like I said before nothing like a water balloon to cool things off on a hot Caribbean day Blowfish blow out puppy Oh no you're still stuck in danita's pose bee that's better you're free puffy back to the water yeah good oh how am I gonna catch up to this bird when he has Road Runner powers and I don't I have an idea the old creature pod projection trick [Music] activate Roadrunner powers [Music] thanks buddy now where's that mystery lizard which way did he go [Music] no sign of him nothing but desert where are you mystery lizard that lizard's gotta be around here somewhere I'll catch up with him somehow oh don't worry buddy I'm hearing you rattle me a warning but I'm just gonna crack your shed skin you don't need this anymore right I mean you shed your skin every four months and I must say your new skin looks spectacular are you kidding me I wasn't going to touch you but I am going to activate rattlesnake powers foreign place to Ambush a mystery lizard oh I knew that road runners ate reptiles but road runners eat rattlesnakes give me that okay this is easy I'll try an awesome rattlesnake rattle and strike move to scare this hungry Roadrunner away how about this so you're not gonna listen to a warning then [Music] wow you road runners are quick on your feet what and I definitely didn't know that roadrunners can hunt in teams [Music] back and forth do some do that oh deactivate uh okay ah now that hurts a little and you said you were covering for me well it would be a little easier to find that mystery lizard if I had Roadrunner Powers my turn [Music] here you go activate Roadrunner powers [Music] hey guys you feel like catching a mystery lizard well you better start running because I plan to catch them first power dip actualizer on all set guys get ready to catch robot fish frogfish Styles Jimmy stop it activate frogfish powers yes the old frogfish color change trick let's go camo okay now this is my disappearing act okay parrotfish bet you can't see us gotcha yeah it's working Chris and just like a real frog fish we can grab them so quickly that the rest of the school doesn't even notice they're missing let's fill her up [Music] okay Jimmy bring them up don't worry little parrotfish we'll get you free in no time coming down nice work Jay-Z radio six milliseconds huh this is so easy with frogfish power yeah we'll have this taken care of in no time where are they Zack uh oh Danita Zach oh not now hide we're already hiding oh yeah like I said I don't know why they're not all coming back Donita see these ones are working fine let's see over here there are one two three four five five fully functioning Pharma Tech robots right here uh Zach that's four four fish not five what there were five hey something's fishy here fish Zach fish are fishy Chris Martin there's a problem we can't free the fish the robotic gear is locked on and can only be deactivated with Zach's controller we need that remote you have to get Zach's remote we'd have to sneak up on him or something [Music] hey cut that out rocketjaw we gotta think here another trick frogfish don't only pretend to be quarrel he actively lures his prey closer with that make-believe shrimp he fishes for his prey check it out rocketjaw Wiggles that special spine to make it seem alive [Music] moves closer and closer to get him back a husband that's great but I'm not done with the suit yet uh but we need it to walk him through all this snow hey I've got it we've got basilisk power [Music] basilisk lizards have big feet to walk on Squishy water it's same ideas the hairs who have big feet to walk on fluffy snow only one problem there are no Bass no bats around to activate [Music] I got it chocolate uh I mean aha here we go I saved the shed basilisk skin just for a time like this great [Music] activate bacillus power hop on his vid time to go hang on pal to the creature rescue I got the fur but she's gonna get the hair well I got the disc it's done coming at you activate Lynx power [Music] hang on his bed I'm coming for you I gotta get there first [Music] oh man he got the warm suit [Music] Aviva quick we just need something anything to make me look like a snowshoe hair [Music] yes I think I found something [Music] hey links over here you should really stick to Snowshoe hairs not endangered his pits [Music] what are you you never really got the better suit for this adventure thank you gotcha but don't worry buddy I'm a friendly Lynx Chris I got him we're good Chris brother [Music] snow diving technique that was a nice no running rescue oh yeah and now this lizard's gotta get somewhere warm [Music] foreign mission accomplished I'm sure glad we found you guys we made some mistakes sorry about that but we did our best to fix them and now you're on your way home yeah thanks partly to your winter adapted cousins the snowshoe hares those snow Runners the hair and the links are awesome making of snow Runners when are we picking up the guys on our way back they had something they wanted to do [Music] right around that time of year so enjoy the trees here you go carrots anyone present for you bye Avalanche and thanks for the help okay first we gotta inspect these trees I'll do a check up top with a little help hi activate squirrel power ready to climb hmm nothing unusual here on the trunk nothing strange here or here or here activate raccoon power [Music] thanks buddy for the ninja spy power of the raccoon clever crafty creatures of the forest energize all right activate woodpecker powers [Music] sweet not too shabby bro you know it all right headbanger let's drill into those holes and have a look two toes forward two toes back clamped on tail feathers anchored sharp Hammer beak ready and I like Chris podcast even play straight gotcha [Music] oh are you okay bro what are we gonna do [Music] woodpecker power no not again it's new and improved with that shock absorber quick you have to get to Martin before headbanger does okay activate woodpecker power take two to the creature rescue risk the Woodpecker shock absorbers are working my brain's not getting rattles this is awesome hey Aviva did you put in the tongue feature the tongue feature it's in there see the woodpecker's tongue is 10 centimeters long it starts here and wraps all the way around the woodpecker's skull so when the Woodpecker sticks his tongue out he can reach far into the tree the insects stick to these Brushy bristles on the end left pop button on your suit to activate tongue Chris will do oh I hope he gets there soon me too oh he's close who gets here first though you can be close I'm through yeah tongue power nice one Bros and headbanger got a beetle uh-oh but he's not the only beetle the forest is still in trouble as long as all these beetles are around don't worry now that we have woodpecker power and the woodpeckers have discovered the Beatles we've got a plan [Music] hey Jimmy [Music] nice Chris Martin perfect timing buddy thanks Jimmy you're welcome [Music] catch you later Jimmy okay get ready wait we don't want to touch this end rattlesnakes have big rough scales oh check out this pattern see the diamonds that's why this species called a diamondback rattlesnake okay okay [Music] sick Powers hey let's get underground and find that tellurium I'm here with rattlesnake powers [Music] [Music] he sprung an ambush on this squirrel and has him cornered the rattlesnake has a squirrel in his sights rattlesnake vision on with you bro it seems like the squirrel's growing that's his tail the ground squirrels pumping blood to his tail making it hotter and hotter and making the squirrel seem bigger and bigger [Music] whoa he fooled him the rattlesnake struck at the big twitching tail and completely missed the squirrel that was a rarely seen creature moment yeah and talk about rare look delorium Crystal yes we did it but we're running out of time quick let's get this hooked oh no don't lose it the DeLorean Crystal uh oh I don't see it we need that Crystal to save the tortuga must have gone down one of these tunnels which one do we take uh the one that the tellurium Crystal bounced down yeah but which one is that if we choose the wrong one we'll run out of time and the tortuga will die uh uh that one why that one because it doesn't have a gila monster crawling out of it oh great would I love any other time but don't need right now is a venomous lizard with a crushing bite Rose any luck yeah we found a tellurium Crystal yay but then we lost it oh but we're gonna find it again yay I hope so and you have to hurry there are only 10 minutes left until the tortuga descends into an irreversible disastrous meltdown we're on it okay here goes finished disc maker ready ready and waiting [Music] ah well yeah [Music] activate skunk power [Music] okay pu let's save your fellow skunks and take back the tortuga to the creature rescue [Music] ant for Subs octopods mantis sleds oh yes I'll take them all oh stack tomato soup my favorite ah shoot jackpot get that suit wait okay go quick quick oh a spoon I need a spoon spotted skunks can climb hi Zach looking for one of these huh well I uh you're not stealing our inventions are you I don't need to [Music] download Complete because I have all your secrets on my computer Drive every design everything I'm done here those are ours Zach give them back and let those little skunks go hey No Deal bye-bye I'm warning you ah is that supposed to scare me you think showing awesome cute handstand trick is gonna stop me look look at me I could jump on one foot and rub my belly at the same time but can you do this the skunk stink defense consider that a warning Zach skunks can spray their stink three meters with perfect aim oh yeah well consider this me ignoring your warning see ya going so soon oh and by the way did you know a skunk can spray at least six times before running out of stink that's nice but you forgot one thing there are three doors and only two of you stinkers I win who are you that's Mr P you skunk and he doesn't like to be surprised [Music] [Laughter] stop by again sometime quick activity Gila monster powers [Music] ready for some Gila monster combat oh yeah [Music] enough I figure you two would show up and try to mess up my plan so I have a little surprise for you while you're standing right there bye-bye oh no this is gonna hurt and just so you can't mess with me further I'm prepared to go underground admit that's pretty impressive except that Zack should have been paying closer attention to Gila monster Powers gila monsters can dig let's show them how I've beaten them this time my plan is foolproof ah except if the fools you're trying to beat have deal of monster Powers release our Gila monster friend Zach get it these slow-witted lizards are totally under my control uh careful Zach gila monsters have a powerful bite he can't bite he can't even move I'm not talking about that one I'm talking about that one Zach we warned you to be careful owie Howie Howie Allie that's because of the Venom the Venom makes a Gila monster bite her worse than normal some people just don't pay attention to the warning colors and the warning kisses have to learn the hard way yeah but even though Zach is so annoying we've gotta help him I mean you gotta help anybody with a hill a monster locked on is behind okay Zach we'll take you to the tortuga first aid clinic as soon as you release the gila monsters okay okay you're free and so are you foreign [Laughter] he won't hang on all day and we'll help you out [Music] two power discs ready for teleportation coming at you Jay-Z oops oh yeah he's not here it's just not the same without Jimmy and zap it activate [Music] to the Jimmy rescue to the koki rescue now this is what nocturnal search and locate is all about this eye gear is awesome [Music] sea Trails so clearly now even at night all right all right no need to scream squish owl hearing is ultra sensitive we're like nocturnal spy missiles come on trail goes this way just hope we're not too late [Music] that growl something's out there there it is again Jimmy do you know what that growl is coming from I don't wanna know your stomach oh well that's because I'm starving out here hold it together a little longer Jay-Z those guys will find us they better find us fast huh hey what's going on my seeds what moths Chris I'm picking up some strange movements ahead wait a second our Trail it's hatching whoa those little caterpillars inside the jumping beans transformed into moths they're leaving the seeds [Music] and check out alphys he loves it he's a master insect Hunter wait what's over there allies maximum Focus more moths hey if Jimmy had a whole bag of these jumping beans then that big swarm of moths could be from his bag let's go whoa that's a lot of moths ew just put them down somewhere Jay-Z they're getting everywhere [Music] oh no we're in trouble now how will they ever find us way down here and there's no food down here either [Music] look it's his bag of jumping beans oh oh but no sign of Jimmy and Cokey hmm maybe they ditch the seeds for some reason that means our trail ends here yeah but we know they were heading that way so let's just keep on searching in the direction they were heading good idea bro and keep those owl senses tuned in what's that owl hearing maximum power it's it's Jimmy's stomach that's the sound it makes when he's hungry for pizza quick it's coming from over there almost flew right past it this owl power is incredible being able to pinpoint a tiny sound like that and hone in on exactly where it's coming from let's just hope ours works as good as his [Music] there they are Jimmy Cokey found us yeah I really don't want to wear a groundhog power suit neither do I what what to you guys you got one ground well dandelion and I are insulted but if you don't want to test groundhog Powers then we will activate creature powers [Music] a little big and baggy dandelion likes it so I do too this is gonna be the best adventure yet I can't think of any powers that groundhogs have that you could get in trouble with well what could go wrong yeah they pretty much just eat and dig digging that's what I feel like doing this Earth is so cool it feels good and it's so easy to move I love digging so how far do I go before I dig out the chamber about six meters thanks you're welcome [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] coyote mud bath to groundhogger mudmaster groundhogger come in groundhoggers round Aviva cut it on the digging you've got a visitor worse checking out the groundhog hole coyotes will use the holes groundhogs have started and dig them bigger expanding them to make them into their own Burrows yeah and because groundhogs are the best diggers in North America and dig so many holes they get hole started for most animals that live in Burrows hello I guess he's never seen a giant groundhog before you know Aviva maybe you're right about groundhog Powers digging is always a cool creature power and groundhogs put it to good use yeah for themselves and for the many other animals who benefit by using their Burrows so what's next Aviva Aviva wow digging makes you so hungry [Music] whoa I never knew dandelion salad tasted so good [Music] I love it when we get to use one of my favorite creature powers of all thanks to one of my favorite creature Pals of all [Applause] to the clouds peregrine falcon speed [Music] for the voles and all the creatures that depend on it turn on the water let's hope this works [Music] come on freeze freeze freeze all right yes so [Music] here comes the snow the snow is coming the snow is coming all right the snow is coming [Music] you guys don't need this anymore not let the warmth and power of the subnivian zone [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 3,397,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Id: 5QA3mMUjwdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 22sec (11422 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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