Curious George 🐵 The Missing Leg 🐵 Compilation 🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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hey there's the box next to your bag from the market [Music] george hadn't noticed the bag [Music] the market bag means we must have gone to the market before we came here that means we left home bought fruit ate soup i fell in the lake went to the museum remember george we almost lost all the bones here [Music] the delivery guy took the wrong box [Music] still four bones oh george how many times have we practiced wiping your mouth after eating soup [Music] after eating soup you had soup before we went to the park that means we went to pisghetti's then the park we figured out our path we left home bought fruit ate soup i fell in the lake museum [Music] the box is bulging we still had all four bones in the park the bone has to be between the lake and the museum oh this looks bad bad bad bad is there any chance they'll find that bone before five [Music] but it must be here if we went right from the park to the museum [Music] the pictures had to be in the right order didn't they yes i'm drippy because i fell in the lake what is it i'm wet then we deliver it and [Music] i'm dry [Laughter] that's right i forgot we went home again [Music] the lobby wasn't just the first step on their path it was also the next to last step so we left home bought fruit ate soup i fell in the lake went home again to get dry museum [Music] sure i remember you left the box in the lobby while you changed then your friend took that picture as you left in the dry clothes george noticed something else what was that white blur huh [Music] george please wait a second if i explain maybe he can help find the bone [Music] the bone hundley where did you find that oh hundley knew exactly where he found it [Music] why don't you take a break there's a surprise for you on the chair [Applause] [Music] hurry we have one minute to get to the museum oh this is going to be so embarrassing ladies and gentlemen i know what you're all hoping for [Music] okay it's done let's go no george i'm stuck i apologize for what you are about to see [Music] look the oldest complete ankylosaurus over there [Music] how can i ever thank you for keeping this from being embarrassing [Music] george was really hungry but his order only had a measly one on it huh then he remembered what the man with the yellow hat had told him about zeroes [Music] george chalky good to see you oh is that an order for your friend with the yellow hat one hundred dozen oh our biggest order ever oh he must be having a giant donut party george realized what his zeros had done but try explaining that to a dog [Music] okay now where did i leave that piece of paper [Music] i misread the order it's one thousand dozen oh this is the biggest day in the entire history of donuts we'll have to have more donuts flown in from other towns [Applause] [Music] hmm my mistake it's 100 [Music] this was still more donuts than one little monkey could ever eat or maybe not 99 oh oh you can't carry it all kids we have a delivery george could only think of one solution to a problem this big so george headed home with one dozen donuts and everything was perfect [Music] i don't have your address he must be late [Laughter] doorman [Music] hmm wow those smell so good i'm sorry i didn't ask you to buy more than one dozen you look hungry george i'll make eggs then it's donut time it's a little dark in here i'll open some curtains [Music] so anything exciting happen today george i passed by the d family they look pretty happy [Music] did you put that donut there oh what a waste of food now we only have 11 to eat here's the say where'd they all go uh what a hundred dozen donuts a hundred we have one dozen donuts look well miss donuts asked me to give you the bell wow what a mistake how could they think you bought a hundred dozen don't [Music] what well at least i know you were paying attention we've got to put these donuts in bags or something oh what are we gonna do with them all [Music] so in the end george got one dozen doughnuts like he was supposed to hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left george [Music] the rug made for good toe squishing so it would probably be fun to jump on george had to get that juice off the rug [Music] [Laughter] soap soap clean stuff bubble bath would make it smell good [Music] but there was something missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had to get all those suds out of the house so he could see if the rug was clean [Music] george was happy he spotted the glass of juice that could have caused a real mess [Music] grape juice must help you think because george suddenly remembered when the rankin's basement flooded [Music] this is when good watch pigs go get their farmer they needed a gate opener pig how could such a little monkey move a big heavy pump george could use a bike to move the pump [Music] even with wheels george needed help to pull it all the way back to the house the goat sure liked to pull he was the perfect choice or maybe the pigs would do it [Music] but when he opened the gate they ran to do their watch pig duties and get their farmer wasn't there anybody who'd help the chicks were willing [Music] but the cow was a lot stronger [Music] all right got it what is it something wrong you know i think they're trying to tell us something they're trying to tell us all the pigs are loose get them [Music] that cow was so good at towing a pump that it went right past her [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] before long he'd pumped all the water out of the house george i'm home wow that new rug makes the whole room look cleaner george come see what i but [Music] george george knew the room was still a little squishy but he had the feeling there was something else he forgot [Music] well whatever he forgot he knew he was gonna hear about it soon enough now george realized he had to get the feeder far from the tree trunk so jumpy couldn't jump to it [Music] no squirrel could jump from the tree trunk all the way over here [Music] [Music] problem solved [Music] dropping straight down seemed dangerous then jumpy discovered he had another choice george you sure you don't want to come to the rankings you can work the sump pump george wanted to stay here and watch happy birds eat [Music] [Music] jumpy was at home in trees so george needed to move the feeder away from trees [Music] but where [Music] [Applause] aha [Music] hmm [Music] there was only one way to stop this squirrel george stood guard making sure the birds got their food this worked [Music] he didn't move from that spot till the feeder was empty [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] no squirrel could eat this much what was he doing with it all [Music] hmm [Music] hmm jumpy wasn't eating the food but why was he bringing it here hmm that's the bull bill always filled with squirrel food of course bill wasn't around to fill it so jumpy was doing it [Music] so george brought over plenty of food and jumpy left the bird feeder alone [Music] there had to be plenty of food because jumpy wasn't the only one dining [Music] even with no bunnies to feed it turned out to be a pretty nice weekend in the country [Music] though this food was definitely for the birds george maybe this is 20 pounds it sounded like a bunch of accordions take a look that gave george an idea in the meantime jumpy had grown curious about the box too a box that big might have a lifetime supply of nuts [Music] it was just a squirrel he was probably having a play date with the goat sounds like a bunch of cans of soup who sends cans of soup unless they put cans of soup in there for the goat to eat grown-ups and weird things my aunt once sent me underwear for my birthday i'd rather have soup george could feel something inside the box it was another clue what it felt like whatever it was it was round and hard and covered in stiff hair holy cow that feels like a goat could it be i told you goats were smelly but the box smelled like well george didn't know exactly what but it didn't smell like goat [Music] that does not smell like a goat [Music] maybe it had a bath grandma always makes me take a bath before i go on a trip could it be a very clean goat look it's a delivery truck he must be here to pick up the box [Music] george didn't want to say goodbye to the box until he figured out what was inside please don't take it yet oh sorry i've got my orders but mister we still haven't figured out what's inside yes we have it's a goat [Music] george we can't keep it we don't even know who it's for it's for you [Music] we left it here this morning why haven't you opened it oh this was from you it's a little present to thank you for helping us with the volcanoes yes i i often wonder how other scientists manage without a monkey [Music] sure go ahead george george couldn't wait to meet his new goat or eat soup whichever it was [Music] no goat do you know what those are george [Music] george knew furry bowling balls when he saw them no george those are coconuts so that was coconut water sloshing not soup and this isn't goat hair it's coconut hair gee you flew all this way just to give us coconuts no much more oh straws blaze shirts he needs oh another box to open george what is all this [Music] a luau in a box we'd have stayed when we dropped the box off earlier but uh we left our ukuleles in our other lab coats [Music] well george we learned an important lesson today a box can weigh feel and sound like a goat but if it doesn't smell like a goat it's probably coconuts george couldn't live in a tree and stay dry like he could in the house [Music] unless he had a tree house the next morning george got to work he picked the perfect branch he chose his material cardboard from the refrigerator box [Music] he definitely needed something less [Music] bendy you like the new hen house i'm building of course george needed a plan [Music] nice [Music] armed with his handy monkey tool set george was ready to build [Music] oh [Music] so that's what the goggles were for [Music] this wall needed something to hold it up while he nailed it down [Music] just one wall to go huh but george was out of nails and the only wood left was the piece he couldn't lift [Music] luckily mrs renkins told him he could have any wood he wanted mr quint wasn't home but george had seen him get nails this way george figured a treehouse didn't need a wood roof especially since he was out of wood how do you like your new [Music] all fixed and solid as well maybe you should have used nails i'm dying to know what you've been up to can i look yet [Music] [Laughter] what is it is is it a house i mean it's a house you built your own treehouse wow [Music] i am very impressed say where did you get all the wood and nails did you take my chicken's wall george did you take nails from my dock because look uh i'm wet [Music] oh uh i'm i'm sure it was a mistake he'll give everything back george before he'd had a chance to make even one house rule george had to take his treehouse apart [Music] wait i said you could have any nails you wanted i could have been more specific then i could make a new wall that one looks like it belongs there [Music] now george had a place where he made the rules rule number one you have to draw on the walls and rule number two always butter your corn with your feet oh this this isn't easy [Music] house rules i know okay [Music] had delivery from notoya's cleaners [Music] [Music] no thank you if everybody had a monkey i'd be rich the hat was home everything was perfect [Music] [Music] that was a funny smell for a clean hat huh why it smelled just like garbage [Music] if you threw something away by mistake it'll be in the dumpster downstairs come on phew which is what she was doing at that very second uh oh huh well the garbage truck came it's gone [Music] george what are you doing here wha why aren't you home waiting for the hat oh oh did it come already empty cans meant the truck had already been here except that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you think i forgot to put those out no they pick up bottles and paper for recycling tomorrow trash goes straight to the landfill where they dump everything [Music] george had finally made it to the landfill where all the trucks dumped their trash from the city finding one yellow hat in all this trash was gonna be impossible without my yellow hat i'm not me but george didn't know the meaning of the word impossible [Music] i found it in my truck who would throw out such a perfect hat i've wanted a hat like this ever since i saw a guy with a monkey wearing one is that why you hired a monkey huh stop you're making a mess of my garbage [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think he's looking for the hat [Music] [Music] [Music] george you were supposed to put all these boxes in the trash oh imagine if i'd thrown this out how terrible would that have been okay wait okay i want to go back how's this know this [Music] george cut that out george did his part to help the man give his best smile oh man george thought it was a great picture [Music] the hat looked perfect right outside it was the best game of cat tries to catch a plane ever [Music] until [Music] this wasn't here before it must be what they made from those bones [Music] gnocchi wanted that plane [Music] george wanted to help gnocchi get down but he couldn't reach here [Music] just because it came apart doesn't mean it's ruined george but maybe it mattered which bone went where [Music] all right let's see my skeleton but but we just ordered dessert dessert of course of course this memory of mine but i'm anxious to know how you've handled my precious bones [Music] george's skeleton didn't look as good as that other one even though they looked almost the same before [Music] if they look the same he could figure out where the bones belonged by using the other one as a guide [Music] george compared every bone and sorted them by size and shape so before he put them together he knew exactly what went where since george was done sorting the bones gnocchi figured she'd mix them up so he could play again [Music] so am i forgetting anything or is it now time to see how you've taken care of my baby it's time [Music] oh i'm nervous you have nothing to be nervous about whatsoever [Music] george had one side of the skeleton finished when he noticed [Music] both sides look the same except opposite he could finish by matching the remaining bones to what he'd already done [Music] gnocchi wished this bone game would end so they could play something cats were good at [Music] i'll admit i'm worried no one else but i has ever handled those bones before today only our best people have been involved [Music] your best people are a monkey and a cat george [Music] well this isn't the skull we put on it it seems george was switching them i don't know why i do the monkey's right the monkey's right that old skull never looked right i think george has correctly matched the cranial structure huh now i wish i'd loaned this out years ago i want george to check all my future work [Music] and that went on record as the first scientific discovery made by a monkey [Music] assisted by a cat from an italian restaurant [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 4,752,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: axcNQG1m2L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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